HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 7(t „.„ , • 9 1 The Toronto Weekly Globe and New Era, a dial trip to the end of the year, for 85o Neuralgic Pains I Fall t airs for 1902, Are a Cry of The Nerves Por Better /Mood Mr Winton:to' Pink Pine • Mikes Utah, Rea Blood end Pato§ These Pains from the EYetem-Bead and Proof. A high medical authority ha e defined neuralgia as ory of the nerves for better blood,” And to eilecteally drive it from the totem the blood must to made reda red and pure. For this purpose) there re no other medicine ea peorapt and sure in re- sult as Dr Williaine' Pink Pill% Theme pillar make new, rioh, red blood with every dose, and impart new life and new vigor to the person tieing them. Mr John Mc- Dermott, Bond, Head, Ont., offers strong proof of the certain results abtained from the use of Dr Williams' Pink PAIR in oases of this kind. He says: "A few yeere ago while working as a carpenter in Buffalo I get wet. I did not think worth , while changing my clothes at the time, but I won began to suffer for my neglect. I Awoke next morning with orrimpeand pains throughout my body. I was unable to go to work and called in a dotter, who left me some nredmine. I used it faithfully for some time, but it aid not help me. In fait I wae growing steadily worse and had be- come so reduced in flesh that I weighed only 188 pounds. As I wee not able to work I returned to my home at Bond „Head. Here I* plaoed myself under the •care of a local dootor who said the trouble was neuralgia, which had taken a thorough hold upon my entiresystem. Misfortune seemed to follow me for the dootor's treat- ment did not help ine, and I think my neighbore at least did nob believe I was go-. big to get better. I had often read and heard of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and in this emergency I determined to try them. Thad not need more than three boxes he- ' fore I felt that the pills were helping me. From than on I gained day by day, and after / had used some ten or twelve boxes, , I hal fully recovered my old-time strength, snd haye shoe been ebie to work at my trade as a carpenter without any trouble. c 41 have no reins or aches, and I now weigh 156 pounds. I think Dr Williams' Pink aleilla an inYaluable medicine and 'Mall al , ways havea good word to say for them," When the nerves aro unstrung, when the blood is poor or watery, or when the system is out of order, Dr Williams' Pink • Pills is the medicine, to take. They cure all troubles arising from these causes, and make weak, despondent men and 'women bright, active and strong Peoteet your- self against imitations by seeing that the full nenriganDr Williams' Pink Pills - for Pale People" is on :the wrapper around every box. Bold by at medicine dealers or Mailed post paid at 50o per box or six boxes for $2.59 by writing to the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Sweet Lavender. ra " How the delights of many a garden could be enhanced by the 'addition of a scented shrub border or small plot oil ground set apart for the purpose. Theo small shrubs are easily cultivated, and yery attractive, as many are. evergreen, aand each has its various. uses. Among the best and most easily grown is the old-fashioned lavender. The leaves and flowers are highly. aromatic, the ascent delicious. It is, easily, Propagated from cuttings taken in the autumn in the open ground. They must be firmly pressed into the ground, as frosts are apt to throw them up when the surface becomes loosened; these, with a little. mares will be found to; be well rooted in the spring, and can then be planted i in their permanent position, or n some -spot, rather ;closely -together, and then thinned out an the autumn. • • And a list of lgxpert iltdOeS, Wile will Judge all 141Ve Stock and • give reasons Tor their Mardis, •!1•!..,.