HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 5TOE CLINTON NEW ERA,
1 , modooreeervaemnia.eitiiiiiiiiio 1 L.,felieloomencoelOwsirovoliglimia
lern .
An, Ill-fittin,s Shoe
to Ur and Alm G.' Henderson, a daughter, Andrew Taylor was a Blyth visitor Mon-
HENDERSON—In Goderioh,flept,
mia. Cominn and Going
ANDREWS—In Goderioh, Sept 94h. to day.
0orreet:4 every Thursday afternoon
Thereday September 25th, 1902. i
Mr and Mu F Andrew), a daughter. N.Robson wee a Seaforth vieitoron Mon- ) TUN MARKEr8.—The 'markets of
Is UP comfortable whether the wearer
EMMERSON—In Goderioli townehlp, daY. the past week beell PO visible;
Sept. 7th, to Mr and Mos Eniraerson, a fdlee Lanrit King epent the week in Lon- Change in grain orhave
Walks Sits or Stands. daughter'
meats, other than
dOn, cattle seem to have
tha little firmer ten-
Hunt is e gueet of Mime Mo- dency, although prices remain the •
9 TuaNnutir, -In Grey, Sept. 9th,to Mr mordie, London.
Haar Shoes
Are not uneorafortabie
They Fit Well—Look Well—Wear Well
We <carry in stock 25 different styles of this make of Shoes
giving you a splendid variety to choose from.
The prices range from $3.09 to $5.00.
No Shoddy—No Paper Soles.
Patronize the New Shoe Store and get New Shoes.
HIM am mAm C C314
`The beet biscuit and always the beet.
No Changee. No uncertainties.
Every bisoeit light, inoiet, delioione.
If you Wtitill this certainty on Baking Day, nee
litoveyrlsilaking Powder, 2.5c a lb
Gar 'Baking Powder is an11.baGlute1ypore Cream 'Tartar
Powder conti
aine nothing njurious
J. E. 110VEY, DinspensIng Chemist, 'Clinton
111111.VII~i1100.11MilfatattOfPf44.94t-SoPPF matauseasSattaattittellattgaltalf454~14116
Our whole stock or
Soots and Shoes
to be sold
•Having decided to discontinue the Boot and Shoe Business,
our entire stock is on the market, and until a- customer can be
found to purchase all of it, we will continue tc sell -our im-
mense stock of Boots mid Shoes at greatly reduced prices.
'Since introducing this sale our business has been, increas-
ing monthly, which is strong evidence that we are giving the
people genuine bargains.
The following list will give you some idea of our bargains
Men's Dongola Kid Boots,..all sizes, worth $2.50, sale
A price $2
,r1Men's Enamel Calf Boots, all sizes, worth $4,50, 1or43.50
Men's Patent Leather B9ots,..,4merican stake, worth 3.50
sale,price $$
Ladies Dengola Kid Button Soots, an sizes, worth 2.50
to, $3.5., sale price $1.25
Misses Dongola Kid 'Button Boots, all sues, worth $1.25
to $1:75, sale price 75e
A complete list of prices will be given in next week's issue
Jams Twitchell, Clinton
A very fine line of DRESS GOODS ie
what our onetoinere say. •
Such beautiful WRAPPERETTES at 10
and 12.i cents. •
PRLWTS that please • ' -
Then see our $3WATER•PROOF COATS .
for men,•
Great value in BEADY MADE •SUITS
aleoCottonade PANTS and SMOCKS
Londesboro 'Emporium,
Sept. 28rd, 1902,
.Our GRAIN BAGS at 62,50 and ,$8 are
See our handsoixte 'BUGGY RUG'S, 'oleo
always take the eyea 01 Visitors to ithe
A trial will prove that yea ean no well here,
as we carry a large variety of goods, and
are prepared to riell 010,1e prices for
. cash or produce, wish as batter, .egge
large, tallow* Bro ••
Bargains on rurniture
A. large assortment of fall goods,just arrived <on-
sisting of Bedronm Sets, Sideboards, Extension
• Tables, Franey Rockers and Couches prices all
marked,down to the lowest point. If 'dissatisfied
we return your money. Bring in your pictures
and get thein neatly framed.
