HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 4Sept.20tix 1902.
Formal Re=opening of Millinery
and Our Enlarged Store.
ilittuRSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, of this Week.
This List of Bargains is For
Store Re*Openpag Sale of This Week.
We sell only the most trustworthy merchandise -not only the cheaper .goods
but the very highest grades as well -all at prices that means for our customers savings
well worth considering and not to be matched in town, You will find our store from
one end to the other teeming with everything that is newest and best and most want -
Thursday, friday., Saturday.
BEL'. 25, 26,27.'
eimmom TO
Port 11 Liven
PetrOlt 3.75
Cleveland. 0.20
Bay City .... 5.80
Saginaw 5.70
Columbus Ohio $.75
Grand Rapids 7,0*
Chicago 10.75
All tickets good to return up to
Mooday, Oct. 13th, 1002.
Bay your tiokete up Town and avoid
the mete and delay at station.
Office open until 8.30 every night after Sept 1st
F. 11, Bodgens, Town Agent
Wel): Alkt.evihiertittitii
$10 overeoat-Hodgens woe Patrol,
Sugar-W.it;e4i:-1 , 1
Bel ficuit,...j H li i;;vOZ,V,I;iir . .. -,....
Faliritoor-JR.La T.wit:irii 6
Bargains ci:-i- ' Mama •* ' . 5
14kairrP,fratiestrrB. 8&oKinnon
"1 H Chenew
UAW ;iteefOape e,vra
ed for Fall and Winter Wear. Danish Bond -W. D. Fair Co
heady tor yon-Jaokson Bros..., . . ... .
Tile following list will give you some idea of the many advantages you have in d
*OM **
trading here: uFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1902.
it re
it Joyous Thanksgiving
S Penner Pater, Rev W.
eralg, of Vetrolea, preaches
two Excellent Sermons.
That time-honored custom of the
Church of England to hold special
thanksgiving sex vice% besidee thofte
beld on the national Thanksgiving
Day, was duly observed last Sunday.
le was looked forward to with greater
pleasure this year on account of the
wieh of the congregation to hear their
old time and foroaer pastor, Rey Wro
Craig, who has occupied the pariah of
Petrolea ever since he left here ten
years ago, He came and was heard
and it is quite evident by the number
who came to hear him that during that
ten years' absence the memory of him
, still remains green in the minds of the
hundreds of our townspeople, who
learned to love and admire tldr Craig
wben he labored amonget them.
The ladies of the Guild are to be con-
gratulated for the very tasty and artis-
tic decorations that they put or the in-
terior of the ,cburch, and were the
nicest that have been put up for eeveral
years. Hundreds of asters were used
en making wreaths, crosses, sicklen,etc,
and a very delicate trimmed framework
figure was erected at the entrance to
the chancel and had abeautiful effect.
The music by the choir was up to the
standard and was greatly aided by Mr
5 Tenney, who took a solo in the autumn
8 " Ye shall dwell in the land," which
8 was sung in the morning, The even -
inn's music was much the better sung
rand prettier, especially the last anthem
"Oh gm thanks unto the Lord," it be-
ing exceedingly well rendered.
At 8 a. m. and after the morning ser-
vice the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per Was administereci to a goodlyenum-
ber by' the rector and Rev Mr Crave.
Before entering upon his morning's
discourse, from Psalm 147, verse 1, he
asked pardon for making a personal re-
ference, and said that it was ten years
ago the third Sunday of thismonth that
he bade good-bye to this congregation as
its rectors and since then he had not
lost sightof it, but still took a deep in..
tenet in the church herteand was more
than pleased to note the prospetlriiyl that,the
unanimity of feeling andgood w
is displayed by this congregation, and
he prayed and hoped that success
would attend them, and wished that
the blessing of Almighty God would -
rest upon them. He then said as the
people of old had an innate desire to
praise their. God for any blessing that
might have rested upon them, and
which custom haspassed down through
all the ages, we are thus assembled
here today. He reviewed the blessing
that has not only rested upon each one
Mili Ends of Ylannelette at One Third Less Than Regular Prices. ciintonians• in Winnipeg,
90e Table Linen al 60e
. ' While in Winnipeg recently the ecii.
tor of the NEw Eno bad the pleasure
of meeting e. number of former Clinton -
Si Flannelette 'Blankets al 80c ians, all of whona were •glad to meet
,7,0 twat wide. fall blemohed Table Linen, very fine (panty, with any one from this town. With
150 pairs 11-4 Flannelette Blankets go elegant floral designs, all pure linen, regular value 90o, . .RA hardly an exception all are doing well,
re -opening sale price , Iry are enthusiastic about the prospects of
on sale Thursday, the.regular value .
