HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-10, Page 8_ • .
October 10thl 1902.
I About Coats
Judging by the' way fall coats are selling, we must
be showing correct styles and have good values. Not 4
a jacket in the It but was made by the best makers oi I
Canada or Germany, by men who have a reputation
throughout the trade for turning out up-to-date and
perfect -fitting garments,. Values here are good, the
best we have ever had, and you'll find an assortment
to select from that few stores hereabouts can show.
Ladies Niggzrhead Jackets $5
Lodies Frieze Jackets $5
Ladie_s,. Beaver Jackets $7 and $10
Ladle's Kersey Jackets, $10, $15, $2q
Fawn, Grey, B1aek-21, 36, 42 inches long
ehildren's Jackets'
Natty styles in good materials, suitable for small girls.
Most of them lined throughout. Nearly all are double.breast-
ed and have pearl buttons. Prices are lower tlaan you could
make them up for and there ia a style abut them it is hard
to get on th)se made at tome, • .4..a
REEFERS. three quarter lengths, and ULSTERS.1Priees-
are from $2.50 up to $1 50
More new Millinery ready for you this week, Stocks
1 that were broken by the rush of orders that followed our
opening are full again, Noveltiesfrom New York in
, shapes and trimmings that find their firat showing ,ii
4 Clinton' in our showroom, Come and see them.
New Kid
A Glove at a Dollar that ought 1.0
sell for more mono?.
This is beyond. question the kid .glove.store of the 'town:
There's not a doubt of that. New fall stook of our great
Dollar Glove came in this week All the popular shades and
,black. „ • •
Real French Kid Gloves, made 'front fine soft skins, twa dome
fastene; s. the new fall shades, browns, castors, greys,
blues, reds and blacks. As good as many stores sell at
$1 25, our special price . PAU
1.00A.T4 NOT11-41S,
rears wantee.-Catimetoir Boos., Clinton
The Provincial Inspector of public Reny Brewer, Stmtford is lying ill
echools, Mr (Miley, was in to wn Toes. at hie home here with pleurisy.
day, and visited our sebool. ' Onslow °rich advertised his horse
Supt. Jones of the 0.T.R., went for sale in the NEW ERA, and eoon die.
through in his private car, attached to Posed ot it, having more applicar ts
the evening train, Monday. . ' than he had horses.
Oautelon d Fit simons
We are sun leading in sugar by saltine George Biggart had the misfortune
riele price to make room or our next ear. Seri each shige1. a double decker of
B,edpatix's Uranulated below regular whole' to run a chisel into his knee la" week pigs• Mon Y. and Ford it McNeil a
w. :v. crxerr, incapacitating himie1f for a, few days i esc of beef on WedoesdAy
ELEQTION PROTESTS.....- It is alto- fshorotrry.i 1 n3ove his arm y to that p ace bit Merest in the 50 acre farm e t to
swi,inat the return of IL Either; to tlic• them by their motheWpaying therefor
gether likely that when t he protest
T.localLsgislature, and that against M. .....Lhere wIll be I total eclipse of the
n about the 2t,h of this atonth,vis. 414'1 )1rvy Davis, at the Bon Ton livery,
t* ' vari3Itietg'i ige ciged brif""°1"8'
Vona 6 , w seve a. others, :1-3T;to the tnaae eye and lasting for trona Dr.Bell,ard will run it in connec
has tonght the horee clipping apnaratus
It ir? with h s livery Anyone wanting
there will be no evidence offered in Acting_ 'fudge Holt held a short seas. h
linen ()owe here on Wed.- ; that place.
', t eir horses clipped will kindly cell at
either case, and the charges will be ion of Div
nesday; only two eases were before • Miss Hattie Courtice, daughter of E.
him, and one had to be adjourned. J Oourtice, has taken a situatIon as
INTEttEST1NG SALE. -The sale of , Miss Emily Turner, Who was unable teacher at 1.'ort Granby, .att $825 per
western prairie horse 41 mares and co e .
that was held Ian Monday, by C. J. far some time to take her place ea . vear. e is a we qualii.eu an ex
Wallie, at the stock yards, meg well teacher it) Hullett, owing to her injury perisnced teacher, wile will give good
attended, and a keen interest was by a bicycle, has fully recovered and satisfaction.
manifested by tne buyers About 18 • We understand that Mr Harry War.