• The following le sent out by the Ontario Department of Agrioulture who are endeav- oring thie year to assist the fall fain of the P. evince, A greet many of the shows are entirely departed from the original intena tr• e of their promoters. "The objector die- triot and township gaudiest being to eneour. age improvements in agriculture, hortioul. ture, manufactures and the maul arts. ' It is not necessary to state how far ite annual cabibitions haye departed from the original sot but they hope to assist them in regaining their old status by advising weed- ing out many of the eocalled special attreo. gone and replacing them with educational features. Expert Judges haying been oleo. ted to place the award% The Judges are :-Horsee, H G Reed, Georgetown; beef cattle, Sao Campbell, Woodville; dairy (rattle, R McCulloch, Snelgrove ; sheep, Ate Sanipbelt, Wood- ville ; swine, R McCulloch, Snelgrave. The different far are :-- Harriston, W Wellington, Sept22nd and 23rd, Aden 23rd. Ripley, Huron, Sept 23rd and 24th, judg- ing 24th, Teeeweter, Dubose, Sept. 24th and 25th, judging 151h. Wingham, Turnberry, Sept. 25th and 261h, judging 26th. s Flesharton, E Gray, Sept. COth and Oct. 'let. judging Oot. tat. We no not know teat beesehave ever been recognized as among the acceo. series of war, but there le an old army story current in the Squthern States of a party who were out muting of foraging, probably 'both, one morning, and saw a much larger party of the enemy's cavalry riding down oil them. It was useless to retreat across an open plain, for the horses could go faster than they, while to surrender meant -a fate but little 'better or perhaps a little Worse than death. They. gathered ,behind a wall or embankment, ressnved to sell their lives as dearly as possible, when one of their number spled a stand' of beehives a little *ay behind them. Quickly he communicated his alea to his comrades, and enough' ran back to each to seize a blve and throw it over the welt in front of them. Very quick- ly those bees .w.ere at work as busily as .if they had been sworn. trite the service, 'arid -While the riders 'Might have 'faced them, the horses would not, but were soon in full retreat a half mile storey. • Some of the boys got stung en tronnir • to send missiles • more powereol than •bee stings after the enemy, but 'they all arached camp again soon wathent nese+ tee. the surgeon'," ear % • • •Men : 01.. • • .Timbers of oak keep the old homestead Standing through the, years: It pays to. use the right stuff." • • "Men of oak ",are Men in rugged - health, Men ,whose bodies are made of the sOund- e • When the blossomhig time crimes In on, • J ly, the blooms ought to be all. cut Childhood i8 the filiae to lay . • off, cutting fairly (low, with long, stalksthe foundation for a.sturdy con- This - is much better for the shrubs, and . insures a more rapid. after -growth. Tho stitution that will last for arCaire. !shrubs can also ' be improved • and ' strengthened in the autumn by _Careful- Scott's.EMulsicin is the rleallt ly trimming and claiming out the dead aa. ' . , : . wood and long -shoots., . ' . stun: , . • - . - - . The flowers are meei. delicious' if dried _ , , ._ ' _ and collected together in a masa and put- . Scott s .t.rnuision StitntilettaS into 'muslin bags. The muslin must be 4‘.. the o•ro win o• po‘verti Of Chil:... re: ' • fairly poarse, asi e 'too -clear fine' aee . , ea . scent is not emitted se easily. Dried la- ' helps them bui.d .. a firr.1 vender blossoms are also useful for keep- , ' • , . Ing woollen things free from moths, and t(au.ridati.011: for a t..,rdy ce••,.:" . . . a delicate fragrance is imparted to linen ., . %; or anything that comes in contact With, tutuon. , • , 'them. The dried stalks Make a most excellent Sond for froo samplo. and effective funfigator for a greenhouse _ a ,,, , .,.. if used in the same way as a tobacco • • cc° T.. eaa -.0 1:•.... na awe ^ ' -• . paper, and the dense- smoke from the Toronto, same is not only very pleasant to smell, 5.0eaa a" '7 ' ' . ' at the right distance, but seems to leave •• • - • : 'uninjured almost any blooms it comes IA contact -with. If used in the same Measuring Aar In Stack. . . way it is excellent for disinfecting a sick- To find the number of cubic feet in a room, but the 'fumes are, so thick that stack of hay multiply the width in t no. person niust asttenipt to stey in the room while it is being done. ' In some by the perpendieular height from t places lavender shrubs will grow to