HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-17, Page 5•
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fo' 4
Ifo3 #
Iniefittirif Shoe
Is ur comfortable. whether t e wearer
Walks, Sits .or Stands.
Hagar Shoes
Are not uneomfortaVie
They Fit Well—Look Well—Wear Well
We carry a in stock 25 different styles this make of Shoes
giving you a splendid variety to choose from. ,
The prices range from $3,00 to $5.00. ,
No Shoddy—No Paper Soles.
Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes.
A. Glorious Big
Bargain Event
A royal time for those who need or who will need
clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats,
Boys' .Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants.
Our Whole ClOthing Stock will he offered
at a special discount of 20 per cent
The object of this sale is to sell out this season's
clothing before our new goods arrive. We never
carry one season's goods into the next season. All
goods charged during this, sale will be charged at
regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale
prices Our (roods are marked in plain figures—
deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price
for cash only during the sale.
• Men's Suits.
Men's 5.00 suits now pis••••••••••• 4.00
Men's 6 00 4 80
Men's 800 ” "
Men's 10 00 " "
Men's 12 00 •" "
• •'• • 4.• • •.• • • ••••• • 6.L0.
!•••*•• a•• r".•-•• • • •,•-• -8 (.00
.• • • e's •.• • •••-•• 9 60"
Boys Suits
. Boys' 1.50 suits llOW • : . , . .120.
, Boys200 :" . ........ ......; ..... 1 60 '
Boys' 250 li ••41 ': en• .s. • • 8. • • • . • •• fil IP • ' 200 • ;
Boyle 300 ," • . 0. .- ....,............. 2.40 ' •
Boys'. 400.. " . '...P.. • ••..,...
•••.7.....•.,3 20 .
. Boys' 5 00 " 4.6 ' ..' . • • .... ..., ' . : .ti it • ., 4 00 .
'Bays' odd pants • .... .. .. .. ...., -. • ... . 40 .
Men's Overcoats
Men's 5 00 Overcoats now. ... 4'00
Men's 6 00 " • ••• • • 4 80
Men'sr8 00 " O. • • • • • a. • 6 40
. . . • _8,00'.
Men' i 10 00
Men'a 12 ti0
ft .
• • • •-• • • 9..60
BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea. Jacket's reduced '
in same.proPertion.
All fur goods iit alasolute.eost—Fur. Caps, .Coats,
Cellars, Gloves, Mitts.and HeavyUnderclothing7 ..
. .
Thos. Jackson, Sr.,
Victoria Block, CLINTON
kor a Correct Hair Cut
Where you get it °leen towel used
on,your We itod everything free
frora septic condition, go to
E. Munro, Tonsonial Parlor
Sloane Meek, eunton.
Clinton Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to the Vnter's List ,Act, by His
Honor the Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron, in the Council Chamber,
Clinton, Friday, Nov. 17, 1002, at 10 it. in., to
hear and determine the, several complaints
Or errors and omissions tn the Voter*. list
of the Muniopeilty a Wilton, for 1902. All
versons having busineeS a* the I.: nut are re-
quired to attend at the said time atad place,
Dated the 9th day of October. 1902.
W61000ATS, Clerk of the saki Municipality.
Notice to Creuitors
In The Matter Of 'Me Estate of Raert
!thick late of the Township of East Waw.
anosk, in the County of Huron, Farmer,
Notice is herein' given pursuant to R. S. 0
1897, cap. 129, that all oreditore and others .
havicg claims against the estate of the said
Robert Muteh, who died on or about the 29th
day ot July, 1902, are required on or before the
26th day of October 1902, to Head by post pre-
paid or deliver to Messrs Dickinson & Garrow,
of the town of Goderich, Solicitors for the ex-
ecutors of the last will of the said deceased,
their christian and surnamee, addresses and
descriptions, the full particulars of their
aancer hltau abnydthtehme.natures ot the securities, if
And farther take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said exeoutor, will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled there -to havin -
regard only 10 the claims of which they shal
then have notice, and that the said executor
will not bailable for the said assets or any
part thereof to any.person or persons of whose
chime notice shall xot have been received by
trem at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for J. W. Match, W . W. Mutch and
• D. E. Munro, Exeoutore.
Dated the 27th day of September 1902.
