HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-10, Page 4October 3:01b11902„, OFT.7T TLLesteettaine This is a safe; satisfactory Store to Trade in TUZ CUPTON NM ERA This store is conducted on the newest and best r,nethods. New ideas are, constantlY being introduced with the desire to always better And increase the comfort of our patrons . Anything that we selL however low it -may be marked, can be depended upon as to quality. No trash leaves this store. No old goods are handled. Through cur special clearing sales everything is always kept bright and new, and thoroly up-to.date. We exchange goods without controversy, refund your money with equal cheerfuiness' e now have by far the largest -and -finest store in the county.: Wet.buy_with,_ a syndicate of five large stores. By taking such large lots of goods we are able to sell niany lines at the . prices most stores have to pay for them. It will always be our aim to give you the best goods at the very lowest prices liosier3r, Underwear . Corsets and Corsets The Mode that will et wear and give solid comfort -that's the kind we handle. We sold more corset° last seseon than in . • , any three other seasons since we came to Clinton, There meet By far the best values in these lines w.e have ever offered be good reasons for this big increase. We give the ladies' comets will be found in on th -fall ono' winter trade. It le by which fie their figure. . nivm.g. von beeter eines than other stores that has brought tie , Ibis too eased tr de. We will give yon for 25o Bore Heavy Rib. All teel filled Comets in short medium said long weed ef.. -• bed Hose made English yarathat we asked you to compare feats, mode of Fr000b Seoul nieelY finished at Per pair, eo„ whb lines at sold by °thee stores. ail sizee in stook. 50 and..., •10C , Klemm -WeTiftior - Town ouncill, Thanksgiving Day The meetiog of the toWn councillors Wad held in the moven chatieber on Thursday October 16, 1902 Monday evening. All the risernbers were present. Beveral petitions were Round trip ticket, will be sole between all enteted and disposed .of, and the re- stattons in °anode, and to Detroit, Port porte arid recramendateens of the sev- Iluron, Micleigan leuffelo, Bleak Rock, and Niagara Valle end"Ektepeneton Bridge,14,1. egjah.wriltvair were adopted aetred that he be al Single First -oleo Fere, good going Oot. it o at °West tiree months' rent,on account I day, Oot. 2001. he had been subjected to during the 15th, and ltith, valid for return until Mon- of the AtIrloyADO0 and inconvenience Otte Wel EXOUASIMrs, Forest Oity Paving Co. presented the omot,xiohne During the womb of October, low odes re?altIng ef the town hall; be was allowed half, which i°811$ ore in effect to pointe Coloredoellfontana, 'Utah, Oregon, California. and British Col- remainder of their bili for last year's "'Ai; your tickets up Town 40 „vole work, Which amounted to $000. As the time is not due for paynaent, and the then and delay at station. on account of several items to be de. Ft, R. Dodgem, Town Agent ducted from above amount, for non- fulfilment ot contract, 48 feet on Mary No_t_ice. Ae we ere °toeing our bootie we mud esit all awards to be paid on or before October 15th. Amounts °moulding after this date will be placed in court for collection, BBOADFOOT, BOX & CO. C. B. Broadfoot, Mgr. At $1 we Oen give you a big range of shispeleand styles. The Children's II e ribbed Cashmere Hosaall with double kneeit . Improved Coronation Corset is the favorite just noweno and feet sizes 5 te 9e, this is a splendid wearingetre*. 