J. la.. 01:1MT amr"BI
and Mre Oliver Turnbull, a 301. Mies Flora Purtinghanie event three Live 58rfoerhbeers4t. liPv°erkwewigehatiC, altarcins5° ,s al) et?! I
NEVILL—.In Seelotth, Sept 18t1I, to Mr in London the past week. $3.75 each. Wheat 63c to 65e, but very
and Mrs jas,Nevill, a daughter.
May. Meson visited at Mr and Mr e Hugh little selling at the . former price; oats
Oke's in Exeter last week.
HINGSTON—In Wingham Sept 9th, strong at 28e to 200, and barley 35c
Mr and Mrs Ad, gingeten, a daughter,
lifre Andrews was a wet of Alre straight. Eggs and butter remain the
Johns in
SHARP—In Cuirt.se Exeter one day laet week, same, but eggs have an upward ten -
Sept 9th,to Mr and
• deny, and we would advise thoee who
Mrs Jno Sharp, a danghter.
D. Graham, of Inglewood, is in towu
Pack egge for Winter to buy now,
YOUNG—In Hamilton, SePt. 100, to' ° 1118 13 int
oafter ni • ereste
Potatoes appear to be more plentiful
Rev and Mrs Joe Young, formerly of Hur- Miss U. Kennedy ie visiting at ber 111 general than was at 'Bret supposed,
on, a daughter.
uncle's, J. E. 131ackall, of Henn% .
and the market is consequently weak-
CAMERON—In Brnoefield. Sept. 21st, toMrs (Dr) Graham was in Hensel] Satur- er, selling frona 25c to 80c per bushel.
Mr and Mte Albert Cameron, a eon, day visiting her mother and [deter, Peaches have dropped 10c for best, the
iarge"btatkete of Crawford& now selling
MAAR/Eft Dr Gunn was called to Stratford Wed- for 60c, and, the smaller ba4kete in pro*
SNELL—HAWTHORNE—AA the reelnoddy morning on profeseiorail ditties, portion,
dente of the bzide's parents, Mullett, Sept, Jae Twitobell left Monday morning foe a Fall Wheat old a 65 new 0
24th, by Rev. Mr Larkin, assisted by ilve days' trip to Berlin and other playas. Spring " 6t5i
Rev Mt Kennedy, Humphrey Snell (son
Mrs Wm Craig was the grieet of Mrs J
of Geo. Snell) . to Mee E, daughter of
Rye ... ••••• 0 40 a 0
P. Hawthorne, all of Hallett, Combe while in town e few daye thie week.
• BRENNAN—GRAVELLE—At BC joe- Mies 13illings returned from a six weelie'
eph's church, Eept. 24th, by Bev. rather • tour of the eastern part of the province
1VIoMenaroin, Rieh, Brennan, Eizllettthis week,
, to ay ...... .... ., . • ,. 0 00
Mule Mary Gravelle,of Goderich township. W N Manning •, Thou Shipley and Reuben Sheepskins •0 25
SHAW—ERB—At the residence of the iGurtahheafmaiwr.ere,at Exeter Tuesday taking No. 1 Green trim.hidee 5 00
Wood short 2 25
bride's niothee, 1,4onclon.road, Clinton, Sept
Chiokens, per pair 0 20
9.4tb, by the Rey, Mr Dunlop, Chem Shaw,' Mies Gardner returner' home from Tor-
-of 'Crawford N.j.,(late•of Clinton) to Mies onto Wednesday, after a lengthy visit in r,°11;" live•6 6°
Gertrude Erb. , that city. - ,
Butter,lome 0 13
343CLOY—MoINTOBH—On Hept`802,by Rev Wm 'Craig was entertained et the o tub 0 13
Rev EllSawers, Braciefield,Jas bloIntosti, I home of his old warden, Wm Jackson, dur- Eggs per doz 0 14
to Mtge jene MoCloy, all of Tuokersmith ! ing his stay in town* Pottitom, per bush0 25
SHORTREED..-31c3IANN—At the reel- Mre Geo Oakes, of Chioago,who has been Dried APPlee Per Ib0 05
Barley 085 a 0
Peas 080 a 0
Fleur per owt 2 25 a 2
a 0
a 5
a 2
a 0
a 6
a 0
a 0
a 0
a 0
a 0
demi° of W J Diokson, flioKillop, on Sept. visiting in Clinton and Exeter, leaves for
c by Rev M G Jerrow,aseisted by Revher home this week.
