HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-24, Page 2• .
oett4i)r 24th,
FRIDAY, 0oTOB411, 104
Canadian els holies,
While inch is heard, of Canada's ag-
•criculturaliforest and mineral resourcee,
few Canadians appremate the 'report -
attune of this coentrys fish induetry,
.41secordirig to the Department of Mars
Joe and Fisberies, the fisheries of the
Dorolnien yield annually about $2Z-
600,000. The fishing industry is an ins -
portant factor in the tood supply of
the country, it furnishes employment
for a large section of the population
and, forms the basis of several substd-
leap industries tied of a large export
*raleas well.
Canada's fisheries on the Atlantic
• and on the Pacific, in or numerous
alvere and on the great thkes, stand
amongst the greatest in the world and
the establishment of railway commun.
nation to Hudson Bay will sooner or
later extend them so as to include that
great inland sea. The waters of find.
on Bay, according to report, abound
in good food fish, and the sooner these
fish are available to the people of Can-
ada the better. If for no other purpose
'sahan to develop the country's fisheries
and to increase the people's cheap food
42.imp13r, the government sbould encour-
age the construction of a railway to
Jewett Bay. Several projects have
been formed for connecting Toronto
with Hudson Bay, and if the people be-
hind any of those projects mean busi-
ness, the government should lay no ob-
stacle in their way.
Of the eleotion oases for whiclOates have
been fixed four are against Coneervativee
and three against Liberals. Of the 17 for
which dates have not yet been fixed ten are
against Censers atives and seven against
I Liberate. Thus of the 24 oases thatare still
I standing 14 are against Conservatives and 10
against Liberals.
Homestead entry returns from the
Dim:anion Land Offices show 827 ent ries
ofor September this year, as against 334
for the same month last year.
Crisp County Clippings
W. Scott, a Wingham boy,vvas badly
scalded on a lake boat, where he is
employed. •
Mr Musgrove has been re-engaged as
s: Principal of Winghtun school at an in-
' ,. creased salary.
s ;
John Biggins, of Hullett, will move
to Seaforth to reside, if he can procure
a. house to suit him,
Wm Hood, jun., has leased the farm
of John Ries, ben., on the 14thof Flowe•
1); Ica, for a term of five years.
Miss Mary Padfield, of Howick. is re-
;; • engaged for 1903 in the schoot•where.
s'he now teaches at an advance in sat-
rimy. ••
• Wm C. Kyle,of Stanley., bas disposed
of his 100 acre tarm to Walter Fair-
. bairn. of Tuckeremith, the price paid
being $5000.
It is our sad duty to report the death ,•
of Jos. Williamson,' of Howlett, •who
passed away last Friday, aged 79 years
and 3 months.
• Stephen King, who disposed of his
farm in Howick township recently, to
a, Ildr Kriller, has purchased a fine 100
acre farm in Turnberry.
Mr S. Mullett, fotmerly of Seatorth,
has located in Edmonton, Narthwest
territory, having purChased a •good
'• hardware business in that town.
A man named Campbell, whose horne wheat' spring wheat. large whitegas,
• • •
6 rowed .barley, 2 rowed barley, D
Rayileld Fair.
Tuesday and, Wednesday °fleet Week,
the day e set for the annual fall exhibi-
tion lawn village.asere not favored by
fine weather, the first day min falling
most of the time, and the opening of
the secenci was net much better, a dies
agreealsth raw wind blowing most of
the time,but it cleared up by noon, The
attendance Wail nearly up to former
years, and tbose articlert on exhibition
in the hall were ahead of anytbusg ever
exhibited her, and the directors are
well pleased with the results of the
show, for a nice little balance will be
left in the treasurer's hands after all ac-
counts and prizes are paid, 'A meeting
of the &restore is called for the coming,
Week, and prize -winners will be paid
then, money after the 1st of Nov.
-It Whiting, owned by attorney, 111
Pat Elderton, owned by Bosenberry,
222; Woodlawn, owned by Brandon,
Roadster. P Fair; 2 yr old heavy
draught,Geo Bates; colts bred from the
horse 'Wooillawn," Cleave, Camtibefi,
Hatching; colts from young "S.r Wel,
&mars A Murray, W'Weston,
HORSES.-Rnadsters-Brocd mare,
Wm Smith. G Nott; foal, Wm Smith, J
Campbell; 2 yrs old gelding or filly, G
Weeton,W D HatrisontI yr old gelding
or filly, IV MeNaughton, Wm Brandon;
span roadsters. M. McNaughton, V
Wields; single roadsters,. Farr Bros, A
Dunkin. Carriage -Brood mare, G W
Weston, John Sparks; foal, S Cleave, J
Sparks;2 yr old gelding onfilly,A Evans,
G A Cooper; I vr old velding,or filly, G
A Cooper; span carriage horses, 14 Mor-
ris; single carriage horse, R Elliott, W
Sterling; lady driver, Mrs G Notts A
Armstrong. Heavy' draught- Brood
mare, A Itoberton, Snowden; feel, A
Itoberton, G Bates; 2 yr old gelding or
filly, John, McGuire, G Bates. General
Purpose-Brocd mare, A Dunkin, A
Armstrong; Coal, A Armstrong, A
Dunkin;2 yr old gelding or filly,A Arm.'
strong, J llactioire; 1 yr old oelding or
flhly,# r,4nrt A Aldworthrspart work-
ing horses, A Ardworth,111 D Westla,ke.