35e brass eyelet% It comae down well oyer the hips giving ' lug for bildren, prices , the figure the desired shape. Before buying your new • ladies' plain and ribbed Cashmere Bose, in sizesB 9, 9e, comets, try our comet department. seamless feet, double foot, made of very fine yarn,spea, kf evA . • • e Children Corset Waistaat 25o, 400 and 50o, valnett at , Cashmere Rose with assorted Colored silk stripes, ' special values at a a Commencing Saturday morning we will pleoe on sale a big. • nicely trimmed with scoot lace, extra value at • Vest with long sleeves, open front. nicely trimmed itod to fit perfectly. Price will be $9.95, well worth $4. . . flatbed. We bought 'leveed huneeed of these vests rine no der price and while they lest will sell them, et each006 A.Ribbon Special for Saturday 30e. yeas of Taffeta and Satin Liberty. Ribbon in all ahades. about 4e inches wide, the kinds Viet are in • big•demand for neoksvear 25o and 80o values .......... Satana Shirt Waists .Worth $2 for 81.50 Lou's, Waists of black &atone made in elle very style reg• - ular value $2 on sale at eaoh ' ' 1.0V We received tnese waists from Detroit hod not have to pay a big price to get somethIng that will week 56c I We have just received lino alsortment of Rein Costs in We have a very fine line of Intents' Wool Veettrae 40o, 450, 50% fawn and greyeell are in tne new stylise for fell wear. 4 ' very fine quality of Caehmere that will give good wear, y. A Big Bargain in Ladies' Tailor Made . . . Skirts for Saturday, Oct. ilik. . a . Ladies' extra heavy ribbed Vote, long sleeves, open. feint, ' to , let of Tailor Made Skirts °heti Wool Homespun in grey, black 'Piave Vests worth 5tle for '85a---Ladiete extra heavy union • and navy, all being Made in the very latest style and guaranteed etVe hale the Drawers to m -vests at every price. Al 50.1,70o and $1 we can give you values that are not stir - passed anywhere. leatnral Wool Uaderwear at $1.25, --People tell, ris. who • , know: that the ladies' Undererear in netural wool we 0.. are selling at $1.25 is as good as meet donut charge $1.50. • Onr stock of Children's Underwear ie most 'completa every ' • good line of underwear.will be found hire arid yorr will give good wear end comfort,ali sizes etook, price 15o, Rain 'Coats id $8• 75, $840 and $7,50. 20c, 25o, 30o,-406 to Your money back .4 you *ant it,. CLINTON US, 11031* 4101 atmw dainty. •EX4113117-- varam,Wrsle Our offerings in decorated ware are notably fine, ex (visite designs and sup- erb productions in Limot gest Bavaria, English and Japanese China, Out glass and pottery They're Rare Values etreet having been left undone, and some blocks on Jennie street which have not proved satisfactory, this item of business was left over until next month. The most worthy act of the council was the releaszog of the obliga- tion on the present owners of the old creamerybuilding "The Clinton Kent - ting 0o.". from $60 due to the towff for breach of by-law by former °Wien, and the taxes on the fixed movement it$1 of $1000, which is $22 for this -year. This company purposee putting in $8000 worth' of macbinery, and will employ no less thane 10 hands the year round, and the unanimous feeling of the council was that the occupancy of the budding was of more importance to the town than the release asked for. A petition signed by the Ladies, was read, aeking that the council take steps to pass a by-law. to do away with the obscene end filthy practise of slating on our sidewalk% They all thought this a. good idea, and felt that something should be done; the nniater was left with the by-law committee. The Chief was instt acted to purchase 40 cords of wood for the Council's use. The old band room was turned over to No. 4 Company tor an armory, on recommendation of H B Combe. The street committee reported that new culverts had been laid at North and Torteph, and Princess and Orange , Street, and recommended that new cuiveits be built near Joseph Wheat- ley's, on Victoria street, and on North street near Mrs Butler's; also that crossings be built at corner of Huron • and Erie on Huron, and at Princess and Orange; that the ditches on Ratt- enbury and Albert be cleaned, and the curbing on Victoria street be built from the poet office to Ontario street. All of this was tedopted. The finance committee submitted their report, and I recommended that the following ac- counts he paid: ' • . Harland Bros. • $35.97; Seeley de Titre nen 011.85; Itornball & Mcedath, 03e 351 S S Cooper, $24.2/3; .Davis & Rowland, $18 84, Thos McKenzie. $49.58; J .Wheatley, $815.48; 13 Churchill.