Ur Carnation, Jno Shortreed,to Mies Alive, Mrs Leckie, of Kincardine, spent a few
Molgann, days in town and elsewhere during the past
SCOTT—BEE vVLEY--At the Made, week visiting friend°. .
Ell* b ' M
Pollock, Blakely Soon, Moose Jaw,,to Miss
B BewleyIEllisboro',datighter of Bich Bew- exoureion for Cleveland, to spend,. couple B1,7: 8tFeFdl,o rarthoy to learn printing..
ley, Morris, Ont.
of weeks with friend°,
src, by
. .. and Mrs Gee MoTaggart, who have
Mrs Swaroz left be -day on the Weetern
%tto 4%4mM:tattoo
Boy Wanted.
1..,.. of the bride'sfather on Sept 10th, by -been sighteseeing for the paet tlao weeks, - Cape Lost.
Rev. D• B MoTtae, athwart, to mine are expected home today.
• • 13etsviaen AStowart� and Clinton, on Sept. 11,
Sophia, daughter of Jas. Hoodoo, of Grey Mr and Mrs •O'Neil, of Exeter, and their a brown Beaver Ciotti shoulder cape, pinked
Dina daughter, were the gueets of Mr and Mrs' a 1 nr u . inder will kindly leave at /DM
I o nd F
• ERA Omen, Pins
• P Medan • over Sunday.
GILDERS—In Saltford, Sept 10th,Thes.
•Russell MoLean of Toronto who hag
Gildere, aged 82 years. Court ol Revision.
been vieiting his friend, Earneel Twitohell,
BLAIR—In Godeithh township, Sept 6014 returned home.on Thursday.
Win Blair, aged 83 /ears, Miss Brichenden returned home •this votice is hereby given that a Court will be
vet( re'_. Lists
week after amextended visit in Exeter t +held, pursuant to
DICKSON—In MoKillop,flept 16th,Ohas Tietederel° of the county
Dioktion, aged 80 years. , the home of. Mr and Mrs Gregory. evil the Elam
'Court of the County of Huron at Londesboro,
Act,' by Rio Heuer
nth clay of uctober 1902, at ten
• COLEMAN—In Stanley, Sept 18th,Eliza- a/ g•. •awourtioe and 000. master Dean &clock, hear and determine the several cam -
beth J.,cvite of Geo. Coleman,a8ed 27 years. •returned Saturday morning from a two
MoV.AHON—IraListowel, Sept 7th, Jim months' visit•in South Dekota.
• McMahon. father of Mre W G Patterson,of Rev. L. Stevens, (son of Mr H. Stevene)
Wingham; aged 430 yeare..
of fIiirrievitleMich., accompanied by Cs
FORD.—In Bogen, on Sunday, Sept. wife and child, are here on a visit;
21s1, Mary Ann Mammal, relict cif John Kra Moffatt, High street, open t part .of
Ford, aged 91 years, 5 months and TM days•last week iarLondon, taking in the lair and
JOHNS,—At Roissevain, Man., on Sept. visiting her son, A Moffitt.
