The Clinton New Era, 1902-10-10, Page 7!I'
e lietreerer.""ter ''-'ee
Wasting Away
The Sad 0011ditiOn Of MOny
Younu eln
111111 1 1 11111 1111111Tlidm,imarr1011111111.110170111.1111.111•11.1111111/111411011•11111111111011,, , 111111 I
btop tire Lewis °ilea steponional tot :wavy lessee o: gr .o, sosiss woad wino umteicom wis
or fodeer, aud in the timber:: of the blind,- mese euhiene„
Oentributed for the Stew Era.veith by el leeltV roof. y y • u we no TOO,
In Order to pay farming. shonld be Lack of lenewiedge,e_eseeari eel 1138 k ognize Oita God, inimitable
lomany *geed we hbeen ruitied n SpIrit as
ee a
minute *perk of whih
gs fraew errh Ibe id
ed in e Barrie way as other previoudy mentioned May be ecIle
est dovel to Ile 1181 4°" 1"4/ t"vb" with that
business enterelelees. A eultable return 'carelestmese, but ferment*1 1 po ose baosuee gr
ee aciously endowspirited. us ? To give
atethere Should be Wire Careful When should he received, not only tor the some of Qom think that nothing opm be
money ineested 10 the laud, stook and Waned from others, ited that a new idea hi , it to ue, and take no further account
,Their Deughters Complain of Head- iMplemeote, but also fOr the labore Mad neoesearily noneense. No nuteter how gooct 'a it, Were Unworthy a the Gretet
e should by a simple eystens of book. ideas from others that will prOwe or vatoe olzattered mirror le also a mirror it -
Or Heart Palpitation 5 keening, keep a careful check on his to hint. The experience of Experiment ; self, just as the timeliest drop of water
. receipts and expenditures, 60 as to Stations and of suaceseful ferment ehoulct ' possesses all the qualities and le sub -
Many mothers neglect the health of their II,
know exactly Wniolt Of his farnilpg be:Arai:illy manned for "pointere " II0W jeet to the •Saale laws as the oceares '
growing denghters. Not wilfully, of mum, hips a, prone; ' many farmers there are who do not Rub- floods, so the atora of spirit we call
operations are yielding
but heeltrise they think ths omission/4
which are conducted at a loss, arta eeribe to a paper devoted to farming ; thetie ehemae, ,,,,ny, is most truiy a. fret
beedt °hes from which they tuffer, fiekle- w. hieh are causing, him Mer91Y to men Ore certainly lasing, money by Wee meet,' a. drop of the Great Soul. Iltilit '
Of Appetite, and pale ()hooka are the net -
'Marls time". A. little figurtng. or beonomy. In this age et progrem it is ideise it, then, not have tawny with its ori- '
Ural result of the merging of .girlhood into
womenhood, '.hi is a lawns mistake. title sort may reveal to him il, 1311Mbetl: tilikt °mint ;a Single idea gained from a PAP- tihn; atnspty, therefore intercoureee
lehere is no period iii a uiriel we when ahe , of little leaks which almost i
niliaPld er• will Often,wben put into practice, rem- orefore influence 1
ibly dr aln away the profits thate ou0_ sent * gain of many times the subsoription • .
A swiss' storm rape out of doom;
lasede More attention, and imitate Use little reward his labour. In theee daysi I price. Nhe looal paper should also always sick, nigh unto
otiou% Qum. perhaps aecune spa eensunixi. fierce ce_mpetitiofn it is only bYaleudeePprneg. be sapportedtand each f rmer should do an eeY infant r id is
troubles are enocessfally treated, more
tion -are snre to follow, When every clown thecost 0 production, ,,., he can to emelt tile ealt:r et 1-he-fterhin-itur, death, and heel!, no mane of t oing
all waste that tanning can be I al paper ancl the lqoal riper to produce ee for medical alcl. I r i a 1 in
ranked needs at this period is a tonic tin 'all atm e t hi li in a.a ae a i ulat has"
Made encceesful, SemessUurce_S_of 1088 gcca a !them Be Possible, aisa to attend the , m nn,utery. ehome Oauedr,lispetlkeinnefie ilpon
. Medieme that will give her a rich, red
oiroulation of.eaphi P. W. Henson, Live 1044 1
b i h fel are hese glven which Will readily sus.
a sensitive magnet, my accents reach
a central storehouse of teat wondrous
fluid we call electricity, and those ill
eharge there respond to my eager call.