GRAPE CATTLE -Milch eow.D Mc-
Naughton, G Hewson; 2 yr old heifer,
W Stinson, W D Harmon 1 yr old
heifer, Snowden Bros 1 and 2; fat cow,
heifer or steer. W D Harrison, W Stin-
son; heifer calf, WIn Stinson, I and 2;
steer calf, Snowden Bros 1 and 2; 2 yr
old steer, Wm Stinson 1 and 2; 1 yr old
steer, Snowden Brats Thos Stinsonteull
calf, E Ei Wise; heifer calf, E H Wise.
SHEEP, -Ram, E fl Wise; shearling
ram, E H Wise; ram lamb, E H Wise,
and '2; pair ewes, 'Snowden Brod; pair
ewe lambs, Snowden Bros. Fine wool
sheen-Shearling ram, ram lemb,shettr.
ling ewes, fat sheep, ewes, A Dunkin 1
and 2.
PIGS -Berkshire - Brood slew, •A
Evans; Boat, 6 months, C Eilber, 1
and . 9.: Yorkshire - Brobd sew,
Snowden Bros; sow, • six' months.'
Snowden Bros. Red pigs -Aged boar,
sow, aro:nyder; Bros; sow,6 months old
Snowden Bros 1 and Z Special .for
becoo aegs Snowdeti t.','ans 1 and 2,• ,
POULTRY,- Dorkings, .Mrs Camp -
tell; Plymouth rocks,- Mrs Howrie, Geo
Bates; white Plymouth, Mrs Howrie,'J
Tough; brown legnorns, Mrs Campbell,
1 and 2; white leghorns, Mrs Campbell,
"Mrs Howrie; Touloese geebe,•Snowden
Brota and 2; Hansburga Mrs Campbell
1 and 2; bantams, sMrs Campbell I
and 2; • tutkeys, Snowden Bros; S
Cleave; Andalusians, •Mrs 3 Howrie;
Wyandottes; Mrs Carripbea; minorcas,
Mrs • J Howrie 1 and 2; 'Pekin ducks. .
Snowden tires.' S Cleave; Rouen ducks
Srrowden Bros; collection fowl„ Mrs
HoWrie, Mrs Campheli,
GRAIN -White• winter wheat, M
Brethour, D Brethour ; red winter
• small white peas, M Brethour,a K ise;
is at Seaforth, was instantly crushed
, :to death on SacuAday at Fort Frances, Brethetiii, K Wise; *bite oats, black
while employed in the erection of anew oats, al Brethour. J K Wise; timothy
ill k f f 11
saw m , the ern° este k o which e
At the residence of Mr JohnNivens,
of Blyth, last Wednesday., his eldest
daughter, Lizzle,was united in the holy
bonds of matrimony to Mr Cunning-
, ham,a prosperous Young farmer of Vi7o.-
wanosh, by Rev Mr Holmes, before a
, small gathering of relatives and frienrs.
The Edwards farm on the 7th con. o'f'
Tuckersmith, has been purchased by
• Robt Whiter, for $2600. Ir. contains 50
acres and has on it no buildings save a •
log house. We understand Mr Winter
has since sold the timber on the farm
for $600.
The total taxes in McKilthp are 313.-
39.44 as follows: For county-pdeposair
02,314.02; township expenditurea6,534,-
BO; public schools $3,968.32; Roman
Catholic schools, '$464.31; drains and
watercourses, $600 69; statute labor,
, 0750. The schools receive besides
, *686 interest' from municipal funds.
IS John McDowell, jr„ of East Waciset
• nosh, had a velar narrow escape last
week. He was pulling apples and
• standing on the top ef a ladder 18 feet
long, when the limb beneath it slipped,
causing John o fall backwards to the
grouna. Happily for him no bones
were broken, and except for a severe
' shaking up and a bruised head he was
none the worse.
Wad was received last Week of the
death of Mrs Ferguson, of Chicago (nee
Miss Aggie Dey) daughter of Mr and
[• .11tirs Dey, of Wingharn. After leaving
• Wingham, she ternoved to Chicago,
' where she was married a few MolIthe
ago to Mr Ferguson. Lung trouble de-
, yeloped from a severe cold, and on
• ' Sunday, 12th inst„'she passed away to
the better land, Tier age was 81 years
and 6 months,
On Sunday +Welling last Mr Win
ssneoBliettsan ExiSter.passed away at the age
' of -61 years and 7 months. Mr Stell
Was ^Yell known in this locality as pro;
--prietor-of theli very -stable opposite;the
Cloinmercial hotel, from which he retir-
ed only last goring. For some months
he had been in declining health, owing
to some growth in his stomachatnd the
• decease watt 'not unexpected.
, An esteemed venerable pioneer of
Weet. awanosh, in the person of the
late Hugh Moreland,known Captain
Moreland,as he was a seaman for many
years previous to taking up fanning in
West Wawanosh, died on Thursday.
Be retired SOMO years ago from
farming, and with hie family located
at the Nile,in the township of Colborne.
The decetteed was in a poor state of
• health for about it year previous to his
death. He had reached his eighty.,
seventh year.
• this week It faith our aid duty to re- -
cord the death of Miss Mary Westlake,
the sad event occurring ' on Stsotlity
'Week, at the home of her daughter,Mrs
' Snowden, Statiley,where she has made
her home of late yeara'. The deeestsed
had readied the remtu kaiak old age of
92 years. Mr death was not unexpect-
ed as she has been bedfast and in feeble
health for some time, Mrs Westlake
vratii one of the old settlers on the Sauble
line, and her death will be greatly re-
gretted by ,her numerous frlendsiati she
Ivas a perrien whom to know was to hon-
or and respect*
seed, J K Wise, M Brethour; epeltz,
sirethour, Alex Smith ; yellow corn, T
Cameron, Snowden Bios; dent corn,
Snowden Bros; any variety' corn. •R-
Penhall, it Tomer; sweet corn,
Wise, Tough. • ' • . • • •
'FRTJIT-Collection grapesafra Howson.