resumed her place a few days since,
in ati, were sold, ranging from $15 for Perkins Its McMahon. of the Olsten. ren, a prominent and -well to do farmer
of Hulled, purposes moving into town
colts to $80 for the older horses. There don hotel,have had shipped them from
Lanclon two beautiall specimens of as soon as be .can secure a suitable
will be another sale of the same kind property,. We extend a cordial wel-
at Blyth on Oct. 14, This will be it hounds; they are jumpers and runners.
good chance to get it driver at a loW Mayor Jackson is having his house Mies E. Graham, town, was judge in
. on Ruron street fixed up, a new roof line arts at Blyth show on Wednesday;
coroe to him.
ng p , d this• the• th year in succeseion that
PORT OF GODERICH RETURNS - ,s*clerable plaeitering and papering being she has performed these duties, which
By the last unrevised monthly' state. done. " is evidence that she has .given 'soils -
meat for August of the government - •
John Day, having received et.tt offer We understand that At Ford has
&INV tbOVIcfi., of a siturion on the "road at Tea- ritucilattse'd fr.ona hie brother Mtltihew
blue hook on moot ts and expot s or
the Dmninion, find that the port of I'm ill at the Wave.:ly House for the
Goderich is credited iiith the follow- past ten days, has far recovered as
ing ; Imports dutiable and free. $18,- to he able to be taken to his horne at
430 ; Consumption dutiable, $18,330 Stratford.
Consumption free, $4,500. For two A boat loaded with coal consigned
months ending August, $10.3770 $22,- for the waterworks at Kincardine, in
285 and 510.872 respectively. Showing trying to make harbor during Tuesday
a, decTease far the month of August. in night's stortn, was swamped, and three
h has been 1 - faction to the Society.
the 1,3st reeer,ioned item of $3.505; *nen and a woman drowned. '
Va5neo an inerease in the second
Robt Fitzsimons eccompanied 200
d c eatie of $3830 in the con-
sumptionrfree list. . Saturday last, where he sold them.
There were also four double deckers
ftrroamin.the north weutdown ou the some
A picture of one of Clinton's choicest
pets! in the domesticated animal line
appeared in the art supplement of the
Mail and Empire ou Saturday last.
The kitty' but it year old, & perfect
white. and is a beauty. Cupid is its
fascinating name. •
?far J.Brown.formerly of the Electric
Light Works, has decided not to move
to Fergus, as formerly announced, but
will remain in town, and Ms family
will move to the house at present oc-
cupied by Dr Freeman, Which is being
fixed up for their occupancy.
sale of Western prairie horses on Mon-
day, at the stock yards, Master George
Mitchell, a lad about 14, oiet with
rather rough usage by one of the
ponies. Being short of halters, be was
asked to mount one of the beasts that
had apparently been broken, and go up
tbwn for some. ThEt boy had no sooner
, got astride him, them off he want on
vthe run; he only went a. few rods, when
he suddenly stopped andlet his hind
feet fly in the air. The boy was throWn.
a considerable distance; and alighted
on his hip, dislocating K. He was
• taken home,. and it Will be some time
before the injured member will be all
right again. ' •
Mrs J, W. Chidley -Dear Madam :
We, the officers and members of Olin -
ton Camp, No, 76, Canadian Order
Woodmen of the World, desire to-d'ou-
vey to reit ear; eineere and, ...heartfelt.
sympathy la your recent bereavement.
A loving busband and father has been
called nom your home, a faithful:and
zealousbrother from our midst: Our
sorrow in a measure is the same, for
the loss is great to both, yet we realize
how much mope severe the partinia is
to yeurself and feel our utter inability
to enter folly into your feeliits, but
' commend Yoh and' the little apes' to
the God of all consolaticie for comfort
in this time of trial and may his divine
grade be: your support. Signed. bee
half et thecamp H. B. KER, Consul
Commander. J. B. HOOVER, Clerk:
head of sheep to the Boffalo market on
The time for furs is here and we are ready for it with a
large and carefully selected stock. If there is one thing aboye
another that it pays to bu.y.early it is Furs. Then you get a
better variety and better stock than you can possibly get later
on. Furs bought here can be depended upon absolutely and
will give perfect ratisfaction. Our stock was selected with
great care from the leading makers of fur garments and is by
long odds the best that has ever been in the store. •
Fur Ruffs $3 to 5.00. Sable Miffs $6.50 to$9
Alaska Sable Ruffs, $10 to $20
Long Boas, $10 to $25 Caperines $5 to $35
- _Fur -Jackets, _.
The selling of Fur Jackets is a speciality with us.