$200,25e. J W'Bailev. 04 501 C Carter, $84 14; F Evan, $2 85; •J Rider, $21.861 J Steep, $9; 0 Cooper & Co, 85c: S' Civil, $3 relf 'Electric Light Co., $85 88; 0 Ortch, $80: Scott,' on, loan; $15s R • Welsh. $9. :Receipts -0 °rich, cemetery, $20.50; R Welsh, scales, $31, PAW& SOLD. -Last week a party from near Blyth came and negotiated with Mr John Pickett, of the Huron /road •eastaor the purchase of his fine 50 acre fatten agreeing to take it at a pride agreed, upon. Monday be backed out of his bargain., The forth has Pince been Old, however, to Mr John Torrance; of Seaforth. •(formerly reeve of Stanley) at. $4800; Mr . Tor- rance is a brother of Mrs Emmerton Sr., of town, and oisioLthe best farm - es in the country. ratn.A,y, OCTOBER 10, 1902. Will Not Resign: At tbe North York political meeting on Saturday, Hon. G Ross said Now we have•pessed through an eleoeion, and our opponents gay ray majority is emell, and that I should, coign. Well, it my naajority small, whose fault is it? If my opponents do not like this neajority being eo small, why did they work so head to reduoe it? (Laughter.) I would have been content with a ranee larger majority. They should not ' bays reduced it so low, and then find fault because it is so email. (Laughter.) But shciuld I resign under these oirounastartoea? What are British Awes and what are ()widow usages They are quite clear. The practise is that If a Government is defeated o decided majority, that Governinent renew. Beac- onsfield folioed once, and so -did Glad- stone, under such conditions. Hon. Mr Mackenzie resigned in Canute. in 1788,.. when the *country wee decidedly against him. Sir Charles Tupper resigned in UM when there•wite• o deoided majority against nim, but we have no instance in Britain or in Canada, that X can reoall, of a Govern- ment resigning when it had a majority in tile House even if that majority is small. bo that jam not called upon by usage in England or in Canada to resign, and I limy tell you in confidence that I have 120 inten- tion of resigning. Put it antithetically. I am resigned to my small majority, 1 am going to put up with it until it swells a little larger. think it will grow, as a friend has midst believe if the eleotione were foeght over again y2ould be very mole larger than it Is. Scene men have repented of their bad /ream in the list election, and are only waiting for the chance to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, and such fruits will be to change their vote, and I hope we will give some of them the opportunity. ; • •Asant/sT Corrarix. • Then our opponents Bay • we are anxious to form a 'coalition. The Toronto Globe,. • on its own authority, said, or rather ape petered to argue, that a coalition knight be to the advantage .of the country. I can quite understand that a large newspaper, looking over the whole field of politics, miglat euppose, or believe, and honestly believe, there would be, tome advantage to tbe country in the obliteration or efface- ment, for the time beteg, of that strong A•NEW FIRM. -Since the death of party feeling which sometimes prevails in the late 3. WoChidley, manager of the .Ontario. But I am epeaking for theLib- Broadfoot & Box furniture store, of eral rarty, and for the time being as leader town, this Arm . has. been offering its of the Liberal parte", °in the Province of branch here for sale, On Monday last Ontario. and I want you to understand a final agreement was entered into, that X have oonfidence 