Bdre Howrie; boneheo grapes. Mrs •gteWilee
airs Howrie; colt apples, G A Cooper, Sirs
Nott; fall apples, D H 'McNaughton, 14
Turnei; winter apples, • t) H tiataanahton,
T Campbell; collection pears, 'Tilos Brown
alt, G a Cooper; fall peen, A 4 Westlake.
H MoNaughton; Winter pears, 'Wm
Black, Mils Parsons; peaches, T Brownett,
A Evans; plums or prunes, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, 1t Turner; bs,lclwin melee, Wm Star.liffgaih, Wm Slink northern spiee, Mrs
Nott, G H Howson; recn orals tipplers Wall-
ace Bros, M Brethour; King Tompkins, G
EC Hermit, A E Westlake; greenings, G 31
Heinen. John Sparks; ribston pippins, Jno
Tough, D Galbraith; 20soz pippins, Wm
Slack, G Howson; wagners, 0 Wood,
0, a Cooper. .•
VEGETABI;ES Early potatoes, 14
Turner; late potatoee, R Turner, Wm Bran.
don; tong red . smangoIds, Armstrong,
SnowdenlBrosiyellow matigoldsp,Snowden
Bros We Parsons. yellotv man olds W
'Sterling 6th, Snowden Bros; table beets.
linowdenBros, S Cleave; cabbage, W
Tough, R Main cauliaower, K Wise;
carrots. Snowden Bros, B Turner; Weak
aneloup, Snowden Broe; vtater melons; Mrs
Howrie; parsnips, • SOletwe, 'Wallis Bien
porapkins, Et Cleave, Snowden Bros. small
beans, Brethour, K Wise; large'bearre,
Wiee M Brethour; equash, Et Cleave,
Snowdon 'Bros; Engliett potato onions, P
Penhali3, D Westlake. Canadian potato
mous, D Westlake, Snowden • Bros;
dutch set onions, airs J K Wise;
field curets, and turnip/1, S Cleave f3now-
don Bros; white celery, J• Ran, a Toughs
red celery, Snowden 33roa; small red tome -
toes, R Penhale, .1 Forest; large red toms.
toes., R Perihale,Snowden Broe;large yellow
tomatoes, citrone, Snowden Bros; 'argot
cora stalk, Wallis Brom .
Rawson, Dare Parsons; hanging Intelsat, aeo
Porest; asters, zinniati and .single petunias,
lilre•Parsors; dahliae, A Beene, tare How-
rie; permits, geraniums, Gsaillerstron, Wm
Sterling, Otb; Mathias, house plants,la
DAIRY PRODUCE -Tub salt butten.R
E Elliott, Snowden Bros; salt butter, It
Penile% Wm Sterling; table better, E
Elliott, Wellie Bros; °beetle, a Wise, J X
Wise; wine, J E Wise, 8 Witte; hoirey in
comb, jar, Alex Smith, Snowden Bros;
eolleotiort honey, Alex Smith; homemade
bread, NV Sterling, Snowden Brost baker's
bread, Thos Meg; speolals-ttonstoriade
breed, Mtn Geo Nott; better, M. Brethmtis
LADIES"' WORE -Pillow eluting, Mre
Howrit, y re Geo
Notts Mrs' Campbells crochet table mate,,
Mrs Howrie. 13rothour; toilet mate, 111
Arabella- Mrs Corapbell; centre piece, Me
Ilowrie, Dr Smith; niafitle drape, Uhl
Nett, Fortin; sofa pillow, Mtn Nott, S
Whitt; cotton ert.chei work, aha wotil !Are
Persons Mrs Campbell; berastitehieg, Dr
Sraith, 'Mrs Carepbell; embroidery, Mrs
Nett, Mre Campbell; Whiak holder, Dare
Campbell, a Forest; pin onehion, M Broth -
our, Mre Hamlet knitting, Mre Ofitnpbell,
R Biliott; lioniton or point lade, Mos
PeroOna, Mrs Uampbell; tatting, umbrae'
work, late Nott, Mrs Catripbell; Me Obey,
1.1 Brellio,nr, Mre Nett; tray °loth, hire
owrie, alrs Nott; opplique, Mr e Non, M
Bretbour; lansp ebede, Mrs Flowries J
ng , rag wat hookt1, airs Nott,
Brethour; mg mat ewed, 8 Wiwi table
cover, Dr Smith, Mrs Csrapbell; netted
doilies, 3 Tough, Alre Campbell; etohiuS,
Mrs Howrie, M Steth'onr;aent'fi linen shirk,
D Brethour, $ Wise; Mont sewing, Dr
Snsith, Mrs Portents; kitchen tiptop, We
Pereons, John West; slippers, 8 Wiest, a E
Wise; laendry bag, Nye "Cowrie, M
our; haufikerphief sachet, Pare Nott, D
Brethour; drawn work, aim Howrie, Mrs
Campbell; patched ottonquilts_13 Wise, It
Elliott; pstohed cloth M. Brethour,
Mrs Campbell; kuitted qnilt, Mrs Nott;
oroohet quilt, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Howrie;
collection Ladies' work, Mrs Howrie, tars
Campbell; cohort knitting, Mot Nott, Mrs
• Persons; ladiee' underwear, aim Campbell;
cottoulbatting work a Forest DI Brethour,
k'enoil clrawtng,
Campbell, Itire Parsons; orayon drawing,
Mrs Flowrie, j Forest; water color, MI'S
Ceraphell, Mrs Howrie; "oil painting, Mrs
Bowies J Foreet; kensington painting, M re
aampbell, Mrs Parsons; lustre pointing, a
Forest; Painting on silk, satin or felvet,Dr
Smith! 3 Forel* drawing by children, hire
,MaITUFACTURES •-s Blankets,
Wise,_ Mre Nott; wool stockings. S WW1
Mrs Nett; wool Books, Wra Sterling, Mai
Nett; orators stoke, $ Wise, Wm Eiterling;
cotton stockings; atm Nott, 8 Wise; gloves,
Mrs Nott, mittens, Mrs Nett, Mrs
parsons; single light harness, Ba. Higgine;
double heavy, harness, 3 W Tibbett,
wool yarn,D Brethour, Wm Sterling;
carpet, $ Wise, Snowden Bros; cloth, Mre'
Non; flannel, Mrs Nott, S. Wise; woven
quilt, S Wise, J li Wigs.