Winnipeg,and have no desire to return
is $1, at•••• • • 80e 95e Table Linen at 70e • 6east except to visit their old friends.
'Ttt Dress Goods at 4k .
200 yards of 38 to 44 inch wide Dress GoOds, in plain, red
and checked, all wool goods, very heavy quality, that
will make up nicely for shirts or children'a dresses. re -
eviler price was 7eo, special for store re•opening sale..
15c to 8$c Dress Goods at 50e
400 yard a of the season'e choicest plain colored Dresi Goods,
m shades of navy, royal, purple and red. In the lot
are included heavy Berns and zebelines, regular 75o to
85o, re-apsning sale price
$1A5 Dress Goods at The
47 Inch wide Dress Goods, the new enowflike effects. This
is the very latest novelty for the fall trade, regular
ermine is $1 25, epeeist for re opening sale
$1 Black Silk at 8e
20 inch wide black peau-de--oie, very fine qnality, that will
give good wear, regular 51 value, to go at
.Rest 10e vlannelette at $c
ards of 6ti inett sviae- Flannelette', assorted striven
very heavy quality, reenter 10c veld% re•opening• sale
price • I
-$1.35 Table Linen at 90e
72 inch Wide double damask Table Linen,11 wart -Meted
pure flax, some having plain centre with _erne berder,
others with all florae designs, regular Si' 813 ¥MttI .
• i •
opening sale price •
72 inoh wide Table Linen, very fine finish', all pure linen,
that will give geod wear, regular value is 950, re -open-
ing sale price, per yard
8e Toweling at Se
40 300 yarde of all linen Craeh Toweling, 13 to 15 'nobs% ex-
tra heavy quality that will stand lots of wear, regular
value 8, re -opening sale price. Not more than five
yards will be sold to one customer .05
8c Prints at k
• mA 800 yards of 26 inch wide American Prints, in light and
litm dark colors, all warranted feet, regular price la Bac,
, sale dart to go at
Wool Hose, Worth 40e tor t5
re. 860 paire cf boys' heavy ribbed Hose, made of the best im•
• • a ported yarn, come in all sizes from 6 to in This hose
, is regularly worth 40c, re -opening sale price will be,
i.85, Heavy Vests at 35c
120 heavy wool Vests' nicely made and finished, as good as
moat stores sell at 50o, very sponal for re -opening sale at.
75e Seotclaingering Yarn at 60e
.08 50 Iles of the best black Scotch Fingering yern, regnlar
price of whioh 18 75o, forae-opening ode days to go at
per lb
nest 50c Factory Yarn at 40e
0 Co manticgigylahnuartoyh rfatkocrtnoirnygievaens;vai 1•13,elaroleb on Sale the
• Your nioney back
• if you want it.
• John Maewhirter, formerly of Craig
& Macwhirter, is in the drese goods des
pertinent of the Imperial Dry Goods
store, and Dame Rumor states that he
will shortly wed a popular young laciy
ef the omit ie city -and he adnaite it ui
Ed. NeWtnarch,brother of Mrs Oliver
Johnston, Is employed with the Rad-
ford Sign Co., and has as nice and well -
furnished a home on a leading thoro-
fare as any one can desire
' Andrew Certer owns a 'small but
prosperous jewellery store on Portage personally, but nationally. We were
.Avenue ; he was married a rear ago, se not degenerates, but we were as full of
church, but by other churches. Rev
.05 abetta of him, His brother Lee is study- cestors of old • comtnercially our trade ' ..