the ground to the .eave or shoulder, phis one height of six or eight feet. half the perpendicular dietance from thie The gathering. In of the fragrant and point to the. crest, and this product by, abundant lavender harvest in the mid- the length is feet. ' . Bummer days is one of the chief pleas If the stack is a low one and is' fairly Mires of the floral year. It should be Cut before fully out, on the whole of the uniformly rounded from the ground on one side over to the ground on the other, At:layering spike, otherwise •many of the take the distance from the greund on one delicious scented smaller flowers are lost in the gathering -N. Y. Tribune. side over to the ground on, tile. .other • side, multiply by one-fourth the width Quite a now der ant is introduced into at base, and this product by the length motor racing competitions by the action of the stack. . In the above case the average of the four measurements over of the police at Aargau. in Switzerland, the stack from ground to ground hi 34I/2 While the motors were in the heat of the feet; multiplying by one-fourth of 18, great race. They were pulled up be- which le given as the'veidth, and this pro- tween Basel an,d Brugg, on the ground duct by the length (237 feet) gives A- tha they Were geteg fester : than was 507 cubic feet. Nciw, as to the number THE CLINTON NEW ERA: NURVILINE CURES PMN, Thie ie the teetimony of (ruffian; In every part of the Dominion Mr Benjamin Dil. ton, of Iced% Ont,, etatee "I am not in the habit of puffing up proprietory medicines but I feel it my duty '0 Add to the testi. menials 62 to the nearvelleue value of Ner- 'nine as a remedy for palm Nothing I think equate it air a univereal remedy and lioueeholdere ought to feel it as much a nen OeflaitZ as bread itself," Sold by denten( in inedierne everywhere. Lord Rosebery is ill. Harry Richmond, of Petrolea, committed euioide by drowning British shipyards have nottfied their men of a redaction xn wages, CORNS I CORNS CORNS I Tender corns, painful corns, Bat corns, blealine corns. The kind ot corns that oth- er remedies Wive tailed to cure - thet'e a good many - yield quickly to Patnams' Painless Corn Extractor. Putnam's (torn Extractor has been a long time at thebusi- nees, experiences in feet just know to do it. All druggist% Conchutor Etugh Cameron, of learnitawati killed on a railroad at Hamilton, Gladmisn'a sawmill at Canting wee total. ly destroyed by fire, Lose about 312,000. The strike at the Deminion Organ and Piano factory at Bowmariville has been settled. TUE DAY OF MIRA.OLES Is past, but many who are cured of itch- ing, bleeding or protruding piles by the use of Dr Chaste% Ointment look upon their ree coverts as next thing to miraculous,. it 18 not uncommon for pertains who heye under- gone painful, rieky and expennve opera- tions in vain to be finally owed by this wonderful ointment, It is the standard' the werld over and the only guaranteed euro for PlItieev Dr Chown of Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto, announced to the Methodist Gen- eral Conference that he would accept the position of Field Secretary for Temperance and Moral Reform. In oonsequenae of a split in the Dentine ion Trades Congress at Berlin, the Knights of Labor and their sympathizers aye form- ed a new organizetton to be known as the National Trades • and Labor Council of Canada. ' Willing to be Tested. We peones the most ample faoilitiee for. serving the patio with pure, fresh druge, toilet goods, perfumes and all other lines tumidly found m a first blase' drug store. From latieinellettn&PrefOletenalailinnikohlte pwirabliroe. willing. to inhateeted IV a oritioitl EXPERIENCE HAS PROVFD That Paine's Celery Compound hae no equal for building up the weak and run- down. It is epeoially recommended to ent- erers from rhennuitiem and nervous pros- tration. Paine's Celery Compound stands far above all other medicines As a disesee banisithapr.BE.E.xis Dru Clinton,Ont. The Wiarton Lurober Company's saw imai$1160a0ot B. arrow Bay was burned. The loss Maggie York, of Bufferin Bridge,aged 19, oommitted suioideat Burk's Falls by tall - ng carbolinsoid, . The Snowdrift Company's factory