HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-10-10, Page 2October 10tb, 1902
Union v,,,,tiew
The VOte itieeded.
• ••••• ••••r•
(From the Pioneer)
There seems to be still a misunder
Staucling in relation to the vote actual -
y required on next Dec. 4tb, to secure
prohibition, and alto as to whether or
mot a euffichint vote will ensure the
con:1We into force of the prohibitory
law without further Action of the Leg.
These questions Are definitely dispos- •
ed of by Sections 103 and let of the
-Ontario Liquor Act, which read as; fol -
lows - •
"Within thirty days after the receipt
of the last rettu ns the Clerk of the
• niu.Dhaneary_sheal _publish in
the Ontario Gazette a summary of all
the returns of the value under this
Act, together with such other_particn-
lars as to such voting as the Lieuten-
ant -Governor in. Council mar direct.
"In case it appears from the said
summary that a majorityof the votes
• on the said question are in tbe, affirma-
tive, and that the number of votes on
the said question in the at% motive
exceeds one•half of tbe number of
votes certified to by the Clerk of the
Crown in Chancery as hereinafter men.
tinned, the Lieuteuent-Governor in
Vouneil shall issue big Proclamation in
'The Ontario Gazette declaripg Part H.
of this Act to be in force on. from and
after the tint day 'f May, 1904. And
Part II. of this Act bbail come into
force and take effeet on, iron) and after
'the gaid date accordingly.
• "The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery
'shall certify under Ms hand and sealito
the Lieuteeant-Governorin Coupon the
total number of votes arrived at by
adding together (1) the votes polled for
all the candidates at the general elec.
tion of members to serve in the Legis-
lative Assembly in the year 1898,except
in the electoral district of Ottawa. , (2)
• one-helf of the votes polled for aU the
candidates in. tbe said Nectoral District
of Ottawa, and (8) the number Of votes
polled 'at the laid. Contested election held'
prior to the said general election in
every electoral district tor which a can-
didate was returned in 1898 by acelani-•
„ •
The total number of votes polled and
Counted for all cendidates in thgeener4
al election of 1898, exclusive of those
opolledtheeleotoraldistriet efOttaWa,
was 409,980. The numberof votes poll-
ed and counted for parididates in 'the.
•eiectora I distriet of Ottawa was 17,844.
'Elections were by acdamationin t*o
electoral districts.. Smith . Bruce and
Ilrescett, and the toter number ef vote?
polled and counted for candidates. in
these dietriets at •the last Preceding
*halo/Mt Wee 6,543, . .
• - . • -
It follows, therefore, thg the number
of 'notes to be certified under the 'last
quoted clause for the statute is to be
•aletervoioed as follows: • ' •
Vetee at election 1808. outside .• •
Ottawa • - 409,980.
• One-half votes in Ottawa Diso •
Last, votes in acclamation dis-
• trict 6 543
Vote necessary towin in Refer. .
endure • .......212,723
This vote will pot bring prohidition
;into oreration unless it is a majority or
•the votes cast in the referenduno.
The liquor party. however, 'cannot
4, the temperance people ob.
fain it, they will secure provincial pro-
hibition. • • •
• •
• The mandate of Sir Oliver Mower.
L'euteeantatiovernor of Ontazioaex"
oltiree on MY, 18, It is said that hie
t'llikeeegOr will be Bon. Mr SoCitt
• 1
, The Cleriple Mille are' bulling out
400 tone of steel reils per dayoand have;
Or ',erg ahead to keep thenft going for
months, Itails will be -made at Sydney
ere long'. Just give the Canadians
time, and they will defy' thecoMpeti-
tion of the world in the iron and steel
industry, without any teriff coddlieg'.
The solicitor • fcir the Clergue Com
Many eitye that the paper makers in the
reified States. will have to Pay the
new duty on pulp. The ptdp rnflis At
the Sault are not dependent on the
tnited-States• warketootheir-prineipal-
ales being in liairope and Japan. • The
•imbec GOVi3f riDient has just comeleted
•the sale of a lot of spruce land to a
'NAV' Hampshire pulp company. That
The Mall la not yet geite satiefled
c Crisp County Clippi
with Mr Tarte. If he will put in the
next estimates a million or two to waTttegest,12,,zzlozgiva7acu.
dredge the sewage sludge out of Toron, tyre, Laurier, when his ifitughter,
to 'harbor and voake extensive improve- Bertha, and Ken McIver wez e united
in the holy bonds of naatzira any by Rey
molts, it will almost love hint.
I Mr Miller,
i nesoiarrztel:"AcAl= in Tittle"
The Farmers' Advocate looks on the TlttaTran
demand for the restoration of duties on deeetteect was a brother of Meesrs Sohn,.
corn:as "the attempt of a few inisguid- Thomas, Duncan and Atchibaki Mc-
Gregor end
ed politicians to make political capital" of Mrs Time Robertson and
Mrs Duncan McLean, all of Tucker -
and holds that their theory that free smith,
corn means depreciation of the prtces The Deadwood/ South Dakota,papers
of Gartadial ;coarse grains has been gig& an account of the marriage, at'
amply negatlyed by the experience of Rapid City, on September 17,''o2 Wm1
recent ye are, • Varney, formerly of Winghain. The
bride was Miss Alma, &nobler of Dr
The Hamilton Times says: "Theeoal NaOElteus, and is spoken of as a charm -
strikers are losing, strid it is only a mg young lady.
