HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 6The 'Toronto Weekl SeptNth 1902, Iramense . Vermin on Turaeys. The Young turkeys for tbe fall ane • Opp Or tumty.. For getting a 13eautifu1 Watch aud Chain free,—No Money Required,—Every 3ian,W0- 2n..n, Boy, or Girl 1 -las the SO, nee Opportunity under our System. In order to have Dr Arnold's Englieh MIX110 Pals placed in the hands of all pereons suffering from bad health !tve melte the following most liberal offal - If you will send to as your name maid addrese awl egree to sell for us twelve boxes of ler Arnold's English Toxin Bills at 25c per box, we will give you aosoluleq free a beantiful watch and allele in either ladies' or gentleman's robe, or your choice ot- twenty other peemiums such as line sets Of jeWelry, ren ga via n mandolins. tea sets, sateen Warts. caneetas, etc. Hetnerober we don't want any money until after you sell the pale and von dou't have to poll any more tnert 12 bc xes to get the parttime. Tuts is a bona Ode otter from a reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of prem. hams to agents all over tae country. Remember also that Dr Arnold's Eng - Nth T..xin Pills are a welt known rem. ody for all diseases of the kidney and Madder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism, nervous troubles, and female complatnts, and are for sale by all first chars druggists and dealers in medicines in all parts of the world. 'You have only to shnw them to sell thew. You are not offering something that the people d :EA know, Out watches are tbe regular standard size for Lidies or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Oases with handsome II- -bareloated (Nate and reliable time -keep - VTR, watches such as no lady or gentle- man need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolately Free to all who sell tvveilve boxes of those won- derful Toxin Pills. Write at once and be the first in your locality to earn one of those beautiful watcht s and chain. As soon as we receive your letter or }post card we will seed you post. paid twelve boxes, together with our Mos tratea catalogue and beautifully crilored card with your nan3eand address on as soar authorized agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any =Ore than the 12 boxes and we d3n't 'want any money until after you leave mold ,them. Webear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a method rif edvertieing Dr Aan old's nnglish Toxin Pelle. Don't delay. 'mites at once and earn a beautiful pro- em-, for voar Belt for lehrisi reas. Add r eee 'Arnold died idi ne D mad' ..A. ' 50 Art elatide S Elsa Torn to, . 0 u t. Sept 5-3m. The Wrong Station. 1. It had taken considerable persuasion tb induce the old lady to take a seat is ati automobile, but finally she had con- sented to do so because she was anxious' to 'reach the bedside Of her sick grand,' And in a village some twenty ranee away, the last tram foe which had left some ten minutea before she arrived at itlie station. Ttie big automobile, was to ,,ss through Hampton, the village where the sick, grave:bad lived. Everything went lovely until sthe al - =est flying lehicie, in attemptingto pass e. wagon loaded with bay which occupiea the entire center of the road, went ans ceepectedly intd the ditch, and. rather- inolently devoeited -its occupants in all adjoining flee!. Recovering from the shock, though somewhat• confused from the rather un- =seal method of alighting from a vehicle, the old lady asked el the chagrined chauffeur: "Is this Heinetoni" "No, meanie' he managed to gasp, dthis is an accident." "Oh, dear!" said the ex -occupant of the vehicle, "then I hadn't oughter haye got out here, had . Irea"Alitomobile leagazine." ' Small Boy ---Pa, what is dehorningf diather-Why, it's cutting the horns off =hie. Boy ,after,rellectingaPai what Is dee:dial:0 Father (grownig. irritated) -What in the world are you asking, se reany questions fey? BovdeWell, Idsaw Ira the paper, the other day, where' Gen - at Chaffee detailed a whole squad of • Mkt nien.