General Conference of the
sometimes known as the Demosthenes
saving money and has good prospects zeal, bravery and patriotism as our an -
Dr Flendersonrthe Associate Secretary,
John jackson. eon of Mr Isaac Jack- we were winning a flrst place as a great ' -1- -
Methodist Church.
the hearts of his brethren that by an
ing dentistry. has gone ahead with leaps and bounds,
. of Canadian Methodism, lives so near
son, has a good situation with the wheat -producing country, in education
unanimous vote the President was in-
, fred is oleo doing well in the city. public institutions were not to be Among the many different things
tion. The efficient management and
Bromfield Carpet Co. His brother Al- and literature we were advanciog, our
etructed to cast a ballot, for his re-elec-
considered at the General Conference
wonderful rhetorical powers of Re
,7011 Whitehead) is in the city, and until . one for theyeople, and best of all we some of the Mere important matters.
of the Myethodiet church in Canada,snace
will onto allow of limited references to
P tt a d d h v.Dr.
,..e,„,r Will Whitehead lean of the late Jos. laughed at,our government system was
Come in some day next week,
sit down and rest your eyes and
gratify your love of the beatitifel
by looking through our stock of
Wall Paper,Borilero and Ceiling,
which it will afford us pleasure
to exbibit, Tekeyour time, and
make your seleations and you
will be satisfied so much the lon-
You will no doubt want to brighten up a few mime thie fall mid
it will bobetter for you to do it early,
1200 mile ohoioe white blanks, bine, green, bnff and Clreannte yards
to the roll, suitable for kitchens, bedrooms or smell dining
rooms regular 8o, Per Boll
750 rolls choice American and Canadian pattern% Louis XIV and
oral deeigns, all colors and suitable for any room or hall re-
gular leec and 15c paper for, per roll
600 choice Gilt Papers, very heavy stook, choice floral and scroll
designieeraboased and varnished goldteregular 250,35o and 40o,
Window Shades
Twenty colors to choose from, plain or decorated, mounted
with lace or fringe, beet spring rollers, ee.oh 350 to $1.26.
Large shades ordered any size you desire.
• Give us the dimensions ot your windows and we will do the rest.
• Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butteriok Patterns,.
o s en i
ere any c ange n the office
lately was running a drug store. should rejoice as Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
a Educational Secretary undesirable, •
Miss M. Keane (daughter of Mr Jas who said that "he was proud that he The delegates embraced representative
and the well-known fo m and eloquent
atellie, is living ill ' men f rom Newfoundland and the whole
Keane) is a professional nurse with Dr was a Canadian and born in Canada."
voice of the trusted officer. were seen
n,. Goede. Jr eleten Demi if b in members
an heard . acknowledging . a unani- .
. 00 Morden, 100 miles west. B/LBREN 8 BriV/Clt, 0 e government. Japan was also re- d
C ' S . ' f th n on, the °rater. e g
,, Mrs R. Fox (sister of Mrs R Fiteslm-
. In the afternoon a children's service - presented. '
5 The chief contest was for editor of
,.„ mous e .
house in the centre of the elty, an rector taking the prayer •seryiee and desire to wipe out altogether the pastor;t there s a strong The
the position, for the past eight
ons) is keeping a well-filled boarding was held commencing at 3 o'clock, the In some ouar ere ere wa
the Guardian. Rev. Dr. Courtice has
owns an excellent property that will Rev Wan Craig giying the address. al time limit ; some were in favor of
years. Conflicting rumours regarding
bring her a good price any time she The ehildreo's choir did Verna; ka.bly makinglit six years instead of threemnd
60 likes to sell te,
. rr .. _, _ R.
[a.' a n a r e ws 1 owns a good property in
DaJun R Steep (son-in-law of Mrs • anthem during the taking up of the of- mended and adopted, taking effect next
well, rendering a solo, duet and chorus as a compromise four years was record-
fertory, that would have done honor to June. This means four years .and
the church choit, as well as singing a more. • . no upon,hai eigsrit it ieht e,hiller anwt hydott lilt ticeamnpr neeoytes responsibilitiesrt fearotrtoeu' toit;hyirirrhosehttgt alhaenpeingsar.
, part of the city, has a fair practise, and
' Fort Bodge, the exclusively residential number of beautiful and appropriate In view of the increasingovoiik a the 1
his health led many others to select a
hymns. The solo and duet parte were west it was decided to appoine our Eg.
t f the. I dia s Miss taken try Mies Edna Copp and Mule ditional Missionary Seeretayies-I a i;
. 40 also holds a ,governmeut . situation as new editor. , Four !Allots vvere neces- .