We want as many rarm-
ers as can make it conven-
ient to come itand take a
•ulated angel., as we are a
barrel ef Redpath's Gran -
5 crowded with it,and some• !di
of our friends complain, o
if we store it cin the street, h
SO we will sell., it for $3.85
per hundred lbs, by the • °
barrel, to make room for 0
our next ear, a
Of course, we will deliver 11
it any place in town. 1,0'
entarto 0. E. 01110114
In the course of pereenel interview
with A. T. Cooper, of town, the efficien
Secretary of the Ontario O. E. 'Union, who
attended the convention, he give us the
OLA.ItK-In Morrie, Oct, let, telar end
Mr e 1.hoe, Clark, a daughter,
t 8MALLDO1N-In Grey, Sept, 29t1*, to
Ur end hire Wm. Srualldoo, a deughter.
Logun,Sept. 2$1h,t0 M
and -Mrs W J Mollenzle, a son
FERGUSON,-In,Ethel. Oot, 5th, to D
following information conoerning it:
This province hall held some wonderitil
conventions, but the 14th annual gathering
i* and We FergaSOP, 13012.
, QSBALDESTON-In Railando, Oal.,ort
Oot. 8th, to Mr and Mrs Audrey Osbaldes.
of Ontario Christian Endeavorere, held e
Ottawa from Oak 7 to 10, will rank beside
the beet of them for inspiration and mettle
help. Ottawa is an i.leal spot for such a
gathering. The hospitable home, engine
iastio young Christians, open clittrehes
and the many attraction e of the capita
city, appealed to the Endeavorere au an
ideal tone and place to spend their yaoation,
Bev C. W. Gordon (Ralph 'Connor) was
one of the principal attractions, and when
introduced to the Convention, was received
with immense applauee. In opening he
said that Christian Endeavor was the
greateet religions force among the young
people of to -day, and it was a pletteure for
him to come from the great Canadian
Northwest, and sash the Endeavorers God
speed in their work "For Christ and the
Choral. 1" Ere has no hope ef Canada's
future uniese it young men are congeorated
Christians, lie epoke of the great neceesity
of a Christian ;foundation for princess in
any avooaro 1. To make men feel, amid
•all the influences playing upon their hearts
to -day, that it is essential that they should
acknowledge the Supreme Master, is the
paramount object of Christian workers.
Whatever a man may be, whatever hie
position or businese, whether he he a Ohne-
Manor not, he should /aave righteousness.
It ie not the keeping of the rules of a eoun-
tfy, church or society which inalies bins
n ht, bit what he doos aa right in th
eight of God.
The Christian stands for 13umitn love -
not necessarily Divine love -but human,
for God (Teak' not by angels bat by men,
A great love must be at the back of the
Chriatian Endeavor movement to do any-
thing to bring men to God. The man who
is out and oat, who will do the etraight
thing in snort, or any other place, is the
man who will win.
Another .excellent address given by
Ralph Connor was entitled "The Chivalry
of Christ," in whioh he set up the highest
ideals before Christian Endeayorere.
Rev Dr Vrancis E. Olarke, the founder
of the Christian Endeavor movement, was
a welcome visitor, and it is safe to flay that
no other personage in the ranke of Chris-
tian Endeavor the world over, is so highly
esteemed as this man of. God. He is a
Canadian by birth, having been born in the
town of Aylmer, a few miles north of
Ottawa, on the Quebec side; and one of the
fternoons was spent by Dr Clarke, with
is wife and daughter, and the attending
elegates, in visiting his old home, called
harry Cottage, where a short service was
eld, and also in the little abort& where he
worshipped as a boy with his mother, long
einee.gone to glory. It war fitting on that
mama that Dr Clarke should. unveil a.
memorial -window placed in 'tlie
huroh in memory of his father, mother
nd brother. • °
Dr. W; A. Weekri, Toronto,made a splen -
id impression on the delegates by his .1
houghtf al and able addreeses. In one of
is addresses he delivered the following
hiking sentences :- • •
"We cannot touch a Iranian soul save by
he power of the Orogeof Christ." "Chriel'e
ufferAinrti it7sonnor organization
iant °ea:erg:1.9';
a like an engine •v.ithout steam." "I
ould rather be beaten fighting ,for Christ
October 17th,1903
:4111114110.11111111114) 041101111041111(0110011114111100
r IL-V-91C9E1.
ten, (nee Adelaide Fergueen) a son.
1 and Mrs A., W. White (nee Miss Nettie
, WHITE -In Brantford, Odt. 2nd, to DIr pi Growing Irinnte
• .