at. Brantford and Geo We, az Sons' grocery were burin o • Miller's Worm Powders mire all ailments of children like Magi% Sold by all drug- gists. • Dr Moonbeams of London, Ont., was elected President tf the Canadian Medical Assooiation, which .meets next year at Lon- ii„Iternry Note. • A mium meeting witi be held. OM Opt. irAK-100CELE le risking something to ask the o re Florence Maybrick. the Auditor in naCh length to raise ram eY for another effort to secure the Itberty pUbllo to place a prece of fiction along.. aide of Pue's best work, The Editor of The Pall Nall Gazette sounds a nate of warniug relative to what it tame The 09smopolitan ventures thie in the f 11 hi h eh the "seneeless prejudice" against and o owing note, w appears n e Septernber iseue "One does not often "persecution" of motorists, dad a story which seems to come in • After a stake of nine months the f Ed I P beet work. Yet one !night be tenaptell have mostly all gone back to work. A to ask ouch a place for. 'The Canon c few of the two -loom men are still out. Curse' which Arthur E. McFarlane - British Troop Oil Liniment is good fer contributes to The Cosmopolitan for R I' e ' d awe( ling, allele inflammation, mires cuts the classification o gar A len oe e ?rot kers in the Providermewoolennsille September. •man or east. e re ee pain, re twee er ape no qua s more charact. burn% bruises, sprains, stiff mints, Wee of eristic of the work of Booker T. Wash- iuseote, rheumatiem, eto, A large bottle ington than the sanity, of his point of for 50o View. His article "Problems in Edit - Cotten" in the September Oosmopoltam It is thoughtthat the tug,Kuper,sunk deals not only with the work of Tusae- olf Staten leland, was blown up by a mine pInced in the bay during the war • gee Instltute nut with theaeducational needs of the entire colored population with SFaiii• of the United States. The rage -problem Millburn's Lam -Liver Pills regulate the is not one which can be left to settle - bowels, cure constipation,dyspepsia,hillouse eelf, and every thinking man or woman nese, sick headache, and all affections of should read thii valuable eontributien the organs of digestion, to a discussion whose importance will . The Bowmauvillefpiano workers who • Increase rather than decrease in the have been out on eft ike will go back on years to come. 'Monday, a settlement having been • Sept, 201 1982 AND STRICTURE f guarantee my Latest Method Treatment to be a permanent positive cure for Vericocele anal Stricture, without cutting, str me or loon of time. in Varicocele it resorts the baggiug. or wormer creelition,sereitizes circulation, atops pains in the groins, also all drains, thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitalises the parts and restore' lost powers ; in Stricture it inaorbe ths Stricture tissue, *tope amertine sensation, nervousness. Wel6 backache, etc., while In WI prostatlo troubles Itis the tr Ment Par Mniellanes. ressitive that me Letest Me sixes merit will cure you that you On . PAY WHEN CURED You need PAY nothing until you are convinced that a thorough and complete cure has been established. It makes no difference who has failed to cure you, call or write me, ' Each time you call •you see me Personally, or eau% time you write it receives ray personal attention. The nuraber of rein I an earn* as ssathede fiaorDemetomstitsbxnediatiaisetootrtehaeIcaocuncotraryp.liahed after giveli UP by other doctors, has Placed no The Latest Method Treatment Guaranteed to Cure Varicocele 4nd Stricture without outting, atretching or lose of time ; idso Blood Poison, • Chronic, Private, Nervous, Imnoteney, Kidney, laver, Bladder, Stomach, remale aud Rectal Troubles. CONSULTATION FREE. Call,• if you cannot cell write for blank for Stoma treat. ment, Perfect system of home treatment fo_r_thoso who cannot call. BOOK rREK. All me& Lanes for Canadian patients ehippen from windsor. A.11 duty and express charges proem. , 208 %%leeward Aes.e Com Wileen D•R G• OLDBERG DETROIT, !mew reached. PI Worthy 'School A Chtc'ego broker slipped at the top • ofa rain dirt ht hung- • The Canada Ilusinees College of Chat- twenty minutes by hishands before be. ham must certainly