$o, when storm and stress opprese
Portugal Mara Rain shall we not breathe u o the 1 '
p n e magnet
, eche, Eiokle A.ppetite, Dizziness cares of management. Every farmer e, farmer a Men May be, he can still gain Donor. Just as the fragment of is
ana ' through, it critical period in her life. Por gest °the"' Stook Commissioner
blood, 0 ro g ,
Imck of System. -.-One of the chief *
this purpose there is no other edicine in
De wallow& pink leaks on many farms is the loos of time
the world can equal
ills, Thousands of girls throughout and energy because the management.
carried out on any definite syse
Canada owe their present health and hap. is not •
Piness to this medicine, and thousands of t . A stud of any old and success -
soon be ful business will show that success has Poor, debt -ridden Portugal,with h
etrong if they would give Pr Williams been largely *due to methodical and he .of prayer which our souls all. contain,
°there who are suffering would
systematic lea? ee doing things, Sys. people breaking into revolt because the and will not our sore petition . speed,
Pink Pills a falr trial. Aiming the many
riving ladies who nave proved tbe great tem may be carried too far so as to be -
worth of this medians 'is Mille Jennie come raerely mechanical. but as a gen-
worth eral preposition it may be said that
,Beamer, of Boyle, Ont, Miss
says:—"Some years ago I became very ill, after a well-defined plan of action has
and my friends feared I was going into a been determined on it should be rigidly
1 d t As more knowledge is
Government dares to make an arrange- allg on t spilt -Ives,. nit tothefocus
ment by which her foreign creditors will na
saently" :thrall' o emaana8tPeinthew eanctiinfirneg.
get a portion of the interest due them, thrill that sends help, encouragement,
forms a pitiable contrast to that nation relief?
in the daYs when• her people were the Try it, men who faint beettese of the
decline. x was pale; suffered from battle of life's struggle; try It, women
terrible headaches; my eippetits was poor, Seined, or new ideas acquiredet will be gre'alest traders and, colonizers in the
who thrill and quiver with affection's
and I grew very thin. I beoame so weak neceesary to make changes in the rout -
world; when Da Gama doubled the Cape sorrows for those ye love; try the
that I could hardly walk. I remained in ine, but, no change should be made
spiritual teleplione which the Psalmist
thie condition for several months, during without due deliberation. All work, of Storms and "the gorgeous East poured
which time I tried several medicines, but phonic'. be planned in advance and all -
en her lap au going in sparkling shoW- and all good men and women recora
mend; for, verily, "the Lord is nigi;
none helped me in the least. Then tal tools and implements gotten ready so -
meth er get me eome of Dr Ve illiame' Pin that there may be uo delay when infer- - ers."
W•th I ti
'PIK and alnsost from tbe outset they I begin..
helped me. As I continued the use of the Use of Time Tables.—Ail men em -
Pill% the severe headaobes left me ; my played on the faint should have ,well
appetite returned and 1 gained in - health, deflned duties te perform so that their
and have einoe continued to do so. I attri- time may be used to the best advent-
biite this entirely to the nee of Dr Wit. i age. A good system provides for the
Rams' Pink Pille, and will be glad if some feeding of stock at regular hours each
other weak and ailing girl will profit by day. When stock are fed and watered
intk experience," at regular hours they become accus-
Pale and sallow cheeks, dizziness, head- tomed to the regularity of feeding,a,nd
ache', palpitation of the heart, and the thrive much better than if ted at clif-
feeling of weariness thae !Mote so many ,ferent houre on each succeeding day.
young girls, will soon disappear if • Dr Care of Iroplemente.—A very cow-
- Williams' Pink Pills are used. These mon source ot loss. is found in the neg-
pine also cure rheumatism, - dyspepsia, lect of expensive farm implements and.
kidney ailments, St Vitus' dance, and the thole. These are lefe lyincein the fields
other troubles that come from poor blood where, they have been used, subject to
and weak nerves. Sold by an dealers in - all the incleniencies of the weather,
inediaine or sent post paid, at 50 cents. a which are more destructive than actual
box, or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing use. Small tools are frequently lost,
the Dr Willitims Medicine Co., Brookville, the larger implements rust or rot.