JUDGES -Fruit, J Torrance; vege"
tables, Jos Allanson, Clinton ; plants
and flowers. Mrs(Dr) Stanbury ; dairy
produce, Win Scott, Brucefield ;
Thomson, Dr G M Smith ; grade
cattle, S P Hearn, R Baker; pigs, John
Walter,H G Beacom;poultry,P Becker,
Jos Caldwell; grain. Wm Scott, Jas
Thomson; ladies' work, Lillian S Miller,
Clinton; tars G Bates; art work, Mrs
Dr Sranburytmonufa auras, Wm Scott,
Sas Thompson, Dr Smith.
Wolverhampton Exhibition
•• (Written for the Maw BRA)
The town of Wolverhampton dates
back in history to the year 659 and
many of the ancient land marks are
yet to be seen. Pronsinent among the
more important stands the ochurch
of St, Peter, which is still i a good
state of preservation, and which ich was
the only place of Worship in the town
for about eight centuries. so great was
the influence it wielded. It is a wealthy
community, holding large possessions
in lands in and around to town. Local-
ed'upois a hill, it commands a view of
the surrounnings for miles, and the in-
variably well posted guide, for the tip
of a three penny, bit will point out the
many many localities of interest, the
scenes of distant battles, the "Diuld's
altar" and temples to Bel and Woden.
• Butleaving the dead past let us term
over the centuries and see a more mod-
ern English town possessed of all those
characteristics that make up our civilis
zation. For Many years the town Wes
!onkel upon as dead, but though many
Iron mines have been closed other in-
dustries have sprung up and now it is a
hive of industry and thrift with still
brighter pnospects in the near future.
To my mind the linestaYsteniof Elec-
tric Railway 1 hive seen is here, and 1
uncieretand it is the only one of the'
kind in the world in operation. It is
the Lorraine system, all electrical con -
nitrations beingundervround, where a
i .
cable running n the centre of the track
passes through brines of metal. •A car
along obtains its MOMentM111 hy eon -
tact with these: boxes, • The line • is
built to test the system and this corpor-
ation reserves the Tight to accept or
efute at the pada a year. It is beyond
doubt new a' paying An veStriaent and
will be extended :to suburban town%
It is a relief see cors runnieg. With-
out a net work of overhead wires and
abominable poles. along the streete,
Althutiga the expense of construction
and Maintenance 'ma? be a fraction
more than the ordinary trolley system
here can be no doubt but the Lorraine
will become very general in all the large
ities at all events. •
Much has been said • respecting the'
Exhibition, We are going to remark
Upon others interested, but Canada has
no reason to regret expending money
here. It has been an unqualified suc-
ese to us in trades of ail lines repre
ented and also in educating the nia89138
s to our climate, resources and onpor-
We have been able to send ' it great
many out to settle in various parts of
Canada, and we plainly see that next
season will 'witness a Much greater
stream of emigration to our country.
There has been more interest taken in
our exhibits than all the rest,. of •the
exhibition, and nothing but the kind-
liest expressions of good will and ad-
miratiOn appear in the "Register" at
the front door of Canada's Pavilion. ,
Canada has agreat deal yet to learn •
owever. Our manufacturers,are as 3
placing good foods in the most attrac-
stady economy to such a degree in this
respect that they fail to reach the Mar-
ket only for some lack in the • appear.
mice or outside finish.
covers two o these boxes, and in passing
ACTsor4G001.0Y ILIVEAND 111
kll nrJ
gpeo 05 ties
01- co.- 0,DAGov6R$i
ti f
ITS BEtti ‘s° 64),,erEcTS.
Properties for Sale or 'to Let Notice to Creditors
To Rent.
Lot 80, btaitiand eoncessions_ooderich TOWn•
ship. Apply to JAS. SCOW, Barrister.
- - •
To Let. Qiinten
That beentiful stero in the jacIrsou
. Fluxes:Street, lately occupied hy 0. An.
ply to
Sept, 0-0•THOS. JACKSON', Eir.,
Farm For Sale,
The West half of lot 24, Bayiteld Con, God,
erieh township, containing 100 acres c wood
is offered for Sale on eftey terms. seta
barn,llog house, plenty of 'water and Fileall
orchard. Partieulars on apigleatfon to
tf- 3'. P. TISDALL,Olinteit
For Sale or to Rent.
Lot 29, , nley, containing 100 oases ,
in good stateot eultivation for sale or to rent
for term of years, apply to JNO. McGIOlIGOR,
• on premiees or AIRS P MeGREGOR, 2 con. ,L
R. 51.. Titeitersreith, Sestorni p. 0.
Feb. 7--tt, •
••For Sale
of this will consume more freely, hence
the necessity of marking the • year of
Now is the time for all Our people tci
push hard for a DlaCe in these, markets
for all our surplus goods, as there is a
strong feeling upon all sides and in all
lines to deal with her own colomes.
