HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-17, Page 4• • October 1.7th, 1902. TIIE CLINTON /sEiri ERA ° • osnualiastim Blyth Fair Prise List. 110RbEfit-tfeavy Draught-Broed mare You can Pin Your Faith Thanksgiving Day J Watt or, Tabor:We:dr mere foal, 0 Dale, Jae Chieholtu; horse fool, J Shortreed, D Churobil'. 2 year old foil n 'a i L 'rt. . Thursday October 16 1902 1 J tiiii' a g' • gi ' 1" 5 aw, ortree ; 2 year old filly, Jae Dale, ' tp coats, ski:rts Bought at statione in Canada, and to 'Detroit, Port Niagara Fella and Swamion Bridge,N, Y. Huron, Michigan, Buffalo, . Black Rook, Round trip Collets will be eola between all Jae Reid; 1 yr old gelding, Jae Chisholm; 1 ing, 1as Forrester. ' Agricultural - Brood mare, Jae Chisholm, Ise Leidlaw yr old filly, J S Smith; team roarer: or geld - foal, Min Symington; 2 yr old gelding, Jno et Single Firaterlase Fare, good going Oot. 15th, and 16th, valid tor return until Mon: EliVvaatn% ;At eWamB in= e . a 'or yorelodlidaggse,Idkg, B ONE WAY Exousstons, Butt day, Oot. 20th. l Son, J Armour. General Puree:Be-Brood During the month of °etcher, I& rates mere, Jae Oaronbell; hone foal, Jae Camp - are in effect to pointsn Colorado,Montana, bell; 2 yr old gelding, Joe Fella 1 and 2; 2 i yr old filly, Chas Taylor 1 and 2; 1• yr old Utah; Oregon, California, and Britieh OW. nimbi% BUY. B Corley, Jae Camrbell ; team mares Because they are Better. Because they are Cheaper. What niakes them better? Buy your tickets up Town and avoid or gelding, W McQuillan,Jas Forster the d delat station. , Carriage-Teetm-J (I Currie, R Lethera rub anay .. dale; aweepstakee, Jae Dale, Roadatere- F. R. Bodgens, Town Agent Brood mare, W Smith,T Black: horse foal, T Black, W Smith; mare foal, T Black, W nett/ Smith; 2 yr old gelding, 0 Taylor, W Robb; . AVOUV/IfigllitIll8 and Coves, Tailoring, style,fit, quality of goods used in the making. What makes them cheaper? Buying, as we do, in FIVE large store lots, we are able to get price concessions from makers that one store cannot get. These low prices, secured by taking large lots, we pass on to you at the same saving • ri This fall air stock of Ready-to-wear Garments is larger than ever. • 350 to choose -from. Ladies' and Women's Tailor Children's Coats Made Skirts The styles tbis season are prettier than ever. All the very lateat novelties are repre— sented in our display. Our prices will be found lower than you'll find elsewhere: Ladies' Coats at $5 Every prose sae a eoap at $5 but few will give you a coat ea goo i as the one we have at that price. It is made of beavy wool olieviot in dark grey, 27 inches •long, new °oat collar nosh rounded points. seams all bound, good ivory button, usual price $6.60, our special at 0.eu Coat at $6.75 g Ladies' heavy wool.frieze Coat 42 inches loeg, made with . pointed coat collar, seams all bound, come in Oxford 0,e,6 grey only Al value, at each 0 .6 Coats at $8 $10 $12 to $16 75 At these prices we can give you the best valnea ever offered, some are mado of all wool frieze, others of fine English • kereey cloth, lengtha are from .27 to 60 inches, some with yoke back, others plain, but all the very newest make. Every coat we guarantee to be a perfect fit, children's Coats Children's I length coats made of all wool frieze, in navy. fawn, brown, red, etc, with large sailor collar, having several rem of cording on Wort and collar, trimmed with large burl buttone,theee we think the best values „ ever offered in town, prices • $2,25 to 0.011 hilaren's Coats made of fine quality eiderdown, in cream and red, all lined with good sateen, all have,fancy cape ffect, pricer; $2 25, $2.50, $2 65 to 350. Rain Coats . • • The bet t values we have ever sheWd, prices 43.75, $6Oi to $7 .00 Styles -With yoke back, coat collar, double breaded, large cuffs, colors. of grey, navy