Mr W. F. Dulmage, of the Albloo
question of days when they will recog-
ootel at Garde, and formerly of the
nize that they are beaten. The strike - Bennewick House Wingham, was
was ilnadvised ; the leaders could pot
-control- the amported-savages they led; The folio- in refers a to thP death -of
and of late the atrocitige committed , the father or F. W.Doty, of the (*oder,
against those who wished to workba,ve ich Engine Co.t Datth ended. the career
of an old and at one time protninent
shocked the world. But when the end
of the strike has been reached the re. ember of Toronto's business frater-
cog nized wrongs; which many of the nity last week,when Mr Doty breathed
inen stiffer remain. They should be his last at the venerable age of 81 yeare.
dealt with and remedied. Surely the Mr F. II, Kerney, who hail been en -
United States has power to see right. gaged in the barbering business in
done, andito prieyent a:r imetition of the Wingham for some nine years, sold
ti outies. Will demagogy be Strong hie business last week to Mr Barrett,
enough to prevent action. of Brussels. The new proprietor is
.•now in possession. Mr Kerney re -
The demand for the abolition of the cently purchased a farm in Morris,
•and we understa,nd that he will e0M-
the preferential tariff in the interest of reeneexaming oeatepsine.; • . .
rararirmicyna'aOye:idnaXvoafikelarsttnzeek to
Canadian woollen manufacturers, has
been made by Mr Monk and other
Opposition leaders, who say that the
business is ruined. The Halifax °broil-
icle denies the statement, and affirms
that the Woollen factories are doing
better than ever before. "So profit-
able a business are the woollen factor-
ies known to be doing that the mana-
ger of • one of them was able to get a
capital ot $100,000 subscribed within a
few hours, the other day. in the town
of Amherst, wherewith to start a new
one. New woollen factories have been
snringing up in various otherplacee in
'Nova Scotia and elsewhere." -
Takecare o/ the etoniaoh and the health
will take care of itself. If people only real-
ized the soundness of the statement the
majority might liye to a good old age like
Moses, "the eye undimmed, the natural
force unabated." .It is in the s mach that
the bloc 1 is made. It is from the stomach
tat nonriehment is diepenee 1 to nerves and
muscles. If the atoms- n is weak it can't do
Jots whole work for ece'h piu.;; of Ilia body.
If it is dimmed t the diseace will taint the
nourishment which is distributed, and so
epread disease throughout the I dy. It
was the realization of the importanoe of the
stomachas the veryaentre of health and
the cowmen source of disease, which led Dr
Piero to prepare his Golden Medical Dis-
Ornery. inflame which originate in the
sto.aach must te cured through the stomach
The soundness of this theory is proved ev-
ery day by owes of diseseed organs, heart,
liver, lungs, bloc:: -and by the nee of Dis-
covery, hiola is Solely and singly a medi-
cine for the blood and organs of digestion
and nutrition. It is a temperance medicine
containing no alcohol, whisky or other ie.
toxioant. . .
News of The Old. Land •
.4, quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr and Mrs Jas Duffield, of suy Tic GENuosE .....14tero By
when their daughter, Miss Jenni° a' @MINAFGISYRVP 40
wag ed in tbe holy bonds or wed-
Winghitra, on Wednesday at noon, •
lock to Mr Geo B. 'toe, of the Queen%
hotel, The ceretnony was performed_egasvit, _ yostrassicree oeervon,
cm.. e ' N.V. ..
by Rey Win Lowe. , Ne lee -s
Mr 8, Merrifield and family, of • goR,SAIS 6y Alt OntiOatilSoPitiCE SO e. PR Mtn
Winighlun moved • their household The death took alace on Wednesday
effects to 'Hespeler on Tuesday, and „05.' aflir fle /min /flimflam so of Luck -
reside in that place in future. • Mr n-a-oe- 7 in- hie -7-7 al -3,-,3-e-o.-- • -' •-• •
" -
Merrifield is ill with rheumatic fever,
and is at present in the hospital at Mrs Patmore, vvife ot Ohas Patrciore,
and• IaAl
pany of about one hundred two years with consumption, passed
LUcknow, who has been ill for nearly
tile. °fry guests assembled at the re- aevay on Friday evening. aged 46 years.
•sidence of Alex Gardiner, Walton, on The death occurred at Lansing, Mich,.
Wedeesday, Sept 24th, to witness the on Aim 20, ot Mrs Knowles;
Another of
marriage cerement- uniting Miss Mary. Mrs WH Miller. Lucknow, in her 85th
015961.01);1500 6*.