Every product must be the best of its
kind and must be put up as well as our
rivals fox these markets put up theirs,
and at prices too properly complete.
Under these circumstances we have a
decided preference Let it be distinctly
understood that no advantage can be
taken Of this preferential reeling by
attempting to hoist poor goods upon
British public.
. Our pork products are in special de-
mand and if followed up with care the
demand is almost unlimited. One firm
Who exhibited in the Canadian Pavilion
built m a couple of months sepia, a
trade that with the foothold they had
already obtained they found they could
not keen up With such increasing de,
mand and had to withdraw thtorsex-
Our apples are now found in .every
fruit store and enquiry for the Cana-
dian product is so general that dealers
have special cards in their windows to
assure the.pablic of the Canadian pro-
duct. This has been acconiplished by
by nur•shippers marking every pack-
age boldly with the word. "Canada."
Alt this means an increased emigra-
tion. With the splendid advertising
literature supplied by-thegovernment
and the eager ennuiry for it by; the.
public a are safe in saying next year
will be a banner season for Canada in
an inflow of se tiers. • The schools are
taking:the m ter up and thousands of
scholars clime in procession headed by
teachers and ture for our literature.
The young pe e are posting them-
selves regarding Canada, because this
country is greatly over populated and
the tieing generations must seek •other
lands wherein to build homes. Teachers
are alive to the fact and now the Cana-
dian map is made more prominent in
all schools and children are learning to
know more of the climate and prnducts,
of our Dominion than older people have
eveaknown heretofore, • '
Yes, Btitain believes in Canada and
looks forward With: the insurance that
her vveetern colony' can be depended
both in peace and war, that her resour-
ces. 'properly develoned, are almost
verthout ; that she is satisfied, nay
proud to remain with the mother land
to work out the destiny of this great
ez.713TPhiereee are but. a few thoughts we
gather from every day contact with
the public, and I trust our people will
see to it that nothing on their part is
left undone in order to build up atd
strengthen with all honest means the
confidence inspired.
Wolverhampton, Eng.,Sept, 29th, 1CO2.
The temperance Mese is enapheeizing the
danger to the home in the use of medioinee
which are loaded with whiskey andolcohol.
In this respeantai well as blithe remarkable
character of their cures, Dr Pierce's medi-
cines uiffer from other preparations. ' Dr
Pieree'e Golden Medical Discovery and
Fovorite Prescription contain no aleohol,
whiskey or other intoxicant, and are really
-fres from oplins, codeine told other naroot-
ies. Every family should have a copy of
Dr Pierae's Common Sense Medial Advis-
er, Mint absolutely free on teoei t of
stamps to pay expeese of mailing and one -
tome. Send • 31. one -cent deems Inc the
binding. Addralut Dr 13. V Ineroeoliutlalo,
. -....... ..
Comfortable house and lot, on Albeak St.,
Clinton, -for, sale cheap, lot it :lore, Howie
suitable for emallfe,mily, AIM 7 at NEW BRA
For Sale.
House, two lots and stable, corner of North,
and Streets. The cottage contains six
aronoamsolin gwoaettlerr,ezotagurit.twreoeodes ahnedd, awsittalidicarintl
nrlat-classmcRo on dmi toi ornp. A maliasolny pa premise,.
For Sale.
The North Half of Lot 17, Conceesion 7, Col.
borne, and two village lots in Manchester,
livery be,rns, outfit, and goodwill of .tlie busi-
'nese. For terms, apply to the undersigned,
lni* Sept 11 MRS WAS SYMINGTON Auburn
Stable for Sale,
A. good stable with seven single stens, a box
stall, a barnese room, grain bine, a roomy. hay
lqft, eto.,will be sold stovers, reasonable price.
April 11-tf, W. IlRYDONE, Clinton. •
• House forSale.
, A good frame house on Huron Street,. 14
stories; contains 3 bedrooms, pallor, dining
room, hall, closets, kitchen. wool:abed . bard
and soft water, half acre lot, with bearing
fruit trees. Apply to S., SNYDER,
June 27-4. • Huron Street
Good Rouse for Sale. •
0.00,1:61:oriber offers foe sale his hones and lot
Albert St. north. Tho lot ie one quarter
re with a number of bearing fruit trees,
ard and soft water and good stable. House
E' *1M. _ FRED LOFFT, •
as "six rooms, closet, pantry, wash xoom and
ocal cellar. Will be sold cheap. Clinton._
1 Good Farm for !Rent.
• .
rule not hip to date In advertising an
tive form be ore the public. Many
The American manufacturer °knows
the importance of outside appearance
and, spares no . expense or labor in •
4rder.to place his goods before the pub-
lic in the most attractive form that skill
Can devise Possibly a dollt or two
per thousand would )3e enoug tochange
,the appearance of that cheap, common.
,loolwg label covering, a can of the
choicest fruit or vegetable to attrac-
tive, neat picture that appeals readily'
to the eye. Our Cheese makers would
Obtain much better results if they
.31011a.aluard_thode_aboininable-com, .
Men looking boxes and adopt some
more eaperodyes but neater cornering
for their laigh, class produet, a product
that by sheethigh quality has found its
way iut° almost every British home.
hold . .
despitex so led One e tenement.
