HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-17, Page 8Oeteher 1.741 1902 s, A THE MOTO' NEW EM OUR POLICY.• This store's business policy is to sell reliable mer- chandise at as close prices as is consistent with quality. No matter what the priee inducement, quality is our first and foremost consideration,— No price reduction will tempt us to buy, if quali- ties are not all they should be. You can depend absolutely on what you buy here, and if at any time anything you buy does not turn out to your entire satisf' action let us know about it, and we will gladly makeit right. Quality for quality, we are satisfied to have yau compare our values with any you will get elsewhere. In every de- partment of the store we are ready for fall busi- ness, and whatever,your Dry Goods wants may be, you can sdpply them to profit and advantage if You come here. Black Skirts $1.00 Another lot of our great line of Sateen Skirts at $1.00 just arrived last week. This is the biggest skirt bargain we have given, and they wo-uld be cheap at $1.25 or $1.50 Ladies Black Sateen Underskirts, made from good quality f blaok sateen, bright silky finish, hard or soft quality, fait size, cut in. the newest style% wide flounces% with 4 narrow ruffles, easily AA worth $1.25 and $1.50. Our special price each ..... relettr, Cashmere Hosiery New lines in Fancy 'Silk Embroidered Cashmere Hose came in this week: They are xnarked. at pepular prices,. and are the best values we have ever Shown. . Ladies Caibmere Hose, plain -soft finish, double heels, full fashioned, handsomely embroidered ha silk, these qualities per pair, a5, 59, 60o Two good lines—One.at, 15e, the other at 011e Both are good, yon'll trya long time before you ge t any ti at are better values, unless you pay'n.ore for them than these are marked! . . At Twenty -Five Cents • • -Ladies Cashmere Bose, good weight.soft finish. double heels, witteveas „„. well, ribbed °retain, penpair Xatt• „sisoso,„ At gifty Cents , . Ladieis ali wool Cashmere Bose, vtrY fine quality, soft finish, falland wie- . tar weigh It ribbed er. plain, spite- is edheels, :.:ond eadue, per pses 4.31!C Blankets at $2.50 I-lere is another Blanket bargain, and it is 0, good one. - You are not likely to find another equal to it Fine quality white wool Blankets reavy weight, soft loftifinish, , 4 colnred borders, will sive excellent wear, per pair .. .. . , 4 1 :. • e- ChM:Ire:es Reefers. We have got the prettiest and nattiest Children's Reefers. that have ever been in the store; Judging by the busi- ness we are doing, there'are none to equal. them in town for either style or value, The best tithe to buy them is now, for.the arsortment is better than there is any possi- bility of it being later on ' .' • Natty Reefers and three quarter Coati tor .Cbitdren, tnade froni • frieze and rough cloths, cut' in the very latest style,'.„e• tr, and nicely trisinned, lined or unlined, each esto eol • • . • , • The Millinery - The Millinery business is smashing all past recOrds for October, That our styles aie.eorrect and prices I resson- This week new lines have arrived to take the place. of A able, is proved by the enormous output of our workmen. those sold out, and the stock will be found as complete 1 and assortments as good as early in the sea,sou, American Outing Hats New styles in American Outing Hats. Imported by ourselves direct from the American Millinery markets.— Shapes that are decidedly new, and that yon will not find duplicated in anv store hereabouts, Not many of any one kind. All the fashionable colors. Come in and see i them. Prices $2, $2.50 and $8. 1 —'c--- J_.___,.•__________-; •110dgens ros 3 $ Clinton II 20th Century Overcoat noun FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1902, rt 1.04.1”14.11.NRANPOWA, . I/00AL NOTItAES, Pears Wanted.-Carieetett BMW., Clinton. We are stint leading in anger by selling Pale price to make room f4r011X next car. rte.:teeth% tiranulatb ed elow Irivegfivl.aroZ:s. UM, aDOOtate ACENO ATLEDGMENT. -- We un• derstand that Mr Andrew Taylor has received his total disability claim of $500 from the Independent Order of Foresters, through Ur Chas lielyarjr.; be also received WO from the same or- ganization a abort. time Ago for sick benette,aed naturally feels very grate- ful to this oociety,vvhich, has been very considerate to his interests. 