14 f
hABITuAls, koti6mAtatinx
ITS EsoitrZtlECA
. second daught,er o the host,• and jas. ettr. She Was for many "years a reel -
On sunday , afternoon, • Aug, 24tb, Another old and highly respected
the last sad rites were performed over resident' of Morrie passed away on
the remaineof Wm Jas. •Tisdale, son on Thursday morning Of last *eek, in
of Geraisdale, of. West Wavvanosb, the person of Wm Murray Scott, who
lbgging damp at. had been ill tor the past six months
at McMurray, near Snohomish; Wash., with cancer or the stomach. .
on Aug. 18th.
• The farm belonging to the estate'of
The' wedding' of William Albert the late James lecUtee on the first con.
Donaldson. Of City, Montana, of East Wawanosh, 'has been sold to
formerly of Saltfoid, and Miss Sophia Rj McGee, of Woodstock, a brother
Chapman, of towto was eelebreted et deceased, for the. sum of MOO.
gaietly. ab tbe home of W. Proudfoot, it contains 100 acres.. with good orcho
11. 0,, on Wednesday; Sept-21th. The a;rd, brick house and fair barn.
ceremony was performed at 1 o'clock A, more pretty- event occurred at the
h3: Rev J. W. Robinson, pester of home of Chas Atmetrong, Melanethon
VIctorla street Methodist church. township, formeriy of Westfield. on
• The wedding oeJ.Wylle,of Syracuse, Sept 21, when his eldest daughter,
N. Y., and Miss Mary Wiley, (laugh. Jennie, was united in marriage to
ter of Qonald McKay, Cameron street, prosperous young farmer of the same
Goderich, took place, on Wednesday piece, Thomas Wallace. .•
evening of last week at the residence A quiet. wedding' was solemnized at
of Rey Dr 11re, the ceremony being the residence of Wm Somerville, See,'
-performed by the Venerable Doctor- . forth,. on Wednesday. week, when his
• Mr A.14. Fralick's home is shadowed sister, Miss Annie, was united in roar
by bereavement, Mrs Fralick .ha.ving riage to Robert T Dodds, of McKillop,
• passed away in London hospital on the ceremony beg performed by Rev
W. Illowbray. Out of thitovillage.
Mondar last. For some months pest F H Leticia, in.the presence of only the
/eland or Sancta', in the Philippines. weaker. She was years of Ere, The oreorge Hutchison died at his reel -
It is estimated that the instirgents in her late home in Tureberry to' Wroita noori, after em illness ef scarcely a
Macedonia number 3,060. They are on- eter cemetery. • • . week, at the advanced age of 87 years.
der comotaiad of &Bulgarian excolenel. A quiet wedding took place at the Deceased was a native of Cavan, Ire-
liaMillerei Kidney and Bladder Pills. are home °Leapt J. A. Rogers, at Perrys- land, and came out to this country
,expressly for weak kidneosobladdenpairt in biirg, Ohio, on Wednesday morning of when a Ida.
back, etc, . Sold by all druggists. • ,. this week, the contracting parties be -
The cathedral of Belpaeso was de- ing Mr Alex Ritchie, of the firm of It Pays -TO Use The Kmd
stroyed during the recent Sicilian hue_ ifitchie & Campbell, of Wingham, a
Cholera threatens. to depopulate the • she had been ill %%dually. becoming immediate relatives.
uneral took p ece on Wednes ay from dence in Seaforth last Friday after-
ricane, burying a large nunaber of woe. Young and promising business . roan,
shippers. • and Miss Florence Frances Weber Mc -
Go' . ' . • ' Kell, of Perryeburg, Ohio,'
The rights to General De Wet's hoek
• on the war in South Africa have been' On Wednesday Mortal* last week
purchased by a•Berlin firm for 200,c00 Victeria street Methodist church was
marks (about ig9 0C-1 ' " — the 3818tWor- the *Werlditig- of gaY
William Wright Stoddart, B D' as -
tor of the Peeebyterian church at
STOP TR1EF ..• Lebanon, Kentucky, • to Mies Mary
would be a' justifiable ory direoted against Grace. Walters, youngest daughter of
the ooentlese humbugs that offer a euro for Mrs William Walters, Park. etreet,
•Oaterrh. There is only one scientific teeth- Goderich. Mr Stoddart is a Godete
od of treatment for Oatartho Make the air ich boy who has worked his way to a
you breathe the carrier of healing,balsamio, place of honor and responsibility, and
onratiVe agents. It bathes every inch of who is deservedly held In high .eeteem
• recoils metinbrts with ittshje2alieg, se!(Ith- by thropeoPle of Ole town.-
or :431 ilarx t a 7". " Cti ThursdaY moralize, Sept 25th,
idnrgn rg ionitmorr iids% t
•one.. -prompt-permanent, Remetnher he
'effeetive method of trea,trnent and that 11 is
name Catarrhozone. AR dealers 25 cents
and $1.00, • . . .