- We handle only dependable qualities,. Price is no in-
ducement for us to buy if we are not thoroughly satis-
Mr A. Osbaldeston, formerly. of
Goderich township, and a, son.in,law of
F uson of to n who resides 44
Reciln,nds, Cal.,at present, in sending
118 a dollar for the NEw ERA. states church, at, 11 ea. Rev air mainline
that he"couldn't keep house any longer will preach, assisted by. the other
•i•sv Minn t it:" Clinton girls know- azood• --ministers; of town The usual coUec..
thing eventif they are married for th oci will taken u
The Clinton Knitting Co. installed
their new boiler on Wednesday, and
are fast getting things into shape to
liable brand of ho ich they in-
continence the volt4tfacture of a re -
tend putting on the m r et.
Dr, Spencer, Brantford, was up in
this section Tueeday, in the interest of
the Dominion Peat Produce Co., who
aite putting up a fine plant at Newing-
ton, Ont,,which will,produce fifty tons
daily, It can be. laid cloivn. here at
about it ton, s.nd is equal to hard
Mr J. Cluff, who underwent an oper-
ation a, few weeks ago, and for some
time after the wound. was not healing
as rapidly as it might, is at last begin.
ring to rnend,and we are pleased to re..
por t that Me (Muff is able to sit up tor a
short time each day, end is on a fair
road to recovery. _
The annual shooting match of the
Clinton Rifle • Aesociation win be held
on Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 16, at the
ranges on Ransford's farrn. Members
of Lon,desboro, Auburn end other clubs
are expected.to participate. Rifles and
aMmunition turnished free to members.
Shooting begins at 9 o'clock and con-
tinues all day,
union Thatiksgiiiitig. service will be
held next Thursday, in Ontario Street
ing P°ng
the popular game, for fall and winter evenings.
Folks who play tennis out doors want ping pong
for in doors, All you need is the dining retina
table, a little skill, a,nd good company.
We have this week received new stook, and now
have all the various styles at fairest prices.
TaiNK,3 ITS ALRIGHT. --The •Tor -
'onto World of Friday last hair this • to
?Leg our tel known
r IT:: 'el
(farte in:todericb fast_ Week -
e %aevn .i•tur,errt:ed.1..
Tarte bele fast nig_lat was My Mr Rel3e-
n e if the banquet as a Conserve-.
It?: a:. a
n as one Who sympisthized,
heartily in the policy propounded hy
Mr Tarte: Mike every Conservative.
.he (the speaker) admired Hon Mr
Tarte for the right and fearless course
. be had adopted, and what added to his
d i ti f him w s the fact that he
a ro ra on 4, . a
was being severely criticized by The
Globe; for sny. careful reader could
easily see that any _Irian The Globe
Iver crititized invariably proved,
geed and valuable man to the country;
DIED IN LONDON. -Mrs Letitia B.
Weir, widow of 'the late Joseph. Weir,
fied that qualities are all they ought to be. This season 1,Dorcheeter, and mother. of Mr
we have bought a lme of coats to sell at $35. Thare dent of tr
munity, died at the tesidencir
made from choice selected skins and are extey extra good Coats daughter in London. She was born.
for the money. We have lower priced garments. at $25
and $80, but strongly recommend this one, '
Ladies' astrachan Jackets, made from choice selected
skins that are properly dressed and tanned, lined
throughout With good quality satin, mohair lining •
in sleeves, high collars, reveree, double breast ed, 24
or 27 inches. If we &eked. $40 we Would not be ask- r-
ing a penny too much. We took a quantity and ourgia
special price is . . • 1
,CASIlliERE IIOSIERY, 1Good Valdes. in .
'NW lines of fanrrsilk embroidered, nderwear
Cashmere Hose came in this week
:-:•- teak piece last 'Friday, and she was
'. ilia -dile of bar late bus.
They ars marked at populitr prices and: tales ITneerirear for early fall Wear, beside the-feintA t
, ....rown's Bill cemetery.
are the best vanes we have ever shown, low line and betttir one. Both' extra - !An.
in Ireland 83 years ago and came to
Canada early in life, and after marry-
ing Mr Weirsettled in Dorchester,
where she lived up to the time of his
death, a few years ago. She then
• moved to London to live with -her
daughters. She leaves a family of firs
sons and four daughters, they being;
John Weir, Manitoba; Adam Weir:
Clinton; James Weir; Dorchester,
Joseph W. Weir, West Nitstonri ;
William N. Weir, Dorchester; Mrs T.
Quiott, West Nissouri ; Mrs D. Wood.