1WSTLIN9.—D. tiautelon, with his able assistant, went to Gorlerich last Friday morning and loaded a Car Of apples, from there they went to Sea forth arid did the same, and left for Brumfield the flame evening to pack two more cars. This is hustling. This practically winds ino the fall appleo tar as shipments are concerned M Cantelon says, but the winter apples %sill be coming in right away. RETURNING OFFICER, —We un- derstand that the gentleman who will act as Returning _Officer for the Refer. endurn, in West -Boron, is Mr Newton Campbell, of Westfield. The. appoin t- ment is an admirable one, for while Mr Oampbellis a temperance man he will perform his duties with strict impartial- ity. Tbe selection of Mr Campbell does credit to Mr M. G. gaineron, M. P. P. _,RE IS LOOXINP BETTER—J. W, King, who went out to the Northwest some six weeks ago, foe the'benefit of his health, returned last Fride,y, Jok- ing as though the climate 'of our west, - ern fields agreed with him; he brought back What ha went irrseareh of, 13e has gained thirteen pounds, and feels sa well as ever he did. He speaks in &tying terms of the Turtle Mountain onittict, in which he visited With Mrs King's relatives,. and ear! that part of Ma,nitp* Cfat0 live in as 0 atar io • 0 A 'OOD HA e-Sevetal articles have appeered the last few Weeks in reference to the Mullin* cif large loads bY diffSrent parties, but we have yet t rbear of one thqt equals this. A week ego last Friday 11, Omer heuled for John Rensford a loa,c1 of stove coal, Weighing 6080 pouncls,from tioderich to Stapleton This :is over .3 tone ;in weight, and was drawn by one team of horses. A span of horses that can'draw this amount over the bills that lie he. ,tweeti here and Goderich ls enviable and it is just midi home that are coin: triauding the top prices in the market , . .,MARRIED Al, PETNOLIAs—Pete fibee, 'of to,en, actouroanied hY tw of his thild.ren, attended the marriag of his brotherPaul, e.vhith toOk place r, et. It is ariaaged in cage apartments, o • one above. the saltier ef a, foot deeto, Z..W. Langford has sold one of hie pewee to Mr Jatnieeoli, Londeehoro, Miss Elsie Dowser left for New :York on Monday. where she takes her pest graduate course tie aurae. The Alleges tithe entertained a Mine, be of their lady friende to a promo - sive card party this Wetineeday even- t Uoder the Weldon heading appears the announcement ot the marriage of bffee Alice Stout, formerly a teacher of Clinton Model School, • OW. Rove has placed pianos in the following home s of late:—J Sterling and O. Witte *quare pianos, and a plane -cased. organ with W. Stewart, of Mullett, We were in error test week in. an. nounelug in advettlaertient, that a Court of Revi6ion for the voters' list, would be held here on the I7th inst. It should have been the 17th of Nov. J. B. Rumball has 'been . appointed issuer of' Marriage Licenses by the Pro- vincial Secretary, Anyone needing one of these useful articles will find, Mr Rumball ever ready to eupply their need. Owing to the lit health of his wife,Mr Sibley has found it necessary to give up housekeeping, and Mr Atkinson, man- ager for Rowe& flolloway. has rented the cottage on Princess street, at pre- sent occupied byellfr Sibley. W. Mason went to Toronto Monday' with a car Of beef ate' Oants lon and Fitzsimons shipped a car of hogs each. S. 11. Smith .and Blyth, also shipped a car load of cattle each; Mr Smith accorapanied his to the.Tor, onto maiket.. Stewart Seymour had the misfortune to cut the inside of his right foot while chopping wood last Saturday evening, which will laytim UP from hid labors for some time. He had to have several stitches put in to draw the lips of the wound together. Joe. Allaneon, eur wen -known gar- dener, took the prize at Blyth fair last week for collection of garden produce. Be had over 300 varieties in his exhibit, which is more than twice as many as vvete in a similar exhibit at the West. ern Pair. Joe generally "gets there.” 