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The Blyth Standard, 1930-04-10, Page 4
PAGE 4—THE BLYTH STANDARE—Apli1 10, an EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS W._'' RENNIE C9 mum TORONTO ALSO AT MONTREAL• VANCOUVER i 4.5.ssrG:• aaa++4+44,4* 4+++++++++++++++++++P+44a++ 4• i TO -NIGHT April 9th t THE OLD ORIGINAL i MUSICAL ECKARDTS +SWISS BELL RiNGERS BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER 4 TON OF MUSICAL NOVELTIES. FEATURING BURNARD ECKARDT Comedian, Musician, Impersonator. NOTE This Company is not connec- tted in any way with a ladies' Orches- tra that went through the country under the name of Eckardts Bell Ringers. Adults 50c. Children 25c 4++444+t++M+++++++i1+++44444+44sta 44.1 *14.1 •4 41. Blyth Council Meeting The regular meeting of Blyth Council Board was held on Monday evening with all the members present and the Reeve in the chair, Minutes read and adopted on motion of Corns, Bell and White. Mr. Lorne Scrimgeour ha. ing complet- ed the Assessment Roll for the year 1930, handed same into clerk with the necessary declaration, and roll came before Council Board, Moved by Coun. Belt, se onded by Coun. Wallace, that we accept assess- ment roll es handed in for the year 1930. —Carried. BILLS AND Accoor;TC J. Ferguson, salary and extras$ 70 75 W. Thue11, salary 40 00 Chas hurling, work. 3 75 Jos. Coulter, work 4 25 A. I-1 Erskine, cartage .... 50 H. McElroy, coke and coal 5 54 Root. Watt, coke and coal. 2 05 J E Taman, work on streets. 10 26 B, Taylor, 2 cords wood for A Turney ,. 9 00 Blyth Telephone account 30 6(1 I I R Elliott, Ins. N pollen Mill201 25 Dunlop Rubber Co., 200 ft hose, 247 00 Hydro Cont. street lights 326 00 " church sheds, & pump 13 50 Donation to Band .. 20 00 L Scrimgeour, assessor's fees 101 30 Moved by Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor Heffron that accounts be paid and orders given for same. Carried. Moved by Councillor White seconded by Councillor Bell that we extend Collec- tor's roll up to April 25, 1930. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hebron seconded by Councillor White that at the request of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board That Corporation of Blyth Tele- phone debenture By-laws from 1912 up to 1921 inclusive, be submitted to that Board for approval and ratification, and that the clerk be empowered and instruct ed to prepare duplicate copies of said By- laws and transmit sane to the Railway Board and that Blyth Municipal Tele- phone System be billed with, and to bear all costs in connection ,.nth the transac- tion Carried. Moved by Councillor White seconded by Councillor Heffron that we now ad- jaurn, The Baptist Congregation are pleased to make known that Mr. Chas Lightfoot sr., a t, of Stratford, will assist in the ver - vice of song, next Sunday, April 13. at 3 o'clock. We all heartily welcome Mr, Lightfoot back to sing for us again. Mr. R. 1i. Robinson spent over Sunday with Ms family at Seaforth. LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Leslie McElroy, of De- troit, were visitors with the former's par- ents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside, of God- erich, visited the latter's mother, Mrs, J. Colclough, on Sunday, Word received from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, stated that Mr. L. J. Wil- liams still continues to improve. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Chowen, of Clin- ton, and Mr. Joho Metcalf, of London, were guests of Frank and Mrs. Metcalf during the week, LOST—On Sunday, March 30th, be- tween Blyth and Auburn, auto tire chain. Finder please reeve at The Standard or with C. Asquith, Auburn. Mrs. Colin Fingland, of Walton, assist- ed the choir of Queen Street Church, on Sunday evehing, rendering a delightful solo; also taking part in a duet with Mr. Wallace. Mr. Blackstone, of Owen Sound, piano and organ tuner, is in town this week. Those desiring the services of Mr. Black- stone, kindly call Miss Herrington. Work guaranteed satisfactory. Mrs Robt. Wightman and Mrs. Alberta Bender received word last week of the death of