enjoy the oonfidence ing rescued, of the business communny, and must be turning out a superior elan of student, oe Our Perfect System. • It would not receiye es many cello for ite -- graduates. Oar perfect system for accurate and In a letter from the principal we are in. (pick dispensing has met with the approv- formed that they have at the present time, al of all who have brought their presoripa, five calla for male stenographers and tione to bur store. Our equipment is moa - bookkeepers, that they cannot fill, it ern and complete in every departments. wages ranging from 05 to $50 per month. Toilet geode, .perfumes, sponges, banshee, and that young girls fourteen and fifteen oombes, elo„ in endless variety. years of age of last session Homed rosi- tions at $6 and $7 pm week within a' few PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. weeks after the close of the session. • The wonderful life-giving remedy IS reo- The sollool stands very high. among the • and commended to all with confidence, It is a Commercial schoois of the provinoe holds the rinique position tf running 26 true nerve bracer and system purifier, and gives raarvellons results( to the sick. • Our years without change of management, a in supply is always freitt and genuine. Our claim that no other be loess oohed Canada can make store for Paine's Celery Compound, 11 B COMBE, druggiet, Olinton,Ont. • At Souris add other points 83 per day Bachelors of Commerce. • ie freely offered for harvesters and The University of Landon talks of the • threshers. • • The officeof the New York State establishment of a new university degree - Bank af Svracuee has been closed by -that of Bachelor of Commerce. Suet, a degree has, it is said, already. been the Chief Bank Examiner. '. established. at, Leipzig. Germany, in the A. slight earthquake shock was felt in technical' schools there, but in England San Francisco at 3.51 this mormtig. No the proposition has only been discussed damage was done. • by various edurational bodies. The idea • is that commercial matters have of late lme&aUch..2.'prOminent part' in all the great accomplishments of the past decade, that young men should. be cape- •nially educated, to take their places.. by the side a the great "Captains of In- dustry." The ,candidate for such a de- gree w5rold giVe. especial attention tO economies, to banking,.#excharigesa insur- ance, and the general xnachinery bust: • ' • • opihtens efleading Physicians., nee% to commercial; industrial and inter- • tation 1 lavr transport. and COMMUrii, cations to•trusts, trades unions, .continer- mat and social ethics, :and so on. There would 'naturally be his comae • of study aillargee share of modern languages, since they are the instruments of inter- national.tradea while nesthemtutics and science would also be very .essential to the eompletion of. /Melt a course- in these ;days When .practical matters are of 150,1*.iell more moment than theoretical, the an aition of a degree .commerce Is • 'not surprising.Commerce 'interests filly • nine -tenths :Of. 'all the. male popu- lation of a enehzed -country, and the policy of preparing young men for life by holding from them any but the Meas. gerest details of oarnmereial matters' . seems a -little like a farce. It may be "pen to elevation whether a. degree of , Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, of .y mail on receipt of price. . • •• I have used Strong's Pile Remedy in my • practice, and would strongly recommend it to the general public as one of the .beet re- . medics for piles on the market; knowing ite $80 B • y The undersigned is offerinco his uggies for $85 The 44**44..lummp•weopop444, Whey are good too Are those old simple prescriptions that you have used, maybe for years and years in your family, We like to compound.them„ because we have all the things to do it with -and to do it properly. If you have a favorite prescription of your own, bring it to US. it will get the same attention as those the doctors write, and every ingredient will be the first quality. Our Baking Powder at 25 Cents a pound is good • J. E. HOVEY, • - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton 44,44,444444,444,41314.