'that the Liberal and it wastaken over by R. M. Rowe, party has within ite ovvn ranks the capacity of Exeter, an experienced furniture and the power to carry on the' government dealer ofthat town, .and A. J. Hollo- of this country for some time longer. I way. The business will' be conducted think we have the men; a .thinit we will at the old stand, and J. Aitkinson, an 'have the votes; t • think we will have a ,old employee of ler Bowe, will manage msjoritv suffloienti when .the House meets aid, I am not going to admit for one . the branch here. Besides carrying a rst class etock of up tidate furniture,. eat that we are not misfile of. governing n they will do repairing and upholstering the country ourselves, That is my position. of all kinds. We welcome this new • - . Witt Jon Fume Itteleto-nur towine-and-•wish-thernostic- Church Chimane ..Tuesday evening the little folks of the they were beauties. All bore evidericet mission Band met and offered up of being well bred, and were in firs .ORTARIo STREET CnIenca.-oOn•Bute. • their annual thank -offering to be de- chuis shape after their trip -fat and ag alay•next Rev Mr Marietta% of ttpren. voted to missions. A nice little pro- round as•a wheel, witha heavy coat o occupy the pulpit-1E1°mill%. and ..grammart rendered and those taking Wool. 'Aeeonleanyhal • this batch in address, wilt& was moth Shropshire ram three years oldr 4.11 very interesting ST JOSEPH'S CHURCH..; -There the principal Mature Of the evening,. It stands '3 1-2 feet high, 2 feet in be two services held here next Sunday at 10,70 and 7. Rev Father ffteleienta drew forth many excellent points in I breadth ecross the back, and had a coat support ot her ,suij •eie "Reason for ' wool the depth of your hand. It. non will afficiate each time. , Thankfulness'; elargere2 :Agnew was billed to .B. Walker; at Ilderton, T: eSernervilleO (9f Brantford, wih eclipsed her winning little manner in . and was brought to this country on 'preach (D. V.) next Sunday at ta P. tn. a recitation! and a Scotch piece by account of its- immense dim, tc 00m - At Gleweebouee, 3rd cam of apt. Agnes Irwin, was exceedingly *ell pete for a $400 prize offered by the ;IWO and at 7 p, ea, at the "all in spoken in the original tongue, and . Sappy Food 0o., for the largest sheep Siarle's block. . brought forth applause; and the even- of any kind. in the world. It its a prize. ing was brought to a • close by a solo, ASSAULTED. -AS Mrs Wm. liar- Wirsony Ontmcga-Rev Mr Manning Will conduct anniversary' services at from Miss Unit (lobate. On acctun.ot land was returning from the station leendeshoro,. on Sunday moraine' next, pf the.wet ig last Monday evening, in company with t uncut as %LET" lruChtli-; Mrs flunaphreeefrom Stratfotd, who is his pulpit here brine sepplied .01 NY aro,' r unto eying amounted to 01270. a delegate to the W. M. S. conventien, •J,Kerinedy, , The Intermediate Lewd° en . . part were :-Miss NV ilscin, who. gave atheame car, bur.tre UN was a mame • . Will meet on Friday evening, Ceti°, at - ?,snieck. Mrs Woo Harland will give filmic:Luc deeorlption .1. 5 Vhnitee wea- l:Alba. A eollection will be taliall Up; a :geed attendanee le 'coked for.... TON. -S. S. Cooper has hired two 5,, Sr4.1/144tWA bletnerni.---The • Ladies' . first class men to do tile brick work on • ett. The iadiee ot 51318 juncture had eye, lauild Met last Thursday bight in retro. ' the new pest office, :India in hope that dentlec Worsted hinaefor he asked to get lite monthly session and received the he will be able to keep them in town, past and walked ahead to Grigg'e cot.