HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-17, Page 2October 1Vb, 1902 .. Linton , FRIDAY, uoT,oivit 17, 1002, •0•••••• Tho Tara QueStion. THE CLINTON NEW ERA „ I V \ \ Crisp County Clippings VO the Editor of She New £u: Jennie, daughter ef Mr and les D Dela khu :—As the question of a re. rollica, of Hay, near Faneville, peeped edjustnient of the tariff with a view to af- away on Tuesday of last week, aged , Another Fad. fording greeter protection to certain lives I...3 years; she had ham a severe sufferer f• Of industry iii agitating ihe people of this tor 14 Yeara Not all the pretty summer PlOing country et the present time, a fesv remarks A very pretty wedding took place on . woman's fad cone.ern her frocks bearing thereon might not be out of pleet. , Ind frills, says a London paper. Ude) Wednesday week at the home of Mr duty be hooreased it will eerye only and Mrs Stephen Troyer, con 14, Bay, CM the contrary, the summer to enhance the price charged by the menu- when their naughter Emily was roan- nveetheart has his share of attention, lecturer and consequently not loosen tbe ried to W D laignan, a prosperous . ifter a certain fasl ion, and at present he importation to any, appreciative extent. young fanner of the same tettruShiP may censider him elf, as representing a But suppose the importation be derainished, really novel fad out of this young per or prohibited entirely, it roust be remora- Mr Williatma, liVerynian of Brussels, son's clever brat • bered that the chief object of our tariff hi met with a serious accident last Friday I "What do you think of this as a sur- the rosin of revenue, and if the tariff be nitagta;nwhellasotaivinn:anaway , ran hcrasythee;hefs a ;Ie prise for Edward?" queried the hand.. prohibitive by what linens will the revenue " some young matron, as she rolled up her be raised? . collided with another rig, and he was deeve, displaying a sunburned and in-. In my optniina a protectionist tariff de. thrown out, with the result that his ieresting - looking arm, which she tots itself in mare ways than one,eepeeielly shoulder blade was broken, the Sr tit stretched forth for closer inspection. a tarift designed ale the purpose a retaliat- pulled from the socket, and three ribs "Why, it's a picture or Edward!" ex- ing spinet a 000ntry from which we im.. broken, one of them penetrating the thinned the three sunimer girl friends port our raw materials, If the duty on hinge gathered about her on the hotel veran. reanniameed cotton were increased to the On Wedneeday week a pretty wed - Inn, and, sure enough, there on the extent demanded by manufaoturere of cote ding was 60IeMOIZed at the residence wife's pretty arm was a remarkably good tou goods, it would be prohibitive, end it of D 0 R088, -Brussels, brother in law portrait of her lord and master. p*to «laden no turtrise if the United of the bride, when Melissa E, youngest "What is it?" "How did you do it?" Stater, tit in a In m we moron the great daughter of Serener Ames, of Ethel, asul "Will it 'come off t"' were a few of 1 u h el i ur taw rottcn,free of duly,iin'posed was. naarried to Joseph T Durgan, of the questions which came simultaneously, an export duty on the raw article. If our Toronto from the excited trio. 1 manufanurers oennot compete with the "I got that clever little ,Tapanese art- I 'United Sates with a clutyof .of 25% and 85% A. Bachart, until recently publisher ' ist it+ town to do it. He's been working ' in favor of the former, it ie evidence: that the Teeswater Nev, was married to Miss Gossie Fyle, Brantford, on Satur- at it ever so long, and has it finished they are engaged in a business for which just in time for •Edwarti's birthday. they are not qualified ; and why the people .day, Sept 27 I show it to him?" •\,... selves the harden or Supporting a 135 of iligan had a finger injured at the foun- Laiit week in Wingham Frank Flan: Won't he be surprised and pleased when of this country should inopom upon, there. While the novelty appealed to the mannfaoturers merely became they desire . dry; Wm Monk fell on an oil cart at over in her mind the advisability of not the necessary qualifications' to emceed entirely through one hand. On lues - the Erman factory, and ran the Sp ut three girl friends and each Was turtling g • nsiness or which they have copying the fad, it contained one ole- unaided, is beyond the comprehension of day Wm Carr had one finger cut off ment which made them hesitate. Each majority of people, and that lad; of corr. and two others badly cut, at the chair In her own heart longed to try the ex- Prehension will Menden itself at the palls factory periment, if only a process could be whenever and wherever the opportunity is AO. fforded. pre y wedding took • place on a 1. found which would make the picture last ICThe Thursday at A W tit ebster's Wine - for a shorter time than eternity. If That a proteetionist tariff defeats itself is ham, when his niece, Annie Eedes, there's one thing which is a.hsolutelyi es- evidenced by a comparison of the Foater became the wife of John Addison alas Fielding tariffs. 