An important point that is not taken
arlyantage ot is to Mark every cheese
upon all sides and ends with the word
.'"Canada" prominently, upon every
article that goes into the British �r
others markets. In no Other waycan
we obtain full jultice and credit or our
preclude._ as the British tradearnan WM
stubtairtily adhere to his custom of
selling anything coming here from
wow, the Atlantic as Ametican. We
argue this pdrit constantly with them
and just at; often do they very calmly
admit the justice Of it, but go on just
as usual, notwithstandingrjuet beeattse
he 'Worn no better, and besides his
greatest grandfather did the Sallie
and the modern merchant here will
stand sternly true to theomost ancient ,
NO psoauet ehould leave the canning
factory unless prominently tilarked
"Canada" and it is important that the
year of manufacture should be also Ont,
every can, Our canned goods are in
these markets and the demand is ba.
coming decidedly strong, but the On* .
sinner Winatli fresh goodv,and if assured
book in paper clovers �r 50 etaMps foe °loth,
• A letter from Henry Mooney, of
Weynaouth, W T, formerly a well
known-resideneLOU-Mort ie,Lsays-he-
threshed over 1000 ,IOUshele of grain
from the stock in 5 days this year. Ile
had 8300 bushels of wheat, of which he
sold 7800 bushels at Bel cents per bueliel,
giving him it very tidy aum. They had
over 2000 bushels of oats also,
eonnensed; Accurate, Helpful.
The busied people read the Ecitithi
Companion because it is condensed, ac-
curate and helpful.
lts weekly sittrulaary of important
neWs is eolliplate and trustWorthly.
'Its editorial COMMent on peilitical
anddomeetio questions is nonpartizan;
it aims to state facts in such away that
the bosiest person Can use them as the
basis Of an intelligent opinion.
_It reflects on every page the whole-
some, hidtistrions, home -loving, home-
making side of American life, the life
of noble aims and hOnorable ambitione.s
A full announcement of the new vol.
nine Will be sent to an add
quest. The new subscriberfor1903,who
sends $L75 VW the new volume at unce
will 'receive freeallthe remaining twos
for I002, including the double holiday
numbers; also the Companion Calendar
for 1003, lithographed in twelve colors
and gold,
144 Berkeley Ste) Bel/tont AIWA.
s‘f .N/U.•
nderVned offers for rent lot 12 in the
In The Matter Of 'Al Xetage of Rollert
.11inteh, late of the Township of Rust Wow.
tonoalt, in the county of Huron, l'armer,
l*fotice Is hereby given pur_anarit to
1097. OAP. 12% that all credttove .anq ataert
havic g claims agaiust the estate of the said
Robert Notch, who died on or about ,the 110th
day et July, 11,O:, are required o _or before the
25th day or uctober 10Q2, to sena by pest pre.
paid or deliver to Meer:: Dickinaor: Otarrow,
of tthoertsoAnthof GI odterlick•Solieitors f Or the ex-
descriptions. the full. Vertical:ire of their I
ea° rh asela btyl atehneamasn. r n°tten it he 0°, 114146r edErerand
aocounts and, tie° natures ot the eecUritieS, it
A.ed turther talie notice that after such last
mentioned. date the atiod executor, will pro-
ceed, to distribate the Assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled there -to, having
regard only to the claims of which they
then have notiee, and that the naid executors
'wilt not be liable for the said neeeta rtaY
part thereof to any person or persons of whose
cliwe noticeshallaot ha,ve been received. by
nem at the time of such distribution.
Solloitore for J Match, W W. Mclitch and
D. O. nurro, Executors.
Dated the srth der of SePtember 1902.
• Real Estate ler Sale.
FarI 0 farnsaeta t.: and 83. en west side of
• Maitlandcon.one mile north of Barnesville,
• containing 97 gores.
2 The north half of lot 25, con. 2,and west part
of lot 24, con, 8, one holt mile from Clinton,
• north, on gravel road, containing 90 acres.
The brit* dwelling including lots 1810 and
20 OR corner of Joseph and Uaao streets, in
4 The frame dwellingon west aide of Vietoria
etreet and next north of railwaY.
Liherm terms tosult snwohasers. APpia to
• W• w. FARRAH or
0.0. RANCE, Clinton
March 28-3m.
You'll Miss 11 !
If you decide about your ednoe.tion
'and seleot a school before you see the
new catalogue of the
Centra' Business College
A postal will bring it by return mail
Berl aside from its artistic value you
will be interested in the work of an up
to date business school which employs
12 teachers; Owens 100 Typesetting
in whines, and 'sonde out neatly 500 '
you ng people into good positions etich4
i year. Antumt Bearden from Sept 2nd
Enter any time. Write f or catalogrie
Wt n. Shaw, Principal
4. 17 la ge & Gerrar SU, Toronto
JAMEs 400rr
. orarroNe -
Oarnea-Elliott Wools, Th,aistiss;is
AIONEW $.4141ealss
°Ithe-Oeover Block. •
lip stairs, Oppopite Henry's FWD Oilier,
001raniatroBne, C10141141seIONES
Real Estate and Ineuranoe Agents,
Metier to loan,
o 33. HALE,
- 1
Banister !solicitor Notary and Conveyin
Oalce-O000site Colberg
fermi:4y of Cameron! Holt it Cameron
0itt0e...41 ItinntOn fit •apemen,' thgberlao HOU
OfilacTfaerner Mandlton $t. width. alatt
H. L. DicitinstderiethrLiiSMt0: W.L.L.D
nolusT4R9, SoistaToria, NOTARIES :PURL
PfteerOtte frf TIM BiliatxTilits VOMIT, lea.
Office: North. st., erect door to Signal Oal
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
, interest.
W. RRGUDPOOT. •• R. 0.47,AYS
YGI.U.2d..N'Ed, in.taburitP •
h, •
°fifes -Ontario street, Clinton. Night Oa
at front door of °thee Or residence. Baste
bury Street.