Ont. ,, • There should be a place on every fartn,
where imrdements mass be kept uuder
The 2nd Gonekhom. e0Ver, and none should' be Idt -outside
From The Times' report of the final re- when not in use. A WOrkshop should
be 'provided in connection with tbe
view by the King of the Indian troops tool -house, so that during rainy days
the following brilliant passage may. be " other deck periods, implements
extracted:— ' ' • • -* sbotild be painted and necessary' repairs
made. ' Much time is lost by farmers,
What traditions theft troops carried during busy seasons such as seeding,
in their records, what memories. of a
century of war under the' eastern*. mins
even of modern times, what stirring his- • ,
tories belonged , to the row of ' medals Strong Nerves
When the blood -gets thin and watery,
It will suffice to refer to perhaps the . •
most picturesque incident in that bill.
e appeared onnearly eveey reast.
Rant morel' past, the 'passing of the an-
* - cient colors of the 2nd Gourkhae, the
regiment of which the King is honorary
colonel; They carried two sets of scar-
ed and tattered ribbons on poles. 'The .
sear -
, st had been carried by the regiment
from 1844 to 1850, through the lsloody
campaign of the 'Sntlej7-the Carnage.
aniept aelds of Alistul and Sobraon.
What a record of heroism lies wound,
among the blackened silks of those col-
ors! The other set had been carried by
the same regiment through the strug-
gle of the Mutiny, and had been plant.
ed upon the ehot-riven ridge at Delhi.
.And there were men supporting the King
at this h ' plant-
ed there. Is it to be wondeted that
every hand was raised in mute salute
when those war-searred harbingers of
;Victory were carried past the Kingl ‘.
. ..-
l'wo jolly sone of Erin- halted- at
wayside inn.
"Phwat does the soiga say, Pat 4" alb, Dr • Chaoe's
Ls it usually does at this time of year, the
. nerves are first to suffer; they are starved
and exhausted. Headache, diszy spells,
Indigestion. weak action of the heart,
langidd, depressing feelings, weakness
and functional derangements of the bodily
organs are the result.
You can feel Dr. Chase's Nerve Nod
dohs you good da b da as it strikes at
the root of trouble and creates nevv, rich
blood. You -can prove that it builds up
new tissues and adds flesh if you weigh
yourself each week while using it
Mre T. 1VIcFaul, c.arpenter, ere Manning
Avenue, Toronto, states :-"I have used
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for acute indiges
then, nervousness and inability to sleep
and now, after -a thorough test, am
leased to eity that my nervous? system
• as been built up, and I rest and.sleep
well. I can speak very highly d this
preparation, knowing ft to possess curative
properties 'which I haere failed to feed
other remedies." so. cents a box, at all
ea ers or =mon, s o..
unto those who call upon Him, to those
a popu a on of 5,000,000, she is
who call upon Hire in. very truth."
burdened with an outstanding debt of
over $835,000,000, about evenly divided :manor to the ilostonesie.”
between external and internal obligee We suspect, says 'The New York Sun,
tions, and, as a aide issue, has a floating that the author of thefollowing letter
Is either erei
n envious Caek or 80me
debt , of eomething like $80,000,000: 'member of the Boston Lancere, the Wor-
With a largo balance of trade against cester Continentale, on the Putnam Pea -
her and an annual deficit in her budget, lane of Hartford, who cannot abide the
It Seems like a hopeless task to try
ea _never -paling glory of the finest set of.
men that. ever faced a 'smoke talk M.
put the lietle kingdomof the Lusitaniatut chased a "chaser." His letter is print-
ed here only to show the, baseness of
his motive and thesinherent impossibil-
ity of his assertions :--
"To the Editor of The Ben: -Sir,—
Pour years ago the Ancient and Honor-.
sufficient to go a :considerable way to- able Artillery of Boston visited Quebec,
ward rehabilitating her finances. .. • took possession of the Chateau Fronten-
There are ,between 7,000,000 . and 8,7 ac, and outdrank, on ternis of catch -as -
000,000 sores of lead, capable of pro- catch -can, its oldest frequenters. But
timing rich crops, now lying unculti- when theyssatteeked the Garrison Club..