Preto Madrid it is repotted that
Queen Chttina, the mth
other ef • e
• King, married her Master of Horse,
• Count de la Escoigura, .while in Austria
recently. ,
. At a New South Wales' Salvation
Army meeting last week an elderly
Man namesird:Var-e-elrOotilWesed that
he had consraitted three murders in
It is not what yon eat but what fietimil-
atse that nottrishe4. .• Miller's Compound
doer not look as tf there was any like. Iron Pills mire faulty arreimilation. Sold by
"Wood of an export duty on pulp wood. all areggieta
. The dismissal of the West Headings • By a the originated by children at
And West Durham election protests Vaty mcihundred and twentJillagey b011eee,
,_,COMprifiing the of
leaves only two of the original 14 Do- Vlostsik, Russian Poland, have been
Minim election protests standing for burned to the ground.
•houtoliwkii-tec-1,--erition---e-ovi-olltelaidite.thiticatrotmeatiMpotte hate..
Areh Ottmpbell. Liberal, in WestYork, ..pBrreilualdll'eei.tlisgainateetClito5h9at 0°.131/lar
and Melzar Avery, Cotiservative, r the wane, and that 7n:rti cent, or 074
Addington, ''Saw -off prospects" are; meat eaten today is foreign,
however, not even hinted yet. A'
was long ago promised in West New life for equator. Miner's Com.
"Stork. Both petitions Were filed a year pound Iron Pills, bold by ell e-uggists.
ago- lest February. Emperer Williarn'ts new articles of
.• war, tell the soldiers that the path
Sir Wilfrid Leerier • and lion. Mr i the highest military ranks is open to
Fielding, the Canadian Minister of ability and keowledge.
The gorgeously fitted up yacht
finance, are expected t'n return to
boiteht ny the ShAh of Petal/tat Nantes
London trona Paris by the end of this hr" oeen sent by way of St. Poen.
week. They are maltinga final effort berg to Teheran,
o complete negotiations for the hie Miller's Compound Iron PiUw, only 25
roveinent of tut& relations between for 50 doses. bold by all druggists.
auntie and France. The previous
Onferetice, while friendly and promise Sivia Olarkocut Englishwoman, was
ng,' did not lead to practical result& irsoea on it train between Milan and
ouloeue of a Valise amtaitling jewel-
• ot explanations have been exchanged the value of 100,0(
lery pl. .3 francs.
d Sir Wilfrid, with Mr ridding be.
tad htto,. hopes to reach an under. The trustees ot the National Defence
riding with the French Government Fund, have istued it nanifesto to the
fore milling for Canada in the second • Irish people, urging the necessity for
eek Of Oci.ober. • Immecliara and generous contributions.
FAdILY QBATIBBLS Bookkeeper L. 14, Greig,.of the Car.,
mew buoy mime family quatreie,mnegie'Steet ,ctiatrgieciliwnitthonfdoor iaryt
es out of spite and alterations/ of wine vIreorinattect r
ight have been rrevented by it gentle dose „„t Ar..,. defalcations amount tit's
pills." With the liver andleidney elug. miov,u' ,
h and torpid digestion is impaired And Mr nicks, it wealthy New Yorkt..., is
roper ruined, But Jr Chase's Kidney- banding a.$11J • 'loottage on Bra ddonla
ter Pine by itivigorating the Aotion of Point, it mile below the toot of Wolfe
°tering good
digestiona leland, Ott the Canadian side. A $7,C .1,
nd health, ape pill a dome, 26 °eats a building Was torn down to make room
for the one now being .etected.
That Has No 'Had.
The immense Popularity of Wells. Bich-
ardsorr&Cloorimproved-Butter -had
induced epecalaters with little chewiest
ability to pilt up imitations of the famoue
color that raakes prize butter. These imi-
tation butter colors contain mud and other
impurities that ruin Welt -made butter.
Wells, RiohardsOn & Co's Improved Butter
Color gives the true and natural Jane tint;
Oen1nion colors prndnoe a brithy Ted that
soon. fades, from the butter, leaving it with
a lard -like color. Ask your druggist or
dealer for Wells -Richardson & Co's Im-
proved Butter dolor; the kind that has no
mud '
ship of Ashfield, was the scene of a ,
pretty wedcling,thedontracting parties' •
being Mr Lahe's daughter, Miss • Anderson, Tee ,People interested. in celestial phetio.
