HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-24, Page 16 .."0"The New Era win be sent to new subscribers, from this date tolst of int. 1904) fo $1,00 a yeefeetetetoteetleffeetetPeetilefeeleA~t What Does Vour Label ay;. #.1FAFF,AppmtitigultriLwemlumwmpmit • EST ARIalialM18116. •AtOtletre Holefeet Putt Optical Education • . Times are changed, and etre oherogineithe people no longer buy their glance ot ignors •ant peddlenknor allow thenaselvea to be. 0=0 into penthaeing woaderfal optical coulee nor ere they even poatent i o go to a entre and pick out a peitleof cheep speo. tattles with which they think they can am best for a minute or two. 'Whim their eye; aolae or their el ht blurs thoy scek en --educated optioladin whom the him eon - 'Mame, and entree him to be able to Advise them, end prescribe glossesif, they are found to be reqtered. There' e no Rues - work in our moaned of eyeetestIng. We are muddied to disoover the nature and degree of any detect and properly cermet it. No charge for conaultaticete P. B. CREWS Expert Wateh.Repairer Jeweler Refraotionist and Dispensing •Optioian. Omens TOWN Mee. Bxeramcomnes Ow Own, THE NEW ERA • will be sent to new eubseribers from nowt o the lst Jae, 1904 For $1 •00 !ash The New Era & telly Globe with premium, to new seb- •soribere, from now to let ot Jan. 1904,. For $1 65 cash :44+4++4444++++4+44++++ 1 coustailite . NoTBS,-Rev Mr Kennedy Preached a splendid temperance, sermon . Sundae, hist. New sheds soon,as the material is nearly all on the ground now. A nem - her from here took in the teen:meting at Londesboro,Thanksgiving,and report a good time. D. MacGregor and family n2ove to Seaforth in November to re- side. Benntiller ' dootteareen.--A typographical error in last week's issue caused the name of 'Jasper Wilson to appear as the yictim of the accident at Beautifier bridge, tre• petead of Jasper Fisher. The similarity qf names, no doubeis accountable; jas- per Wilson is a well-known personage an Western Ontario, and we only hope that the other Jasper may figure as promlneutly in the destinies also mane an the future, when he has fully recov- ed from the effect of his mishap. Nam. -Quarte. rly service on the Ben - miller circuit will be held at the Ben - !miller appointment the lime S tbeath in NoveMber. at 10.30 a. in; • Harvey Malloy left last week for Toronto,where he intends taking a course at the vete;• inare college; we wish him every suc- cess in this undertaking. The new ad dition to E. Mob ring's tunes is almost completed, and is now being painted. Alew from here attended the teameet- ing at Zion chui ch on Mondayevening. The auction sale of Win Blake's Wen stock and impleineote on:luesday lest was fairly well at tended and everything ey was sold at a reasonable figure, Malcolm McLarty, the new proprietor of the Erick yardenoved into the house in con- . election therewith last week, <se,- Whets— Print 'Biwa iNhea*table tataap4r ague s print blare:tr• anorak diseatatostil rult. his condition will* potaltivall eutat 0$118111* 4 ‘\; saillionsommy he elintoritt a '7 ew Era. CLINTON ONTARIO. .00TOBER 24, 1902. 60derich Township . Londesbore Names -Miss Mary Halliday has been Noette.-Thaturegleing Day was du engaged for anothec year in S. S. No observed by many here; there was 10 at an increase in salary, Alex Weise fair -congregation at the union meetiri has purchased a Jereey heifer purpose. in 7noxchurch, and- a very good co ly for breeding purpases : We hope his lection was taken et) and duly fo Irmo wet be a profitable One, win warded to theSickOhildretes Hospitn. Perdue was violently thrown freon his Toronto, Misses Elizabeth Whitel wheel, lighting on his head, which Rose Riley, and Lou Oinneette, can will confine him to the house tor a few home to Mend Thanksgiving Da dere fast riding injures many a young Elijah Walker spent the holiday tiai man, J. Cooper has been employed at Belgrave. Mrs Robert Cole went t with Mr T,Jackson,sre John wilt show London to yisit her htzeband. Th his clerking ability to the public for a 4 anievereaty services in the elethodis time, John Middleton WAS busily ens ( church on Sunday and Thursday o gaged tieing eh, am last week. tee w last week were very successful, th Millet's - vranary collapsed the other tea -meeting on Thanksgiving Da day into the basement, which gave eating well attended. A Mr Gallows Wes a lob of labor; surely his barn was occupied the pulpits in the Presbyter bursting with pleaty, Old.tune farm. ittn and Methodist churches laet Sun ere cannot recollect eoch a belay fall ae day; he has been, an invalid from hi the present one; laborers are not to be youth, and the collections were give had for love or moneypuirely we ought him as acts of charity; we have th to be thankful for such a bountiful exaMple of the Master,. to do good o harvest. 