vated In the kingdoin. She pollsesseer the- Ancients fell by. the way. in large
considerable mineral wealth, but for numbers; being wholly unable to *live up
want of coal and cheap transportation to the standing ride of the club that
a large proportion of her valuable mines the sole drink -shall be Scotch, witim
remain unworked and new ones are sels• ..Cssiadtess rye; neat,.... as a ellafieL VOUX
'dorn or never opened.—Chicago 'Reeords- hundred and seventy-three officers, non -
Herald. r: . • commissioned : officers and men sought...
• • the floor of the club in the spade of the
s ?ine nonen and the novik. nine hours, 'and had to be put to bed at
It is well known that • the hawk, nothechateau by:their respective esib-
.Inatter how fieree and big :he may be, deroipvieerrs. eicilmnsentnite: the. event a
Olt a paying basis. Yet Portugal has re;
sources which, if developed; would add
greatly to her wealth and paying ability„
and colonies, now a burden upon her;
which she might dispose of for sums
October W4101902
has tin terror for the kingbird. It is a the ratan') tatle aotlf the club Iatateedar:Pttl.:
common eight in the springtime, when .. words: 'Honor • to . the ' Bostanese 1
. Like Montgomery,• they fought well -but
are breeding, to see one a thee°
- • plucky little ehape mercilessly following, fought September
v1a31,n ,;8a9g8a,bist a generous foe,
pecking and 'driving away a great bird. . "This inscription jars the pride of
of prey a dozen times its size.. A :nee- every American visitor. I know from
bitter experience that the•Ca,nadian rye
climb who was pawing out on the ' used at the club is the brand known as
Chelsea HillS, says a Lachilie correspon- 4eieuirrer rye., After fourteen hours the
dent 'of The Neve 'Yerk Sun, learned Average inan starts out to climb a ttee '
or telegraphpole; that is to say,- the
that the kingbird is not the only renal liquor rouses m hira the instincts of ids
bird held enough to- :Atte*. and &lye arboreal ancestor (vide Darwin). But
1 one: morning for his supply .tif milk, sindicate ,istutt/citn prowess 'even over -
away the robbers of the air. • surely the Ancients ought to make an -
The men was apProaching a farmyard pther cleft& at the Garrison Clab and
- when a commotion °along the poultry, squirrel whiskey', -
, -dye* his ettention to 9, large hen hawk "Quebec, June en. Tiator!"
whieh Was. sailing. away with a good. No visitor to tee English parts of
' sized chicken in its talons. The peer Quebec can fail to reniember this °ha.; •
"The Perfect Food" for Brain and IPlu,scle
Minns Ara Eating MAT..,„ wog rodeot feed"
Made in Canada, from Canadian grown wheat,
• by !Median. workmen.
old 'hen was doing its best tO prevent aoteristic dor: ..A, &etch mist of whis-
the raid e With eaueh squalling eilee ren key bans .around the plug: The Very
along, and tried to use her clumsy evinga fiends squirt soda. Many Canadities never
• in flight • after the thief. , . use ligeot There is the more for others. -
Just as the hawk roseto th 1 vel • Intim matter •of •nianlee hospitalitee, tie
..1"2,111.1• it, fin
1110g OITAT
47•743:,.. 47, 0,01p•
Malta -Vita is the vital, the life-giving food; the
invigorator of brain and body. -eteeieeeereeee.
Malta -Nita is rich in phosphates, or brain food,
Melta-Vita is 'the original and only perfectly
cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted
Whole wheat food.
Malta -Vita contains all of the gluten of the
whole wheat, mid is the peer of all prepared foods
as a bone and muscle builder.
• ee :wee- eke
Perfect Health' is $usiained
• by -a Perfect Food
liana -Nitre the perfect food," eaten for
breakfast and supper,' insures perfect diges-
tion, and removes all cause of insomnia and
dyspepsia. eo% of the ills of life are due to
poor digestion; Perfect health; sound restful
sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white -
teeth, sweet breath, are the blessings that follow
a.regular diet of flaltneVita.