Fanny, and Charles
nuptial knot was tied by Rev F. X. mena should avail themselves of the
'Oaten in the preaence of Beanie forty opportunity of observing Peeinne's
guests. The groom was formerly a . comet which is atpreeent eliding along
resident of West Witwareish, but for at the remarkable pace of 8,000,000
the past nine years has resided in miles per day. It is visible now to the
South Africa, and the future home of - oo
naked eye iyou know inuesetn. wherewith
the new couple will be at Johannes, lk for if and fa easily
' ordinary' pair Of opera glasses, but will
On Tuesday afternoon the remains be very beautiful and distinct 11:1_a few
weeks. It isolocated not far frail the
at John Murray, ranged son of A. E. Gamma Cassiopeiae and is a large neb-
Murray, Victoria, street, Goderich, loom roue with a decided condensation
were Coneigned to earth in Maitland
cemetery. near the bright star. It has no tail yet
The deceased/ Who was in .but somewhat peal-shaped,with very
his twenty-third year,died ai
t Saturday ill-defined frayed edges, It s travelling
inCleveland, where he has been work-
ing the peg three years with thirGar- towards the eliil tvith 111311sual rapidity,
leek Packing Co. ° The comet appears through the teles-
Jultoand a few days after returninis tO
ere in en, sea the regum sertoondine it le
He Vent a two cope to be nearly half the 6ize of the
weeks' vacation at his home h
brightly illuminated. Aboutmidnight
work be was taken with appendicitis. 11 18 plainly visible near the centre of
ge went to the hospital and under- the sky! it will remain in vtew for
.Wellt tWtOoperations but Mae skill of ihorazlaouth_nn&A_ha"fet
dthenethargeotrarvas not e,Ifective to avert lea pear. There has not been such a
large one as this promises to be since
On Wednesday of last week Wilfred 1882.
Naftol, youngest son of Tr Or thiaftela r , •
South street, Goderich, met with an ,
Baby's First Tooth.
&cadent that voiy lay him up for some
time. A threehing was in progress at
their farm on • the Bayfield roact, X Paintly Event That Does Not
commonly known as Black's point. illymays Bring eninined Joy
and the separator Was being moved
from one barn to the Other. As the Baby's first tooth dOeit not eottie titian
machine was beiug taken up tbe in. flounce& Inflamed gurgle mid impaired
ohne to the barn, one of the chains; digestion produce a feverish and fretful
bolding the front wheels in position condition about which the mother often
snapped, and, both the machine and feels concern. The baby bey of Mrs
the young man were precipitated over George McGregor, of Hamilton, Ont., was
the embankment, falling a distance of troubled with diarrhoea while teething
about sit feet. The unfortunate and wafrorcsa eba restleee. He did not
young fellow sustained a double frac, along weft sad mattere became serious.
euro in the left thigh. '' The mother writes as follower "My sister
White John Brown was threshing ha had need Baby's Own Tablets for her baby
the barn of David Milne in Grey, on and advieed me to try them, r got it box
Sept, stk, one of the overdaye 818 and and lifter giving the Tablets to the baby it
20 ft long fen to thedooe along- side of few time% he began to lawny° and was;
the machine. Harvey Dobson fell Men well. lie is new a big, healthy baby
down with it to the floor and the end end,whenever he gate fretful or dime not
of the stick struck Ed McCallum On feel well I give him it Tablet and he le
the head knocking himinto the eye e0012 all right again."
Mader of machine when it was in Baby's Own Tableta replace with great
metien. Aa it happened Janie° 'litchi° Advantage caster oil and other naueeous,
was feeding at the time and he had griping arufig• TheY sweeten ib° stmach,
nulled& bithdle of peas to the machine, quiet the netvea and promote healthful
out they were dry and the eylinder sleep. They are gaaranteed to enotairi no
did not get hoid of them. ma ten on °PAW and to be abaehlieir barr910965. If
top of theee and Mr Ritchie caught your druggist done not keep them von can
him Around tv,e body and lifted hen obtan 6 ftall'tft6 b" by Inailf I"" paid
right up oft the irtaohine. Nobody by onallut 499110 to ill9 Dr Wiiiieoet
wee Wit, hurt bat net it few Were Medicine Co„ Brookville, -Ont., or Sobe.
badly frightened at the elOse tali. neetady, N. Y
11.16 0.•1.
Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent.
Lot 88, Maitland concession, Doderich TownS,
abip. Apple te OAS. SCOTT, Barrister.
Oot 11-tt. Clinton
To Let.
That beautiful snore in the Jackson Block,
Huron Street, lately occuptea 0.Witte. AP -
ply to.
Sept. 6-4f Clinton
Farm For Sale,
The west half of lot 21, flayfield Con. Ova-
erleh townebiP, containiug 100 aortae C good
land, is offered for pale on easy tenni. Good
barn.,Ilog house, plenty of water and small
orchard. Particulars on application to
tf- J. P. =PALL, Catania
For Sale or to Rent.
Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley, containing ioo acres
In good state of cultivatien for eale or to rent
for term of years, apply toJNO. McGREGOR,
on prembeas or MRS1). MoGREGOR, 2 con.,H,
it, S., Tuoltermitti, Seeforth P. 0.
Feb. 7-tf.
For Sale
Comfortrible hem* end lot, on Albert St.,
Clinton, for sage cheap, lot e acro, House
suitable for small family. APPLY et NEW ERA
• Shorthorns for Sale.
Two registered Shorthorn bulls,red, oolor,one
28 months old and the other 18 teonths. Of excel-
lent Pedigree, choice Oniniale.