their aunt, Mrs. Benjamin Chap- man, which took place at Chilliwback, B- C., she having been found dead in her home by a neighbor. That master piece. Harriett Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," will be presented in Memorial Hall on Saturday night, April 12th, by Lincon's Producing Co. It is not a moving picture, Every- body come. Special price 25c, "Wanted a Wife" was presented by the Winthrop Young People. under the auspices of the Y. 1'. S. in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church, on Mon- day evening. Owing to the disagreeable weather there was not a large attendance, but those who were present thoroughly enjcyed the play. which was well present- ed, the characters playing their different parts splendidly. A short synopsis of the play is as follows. "Richard Wilker. by his late uncle s will is heir to $100 000 providing he marry inside of six months, one who can bake, sew, wear long dresses and long hair. Richard's lawyer is consult ed and finally Richard decides to visit has friend idistant friends a ste t town,disguised s rased g as a chauffeur, here he finds out every one wants to marry Richard Wilken on ace count of his money. He falls in love with an old fashioned girl who is willing to take him asa chauffeur, it is then he discloses his identity as Richard Milken. at. TIN CAN MAii, DELIVERY, Regular ('.ommuttlrntion With Nina. Amu Only Twice a Year. The recent volcanic disturbances in he Soul It Pacific, writes Geoffrey I'Mnock, in Piccadilly, have wiped out a village on Ntuafoou—never heard of it, have you? And the map will only show it as a red dot on a blue ocean, pitifully isolated, 340 miles from Tonga and 400 from Fiji. Nlaufoou's coast of coral reefs and jagged hidden nocka is the sailor's bad dream after a thick night ashore. The only regular communication with the Island is by the schooner which comes twice a year from Amer- ica to load the copra, and even on these occasions many days have sometimes to pass before the ships dare approach the treacherous shore. So Niaufoou, led by Mr. Ramsay, has devised its own mail service. Whenever the tourist steamer To- fua passes, sealed tin cans containing the mail and gifts of papers and small edible delicacies aro sent over the side of the ship about a mite from shore, Waiting for it, support- ing themsolvea In the heavy swell by awtmnilng and by the aid of ten -foot bamboo poles, are Mr, Ramsay and two natives. The tits are selhed by the lengths of rope attached. Two black faces and one white face, bob- bing about in the Immense Pacif e, grin and cheer the Tofesa's siren shrills, The tin can mail has been delivered, NEW MARRIAGE LAWS. Stringent Penalties 1Vtll 03e Imposed In Roumania, Heart -breaking will cease to be a popular pastime In Bucharest when Roumanta'a new marriage law comes into force. Dr. Junfan, the Minister of Justice, who has drawn up this formidable new document of mar- riage lame, proposes to punish offen- ders in desertion and breach of pro- mise cases moat severely, For In- stance, huabands or wives who leave home are liable to a fine and to im- prisonment with hard labor for a per- iod varying from three months to a yeas. Stringent penalties against Jilting and Don Juaalam are provided, and In breach of promise eases the return of presents will not be left to the lov er's conscience but to the law, Marriage safeguards will be ex- tended to engagements. An engage- ment ring will receive the same re- spect as a wedding ring, and a g.r' who is tuid that the ururriage is ' will be entitled to carry her fiance' name (hyphenated to her own) until such time as she finds somebody who really wants to marry her. Illegiti- mate children In Roumania will suf- fer no inconvenience under the new law. They will be registered under the name of their father, whom --If they can and hirn—they can force to pay for their education and mainte- nance. Davy Jones' locker, There has been numerous guesses as to the origin of "Davy Jones," says the Montreal Star, It has been said that "Davy" Is connected with "lava," from which we have our "devil." According