'Col. Hoare has on exhibition in his show itooms twe of the .prize winning pianos of the Industrial exhibition, Toronto. One is a Newcombe and the other a Bell. They haves beautifurrich Mahogany case and also possess what is called an "alimitable" action, where- by a conttent striking' tone can be had by the slightest movement nf the digit that is being used in playing, ' '• A rather odd car went down the line Toesday„ afternoon it, the shape of a live poult ry car. lt belongs to the Chicago Poultry .Procluce Co, and is lip in this section gathering up ducks, geese and turkeys for that eity's mar - NOTES Jae Snell ehipped a fine Leicester ewe to I. Parnelli, Lepoorville, Que., ort gondol,. The red. Beamoville preeeed brick heti arrived on the ecene foe ow, new post' office. Two Mateyo of Charity were in town ealicitirg aid in behalf of St Joaeph'e In pi on, On Tueoday. One of our bakers bad to go out in the country Monday to hunt up enough wood to keep his h ike ovengoing. Afr John Bell Was called to Blyth on Tuesday, nwing to the Illnees of hie mother,whoee advanced yearspreclude .1:0110h prospect of her recovery. The trackman from Goderich „down are WRY this week laying ties below Paris. The 0, T. R. Is repairing and double tracking part of the main line, A fair sample of what the Pea crop has degenerated into can be loon at tbe elevator, not more than one pea in ten being lit for domestic purposes. I0. Mcbarvai7if town, arid .A..710117, of Stanley, two of the beet horsemen in the province, were judges of light and heavy horses respectively, at Dun- gannon on Friday, Davis St Howland have Put in NOW Heeler coal furnaces in the English and Baptist churchee and in the homes of Ed Stanley an , rs ge gridge, of town. ler G Ernest Holmes leaves on the . 29th of Oct, for tt two weeks' deer hunt in the district of Thessalon. We hope he may be successful in felling the law's limit of deer, so he vvill have enougla to give hie friends a taste On hitt return. " half car Wide by eight!li long. in that town of VIrednesclity, to Alie Lizzie 13i1arida. The ceremony wa performed ay Rsv, Fr. Gnaw, Wyom ing ; pet Pr Ye.0? *e 4 ,fficiated as grunt -ns Man, while the bidden:mid was Mis Stapteten; of 'Detroit, it number o guesiti from Deircift and elsewhere be ing preeent. The wedding fest with. were carried on • in aecordente with S video uern.es, and. Meted for eeverit days. 3Ir Yesbee and bride came t Clinton on their wedding tom; .fti• may take up their permanent aliod her. • ' • ' ; • • DID SO VIE FISIIING.—Our towns- , man, MrD 13 Kennedy, who has been • • s ' John Smith, our w41 knotvis towns - s snan, soonest ee ii eStn hirthday �n Saturday last. • He firet saw the. light ,• of chi y iri Burreighliv, York, Bag:land. 4, and has been a. resident Of Clinton fOr f 45 years: filet be is More active than ready of his 'jut:hire may he gathered s. from the fact', that b'Esia abOut the floet man up in. the Morning, and pretty neatly the Net Man to bed •at:night ,He !milts' to he good for et leant 25 Years d 'yet, and we are Auras his many friends O pin ins in wishing thatbe may hasps-- ehilv them. • — • spending a few days with his brother- ' 7 - -.7 , • it .13AV„TftS 0 •Irsop. near Oaledonie„ re: (ILIN'1100.k S , turned Monday and brought back with • . ' GRFATEST • hina some large fish. Iin a coople of h .nre 'they speared and fished IO „ ''' rillsOrt.ING4 beau tiee ;porno carp weighing lbs Phi Pirtn g the p4u.lar game, for fall and winter evenings.' Fcas who play tennis out doors want ping pang for indoors, Alt you needs the dining room table, a little skill, end good company. We have tido week received new stock, and now have all the various styles at fairest prices. 85e, Si, $1.1.5, $1,25, $2.251$2.50 Extra Wood Racquets, 12e Extra, Balls, • -- 5e The NIT. D. FAIR 00. - Clinton arnination for entrance into the milit- intending candidates that the next ex. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best." xr is notified for the information of ary college will be held at bead quarters ot the several military districte end, att Ottawa on the second Tuesdtty May, 1903, Our farmers who are holding their tvood back in the hope of ger. mg an- thracite coal prices will be willing to take quarter of it before long, and we would advise them to haul it in as rap- idly as possible, vvhile it Is $3 per single cord of stove wood, Last Saturday evening the people on aur Streets were well looked after spit, itually. the Army, occupying the mar- ket square, and. Thos. Somerville, a Brethren preachenfrom Brautford, en- tertaining it large number a,t