-Detroit "Free Press:: • sitters iftui Non -sitters. • Where the main object in keeping bens is to furnisb a, supply cif eggs -the itrveterate sitters, such as Brahma% Cocitini, Plymouth Rocks and Lang - shone should be rna,de to work fer 'nearly all they receive. If Ikgs, Only, -atu wetted it is well to ilave the non-. ratting verities, which eave great deal of labor. For more people,nrefer eke non-sidfdied at the present time than formerly. Legherns, alinornas, Ham - burgs and HOudans are kept veey largely, as they are non -sitters. There as:one difficulty or drawback with the sioneeitters-which is, that they lay erhite eggs, whieh are not preferred en %ma markets but in some places the ' Whites are accepted as readily as are those that are dark. -Mirror- az4 lysrmer,, ' ' • • •••• • SOLUTE'! SECURIT Cenuine 'winter holidays should. be well under Way now, and: their growth should ba carried on continuouelg through the hot weather. One ot the most disagreeable pests that will annoy the young birds and ultimately cause the death of many, if not checked, is. the dice. They will sipper in such numbers that the birde will quickly droop and die, but not a louse will the owner be able to find. Yet this should not convince hint that the birds are not suffering frozu this pest, It is better to take the birds and. hang them up and grease them theroughly. Lard or kerosene will accomplish the desired result in short order, dome ad- vocate not using either of these on the turkey's until they are at least a mont.h. bsev- Globe and New Era, a trial trip to the end of the.year THE OLiNTON bEW ERA 1.1, 0.. Tie ings see:mg . at beart r174.4.:g0to iastlit:111.rg SV:VOt*riri 11', ing sheet i. aches and net vousness. infuse new loo and energy into dispi at ed dient t Ne4;745:744 shattereci women whom have coe to think there is old, nit if the birds are ettackee erely by the lice it is much* safer to no care for them • They • cure Nervousness, Slaeplessnese, protect them in this way than to let Nervous Prostration, Wein. Veg., keno them stand their Lemmas with the in- and Dizzy Spells, Jestleseness, Afte, sects. Lard is safer for the young tur- Effect.; of 1..a Grippe and Fever, Ananme. keys than kerosene, and it 'will accom- Generel Debility, and, all troublee dame plish the purpose intended.' from a run-down system. Erequeetly the lice appear on the ed young turkeys before they are a week • d'eloe doe. per box.or 5 for L25. old, and by a Month they are half kill- ell druggists or onelloa ed with. tlaem. • Melt some lard. ifi a tin, and with a soft toothbrush it is "-Ms T. 11113413Vri CO.e1-114713` peesible to spread tbe grease over the Tortn.to. vnt. wing -i, feathers of tail and body so that • 4,•••••••••111111,10 • • the lice will all be killed. This should The schooner Southern•Oross,belcng- be -dope every fele' weeks up to the mid- ing to 1 he London Ailiseicinary Society, dle of August, if the lice are .very num- was wrecked, Sept. lst, on the French erous and troublesome, and after that Iseland of Tahiti, near the harbor of time you will have little trouble with Papete, No lives were lost. them. Turkeys that are kept free from HEALTH FOR WOMEN, - lice will grow almost twice as fast as ' -those afflicted • by the insects. The re. , Few things tire more important to a Wards for the work will be very mud- community than the health of its women. fest When it is time to kill and market ' If strong is the frame of the mother, a le e the birds. -Annie C. Webster, M Hasa proverb, the sone will give Jews to the• eachueetts Ploughman. , people.' Dr Clutee's Nerve Food is eepa e ....... . •,.....