20th, John Watley, eon of N,athantJohne, •
Colborne townehip,aged 17 yeartclimionthe —!1••4•1,
Holto_...es, of Port Stanley, ((wife of
and b days.'•, xt .1. W. klolmes) and daughter, Clara,
are tbegueete of Dr Ern Holmes.
G. W. Manntag Smith, C!3i. trait on 1131huisday to epend a•few weeks
• with her daughter,Vare II Hyslop. .
• Geo Hodgens left for London and,other
OFFICE,--Maitt Street, Bayfiel&tfornierly 'points Tbureday morning to look alter a
basinesenhance, which he heti in view*
4/129 Wen Wright, mother of hire rflDr)
Graham, returned to her home near Minsk-
egon iroMichigan, Thursday morning.
Rev C B Gunnteand John Raneford are
. Itfre.Wiei MoBriezi, Of •town, fettle/. De -
<>coupled by Dr. Pallieter.:
attending a meeting of the exeoutive of the
T AND ARD•E• LEviTOR m• Btiooese of Huron in Loudon this week.
CLINTON .Mrs tE. E. Dowding, of London. •fterivei
owntFriday evening, and for theoresent
AR kinds of :zrain 315:e nadafrfozpsowding are Mopping at the
wanted, and the highest Mies Sruoe, of Belgitive, wieited 'her sia..
• prices paid in cash for any • • ter, MrerLook Cree, on Monday and Toes -
euantity.' Call at the El-
bhe was on her way telEgeter t�
.vator :and see us before Miestfilook, of Luoknow, who %%Oust re-
, .
rblirlied'frona a -trip to 11Ianitoba, stopped off
D. ,• hornet
URG/1311ART. en therway
Mrs Dr Stewart and son erad MraMartin,
! thereifoire. short 'visit watisi re/atives while
,of Toesweter, returned to their homes on
The Nridaplaet, after an enjoyable visa at the
• •••• • • • • home,o61.. Cleft, •
overeign Bank altivw0 R Online and Woo (Craig, of
Of Canada.
Petroleament up to 13lyth tiondey,avening
th delivertadaresses at the .ttpeoiad seryice
head there:that night.
Mr and Mrs Wm Robb took in ,all the
-eights trahe seen at the London fair last
AUTWORSZED CArITAX, .......$2,000,060
Surtsemsem CAPITAL .—.... 1,300,000 ' Week' &hough up in the eevenines they
Mill enjoy an outing yet. •
• Ddrc,T. Brown who had charge ,of the
• Headieffice; Toronto
prooidook Bleotrio Light Worke here fore number
H. S. Hotta', tESQ_,..
_ _ yearsphas now °harp of the *ant at
11. M. 16TEWART, GenerraiM,anager
'Fergus, and will Wove his fansiky there "
Eseraotedrom Government 'Returns : in slew daYa,
1902 ‘Vrinl:/rIarlend, aceornpanied.by Mrs,John
May 31, 1902 .July 31.
ReaopseitravinThatindlip mot ,)
_2 17205,0000°9 Ilhersday morning for Chicago. Mr 'Har-
e 740,C90 $ 1/60.000 • Efarland and daughter, Miss Anieffis, left
A6sets """"-•-"'"-- 1'1504° - ' land will no WI far es Madison, Wieghefore
••returning.-- —= —
Mrs Twitchell,Mies Diary Taitohell,Mrs
tidlagDowner and S.Mnrch, Of aint011, and
utton,ftne Mies Esplen, of Tara, were the guests
oronto of Albert DCWrl, of Toronto,during the ex..
'Branches .