D irchester ; • Misses Maggie and
Letitia Weir, London. The funeral
Ladies' Cashmere Hose, plain,
good values.
, -
soft finii•h, double heels, full Ladies Vests, ribbed, open fronts, long regular monthly meeting of the Public
.. fashioned, handsomely ern. eleeves, medium weIght, soft finiehk 0K„ School Board was held, an the town
broidered in silk. These quell- - boob .4"") • hall on the evening of Oct. 2nd. There
ities per pair 35o, 80e, 60c Ladies line quality natural wool vests, me. were present the chairman. Messrs.
TWO G000 LINES:dinm weight for early fall wear, A. A„, O'Neil, Rowland, Hoclgisns, Bate, -and
You'll try a long time b- fore you get lima sleeves, extra 'utile et "oh in.Uti. Beacom. Principal Lough submtted
-Any that are better values Unless you his report for the tnonth of September.
Thos$2 76 Blankets • which is as follows :-- „
pay m ore for them than these are e
GAraTiaratigx.ON_VIREItta.10 SPEtOOL
, .
Ladies' Cashrnere Ilo,e, good ' Thom wool blankets weirs selling at -Bnalua.- Our attendance for Septem.
we' g ht,soft finish, double heels $2.75 are a bargain; yoti'll agree with no - bet Was 180 girls. 198 boys, average at.
will woo r Well, tilain or ribbed; , when you see them. ' tiolt it great many tendance 328, There are 28 model stu.
• per pair . ' 25e pairs to sell, and when' they are gone, no dente, Who have handed to the treasur.•
. er $1.80 for fees of same and 1115 for non -
Ladies' all wool Cashmere Hose more ae good at this price,
resident pupils. As you are aware, after
very, fine .qualiey, soft finish, - . Good quality white wool Blanketa, colored consulting the raembers of the beard I
fall and winter weight plain or borders, large else, for double bed, arranged With Miss D O'Neil to supply
ribbed,splioed heels, good valueWA soft, lofty finieli,extra speeial, st - Miss Comhe's room during the month
a,t per pair OUe, per pair . . $z 75 of September. Miss Combo Wishes the
1 1 _pit
arralement continued for October at
of Education for our Model
nogg of a place to keep our books.
least. received 18 new books from the
. OUR SLR -GL SUIT A.T $12 anel,
1 ibtary, We are very ranch in
'rrade in •the Clothing section
Respectfully yours,
g oing ahead by leaps and Miss Robb asked foranincrelase. °Si
W. R, totroa °Arid's& M
4alary, and on motion all of tht3 teach..
bounds. it is getting better every ere were reesngAged for 1903 at their
day. Values hke this Blue Serge present alert', except Miss Robb, who
to 6300 per annual, The following ac -
suit are doing it. This is a good was granted er request,tvhich is equal
suit and from first class material
• • 001111t4 vvere ordereuaid °roll,
wor ted lean& that will not catch the dust. R. E, Manning reeeived, the appoint-,
h LI 11
„ i1137, Jae; k erguson , A. S. Grigg 11,
Menlo Saito made from all wool Irene, hard W. 0600,e. 86 00 $1,20, 0. Eyatie 1.
. Gooad !Mingo used throughout, perfetot fitting. talent to the VaCtISICY On t e ub c
allY Library Board re W.E. Rand resigned, .
••• ordered Ault woutd be at 615, it you want arid Miss Combe Was granted another
g , As,. good materisl and to wel made 'se
• ' ` A. setae alit Yov Cah Se'Ve $8 Month's leas% hf absenee 'The tax v•Am. a e •
0 e as
1tion8 p •
,The Seaforth Preebyterian Sabbath And everybody inyited.
School very thooghtfully remembered ‘. APPLES EXPORTED -During the
the inmates in our Howie of Refuge past.week D. Cantelon has. ehiPped 15
last week bysending all the flowers ears of apples; one half going to Glare
that were used in the decorations on grow and the ether to Liverpool.: He
Flower Sunday in that church, Such has also shinned one car to Manitoba..
remembrances as these, although they They were hranded Mostly three X
orly Wear little, are thankfully re- . goods and are as fine as can be hail,abd
ceived, and assist in brightening the were got from Goderich. 13rucefield,
lives of the :unfortunate ones confined Belgrave, bondephoro and Clinton sec-
thereio. ' •tzoru
_ ,
Si, 51.15, $1.25, 32.25, 3259
Extra Wood Racquets, Ine
Extra Balls, - 5e
The W. D. FAIR 00..