'Under the. fernier sential to the happiness of the summer girl, it is variety -variety •in her beaux, tariff maunfacturere were reducing wages half and Mrs Win • Bradleymourn the loss of th,eir eon Wing. as well as her bonnets -so it would nev. and running.short time or closing down Py,erc' a bright child of six y which would withstand the changing ears; the er do to stamp upon her arm a likeness their mine entirely, and the . stagnant oon (mien of the trade and uommerce of thie cause of death was diphtheria aeasons of time and her own heart. Why country wee indeed deplorable. Owing to 0 S Gerber, agent, of Wingham, has couldn't a photograph be printed on the the ahove mentioned state of affairei the been arrested and taken to Windsor, . 'flesh in the same manner that fancy pa- low price of fano produce and low wages, where he Is charged with approprititing be. the people wore taxed by the high tariff . yonct their ability to .pay i and money had a $25 overcoat • lows, screens, and even dainty ha.ndker- Aids are decorated? to be borrowed in the markets of the world 'Beeneof a pretty wedding on Wednes- ' St James church, Seafortb, was the The idea struck. her. as being immense- .to carry on the government of the country. day week, ly clearer, and her eagerness to test its Sinder the b'ielding tariff a different state vrhen Winnifred Killoran feasibilitytook her, the following day, settlings exist.. The manufacturing inane. was united in marriage to Edward D to a prominent photographer in the city: tries are flourishing in a manner unpar Brown, of North Toronto , KI want you to. ma.ke a photograph of in the history ef manufacturing industries ailed The death ' of Dr .7 r Oassady, of him en my arm," was her etartling ale- of this country. Large additions are. being •Goderieb. occurred on Saturday, the man4. as she exhibited to the artist the erected to nearly all our principal misnufac- cause being Bright's disease; he Was ' treasured portrait of a handsome man tering establishments. The ohief hubs- . the oldest practising physicsan in God - in uniform. ahead of the other ids, and the idea ul that k 11 an a OU iJatherine M Scott, of Goderich, was ch .e... The wedding o • trial establishmeet of your own town has err "But, my dear young woman, we don't _ more than doubled its capacity since 1896, Judge Garrow and bunny left God-. do that sort of thing• It's quite linPos" and gives employment to more than twin erich. on Monday to take up their per - Bible," was his mild reply. as marry mechanic,. The demand forOan- marmot residence in Toronto "Pm,sure it canbe done," she pleaded, adieu Menufactured goods et the present - . "if only you'll try. I do so want :to gt, time, both at home and abroad, is great 'Eh .f John ii. Graham and all my own. Pve thought it all out in not be secured in suffiotent num quietly celebrated on Weduesdarit, my own mind. You see, Pna something able the supply to meet tbe d of an arnateur photo,grapher itlYself, and wages erebigher today than I know a little about isochroluatia I during the past twenty-five plates, hypo, and forting solutions. I trade and commerce of the . feel positive you eari do it for niV increased beyond the most s °Think of what might happen to yeti teams • }trivia Mores d Y, You drink your Own liatlh whi you drink Abbey's Salt, Extracted from the juice of pure fruits, it is both a, giver and pre- server of health.. • bey9S Zifervescent • att • is recommended by phy.sicians because it purifies the blood, cleanses the stomach, invigorates the liver and gently regulates the bowels. It keeps the head clear, the eyes bright and the complex- ion good, ' Insist on Ahbey's." Projiertles for Sale or to Let To Rent Lot se, Maitland ooncession,Oodericti Town- ship. Apply to JeaLSOOTT, Barrister, I Oct 11-tf. Viinton To Let. A.,•••••••••11 That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, 'Huron Street, lately occuplecl by O. Witte. Ap- ply to THOS. JACKSON, Sr., Sept. ti--tf Clinton Farm For Sale. • The west half of lot 24, Bayneld Con. God- erich townshie, containieg 100 acres c geed lend, ill offered for sale on easy terms. Good barn ,elog house, Plenty of water end email orchard, Particulars on application to tt- J. P. TISDALL, Citation For Sale or to Rent. 1 Lot 29, eon. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres in geed state of cultivatiou for sale or to rent for term of years, apply to JNO. McGREGOR, On premises or AIRS D. MeGREGOR, 2 omen, • It. S...Tuokersmith, Serforth P. 0, Feb. 7-4 • •••0••••., For Sale • • Comfortablelmuse and lot, on Albert St., Clinton, for tale cheap, lot ir aore, House suitable for smelt bunny. .Aeley at New ERA office, For Sale, , Bonin, two lots and stable, corner of North and Mary Streets. The cottage contains 8ilt rooms in good repair, woodshed, with bard and soft water, truietrees and a stable in ffireclass condition. AIMIY to 1* MRS MOFFA.TT on the premises. For Sale. • -- The North Hatt of Lot 17, Concession 7, Col- borne, and two village hits in Manchester, livery barns, °atilt, and ;rood will ot the busi- ness. For terms appy to the undersigned, eir Ins* Sept U Was war SYAGNGTON Auburn NOM. SWIM, Mr • BelfOur is said to be the that Preebyterian Prime . Minister in our time. . •• I have examined Strong's Pilekone, and have nreeoribed it in my pratitice with sat- lermitory results. M Piper,1110,, Coroner, London. .