W.•T. O'Neil
•9ut telebone mber ie 48 •w
han win fighting -against Him."
.fames Snell's Dispersion I
Sale of Shorthorns, Cly-
desdales and Leicesters.
ervioe is a volunteer service:* "Rational-
e& offers us a Christ 'without a arose.
Romanian a cross withent a Ohriet '* "The
rowning glory of the throne of God is the
roes of Christ." "Why do Christ=
cierice and a thoueand other humbugs run'
iot through:oar country? ljnet because
he Christian people do not know their
Rev A. L. goggle,' Toronto, was another
ery popular speaker, because of his pointed
nd praotioel remarks, as was also Rev. T.
A. Moore, Hamilton. .Rev. D. D. Chown.
Toronto; the new Temperance Superinten,
ent of the Methodist •cherob, gave two
*aid addrenses as his opening *mai paign,
n behalf of this movement which the En-
eavorers have tio elate to their.hearts. •
TheJunior rally was of Special impor.
Mice as the large Russel Theatre, capable
f hold* frcm three to four tlionsand peo-
le, waiiissie 3 ,to utmoet c OtteitY, whiie'
he exercise, "The Junior's love of 'coon-
ry" was given by about two hundred of the
Ottawa boys and girls. The inspiring
Musio,the happy faces, and the' enthusiasm
f the young people; inipreseed upon • tfie
elegates a scene long to be remembered.
The quiet hour services, as • led by De.
()lake, were timed deep spiritual refresh;
IIR, and showed clearly the Eadeavoiere
ad not forgotten the essential principles of
his -great movement. •
The evening meetings of the oonventiOn
ere held in the Dominion Methodist and
Komi Presbyterian ohurahes, and the large
udiences that gathered Ware wonderful
nspiration to the speakersand visiting dole-
• 7.-'7.- • . . . r
The announcement by Mr Janies Snell of 'Hui- t
lett, Ont_ Of thedispersion sale, on Oct 22nd, of
his entire. "Mayne Barton' herd of Shorthorns
and Kook of Leicester sheep, should receiVe the
attention 'of all interested in the improvement' v
• of live Mick in these lines - The sale is impera- a
tive and will be unreserved, °Wing to the de- .-
.strnntion of lall the barns and stfiblea by ilre. ,
li .. Shortheruherdhasbeenestablishediover
80' years, the foundation stock having been of *a
excellent . material and its quality maintained .„
andimproyed by the continuous use of high- 7
class balls of themes& approyed breeding Both 1
cattle mid sheep from the herd and lie& havo. d
made a right good record for manyyears in the
,prize lists at leading Mire in Ontario, while the ,.
Leicesters shown from this Rook at the•World's ,, b
Fair in Chmago were very sueoesesul in their: ' o
winnings. •• -A. . . ,.,
The majority of the Cattle are deScendecIfrom - r
the cow, Strawberry, the first ._ptirehred co* b
Purchased by Humphrey Snell &Soils from john . 4
Snell 'ea Sons, of Snalgreye. She was a success-
. full show dow, low -set and thick-fleshed,sited by
' Imp. Cobden, whO was of the same type, a son
of Imp. Jenny Lind,. who , was allist-prize Win. , o
. ner at Provincial eiinbitions.' Strawberry her- d
' self was the iiecend remove from tile imported
. cow; Lady•Jane, by • Sir Walter, a Cow ofiline.
quality and 'character and a very deep milker,
. . a propensity that has,been well maintained in ' i
. her descendants Ihrougn all the generations, b
and it is a very noticeable feature in the_ herd_ ,_
today,' the females of breeding age carrying • v
large and Mrenly balancedudders and all the in-
dications of first-class millterti, some.of thecows w
having records of 60 to 60 lbs of milk daily. This.
family has produced probably as many prize- -
winners at leading Provinceal fairs as any other , a
in' Canada, and members of it have sold.at high i
prices. A cow of this family fed by Mr James ”
Snell, Sold at auction in Iowa last year for $700.' 5
Me sires used in recent years, ancl indeed' for
the last twenty years,have been typical Scotch -
bred bulls, of the low -set. thick -fleshed gm -kited
the entire herd has assumed thus. type of wins-.
ual uniformity. . A bull Which had mach iii -
fluence in fixing this type in the herdaras Vice
Consul, bred by the Isaacs, a son of the deep- '
ribbed, inellow-fleshed Neptune, (imp.) a Rinel-
lar-bred Nonpareil bull. • . Vice Consul's 'dam
was a ItubY Bill, by the 'Cruickshank BrawIth
Bud bull, Golden Crown. He was followed by
New Year, a Watt -bred bull, by Village Hero.
of the grand old Sittytoil Bud familY:and out of
au Uppermin English Lad3rcow, bythe noted
BarmptonHero,Whose bloodbred -prizewinners
Buy your Grajes now:.