and,fewn. It will pay yoteto buy here. itokovvvvvv•AAAA,Aeomeywo, Novvvvvvvvo, Wednesday, Friday and • Saturday, will be busy days at this store. We have prepared a very special list of bE rgains 2 yr old filly, G T Robinson, J 8 Smith ; 1 Posing -N B Henry page yr old gelding, J Elheadon, A Tyrernan; 1 Saving money-Hodgens Bros Pin your faith, -Newcombe China department -Cooper 84 Co Buy your grapes novr-P Maitland Noveltybakery-3 MoOlay Attend the best -W J Elliott Growing time-Molfinnon k Co Selling out -J Twitchell Dinner sets -W L Ouimette Stock for sale -L. W Farnham Coat lost -Naw Ene Travellers' sample sale -Jackson Bros .. Our polioy-Hodgens Bros (y, ditties 1, yr old filly,W Robb;singlecriver in buggy, 4 A M Baker, Dr Whttely; team mares or 4 geldings, Forster Brae G Jenkins; saddle 65 horse -Harvey DaviedB Smith; lady driv.. 5 er,GBiadford,W 'VValteradermer's driving outfit, AaDunorin, W Walter% Speeding in the ring -Open trot or pace -John Storm 111, W Polkingham, Elora; John Noland, . 222, Dr Whitely, Goderioh; Whiting, 333, F Murney, Goderrob •, 2,30 Trot or Pace, Billy Tarentum, 1311A Charleawortb; A,dei Fergueov, 2132, T M Carbert, Teeewater; Nellie 8, 3223, T M Davis, Mitchell; Pony Trot, 3 Johnston, Bluevale; A H Plummer, BIytAhT. CATTLE-Thorobred • Durhama-Miloh cow, R Corley, Jno Barr; 2 yr old heifer, Jas Forster,.R Corley; 1 yr old heifer,,R Corley, J Barr; heifer calf, P Robison 1-2; aged bull, Jno Barr; bull, 2 yrs and under, J S Smith, P Robinson. Grade -Milch oow, Jno Barr, R G McGowan; 2 yr old heifer, Thos_Blaok, J Barr; 1 yr old heifer, J Barr, Scott & Son; heifer calf, T Black, J Barr; steer calf. Scott it Son, G T Robin - on; 2 yr old steer, J Barr; 1 yr old steer, R rley, Scott & Son;, fat cow or heifer, J -Barr, Scott & Son; herd of cattle, Scott & Son - SHEEP -Cotswold -Aged ram, J Smith, N pinning; ',hurling ram, J Barr, Glen Bros; ram lamb, N Cuming, Glen Another batch of election petitions Bros; aged ewes. N Cueing, Glen Bros; -East Wellington, Hon J. M. ewes, rImCnAl ewe lambs, plen Bros, Jno Barr. shearling has been: dropped. These are the ten. mienAirGalse, n Bros. i Barr; N Onming; aheariing Gibson; North.York and. cross, Hon E roaammiJagB, aGrri,eagl:Benraarraoheee'arling lamb, N J. Davis i North Ontario,Wm H Hoyle; Coming, Glen Bros; aged ewes Glen Bros, ewes, N North Waterloo, Dr Lackner; Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1902. Women are acquiring the habit of buy- ing skirts already made. No questioning of That the advantages offered by Can - what the effect of goods will be when made ada as a home for intending settlers,are up. There it is. The beoomingness shown becoming more widely known,iseyiden- before one buys, the fit assured by. trying ced by the frequent communications re theni on. We have a fine range. r styles, ceived by the Superintendent of Colon- ' you ization fur Ontario, from intending sett nearly One Hundred skirts ' from w ich can choose. lers residing in far-cff lands. Yesterday Mr Southworth received letters from Tailored Skirls $2.95 Really the best skirt for the money we have ever seen is the 1 • one vie are gelling at $2.95. One line is made of a pure • wool homespum in navy, grey and black. All have heavy silk stitching at bottom,seams are &Rover -ditch- ed and are finished the same inside and out, come in . all lengths, 38. 39,40,41, 42, 43 and 44. The other line • it made otneion homespun and is very heavy quality, come in game colors and sizes, best value. in Ca,nadai 2.95 J Barr; ewe lambs, N Griming; Glen Broa. 1 e Bruce and cross -John M Stewart; Shropshiredown-Aged ram, R B Laidlaw; Skirts at $3.50 and $4 Frontenac and cross -W J Shibley ; shearung . ram, ram ieme, ewe brain, Kingston and cross,John M Shaw; Hal- . ' ehearling ewes, ewe limbs, A Dunoan 1.2. ton and cross, John R Barber; Lennox, Ladies' Skirts of Berge and homespun% some lined, °there 4 00 m S Madole; Sault Ste Marie, Andrew Any other breed-Shearling ram,rino lamb, unlined, all capital values at oer prices $3.50, and.... • Miscampbell. ' . aged ewes, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, Jae . 