- montlfereptirtsz-which' were ver . en., at least that ia his intention. They ' gen where he lay in the darkness, and touraging. The treasurer reported eet, '' otre--Hetitweiro leotierospe Toronto, and as the ladies paseed him he grabbed one over $119 Wail now in the bank to their john II e, Of Hallriii7'115tMe-of-them: --Thervalled-forhelprand-M credit, and it was hoped that by next wanted men o and ; will bring their McKenzie, who livee across the street, etineMer there would be enough cads oro families here inoneediately, _Mr Arch. hearing the ahoukimmediately appear - nand to fix up the interior of the er will reside in Mrs McLeods house ori ed to ascertain what was the matter. eiruith. ' Miss McNaughton and Miss Gibbings street, and it is not known The young man was making hie tracks t cloPeetors and whether Mr Humble will board .or by this time, but Mr McKenzie recce( • .. dtlitioTh-Tarrfeitn:eTfrv- TWO NEW PAMIRS POE OLIN - held in town this week, they were ac- costed by a young man, "evidently un- der the influence of Hoar, at McKen- *see mull, who asked if he migbt carry their valise;they refused but he persist - visitors to half of Little England Ward. keep house. They are expensive hands It was decided to eminence a series of for "Our Own Sam", but he says be Monthly entertainments to be held in believes in having good oivorkroen,0 the school room during the winter, end We trust he may be able to retain Misses Brewer and McNaughton sod them, so that they will become perm; &Cesare. Phillips and Hilton • were ap-, anent residents of ctn. to. n. ' A TliecI pointed a committee to arrange A pro- •-• VING..LxraOTRY.- ` s..r eaar---TrielfrikenellatilAULJAVen., To Otct, 211•11....Rev, 0. It: Gonne; accede- 'en`k41-tha•oltsislens9 °Iinum% nYLitmc: panted by the choir, drove. out to the etnt's tele wenld net eilliPeile that any- thing yery much .was beino done in Widget of Refuge on Sunday afternoon the inside, but 85 hands are kept busy t and conducted sernioe, The choir the prepa nit ltioll ot evaporated, or adered some choice triusic, and was white goode, sliced • apples for the ktuch enjoyed by the inmates ; and on lunde.v evening the choir was out in market, Two hundred bushels of Sall force, 48 members in all and a anPlee tier dale are Pared, cored and diced, and made ready to undergo the rplendid chotal eetyiee was sung, „Thu finishing process., There are, three tniong Which was an anthem grades prepated-jell stuff, cornprieed Daord trimindful of bis own"*.../n the of the rinds, cores, &c. whioh le Oil ped to Gettelahyl another of entail frult sliced up, vehieb is sent' to thence to he made into champagne; and lastly. theit first class white evaporated apples for table use. Nothing but the hest fruit is used for this beand, the Home at ten hands being occupied in going °yet these apples, after they are pared And cored, to out oot any defects; they are then mit into the sheer, then A. through a process of bleaching by Ilan:dhoti, of lteondesberoi inc brimstone, and we must say that they *eminent uf the LOrCVS Supper tvas oome through the refinhag fire In the After the shape of a very wholesolne article of arninistered on ,Sunday. Whig tierVioe a eonsedratiOn meet- diet tg of the Christian Endeavor ,was aid, and on Monday evening a bow. _PINE SHEEP.. -Last Friday W. We Bearden was held, at which the meratiane* of Stanley, arrived here mowing ojyteers vete elected ter the from oint Leyte, where he had gone tattina, yearl_pres., Lindsay . to look after some imported thorobred ice, Robb El-Nit:erg/mist, Miss Ititit 8cotth Lincolnshire sheep, which his ots, Jean Carling ; Treas., Lizzie tip, but, whieh had been detained in :purse of few Weeks, weeklv Wed. teeday etening services Will eointrience or the winter months. WILLIS OrInnon-Last Friday even - ng' a goodly number attended pre- Aratorrservices,Which were conduct - 4 in the auditorium of the church by be Rev 3. 