to Brewer: "Jones" Is a corruption of Jonah, the prophet, who was thrown into the sea. "rocker," lu seaman's phrase, means uuy receptacle for private stores; and "daffy" is a ghost or spir- it among the West Indian negrees. The whole Minnie, "He Is gone to the place of safekeeping, where daffy Jonah was sent," Smollett's "Pere- grine Pickle," chapter 13, says, "This same Davy •Jones, ,according to the mythology of sailors, is the fiend Grit presides over all tie evil spirits of the deep, r,nrt Is seen 1n various shapes Warn,m; the devoted wretch of death and woe." The Flying Snake. A number of wild animals and rep- tiles from Sumatra have been pre- nauted to the London Zoo by lir.A. St. Alban Smith. The collection in- cludes u lour -foot long specimen of the so-called flying snake, an ex- tremely handsome reptile with a brick -red and yellow head, and a green, blue, bronze, and Black body. The snake does not actuary tly, but has a habit of parachuting from one tree to another; Its von',ral surface at the time of "bight" becoming gutty concave, like a plece of bamboo longi- tudinally dissected. The "flying snake," a constrictor feeding on small mammals and lizards, in stight- ly poisonous. Its bite is not fatal to man, Modernized Dlohnnnuedrm, One Mohammedan who Is not per- turbed by the fact that Mohafnmedan women In Jerusalem appeared unveil- ed before the High Commissioner for Palestine is Moulvi Farzand All, Im- am of the London Mosque at South- fields. This Imam, with the kindly face and courteous manner, who still retains the green turban and em- hroldered slippers of the East, main- tains that the Oriental women were granted by Mohammed as much lib- erty as the Englishwoman has to -day, and that the restrictions put upon them are the effect of custom, and have nothing to do with re;igion. Silence In Budapest. The authorities in Budapest, Hun- gary, have decided that all noise 1s disagreeable and reprehensible and must be stopped. it Is 0 penal offence for a boy to sing 00 whistle in the street, and chit (Iron are not allowed to play in the courtyard, corridors or balconies of apartments. 'rhe orders also affect musicians, newsboys, dogs, parrots, peacocks, guinea-fowl, and •her experts in noir=', Weight, leecklazes. Three pounds of stoeie necklaces ware wont t: brae toe threats of Az- tec Indian women, 2,060 years ago in what is now Men_ico. The beads were, usually river poltahod quartz, gran- ite and green serpentine, stones, te- diously drilled w11,1:. 'Hut slivers, Extra miles of non-skid safety in this rugged deep cut trea 1 //7/1 DOMINI The tire of today for the car of today has extra strength where strength is needed; design refinements to meet every crisis. A sensation from their start in the summer of 1929, the Dominion Royals are now standard equipment on many of Canada's finest cars. Put Dominion Royals on your car for safe and trouble-free driving this year ... and next. Dominion Royals are sold and serviced by Canada's greatest tire organization — the Dominion Tire Depot System --each inde- pendent unit distinguished by its blue and orange color scheme. Ti oaN BEST THAT' GROW RYTHING FOR THE GARDEN MW FARM CAfAIAGUE TO INTENDING PtiICHAS W.' RENNiE C9 LIMITED m 5 AT MooRO51 VANCOUVER 'i'O 31011E13NIZt; 11.11100 11. Port of Callao, Peru, to IIs through). Up to Date. The port of Callao, Peru, which has served the ancient city of Lima for 400 years, Is being fully modern- ised and will he completed by the end of this year. All port profits will re- vert to the Government of Peru, 1vith the result, It is hoped, of a general lowering of port rates, the cost of imported goods and the cost of living. Two rock - 1111 breakwaters, about two smiles In Length, are to be con- structed to enclose and protect a basin in which large steamships can dock,. These are being built on a 0011 bottom silt overlying a hard -pan of cemented gravel. The traprock for the breakwaters is brought :rem a quarry about four miles away, where it is blasted by the use of large shots of black powder. As much as forty- five tons ie oval its a eingle month. On an