- , • islly women's medicine. Sy its action. me • • the Idooe end nerves it gives etrength and .resnietne petty wisdom. ' Be generous in jaying out the acre- vigor to the delio.ate feminine organs and oge Of sweet corn. It. is a •great etude etsuree their regular and healthful. funots lona It gives ooler to the pale, strengtb. to for the dairyman to learn how best to. . . weeedgekiaaru.d.a•voduded form. to. the thin aria • • grow, preserve and feed the corn . crop. . . . • Sow it thin enough, so that one or • • .Geo. d'ohnson,Dotoinion Statistn, two eneael ears will form on every i discussime the ceial famine, suggested bringing meal from %Wei', and stalk,. and the stalk will not be so said that a Montreal dealer had ordered coarse but that 'every bit bf it Will be 80.C30 tone- and that can • be . laid down eaten. up with relish. ' ' •'-` • theta at, at a ton. The true tiairy. cow Is an exceedingly seetitive creature, and is easily afe• ' ' Interesting Items. fected • by • conditions, favorable or ' • ''. .• - —•-'4' • 'otherwise. • • • ., An Thinois Weekly paper has begun the Hied treatment.. and dpleesant sue- Publidatidh ef the enti•re Bible a Li tal. It will take abotit -fifty • ysearsEetro. roandiegs have a great influence up - templet& the publication. - . _ • on . the climeti ty and quality of the milk, provided the feed • is. sr:efficient' ... The Chesley (Ontise" .) "Enterprsays thato woman who was driving near the tor the reeuieenienti of the aniinal. .._ . fairway track at Edeegrove, control Have a quantity of "Shy -fly" on hand ' qf the horse, . which made . straight fox to apply to'. the • cents as "aoon as idies' , the crossing. •The animal's nose was just • appear. • . ., . - oyer the &eared 'when the train whizzed . •Fit the 'windows velthe Wire netting; Peet, "taking the Aueree'e head 'off as and put screen, doors on. the 'sneer clean'. as A Wh1St1P." NO .Otlidi injury , . • , latabis, se that the outer' doord May he 'Wes doise. left open during the hot weather. . .. - • Theeiaantifecture of Paper millabottlee • • He ,should have a ,liberal supply. Of. . ' Will see& be begun by the North .Adams. • green feed, and an allowance of grain ' . . Paper Pox Company. :The peewees' Wee • • invented. beet Burlinetoe rt man, and - every .day. . . ..... . _ . the bottles will he diode exclusively. in -; • The 'product , Will be nttich better if .. North Adeene, Mass: The liottles are two or more cotes are . fresh . every wateaproof and nn -tight, and can be •,made so cheap • that they can be thrown' • away after tieing &nee, e . . . • .As a• sequel to the tragic •death oi Baton Cleciege von Bleichroedere the well. known „benicer, tbrough• .era • alutomebili accident the other day near Cologne, Ent . .peror Wilikan has auforined tlio .burgo ' master of Weisbaden thathe eeneiden the autoniobile a, serious menace' to pub. lie ..safety; and thet he ' favors MOM stringent, control ofthat method of lo- . emotion. The Emperor is said to have , edded that men have. to eight to endan- ger hudistri or'enimal life in the name 01 - sport,. , Ti:e Keisee owns several motors.. but: rarely oses: them, although ',he has .1 approyed their adoption bv the' same., . : ..,deaeeele d' - - - • : ,..14..good story .i Old of tivIn brother% . i one of• whom wale A 010.gynni a and 'the _ other e ,dectote A shordeighted. emenan , . '' dOiegatitirlited the' letter on his .admit- . able 'sermon.. "F,xeuse.Me, madam," wee _ ,Jus reply., "over. there .is .7my..bretheidevekei , • preaches; I onlyliractice." - -- ' . • • ' - . 