0. ,11enclersotto of Hansa% 'tie Morning service of Sunday .waa Ondoeted by the pastor and in the vents Mr Stewart exchanged with neti; M Meketzle.; father had purchased in the old noun. commor ot committees,- quarantine tor two 'Weeks, according mkeut, MISS ; PttlYer Meet. to Government regulations. There , Dr Stewart , Social* Mrs Dr Stew- worn twelve Yearling eWee, and a ram tr„ Musical, Edna Manning, Ott lamb tWo years old, in the bomb, and nized him. He was summoned on Tues- day morning to appear before Mayor Jackson in the afternoon at 8 o'clock, on a charge of common assault. After hearing evidence, and thu. guilty, one Pleading ignorance of what be bad done, while under the influence of liquor of liquor, the Mayor was lenient 'oesandonallowed.hina..to...go,o_Ple. payment of Stand cositiTtilifia, young-- Gotterieh township farmer and we hope this will prove a lesson to him. "GOD BLESS TH1S UNION". -This is the metto that hung above the stage of the town' hall, last Wednesday evening. at the marriage cerenionyof Ralph Bezzo to Miss Minnie Liver- more, members of the -Salvation Army corps of town. Malcolm Olernent acted as asisietant to the groom, and Miss Susie, sister of the bride,actedtte brides- maid. The sPeakere present .from a distance were Mrs Mafor MOMenirain London, (Prov. Officer) ; Mrs Adj: Orchard,. of Wingham ; Stall 040 Itewlings, London; Capt Rock. Sen - forth; and Capt Cloy and. wife, Gorier- ich ; Adj. Ooomb, whose bead quar- ters is at Petrolea, was also present and given a farewell, de 310 leatee these parte. After saying everything they could to help the young couple on their way. and hearing the experience of the married officees present, the usual questions wereput to the couple about their continued ildelity)to the army they were pronounced man and wife by Adj. Comilla. They then adjourn.' ed to the Barracks where the weddihg banquet Waif eerved to a goodly num- ber, and a jolly time Was spent by all present. It is a novel service and should be a great impetus to the sitic- cessful atarting at tercet of a newly married temple. The hleseinge were nUMer0118. .c• „ -1.”t".• • .1 It Itjtt[1 1 ••! -4, 74 irr,.•••mo-ifipor Met of our Xmas stook ie now in and it is Ilene toe 000A to selept whet yen want for the holiday season • OUR CHINA DEPARTMENT Is certainly an ideal place, and con- tinues to lee the delight and adixdration of all our lady friends, COPYFf 1411-r Pursuit of Happiness by the person sufferiztg from pio sight consists in seeking sometbiqg to improve it. If your vision is In anywise impaired, oonae and let ne examine your eyes and fit you with gnomes oientifically adjueted. Be- ing experts we oan guarantee high- est eesults, at small cost. Eye - gleams and spectacles made to Or- der on short notioe. Large variety on hand. Very low prime, New Books Temporal Power by Marie Corelle Cloth Bound $1,50. • The Leopttrd Spots by Thomas Dixon '41,50: Dorothy Version by Charles Major. ' - • " 1 50, ' • A Speckled Bird by Auguste Wilson " 1.50. Marie Temporal Power by Mae Corelli Paper Binding 75. 'When lougbthoed was in flower Ed Caskoden " 25. The ,fieopard, Spots 44 /5. . Mistress Barbers by Halliwell Lutoliffe 4 4 75. The Velvet Glove by Henry Merriman 41 75. „Does Your • Home 117=, Need. Wall Paper? • If so we•are the heople you ehould coma. Our :immense stook and output gives nit a /thence to buy di. ret from the inanufacturers at very close Prices, and while We give .you a large seleetioe to °lactase from weeds° give' you very low prices.