'Special services are being care tbe Sabbath day.- There was alothe ried on in Shame Methodist church, b good shipment of hogs from this ata the pastor, Rey Mr Hussar; althoughtion on Monday morning; the pros - the attendance is small 4 deep interest peels of this trade are improving; how is manifested. Isaac ;Ellison considers about shipping cattle ? himself tbe champion corn cutter. as tratenalea forbid week.) he cub over 3 acres of good corn in lese ' than nine hours. on Friday last, on the ` NOTES. - Mrs Barkwell, who has farm of 0 H Holland. been spending a few weeks with her - daughter, Mrs Hiles, has returned &A St " BEET PutEiNG.-Mr Fosrester's sup, Tee ' A. Campbell, of Westfield I sugar beet industry very profitable • week Miss Barr, who bee been ill for waimaataller et Silver Leaf farm last , ar beet puller •is going the rounds, and we hope those interested will find the some time, is improving, Mrs Hiles, A Fule Banwe.emr le young, of the who has been visiting in London and '4th,con., who As one of the most pro, St Thomas, has returned home. Mies gressive farmers of the township, has Jennie•Woods, of Porter's Hill, return- juet had completed for laim one best and most compact of -thee 1 ed, home after spending a few days earns in this with her friend, Miss Verna Hiles. A. sectzon. elm maid building is 13402, number from here droye out to Wes. . with enclosed straw shed 50148, Atte field last Friday evening to • attend the there is also detached driving house, reception given to P. Campbell and his The barn is on stone foundation, with 'bride' stone wiedow, stile,' cement floors throughout cement feed boxes,and is Auburn Very eoreplete ancevrell equipped in all . ANNIVERSARY SEnvIRES.-„Rev.A El. respects. The frame work was done -Brown, B. A., B. D., Bele-rave:preaches by Mr Donald Pattersorewarden of the anniversary services in the Methodist ,countj, .and the stonework by Mr Joe church here next Sunday, Oct. 26th, at Stonehouse, oflielgrave, both of whom 10.30e. me 2:30p. m. and 7 p. m. ;" col. have every reason to be proud of their lectiops will be taken at the services. work, ' Mr • Youug has painted- the On Monday night at &o'elock a Stere - buildings red, With , white striping, and optican Lime. ight entertainment of .. , . . . they are a credit to all concerned.. , I still and moving pictures will be given ' Taylor's fiorners by the pastor. Music on both' occasions _ . will be furnished ' by the choir and Noees.---Alles Lillian Wilson.astedent everybody is 'Merited. A entall admis- ae Goderich, visited under the parental sion fee will be charged en Monday. roof last week. Thos Burrows, Goders ich,: visited Otter Wile= on Sunday . GuN. 01,17.B•'-rtilig carrel twhoglaye and Monday. prectece.of the u was e on IY Clettenoa-The regular meeting of the a League tide week was held Wednesday er evening in connection with prayer meeting inettead of Monday evening. G Gould gave a good address on the 1.- topic. .A. J. Courtice and F. C. Elford Y, took charge of the e e 'al s I e Sharman &Indite- evening. The regu- le tar quarterly services in connection e •With the • Itolmesville citcuit will be o held in the church here a week from e. punday. t f moacrNrOte PoITI.Twir STAiroX, -Las t e week F. C_. Elford made large ship. „ ment of about forty mem of dreamed • fowl for the old country markets. As _ „ may be eupposed the getting of the poultey ready wee n o ein all undertekleg. The "plucking" industry in connection n with the work la quite a teature of it. e Mr Ettore seemed a number of pluckers n and for a few days feather's were in the ✓ air. After th fowl ware dressed and put in the sha egiboat dathose engaged in the work e ood forth before them in their "fighting olbthes" and were :shot et. . NOTES -Rev, As K. Birks, B. Ay, L. L. B., London, spent a few days last week at H. Elfordet ;•Mr Birks has re- cently: returned from the west, where he was attending tbe General Confer - lance at Winniper. After the Confer- ence he took a trip further west into the territories andbrings back glowing reports of the abundant harvest there. He thinks the west offers woneerfill ad- vantages eapeciallyto the younger por- tion of the population. • C. Ate Tebbutti St, Helens, and