Moore's Early Concorde, Niagaras, 30c a basket
From now on we: have in stock Fresh Sausage, Smoked
Hams, Bologna, Spiced ROIL Breakfast Bacon, Tender.
loins, Ham, 'Chicken. Also Poultry
Full line of Breakfast Foods - FORCE, MALTA VITA, QUAKER OATS, CREAM
- •
Try our FAMOUS 250 TEA
P357213i31R, 12[-ELITEILNM
• Successor. to Ogle Cooper it 00
The 'Novelty Bakery
Attend the Best it Pays
'O• rem Oysters
• Weare prepared to serif&
. 14.4beet oyetere either.ebolsed Or rem.. •
We also have canned meat
Yining Duch; Spring
Cornea Beef, Boneless Turkey, al.
ea the beet oakum.
handle the best chocolates
MoOornicks choice Marloaibd a1e0
Pattereone cresols and blunt al.
monde, • ram boo bent alwaye
in etook,.
Xehoice Moak of oranges • and
bananaa ana. all kin&
of frnit in season,
relies/ broa saa cakes akvay
bit hand.
Wedding Cakes a
Ternie atrietiy emir,
1 3 MeClay, Clinton.
Recent' graduates have excepted good
positione at $40, $45, $50 and $60 a
month and a few days ago an applioa
was received offering one of our grad-
uates of lest term a salary of 6800 a ;
year, This is the kind of evidence it
you are looking for as to the hest '
sohool to attend Catalogue free.1
Enter this month if possible
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
arnaug 20
prese00 U
rta f-Mornin -now in -his -4 r f
first -prize winner at Lendonand reserve for the
championship, is also a Watt -bred bull, of the. o
Marr -bred, English Lady tribe, his sire, a Toron-
to first -prize winner, being a ,Scotch -bred bull
of the excellent rizewinting Bracelet family, 8
and his dam by t e great Barmpton Hero whose
Dr. Clark has just returne fromaneig t
months' tour through the different countries
of Europe, and reporte that Christian En-
deavor waet never so (thong, or doing so good
*work as at the present time. He dwelt at
:length on the gullet: of his travels in varieue
lands., He spoke of the spirit of gdod fel-
lowship and harmony which prevailed, and
feat that the seams of it all was the common
Ic?" of the MaatilW.,:ii:kb.:-.4Z.s,e'itil,,;1"i,Yd4eisit4e4
The report h
eport of the General eeretary,
A; T. Cooper,Clinton, showed that clur-
inr±Ile yea r-over..--2000-youn eon' e
have been added to the church, and the
ontributions for church missioios
amounted to $30,000. There were 2,271
°pieties in the union, with over 75,000
The officers elected for the coming year
were ; Dr. V. H. Lyon', Ottawa;
Seo,,. A. T. Cooper, 0 inton , Troas., T. E.
Clendinnere Ottawa.; Vice Presidente„' Dr.
M. St. ele,Tavietook, T. V. Best; Hamilton,
Rev. E. R. Mitt, Ingersoll, Rev. 0. O.
Hehn, Stratford ; Junior Supt., Miss S, M.
Whitworth, BrookVille ; Editor, Rev, A.
Graham, Daneaster ;,,Connoillors, Rev. T.
dam, Imp. Ximulus, was a daughter of the illus -
thew Champion of England who mere than.
any other bull made the Cruickshank herd
tamale the world, over. Star of the Morning •
has also in his breeding the benefit of the pre -
potent blood of Weir of Englishmen, Whose M-
au.enooin tho e'±oht,ion 01 the Upperinilt herd
of Mr Marr was sirhilar and equal to that Of
Champion of Englishmen in the Sittyton herd.