- Azk for our sampled and 00Mptqe Quin will! Others. Wt. know What sour verdict will. be. All paper trimmed free. . Special velue in Nvninow SHADES and " ' 0011T,AIX. POLES W COOPER a co • Agents for C. P., ft. Telegraph sna Dominion Express Money Orders, alsofor Butterick Patterns, Well, then, they lay, "If you will not cess in their enterprise. . . resign or form a coalition, what are you . OUR MARKET. -Tho past week going to do ?" Well, we are just going to has seen a owe - fluctuation in the fight, that ie all vre are going to do. I see prices, • Wheat had a sudden call again "fight," end I want you to spell that reaching 95c on the Chicago Stock word over deliberately, so that you will exchange. but dropped hninediately understand its. full signifiesooe. Every to the old figures. The other grains letter ot the nord suggests the intensity of remain the some. Rye, what little is our earnestness. We believe we stilibeld cffeeed tommandiog 40c.. The bottom and shell continue to,hold s majority of has dropped our of the pig market, the seats in Parliament, and with a little more of that determination and energy 89ealylitiwgilnl °bwe bleiron$6$10°.'00a.lidGbreatplse eXtre°u; with which the•joy of battle inspires every little cheaper rantring from 20c to 30e a advocate of a good Ouse, we still holm te baeket. Potatoes 25c to 30c. The carry on the goyernment of the country, fig apple market is declining rapidly, and we heed done for the past thirty years. ' 750 a barrel is all that is being .paid by We are going to the election courts, and shippers, owing. to the unmense we will have our little flettnitee there, tied elleurd eenistitutelciee be opened that we - onectunt that is goiniforward; • think we Might to contest, we will contest Benmiller those constituencies. That is our position. VOTES. -Special services will be cora- The Liberal paity it! in power. So .fonas I menced next Tuesday evening at the lird concerned it is going toyemain in power Bethel appointment; the pastor ex - until there is a inejority of the House pects to be assisted in these services "ioY girdled age Very well, then, we will look outside help. A number • from here -:orrand-seehow atte.0404.Blyth, Show on Wednesday. (laughter) -and you' need not worry your- Miss Lucy Mohring went to Winghem Follette as to that matter, for Ido net think on Monday, where she has secured a if they do get in they would get on very situation. A. Maedel, who had the niLfortune to sprain his ankle a couple well, or for very long. of weeks ago, ele recovering., Oscar Their Annual Tournament - Foster, kfolmesville, visited friends in this burg on Sunday. Inspector Tom The 12tle Annual live bird and target paid his eerni•annual *bit to our (milord tournament of the Clinton. Gun Club Hamilton, St Thome, Pingall end Semis. on Thursday. . brought a goodly number from Neve York, and our own boo Were out In Woe, The ORGAN F.A.OTORY BURNED. --The aoderieh tournament opened Wedneeday morning; Goilerich Organ Factory, the pioneer the dor woe , that °mild. be desired, and ot the town's industries. and one of gOOVONSrage-Was.szlittAtiitte ebnoliandlogr encepriee, in. Medley Was on hand with his refreshment Canada. was totall•e desteleereff'ffrifier tent, furnishing everything needful,. end on Wednesday afternoon. A. fierce plenty of birds, einixtunition, etc., were gale was blowing, which rendered the provided. The promotore vete Jkept busy efforts of the firemen quite IneffectiVe. hunting the round% and a constant bang Tbe los will exceed $50,000. , Only was to be heard. • $500 worth of stock and the lumber in The principal event was the 15 live bird, the yard was saved. The origin of the with $75 guaranteed, the first money being fire is said to have been a bey lighting token by E Cantelon, 2ne Upton, Dow- a match In the finishing room during, land and Joliet, tie for lird, and Hovey and the noon hour; it is said, but we cannot" bent tee for 4th money. An extra 0 bird vouch for it,that he was dieputing with event wittethe next, Fru& Mitchell eefittr- another person as to whether a lighted in g let, Ker, elantelon, 'Upton alul Brown theta, dropped into a barrel of bet - tying for 2nd. Rine, WOIlltt explode or not, and.to The winners of the 10 bird event- 'prove his assertion that it would not, $25 guaranteed -Seat and Drown tie dropped a, lighted match thereiu,:when for first, Mitchell end Tenney tie ,for 0,11 explosion occurred,- With this