Beware oeimitations. Insist on gettingelaltae
Ata, "the perfect food." Requires no cook-
ing,—altvays ready to eat. '
Malta4ItA is so prepared aS to be easily digested and assimilated by Old and -young, sick or well. Lake
packages atymicgroCer's..„,,, ,
:2tIttilltIm am ,
- Mow "tail
altagaVita P re oo
Private funds to loan onrmortgagee at
beet current rates '
4 General Banking hisinees teatiseated.
Interest allowederin deposit.
Safe notes bought
G. D. --McTaggart
A. •General • Banking Bosinestal:
• • Arfloaittad: .
, .
. .
isbyipS ritscouNTED
. 'Not tit issued. Interest allowed -Sin '
e depoeits,
. _
Toronto. : • - • •the.- treetopsea-roleene whieh_hsa P 11 ,
ua: .Th:ey.--164 1 ' NV Pii4WLSolliS BANK-
dently beet.' taking aneasuree' to iiiiist diens are uneqint ist t . j
plung,e the incautious visitor into a as .
i 'ht . to •Of the h lc ith eli i
• • • Ca tai Costigan would sa the Cana+
ed one.
" 'Accommodation for mon an' baste, erve Food
read -the other.
"Thiti lit's ,ge in."
"Hoild on.?
"Phwat for 1"
"Which av us will be tle mon,an'
th' baste 4"—Chicago News.
the hen mother, sprang from a limb
Th owri heads and lees Incorporated by Aot Parliainent 1856.
of Soo , e s
• usually rise high, and easily above t,hose
,cry of rage. So fiercely did the ,game
Caledonia waves. Practice makes per -e CAPITAL $2,500,000
• redbreast use its sturdy bill upon . the f
t d th t 's f rtif ' REST PUND $2,150,000
e 1 a haying and harvest, beeause a bolt' or PPICE, ?MONTREAL;
Upen it to peek to be Leer advantage, the gates of Quebec who have surprised
o tiler e all art has been lost
hawk's back, at times ,even alightmg But there hove been stratgees within
e me 0 M P ' that ft ------ 1
wida and a trip to or foul]. fi di a .etr.a goo ea manoeuvring. he surprisers. The Ancient and Honor-
imposeible to escape this per , dry is necessary to eeplace it This .n ng 1 able Artillery Company is an association
s stent toe, it a o ed its re a d
Lame Back
In the Morning._
waSte of valuable ;Arne might be .pre- 1 , r PP P Y ri • of time-honored strong men who have a
vented by a little forethought or exam- turned epee the robin. Butethe brave taste for uniforms and appreciate the
inatien of the implement before it was little. bird was by no means fighting for joys of travel as well as the eomfort ;
fi htin 's sake and as soon as the chic- that a evell-etocked armory grants. As ,
• required for use. In Many cases imple g g
ments are purchased which the farm- .kera had been restored to its mother a matter of -belief and principle, they are
te • ers could well do without.. • darted back to its tree, and began a rigid teetotalers. For the honor of their I
There ate ir
*zany people
who find it a
&Moult task
getting up in
en account of a
terrible pain
and soreness
of the baekthat
makes rising a
painful and'
- I
Animals should be selected for early mat.
operation. Ever know what it was arity and fed 50 118 to be ready for market
to have your baek SO bad that. when • at an early age. Tim nearer maturity an
--yon'Al, try to aniinal comes, the greater becomes the coat
P-t-Qat-d--13-ea-1011-4-----tfgrowth.—Again money isTosfly-fitillig-
Keeping 'Unnecessary Stock .—This song of rejoicing. State and country, however, they will
--another frequent -cause-of-loss.— - -
If a farmer has more •horses than
are required to carry on the work
of the farm, he Should sell those
he does not need, if a ogure at . all
reasonable can be obtained, The aerf Bulky. Packages of Cereal
dare- any danger, At anniversaries and
celebrations they consent to wet their
whistle; but their by-laws provide that
there shall not be more than eight or
tine celebrations' and anniversaries a ,
week, • In foreign countries these self -
- which does not yield enough milk or putter sacrificing heplites • wM never permit
to pay a good profit on her keep should be Breakfast FOOdB Are Nct themselves to be "drunk to a, standstill.*
disposed of,and ber piece filled by another, • le.
a taw weans. use or tne sown one sSamooir
The Aneient and HonorableArtillery
tester will usually furnish scme surprising Guarantcesof EcononlY Company did visit Quebec in 1808, and '
moults in this direction. was prevented from taking the place by
11 1 ' '
Wel; lerneoe Meoennsson, Presiden
Jsmes EeenereeGen. Manager.