Ideentiate 01 11(0 lioyal College of BOSE°
London, England. •
Oilbse and Residence",
JOHN TEDFORD'S House, Unnen 51
• Dig. 3. W. SHAW.
Atieoneheet eto., office and residence 0 is , •
tufo oppoeite English church, formerly oo
envied by Dr.aapleton. Cilinton Ont. -
,• • Phyrdelan; Surgeon, ham •
• special attention given to diseases ottlie
EYedlar,Throat and Nose,
• Calle° and Repidence•i-
Albert Street,2 Elocks'North of Itattenbu
Ci. W. Nanning Smith, ED.,
When eels 14 and 15' years of age PHISICIAN & SURGEON.
e Canada Busineas College °FPI"
oan•spend $ or. 10 monthe at ' oo_oupiqd by Dr. Iwamoto;
er y
Main Street, Bayfield form I
Maitland eon, Colborne. situated 7 miles from
Clinton and 1/M from Goderieh, 2Y., miles from
elstiroh and M mile from sohool; this farm
contains 118 acres more °ries:: of . good farm
land of which 105 acres are cleared A good
two story frame house, good bank -barn, lien
house, pig :Amble, also if titres of good bearing
folailivt12,4=1: walla and 3 never failing
A. 19, ALL/N, Benniiller Ont.
. '
suo...aor to Dr: T, Brais• e
DS,psee.,...01allsratdualagrnewoynationoduellerialtgene tWat
• 1001:10 a Ontario, TorOnto,e • •
and irnrcialip.tely after graduation go out
and•secure positione at -Wand $7 per reek.
We have at the present mouient calls
for five male stenograPhers and bookkeeli,
ere wherethe • d 1 In 1;35
to $50 per namith, that we DennOt fillp as
• •wages o ere are ro
• Facia for Sale. ' , .
• s those:prepared are all, engaged. Write Mr
oetalogue. • • .
Lot 31, Concession 8, H, S., 1,03 stores;
. 'school house on premises; within Eve minutcs : D. lieLaChigiA •
. • ehatilain. e. ' DR.'AGNSW
walk t ch ch 5 i s fr m 01 ton and 6 • "
orchard, mostly winterlruit 2 good wells .
railes rom e or h, r rame ouse g d •
cistern, 2 barns, one 48E56, with. atone etablin
iv sp e
D. D. S.-First-olass Honor graduate of ten -
tat Department of Toronto .1.1uiversityr
.mSpeencdaiail... attention aid to preservation o
children's teeth. Will visit Baylield eve
. (Moe over W. Taylor & Son's shoe attire.'
underneath the other 281:60 dr i h d Fir-st Step • •••••
Clinton• Augnst
Alen house. Apia! to WH'ITFIE • 0140/1, •
et hundred; o 4) -
Success . • .
Farm For Sate. •
The subscriber effete for sale that choice farm
on the Ituron road, Tuokersmith, just east of
Clinton. at present .occupied by•Mr. Fisher. It
consists 01 180 acres, more or less, with good
frame house,bank barn,silo,windiiiill and small .
orchard. Plenty of water. An excellent farm
in a. splendid locality,. •For terms apply to
.A.RTHLTIt 00111:311,Clinton.
bright young inen andwomen ha e been in
the therein:Li Business and Shorthand edit-
cano• n iTimarvteidmamto
• &airless and'Shorthand.College
' Cop. Yonge and, College' Ste., Toronto.
For qualifications 61 teachers, complete
equipment and record of successful, In-
dividual instruction restate it is unsurpase-
ed. •
• Ali worthy students aided to Paying posi-
tions. Full information pent free on re -
Quest. JAMES 13.6.1t1tLiON.
Farm for Salo. ROST. D. N1111310, Principal.
Lot 7, con. 3, Colborne, containing 60' acres of
land in good minivan°. . 20 acres fall pIowing,15
acres; in grass, 5 acres fall wheat. On prat -trees
is 1 s ry fraine house and two frame barna in
good repair, also a gm:dwell and. young bearing „
Yoang mei and women to prepare for
ores ard. Farm well fenced and well watered.. ' ,
Posoeasion may be had Mar. lat. 1903, For fur-. good, eitnatione. Apply' to
ther particulars' apply to • •
For Sale. . •
Business .
Sept. 18- if , Boit 59, Goderich
• Office adjoining Photo Studio.
Office Hours -SAO 6 every day an
Saturday until 10 li. ni. Bi anela °aloes
BinayMflaenme.h es te r
. Dungannon, Blyth an•d
Veterinary; .
. ,
. . , .
Member of the Veterinary Medical • A ssoolaa
tions of I/Widen and Edinburgh, and Grad
ntario VeterineryCollege, •
Oflice 'open night and day, inmoolte t
. •
• •
ails promptly attended to ,
Paul's °burial, Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont,
,Veterinary surgeon E
'Successor to J. .
Dominion /11LACRALL.
DiSeases of all domesticated aninials-
treated on scientific
• Tim best equipped Business and Shorthand
College in Canticle. Reduced tuition rates,
Writeus regarding our courses of study,
and prospects of securing situations for
• ____
cegft:insArw,, ItVe.a°Alragtflig
ne of n,o /nig a, o
Parlor. D ining root:, three bed rooms, three
clothes closets kitchen and pantry, aleo
rowner kitebei Good sioue cellar, hard stiftd
eft water, goo garaen, urge and Mall fr s
In abundance, iiice lawn. All in art -class
condition. Owner leaving town. Also • .som e
good furnitnre to , be sold privately at lho
house. Apply to •
1 ni* Ang 20 J, T. E MMEBTON Clinton:
Farm for Sale. •
' oplenilid 100 acre.farm, consisting Of the
East half of Lot 80, con 1, Ettot Wawanosh,
good frame house with kitchen, barens 3:bs:s55h:
and shed SONO in which there are good stabling
hard Wafteralf never falling well; 8 liar
1 acre o orchard, situp ted n miles from Au.
burn and 00 rods from. sehool. For lurther
particulars apply to H. GOVIER, p
pujit.Theaset4ea hive pe.asesillobnualifl
.•Farm For Sale.