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best;"
,Taylor Son's
Oar dock for the FALL TRADE is
now complete. We have all the latest
stylee, which we now offer atvery
olose prices for cash.
. -.LONG • BOOrs
We are sole agents in , Clinton for
y Pair guaranteed • .
• Also sole agents in Clinton for the
celebreted GRANBY RTJB,BERS -
which have stood the test. They are
the best in the market,. Try it pair and
be convinced,.
• .
in uttERN tEl'd. We seOOTWEAR. Our stook
aoliol fi everything
is equalled by few and excelled by -none.
'We shell be pleamedto s how yen our
stock and 'give you our prices. At
might be money in year. pocket. '
The Old Reliable,
'Oaahand one Pried We will not' be undereoId Begs taken ae cask.
- • • . •.. • .
W Taylor :& Son= Olinton
N ;;'RO$1,:-Qi�thi�rs.
All who read our. announcements:carefully, find every Statement completely verified
. . .
when they visit our stole, Our various performances thoroughly vindicate our various
.proraigeS.. TNij:raerChanaise Sustains the printed representations, tind:thepriceS justify
. .
our increasing claim of undersellink allied competition.
Truth telling _ creates _. advertising silpremaey- We appeal t5 :the intelligence of the
people; we seek their favor by inspiring their confidence. -.A periscopic study of our
store news stimulates the conviction that accuracy and honesty are its salient points.
i • • . • •
This business is dependent on senatitons and exaggerations. Indulgence such: a,
policy would check its groWth by. destroying 'yourfaith; vvhilepromiscuous retailers
are bent on rendering the *dictionary insolvent by heavy adjectives, we proceed to
strengthen our hold upon popular preference by the Use of language Simple, yet pow-
erful—the language of values:. Test ckur statement by comparison of these values.
Tailoring Department Ready -to -Wear Department
7 -hast iieek Was a banner week, -Values like the -se ahoull,„' • We have passed a tot of new, up-to-date tI
. )
'make this one a record breaker: We are making -to - into stook this weekThey certainly are beauties
week a speCial line of Imported West of England Tweed,
order thievvereeats
inand you should see them At once. Our new Coronation Tweed
nide fawn and grey herring bone stripes, verySnit is a beauty-, both in material. and general get up, and will
s '
stylish, this week only... . ,„, 52.48 be a great favorite with nobby dressers. Specialgt, •
• • •
• • price • • * • • • ipas • • • • n • 4 4 •.: •.,“ • ....,. tr • • • f. • • • • •••;74P 111 •
Overcoats .
.." e
, - No. 3122 is our latest Black Chaviet Salt; it has a Royal
- --Thieb..idiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiitnitit_irisevir,or those ell Blue•interwoven stripe which makes it a very heat, natty suit; '
Overcoats, made in any style, so much surpribed us, that wevoill wear well and holder rte appearaiiie—fii-fho-Itt„,., ,..i
. '''''‘--
have decided to give those who didmade and trimmed throughout Special price, 401V
,not order last week,another'well
chance, and up to Satnrclay, October 18, we •
will make them 'fully guaranteed, for ....$10 & $1 fv, Our No. 1 real Irish Tyne Serge is made from pre wool,
and has a beautiful new navy blue hade, heavy Ita ianth
Tweed Suitings linings, well gotten up and very stylish.. Special price, 12
111 pieces of English; Scotch and Canadian Tweed Our specially imported West of England Tweed Suit, in
Suitings, all- new patterns for fall and winter wear. A.8 there dark grey cheek, with large inlaid plaid of red, very stylish
are no two mailings alike, it gives you the largest range in.this and becoming,. all seams sewn with linen thread, and outer
vicinity to chOoSe from, fit an workmanship fully ei seems stitched in silk. This suit is extra wel!fite,,,d,". $1 8 50
guaranteed at . • . and cut strictly up to date. Special price
• • ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
In our Tanering Department fit and, workmanship is fully guaranteed. In our Thiady-to-wear Department we make all.
alterations free, and. every suit has to fit properly' before it leaves our establishment. That is our way of doing business. °
• . - twerpt1iIhe glad to learn that the
>. ... .,
• oard has left over ffoin ' hot year 10 , ..,..
,. • • tons of coal, and the enestion raffled of High Class Tailors and Up-to-date Men's and Boes Furnishers
:11Aodgeraist lEtros -P- 6 6r
• - inora plentiful and cheeneri , •
W. basing rn e waa left Over for the
toceeent in the hope of it becoming