1 . A friend•telis me 'says "11:•A's P 0 that.' • , he ends Mr. Balfour irrie evening aedi - dienere party, when the • '..conecesatioe turned on Lille ileportance inlife of self- • • coafiderfee. ,My friend' repeated -the say- ing, .".God gie us- a guid . conceit o' ..doe - L sels.d Mr. Belfour belied it; and,' bond- ing aerosseaddear "Arid •that, sir, is the . eilly prayer the gods alevaya answer!" . . ' . .A little girl had 'listened during the; • last 'dew weeks, while her - parents die - ceased the high price of Meals and vege- ta,bles. It Rad been the customary tome .. at the table, and the child had been 1 lidera to speak Ltheut the high • price to ' her playmates while pitagag °use with - -them: e Repentlyatimemothere presmited- a the fernotis Humbert safe passed a 1Pg 1 the family with a bounting baby bey, • theaddoulavaide 'of Peels reeently,and ' and the other child *MS Well pleased. .1a - attracted censiderable attention: It wat telling.about her ne'w brother tea neigh.; .removed frinn the • H .t , .' o ' on 'a bor one night she exclaimed: The doe - Okay .dre.10.!I 'bn 'three • horsesd. adorned tor brought him this. -morning. sHe's .adee: with Roevers, 'ribbons end bells, stud wai fel big. d'Vrien't ..memina good to. buy • conyeyed to 'the reeklenee of its • pue•• such a .bier baby when meet, is so- highl" chaser. .a. large band of calicostretched ' loPiekaway County, Ohio, there is a . over the vehicle bore the inseription, certain crossrceads, where a patient "This 'is the oneenualiedenillion-fianc teacher struggles daily. with the.davelop- • safee" Tha .men in charge did not ate peat to be in' a greet• hurry, and made .:xnent of the- young. idea. One morning frequent halts at taiverns, while an ad. .Vogrwaapshysgivi,riwgiLhte issach4too6lataartiteestroulti. miring croavd surretteded the dray. Per. asked. There; was absolute silence. in • Wipe thee had been instructed to -melte response,. and 'she explabeed. the mean - the best possible use. of the. opportunity • in" dvn• TI . of the word. "What is a cape?" offered for cheep advertisemewasnt.' . ' „. ' c • ien Ds O. Longworth of the Cairo "Sphink' ' knew it Wase point of land jutting out declares , that -the famous - Egyptiar into the water. "What is a .strait? ' Sphinx' Is rapidly &casein , This is said 'Over in the corner a band Went up. "1- ' t of Egieitrtlueetnetlfeareigation of recent what is it ?" "It beats three of a kind," years. Heretofore, an hour's downiall was the trinimpliettt ansear. Egypt. thenetives regarded it as SortIE dire message of reproach from the gods The irrigation and the many trees al3out • Fifteen to eigleteep. days' liettay rainsfillit • Kidney the Deltie however, have changed this . now every year on, the head of thr . stone followe and eels into the siod• .hsorders gpbinx. The severe. "khamseen" sand. , doled litnestotie of tbe ' Ancient monu Hog +gigolo** and its Our tio In a bulletin jirt issued by the De. partreent of Agriculture, Ottawa, there is the following reterence to hog chol- !era i 1 Hog cholera is extremely contagious land infectious. No other disease is more go; it can be conveyed to healthy smile in an endless number of ways, both by diteet contact and intermecl. levy agents, buildings, railways. 'plat- 1 forms, wagons, crates, clothing, boots' of attendants, etc. .• I Great improvements can be made in 1 the manner of feeding cirri to hogs. 1 Too otten the surplus is rooted out of 1 the trough, if such is used., and tramp- , led into the mire, where it undergoes 1 fermentative changes and when after. 