'rabbi fat ebeep, Olen Bros, J. Barr, Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts . • PIGS -Yorkshire - Aged hoer, brood ' At K50, $5.06'.and $5.50. The New York Herald estimates the sow, boar, sow, Jas Allin, E Haggitt. . . . • famworth-Aged boar, brood sow, boar, At these prices we can give you a big range of styles. They., coat of the coal strike as follows; Less W H MoCutoheon; sow, J Allin 1-2. rm. . are mostly made of all wool homespnns and Mee% into operators In price of coal 652 500 000; . proved Berkshire -Aged boat, brood sow, ,,, • grey, navy and blaok, some are trimmed . with satin . boar, sow, P Gibbons 1 2; beat nen of pigs, loss to strikers in wages,$26,300,000;loss folds and buttons, others with box pleats going from • Jas Allin, ,P Gibbons. specialfor best five waist to bottom of skirt, whioh gives a very etylish et: to employees other than strikers,66,600,. - Ringers. J Potter. , feet °there have (girding around bottom of skirt And . . 000; loss to railroads in earnings, $12,- GRAINS -Red fall wheat, M Brethonr, over hips, all are striotly up to the minute, all are nn- - - Jae Cnroing; white fall wheat, M Brethour, 4 lined, fit and finish is perfect, prices are low,you save ,., 800.000 ; loss to business men in the re- •JR Wise; red spring wheat, J K Wise, M fr the price and trouble of getting them made $4.50, $5 & 0.50 'ion, $46,200,000; loss to business .men Brethour• white Fife spring wheat, M Brethour: 6 -rowed barley, M Brethour, D outside region, 69,800,000; cost of main- Brethour; white oats, D Brethoun J K taining coal and iron police, $2,100,000 ; . Wise; black oats Of Brethonr, J.) Brethour; cost a maintaining non-union men, m 11 , J •li W' - M B h ,large I, ery.. $6,590,000; grand total,$185, 970,000. 6620,000 1 cost of troops in the 'region, Me,' M Brethour, 1 K Wise; timothy seed, $550,000 ; damage to mines and machin- b Brethour, M Brethour; red clover, M Bretbonr, D Brethour. . The North York Liberals honored. '. ROOTS -Early potatoes -J Haggitt 1 2; • . on. E. 3, Davis, • Commissioner of late potatoes, bliss D Carder, P Willows; \ „ Crown Lands by a grand . meeting a,t coelleotionnpotatoee, j Haggitt, PWillows; fi lcl can ts, J "Went, J WW2; garden red 38.00 Newmarket on saturday last, at which carrots, Sophia Barr, P Willows swede eight Or ten " thousand people were tur6P9, W Moon, J Allanson; any other $2.50 present; An address was presented to v r* t a Ptt WIIMC k ; 1 Mr Davis, who spoke in reply, followed tuition garden produce, J Allanson, W H - Bleck English kersey Cloth Capes, trimmed with applique, 0 and braid s , a. ' • '' ' •• . • • .o...u.51lr . . McCracken. beets, J Allanson, W II MD- , • by Sir Wm Mulock, Hon G W Row, Craoken: sugar beets, W H McCracken, J , E legant Capes made of bleak matelasse with fur trimming,,10.59 Hugh Guthrie, R B' Sutherland, Ispr W Allanson; long' mangold wortzels, M Broth - Beautiful. Capes made of Englieh cloth, fur lining, at each $14.00 Conmee and others. The Preelier of . RovVeR, Senator Landerkin, „Td,mes our, J Haggitt; mangold globe, W 11 Mo. 0 .acken; pumpkin, 3 Haggitt, 1 Allanson; Ontario announced his intention to squash, W'R McCracken, J Haggitt; red fight the bye -elections, and his expect- onions, Mre Hele, Mrs Howrie; yellow on. ration that his majority. in tile Legisla- ions, Miss D Carder, Mrs Efate; eilver pink, ture would be increase," . '• . ling onions, J Allanson, W H McCracken; .., persons in places sb far off and widely separated as Singapore, Straits Settle- ment, Natal and South Africa. Golf Capes .Some time ago we cleated out froth a .well known maker his entire line of sample capes at sa discount which enables us to offer them at makers prices. These were all new„fall samples so are Strictly up to -data, Golf Capes in assorted, colored plaids, regular $8.50, for....