Mit. Albert
'Newmarket •IS
eisttitvre. •
:St. Catimehies .11
hZHa Oeline Keefer, of Port Arthur
A General Efulidit flusines tratisacted.
will be the gueet of her friend, Miss ;Kath-
leen Gonne, at the reotory,before returning
to Toronto to teatime her anther' at St
Salting* 11a. nk.Department
Interest at $ per erent annumnallowed ntt
andomnponnded lialf-Yearair. arrived in town last Friday for a visit vrith.
deposits of $i andapwar . from date of depostt„ Mr and ,•Mrs lohn Betioorn, of Ilderten,
Deposit iiteceipts Issued Vends ond relatives. We are glad to know
notes. .
g e o ening e
.44vunree mote to Farmers on their own r Beacom, is, able to be out again after hie
Drafts bought and sold. Money Ordere looking ea well as a.,man of hie age ie
issued at very towrates, Colleetionfi prompt-.
.payableanyw ere in Canada (Yukon,.excepted) tiouldexpeot. •
dy attended to. 'Mee dliver, a ntarse of Goderioll, hut
hunts -of errors and omissions in the Voters'
Sept. 26th1,902
4140104140404140 04114041111100110040011004/4111
1111cEinnori, ez 'Co. 1
More New •
Dress Good.
Oer Drees Goode trade this season has been a reoorti breaker. We
•seemed to have jnst the goods the ladies were looking for, This week we
removed, our moond thipment froro the British markets, which puts oar
stook in splendid shapeagain. We find a demand tor a better clan Of
Drees Goods and we are prepared te moot the demand.
—Zebilein Dress Goode, which are now in demand, 45 to 56 inches
wide, in all the new colors, at 50o, 75o, 81,35 aria 51,75.
—Harris' Celebrated Horompuns, in black, brown and dark and
light grey, all wool, 48 to 56 inches wide, $1 and $1,25.
—81,1a.d2157' Costume Cloth, pirle finish, odors of black and navy,
guaranteed not to spot or shrink, 46 to 60 illohea Wide, at $1 and
—AmazOn Cloth, in blaolisnavy,oardinal and brown, 42 inches wide,
all wool, epecial 50o,
—Worated Dreee Goods, in black and navy,tine glossy finish,a great
wearer, 56 to 60 inches wide, at 750, $1, 61.50 and 62.
—New Coeturne Cloth, in dark and light grey, brown and blue grey,
50 Indio wide, at 500,
—Serge Drees Ooode, in blaok and navy, fine glossy finish, 4810 56
inches wide, at 50o, 750 and $1.
—Homespun and Tweed Drees Goods, in dark oolors,, for school
• dresses, at 20o, 25o, 300 and 350,
I McKinnon Co., Blyth I
400114104)4114Mr101110 IMINN14110041000901/4
coal antiWood
Massilon select lump soft coal, suitable for grates,
Semi -Anthracite, the best substitute now to be bad for
coal. Cannot supply more than one ton to a customer
tistof the Municpality of Hallett for 1902, All time.
laersons having business at the Court tire re -
<mired to attend at the said- time and place.
Dated the Mad day of September, 1902.
Clerk of the aid Municipality. Cannot say when we will have hard coal, but as soon as •
Ruction .ale - the strike is adjusted we will endeavor to have it as soon as,.
. any person in this section.
,Tearm Stock, lmpleinents eind
Household Effects We now have a womlyard in connection with our business
and can su ply good dry wood. Leave your orders at out -
hard. -
at a'.
The undersigned purposes to sell by Public
auction on'tot3, con. Mullett,. Tp. on Tues-
day Oet, 'Ith 40,12 o'ciook shorn, the 'following
-HORSES-1 matched team Of geldings rising'
five. 1 raare eleven yeara old supposed . to be
with 'foal, 1 two year old Draught filly, 1 driv-
ing Mare. 1 two year .old roadster gelding,
sired by Sidney, •
CATTLE. -5 milk cows -supoosed to be with
calf to .0. thoroughbred. buil, 8 two year old
steers, &one year old steers, 1 one year old
heifer. 5 spring calves, about 30 hens. .