Lot 12 Ha ft Id con.,Ciod I h tp.. 118 acro
(85 cletiml.balanceltardwood,with a large quark:
tity of cedar on it), in good state of cultivatior
ihout i1ve acres fallwhea ',and considerable fall
plowing done. Corafortablehrick house large
barn vvithatabling uralerneath,driving phed and
other outbuildings ; about 2 acre orchard,
mostly winter frelt ; well Watered-nevertail-
ing spring creek and two wells Seve iniles
front.611V9: t 44, itheratigt Vetlicr._144111319134,4-
further arli ware to CHAri. elessuNe. 72 St.
David st., aderich.
• To Rent or for Sale
• Frame residence and iaoe of land. on Mari
Street, Clinton, 7o0nris, cellar, woodshed ,bard
• maft Water, new stable arid driving shed,
eircellent garden, With phutpear and apple
'Also•ior Sale. —
Poi- or ethee/ Smartt t 6
Street, OlInton, which is a? veltiertitiapWrojenermtf
for triad growing, being well Olehted out. in
beery bushell, small fruits, apples, et°. There
is oleo a very eXcellent gtado of sand and
gravel on the pretnises 'which is very orofitable,
AprAit tit tor. STRAITH,er to WolitYDONE,
Ifitibre• itgen V&A Phisploaine
the tired Enotish
Solt! and reeeminended Vag
druggists in Canada. Only telii
able niedicine diseoverm Sit
packago attravinfeed to onto au
tro o Sexuai 3v.t.,aknesS,_ all effeeta Of abase
totooetc.e08tintnotAr letwirrittti* trelletslievde oritiserecti°f
To -
of price, one package Si, six. $5, Ona esftiygaeg.
10 WU nye. Pamphlete tree to *My *daft**.
This Wood Voinpalays, winds* von
I i • '' .: • ' . JmcKaY1 . R :.E: MANNING.
- Dept ''0" •Confederotion. Life:Bldg, : 1 ' ,,,. al _ . • ' - '
: ' • • ' ,' . • loronto. qint. ila.sur.iiiP(?Igelit;
Canafht.I1.1e4ssuranee CO ,
Otlice-Isaac St, Clinton ; lresidence
• •Albert St. Phon 82
, ,
graduates. Catatheue tient (tees Address •
• •
. .
:}1%e1atine, Accident, Plate :Ole,:
-ass •
' Office! J. P. Tisdalri ("Limon. •
ewe dersiened at bis Residence, Mary &tree fa
ACiE LICENSE isetted by the En*
Shorthand tplalte CAMPBELL LONDESBORO •
Business Law,:Writing,
• Correspondence, Type
No Ivitnesees revired
b. L IllitCP11.EitS6N
Writing, etc., Fire, - tire, accident Platt!. GI* ,
Thoroughly taught by experi- omen•trAmaz sz4340, „am
Forest CitY-Busi- - --JOHNVFnL
ness &M-
ug, London, Ont.
We have no didoulty in placing competent
pupils in good poeitione. College re -opens
Sept, 9, Senclfor Catalogue, •
'EMT. Westervelt,* .
.• Principal
rble & Granite
The purchaser of e monument
. should haVe edreplete tuanfidellee
in the reliability of the firm, from
wbiob he bur, for the materiel
and Workmanship is eomething.
, vory few baste are familiar with.
i1 you do not know no, please in.,
quire about our from
those who know ns best. We are
the only practioal,men here inour
Wood's_ Phosphodine lie_soldtIn eCliuten Jit, 'Novel*, Proprieto
11. iteekie,4 n OVer.nalrOrtbe autipf W
Watts, larrourists! text toOominereial Rotel
Agent for the MarroicreTER Fran ASectatios •
• Co, of Manchester, Raigland, whoee funds are
seeruitir are rated at 0400,000. also the Mo.
RitLor ldtYrOALINeurtANolt Cki
see o
farnirieke and _town , propeity taken by
Unrest rates. Hirst -clams 1.man Companies.
also represented. Money to forbad from ge per
ostitup, tumor:ling to nature of moonrise --
7112 gtomeleville - pedal card 1;11
FARM and iSot.Atitro TOWN PliOPERTY
otrrUmne '
430 McLean. PresidentEloise WO.; Tilos
FraSers vice-oresident, Briree eld P. 1.;Thee:
pi. Hays, fitioygreati., Seaferth P. 04.
MraiidihetiInspecior of LOSSest-Bestorth P. O.
W. (A. oraaareet, Seetortn; John G. Grieve
Winthrop P. 0.03corge Dale,Seatorthr John
0,; John Watt, Harkaar P. O.; Thomas ?mbar
°Crtkli:tlitti Steil:1r, :enact Robb. Motfillarn Sett
fent Lalonde miming, F,gmendville; J, W.
Yeo, HOltneaVille j Worse Ward/stand Jahn Ci.
VIP6rarivtifeerisdkesnajst°486 effect inbutencmor trans
K act other bestow will be promptly attendedta
on application to 'any of the *bone Oillee
or the tespeotive Mee*.