$5.6o ,., $10 3olf Caper, for • $6,15 ••••••... $12 Golf. Capes for Black (Moth Capes at Your money back if you. want it. • WWWWWWWWW CLINTON' LEADING CI-IINA DEPARTIVIENT YOUR HOOD FORTUNE It will be if you should secure some of the choice pieces of chini. now on exhibition in our dainty china department. Our new purchases for Christ- mas are nearly all in place, and we invite you to see what good taste we have in Selecting what those Who have seen call the district. COPYRIGIIT nicest lot of goods shown in this Our 10, 15, and 25c tables are filled with bargains Do You need Spectacles? , CP' Let us take your meas ure for a pair of glasses or spectacles which will fit your eyes, with frames properly adjust- ed to keep them in Just Nthe right position. We have good glasses from $1 to $10, prices variant according to lenses and frame. No charge for ecientific examination ...steennr""" who understands his a.. by a Graduate Optician business and advises ilasses only when needed. Headquarters ior School Supplies W. Cooper & Co., Clinton Agents for 0. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also for Butteriok Patterns.• . PAFCMIYMNIVIANYV ?MAMA • . . all wool blanket% Mime H Wise; union blankets, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Hele;- horse blankets D Brethour; homespun coverlet, Mise El 'Wise, J K Wise; rag mat, Mrs Bele, P Willows; yarn . mat, Miss Syming. ton, Mime H Wiee; rag °lupe% Miss H Wiee J K Wise; home epun etooking yarn, Mies '13 Wise, D Brethonr; coarse boots J Shedd; hand made gents' boots, J Sheritt. • LADIES' WORK -Lace handkerchiefs; M Livingdone, llare Dimple. .button- holes, Mrs Hen:, Mrs W McKenzie; patch. ing, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Hele; gent's mitts, Mrs MoKe,nzie, Mrs Hele; pillow shame. Miss Symington, • Mier: Nott; patch quilt in cotton, Mies, Symington, ' Miss H Wire; patch quilt in cloth, Miss Syming- ton Miss No t; . silk guilt; craze, Mira Nott, Mrs Hele; crochet quilt, Mrs Howrie, Miss Symington; knitted quilt, Miss Sy- mington, Mies Not; woollen Backe or stook- Mra Hele, Mies Nott; aramene work, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Hole; embroidery on bolting oloth, Mrs Nott, W EL MoCutoheon; embroidery on silk or satin, Miss Syming- ton, Miss Nott;kensington embroidery, Ws Campbell, Mis Howrie;Roman embroidery, Mrs Hele, Mrs Howrie; parlor screen, Mise Nett, Mrs Campbell; sofa cushion, Miss Symington, M Livingstone; fancy panel, Mre Campbell, Miss. Symington; piano or tdarbalweasurf, Mrs .Hele, Miss Symington; work, Mrs McKenzie, Howrie; honiton or point lace,- Midi Symington, M 1.1."t • lt"f k M. Hele, Nott; crochet work in silk, Mrs Eel°, Mrs Campbell; orochet work in cot- ton, Mrs Hale, Mre Campbell; bedroom slippers, Miss Wise, Mrs Howrie; toilet see Mrs Howrie, Mies Nott; footstool, Mies Wise, Min Non; applique work, J Shob- brook, M Brethour; pin cushion, Mid Sy- mington, Mies Nott; handkerchief case, Min Symington, Mrs Carder; mould work, Mrs Campbell, Miss Symington; knitted potato onions, JAllanton;white field beans, - cotton lace, Mrs Help, Mies Nott; knitted or °niched, wool shawl, Mies Wise, Mrs flowrie; °rootlet table mate,.Miss Carder, Mrs Howrie doylies, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Howrie; bettenbarg lace, Mise Livingstone, Mrs Etele; glove case, Mre Campbell. Brethour; tatting, mrs Bele, Mrs Camp- bell; netting, and darning, Mrs Camel:1011; Mrs Ilowrie; collar and onff ease, D Broth - tier, Mtge Symington; afghan Mrs Held, Mte