IMPLEMENTS. -1 Massey 'Harris binder and
trucks aluzost new, 1 mower, I whiternan pea -
harvester. 1 Wisner drill (combined), hay
rake, 1 'spring toothed cultivator, 1 broad
toothed ...cultivator, 1 land • roller, .1
Sulky -Plow, 2 walking plows, .1 two furrowed
gangplow nearly 11.0W, i Set diamond. ha,reows,
I scuff ler, 1 horse power with rods, 1 Cylinder
euttingberr with carriers 1, grain crusher, 1
jeck. 1,Panning Mill and 'bagger attachments.
itruck .waggon; 1 pair bob-smighs. cutter,
1 bay reek, I gravel box, 1 hay fork (complete)1
1 rack Jitter, 1 Watering trough, I. sugar kettle,
.1 grass' seed sower, 1 set. team harness, I set
single ;harness, I set. plow harness, I wheel
barrow, 2 Ores corn. 14:sores marigolds, about
tons/key, forks, shovels, Chaim', etc. and
zr any otber artielea too numerous to mention.
HOUSE SOLD EEFECITS.-2 wood heating
atoves,11.e.eal heating Stove, 1' cooking .stove• .1
glesatupboard. I extension table, I het rack; it
lounge, el. daisy churn,1 washing maehine, 1
wringer, I Cleveland bicycle.
• The .abeve willposiriVely be sold without re'
serve as -the proprietor has sold hie "farra and
Intends aomoving to town. .
. TEEMS—The hay and all sums of $5 and
under oath, over that amount32 months, oredit.
will be given on furnishin.g approved joint
motes, adiscount of 60A, Will be allowed for 5ash
on -credit. imiountai
WM Arronusos • J. 4:31
. Proprietor . . 'Auctioneer
Servant Wanted.
. '
Good general servant wanted tit once. Apply
to MRS J.. W. IRWIN, King street.
Sept. 18-4f
Good, general eerVant, apply to
Isaac St.
—Giel to help In -small abou op_
Beotember,apoly to' mfrs. P. E. HODGENS at
. • .11118. HODGENS Albert St.
Wanted Immediately.
A iirst-claes 'c•ook a•nd• a dining- •oom girl
Atirl,;41:27131•ee 'CLARENDON HOTEL Cliaton.
• Teacher Wanted.
poor 8, Pi. No.8, B. Wawanosh, holding o. end
class certificate,.duties to commence .ifan, 3rd,
1903. Personal applications preferred. Apply
to JOHN ELLIOTT, 3r., Secy Treas. Wingharn
For Sale.
House, two lots and stable, corner of North
store and they will be attended to promptly.
Teamsters wanted to haul wood from the bush, havingsptuorreehaged a large quantity. For particulars _apply at our
arland Bros.
Hardware House, -
• Who has moyed his stock of TWEEDS
to the Searle Block,
Is still givi ng 25% discount oft all his Tweedk.
Now is the time to get a good cheap tailor-made
suit. • . . .
at. Discount
--iThe Modern
D lit we are Making a cut on.tlus suite and it goes for $16:.:
Of•Sleeping Furnitup
for Iron beds. They areVielkiiist.
style and are elea,n and comfort- •
able. Call and see_our assortment:
See our Satorday window for ,
handsome Bedroom Suite at $16,
This suit is well made and hal.
large bevelled glass and combine,
tion washstand and is worth $18,
J. C. Stevenson,
• On 13,Ibert Street, Opposite TOwn Hall. Residence—Opposite Coromeroial
Undertaker and Embalmer. Clinton, Ont.
• well known to Clinton people,
Monday MI far as Clinton with a patient and eoft water., Trult•trees and t bl
come down ritornelli good revior. woodebed. w -
,and Mary Streets. The cottage' oontainsaelqt.,
ion. ADDIS, t a 13 "
Now open for eocaEsaBaoking ittsineso ' typhoid at the hotel.Bedford. While wait- 1*
Clinton -0 Branch
from Cleveland, who had been eick with firrt-olasesfesogdmito
PPA.TT on the premises.