W.. 06ertice, Crewe, were home for a few claws during Thanksgiving, N. Tiewartha, London Normal, was home a couple ofelays last week. Filling silos is the order of the day ; a number of our progressives far- mers have made this very useful addi- tion to their buildings -The tea meeting at Zion on Monday evening was a great attraction for our. young people: tiGirthiNG'S PRANES-- Daring the severe storm Of Wednesday, lightning struck the barn on the leelreon, be- longing to Fred Leonard, and caused considerable damage; The electric fluid tore the capboard off; scattered some of the shingles in various direc- tions, shattered it rafter, and tore off some of the boards on both the gable ends. It then ran' eking a fence ad- joining the barn; the sod•beneath be- ing torn up efor some distance. A plank on the platform, offs well a few feet from the •barn was: also torn off. The horses were • in the stable at the time, but were not injured,. although the handle of ' a fork behindt them was rent into splinters, and the fork itself twieted into • 'various shepes.• The building did not take • thee, but the smell of sulphur filled it' conspletely," and for sometime after, smoke kept coming up through the flhor of the stable. • Me Leonard kept pouring water clowneand thus prevented' what might have proved •the total: loss of aPeoVtillutdilf Ex. 'EnRII. 'Tim rams. - F.. O. Elfordlast week 'completed his 'Um' of the Fall Fake where he had an exhibit from '• the Dominion Peultry Station here. The fairs visited were Seeforthe leodeeich, Brussels, Blyth, Dungannon and Bayfield.. The exhibit ereated a good Oat of interest and many enquiries were made rotative to the work at the station. The Billowing is a clipping fromone ofthe papers in the above mentioned towns wrth regard to the work and may not be without interest: -"This was from the breeding and fattening station established under the Dominion Department of &grimes tura at Holmesville, and was in 'charge of F.• C. Eiford, the manager of the. station. There were shown, m coops eistinctly labelled, spechnons of fowls of desirable and undesirabletyPes : for • ii.stance, one coop was Whetted, "Too much comb and too nervous," another, eToo large and leggy"; another, "Desk.. able type to 'keep for breeding", and so on. An excellent object lesson In the pieperation-of-fowl-fore shipping was.. Riven b.y. a box containing one dozen birds, compactly packed, and ready for the Old Country market, the box being labelled, with this name of the shipper and the weight. Mr Alford Was busy replying to enquiries of persons inter. eating in poUttry,describing methods of, feedingand caring for fora, killing and packing theatekc It was a most instruc- tive exhibit and cannot but be produc- tive of good in the iettprovement .of Methods in the poultry business," • Mr }Ilford hashad a good oppertunit,. to find ont the condition of the poultry business in the county. In conversation with him we were infornted that the Most intelligent Mutations re the work were -asked at-Bruseelse Fair - and the donversatiou et the visitors indicated them to be most progressive farmers, He ear there is also a great difference in the directorate of the different fairs, and that tor courtesy, and obligment• Bruise's may well be proud of its man- agement. Bayfield etands it good second. Winghant. Why tdre'ewsv your fowl alive? Sse whit we are Issylog. Dried apples -6o, Batter le°, A $20,000,0 stook to ohooicteirro. KING winghim, 0rraneets.-11 V Holmes, son of W 8 •Holineteeleacknowe-whoehart-beeneace- couritant in the Bank of Hamilton at i Wingham for florae time, has been ap. e pointed agent at Blythe to take the . place of 0 L Long,whet goes to George- tcitraiVirteleseefr S. Geacey, one of our best businetts men, lute bought an . interebb in the furniture business of r Mitchell & Dymond, Se Marys buying out the forater's Wetted:And moye there. Be Will be much miseed• here, $, Where he has listed tor it number Of • t years. Cortnert-Seetent LAM -The corner- stone of the new Holmes block. -corner of Main and Maple_streets, was laid by , Mei R. Holtneeof TOrotito,With (*pre- o priate ceremonies, on Friday. A large greeted glom jar,cOntainine the leading. daily papere Toronto and Montreal, with the Meal papers. OftiCial &lee- • Menai. toins, ete., was placed in the stLeV‘ axonmEnt.— Miss A tartilibe t MacDonald, daughter of RON Dr Mac. Donald, deputy apeeker, of Witighain, has resigned the general itecretaryteilp ot the Yoting Women's Ohtestian As, soelation at Ottlieva,to accept the posi- tion of travelling secretary for the Students Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missione, as and Fieday of Iast week but • CHDRCH.