Mess- aecond, Jones and I% Mitchell tie for trous result. The fire is A severe Jogs third. Two miss and out were ehot for to the workmen, about 90 having been a pot of $7. Scott.Mitchell and Holmes, employed and the factory working dividirg betWeen them for the first overtime to catch up with their order and for the second. Drown, Soft. and list, The loss includes about 100 or - Mitchell, another F bird extra was gam, wbich were to have been shipped shot eff, Drown taking 1st and Canto. to Liverpool next day, and about 400 The shoot is h* progress 40 We go to sizseort bottothdraciotinbe• wc000tntonryki, wofaswhtichhe ion aria 'Upton tieing for aecood. press, winners published next week. largest exporter in Amulet's The total insurance is $87.000. The come. The 'Montreal liereld" of Menet 25fli pollee interested are the Sun; Britlsh gays of Moltinney Bros, Minstrele ealo- America; Phoenix and Western. Kinney Bros Minstrels tamed the people away lest night At revetelatt Park. Theyr have one of the beet Minaret Prodetotipne sent in Mordrettl for yearti." MeEinney Brea will he at the Town Mil, Clinton, on Thursday, Ode 16th, Advattos st liteleton Doe, • ••1•4••••••••.. PAMPAMMPPMM WNW , Gun ()lob competitions, before becoming _ t • • Istbriaty....2.6rfAarottn,.: Trophy offeitcl by the Sovereign Bank, to be Won five 'times At tiii; COMing and 4.4oltin 4•••••• Miss Sterling. London, is home for s month's holidays. • IVIrs Seel returned home lost week from a visit in 6t. Thomas. Mimi Seine epent a !ow asere the past week in Newton. 169, Twitohell left on Mouthy for ti five aii? tour of the province on besmeSti, latgl Wm. Devi% Mitchell, spent lasteal. deg with her friende,the Views Hinetewhile on her way home from Goderiche where she had been yieiting her eon, proprietor of tho Bedford. Gro DOW0e, a millwright from Brinell Columbia, who has epent the euramer in tnia sootiort visiting, left for his western home last Saturday. He Or a great admirer of this section of the country. Mies Amy Howson returned home beet week, from a three morales" visit with het teeter. Mrs May, of Steveneville, elonitout, She enjoyed hereelf very mtieh while away, but watt glad to get bulk to Ontario. • Mae Dolly Cantelon, daughter of Devid Oantelon, whet went weote *bort time alto, 'has Seenred & eiteetioe with the O. P. R st • SiOntnerhor. Brendoet, 8t0110grktkor bt $40 a womb. Notua.-114r R. G. Reid* wilt) has s 00 Ohio b, pretty ood posaion far a yoorig successfully taught school for S. 8. oirl, and shows hes the neonate/ No 4, 4, hat been engaged for another isy to 1111 year At Art IrlArettee of $25. Ile is liev loather inoMensmin yisitta now getting $400 a year, Lendon this week, • • 1 Coming and Going 1 Mrs Richard Greensides arid famtiy, of, Loudon, are viaiting Mende in town. •eame lifte Robe Miller kit last Saturday for a visit with reletivetrend Movie in Toronto ! Mr and Mrs II, literati. who heere been visiting here, returned to Detreit yester- day. Mee R. Seim,. Kincardine. arrieed Mon- day to spend e week with her daughter,Mre tA T. Cooper, Prank Hovey left for Trinity University elonday.to readMe his butt vibe's study for the ministry. A. T. Cooper left on Monday for Ottawa, • to attend the Epworth League convention I of Ontario in session at that city next week. We understend that Min flutist Rued. bele 13. A. , (daughter of V. Vtunball) will epend the winter candying at Emmerson college, Beston, before continuing her work in X ,NV York. , Mee Constance Barber, Toronto, who, with her eisto has been epeneing the sum- mer at the Soo, with her brother, Mopped oft here for ft few weeks' visit with relative; white on her way home. Wm Berland Sr., returned from his trip to OhmagenuS p einein Wisconson On Taeeday, Lie tool the weether hos been veto wet and disait-eettbSe M re *IAA, and daughter, Misa Amelia, will remain for another week.