• . • Eight samples of lemonade analyeed at Leeds have been found to contain lead poison,. Miller's Gni Powders cur• e 'told by all druggiete, 13 Mrs 011phantholds a record of having rwarpihttiex.aixty,e•ight:no„Vels and six biog. rS ORD- Worm Powders, the medicine re to els;• for chi.dren. Sold by all druggists. and and • In the Snarl Ohannel and the Med- t•he home !if the bride's ' uncle, 14 Mc - any titne ..01etland, Huroo road; •' . • • -••• • iterraneari 52 torpedo-boat, destroyers years. The The -Wedding took.. place on Wednera • are, now in cOmMission. - eduntry haye day,. Oct 1, of Sarah. Brunridge • of • - .• •.L. • • • Millers umppound Iron Pille only..20 r gime expeo. Shelbourne, and •Wm: Bradley, scurof emte for 50 doges.. Seed hy eh 'draggiete, For ins fence, there- is .the eilverin-the pain six years as it did in. the I • On Saturday evenitig Janiee .Jeckell,: • Oalltain, the Earl Of Oassillis, eldest - which would certainly, tUrrt 'your arr#* t where 'eighteen long yearis Of prdteotion Ereter, while picking apples, fell front eon or the Marquis of Atlas", . The undereigned offers for rent let 12,in the from South Africa on the 21st ult. . . returnee Maitland con. Colborne. situated 7 miles from Clinton and 94 fro , neGoderieb.2V.1 miles from Stable for Sale. A good stable with seven single BMW', a box stall, harnefia room, grain bins, a roomy hay loft, ete.,will be sold at es verr reasonable price. A.pril 11-tt • W, liRYDONE, Clinton. • House for Sale. 1 •A good frame house on Huron Street etorlea; contains 3 bedrooms, parlor, dieing room, hall, closets, kitchen, woodshed hard and soft water, half acre lot. with bearing fruit trees. Apply to J. SNYDER, June 27-4. . • Huron Street • . ' Good House tor Sale. • • - Subscriber offers for sale hia hotudi and lot on Alberti St.• north. Tbe lot is one quarter acre with it number of bearingfruit tt•e hard and soft water and good stable. Howie has six rooms, closet, pantry, wash room and good cellar. ' Will be sold cheap, • .FRE)t) LOFFT;Olinton. Good Farm for Rent. In The Surrogate Court •••110.011••• Of The Count!! of germs. in The Oseate of Joseph W. Ohidley, Late of The 2'own of Olinton..la The CounEy of Huron, Outer taker, Peaces& Natioa is booby given pursuant to Revieed Statutes of Ontario chapter 120 eeotion J. that all pawns lowing blame Realest the estate otthe•said Joseph W. (Iliidley, who died on or &Alit the 16th dee of August, 1902, are required on or before tho 18th day ot October next, to send or deliver te John Greig Nieves - ant et Seeforth . 0., fhiti.,t Administrator of said -estate, full particulars ef their elates and the soma held b them (if any duly yearned by afil ave. After the insid 1St day ot October next, the Adminietrator will pro- ceed to distribute he *MOS of the estate among the pa ram entitled. ti ereto , homing re- ference only to such eiaims ES he shall have received notice, and after Such distribution the Administre,tor will not be reeponsible for any claim of which he shell not have received notice. Dated at Seatorth this 29th day of Sept, 1902, J. lt. NEST Seaterth, Ont, • Solicitor for Administrator Real Estate tor Sale. P... AT. 1 Fait of farm, lote and 83, onweat side of Maitlandeen.,one mile north of Ffelmesville, containing 97 scree. • 2 The north halt 08 105 25, con. 2,and rest part of lot 24, eon, 8, one halt mile from Clinton, • north, on gravel reed, containing 90 storm. 8 Thebricirdwelling ineludinglots 18, 19 and 20 on oorner of Joseph end beat; streets, in Clinton. A The treble dwelling • on west side of Victoria street and next north of railway. Liberal terms to emit purchasers, &pplito ••W• W. PAERAN or 0. O. RAN010, Clinton March 28-3 1 You'll Miss 10 Ti you decide about your education and aelect a 'wheel before you seethe new ostalogue of tlae Centro,' Business College TORONTO A, poetal will bring it by return mail and aside from ite artistic valve you will be interested in the work of an up to date business school which employe 12 teudiers, owens 100 Typesetting machines', and smelts out nearly BO " yOung people mto good positions each4 I year. Antuint ateigion from Sept 2nd Enter any time, Write f or catalogue W. ff. Shaw, Principal .Vonge& GerrardSts, TOronto 40.40......••••••••••••••••••44.4 When girls 14 and 15 pen of 'age I 1. LegE.1,1, 4Amassoorr, Ibtrrieter, ISolieiter. into CLINTON. 