Notes dispoented, oolleationsemade, :lest le
issued; eterling and 'Ameriban exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed or
desalts Same Bin—Intetest allowed
on Bums of 41,1 and up. Money advanced te,
armors on their own notes, with one or
mere endorsers, No mortgage required.
He% lbeestreSre Afaitager,
Improper feeding of Stook :—To secure or Quality. its chivalrous instincts only. We say it
maximum pronto it is necessary that stook
ehould be fed intelligently for the objent in 01> tcahenaehdaiamnes o0frmEtengtiihsahtmbezrbtuhte mine
„view, Rations should be narefully corn- One Package of 4 was a censpiraey to stretch these Bel -
pounded in order to noun teproper peeper- •
. time of albruninoida, and carbohydrates or Malt Breakfast Eood lona'S bridegrooms net on the Plains of
Abraham to roll thena down from the
10.7 as it is called, a proper nutritive ratio. makes a inevc Far 'Citadel, 4 overcome the invincible corps
that for elong years hate laced every
Twenty..Five People timed of tem the world can produce, and
• e never. yet , lowered its glass unemptied.
,i,rytliteathe manufacturer0 ot mourBreakt -Tiuhreea ofirratrwassfeffed—We Antienfs
Lradirnoriantiyionalsenattteo this coon- hotel with
tie Garei=e7ovosf tint
almost seretun with the paint tosruovinidme green crepe for feeding during
Can't do much of a day's work the nidyoptatootaolaeinat lo give the publiothe skim The
Wang Off 1iith a bapk as bad as try. Hor ilaaOst haur
thdt—not fit forgpleasure either. the hay they mire to eat—a preloggcteea not positive etatementitlItgn°ea' jahE17 raflakoaie:ohye li?talih9oa itr a iaftell
aiene,lhaTa „jig
ge of their
celebrated food will mike ttiacea a
. only wasteful, but injurious to the animals
Well, ttll this backache and path AS Well
nietaficir.tpe money se oil
this stiffness and soreness come; Waste.oi B.:tenure —In the older Ina
tenance of soil fertility is already an imp Malt Breakfast
tipo can't de their work p iri
and. your back has to suffer for it. that all the 'manure made on the farm 1 e trios de mous
and appetizing' of all breakfast grain footle.
3ust try a bbX " two . of Dr. . should be saved, and used in the best pos.
'Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, gird/along, are ?. r leaching,
ea -g vet. Grocers everywhere 40 Can. and arks of Om ea
h lib i G - - inc
- w ' t t
Stop. Cho edtilan
aisle conditiondwithotit low fseM Physioians and food averts say it le a
tide find Mail) lireakfaet rood the feeteet
What a change you'll find coming Inferior Seed.—In many oases a partial „per. ityon, have not 06 goo it ii. ttiat , 61.4tizative Broino•Quinine Tablets ' °ire' e
over yen! . You'll be able to spring or total failure ot a certain orop is due to
racer for it. A in one day. No Cure, No Pay, 'Prioe
the purchase of a cheap or inferior grade of 11.8IC r" "
front your boa in the mozmhig as . 26 Want. : • •
Bach eeed is usually badly mixed with ---e _,,,aeleeee;,,_ eeeseeAre,„__ ..et_,,.._ __...- ...eL.--Lie-1.---.,
lively as woricket, and feel refreshed Medig8n seeds, so that the farm bectemete *mt -==-.??,,..-y-r-v-r4-1-0.4.0444Firikirsie****4-4,-*
and lit for your daily duties, over -run with weedswhich not only teplace -
n it on to this anyeconbrideetril f°e°aturen Medford rum as the "chaser."
because the kidneys are elo portion f C a 'th te sett' ied I dd.. I..