area to be tilled in by dredg- ed material there is being built a bulkheadwharf. Back of this will be erected aleel-fanned warehouses with asbestos roofs. The contract for con- struction calls for dredging the en- tire basin to a depth of thirty-two feet and 'for dredging the main chan- nel to thirty-seven feet, the dredged material being used to Oil in the space between bulkhead wharf and shore. Gdynia, In the Baltic. "What, never heard of Gdynia, In Phe Baltic?" said the insurance man rather haughtily at the club hunch - table. Four of us admitted we netel had, writes "Looker -On" in the Lon- don Daily Chronicle„ Indeed, we threw doubt upon the existence of Ouch a port. Yet he declared he had been effecting insurance on cargoes to it for some time past. We looked up our atlases. No mention of 11. "Ho must have seen the Polish name for Dantzig, which la Gdansk, and got confused," we said. Yet next day he turned up with cuttings about Gdynia from a shipping paper. Five retire ago tt was a fishing village with 300 inhabitants. Now t4 is a fully equipped modern seaport. It Is Po- land's only one. That is why they have been so quick about making lt, The First Mouth -Organ. Although the mouth -organ has been very popular with our young- sters for a very long time—it has been estimated that 50,000,000 are Bold every year—extremely little 1s known about Its origin. Yet there is a romantic story behind it. This story is a favorite with Lord Baden-Powell, Ole uses it to illus- trate the possibilities of boys and youths discovering new thingsa or fm - Proving old ones. He tells how a Ger- man boy was told to get out of the house by his father. The youngster went up to the pigeon -loft, and t1nere, to pass the time, he set to work on an idea that had occurred to him. The result was ih!t he made the 5..at fnout)s oretl. mnmmm ° II 'II' II11 y�p1p „,,,,, uIIIII(I1011iI�N Ililllsontootnmotottoommo" •°m .0 IllUliRIIIOB..... II9lllm MiNllt35u as awmmmunannm�nn, i%NlaNill'dN ull� ION IIlIIIMllllllllllllll� ON 5 Tubes with the NE Is an advanced method of operating the detector tube by which greater current can be applied to it, and stronger speech and music handled with- out chokingor distortion. 71 is -- An Exclusive Feature of the New 1930 (Madel 92) $24200 LUSS TUBES FREE Home :Demonstration --Convenient Terms ELECTRIC RADIO That's why music and speech sweep gloriously through this radio and come flout its Improved Super -Dynamic Speaker,uudimmed and undistorted ... complete, satisfying, true! See, hear and learn for yourself what the new "Humless" Majestic Models will do. Before you decide on any other radio, let us give you a demon. stradon of the Majestic. Ideal r_ 1:, i'11 11':A1'1 aretv 8eif•E i1iing 'I Tea ns 1Pen S/MPLL, RELIABLE .00; ?AI INEXPENSIVE GUARANTEE© 2.730 UTjIwards THE Standard, Busks, Stionery &. s�,etioo Supplkew 731111{, - OW, fi.FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, being lot 21 on the 12th con, of the '1!). of Mullett. 10 acres of bush and pasture. On the farm is situate a gond 1;4 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 50x56 with stone stabling and water in stable. Cement driving shed 50x30 feet. Cr mem hen house. Drilled well. All land in good state of cultivation. Hydro passes the farm. Farm situate 1k miles from Blyth. Twenty-five acres fall Plow' di 3 ar-res fa:I wheat, For particul- ars apply to Fred Austin, R, It. 1, Blyth, FARM FOR SALE 100 aco•e of land, being North ': Lot 411, cr1o.3 b:,tst Wawa,uroh, On the p em ices is situate a good 19 storey framer dwelling; barn 50x00 and 40x00 with stone stabling. Hen house 20x30, driving shed 30x30, all in good repair. One and n half acres good ',earine orchard. The farm is in splendid state of cultivation, well fenced drained end watered. For particulars apply to Walter McCiil, R. R Na. 5, Goderrch. FOR SALE Seed Barley 0. A. C. No. 21.91.00 per bushel. Apply to Leo Watt FOR SALE—Raymond Sewing Mach- inein first-class order. Apply at The Standard. FOI(SALE -- Buckeye incubator, in good condition. cal'tacity 220 eggs. Ap• ply to Mrs: P. Walpei. Phone 1E-'7.