Lot 22, con: 18, Pfullett,
May 28-tf. LondeaboroP, 0,
For Sale..
• House, twO lots and stable, corner of North
and Mary Sties* The cottage contains six.
rooms in good repair, woodshed, with hard
and soft Water, fruivtrees and a memo in
firrt.oines condition. Apply to • .
1* ' MRS MOFE4.1.7 on the premises;
For Sale.
. The North Half of Lot IT, Concession 7, 'Col-
borne, and two village Iota in Manchester,
livery barns, outfit, and goodwill of the busi-
ness. For terms, appy to the undersigned,
lin* Sept 11 MRS W21 SYMINGTON Auburn
. Stable for Sale.
A• Recs.& stalle with seven single •stalle, it box
stall, a harness room, grain bine, a roomy hay
loft, eto.,will be sold at a very reasonable pfice.
April 11-tf. W. BRYDONE,' Clinton.
House tor Sale.. •
A good frame house on Huron Street'IV
storiee; contains 3. bedreome, parlor, dining
room, hall, elrefets, kitchen, woodshed bard
and soft water, half notelet, • with bearing
keit trees. • Apply to J. SNYDER,.
June 27-1. Huron Street
-.Good House tor Sale.'
Subscriber offers for sale hia 'house and lot
On Albert St. north, Tho lot le one quarter
acre wjth it number of bearing fruit trees,
hard and soft water and good stable, House
hes six rooms,_eloset, pantry, wash reeve and
good cellar. Will be sold cheep.
*1M. . ,FRED LOFFT, Clinton.
Farm for. Sale. .
. •
Lot 31, Concession 8, E. R. S,, 103 sores;
school house on premises; within five minutr s
walk ot church: 5 mites from Clinton and 6
miles from Seeforth; large frame house, good
orchard, Mostly winter fruit, 2 good wells and
eistern,2 barns, one 48,06, with stone stabling
underneath, the other 28s60. driving shed and
hen house. Apply to WH iTkIELD CRIOH,
Clinton P. O. August 1-tf.
• Farm For Sale.
The subseriber offers for sale that choice farm
on the huren road, 'Tuckersmith, just east of
Clinton. at pr i gent occupied by Mr Fisher. It
consists of 150 acres, mere or less, with good
• frame house,bank barn,silo,windmill and small
orchard. Enmity of water. An excellent farm
In a splendidlocalite. For terms apply to
Farm for Sale.
'Lot 7, con, 3, Colborne, ecinteining 50 acres of
'audit' good cultivation, 20 acres fall plowing,15
acres in grass, 5 acres fall wbeat. On premises
is story frame innieeetultern frame nerneln
good repair, also& goodwell and young hearing
orchard.Farm well fenced and welt watered,.
Possession may be had Mar. 1s1. IC38, For . fur-
ther. pertioulseet firmly to •
• .hII 82. ROWDEr 01 2. JEWELL,
Sept. 18- tf Box E0, Goderich
For bale.
-e- "
Cottage, almost new sittlated on Nato Street
near emu° of town, containing Ball, Double
Perlor, Inning room, three bed rooms, three
.clothes closets, kitclien, and . pantry, also
.sunerner kitchen. . Good stoue cellar, hard. and
soft water', good garden, large and smell fruits
in abundance, nen lawn. All in first -eta&
condition. Owner leaving town: Also some
• good furnitnre to besold privately, tat the
louse. Apply to
L ni* Aug 29 J, T. EMMEIITON Clinton.
Farm for Sale.
A splendid tee rice ferm , oonsieting of the
East half of Lot hi), con 1, East Wawahosh.
good frame *house with kitchen, barn 36x55,
and shed 80x40 in which there are good stabling
hard water of nrver failing well; 8 acres bush,
1 acre of orchard, situe ted *miles from An
bairn and 60, rods from school. For turthcr
Particulars apply to If. GOYIM
June 6-4* Auburn P. 0.
Purchasei este have possession this fail.
Farm For Sale,.
Lot, 12, Hayfield con., Gederich to., 118 acre
1,15 dieered, hallow° hardWood,with a large,quan-
ty of cedar on it), be good state Of cultivator
abet:0.8mo acres tan wheat,and considerable fall
plowing done. Comfortable brick house large
oartiwithstablingundereeathairiving Shed and.
other outbuilding : ablaut 2 acre orchard,
Mostly wintetfruit well wntered-nererfall-
from Clinton and threetrom Hayfield Posses-
osloonnentaibiliiteesenat te aenno-iinigo-tor- ::--
(AU& en000kdeittegbaaftetrldls eptil .
further particulars to SIMONS, 72 St. • at
David it., Goderich,
Farm Jr Sale or To Rent.
Lots 136040.1m I, Colborne, contoteing
181 Aimee, bon well watered, gala Barrieter, ISoligiter, tko.,
Ing. tied 4 acres goad orchard. House Ireton CLINTON. ,
rick: barns. One 05X36 and the other 50x ,
stable under both, driving innine, hen and pig
stables, 100 agree (neared, water at house and
barn, sent by hydraulic ram; 12 aerea in fall
tf Sept 5 Will. BLAKE, Dem Oter,
Good Farm for neut.