3e110111 --Elliott Biopic, Isaac Street) laoNlex /LoAN. '4 W. BRYDONA BABRISTER, nOLICITOR,, HOWE PU ETC, Office—Beaver Black* Vv stairs, Opposasxgo's PhOto Gallery RMOUT & HALE CONVEVANCERS, COMMISSIONER% , Ittoney to loan., 0,13. SALE, ' JOHN BIO0Cli.' CHARLES SEAGER Barrister Solicitor Notary and Coaveyane Real Estate and Insurance Aeetray, qi• - 01Nce-Oppoalte Collsomie Betel , Goderlek • •M. Os CAMERON formerly of Cameron; Holt & Cameron BA,RRISTER AND SOLICITOR, oreee—namuton St opposite Colborne Rau GODERICH. ONT DICKINSON &, GARROW BARRISTERS, SOIJOITORS,,ETC. Ofilee-Conserilentilton St. andthe $ipa Goilerich, on.: H. Z. Dickinson , Cues. Gen.ROW,IA.Z.D • PROUDFOOT & HAYS. naemerens, Somorrons, eforan.res :Pune Fitooroes m arm usranste Cover, leo. • °mem North st., next door to 81gna1-9UL • •• PriVate Funds to lend at lowestratee of interest. W•klirgTZDFOCOT. 0. HATS., • WM. GUI114, M.D., c. P. se 8. lEdinbargb. Office-Ontarie Street, Olinton. Night. ea at front door of office or residence, Iletto • . bury Street. • • DR WM. GRAHAM Lkunitisite of the Royal College of Phyla* • London, England. Moe and Residenee-. JOHN TEDFORD'S Mouse;Ilerou 81 DR. J. Wi SHAW. • PHYSICIAN. SU111314071 Atooticheer etoo office and rendenee On • tante St., opposite Englieh church, formerly oo envied by Dr. Aropletoo, Clinton Ont. DIf.. vir.. THOMPSON• I, . . physician, Surgeon, Itto, • special attention giyen to diseases otthe Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose,. Oince and fiesidence-3 Albert Street,2 Blocks Neither Battestbs -ban enend 8 or 10 months . . , .•• • The Canada Business College, ; W. Nannlng •Smith, • LD, CH. . . , . • . . . • . ORATHAM • - • PRISIOIAN re SURGE N quite blacks and there-" I Oat to UK • • the tree and broke a rib. , church and mile fr °Oh, but you gesedia do it that waY," It is true the A nier.,"cads have net treated Milleee Grip Powders oure. Sold by aP contains Meares more orfess Of' rod ferm ore seiwo .• this fexm Tati,1.0 Loterrupted, some other. Just fairly, and in Coneequenee inetifiabie ine druggiste. • We understand. that Wm Cle• gg,,...of land of which 106 acres are .oleare A good , flo 41 1'° de t tains and tieli ivories. • I must* tare a thoughtful men. Bat let tui not jpga .our .04,0 Nalte porce- •digne.tion hes taken possessiO,u of most mill to two ' gentlemen n'tick.• will con While has sold .the old oatmeal - • . While-tondon on an average two story frame houtei, good bank barn, en house, pig stable, also 14 acres of good bearing • e daily average is only 120,0.00. - ge dee. sprin t eter photograph of hint, on arin before I reason with our temper. Let us nor rye, • vert it into a entre pea mill .,. • patches 475000 telegrams daily; in Paris orchard, 2 good we an neeer falling Ils d latiek and 111 give yOtt .4. many". daYI onrselves in our anxiety to be avenged - A.; E, ALLIN, Benmiller OUt. tr. ae you ite to do it. I ve promised. my. the Amen/lane want to be petty 1,nd OOD: • •.•00°. Jen:prise, ao please do help me, temptible let thern•be so but lotus not re. • youlur.and :her Yoke and eyes p..eaded her cause. •.•• t "All right, •ret. . -Willing ,to make the eliertietar. Was his gootheaturea reply, "thou,gh 1 tell you beforelianda-the pi- ture will not last mere than three weeks.' . at the most, andit. will be tedious work, toe." • •.• • '• • • • "1 don't eare if it striYa on inY arm only twenty-four hotirS, just set that I have it there long -enough to shoat the: other girls;"- and she ofiered heepretty arm for the test.• • So it came about that iv liweetheart, bevy ' of girls and .the /inflamer . . • 1 • 4044(111 tor Ontario. For the first • Wile in the history - • 7 . ki.ew ardene a pair of storks in the . Farm for Sale tibleciode of honor. If we buy from them • tenet° by adopting their petty and contain., g trderm have nested i and hatched • . . The latest annual report of the Mass. - we do -so, not became we retell to oblige achusette State •Teraperance Associa- them, but because it is to ouradvantage. i Wilts...., .- 1 Lot 31, Conoession 9, II. H. S., 103 acres; . school house. on premises; within five minutes do se. . AI-Peo to thin deals at length with the results at. ,713ST AS GOOD !' . . • • . inner from Seeforth; large frame - house. geed „ walk et church; 5 miles from . Olinton and a TECTION, . ' tained by temperance workers under a •fl ' . • Goderioh, Oct 4th, '02, - redline I Don't you run a System olocal option. u e varioUS the risk therigh, orchard, mostly winter fruit, 2 good. wells and (Intern, 2 barite, one Bede, with stene stabling ° e a eh • ' but alwayslny the well measure -pop . . corn cure -Outman* Painless OornExtead- underneath, the other 28x60,driving shed and , WOMEN WHO WEAR WELL,. hen house. Apply to WHITFIELD CRIOR, •• • muntcfpahties a Vote is taken each: tor. sere safe and pninieee. pathways re. ounreep.0„ • August 1-tf. year as to whether liquor licenses are moves ati;ne painlessly in twenty-four hours. . It is astonishing .how.great a -Change a to be issued or the sale of liquor pro- It your druggist dem not sell it, send 25 - few ) ears of married life will