*********Kuniurwipswisamssammimiams • Quality the Best Prices the.Lowest W. IRWIN'S Redpath and St.- Lawrence best granulated and coffee sugar at less thanwholesale prices. $3.85 per rwt by tbe barrel, Canned goods cheapa-Delai and Rent Can Corn 6e a can, Canned • chicken 10c, Roast Beef 1 lb tins 15e each. • Teas -Black Japan and Young Hyson from 10c hp, our leaderis 25c pee • RaPiosuinned,.CurrantsaPrunes, Dried Peaches, Apricots and Cooking Figs cheap. Crocaery-4 have just paned out 3 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet sets ▪ lauffitricy alma new patterns direct`from the factories in England, selling from 10 to 20% leas than regular price. Call and examine ' quality and prices. . • • , • . Wanted good butter and eggs. Phone 45. •, 3. MT. IRN7114 pother Drop • in Prices • • • • • composition makes nee' more inclined :to are his own make, and are made from choice material and by , first class mechanics. • :All the latest improvements used ane aris Op -to -date in .every respect: • They cannot be Surpass91 and we guarantee them. . 30.33N11511METE. Ruron Streot, curiten. • recommend it as it first-clase remedy for olles. JOHN B. FLOCK, M. D., Acting Physician, London Jail: ° W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chem.' , et, Landon, Ontario. • Wm. Ballentine, of the Customs De . • • • pertinent. Ottawa, fell out of a win- ' • a New life for a quarter. Miller's Com. Bachelor of Commerce is desirable, but _ ' 'pound Iron laillea. Sold by all deuggiste. . there can be little doubt of one thing, that the aordiriary college or uniyersity• • The, TobaccoUbMiniseion sat inEamila'.- • ton and examined a number of local dealers, and held a sitting In Toronto FeulaY atter-, re .cro { ammo ' i i rudimenaventhl be breeder arid better f tary kpowledge • of business Matters weirded Mto it. in : Tbin people shorild take :Miller's 00112 ; pound Iron Icille. Sold by all'driggiritan i • : • ' , ' • ' The trustees of Queen's University have & OFo-•.. owed to set apart a da a in November on ld lks' hich to hold a memorial service for the • late Priindast Grant; .'. - " e : ' • a ', . Backache •.' linnet's' Kidney.and Bladder .rdio are.•• • s •eold at 250 per box, Sold be all. draggins..• ir • . - -rieeessary. It is -probable- thkt-the-lan---ofacubitafeet--in-aatonaofalmy, theta are guage with' whieh the Aargau pollee as, great many things .that must be 'eons' . • auuua.---1Sffit-Ciiiii:-Beiltina-Harringtona Streak- — were greeted Wile something even beyond .sieered and upon the correctness of the Backache, mailing of feet a nd ankles Arnprior, Ont., says: "I have had so the teach of the. usual continental ar. judgment. as to the admixture of these puffing under eyed, frecrent thirst, scanty, ranch benefit from using Dr.. Pitehe?a got. • A small gasoline 'tug, a number 'of gill • • nets and a qoantity of firth were captured • get -past the off Long Point by the cruiser 'Petrel for meridian of • fibbing in Canadian waters. • . . -When people; life they . are. liable to. be CATARRH POISONS TIIE SYSTEM, trOubled more • lowers health and vitality, destroys digea. . . or less with tion and makes the viotim feel like thir:y , kidney cents. Foolish, Foolish, nay.eriminal to have Cat. stub and suffer its evil consequences since Catarrhozonalio quickly and pleasantly onres it.. It is medicine carried to the lungs - .......-s-- aehere, Stiff-- - and attest passenes, by the -air you _ ....--•"'...... breathe. It's as absolute in its power of . ness and sore- curing 48 it is scientific in its method of ness of the back, difileulty in urine,. treatment. Your doctor or druggist will tion and frequent rising at night dow at his brother's reeidence in Ham: • Mon, and was very seriously injured, • In every town; and village rn4y be had, - the ▪ € MICa Axle' Grease I 1 - that ina.kes your b7 %Me•horses glad • •. . • • plaint. • Ptiins Eincl " • • tell aou that nothing equals he for Catarrhare some of the. troubles that s There has been a marked improveeri» ously a e e o 4, • There is n� remedy brings such ' ment in the King's health since tne or•relief and comfort to those advanced °nation.