1 wards eaten produces gastric and in- testinal disturbance. This could. be ptevented by placing the trough on slatted platforms, made of such a size • as would admit of their beteg moved easily, when neceseary forsitnitary or other retteans. -. ' PREVENTIvR AIRASURES Every breeder or feeder of pigs should arrange his into so that he can divide theni, into perfectly iso- lated piggeries, so that if, by ROM misfortune, disease is introduced to one lot, the others may he preserved by, isolation.. Weeders and owners would greatly serve their own interests by providing a separate pen as er, quaran- tine pen for probationary detention of all new purchases,in which they would he kept. for a few weeka to make sure that they are free from disease. When the disease has been intro- duced and discovered in a herd, home- !, diate notice should be given to the Minister of Agriculture, who will cause an investigation to he made, and 1 if the disease is found to be hog chol- era, glutton tine will be established, the I actually dieeased pigs immediately sleughtered and the carcasses burned, or deeply buried with lune; all fat enough will be immediately slaughter- ed, and -if, on post mortena examina- tion, they are found free from the di - ease, they will, be sold for pork, azd the balance fattened as quickly as possible and disposed of, if, on exam- ination after cleath, the flesh is rotund. _ et ed fit for food; indemnity being paid for those.aetually diseased, to the ex- tent of one-third of their value before • they became diseaeed. For a,nimals '12 contact, the, compensation is three- quarters of their valu% Every pig en the farm must be killed 9,nd the prem- ises thoroughly. disinfected before. an inepector can Issue an indemnity cer- tificate, which must be accompanied by certificates of satisfactory disinfec- tion; thereafter the Mthister will order_ the removal of the quarantine. _pen Kidneys and Liver Any interference with the proper performance of the filnctions'of these most im- portant organs should.tieer he Slighted.. if it be, serious' conwfuence sPie AARON OX TABLETS ARE AN INVALVA, OLE CORRECTIVE Price. 25 Cent: e tesu t of the a ternegeeliniatee joseadateadhar-:$611"manI4d.J1V611'- • Carter's Attie laver Pills. Must Sear Signature Of , of rain onee a year was a novelty ir See Ftecainife Wrapper Ilelett. * . Intl:40114U 6s4 AA tErtakitAtiliNtar4 i FOR HEACAC% ARTEKo FOR OttlitittS1- 811.1011$NEiti Fon+iranifin mote.OR , fr POWSALLOW SKIL, AtiftlittOMPLIIION fmtpiljrilditstiuomit....04:4ropiku ment, Whittling it away all •over the stir Are no that. the heat is required to vaporize d Y. face Frank Reilly was the vietint of a Our' oust Accident at Port Costa,' Cale re ceratly. He was standing near 41 eiritelt to a siding on which feeight trains gen- erally wait for the passenger trains te pass. He Saw a young lady walking or the siding, and, believing her to be ir, danger, gesticulated vehemently to damn her to step iron' between the rails. She in her turn, seeing the oncoming freight train, Inotieried back to• him flint he was in denote AS the train came nearei • both became the snore earnest in dheii shouting and gesticulating, while smith. er thought of reteppIng off the tracks Reilly proved to be in the wrong. The freight, instead of taking the siding went straight through. While lie Wet itill trying te conee the young lady to get out of the Way of supposed danger the train struck him from bel ind hurl ing him km the track and breleaki4 hi: right arm in two places, badly euttine Ide head and Imaging bid aide. Ito *IN ritOovir. , Deep gloom o'erhangs Tbe autumn eke ; • Black curling clouds Go,drifting by. • Avail ,of grief • Is sent aloft : • "Our lackis hard. - Our coal is soft I" 1. /II. sufferer From Backache • Of our bush:ices le proof that our geode . give satisfactioe, that our prime are righe, • 4 'belle, Ont., states ea.." I are rather erahusi- and that our system of gawk dispensing id Bsr. vv. Gfiroe, general merchant, Bien- astio in the larders of Dr. Chases Kidney-. approved of. If you have doubte regarding mac statements, we shall be have a visit of . inspeotion. Wlififrhethecleadt?.. .Livealeills, and believed have good reason ' to be, Poi several years I was a:grelit - rmartees for the heat and purest drugs, , pains in my back almost constantly. 