Andrews,of town, is at present visitin
di 1 i
E Gonne officiated at the organ. The for the N. W. T.
B h C I hi 1 for Manitoba an
t Rev, A. C. Crews, editor of the Ep- .
Doherty & Co., hes a splendid music
With her brotherein-law.
11 B Marcy, tormerly traveller for address by Mr Craig was both singular A temperance secretary was also ap- a°
and interesting. He took for his text pointed, Rev. Dr. Chown bein 1 d
Matt. 22 :18 19 -"Money." and had a to this office; his duties will cons* of °I e en
weroitnri ti.c.h Era, 0IIWesleyan,E. G. el re idn, egd i tg re
charge of the hardwaredepartment and bills with which to illustrate; and ject, by platform and otherwiee.
many were the points in comparison Fraternal addresses weredelivered bv
g e cc
paper work, as he has edited the Wes -
store on Main St. vote finally standing Bond 124, Crews
P (P i soma s for the position, the .
. Will White, formerly with 5 Davis, number of coins of different countries disseminating informationton this pub -
114. Mr Bond is not a stranger to news -
has '
' e stores. He is the fortunate owner of a with our Christian lives,which were synn- representatives a the British ' C onfer-
in the large Hudson Bay Company's
bolized by them. The stamp on it -eve euce, the Methodist Episcopal:churches ineeTcalCillef°11ifee,igbhotriTrnar;ieWiloeuinsdalanintrania
• block of land a short distance (nibble are marked for Christ as in our baptism of the 'United States,tbe Coogregation- is a brother of the present Premier of
the city that is more than a small for- there are all kinds of gifts; we all al Church and the,Presbyterian Chuech the island colony. He is a coteparative
Jas Jackson (eon of Mayor Jackson) why
possess different kinds. The bank tiill, of Darted% the most suggestive bemg -
strenger to Western Canada, and will
has an office on Main street, where he accept it as money? Because of from the representative s of the latter, •
esteem and favour of Ilia church in these
douhtless speedily win his way to the
is looking after the interests Of the our faith in the bank that issues it. NY e Prof BoyeeoPrinciteilTatritlr and- Dre
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul R. R. must have faith in God -that is take Gordon,better known as Ralph Connor
• western conferences.
and also the Great Northern R. R. ) Him at His word. author of "The' man from Glengarry ''
% A good many other matte's were
John Oakes lei empioyed with the • THE EVENING SEM ICE.' • These declarations,clear,unreserved anu
• dealt with in comtnittee and reports a,ce -
0 nee ca nspec or o n . Norma Bentley, while Miss Helen ritis o um a, eery betore a decision :multi be arrived
• g before the time had arrived to unequivocel, that the tinie had • come cepted in conference. The next. quad-
Lonwheu the Presbyterian and Methodist
rennial gathering was invited to meet
Churches•should unite, in otder toin Vencouver,but the meinbers thaught
charge their duty to the west, and that
the point too far west, and. left the eels-.
they no longer justified separate exis-
tence, in view of the great problems Executive'
tif -the place in the heath of the .
Executive' Committee. • ' Conference •
that confront them,made a very •mark-
clesed its Mbomou Friday morning 10th
ed iiiipression on the Conference.. The
lest., after being in session over two
Conference showed its -appreciation and
-recognition of.the ernportance. ref this .w. .leh4es..elergymen. who etand out ' in a
declaration by appointing a comneittee
gatheting of this kind, as The "big men
to 'confer with any committee which
of the church," are easily 'mete as Cat -
might be appointed by the Presbyterian
Church for the purpose of seeing. if !flan, Sutherland, Grifati,. Betts and
Briggs, There are a few. others who
more effective co-operation or union
rank as close seconds, but those men -
were practicable. To the amazement
. tioned. are apparently far in advance of
of the Conference, one cf the Ainerican
'all others, Among the most prominent '
delegates read his address, from first to
of the laymen who attended were Judge.
last, and the 45 minutes • he occupied
were tedious enough. Chedey, Lunenberg, N. &Judge Dean,
PernbrOke ; Hon. E, J. Davis, of the
One of the important mattere dealt
Ontario Cabinet ; Mr Winters, a mem.