-On Sunday last at 3 P. in, as a blunter were unable to be present the church was packed to the door, it the possession of the oilier cuporesented eeitig anniversary Sunda*. • A fernier pastor,: Rev W Godwinetreached am ate nivereare, sermon. Ott Monday evening a fowl eupper was given in the school.' house. Tea Was served from 6 to 8, af- ter Which all adjourned to the church, where an excellent program was gotten up, contesting ofaddresses by Dr Dan- iel, Rey Godwin, Mr Shannon and Jas Mitchell, recitations, by Misses Maud Hale and Ruby , Robinson and Miss Brydres, and several eelections by elle choir. The proceeds amounted beet:13 by the club is • stile undecided arid aynothe", practice will be held on Satur- day, Oct. 25th, at which all who have not completed their score are requested to be present. A meethig of the club will be held in the fire hall, on Wednes- day. Oct, 29th,at etipt-ne, to choose sides for it match on Nov. 5th, the losers to pay for a supper. only those who are present at the -Meeting or kill° notice that they wish to take part In ehe match will be chosen. Noeeee- The local fairs of Berth and : 'Dungannon had good days Studied. and Consequently good turnouts of peo- • pie. -Why was the tame drawing nor. in NOTES. -Rev. E. C. Jennings went to it on prize lists' this year? 'Auction Clinton luesday to meet his sister -in- pales are coming:in thick- this weak; Jewelers BoYce,and het son,of Parkhill, but returned with only his nephew, ,no.lises than tis in, the neighborhood. Many from 'here attended the school Mrs Boyce beim& detained through' entertainment given by Miss Peterson, nese. The Canadian Order of Foresters at No 3,tind certainly got their money's have resumed their meetines 'egain; worth in songs,dielegues, drille. etc. 0. Mrs F. M. Smith .and Miert Torrance, Askwith had the misfortune to have a Bartle* spent Thanksgiving,•With runaway Thursday while conducting M. Smith. The annual meetinf one of HeIntesville's and one of of the Directors' of the Stanley Agricu - Clinton's fair damsels • home; . though tural Society will be held on the • last the occupants were but slightly hurt Priday of this month.. A full list ofehe rig and driver ,suefered • rather badly. prize winners and ridges of, the fele Several Redskins searching for gensing wile be given elsewhere. root, and selltng baskets, . etc,, have pitched in the neighborhood. Much shooting prevailed here on Tbureday and Friday of last week by the rite club for tbe cute. Miss Zella MacDonald, London Oollegtate.s.pent Thankfigiving at home. Thanksgiving services - were conducted by Rev. Mr Small in the Methodist church here on Thursday; the text taken. was "Were there not ten cleansed, but Where are the nine? 3.11aithby has a young son. Miss E. W. Arthur has returned from the Soo. . Noxa. -Geo Simpson 'left last week for Sault Ste Marie, where he has a good position in a store. Dr Alex Mur- dock has ,gone to Muskoka, Where he will practise medicine:his many friends here wish him success. Mrs R. Sowers has returned from visiting her learents in Iowa, Dr A trustrong's sale of hoots. It-goodatonk-placeeresterdire(Thurs-• day) afternoon. W Scott sold his wool Met weekthe had a large quantity of it. Mr Granger, who had his foot hurt some time ago by'a atone falling on it, is elowlyeraproving. •Mrs Geo Hill had a slight operation Perforated on her eyes -keit Week be Des Rogers and Arm- strong. While budding a cement silo Mr Mitchell, near Varna,canae near be- ing killed, 5 feet of the Wall ; Mr Mitchell was in the silo it short time previous. eldre A Metweri, who was very ill last Week, is slowly ineprOvine. REIF Sawere addressed the- W.VA.& ' DEA -mi. -We have to record again the visit of the gam reaper, Death. On Wednesday' the 15th, • Miss M. J. Martin succumbed to an incurable die - ease from which she has euffering. for some time. The funeral was held on Friday to the 'Union Cemetery. The sympathy of..the community goes out ti, her tester, Miss Martin, whom the tleeeased had been ' Heine" with, she was the second daughter of the late Cape Alex ' Martin, of Oakville and Toronto, aged 46 years. Ititerment took place at Bayfield on Friday last, PALL F.Mat.-One more fair has been added to the long list of successful ones to our credit, The prize list will be Ifound elsewhere in the paper. The dif- ferent .events were called off with promptness, and everybody seems to be satisfied with the day's outing. In the evening it concert was given in the town-hall.