1 "MAE,ES SICK PEOPLI. 'WELL." , sefferer froin -kidney disease, end had sudceed in obtaining more than slight Paine's Celery Compound is the great; tried a great mane remedies, but did not temporary relief. . horde medicine in Canada, e . Its disease banishing power ie wondeeful. It You are weak run run-down or suffering •from disease, . 'A friend of mine :Advised me to try. Painea Celery Compounds will speedily ban- . Dr, Chase's Ricluey-Liver Pills, and I did tsli all your troubles Test its virtues to SO with great satiafaction. I had not dee ; 'it Makes sick people well. taken half • a box before I began to feel • , •HOVEY1 druggist; i oth u petts and now realize that I have entirely recovered. I often wonder now :wily • Theexpress from letontreel !ran into an s for 85c. tone Perfect Food" for Brain and Muscle PURE, PALATABLE POPULAR MiUtoni Are Wing MALTANVITA "The Perfeet Food" Made in Canada, from Canadian grown wheat, by canadiart workmen. AL.TA-16 Ital)/14 (. :;i1E13164- asiorristoutx:...7.ioimasimt„...:Tr tkALTeD. - .„./for. REMOVES THE CAUSE OF DYSPEPSIA AND INSOMNIA , Malta -Vita is the vital, the life-giving food; the invigorator of brain and body. 40411ffklitovne.i. Malta -Vita is rich in phosphates, or brain food. Malta.Vite is the original and only perfectly cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted whole wheat food. - contains all of the gluten of the whole wheat, And is the peer of all prepared foods as a.bone and muscle builder. 11 Perfect Health is Sustained by a Perfect Food " the perfect food," eaten fof breakfast and: supper, insures perfect diges- don, and -removes all cause of Insomnia and dyspepsia, go% of the ills Of life at% dee to poor digestion. Perfect health, sound reatful sleep, clear complexion, 'bright eyes, clean, white. teeth, sweet breath, are the blessings that follow a regular diet of tialta-Vita. • Beware of imitationa, insist on getting rialto - Vita, "die, perfect food,". Requires no cook- ing, -always ready to eat. • ' Malta -Vita is so prepared as to be easily digested and assknilated by old and young, sick or well. packages at your grocer% riele&LAI ▪ &tome• *, 1...4"A"74;71.-• sa,,,deezete. d de.daae • 01101"" me. rn-Dogsm 71t4 woo ogt lealrge em • -^;;;;;-, Laite Food Co. Dawson meat Men are organizing al gel gloat ad ...RDA ungr-. combine to control the stockeatn the Hint saal.. 1010 WM W‘fill m. adlondike, ONOMENTS. The' Rawl "Development. peoplego after neeefangled remedies when • .open swath at Mabeely. des Ross, the • this tried,and proven medicine 18 so easily fireman, was melded to death -Ina the eh- -obtained, and so certain to cure." Dr. gustier, Alex Rue, WW1 bedly iniured. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills have an enor- _ mous sale becalise they radically cure seri- A TrtIJE NERVE TO1SIO. ' ous and chrionic disease; one pill a dose, 25 cents a box. • All dealers, or Edmanson, acts not sio much upon the nerves them-• . selves, se; anon thMigestiVe fanetiens, and the alomfdattreition of rich, red blood, The nerves •cannot be fed or medicine. They can be eed and strengthened 4e -digest- ed' and assimilated food. Ferrozonee mar- vellous action arises from its power' over the digestive and assimilative functions of the body. .You take it, the blood grows tither, redder. You feel strength and vigor, digestion ceases to be noticed, for it has be- come good. Work is easier, for you have the strength to dolt.- In a short time you hadebersith, Use Ferrozone, Pride 50m, r'llatiat%&Ceri.;TiirOtitd. , • • Dr.• ..