The undersigned oifere for rent lot 12, in the
Maitland con. Colborne, situated 7 miles from
Clinton and e% from Goderieh, 2% miles from
ohurob and ‘iaorriineiMie orii:omr141sesh°o°1g
; this
contathi land of which. 105 sores aro cleared A good
two story frame house, good bank barn, -ben
house, pig gable, also it acres of good bearing
orchard,. 2 good wella and 3 never failing
springs of water,
u, 4.11, ALLIN, In/miller Ont.
Real Estate tor Sale.
1 Part of farm, Iota andel!, on west side of
Maitlandoon.,one mile north of Holmeaviue,
ec)Thlietanionritntig haKifaeortelso't 25, oon.0,andwest part
of lot 24, con, 8, one half mile from Clinton.
north, on gravel road, contaluing 90 scree.
8 oTunhetbor:k dwelling includinglots 18, 19 and
20 on corner of Josepli and Isaac) streets, in
4 Thefranie dwelling on west aide of Victoria
street and next north' of railway..
Liberal terms to milt purchasers. Annie' to
mare), 28.r3m. W. W. le,A.RRAN or '
C. C. RANCE, olintort
You'll Miss' It !
If you decide about your education
• and select a school before you see the
new catalogue of .the
Centra'Bustness College
.. . •
A poets' will bring it by return Mail
and aside from its artistio value you
Will be interested in the work of an';up
to date bushier% school which employs
12 teaehere, 'Owens 100 Typesetting
mamma and sends out. nearly 500 *,
young people into good positions eaoh4
Iyear. Auttunt session from Sept 2nd.
Enter may time. Write for catalogue
W. n. Shaw, Principal
. Yong e& Gerrard Ste, Toronto
deleme-gtilott Block, lease Street/
Oth ce- (leaver Block.
Up stake, Oppoodte Hewes Photo OallerY
When girls 14 and 16 •years of age.
nen epend 8 or 10 months at '
• The Canada Dulness College,
and immaliately after graduation goout
and secure positions at and $7 per reek.
We have at the merest moment calla
stor five Male stenographers and bookkeep.
ere, where the wages offered are frOM P5
to 550 per month, that we sannot- fill, as
those prepared are all engage& • Write tot
D. McLachlan Fe •
. .
Ohathain • Ont:
Cori. Yonge and College Ste., Toront0.
Coure4*s of studY:Commercial,
• Shorthand, Typewriting, Eng-
lish, Civil Service, and Mathe-
matics. •
. Open entire year -day and evening.
Individual instruction. Enter now..
Write for farther information.
-an-t -ed-
• . .
Young niers and woraen to prepare for
good situations, Apply. to • '
College r
The best etiaippedBusinesa and Shorthand
College in Canada, Reduced tuition rates,
Write us regarding onr comber; of study,
and „prospecits of securing situation's for
gradnates. Catalogue sent free. Addreos
J. 8;
pepi "0" Confederation I;ife bldg.
Toronto. Ont.
• fog.
Real /Estate and insurance Agenoy,
• Minter to Ulan.
Barrister S011oitor Notary and Conveyan0
011ice--Oppoidte Colborne Hotel
.10,taer4y cif Cameron; Holt ift Cameron
ostoo-namtuon St opposite Colborne Bon
BannisTints, SoLunTone, ETC.
Oince-CterneirRamilton, St. andthe Situ
Dederi'die Out.
R. L. .Diokinson Cute. Gennow, LL.D.
Pnoororts IN TRE MARITIME C.10141Ta *Or
011100: North at., next door.to Signal Odi
• Private Funds to lend at lowest Wee
of interest4
WL, Ir. PG.IjaNs.14i rAnillaburpat
Ofnce--Onsarie Street, Clanton. Night ea
at front door of office or residence, Matteis' -
bury Street, •
Licentiate of the Royel College of Physlcia.
London, lengland. .
Moe and Reilidenoe- • . .
JCRS TEDFORD'S Rouse, Raton fit.
DR. J. W. SHAW• .
tario lit., opposite' English churob, formerly op. •
0111DISA by Dr. Appleton. °Baton Ont.
DR. C. W. THompsow
• Phyeician, surgeon, Etc:
special attention given to diseases of:th• e
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Oilltifiand Residence- '
Albert Street.2 Blocks NortkofRattenbu
• .
131:19:711fanning Smith, 31.1):.7,-C.111,
OFFICE -Main Street, Bayfield, formerly .
•000npied by Dr. Pallieter; .
(Successor to:Dr. T. C. Benee,
• Specialist in Crown and 'Bridge Work
S.--Gradwite Royal College DentalsSure
• goons of Ontario, Toronto., •
S.-First-olass Honor graduate of . Di*
Monday,Spse ia 1 t 'Ttrctr. egleTvVaire 1.<T
onildren's teeth.' will visit Bayfield eve •
Office over W. Taylor& Son's shoe' store. •
Office adjoining Photo Studio.