For Sale.
- of -her friends: -
SnsonarlffiNeoza. keg for her return.trairt .ehe visited . several
IX) Bushels Timothy Seed, Highest Prices Paid.
For Sale—Choice,, clean, home -growl. TiMothy..
See us for choice Crawford Peaches, Plums,. Pears ,and
IChas Mason, jr.aif Hallett, accompanied The North Hatt of Lot IL doncession 7, col.
• by Dan MoNeil,leftfor•Gederich Thursday, borne, and two village tote in 1Vlaitcheater, Ribbons, etc. We keep the best only and prices as L'8
e from which plate they sailed on the ateara- liVerr tame, outfit, aga good will of the bust. any.
visit Bay City, Saginaw and otber parte of •t •
II We want as many arra- Farm for Sale.
• Michigan before returning.
iliol .niTleol ean ,0 ci) ifimi, 11:12:
petit week at Mtn King's, left for an extend-
ed visit at Ituoknow, before returning to
their home at the Prairie city. & '
er, King Edwardsfer Michigan, They will•
Im*. Sept 11 Mor ilS SYMINGEW dentiurn
1Pb° Borlillor Firtaicaocfloirdii3lai;70°:ifiaeenn;,.
ti I Gran-
ulated sugar, RS we are
Graniophone the street,
,so we will sell it for $3.85
crowded with it,and some
The Best Talking Machine per hundred lbs, by the
barrel, to make room for
The Met Wendt:eta inetrument will fang every kind Of song, Cornio, Sacred Or Strati- our next car.
getental. ReproduCeeeVery instrument or it full Bram Band Or Otoheetra. It Will play -
'Cake Walls, a Wait° or a Lancers lorid enOught0 dance by. Price 516.00 to $40.00, of course, we will deliver
011 easy payments if desired.
it any place in town.
•$1,00 cash and, $2 00 per mouth.
, Every Gtranvo.pphone is made flaintdet ana is sold with a 17/BITTEN OthkitAN. 8°8 Ca4:3°E"
2%g FOB 6 roAus. Write or eall for oiratdars (Malamute, tiold by
IIOAREt Agent for Clinton W*
•T. 0 Ne
monstantured by E. Utontrosit Our te)epbono number lo
in ge, visiting(Ir 81 i
A school that occupies front rank
among the best Imeinese colleges on
*he continent. Many leading cornmereial eohools enipkiy our graduates
as teanherd. We do our beet to place
all tier graduates in good poeitione
• and we hate been More sitoceseful
this year than in any previous year,
411011e desiring the beet in bruilnetat
eatication should attenn our iambi.
Write for oatalogne.
'WeELUOTP, Principal
' am /Leg 99
•Suooessor to Ogle Coo & 0
JUST IN—Moore's early Grapes„the sweet kind
First let in town
Lot 7,0=4, Colborne containing 50 acree Of .
landin good cultivation' 20 acres fall plowin ,15
g repairy also a ;coed well And yeting bearing
orchard. Farro well fenced and well watered.
'Possession may be had Mir, lat. 1903, For fur-
ther partieulare apply to
MSS E. BOWDEN or /I. a16wst.14
Sept, 18—tf Box 50, Eloderich
Apples Wanted•
Paring and Older
Apples wanted
at the
ress 00 s
A new line of Ladiest Weide, embroidered oaehmeree‘ in ordinal,
navy, garnet, royal, old roes and Mask, 44 indica wide, 2 yards in each
piece, per pieoe $1.76.
. Embroidered From% Opera Flannels, 50o it yard.
Ladies' Buitings
gontospuns, Friezes, Howes and Velletien11 ill navy, blaok, gray and
brown, prices 75o to 51.25 a yard:
Clinton gvaporator Silks
on and after A gooa range of plain and fancy silks
September 15t1t, 1902.• to Me, yard,
TOWN. & eASE W. L. 0 U 'MUTT%
for waists or trinunings, 8501