----Will-Je-Whiterantertainere of Toronto, sang a number of comic songs, which kept the humorous pro- pensity in human nature bubblinp nein W. Glen Campbell, Goderich, favored the audience with several in- strumental solos. Mies Maud Goodwin, Clinton, recited several times in her own inimitable Way and Was heartily encored. . • -, CORRECTIONS. e -On page 2 will be, found the prize list of Beyfleld show. Since it. Was copied, theleecrete.ty 1 ands us the following corrections i- 1 In fruit, G. el. gamine gets 2nd for 20 i oz pippins, instead of Thos. Kings In at Blake on Thursday' evening last - -Mk* denetieftePartforia-2ad-forcotton-: GetieSiimpsotiesolashitedrivingehoreette B. A. Higgins, of Varna. Geo. Hart and wife visited relatives in Guelph last week, Mr ' Murray, • of Egmonds ville, has purchased the AnteVican Rotel, James 41kenbead and wife Porter's Hill visited relatives in London lest week. • , _, ,A.lett Roes hate wolfed into • part of NOTiql.-,Mise Rind% Picliarn under-. Hugh McIntosh's house. Mee Baird is went it very =Rical operation on MOto having the rooms lately occupied by day last; her many friends will be giad the I. 0. O. F. prepared for a dwelling; to hear she is getting along nicely, _ the lEl'orresters will move into the Mrs Goo Mei 0 as been visiting building lately occupied by Mr Delgaty. Mende at Porter's Inland Iltetheiseille,* 'returned to her bottle near Mitchell on Monday last. Miss Amy Cox returned lionte from the North on Saturday. Mr and Mrs O. Johnson, 07, Galtatre 468. iting at S. Pickard's. Rev Mr Yelland will preach a Special sermon to the Chosen Friends in Bethel church On Sunday morning next at 10,80 p.m, ' ashfield Xmas is Coining bating work, instean of M. Brethonr . in pigs A: Ey Westlake gets lst and 2nd for sow 6 months old Berkehireen. stead of C. •Elber, • And whet °tide be Meer Or. Mere appointed thntt for yen to iend your friende reel good Photo of younmdfi - Talton at Alturri. Photo Studio %SAM SOLD, -.The farno of Mr Sohn Murdock, oh the corner of the 2nd Ott., was laet Week bold by auction to Mr n McLean, of /mallow. for $5,100, It Is an excellent farfn 4:1100 Me Murdock Will probably take UP his residence in Lucknove, and spend hie remaining days here; He Will be great- ly missed froro WS part of Ashthilat WEDDING -On Thanksglying Day the home of Peter McGregor wag the inane of a quiet wedding, When his daughter, Lottie, WAS married to R. R. Higginai, of Stanley, relatives of the. contracting parties alone being present. The cerepaony Was performed by Rev R. Balaton,' after ,which supper Avas partaken of, and the evening was spent in social Intercourse. A, long and happy life, Is the Wish of their many Mende, A Gentian englneet has reported that the deposit of Wel at Chelmsford, One, is an. threolte. ' A little boy fumed Cartwright was very leciOnsly binned at Galt while playing with lire. iIntended for las' t w" oe—:, Westfield becnonon.—Yhe anniversary services 14 here on Sunday and Monday last ; were a success, considering the natal' arable weather, etev le Holmes, of Blyth,preached two powerful eernann • I proving himself to be a man of more than ordinary ability.. The sermon by Rev Small; of Auburn, in the evening were much appreciated also. On Mon- day evening a gooditea• was served b the ladies of the church, after whtc two splendid addresses were delivere by Revs -Kennedy, Londeeboro, an Holiness of Blyth. Wile choir of the church rendered efficient service at all services and very ably assisted in th Sunday service by solos. by Mr Milto Tyndall, ofsCarlow. social for th children was held on Vuesday evening at which all enjoyed themselves. Pao ceeds ainOtnitect to $75: Reoeretote-A pleasingt event too place on Thursday eveninglast, wher guest ° to the nuinber of' twenty-five assembled at the home of' Mr and Ur J. N Campbell, tct the reception give t th , Frank, an his bride, vvh were married the previous day at th home of the bride, neer Comber. Th guests spent a very enjoyable event° in games, 'etc., after which, a daint lunch was !served to all present. Th Mr Jas. Sifters Sale. okorpor********************, he Label Tells.' the Date 441044,420/44144*~.440.101044 A more disagreeable day for an out- door sale could not be experienced than fell to the lot of Jae. Snell._ of Hagen Berton stools farm, on Wednesday last. The weather on Tuesday was delightful and, hopes were