with was what is knowia as The foot
ber of the Newfciundland Cabinet, Dr. •
note" in the'church disipline. relating
Allison,Sackyille, N. Be "Joe" Gibson,
to amusements erohibited, There has
postraaster of Ingersoll, J. J. McLaren
been considerable discuseioti over this
and N. W. Rowell, Totenta
tht •
for the past year. Tbe city delegae.
were disposed to wipe it out, but the ee
. • Sale Register.
better sense of the Conference prevail-
ed and a resolution te do away with it - ,
altogether, was defeated by a Tote of On Saturday, Sept. 27, at 2 p. tin at the •
'httreh0himes, ehurch Chimes. and M Sinclair (Benssele) for plff; Hugh of James 'Scott) though living in -the commence the cLurels and gallerer were
Warren filled, while many stood at the entrance.
Guthrie, X 0, Guelph, for deft. city, is employed out e of it.
. to catch a faint whisper of that voice
, Rev Wm Craig will take Rural Dean F. W. Hovey took the work in the The piaiiitiff, Wm II Cook, is a man of 40, Callender, Wan Thornton and two
whicn they once loved to hear. ' As in
itodgin's work at Seaforth next Sun- English church at Petrolea last Sunday residing near Brunets, and she defendant, sons. Geo Hanby and , fatally, Mrs
the naorning service Mr Glunne took the
in the absence of their rector,Rey.Wm, Euphemia Smith, is a widow of 52, years, Thorn (Miss Muriel Redmond) and J M
• with a grown-up family, who novv reeides Campbell are all residents of the city. prayer service and Mr Craig t ead tbe
Craig. , e • • tenons. The text taken as a basis for
pulpit in the English church, at uck- 'WESLEY Clitritca.- Rev. Mr Man- at Guelih. claim was for $2500, Will Muir is superintendebt f othe
• now next Sunday.
Frank W. Hovey will .occupi the
his evening's address was taken from
• ning, who has been enjoying a couple Some o the evidence was decidedly nasty. express business for the Canada North- the lef, chapter .and 22nd verse of St
of weeks' 'holidays, returns honee from . The defence, admitting the technical right ern -a responsible position- and owns Je wee'. epistlae 'Be ye doers of tnif
'I:ONTARIO STREET clitriteBi.-Rev Dr Clifton „Spripgs this week, and will lee- WSW, had paid into moire one cent as coin- yet a driving mare formerly kept by • Wad And not.hearers only." . He ern -
Giffin d will preach next Sun ay morn-
. cupy his own pulpit on Sunday. ... pet:mission; but the jury brought in a verdict .ns Atelier here. ' • - - phasized the word "bearing faith
ing and his son in the evenieg. .• . A neat four page itivitetiens wlaich for the defendant, and recommended that James Leslie (youngest son of John cometh by hearing, and hearing by the
has been issued by the superintendent, the -plaintiff pay back the cent that she had Leslie) rubs a type setting machine on
The g f the Ontario street
the Tribune. • Word of God. He showed how often
church gave out eotirely on Sunday, announces that next .-Sunday is Rally rid in. . ,e . .
and it practical pipe. organ manufac- Day for the Sunday School,and iavites - Van Camp as Coley et al. -An action • Harry Shepherd (son of James ceitep-
toter from Toronto was summoned CO all scholars, Parents, friends and for the tionstruotion of the will of - the late herd, :Townsend street). until recently
put it in shape. It will likely be in per strangers, 504 be present, and . parti- Geo Van Clempiewho described .his farm as workibg at his trade of tailor, is now .
.. cipate in the exercises of the day. east half of lot 41, in the 6th concession of tune keener for the Great Northern- it
Sect working order tor Sunday .next.
. Tehe pastor, W. R. Lough, arid Robt. the township.of tad, Wawan.osh, whereas Nirtvajunction. '
• C E. Union to be held in Ot- loolmes-M. P.. will deliver addresses, it waa in reality the west hall. Judgment Milton 3' Artnington is one of the.
At the 14th annual convention of the
Fanwtaafit7ct..7•10 the re 15T fe the addrese and the- children will render some was given declaring the said west half and prtncipals in: a large toMpeny menu -
choice and appropriate muoic for the not tbe east half passed by the will of the factoring tents overalls lecatnd which
f welcome is io be gil:ren by Rey a' S.