Another family in the Rayne Barton herd which
has had the benefit of the services of these well-
bred bulls is a direct branch of the Renick Rose
of-Sharon-trIberseralthecesfullrbredby--Abrara- -
Renick. of Kentucky, the Cruickshank of this
continent, whose herd. won the admiration of •
Shorthorn breeders ,the world over, selectimis
from it being sOld at prices ranging from $2000
to $4000 each for exportation lo England and
Scotland. An !Atria:tie° number in the eata-
legue is the red 6-year.old cow, Lovely Mary,of
the favorite Oraickehank Lovely family, sired
by King William 21604,by Imp. Ring James,who
was by ReyalJaM6S, out of Maid of Promise 5th
by Gratresend. There are 20 head, of Shorthorns
of different ages.
Rod Hese, a handsome rod 2 -year -01d heifer of
the I evils% family, is a dn.ughter of 19th Prince
of Thule 22172, by an Mario, bY Conqueror,
bred by Hon John Dryden and sired by the
Cruickshank Victoria b1111 InpVonsgarth.
The stack hill Star of°riling' goes in tl o
sale, and in these days of scarcityof flat -elitist;
bulls he is well worth looking after, for it is
doubtful whether there is a :better bull of the
breed in Canada to -day, while his breeding is
unexcelled, and he Sound, vigorous, gentle
Apples Wan e t d
which are sons of Star of Morningaire etrort g,
straight, smooth lot, in. good condition. and
. or_ lourehthaesialrne needed in everY., Part of the eountry
,P_arin and 'Oid provement. of We character of. the
*ApP es. wanted Myralted al htollion, 13rave rioy,to bo sold,
at the. ". , large season this year n districts where many
is a horse of melte' ( eality, and has made a
eiinton Evaporator
• ott and after
• September 15t1, 1902.
TOWN & e s
imported horses are standint. The 2 -year-old
filly, of the same Amity le alto an It xceediegly
gond eue.
The fleelr of teieester sheep ranlis tie one of
the very best in America, and tbe sale after&
an exceptional oopertunity to seeure rams ter
eerviee ora foundation for ti fleck. There faro
fifty Leicester eheep in the fleek.
• The efttalogue In now reedy for (Retribution,
and will be mailed on applies:Hon to Mr .Ttimes
fine% Clinton, Mt, Capt. T. E. Robson ati
nuctioneer,w_illeenduet the tale end eonfIdent..
ly expeete Mg* att(tIl1t121C(1 a farmers and
'breeders at Rayne Darton On Oct 22nd.
Walkerton, G. It. W. Themes, Toronto.
The Palma Trophie
The New York Sun, in a philosophical
editorial on , the Palma trophy contest,
tapir -The British victory, and the ;gen.
eequent removal of the trophy across the
ocean, make it obligatdry- on the Na-
tional Rifle Association of America to
enter a team at Bialey next year. Thief,'
will require a. special fund, which must
be raised by public subscription, for the
association has little • enottglt money
now, itticl will call for special training
of the men from Whom the team will
be thosen. The matches at 13isley are'
shot rather earlier in the year than our
Sea Girt mateliee, so that the latter ellb"
not be depended upon to eupply cligibie
Men for the team. The matter un-
doubtedly will be considered h the
association. at art early date, t is. to
be hoped that arrangements, firiandial
and Otherwise, mat be made for putting
in a team that shall recall the gloriee of
earlier American teazle, both -here and
Smith, of town,) son, 0
DTIRGAN--ArEaRS-IEDIn 13ruseels,eat
. et t e rtandenoe of D 0 Roes,brother-in-law
of the bride, by Rev 0 P Well,
T Dugan, Toronto, to M. it Melidoe6
I youngest daughter 01 13, Aims, Ethel.
8th, at the residence of P Barr, brother -in
law of the bride, by Rev P Musgrave, Wra
Hogg, to Miss Ida Chambers, both of Mo
0SON--00LES-Da StPauro reotorY
Ook 8th, J B Gibson to Mise Selina ,J Coles
WSMITH-In • Guelph, at th
residence of the bride's mother, Oat let, by
Rev Mr Glassford,R M Lowe,Grey, te Ms
'Rebecoa,daughter of Mre 0 Smith,Guelph
a I
Our sales are • growing rapidlY. Every month
this year shows a large increase in sales over the cor-
responding months of last year. But is there any won–
t der, when we sell goods at prices like these:—
.Afen'o heavy wool fleeced Shirtand Drawers, worth 60o, for 45.
Meri's heavy wool Sox, regular 18o, two ',Air for 250.