Oftice Hours9 to 6 every day an
Saturday until 10 p. ;no. .1hanch offices
in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and ,
Member of the Veterinary Medical A sends.
tions of London and Edinburgh, andi,Grada-
' itte of tlie Ontario-Veterinery College,
Office open night and day, onposite '13 is
Paul's church,. Ontario Street. Clinton, ,Ont.
. veterinary * Surgeon •
Successei to E. DEACRALL.
Diseases of all domesticated animal%
treated on scientifie principles.
Business Law, Writing,
• Correspondence,. , Type.
• writing, etc.,
To Rent or for Sale
Forest City Busi-
ness College.Y.,
M.C.A. Build.
Frame resi'dexceatuICtiere of land on mars ng, London, Ont
Street, Clinton, 7:reeres, cellar, weed shed ,bard •
We have no &Inanity in plaoing competent
pupils in good positions, College re -opens
Sept. 2. Send for Cetalogne,
3. W. Westervelt;
dsoft water, new litablia and drivieg shed,
exoellent garden, with plum, pear and staple
Also tor Sale.
" At env time up to 1st Sept, acros,parte
Jos ex i.,at the N ort h En d ot m
aingitijiligliatilet ‘ageg•Prazeig
a g well
',Amine:ems, smell fruits, apples, etc. There
ie aleo a vent excellent grade of sand and
gravel or ,the premises which is veryprofitable.
• Apra 18e- Clinton.
Thibre*. 41144 Twat thoBilogne,
• The Great gnglisla PernettV.
Sold and recommended by ail
druggists in °amide; Only reit,
able medicine discovered. /31.enl (0 euro 1
80 Seituaft:iwp,,,Inegg, an effeete of abut*
or mese, Men worry. Excannfila tiseOf
Moto, OnitiM or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one paeltarce bi, six, 0. nee tentolease,
ostea4 cute. Temple* free totitykaarete.
wue wood Cowpony, wituuor,Onse
*wider Plmsotoaire is sold In Clinton 1,v
Paola°. J 11 Hovoy,JjE. Comte atictie W
Boy Waatel.
iguai rilar
Wantedostuartboy to learn printing, IsiZe
FAA °Men.
cia,N tro:NT
Me rble & Granite
Tho Pub:shag& of t monument
should, have complete confidence
in the reliability of the firm, frani
which he baste, for the material
and workmanship is something '
very few Wore are familiar with.
If you de not know he, please in.
ening MOO onr reliability from
them Who 1.10W tie best. We are
lv•e rely pra Meal Men here biota
r •
R, Hoover, Proprietor
btel..t to cymmerciai notei
Calls promptly attended to
Office -Isaac St., Clinton.; residence
. .
Albert St. •Phone 62. -
1/1:Aseenan.. eous.
• insuranetA goat,
Canada Life Assurance Co.,
Marine, •Accident, Plate " Glee
OfficeTWP. Thaall's Rank, Clinton.
MARRIAGE LICENSES looted by the as.
derifgaecl at his Residence, Mary stree t'
No witnesses required '
••• eident,,t • ":"IthittLik.11"
• MatigaT Btons, t,LerTo.
• aormEsviLLE,
&...t tor the MAN011Eseltri Fma Aesve.teoh
Co, of Manchester, England, whose fluids art,
eeetirltstare rated at $14,600,000. Also the le
RuzOr MOTTIAL INSURANCE 00. All 01000011 0
farm eiske end town property tisken by
lowest rater,. Pirstaolass Loan Conepaniee •
also represented. Money to be hell frora 41 per
saw*, acooreIng to *nifty) Of
Deily mail to Hohnesville - postal card w 11
fetch hira
PARId and isot.A.Tan TOWN PLOPENTY. .
0. McLean, President, Nippon P. O. Thee,
Fraser. niMepresident, Brueenekt P. O.; Thos.
E. Ham Secy-Treas., Seaferthja.,;
Broadfobt, Inspeetor Of Leek% fiettfOrth P.M
0..eireadteet, ileafortinJohn G. Grieee
Winthrop P. 0.; Cicero Dale, Seatortht John
Ilesanewele,Duldin; Jae, Bvatin,•_ Beeohweod P.
O.; John Watt, Matlock 0.1 Tignriall Fraser
moment ; John Et. McLean, ICippen Jamas
Conn011 1.nt0a,
Robert Smith. Radecki Robb. MetfillittilSea
ferthi Jambi Otiluming, EgMetadville Jr W.
Yeo, rtoinnevine ; George mnrdirrand Jan C.
IVretri4011, MiditOrs.
Pertiee desirema te effect Mehra:Meer Oats;
act other bukinetle Will be piOraPtleAusti clod to •
aninication tb any of the WWII* eltieti
Or to the respivetive naetilla