Campbell; oentre piece, eirs Hele,Mrs Ifowrie; embroidered table cover, Mrs Hele, Miss Wise; tray oloth, Bliss Illyminoe ton, Mrs ,Howrie; tea cosy, Pars Campbell, Mies Nott; picture. throw, Mies Nod, Miss Symington; lamp screen, Miss Symington, Miss:Cardee; laundry bag, Ws Campbell, M Brethonr; ehopping bag, Mrs Hele, Mrs Howrie; etching, Miss Nott, Mrs Hele; knotted bed spread,, Miss Wise; niantle drape, Miss Symingtoo, Mrs Hele; collec- tion ladies' work, Mies Carder, Miss Nott. CHILDREN'S DEPT-He.amed hand- kerchiefs, darning, crochet work in wool, in cotton, Mrs Howie; pencil drawing, A II Jacobs, L Hetherington; 'dressed doll, Miss Ei Barr; work, 'plain , or fancy, Mrs Howrie. NARTS-Picture of Huron , county ecenery,•Mrs Hole Mrs Howrie; painting on bolting cloth, Miss.D Carder, Mrs Hele; half dozen cups arid sanaers,Mrs Hele; half dnen plates, Mrs Hele,Miss Carder; wile°. tion of oil paintings, Dire 0 Campbell, Mita Carder; oolleotion of water color paintings, Min Carder, Mrs Campbell; figure painting in oil Mrs Hele W MoCatcheon. figure painting in water color, W 11 McCutobeon, Mrs Bele; animals, in oil, Mrs Campbell, Mies Livineston; animals, in water color, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Hele: landscape, in oil, Miss Livingston, Mrs Campbell; landscape, in water color, crayon drawing and penoil drawing, Mrs Bele, Miss Carder; pastelle,. Mrs Campbell, Mrs /Tele; collection of pen and iokeketches, Mrs Hele, Mies 'Carder; china painting, Mies Carder, Mrs Hole • M Bretlaour, I . K Wise; field corn, Jli Hon Mr Fisher. the Minider of Ag- wise, Jag Claming; table corn, J Allanacm,, ricultare, says he "weuld like to see a D Brethour; citrone S Morton; cabbage:, J line of ships built te- steam eighteen or Allanson, A W Sloa'n; red piokling cabbage, Jas Cronyn, J Allanson; celery, J Cronyn, twenty knots? •cae ying 10,000 to 32,000 JAllaneonsmonmbers,J Allanson.JK Wise. tong • of freight, and accommodating • about 250 passeugers•with comfort. le DAIRY AND PROVISION1s-50 Ms tub • is easy enorgh to get a fan line, but it butter, Jno Armour, J Allins 20 lbs crook see why we should be bled by the nose bButimter0.030wAarntho jur;AriniOlobnerb;u5tteirbBinbrnotltlest, iRn ccsts a lot...if Money, and he does not for duels &service. fhere is at present prints, R et McGowan, J Armour; dairy , n the part Of some Can,-madecheee,Miss'H Wise,Miss Symington;horne an inclination o B McGowa adians to plunge into any expense,'and bread, A Elliott,It replatn' this must not be allowed. to go too fan". tea biscuits, A Elliott, Mien 13 Barr; maple That is. Fisher/Canada syrupcanned, A Elliott, A -W Sloan; oolleotion horse sense, Mr wants things that are useful and pre, or cl fruit, AI' R • , H IVIcOntobeon; honie made grape wine fitrible, not fancy things to blow about. x Wise, Miss H Were; tomato catsup,dJ iss . H Wise, W H MoOntcheon; mixed pickles, Rev Dr Chown, o rOnto, speaking n'i Ai ,Mistrelymineten,Mise EI Wise;other pickles, at the Christian Endeavor Convention R B McGowan, W H moCutcheon. FRUIT-LApples-Winter apples, A W , at Ottawamade direct reference to the Sloan, J Potter: fall apples, A WL_Sloan, J declared he had it on absolutely reliable _ He Potter; baldwin, A Tyreman, A W Sloan; impending referendum campaign. Kingscof Tompkins, R G McGowan, Fother. if a large enoligh vote were cast, intro- gilt, .fioneNorthern Spy, A E Bradwin, A authority that the Government would,. duce advanced legislation with a view W Sloan; Rhode Island greening, Mrs to abolishing the bar. He also said that .Howrie A W Sloan; Ribston Pippin, Jae Mr ROBB feltkeenly. the suspicious atti- Potter,„'W Jackson; russet golden,J Potter, tude of many sincere temperance A W Sloan; runt Roxboro, A Tyreman, A people, and did not wish to go to his W' Sloan ; Seek -no -farther; A W Sloan, grave under the