New. conahe's corner. . • We arein receipt of a prograrn of the 37th annual Provincial Convention of the Sibbath .School Association, which will be held at St. Thomas on Tuesday, Wednesday anci,Thursclay of next week. Some excellent subjects are •tg be dismissed and lectures .given by noted ,workere. We are sorry to learn that Mist Maggie Washington. and Nags 13essie Porter ape confined to the house with congestion of the lungs. ' These ,two ladieseeidently had too much on their shoeldera in having to meet all trains ,durtng the convention o" I let week. tantiss.Porter has eince reeuvered I • Cantelon Bros. .have shipped since laet Thursday 10,1100 Ihs of Al butter •: and $000 dczert of eggs. There seems .1.to be a scarcity of first-claes" butter I among storekeepers, but the above amount sent out by that firm, does not idicate that there should be ' Of, the ; inferior, grades of butter there is plenty olfered.but no dennanci.f6r it. and there is no eecusto for t anyone turning out any tning font what is No. 1 with alit:tie ear?, It repay mekers for, the ex - 1'a tune taken in doing so. set 1110011/0111900111111100111111611110•111 • ...,..-1V0*..ifI5IL:G.-(!).0p5.. * Taylor & Sons Our stook for the PALL TRADS is 1 now complete. We haye all the latest styles, which, we now offer at very 'close prices for cash. • . 3 StECIAL VALVES IN e ' - LONG Boors • Also sole agents in Clinton for the celebrated GRANBY RUBBERS — which have stood the- test They are the best in the rneaket, Try a pair and be convinced, • • A calf solicited. We sell everything in aluDERN FOOTWEAR. Ora stock is egaalled by few antlexcelled by none . ' i. .' We are sole agents in Clinton for We shall be Pleased to Atte *You our ' ., the KANT KRACE. RUBBERS —. steels and giye yen our prieee. It reiaphtsam money in ycar tacieket, . 3 every'pair.guaranteed • Ilg Cash eatcl one Pelee We willnotbe undersold .Eggs taken as cash. 'I so 1 i 2 . W Taylor.8e,l'Son — Olinton •I !2 • -. • - i' 1 igusissetsesteesesi•tasseeet604141084960439416316.esehtsseass i I . The Attractions of this Store are its low prices were brought out, se well as a nu herESTABLIS ' of fine pke,weighing from 3 to 5 lbs each. He also•alteoded the Caledonia fair, at which 12Seni people Were in at- • tendence. The \ Ilaldimand Old Boys. from Toroato ran an exeursion to that point, which helped 1;0 Swell the num. bers, Mr Kennedy says .that he inet spree friericis that he had not seen in 'forty yeers,and still oweshie allegiance .to tha,c county which gave bins btt TELLS SOME 'A.TALES,-414;,. Mr Turribiilt God .1 eh viz, 0 hap been up to Kineardtne assisting his step -son topark his household goods previous to moving to Petrolea, stepped ofr here Satorclay morning rola spent the day at the Rectory. In conversation with Mr Turnbull he tells some sorrowful toles in connection with the drownieg. accident that occurred it Kincardine last Wednesday nignts. He was an eye -witness of the heart-rending scene and aesisted tne young men iti manning the boat which went on its ill-fated trip of assistance, never to return, They had reached the ler& boat in safety after riding ;waves. from ten to twenty feet high and had got the boaes crevirn their :tittle skiff, when a heayy waye from vein dwar d struck them,tear- ing a large hole in the steamer and swamping the little boat. APPLE • NOTES. ---The scarcity of good anples in the neighborhood of Blytb ca,n toe seen from the feet that matte two barrels of applee have been shipped from that station. %'e were More fortunate in this part for our shipper, D. Clantelon was able to get upwards of 1000 barrels, and an abun- danee of apples. This week save the last of fail apples, and there has been'a great rush, of these apples to the Ens- lish matiketoeuSing a cut the prices. rom this section Alone 1000 tariels m aye been put, on the arke At iverpotl, Glirsgo;v. London, or whet. eve:they arereonteigned-tre----tiln-roms- missioners, who have been notified of (he shipment by wire as soon as they leave this cotnatry, put them on the 3 arket by mintiest and have thorn sold by the time they get. to theit destine.. Mini. A commission of a penny an hour is ileducted for 'the use of the sale rooms, d 'ring the time they were being We is Overc$)at for ,••' 11; W th' are faultless, and no ina,A, could