entertained that Mr Snell would be likewise favored, but the fetes ruled otherwise. With only triflinginterrniesions it rained hard alt E afternoon, and as pelting had to take " place in tbe oven -there being no barn d room for the sale to be conducted In- d doors -the elements, no doubt, had son- elderable lattence on the bidding, as only those who were keenly anxious to e buy would reroain exposed; The pen-' n end impression prevailed that had it e been a line day, it would have been at , lame 6500enore in Mr Snell's favor. " Mrs Snell provided a hot dinner for all who wished to participate thereof, k and @wetly after this had been disposed a of the sale commenced. A fair crowd vvere presentramong the number being s several well-known stockmen from dif- n ferene parts -of the Province. PO Chao- o anoilton, the • well-known auctioneer, e briefly stated.the unfortunate circum - e stances whichtmade the sale neceesare g -the burning.offIldr Snell's buildings er and crop-andthen referred to the ex - e cellence of the stook qtat was_ to be guests left for their home at a reason - ab e hour, -wishing the happy couple a prosperous journey through life. , letares,e-Mies Carrie Slater,of Blyth, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Lillie Carr, a few days tills week. Misses J. an M. illigan, • of Dungannon, wer the guests of their friend, Miss E. Mc Dowell, over Sunday, H. Efeclo, who spent the suinmer here, returned to Michigan on Tuesday last, Misses A. Wighttnan end Alberta Carr are the delegates appointed to the E.L..convete tion in eloderich in the .near future. Mrs Wm Campbell was called to Goder- ich to attend her father, Wm Harrison, telt° had the misfortune to fall front ah apple tree, sustaining serious injury. Mrs 3. Redmond returned from a two weeks' visit to friends -in Michigan on Monday last. - s Varna. SZThIETHING LIKE.—Go Makitie ef near Woodstock, who has been visiting his parents in this neighborhood during the past week,. returned home battle - day.' On Mondity. a Mitch Ow was shipped him, the gift of his father. A gift that should be appreciated. DIED , Tow:rm.-Oa Monday, Oct 20th. at the residence of fins brother, Jameson A.venue, Toronto, Mr. Joseph • Mereevri merchant of Fullerton, in the 7Qth year of his age. A number of years ago Mr :Morrow brought out the store auil businesti Of the tate.J. B. Secord and carried on 'a general store for about 10 years ehe then sold out to ter T. Catena aed moved to Fulleeton. • ••• : NO3.-Mr Jets. Armstrong, bad ' his Thanksgiving tiirkeye at Drumbo with his daughter, Mrs R. WON*, returned . home on Friday morning. Miss' Rachel Beatty spent Thaukegiving with her sister, ,Mrs Woods, of Listowell, and returned home on Monday. Mr Harry Agnew e Wednesday, or dot Mound, with a cat; of apples and a quantity of apple butter; we wish him every success in his venture, • SUDDEN DEATH. -We regret very much to hear Of the very sudden, and unexpected death of Mrs James M. Lainy, of Bey City, Mich. She was in her ordinary health, had been washing and vvas hanging out the clothes. OD the line, when she droped dead. • She is a eider of Mrs Geo Anderson and Me. Sohn Foote, ef Bennoekburn. She leaves, beside . tier hueband, two daughter and a eon,. to mourn the loss Of a -kind and affectionate mother, and it devoted wite : • -Heart .failure was the cause ot her death. KEYS-MoonE WEDDIISG. .- .A very pretty home wedding was. solem- nized at the home of eit and :Mrs Jae. Moore, Brockway, Michigan, -on Tues. day Oct. 14th, 1902, when their only daughter, Miss Nellie,. beearae the bride of Mr Alfred Keys, a prosperous young farther of Greenvvood,Michigan. Immediately at the appointed hour, preceeded •by Elder Derr, while the wedding march, was being played by Mrs 3. Staley, the bridal, party took their place in the front oarlor,beneath a canopy of white:dratted with smilax and pink carnations, where the *Solemn words were said which boiled them together for life. The bride was beautifully dressed in hewn. brocaded Bilk,- trimmed- With White- silk and Chiffon; -mull ing white carnations and ferns, while -the, maid of honor, Mies Emma, Kers, wore castor tolor, carry- ing pink carnations and ferns. • The •grooni,who was attired in the custom- ary black.was ably supported by his cousin, Mr Grime Stanley. of BroWil City.: After the bride and groom had teemed the congratulative* and Wee wishes of the assembled guests, they led the way to the dinning room, where the tables were abuedantly spread with all the delicacies of the