Ei 0 MA e res
g ° .91° °f 153 boasting over imaginary victbries.
or- lee, e ore nourl should accept, if it dare's, instead of
The challenge is still good. Quebea
'Faotadd leased re
roper y, tent gueetion. Row desirable is it then 31(5
hen sands f usors consider •
1•••ph 'Weeks, Beckwith Street, Smith's
$'19,119. says: "My back was in a bad way.
X was ,desperately lame, and there was it
dull ending pato over my kidneys. At
timett I had heads.thesi and often I woe
dizzy,•pertioularly if / had been etooping.
X tried Arab one thing-, then another, but
‘.,e thereitas to pernianone benefib till I began
Ii tieing Pitcher' Eidneyleililet-s. ' They go
: tights to the rim* and I foetid prompt re.
-- ; lief..Nothitig before ever did me as much
, good. I would suggest to anyono suffering
in that way to try them.°
\ *
:$ , Dr. rather's 13ackaoho Kidney Tablets
Mo. a Box, at allitruggists or by mail,
Tan 1)a. gritA-Pre0222 CO., ToronM, Onto
- -`
useful drops, but entail a welt amount ol.
labor to get rid of. The division of • term
into email or irregular Bolds often provides
numerous breeding places for weeds in the
Undo Obrneresend other uttoultivated sone
Neglect of Ponces and ituimioga,—
. Another leak which takes money out of the
fariner'e pocket is neglect in keeping &noes
' and bnildiage in proper repair, Inferior
fences allow his own and hie neighbor's
stook to Wpm his crape,and1110a murals
Of eoinatent worry and loss of time. The
proverb,'''Por the want of A nail the horse
waciost,"ie very appropriate in such ft Cabe.
A dollar or two spent for lumber or nails
will Wen 'knelt in a large wing of feed and
inereatted Comfort to the stook during the
winter months. Neglect of a leaky roof is
The best biscuit and always the beet,
No changes. No uneetteintke.
Every bitemit light, violet, delicione.
If you want this certainty on Baking Day, nee
viteseei Baking Powder, 25c a lb
Our Baking -Powder is fin absolutely pure Cream Tarim:
owder -- eontainii nothing injUtiOtta
J. E. HOVEY,ilspensing Chemist) Clinton
• iniss********wpmtmo#4*.viowintagrogotontutovommustaniams
to sell PRINTER'S
a journal for advertisers,
published weekly at five
dollars a year. It teaches
th'e science and practice of
Advertising, and is highly
esteemed hy the mot sue-
CesefUl advertisers in this
country and Great Britain.
Liberal commission al-
lowed.Addrees PRINTERS
INK, 10 Spruce St., New
Meat Market
Raving purchased the butchering
burliness ot F. II. Powell Ism pre-
pared it furnish the people of Ma.
ton with all kinds of Fresh and
Cured Meats, Battaapo bologna
lard, butter and eggs alway0 kept on
R Fitzsimons a Son.
Telphone 78.
Were aeliverea Ptomptly to
parts of the town.
N.B...--latreetti having bogs for
shipment -will center a favor by
leaving word At the okor. •
-.Toronto, Gitikattc
t• -a
'rimy Oi7QLT To rum
le every haute la .thle !Whist -
Will simply you with the latest and most interesting Local
Rome and Foreign News, and
• special eeatures are—Market Reperts that are un-
equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY.
Regular contributions by "Bystander" on currenteevents.
Reports of Conventions, Associations •and meetings' of ita.
. tercet and value- to all farmers, dairy:nen and stockmen.
Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm
'Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit,and other subjects..
ertig-elinton. New Era oNtx-
11124 THE WEEtii.Ot SUN
* And we will send The Sun free for the balance of Oa.
Leave 3rOttr order at ' office.
Travelling from. place to place are subject to all kinds
of Bowel Complaint on account of change of water,
diet and temperature.
Dr. rovvlees
Ext. of
Wild Strawberry
Is a sure cure 'for Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic;
Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, SeasickneSs, Cholera,.'
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infanturn, Sutnmer Com.;
plaint, and all Fluxes of the B9wels in Children and
Adults. , •
- Its effects are, marvellous, P
It acts like a charm,
Relief is almost instotaneous;
Does not leave the Bowels in a constipated conditim,