Ladies fine wool ribbed Elose, searulete feet, good value at 8Co, for 25o,
• White Cotton 37 inohes wide, soft finish, worth 7o, for,5o.
Grey Flannel, plain and twilled, replay 15e, for 1.2io.
Flannelette in light and dark stripes, wide width, very special at 50.
Fancy Field Flannelette in bright and dark colors, suitable for wrappers and
abildren's dresses, worth 8o per yard, for 5o.
Flannelettes in pink, cream and fancy acipes, yard wide, very special at I0o.
• Wrapperettes in fanoy color% and ribbon etripee, a good imilation of Frenols
flannel, worth 1c, for 10e.
Ping Pang Underskirts, in black mercerized eatans, great value at $1.
Wool Bl*nkers, full size at 61.50, $1. 75 and $2.
Fine All Wool Blankets, soft lofty Alibis, fancy colored borders, extra value
at $2 50. $8 and $4, '
Homespun Drees Goode, in black and grey, 56 inches wide, great aline at 50e.
paunnDare0s.s Goods, in grey, brown and navy, very special, at 20o, 25o,
Fancy Blousings in Frenoh flannels, andsilk and wool mixtures infancy rib-
bon Stripes, in waist lengths, no two alike, at 50o, 65o and 75o.
at the Methodist parsonagedatwood,by Rev
Mr Penhall, Elizabeth MeKenzie, to John
Buchanan, both of Elms.
residence of the bride's pa silts, Oct let, by
Rev Mr Abrey,aseieted by Rev D B McRae,
Jno MalviIIe, Logan, t M' d,
ter of Mr and Mrs .1MoNaught, Grey.
DOW. .
MoKINNON-In Blyth, Sept, 30th, Mrs
D B McKinnon, aged 56 years.
STE KUGHAN-In Colborne, Oot 7th,
Janet, wife of Robt Strangban,s,ged 60 yrs,
MORELAND-1n Colborne, Oat 2nd,
t)apt. Pugh Moreland, aged 83 years.
°ASSAD Y -In Gocierich, Oot 501, j F
Camay, M D., aged 57 years. •
TICHROURNE-In Goderich township,
Oot 5th,Alex Tiehbourne,formerly of Chat-
ham, aged 55 yeare. • •
BAILEY -In Blanchard Oct let, Caro-
line,daughter of Chas and Elizabeth Bailey.
t ReOlster.
• On Thursday, Oct:. lath,. at 1 p. m., at.
Di Anrietrong's • residence, Bruoefield,
olearing isle of house hold furniture. Dr
Armetreng, Proprietor, Thos Brown,
On Friday, Oct,17, at Wilson's hotel,
Bruoefield, at 1 olalook, 40 head ef steers
and heifets; terms 11 months credit, with
. 5c,toff the dollar for cash. • Hill 8t Wheat-
ley. Propel' T Brown Ana
On Saturday, Oat. 18th, at .1 p. m.,
J. E. Blaokall's 'Hotel Stook yards, Hen -
sant 20 Western ranch horses, colts and
ponies, Charles Wallis,- Proprietor, Thos
Brown, Auctioneer.. .
• On Monday, Oat, 20th, at 1 te m., lot 18,
oom.14, MeRillop, farm stook and imple-
ments. MRS wirasix, proPrietor,Thos.
Browh,,anotioneer. . •
On Tuesday, Oot 2ist,farm stook and im-
pleniente, lots 13 and 14, con 1, ; Colborne.
VV, Blake, prop.,T. Gundry, snot.
On Thursclev,.0a. 23rd, at, 1 p. tn. sale
of farm kook and implements at lot. 12,
Maitland gon„ Oolborne. A.E. Allin,prsp.,
Thos. Gundry, snot, •• .
Thursday, Oot 23rd, at 1 at, at the
hotel in Auburn, a °beige 100 &ore farra,lot
23, oon 5, Weet VITawancesh,W F Mo..
Cely, prop., Thos Brown, anat.- -
•• Monday. Oot 27th, at 1 p m , lot 41, con
• 5, West ‘6-• awanosh, farm stook and ii3aplee
ments. Roht. Illason; prop., rhos, .Brown,
¬. • • ' • '
, On liatinday, Noy. let, at 1 p. lot 41,
Huron road, Tuokeremith, adjoining Clin-
.ton, farm stook and implements. jno Pic-
kett 'prop., Thee, Brown, suet, ,
tirls Wanted,
6 Girls wanted to take up Machine Operating
Apply to Miss Trews' at the J ORSON MANu-,
A. black waterproof coat with velvet collar,
in Clinton or London road, on Wc dnesday last.