suspicion that he was Fothergill & Son; Swaar,A W Sloan; Wag - not true to . his lifelong temperance A _EC Jaoobs; Vandevere, Lis In, A NV ner, Ben& vie, '.talman sweet, A W Slows; convictions. Sloan; maiden blush, Fotherglif & Son;.1. ehurch' ehintesi Allan; snow, Mrs Howrie,J Potter; Ortari0, RGMoGowan,Fothergill & Son;Pewhukee, • By the Unanimous request of the . . A W Sloan, A H Jacobs; wealthy, Pother, official board of the Carlton Street Sloan, Borlleth&ago, ER, W Jackson; Canada red, M G McGowan s oolvert, A W R 43 MethodiH st church, Toronto, Mi, ow- , Sheritt,A W sMicaGano;wa2on.;arAlepxiavnpdinera,, Ajohwn 'son, Askin street, London,(late of Olin- Sloan;any other mare ed varietv,A H Jacobs, ton) has been reappointed as deaconess . W Jackson; collection of winter apples, P of that church for another•year, - Steinhoff; A W Sloan; fall crab apples, Aire WILLIS Climtnu.-The annual thank- appleS, A W Sloan, R G McGowan. Other • "----Cfiliff-Elaniehelt,--M -Brethourreolleotien-of- offering meeting of the W. F. M. S fruit -Winter pears, E Haggitt, F Metcalf; will beheldon Thursday evening, Oct. fall pears, Fothergill & Son, Mise Carder; 23rd, at. S p m; a program has been namOd'plums, A W Sloan, F Metcalf; col. prepared,the principal feature of which Motion of plume, A W Sloan, F Metcalf; 12 will be an address by Mre Watt, of . . ntofingrantpooess: AJ ARII jannosnobns,;PbaMnnehtc•niffp ; egorlaleeon,tio3 Gnelph,who is an enthusiastic speaker, and her addrese will be weliworth beer. , Denholm, A EC Jacobs; peaches, .E` Metcalf, ing y everyone is cordially invited to at- 4, H Jacobs.tend .... On Sunday last Rev Mr Stew- a art preached anniversary service at POULTRY -Bronze turkeys,G W Irwin, Drumbo, ReV Mr Shearer taking his J Barr; turkeys, W Carter 1 and 2; geese, work here and giving two excellent ' W Carter; Rouen ducks, G W Irwin, E sermons. While awaY Mr Stewart : Plaggitt;ducks,G W Irwin 1 and 2;loghorns, called on his Old friend, Rev P Straith, . IV ()after, Mrs Howrie; 'louden% 1,4 Car - of lnnerkip, (son of P Straith, of town) ter; brahraas, black Spanish, 61. W Irwin 1 who has been unable to perforin his , and 2; minoroaa,Mrs Ilowrie 1 and 2;116m. duties for some time,owing to a paraly. bergs, W Carter 1 and 2; langshana Mrs tie s,troke,and who unfortunately is not Ilowrie,G W Irwin;wyandottes, W Carter 1 recoveringas quickly as his frieiads • and 2; andalugiano, Mrs Howrie; black - could hope for, , • breasted red game, E Haggitt;buff coehins, Mrs G. S. Lovett, " of Washington, G W Irwin 1 and 2; partridge coohins, G .. Was killed to Cobourg by falling down W Irwin; bantams, G ‘V 1 Carter, 0 W Irwin; rod cepe, B Haegitt; rwin; polande, W Th denier Lake Erie, With Sir piymotith rook,', F Metcalf, G W Irwin; We ehouId have said in our report of the; "it's' 1 , 13 Health pfai gwelo, ecei cetaierat'pEr, Botewl 1 Irawra di i 2; la acionlleeacftoi own, , ol W. M. S, convention last week, that hire i Wilfrid Zaurier on board, 1;: expected Ilerr Tennant, who wag Mooted Treasurer, le of ' at Quebec on Thursday. i London and net of Whigliam as stated, i Geo, E. Ennis, of Brantford, commit - One Of tho most interesting papers read I ted suicide) iti Qtreen'et rat lc, Toronto, IMPLEMINTS--Single eovered buggy, . before the convention, wen prepared by Rev bY taking' carb°Iie add' D Ewan, A. McNally ; cutter, D Ewer; W ,T Stone,Miegionary at Nitinat, It. C.,on Mrs Frabeee Chaliam of Minden, wee wooden pump, P Willows; fanning; mill, D MoCoryie, 1 "['hi 'alai Woman before and after the killed bY a, straw etae.k falling upon MANUFACTURES - Home.mitde all g spot." It was rend by tars Cuylor, Whit. her. tier ,daughter Bertha was badly , wool flannel, Miss Nott,Miss II 'Mae, union char*, and WAS very favorably rscoived, injured. 