make in the hibited during the ensuing twelve -cents to al 0 Poleon it CO., Eingeton, Ont., ' Farm For Sale. a ppearanee and ciieposition of neatly wennen. months. • . • , , • , •. and they will send it to you post paid to any The subscriber offers for sale that choice farm The freshness, the charm • ----------------- eport is full of inspiration for address in Canada or IL S. . • On the heron road Tuekeremith, just east of , • • Vanish like* the bloom from a peach Which is laantidian wor.kers in the cause of neer al it Clinton, at presen occupied by Mr Fisher. it consists of 160 acrcee more or less, with good rudely handled. The matron ii ()ply. it dim reform, especially for those of Ontario, colony were anlazed ane day 0 see' this shadow, a faint echo of the charming Maid- so applicable is it to the campaian now atubitatrfthorvtoirorisetaystemar,oinoOSocruwth,00tfuirieena frame house,bank barsesilo,windmill and small ingenious young woman wearing cl, lash- ere There' are two reaming for this ohange, in program' in that province. Tee' tab- orchard. Plenty of wag; tel.,littracellientt farm. Minable elbow -sleeved frock, which dis- ignorance and neglect; Ease young 'women .ulated statements afford it remarkable should be kept in addition to the con-' ta a sPlenal 1 °ea IMBUE 00118411inton. tirabc:Ittrzr....foorce. • ' . . . • ., . • closed to advantage the bead and shoul- appreiiiirte the shock to Ihcreyeteirr through -demonstration-et-the steady and -sub- •-8-• dere of her uniformed sweetheart, photo- the change which comes. with marriage a • elantial growth of public. sentiment in. - 1. LI iy k nilfilefili' - LeinitoiVEng. . - - --- " ' - graphed in the sunburnt arm. Many negleet to deal with the utipleamint favor of the abolition of the bar-rooin, brdg.9 b." commenced. y c°n"."' - • : . Farm for Sale. . The idea Was altogether too novel end drains whith are often consequent on mar. Theeestatisties show that even in the pleitea tne width of the bride will be .. catching to be monopolized by one, or riage and inotherhocia, not understanding . urban municipalities the temperance 76 feeN "11 feet widet•than U:1" °f ' Lot 7, cot, 3, Colborne, contaittin Ea aores of even two so, hi an astonishing time, the that this floret drab; is robbing the cheek Vote last year reistered a petcentage the present time. acres in grime, 5 acres fall wheat On prenuses land in good cultivetio . 20 neves fa 1 plowine,16 entire colony -that is the young *omen of its freshness and the form of ite fairness. of 41, althoughthis includes such .., LIGHTNING NETJBALGI .: go is Ite story frame house two frame barns in members of it -appeared with photon I As surely as the generalhealth suffers When strongholds of the liquor traffic as the A CURE and od repair, also a good well and young beArieg Not dangerous bectiese it sots quickly, Sim.'orchard', 'Yates well fenced and. well wateercl. graphs transferred to their .fair flesh. rthere is deraugemenr of the health of the rum -ridden oily of Boston. Even more delicate womanly organs, ki surely when inspiring is the list Of 15 cities carried fitlorgweginain7Arargailep6aBilithitrmfeid7 ietimest hePtii6sersepsasriritearYsIRT. Id afar, nit, Ito% For rue. them organa are established in health the for no -license :out of the total of 34. ES WARN or E. JEWELL, face and fain at °nee Witness eo the fact in •Moreerver, the. result in the State at et T e„,e . weride-is•Nerviltrie. In brietone droli •ot Sept 18,- tf • • Sox 50, Goderich For bale. While the arm remained the favorite spot for wearing the unique ornament, somerwath tastes a trifle more herbaria.' chose to have the photograph stamped renews comliness. Half it null= women large is overwhelming in favor of pro- gve drop or any other remedy. • If you Ref <I just above the heart orl high on the and more have found health and happinethe h_ibition, no less tban 256 towns voting rounded Next or +1, 4,oa, , . . . • in the toe of Dr. Pierce's Favoriterrescrip- "No" to but 66 voting "Yes," Of this fer from Neuralgia use Nerviline. Yon have oonvineing proof trf its value and you tion. It musket; weak women strong and aggregate a total ot 144 towns have get rid of your pain, Druggiate Belt it. Trifles. ' elok.women well. - voted "No" without a break since lell, money back if not so. , The reeords of the no•license cities of • The joiners' shop at Pahrier's Ship- manaliester has been selected as one of Massachusetts furnish an impreenare Thanksgiving Day, Tliursclay.Oct.10. the terminal points of the Morgan ehip object -lesson to the voters of the citiee building Works, arrow, Was roy k Y t Christmas, ten weeks from today. combine. 450 000 of Ontario of enhanced material pros- ed by fire on .the 22nd ult. Damage petity and moral progress. The history • Grain is coming in pretty freely at W. Ro ineon, Bright n, aged 1.8 yeare, - b' • 0 of ttpa. cit3r of Cambridife is the most An end quarto volume by i3en Jon. killed while welkin on the railwa present. W68 •-• • faMiliar. No lees natal cant is thet of aim. probably issued in 1C30 at about Farmers are busy With the, root -".4.4 Tan sEnc ON PIRA% ' the cities of Quincy and Waltham. sixpence, was seicl in London, Beg., on ;c....0•08010, -----"- crops now.