-.Clia6es: •: •.. Pork citoes. I :Mold a, cress where the same dee teas shoe, on both sides: • prTheepy. sanitary conditiom , n of both ale Sold by H. B, Combe. and female has muCh t� du .with the • os An Indian owed one of our merchants To secure choice. pigs •the selection' and the Other day he came in to pay it; oj elee male is olethe utmost import and and wanted a receipasays an exchange. Voila the ineethetit told -bine es receipt :Witk, all classes variety in stock was unnecessary, "Me neuet have ir growing. go o eaven, Lord ask I e sale. totttbereonabst atilowed. on deposits. .. show Me owe white nothing," Said feeding belongs to profitable stoca enehete "me t h _ . • ' • • e Injun he nay debt% Injun Say, yee, .A. good feeder Will do fairly Well Lord ask Injun where is receipt? 'Matt with a good breed and poor feed or Wen'cio,ii Can't -go all over hell to look i with good feed and poor breed. ' for you.' • He got the receipt. She value of feed' Is largely determ- inert by the assimilating powet s. of the A man talks abeat owning Iiii business animals t� which it Ts fed. ' `• But, as 11 matter of fact, hie business owns 1 A Clean bed will help materially in him, His whole lite Jo reguleted by the • maintaining geed- health arnong the demands' of hie Meiners, The time at • hogs. Change the bedding every week which he rises, hie breakfaet bout', the • time.given to Meal% are all determined by • or ten days, - basinees obligations, He rushes thrriugh fe •With all sooeff itt commeacing to fat, ten it Is best to- Comrhence gradually , bluungoinh becauee heeian't s areas time -from f i ess to eat leisurtey. HO won't taltaa tY ' In creasing the feed meta they are gide root becauee he is needed at the store or of - ere all they Will eat up clean, Crowd, licite ' Ile ie in fact an absolute slave to G. D. McTaggart BANHBR • ALBERT, ST., 61CLINTON A Qeneral Banking Business, transacted NOTES DidCOUNT.ED Notes issued. Interest allowed on deposits. • riff MOLSoNSBANK Rattenbury. St, liVorks) 'IneoropAopraltTedAraby Act_Par1$214:00:1:55. Direct importers. Workmans. . . HEAD OFFICE, IMONTREAL HEST FUND. $2,1.50,000 hip. and Material guaranteed. Wm. afoeson Meoesinneort, Pradden /11105 Ewers:Gen. Manager. 'Notes disiounied,eoileetionttdinade, deafts issued; sterling and, Amerioan exehange baught and sold. Letetest allowed on deposits Seism BAent-InteresaelloWed - son sums of -$1 and up, Monetadvanced to farmers on their own notes, with:tine or more endorsers, No mortgage required; Hobo Brewer, Manager, • Oileton, Central Mpat Market JAS. G. SEALE - Stop* the. MAMA end Works off the Gaid Laxative BrOmo-Qpinine Tabletsmire a old so oneday. No Cum No Pay, Trice cents • TISDALL' • AAlsixEic, c.LNToN, Privets funds to loan on mortgeges s beet current rates,. &General, Banking brunt:esti taw:voted . • ' • . - * A' FREE PATT.ERN 6_910 owq.sodectles) to:everY"lat 00/114!* Only 50 aanta a year. 411' 5 C2fik.I:S. 11,IE„ E 0 MAGAZINfe iiii b.,„,4., tore4 ',NUN; ',that The remit§ arbeckeefelkayethisel relb; ":eirl'eaktitte. teilatortIr07. .. krtgaTtinitc 'gum! la eisigiats the _Alert '_Ortateeellandel. • 'details, /tenable Simple. 111p -to• mental. -American Agriculturist. 1:19eZestr3-trele be seen on every hand. Mat Masa= laretirSit53611rir - a ert1 . . .. , . dyepeptioe irritable, nerveue, with drawn ,. ., hees and hollow eyes, sit at the desk or DrainIng Warm Soil& kr ' stand behind the counter until they col- i ,did cut, A wet soil will . not absorb heat from lapoe in it fit of sickness or ere taken away , ernderdra.ined the Water imist rise tO the exactions of business vrill lind a friend 1 i BAZAR* the rays of the•eun. If the soil ie not by heart tailors. Those who minuet escape I AMU* in Dr Pierce's Golden Medford Discovery. ithe surface and pates off in vapor ite .. At strengthezie the ;stomach, iharearete the part or. pass ;at by Slow percolation action of the idood-raakinggiande,increarees through the earth, and not until the the vitality and phydcal