0 flannel, J X Wf 0 Mies Nett; honie-marle ..hurchChimes• -- Rev. E. S. Rupert, fortnerly of ClitP. ton, has retired from the' active work cif the ministry, and taken up his resi- dence in Toronto, BRETHREN. - Thomas Somerville, Branttord, who has been conducting eervicee at the hall during the past week, will be here all this week and Sunday. ONTARIO STREET CIIIIRCH.-•-Rev. Mr Malott, Kippen circuit, occupied the pulpit on Sunday last, giying two ex- cellent sermons ; he is a young than of much promise and will soon attain pre- minence as a preacher. ....Special ser- vices were commenced on Monday night by the pastor, Dr. Gifford; the intention is to keep them upfor a couple of weeks, with the assistanee of breth- ren from stu rounding circuits, and if the interest warrants it, they , will be. kept up longer, but nbt otheevyise, ,2.!? ST. PAUL'S CHURCIL-Throtigh typo- graphical errors in St, Paul's church report last week, se•veral figures were misused. That of date ot first ehters 1aTf'Th'd'Guh1daiTthild have been Monday, Oct. 27th' the amount in the treasurer's hands of the Ladies Guild $131, and the number pre- sent in the choir 18, not 48....Last Sunday the rector made use of a state- ment in his morning's discourse Which we feel sure, will be recognized as a more than charitable conviction, com- ing -from a representative of the mother church, and that was, that though they, fully believed themselves members of the church militant,yet it wee not the i Almighty's Wish or nteotion that that body should warfare against other re- ligious denominations, but to seek a closer relationship with them, If this ilea would be accepted and followed out we feel certain that millebial dawn would not be far distant. In the even - sane of the nicest things that'hile been sung in the church for some time wee rendered. It was an anthem with oblis gato solo, Miss Mand McNaughton tak• mg the solo in a sweet, clear voice, the rest of the choir picking up the r eirain nuts yery nicely in an undulate. - Next'bund a,y• Rev,O.R. Gun n e evil! preach thanksgiving services in Mitchell. Rev R. S. Howard, Who takes the servicee here, was one of the rev, gentlemen mentioned as a successor to St. Paul's att its last vacancy, He is well known by SOMA of the Members here, and le acknowledged as one of out ribleet min- isters of the Diocese,rte well as a fluent sneaker, •• eoming and Going Mrs C. E. Dowding is vieiting in Toronto. Mrs lie Davis is visiting friends in Wood - stook. . Alre J. Cunningham is a Woodatook vis- itor this,Week, 3. P. Tisdall is spending the holidays, n oronto, Miss Kelly spoof a few days in Toronto'.: the past week. Will Roes apent Sunday under the pa refl.: - id roof at Exeter. Miss C. Newootnbe,LondonConservatory of Music is home, • Mrs Thompson, Albert street, is visiting her daughter in Blyth, 'the Mr holidays and Mrins W. 0. London; are .apending Mra J. Wiseman* will spend Thankfgiv ing holidays m Harriston. W. H. Newcombe., wife and child, will' spend the holiday° Petrolea. ••Mrs Murray left Wednesday morning to spend the holidays in Toronto. r. Gunn and daughter are spending a few days this week in Toronto. • The NLisaes Sadlier, of Wingham`,1 Sunday with Mr. and Mra J. W. King, • Jas. Doherty,of St. A.ndrew'e spend Thanksgiving at home, , I J. MoCatighey and his grandmother are spending a few days in Walkerton thie week. Mrs R. P. Reekie and daughter Katie, will spend Thanksgiving Day in St.Thomas. W Tier went to Mitchell last 'Friday to spend a couple of days with friends there. Miss Susie Cook WtiE4a Holmeaville eisit• or on Sunday. 