eason, thence proceeding to the back .xv.ere_both costiv,raufthtb parlor to behold the bridal gifts, which see usfeer Lee rielipeg in which the young wo the pee* are held. The friends from a istatice were Mr and Mrs H. L. Keys. f Varna, Ont.. Mr and Mrs Ferguson, f Detroit, Mr. and Mrs Moore, of Afroont, Mith.. Mrs Ferguson and aroily and Mr and Mrs Button*, of Lynn. The bridal party drove to Avoca Where they teak the train for a hot Wedding tour in Cheerio, . On re- urning home they will settle down to he sterner realities of life in their beautiful farm residence one mile north and one Mile mutt of Brockway. May their journey down life's pathway e as clotulless as were titeir bridal dreams, , be sold, most of the animals being prize winners of Provincial reputation. Copt T. E. Robson?ex-M. P. P., of North Middlesex, wielded the haMMer, and made the following sales • :— Cows • Atter, HICirEaS. O Q0ee0-336704-roan.aged 6 veers and 8 months, sold to el elate Hamilton. at $470. Is•eFalbaitrtd, _to fetid lo WG Petit &Son, Freeman, for $220. Rialto Primrose-,:ayaltycebdi:elc89610. 10,1897, sold Rosebud -calved, Nov 22,1899, sold to to Tyndall Bros, Hallett, for 8125. Lily Red -calved, Oct lb, 1899,sold to F J Sproule, Markham. for 3200. Bella -calved, Feb 10, I Isold to Mr Att-rile• Goderich for $115, Helena -calved, Jan 10. 1898, sold to W G Smith, Maple Lodgeefor $125. Sunrise -calved, Oct 10, 1901, sold to W G „Petit & Son, for 6100. Louise -calved, Dec 12. 1901, sold to j Wallacott, Kennecott, $200. _ Primrose Pearl -calved Jan 18, ' 1902f sold to 3 Wallacott. for $200. e Rose May -calved, May 10, 1902, sold. to J I Plate for $120. • . Daisy -e788 -calved, Dee go: 1885,sold to W G Petit & Sere for e50. • Bones • • • • Stet of Morning---31879e.calved, Jan 28, 1899, ;eV G Petit &Son, $400, Red Rover -calved, May 1(1, 1002, Jae Cornish, Buffett, $80l _ Bright Star -calved, April 16, 1902, 3' B Lindsey, Gotterich township, $65. . . Clydesdale Stallion Brave Boy -2082 -foaled 1897e W G Petit & Son, $850. A couple of thorobred Leicester Sheep were offered, bet as the bidding was low Mr Snell Withdrevr all these froin sale, . The following thorobreds belonging to W Doherty ,Olinton,were also sOld :- Minnie Irtme-cahved, Jari 16,I892,Jae +ssets . $3,15(10:tOS Bankilepaitinent • • PERSO10.1..-Mise Flick, of Buffalo, Who has been home on a visitoreturned o the Feet on reidey. PROGIteetattei-ePrOf. Linfield, of the Mak State Agricultural College, it former resident of this township, and graduate of the Ontario Agricultdral College,' has ;been appointed to take charge of the State instifttion of Mon- tana. Canadians will distingeleh them,* eivea wherever they go. Efoover. East Wawanosh, 6150. Lovely Mary-talved, Nov.8, 1897,31 Platt $200 • " Red:Bose-calved, M,ay 3L j I Flatt, $170. . ' Roan Beauty-21i914-calved,April 29, .1:17,11 Smith, Hay, $160. A. couple of others, belonging to the same party, offered, were Withdrawn. • 11 per year In advent* tam/ When not so t+-4-t-Seeelfe+++-ete-4-4-4-+.44-e-e.+4:: Bow about a Chamois • Vest or Chest Fto. tector tor this . Whiter. We have justreeeisr. ecl a coraplete assort- ment of Chamois Vests and Chest Pro. teetors all sizes and prie,es, Call and ase them. N. 13, -WA -1100 the Blood an* Nerve Tenie now op sale hen, last day of Sale Nov. thlt. .. R. F. }tee e s l'resoription Deng Store CLINTON , +4-44-4-eseet teft • 1 . Mullett - PERS or ie, pen, visited her daughter, Mrs Gets, Treturnedbompeo nt 0, hdeurr hi not et kime onhodlai dya. y s , and hon DONATiora.-Clne evening hist week Messrs W Farquhar and Hoak, res - 'presenting the farmers on concessiona . 8 and 9, from lot 5 to 26i waited on Mr James Snell, and presented him with, 33 bags of grain. In view of the face that Mr Snell lost all his =pane grata by fire, he appreciates very muck the kindness and. generosity -of his neigh- bors. A Goon Sese.--The sale of Robert McDole, near Welton; en, Wednesday' of last week, was tile best held in this: section for many • years:: horses and - cattle sold at' high prices, adraught • .tnare, With foal three ntonths old at foot, brought the aunt of 8228, and a two year old fitly $185; the other leases brought proportionate prices; a ten: ' months'. old Heretord bule theugh••not eligible for registration, sold fee $81: Hereford heifer two years old brought 6 and a pair of a,eerage epring calves' $44 The implements also sold well. , The total proceeds of the sale amounted' to $2765,, and the entire lot was sold in • Irthan four hoors. T. BrOwn.of Seaforth, was the auctioneer. • • • • • • • • . • • • • The , Sovereign Bank Of 0,110401 Capital Paid ... ' , .