Finder will confer a favor by leaving the.same
at' the NEW ERA. Office.
Hereford Stock.
For sale several head Of Young Rererord,
thoro-bred and fpncle,-dt reasonable prices. •
Get... 17. ,11 W. FARNHAM, Coestaitee.
• Stray Heifers.
---, •
Strayed on the premises pf the undersigned
' on cr about Oe tether let, lot 30, con 2 Stanley
Itoeloqiel;11F. I.V.,11:40dt:Vovvehligpleityc.oli?Lfi
expenses and tame them away.
Oct. 9 tf, WM. TAYLOR ,
Corrected. every Thursday at tern een
Thureday October 16, 1909.
Fall Wheat old 65 new 0 65
• Spring " .. . .. 0 65 a 0 65
. 0.26 a 0 28
Rye .••.•• ••••Pt *1.01 • 0 40 •a 045
Barley . .. . . 0 35 a 035:
.... . .
060 a 0 60,
Flour er ow* 2 15 a 215
Hay • 800 a 900
Sheepskins . 0 25 a 0 50
. No. 1 Green trim.hides 5 00 'a 5 50 • • •
Wood short
McKinnon it Co., Blyth
4,04/041)141111,1041410 ti)000100110011410110(
alai and Wood
Washed4Hac,king Valley
suitable for Ranges
and imall CoaiBurnt.rs
Select .Liimp
Minglewood Marsilon;
suitable. for 0 -rates
and. Cooking,.St,oves
A liraited arnount of Senii-Anthiacite, suit-
able for Self -Feeders and Furnaces. The
'best substitato now to be had for har Coal
Hardvirare House
• Having decided to discontinue the Boot and Shoe Business,
our entire stock is on the market, and until a customer can be
found to purchase all of it, we will ,continue tc sell our im-
mense stock of Boots' and Shoes atsgfeatly reduced prices.
Since introducing till; sale our business as been mcreas–
lig monthly, which is strong evidence that we are giving the
people genuine bargains.
We have in stock BOY'S SCHOOL BOOTS, in calf
grains, as well as heavy grams, from the best makers m Cana-
da, and they are going.at bargain prices.
• , awakens per pair .... :g5:0tg5 i 036 E . Call and • buy a yair Of our FINE DONGOLA gip lace .
, Boots, heavy extension sele, for men. Extra value at $3,on °
Perk, live 4 i
6 50 a 6 5u sale whle they last at $2. • 5,,p :
Pork, drama
• 0 13 a 0 14
• . Eggs per doz.....
' Bu„tter,lotuosbe
0 14 a 0 15
0 14 a ' 0 15 W.6 ' OW keep all sizes in,Men's and Bey's LEGGINGS
' Potatoper busla• 0 25 a 0 30 in light and heavy grain leather. • • '
Dried Apples per lb0 05 a' 0 05
Also a large stook of RUBBERS for:Men Boys Women
6 .6 6
Misses and Children, • .
. .
. . . .
STANBARD ELEVATOR Your life is insured for $100 .from the minute you 'burn .
• .
and get a policy which costs nothing,
• • \ All kind of gram.
wanted, and the highest
prices paid in cash for any
quantity. Call at the Ele-
vator .and see us before
Hanoolds lor Sale
I offer for sale &skittles Mangolde, delivered
in town, at $3 per ton. Order by mail Or tele-
phone. D. A, FORRIIISTER, Clinton, Oat
A peed femoral eervant in family Of' two
Appfy fa MRS, O.- N. DOWDING, care of Miss
.hean, en .1 osephSt.
ht England and Ireland. We °engraft*. .
late the liritieh on their victory, and iviARRIAG,E
hope for batter luck *tine:yes meld
B, Rumba% Clinton,
Jas. Twitchell, -* Clinton
inner Sets.
A little lot of DINNER SETS, bought last May for fin -
,port from England, has arrived, and is placed in stook this
week. The quality is Johnson. Bros—semi-porcelain—the
colorings are Wee, and the gilding and decoration all that can
be desired. .We will be pleasedto have you see thorn.
L. OUIMETTF, Londesboro