•• •• in life as Dr. Pitcher's' Backache Milburn's Heart and Nerve •Pills cure Kidney Tablets.o They soothe ell Anaemia,Nervoiliiffernaelleeplesenese, Weak. nen) Palpitation, Throbbing', Feint Speller, 1114. tatiOn, tone up and • invigorate Dizzinese, or any other condit on arising from Impoverished Blood, blundered Nth er. sediment,Jake e ache and pain vea or Weak Heart. • ; f • out of the 'back and permit twits., 0• E09% Ts.citt000uln, ogsaPrariiintcoinp,c1boasf rQeuelegenneVd.ic- tubed rest at night. • • and all other lung and throats dieeases. All fill t th ld dealer% 25o and 411.00. • i • • the urinary organs clear away all Chicago teamsters are again consider .APRIGHTLY AT AL • '.• controlling factors will depend the emu- oloudy,highly colored urine and alt urinary Baokaohe Kidney Tablets that I do nob Some of the factors affecting the dialbetee eta Dermal Kidney Pills are a '• racy of the estimate. troubles lead te Brighter diatom dropsy, h d them. 8 AbY S Oft Tablets weight of a °tibia foot of hay are hei lit sure cure • of stack, length of time the stack gas - A kingston artilleryman. was sent to Make Children -Well and Keep beend. standing, condition of hay tie stacking.re- jail for 168 days for deserting. t f coarseness of the hay and its freedom* , During ihe het season the blood get from the secretions. wish you could ses Teeewater, Sept 24 26. Them Well mint mom • For sick, weak, riervotte, fretful thildten there is nothing se good as Baby's Own Tablet% They promptly relieve and cure all the eider soh. and bowel tranbles That aftliOt little ones, break up colds, reduce CANVASSER WAN TED ( to sell PRINTER'S INK - .15 journal for advertisers, . p weekly at five dollars a year. It teaches ' the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most suc- cessful advertisers .1n this country and Greet Britain. Liberal commission al- lotved.Address PRINTERS -INKa-10-Spruce--Star- NeW-- York. ' he' Western •air LONDON . September 1th to 20th1 19 2. • :A Medley of. Spectacular Merit. Prof. Hutchison; the Human Bomb, in a thrilling, Balloon Ascension and Prina,': chute Drop.' The marvelous Cycle Dazzle. The Osnates, in it sensation novelty. Tint great Gay, the Handcuff ging The (Mane, Continental Eccentricities. Manning awl Da Crow, famous Monopedes. Rosa Naynom with hertreopeof Trained Tropical Bird mge irreertertissieblzylii3non,itminagpas„ prpgrain Pyrotechnics arid many other features. Special train service over lines. . The Bard Bros, Acrobatic Wonder°. Clerissie M. Jorat. Cornet Virtuom. Magnifieen .•Exhibitaberther ahead thrin•the tithe% • Groands insidicuely beautiful. •Bte tnesiandinforneation-icr the aiking fib% LT. 'COL. W. M. GARTSHOREI,re,da.ent. • J, A. NELI,E13. - Secrets' Used them I am free from that constant MIIIININIMR01.111111101111.1111111111‘ backache that) cttite unnerved me and • robbed me of alt energy.- My kidneys District Pill Pgera have been so invigorated that there now remains no annoyance or inconvenience Wingriaan, Sept. 25.26. from coarse-stenimed weeds. Timothy sover-hetited, the drain on the system. i my father. He is sininesielneriars Of NC Dungannon, Oot 9 10. weigh much More than coarse. the bloed, tones tip the system and eater° barna Nog leo is sprightly arid nimble as Walkerton, Sept 3.748. Is 12 feet or more in. height and has been be ore* d hint ad much rod as Pitohe it Listowel, Sept 80 Oot 1, . hay will, at a, rule, more per eubie evere and. the appetite is often lost. Burs and before. using Pitcher's ICI ney Table Myth, Oa. 7#8. . foot than elover, and fine timothy will (look Blood Eaters purities And invigorates( suffered acutely from rheumatism in his Brussels, Oot, 2.8. 'Where the hay is fine and the °stack the loet appetite. I man. He says !diver anytht ' Stratford, Sept 80 Oot1, , • • fl fever and allay the irritation aeoonfanY" stantlinl at least SIX months 425 cubist at" . given with perfect safety to the youngest is a. little tease or the stack is leas than from bad blare and slutitsh Nagoya will J3elgrave, Sept 80 Clotl, 0 Wala e Tablets.pf am 'midden that those who Seatorth, Sept. 2546. " ^.1 lug the cutting bf teeth, The Tnble can feet wil ustially make 0, ton. 