- $1,100.000, Reserve. .1rund .. . • $ S10,00(t ' Deposits .... • • SI 560901r • • 1 : "'Ceram STocit,' • • • • Champion-koan bull, valved, Dec 6, 1900,o*ned by H. Snell, Londesbard,Was bought by W. Snell, at $70. : • Revan Hero-423843-pweed by jig Shobbrook, was bid in at $80. •• ' Morning Star-bull,calved Jan 31,1901, owned by W Snell, cold to W Gray, Hullett, at $100t • ' _ • --Evening Star•huil,calvediFeb-28,19t owned by W SnelLsOla to j Thompson, Constance. for $100. " • Watson's choice -two year old bull owned by eieGranger, was bid in Ap $150 • . • Mcitillopis Pride -bull, 8 menthe old, owned by Jas Smith, sold to Jac) Barr, titillate for $85. Dixie D uke-calved, Jan 9,1902, Owned by Geo Snell, sued to T Walker, Wing - ham, at ICA , Prior to the sale, Mr Snell had a, tempting offer from an American for the entire herd, but he declioed to ac- cept it on. the ground that the eteek was all advertised, and it would he un. fair-Ace:ebbe., prospectiee_tuyere to withdraw them. AS it turned out, however, Mr Snell wat the loser by his .fairness, as the price offered was more Stanley Ei.i.BR&TH SCHOOLEXAMINATION.,-v The aDD ual examine UPS of the Sabbath , School in S, S. No 1, Stanley, Was neld on-Thaeltsglying-day in the afternoon. The children were examined in the Shorter Catechism, the Catechism, with proofs, and Bible knowledge. jaw Scott, Eq, of Clinton, .conducted the examination in an able manner and the children acquitted themselves in a very* creditable manner. , Mr Geo Forrest 'gate) a very argiropriate addreseret the close of the examination. The child en were then presented withprizes and re- wards for their 'tem* during the year'.The school will not dame for some gine yet. . • '. GOOD STOCK.Last week er Glenn, of the 4th concession, eeceived, an important addition table stock, be- ing it first-class thoro-bred Leicester • ithearling ram, bought from Whiteley, & Bros, Guelph.- It is one of the best Mr Glenn has ever owned-endhekeep than the total amount realized. °rest at 8 per cent pert annum allowed we deposits of $1 and upwards, from date of cleposit, and competuldedhalf-yearly. ipalyttaedblaetaavyweryhieorwe inratOesan. Drafts bough and sold; .mseey. orders gledliCreelagIIn•exP70114teal, '17 attended to. . • Clinton — Branch .L P EiNrona tdAlliGES% it onl good stock -and is ft full brother to tbe one taking, sweepstakes at the • , Pan-Amencan ' T Inherent. Ith From Our regular oorrespendiust. GoltittorioN.-The first item in last Week's: issue was a serious mistake on the part of the correepondentas that party spent that evening five miles from the place menttoned. • Nolete. -Mee &Pepper enterteined a ,jitecre nem* of youhe peeple to an oyster supper tin-ThifikegleingiiVeiihige Miss N,D1cDonald, who spent the great- er. part of thesummer with her.sister, Mrs W. fetich, Intends remaining for the winter A F Johns spent Thanks- giving holidays at home. The thresh- ing is nearly finished in this neighbor- hood for. the season and the farmers report great yields of grain, Mist. Mc. Ewen, of Stanley, has been engaged as teacher in No 6 school for the. year 1003, and Mise Grant for NO 4. eMr and Mrs Wm Townsend returned telt week from Sagituter,where they spent it week visiting Mrs Newton Crich. Mre W 0 Lendesborough spent Thanksgiving 9.6 the hotne of her mother in Myth, 'Mrs J G 0142h 'returnee home from Port Stanley this wrek,after openaing a few days visiting her brother, Joe Orkh is confined to the house wtth congestion of tbe 'lunge, Mrs Robinson, of St Catharines. Visited her mother, Mrs S. Crich, last week. Chas Crich has gene to Alberta, where he has secured A sits uation, invitations are out for the • weddint Of a young lady, Who is nee unknown in thin neighborhood, Enetta Orich, Walton, spent Sunday With relatives hat. Mee Thos. Townsend iment a few day e last week with Mrs Robert DOuglasi, of Grey, \ itey, r.s. Oaten,Lucknow,is conduct., s big Special sereleee, le HOPe Attack: • Aehlleld. . ,, ' , 11).thilig. 1 i That Fits t 1 . You take no chances of ) , wearing itli ill fitting suit i r or overcoat if you buy t i 20th Century Brand," I Get your proper size and, Ievery garments fits as well as any tailor in the , :land coda make it Ma— / terials and workmanship / are good too. Prices are /. $3.00 to $5.00 less than 1 the same quality made / to order. I 1 Tome and see it 1 HODGENS BROS. sreeeseees.eeseseeee..eeeeeeeeeseeeeeedet