vigor. Is reekee Water a saturation is reraoved will men etrone and prevents those bUsiness tho goR abeorb the heat, for the reason break dcivene which Or often terminate fate respecter Of People In every Walk of life am troubled. Have you a Backache? if you have it is the drat sign that the kidneys ere not working.properly. A neglected Backache leads to Seriousi Kidney Trouble. Cheek kin 011ie by taking • • , DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS "THE GREAT KIDNEY SPECIFIC)." They cure all kinds of Eidney Triathlon' front Baekache to Bright's Diseasc, leo. a tole or for $1.23 all dodos or the: water. If the eeil.le underdreineit the water entering the bail Will be ab- 2 arheeerset Hygiene. sorfied to the exteet Of the needs et the eon, the free water passing aft (Tile Dreeemskerta Protective Union of readily through the underdraina-the • Armee% is alternating the hygienic way of soil absorbing the sutes heat without Putting on the corset.) hindranee. .A. uneerdiained IMO I•To be, or not to be," that is the queation! is a Warm soil until locked la the Ice Of wanes it is 1 They Weloorae each titige embrece of Winter and` the% it le this ti0n*— %idrititon,"s1.1 rt fettiMilci3t briOrSPorhibeg1;1110kWe ettlke; T!le leit:gef'eenetteerWal,47or o'efeelinnelidint e:o it P , e Coreet"se elleed senetal dim; in adVarieif of have dstreight fronts" whiteyer IimflazBoll not underdraitted, that rosy rriee1)--. • " No ma tter if they're embonpoint or lean *, And- Welleive,reelly de: dot understated hint gentled grads of ragas, nittriborg 8, 9 Beet take onr Oho* aa wheelers in the tan and 10 have been adeetteeted 5 Points at dem I NeW Yetk. Let leveler worcari dreks itust es the AhndlOeve the reek to illly oentio wlat Ok.se V° Cure a rold In(Me Oiltt Ivor, if Woenen will, :she Willi there'll lit 01 Take tartilive Brow), faninine 6ri If Cmddtanut* beaallse-w411. 'ban DOAN KIDNEY PILL 000. e00.011 box, 2s0 • All dreggiete reftltut the money it fait to dark K. Store's signature is On dire La Tonohti Moloo Oat WOK HEADA0Hiree. siorooto. OM, • \I lietint A owed see J5erforettolis show 11,5weiroutseted w f me With° au Robe Lis. gilt 0 OA ts.„11*1W YOlh*. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRADnegstIVIGNArit COPYRIONVO &c. Attynne noncting A slteteli ere elpmhill, .rhtlem 4ofdlcir ilsAto oorlOur oplitItitt trOo %virafter id., InIrOntiO0 11 probrt..4 10 pat00111. C'ottOnUniett. tioa9vtrittly I'M(14114d en t iql.,Itandbook On l'tit tete sel)t; e. (*IAA 14:63roe 1'08 a 0 rlittcpatentA. l'ateltt0 taken Ahrolittli A1011a it, CO. tOCOIVO ipitiattlatiV, W11110111; alultaa, in the Stitittifit filiitritarte tnic hottniodn'imet164171118(tottotnrtifllood lwortriti. vniotittatt(311ta. ii !tot fourinwh..$2. seta Ural notrscesters. MI!jet N unt,001Bioadwah 8W Ifttl ..... tit., Waskleaten. t.. 4 Saving pnrokaaeff the 'butchering business of F. H. Powell I era pre- pared to furnish the people of Olin - 'ton with all kinds of Fresh and Oared Meats. Sewage, bologna lard, butter and eggs aeways kepi on hand. R. Fitzsimons it Son Telphozte 76. Ordere delivered promptly to a-- parts of the town. • I.B.-Wartmat haVing hogs fcr • ehippieet will confer a favor by leaving word lathe tamp. badiffikomm..•414•4.8•44.•se 'The Novelty' Bakery' and .1testauralt Is the • place to buy choice casecolatee, 1Ve handle Mo- C.oemiokat ohoio Mariesibo chocolatee, al a o Paterson e creams and burnt almonds and Other choice abeOrtinente. We are prepared for the come. Ing eetteOri to :wee Watt Witter it. MI fievora We Also have (unshed frulte in stook, toe crewel and all kinds of oriel &hike. A -Choice dock of <ranges, and olefrifirimbnamterioansiond all kinds Fancy bread and.eakee Oltvey on hand, Weddinif-. Cakes a Speeiaity. Terme Offaly oath. Clinto% ti ...,..saalLA-airLeekkaaste