• . • dre`adful-arel the sensetions of burning, Sept 15th, for £122, • Good morning! have yr* got in your 'itchiug ecanna that vretims,freggentry de-, Iitetp for the Manitoba. fe,roysei f19.131, ,_ .A KNOCK OT.IT:FOR ASTI/DIA. - Fall wheat is looking very well just 1 i ed. Not bii• scribe them suffernige by ariaing Tharlhe havelisa emuy-areappointinenter winter's supply of coal ? akin ill alt on fire. .The stinging, biting fires filled yourstoniaoh with lunar drugs, tried an unexpected stiurce is one o the of eczema are quenched by the tale Of Dr , developmente of the past week. Da., iots of things); burnt t now ; some fields the plants are u ilalotttliotiouree Asthma four or five inches, • le sure to result and the ekha is heeled with- ingnni5oEttc")';:isectired Phy siomach medicine, done may eause a little ttneesinees but cure plate ILIIETTNIATISM TS A. CONSTITUTION gangs of me' n, ar,e arriving in' 133% t 0 a tarrhozo Owes Asthma ; it eyrie ont ecar or blemish, ' SOuthern elan itoba. A. \ scarcity of it P tirsa feeling in about fifteen minutes, Chase'a Ointrneut. The Ant few aP1313.06- ko• ta threshing.outflts, with their corna AL DISEASE, • • .,1 The pain and Idealized conditione are • The medals forth° Toronto men who reported throughout the west. • • • men for• threrrhing operations isAtill eIanahsra.loeuCteastaffiriz000nuegLit ramilekoes yborueatwhely mere results of constitutional nonaitiona. served in the coronation contingent Doted; arty there is nothing like °Manly - ozone for A.ethrea, 26o arid 61.00. Poisoned blood sends ha evil influence to will be forvvarclett to Col Otter. • *•, The outley..otibe 0.ntario 'Govern. - • • various parts of the body and to cure Mrs G permanently you must treat itoonstitation- mother of nine children, committed ally. Nothing so completely dive's these suicide by•cutting her thrcat, the Pt ovince for theadruinietration of London. poisons from the systetri as Ferrezone, - . rive rioted' were killed within the justice, maintenance of the Clentrhl A skating rink being bruit at Fredericton ---makeanew-blood.-at Imparta.vitaljay And re W Raines, of Termite, the merit ad -the various municipalities or The new j•eveneee hien hee Reoed in • panistrammeat Gabral vigor, enabheri the eyetem to ahoy:telt tap-mg.:the-remit- -Prisonitheretorniatoriee,3ailsoteylumsj.. p • --- pigeons that engender rheureatieria. Ferro- • of it conflict With the mil guardhospitals, and other charities, is moreAing Edward It aid to be teking en adt. zone also fortifies the sybteni against the A general Strike of workmen in Swit- than $3,000,000. It is not an extrav. avie 'Werel t in the education bill. weskenieg cleats ofrheumatictmend cures, z.rIttnd has been called in eymprithy VI. Sueteinger was killed at Cornwall, not simply redeveff es meet maid/fee do, With the streetcar etriployees at ;Pen- hgant estimate, to tray that at leitet one. while driving over it veiiwey oroseing, • Sold by Comb's's. Price 80o, eve, - half of this expenditure isfairly charge. .• \ ' • Mr J P Whitney spoke etn banatiet Thatnan killed in the CP R yards at tendered to Dr Fyne by the East To.- WinniPeft On Friday has been Monti - on to ()onset vative Association. fled as Arthur 13raden of Toronto Wen Robinson, eged 10, son cf W B• ALIVE, 'gm HAIir DEAD, 0. RO birtgOtT, of Brighton, was strnek and • instantly killed by the east-bottnti Peeling miserable. .This is the condition press on Oct 0. of thoneende of growing girls and women Can't est enengh tel ne truly alive, Digeet The Milverton Sun hes sent tint a very so tittle Of what they do eat, as to soarcelV neat eight liege helf-tone edition deyoted to know what life really mesee. Miserable? it history of the town and ite Maunder'. Of course. _tett more, digeet More, then feel which is highly otediteble to the enterprise streaming through life's renewed ()arrow, of its publisher. the buoyancy, the Strength, the hopefulneee Toront6 alderman offere to allow the nt Ymith` 8ittit4 a°"'I if Yeu'll just nee 1 errozone, the wonderful bleed maker, ▪ oity tO take 6,000 aortal of wood off it piece owned by him 40 milts from the (shy, frr nerve, strength and brain vigor. Mr the use of the poor. It is estimated it could Gonibo,drf.uggiet1 knows all about it. it' b3 laid dean at less than $4 it cora`, That ""' "'" u """„.