'If the ha by a cave-in while working at Tyrcon. - ha ed b tof to btai any soli f 'Cloderieh, Sept BO Oot 1. Y' nell brid e re fail ere ore o a e g. feeblest baby, se they are guarenteed to 10 feet in height, it will Usually require Children are often attacked suddenly contain no opiate or harmful drug. For about 450 eubie feet to make a ton. by paintn1 tola dangerous Colic,: Cramps _ find themselves well ard y using Trowick. et ordwioh, Oct. 4. nay mall ohildran orush the Tablets to a iti the above ease, where the stack la Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus Dr. •Pitcher's Backache KidneuTablettaa Bayfelet Oot, 14,15 Dr. Pitcher's Bechtel* Kidnery Tahlefij powder. Mrs( L. Axford,St Thomara.bet., pure clover and less than ).0 feet high, Choler.. Infanturn, Me, Dc, Fowler'e lilx aro 50o. a Box at all &rt. or by null, ed Momach. She vomited a gobd deal. reuire at least 475 etibie feet to make the hum. I have experienced a wonderful re suit in using Ripans Tabules. I w seriously affected with indigestion an heartburn., A. friend suggested.. tryin Ripans, and I was surprised at the im . . provement. maKing application. a te years ago for policy of insurance I' was r • fused on account of a weak heart but th same company passed me recently, and give Ripans Tabules credit for the heat ,I am enjoying. I. can certainly recora 1mend them to any one suffering with pal pitation of the heart or indigestion • seam : "Before giving mY little girl BabY 0 unless it is very fine end haat been etaelca bed et wila Strawberry is a prompt aoa um rdwirrtosues 6Tosont,o. on% • I • Own Tablets she suffered from ts disorder- od quite green I should say it would sure cure whioh should always be kept in , ° and Vert eelitIgpated, isied pale and a owa Agriculttiral College. '4*"• Dr. Grtlain atla Ntr" 14"6 Were ad' ' Highly days ago Itarl A. AVinters, • Om, delbrate lopk bar, 0100 a wars nery Ottg and did not sleep well. After UPP N C 111 4assreH ' quitted at London, Ont., of the cnarge ot Seaforth wagered a box of cigars moNTHLY: P/IAGAZIfkikt,. giving her the Tablets there was a great When Lord Cromer, then Sir•Evilyn of murder. With a friend that he would be married change. Her eionisch got better, she ret. Bering, was sent to the post in Egypt A''FaMtLY SPIARY Thomas swim, the oldest man in within 00 days. Tinie passed and hilted her fOoilther beWels became regulars, whieh he has held for some birketeen Nova Scotia, a veteran of the Crimean there was no wedding. Now new e has • The Best hi egirri and ehe hie Crown lunch letter and look, years a ufriendly eolleague" is credited war, died at Halifax, aged 101. been received. in Cll.:lenge' that "%VIII tors 4 " P• 6 tir ' vnth having written the following 'mei,• haswon both o, bride and the cigars, ' 12 CoMetrarc Neivetts Yamtv.v Tablets to my baby wheti stomabh is which not ord are 00a punning, but• J•acotb Selby, a colore man, is in MI with ten da s -to s ,are, Btit t our, et when be has collo, and they 1 4^* east a light .on the euvent pronuncia,. at Woodstock on a charge, of strik ng elopement to do it. The bride was lb ook Y g Y t. MANY SHORT r.,TOPti2S AND .= • AT DRUGGISTS tioii of Lord Cromer's Christian name Seines Clark with a bottle at Beach. • Miss Maude Hadley, vvho for some I 016 a oaaa ways do him good. keep the Tablet:1 . . the hone and wopId not bo without %mt.', ville; Clark may die. time hes msde her home with het $2.50 iter411 tAt4 • 000asi " ' Baby's Own lablets are eold by ail drug. The virtues of Patience are knowd; slaters Mrs P. W. Beaver. 3022 hilis • 0 TINUE0 sToni urtuuttry *on. The bottle •t p The Ave -emit packet is enough for 1 PAPERS ON TI TOr Medielne 00.,Brookvulo, ont., or 0011611. grOat; • University, Kingston, in succession tn 1 con But / thhik that. whoa pub to a touch, Bev Dr, 'llitrolaY of Montreal lute * she le fowl .NO 7• a04111tUraiit airetorreittledilt 4irlinanitlies, The people of Egypt will OW11 with it been appoitt ed princinal of Queen a getaurro., lleat / (*CRY Ntlaittri oolutpr.tra in 'Maw/ tap contains a supply or a year 111: ottoari NI Ts t • 2liate. Pa Evil Nering ten talkcifo thelate ltey Dr. Grant • • 1