tell it from a readtlb- order garment You save ' from $5 $8.00 to ,00 buying it here • 44, Men's' Overcoats, tootle from all Wool twilled Cheviot, fly front, velvet eolitsr, Mohair sleeve lining, lined throur,hout With heavy twilled Italtan, 813 good mss MOM ati a meats to order that wonla oat yon $18 or $20, we mil you Pant Bargain I le3i the omit . . cbil uctioned Mi. MEETS "WITH AN ACCIDENT... - envy W. Steep, who it a member, Of he Steen Enabossing Co., of Toronto, son.in.htw Of John Jackson, and a ("hew of Henry Steep, of town, met oId; what is likely to prove a fatal ac - Went. He Was evidently on his Way. owe on Saturday evening when the ac - dent happened. He was riding on the tick platform of a street car, and at a oint where there feta slight curve in t Wrack he leaned over the railing and Was struck by another Cat going the opposite way, He was. removed in An ambulance to (bit Emergency Respite), where the doctors attended to him. It - is net known Whether his Wadi is teat4 toyed or not, but be was still nocon. 601011g, MP Steep WAS not recognized „until Monday womb g, when Hs wife ' WAS notified, Mrs Steep wee severely affeeled when the heard of what had happened to her husband, and arrived at his side to and him tinconeeloue. 1 : The Mende here Were befitted by ,nhotie Monday evening, tela on going to 619'We tem that he is still imeonsoioue . pre t *oboe loveliest new entertained for hit recloVery A bargain' in MEWL'S pants P that4s oasil tr one of the best we ever had. . moros Pants made from heavy sit weal Cenaclien Weirdo, welt ramie, put- the, thing forworking limits, will give excel- lent wear, our epecial bargain es glk at Per Pile 6.4 • • . .. . 6. 911Attn, a • ravellers - CLINTON'S 'GREATEST FCRNISIIING ESTAIILISIIRENT • . . and VERITABLE NA -APS FOR UNDERWEAR BUVERS--:Read carefully .this advertisement. YOU can depend on getting goods exactly; as advertised. SATURDAY, OOT. '18, We connnence OUR SAMPLE SALE • OF MEN'S FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR • • . . . „ 590.. •pieces :'` of Men's 'and::'leece4ined Shirts and Drawers.. :All .samples, different sizes, to be.Sold.at about h0,f regular.. price: - : , • • ..• . . THE REASON WHY, WE MAKE 'MIS SPECIAL SALE—is that a large Montreal Wholesale 1101183having---no-lurther need of these Fall and Winter samples, mold them tO•us very low, as the orders for the winter trade are now all taken, and as it is a well known. fact that every wholesale house mustnecessarily lose many thousands of dollars every season on samples, as they cannot he put in regular stock, as there is no cor:Wete range of lines -or sizes. So on thi4 account we are able to give our numerous customers an opportunity of buying their Winter Underclothing at about 'one-half regular price. As they are all different prices it is impossible t� give you a complete liat of orieca, but here's a few to give you an idea_ of what Is in. . • store for you at this GREAT SAmrix SALE, 0111 UNDERWRill. • . • • 50 pair of odd Drawers,. fancy 2-5731.411ente'tine-----Iehi)aitedl „Mot of, Men's PArlli-cweo.ioluSveetch strip ei good fall welght,-- Natural Weol Undershirts— vino Undershirts. We have Knit Drawers, winter weighi worth 40e each worth from $1.50 to V?, each sold a lot of these ourselves and very warm, undyed,— for $1.50 • worth 75c each • Sample Sale / ttr Sample Sale nor? • 'SI' alliPla Okr,, 4 Sample Sale 4 g2,4 Price &tvk? r Price 7i° price • 0•00001.1.00 • • •• " 000.•••••00.10 • • • • • .1 • 25 pairs of a number of differ- ent lines of All -Wool Un - shrinkable thistle Drawers, perfect fitting and worth 75c and $1. • stimpiesril: 59 rc., JACKSON BROS. ALWAYS SIVE • V0111 MONET ON TOIIR FURNISMINCIS A. lot of Fleece Lined Under- shirts, all different colors, only 3 and, 4 of a pattern, worth wholesale $7.50 and $9 a. dozen. Sample Sale 4140 ?rite 117•1, 38 Scotch Lana Wool, Pure imported stock, undyed,dou- ble-brea,sted and t:leub le -back egttlar wholesale price $18 a ntozen Sample Saleelll Pyle() 'lit* vv • If at a distance order by mail 53 sample Shirts and Drawers, Wright's .ramous Health brand, aitlerent colors, beau- tifully trimmed. Our rev., lar price is $5 per suit, • " Sample Sale ti A di Price, each 'P1. .I.ACKSON BRO. ALWAYS SACK YOU MONEY JACKSON EROS,. Whitton ON "TOM UNDERWEAR 0