° t'" ""u• ° is practical philanthrotik. Tho depar(meni, 08 f1qberjes has been Walter Boucher, fourteen years old, urged to compel the owuerb of drama on of March Townehig was killed'yester. the Ilumber river to colietruct fish - day afternoon by a horse while lead. ways, • in g the animal to pasture. :the horse At Tamaqua, Pa., a striking miner was known to be dangerous, and AS there were no witnesses of the °eerie,. wee shot end instantly killed by 0. *soldier, whose eOurinand tO halt he re.. renee It la supporred the *animal broke loose and Waked, Boucher behind the fitted to obey. left eitr, fracturing his skull. A, young. The Hamilton longehorenoen have er brother later in the day found the deckled to ask aft increase of five Cents rietemed lying at the entrance to the it ton in their wages for, unkiading cord pasture, at the docks; able to the liquor habit and the liquor There are excellent agricultural treffic,and it wilireadily be Understood TM° I'Varia6 lineithe" that the suppression of that traffic menton politIcal and current evente In would speedily bring to both proVincial general. There in but One paper wh r, 1 ti con:glitter; both departments end in boric - and municiTpal authoritie .n important reaches the highest poesible etand rd relief from present outlay for the pUr. of merit, This' paper Is the Sun. On pose named, that would vastly more the first 'page of Viet journal is given a than eornpeneate for the eoirfparative. enrvey by Bystander, • of matters of ly spell revenue now receivedlrorn the world-wide Interest,together with edit - liquor business, It be remember- orial ointment on.Canadian public af. ed that the liquor traffic pays none of fajta, those more particularly affecting the revenue out of its Own resources, the fanners receiving the el -wrest attain. creates no wealth. /t simply takes Orin. The agricultural departments the tax.nayerle money and hands it contain the farrnerel speoial market in. over to tee municipality, teking from formation, and much valuable matter the peonies as has been shown, more not found in any' other evicultitral than thirty timee. as much as it turns parser in Canada, In `We deriartrrient - over to the municipal treasury; the informatiori published is based on the practleal every -day exPerielloo of men who are actively engaged in agri. TO INOREASE YOUR 'WhIGIIT. culture white the Tnark t t 11 1141' If you Are thin, Weak or enletnatea, and Mai just the sort of information Which want to inorease your fleeh and weight von enables the fanner to buy and sell in. ehbuld try Dr Chese's Nerve rood, kos telligently. In addition to all this, denied it doing yon good from arty to dal, there Is given earefully tieleeted MIS - Re it strikee et the root of trouble and cellitneorie reeding of a clue Which Call ereetell new rich blood, Yetfeen View) that be found nowhere else. it Undo up new titiatie *bdaddu ilerrh if You cam secure THU Stitt combine vett Weigh youteelf eitah week while titling With this paper tor $1,75 from noW to ' it, the end of 1003. • • • • 'Cottage, ahnost new eittiated, on Lime Street near centre of town,. containing Hall, ;Double Parlor, Lining room three bed rapine, three elothee oloeets, kitChen, d pantry, also sununer.kitoben. Good stoue cellar, hard and soft water ;geed gareen, largo and small fruits 50 abundanee,, Moe lawu. All in erste:Anse condition. Owner leaving town. Also tome good furniture to . be sold private] 3,, at the in*.A.68'29 E MMERTON ()Mamie. • oueo. Apply to Farm . for Sale. and in3meaiately after graduation go out °MOE-Main Street°, Bayfield, formerly and secure positions at Nand 57 per reek. °monied by Dr. Pallister: We have at the present moment calls for five mate steilOgraphers and baokkeep- Wu. G. awe Nast' • Hot3inEs . • er, wherethe wages offered are from 4,35.• . to.$50 per. month, that we cannot fill, as . EMMY those prepared are all engaged, Write for • (Successes' teeDr. T. V. Bruce 1 oatelogue. •' • .. •• , ., • • II McLachlan & CO. ' . , . Chatham. Ont. ;splendid 100 dere farin consistin&of the as lialf -orDo610;',"ecei—L. le-iferWawcinosli; geed frame house with kitchen, barn. 8005, end shod 80x40 in Which there aro good stabling herd water of never .failing well 8 acres bush, 1 rev° of orchard, situated li miles from • An burn end 60 rods from school. For tufther partioulare apply to GOVIEtt, •L .70nd 0-4* Auburn 1°. O. Furehaset can havo possession this fail. 'FarmiFOis Sale; ' Lot. 12, laaatteet eimertoderich tp., 118 ners t85 eleared,hithetee hitrdWoodAvith hierge (Man- i -trot meter ou ititin gbott state of cultivate*, About live levee Wheitesetul coheiderable fall plowing demo. CoMfortehle Meek houeo largo bern walinablingumlorttotali,driving shod end -other-outlettldinga4--nbent-is-acre.:_neebere witty winter fruit ; welt wittered-noverfaih. Ing eprittg creek end two wells eleven , Miles from elliutou mid throefrent 1Lsees- Rion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for further pertimenre to COLAS. enrolee, 72 St, David ate tri • To Rent or for Sale Prams re/admit% folti j MIS (if tOnd On Mare Street, Clinton', 7lr0ome, wood -feted ,hard eat water, mew _feeble nod. erivima sited, seeelleut mirdee, with plum, peer and lunge' trses,ete. • Also •tor Sale. At any time 1111 1» to sent, arres,partof the Pe* or nieeitame., it the horn% bled of nt (11 i:21"4tirikigPt6P";t gr441414eirrrireoutt eine), Mimeo, small risme, apt les, c to 'Mere is also it very exisdient groan of sand eud gravel int the premise* white* li. veryproiltable, .Apply le P. STRAIT/ Lor to W.1.11tY DONK .A.pri I 18e- Clint011, ' 04.0•G(0.4100.1 "". 