'with Mre J. Mulhollend, • Mrs Heyd, wife of C. B. Heyd, M, P., Brantferd,is the guest of Mrs Win Robert - eon • Mrs Ray, Lrican, returned to her home - Friday, after an enjoyable week's visit with. MI s Whitehead. Mee J. Wheatley and daughter Etta left on Thursday morning for Flint, Mich., on an extended visit, 1VIrs Reid, London, has been visiting her sister, M.re S. Rance, and other relative:Lin, town, for the past week. Mrs Graham, Si. Thome% • returned to • her home Friday. altar spending a few days with her friend, Mrs R. R. Reekie, Mies McWhinnie, of Woodstock,' and, (Wednesday) to open a new hall in connect. to visit with their arida for a few slay% Stonehoture, Belgrave, have gone on a yisit to theie :brother, Dr. J..0. Henry, Dutton. Misses Away and Katie Gunn made the Mrs Amos Challenger and her sister,Mrs ronto fon a ooupleof rnonths,returne ta town htsspoeamwertntinardri. antsnagyrd; alvil‘ ifet rerha.reo 31 i La ye se i ns end To r nbtaon. k B g ng Philadelphia,returned to that citylast Week trip alone to Allem Craig,Wedneaday morn - after spending-eome time with her sister,in tion with the church of England, of that Mise Ida Plurnnaer, who has been in To - today, accompanied by her sietter,Mia Scott. Miss Polly White, a graduate mink: of Rev, 0. R. Gnnne left for Parkhill today . go' arle rota' ;1; eci home with Mrs E. M. MoLean, of town, Miss Maud MoNaughton, accompanied by her sister, Mrs Johnston, Goderioh, is Wri't'w0o weeks' • visit in Legal?' and Fullerton townships, with cousins of tbe,latter. weliel3thajltteetiu-gWifileghoimlnionnteletgrtitrt Andeew's Brotherhood, which is sessien 111 that city. • Ben Webb, accompanied by his wife and Obild, artiVad in town on Friday. He has quit his job at Mt. Forest, and intends tak. ing up housekeeping here, Jas. Fair went to Buffalo on Monday to look after n oar of coal. We understand that a yeasel load of the preeione stuff haa otranded near that city and' io offered for gale, L. n, Snyder, rarinagei of the Sovereign Bank, went to St. Catharines last Ftiday`- to visit at his home for a few days, F. Earn, Exeter, wao logking after the branoh here ln his absence. Miss Lawrence, 11101i11op, who is attend - lug onr model mohool this term, went to Wingbam Saturday, aecornpanied lay her father J Lawrennto make pereonal appli. °dim for the porntion as teacher ate nh001 itt East Wawanoolisthe is a niece of W. S. Lawrence, the popular teapher of No, 11, Goderleh township. Wm.fkordon, ferenian of the _port Dover INT Maple Lear,wee a miller on the RIV Bile on Tuesday, Ile had boon up at Kincardine et' tending the funeral of his brother, Capt. Gordon, the ill-fated dreier of the yeesel that Was swamped off that place last Wed. needay evening daring a storm. The body Was reetivdred the next day, and buried on ,Sattudity, lituad:painting“thitidle-satirr-ti-pinsh; Miss Symington, Mimi Carder; painting on ales -in oil, Mies Symington,Mise Campbell:col- leotion of photogeanlis, B J McCarter. • • - • PLANTS AND FLOWERS -Collection of foliage, W J Erenwiek, Miss Carder; ger- aniums in bloom, Mies 13 Barr' ; fuohiaa in bloom, MiareCarder,L Hetherington; hang- ing basket ,„clisplay of plants, Miss Carder. OUT 1130WERS-Table boqUet, W Fenwick, F Metcalf; hand hotpot, Ames Evans, F Metcalf; dahlias. 3 Onming, J Id Combe; pansies; S Morton,Li Hetherington, SCHOOL CHILDREN'S COMPETIm TION -Writing -under 13 years, Mrs H jitollson, Miss 111 Elliott; under 17 years, Mary Elliott, May Ferguson. JUDGES -Heavy horses -W °rules - shank, Turfiberry. Light -horses -Al Mc- Indoo, Wingham, Cattle -Geo jebnaton, Lorideaboro; T LiLoMiPan, Conatance, Sheep -Geo Penhele, Stephen, Pige:-.B Beacom, Ch.derich township; 0 Tuck, lirtemele, Poultry -Colin Campbell, God. marl), 1m ple merits Lanham, Londeeboro. Fruit -T 11 Rabe, Mitchell, Ladies' work -Miss Miens, ILirlock; MSS tiArrison, Bolgreve, Fine Arts -Dr Towler, Wing. ham; Miss Graham, Clinton. Dairy Pro- duce --1) Is Munro, Anburn; Mrs Jag Barr, Myth; W Potter, Emit Wewanosh, Speed. ing Oontente-Starter, 0 E Henderson; Seafortle Itidgeti-l? Scott, Brassele; Livingstone, Blyth.