4ffin VOOlita 157100110aillt$ l'ho Omit EteNsh Neteafte Scihi end reetainicended by all druggiste in ormada. Oloy elect niteltoine discovere& 841 fraoleteet ouotanteal to Mire NU to so Sexual 1,Veiiklibidall effects& !Ouse Or excess, Mental Worty. Exeessive rietrOf To. Moto, Opium or Stinutlants. Melted on receipt O t pricteene package of eft, $13. Ond tofiDialag• 13teg4eure, -Pamphlets free 40attyadatota. WU* Wood company, Witidettes us* Woodoa Phosphodine is, sold in. Olintoit br it. P. Reeklea Meet. 4g11;,0embe w Wefts, Dreintiate, • ,NIVELIO & HARRISON • BUgINESS IND SHORTHAND COLLEGE Cor. Yonge and College Sts,, Toronto. Couros of study:Commercial( • Shorthand, Typewriting', Eng- • lieb, Civil Service, and Al athe- ,maties, . •Open eptire year -day and evaning. . . • 'Individual instruction. Enter now, • Write for further informatiim. autdd ! Young me sand women to prepare for good %inflation&• Apply to • 'Dominion BUsineis College The beet equipped Business and Shorthand College in Canada. Iteduced tuition ratea. Write us regarding our -courses of study, and prospects of scieuring situatione for graduatee. Catalogue sent .free,-• Addreas J. Be IffelRY, •• Dept "0" Confederation Life msg• . • l'oront0. Ont. -,A0e11.94ed 1Y. ,084 Shorthand Bookkeeping Business. Law, Writing, Correspondence, Type. • writing, eta., Thoroughly taught by • expert - toned teitchers at the . • Direst City Rua - Hess College.Y.M.p.A.,Build- ng, London, Ont, We have no &faculty in placing competent. pupils lo good positiens. College re.opene Sept. 2. • Send for Catalogue. W. Westervelt, priocito CLX1\7'XiCii\T Nie rble (St Granite ivroxeacs The puroluteer of it monurnent aboulri have complete corifidenee in the reliability of the firm, from • which he buys, for the material • and workmanship is something very few buyers are femiliar with, /I yon do not know ns, plettee anire abetlt our reltehtlity freirt theee Who Vnoer ne beet. • We are the only praotioaldmen here Mont I 4 II°over, Proprietor Next to Commercial liote1 L, D. s. --Graduate Royal College entalliSur • Specialist in Crown and Mite Work • goons of Ontario, Totonto,E, 4)6ittm • D. D. S.-First-co/ass Honor graduate f , Den. ' .• *al Department of Toronto • C arse ty Spewed attention • paid to preserve , 0 ohildren's teeth.. Will visit Hayfield eve 7 Monday. • • • Ofttoe over W. Taylor & sees shoe 'stove. • Wt. AGNEW • . DENTIST. 'CLINTON. • Office adjoining Photo Studio. (Mee Hours -0 to 6 every day an ;Saturday until 10 p. fj0, Rianch offices. in Manchester ,Dungannon, Blyth an4 Bayfield. Vetertharv.. . DR. J. .FREE MAN. • VETERINARY SUBGEOW Member of the Veterinary Medical A eSciela. tions of London and Edinbergh; and; Grade - ate of the Onterio.Veterinery College, • TREAT Di8EA8R8 Or ALL ammo • office open night and day, mnioeite t • Faure church, Ontario Street. pluton, ,Ont. •NELSON BALL Veterinary a Surgeon s Succeesor to isAACKALL. Diseases of all domesticated animals-. • treated on scientific principles, ' 4 • Calls promptly attended to Offferatstere St., Clinton; reeidencel Albert St. Phone 62. Miscellaneous. E. MANNING • . . . • . • 13Isuraiici...Agc.3,1,t, .• . 11 'Canada theas.surance.CO.,1 maithe, Accident, .late IBIS' Office 1 11.,TisdalCs Bank, Clinton. ClatIcil'IS,B231P1,4rit,d1111,411triert Clinton. /AMEs scoVr. sit JASetrl918"lliagAg1E N s tar • No witnesses required b. L. MACPHERSON INSURA.NVE. I Fire, *Elite' tecident Pieta BM Orrices ktrugAYELevirraftercl JOHN W. YEC). BOLDIESVILLE, • Agent tor the Maricararrat Fran AsSunAN074 °' 0o, of Manchester, Slighted, whose Made are eeottrity are rated at $14,500,000. Also the lle- EreLor Mumietr. Nitta/Mg 00. All °hisses o farm risks and tonn properte taken by lowest rater. First -elapse Loan Companies also represertad. Mono, to be had from 4 Pee dent up, eecerahn to stattuel of ISOtnitE..-' Daily mail to liolreesville - postai card wil feteh hint MeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE • INSURANCE' CO. WARM and ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURE " orricrenti 13. McLean, President, Eleven P. O.' 'rhos.. Preset viecepresident,13ruceseld P. 0.; Thole . E. flays, Seer-Trea8., Seaforth P. O.; Breadfocd, Ineeketor Of LoSseP, eettforth 13,0. timecroue W. G. nroadfoot, Seatortet; John G. Grieve Winthrop P. O.; George Dale. Seatortht' John Bentetwals.lhiblin; Jas, Evan's, Beeehtveed 0.1 John Watt, Harleek 0.; T1iOnIA8 IPtaaet Brii00110 :John 13, MoLeano„Rieeen Ames Oblivion Luton. Admire Hebert Sitilth,Harleek; Pea forth; jaded Cconinifig, Ondville; J. W. Yee, Iloithestelle ; George Murdlsd idba 43. Morrbion, waiters. • Partiee desirous ta effect Inenriuloo or trane act other tmeinese will be promptly ettendiel tO, on amoloatton 50 one of the above take or *6 tile *mom, Billitillellbsemaieseetheets...eriet