Heriderson, Benealli one of the niost toccasion. There should . be a Urge testator to the devisee. PhiliO Holt, X 0, is putting up relarge building;
popularand able ministers of 'Ve estern urnout. •
for plff, W Proudfoot, X C. for deft, 'There may be other Clintoniana in
• Of tario. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, is the • • -. sue, the aotiotrarising from the seizure at known at the, thine, and they are jostler
Allen vs Andrews. -An interpleader ie- the city, but these are all that were
.• efficient Secretary of the Union. The Assizes. • Toronto of two oars of "mottle shipped by .enthused With the prospect thatWitn
t lest the General Methodist Conference . --- the defendant, J F Andrews, the plaintiff, nipeg will .be one of the largestecities
, w ek were dieposed of Anthony Allen, claiming that Stephen. Au; in the Dominion. .
in Winnipeg, Profeesor Bryce, Profess- • The cane on the list for the -sitting ot
or Patrick and Dr Gordon (Ralph Cone tbirFlee' helourt last e drews, againet whom he held a claim, Was -..
or all prominent Presbyterians, spoke act follows -4- . part owner of the cattle. His Lordship sneleng-ERB WEDDING :-- The
strongly in favor of a union of the . Moberg vs. The G.oderich Elevator Co.- dispeneed it the jury; J .0 Mabee, X le, home of Mrs S. Erb, Victoria street,
(Stratford) and L E Danoey for piff ; W wits the scenof ' quite Net pleasing
- liftitliddiet And-Presbyteriem ehurebes, , AP,POKIn _to recover on it promiseory note.
plfeenAttne ,prouclfootelt,Cefendeft. Verdict ter deft event on Wednesid'aer evening, Sept.
and a committee WAS formed1-6-ibiltid- philip-HolttZ..-121.,_Conneel_for
ex any propooale that may subsequent- Proactfoot, X. C. for deft. By warrant
15 be made looking to tine end. Robt referred 40 the local muter,
Holmes is it Member of this cominittee. _ „ Heilman ve Hallman et ale -An action
recie oetpeo., lie peerformance of a aloofsland.
ST PAUL'S thatititen.-The reoular
Monthly meeting of the Ladies' ciuild, len1;111,110 !,_ Ja. 0, for p111; E L Dickineon
ifindt be beld this week owing to 1.,5afAts. ii'y consent of 'venni His Lord-
nvg mitre ofidaties of,the chairman, but "
0 ip aireoted judgment) to be entered againet
will be he on the defeadent, Jallaa Hallman for the int-
' e re - Id Thureday evening of
The pulpit of St Peel's mediate peseession of the land; in ouestion,
nebetttet e mne eGu'opilatbde or rill oSeu npdaany. wieltbo°onktrar-va Trott. -An action to oat
text by it u Gutine conduct %side a gift in anticipation of death. The
arantiono eV r pleintiffs °named a Bum of money 'n p
Thanksgiving eervicee Clarist
ension of the defendant, which th.; lait°er
iihurch. London South. • claimed was given her by her now deceased
WILLIS ThO renulat anele. Zito action was traneferred from
monthly meeting of the W. V. M. S. the jury list and was tried without a jury.
Wart held Thursday evening, President, W Proudfoot, KL, arid t Diakeon (Ex-
am Bo Irwin, ne trading; Mrs W. Coate
prepe.red an excellent paper on the De-
votional topic "Servants who waited
for their Lord;" the missionary topic
elle Patrick" Was very ably dealt with
by Mrs Mcillarva. Mrs It. Irwin wag
appointed tepresentatiye to the dietrict
meeting to be held in Clinton on the
1th, Sch and Oth of October. This -so.
eery will hold their annual thank -of -
tering rneetitirt on the 10th of October;
tlie Watt, of Guelph, ie expected to
Address the ineeting....The Women's
'Foreign Itlieetonarl Society, Of the
Presbyterian, church web last Thurittlay
and Frid&y, and packed their annual
ehitittient of blafikete, clothing, etc., to
Indian Bead, to be dietribilted Wong
the Indiana ot that beaten, There
were twenty bales in all,
eter) for plffo; G H Watson, X Co (Toronto)
and F Giadmen(Exeter) far deft. jidg-
menteese reseeyed.
Neelin vs Grand *Trunk RAilWaY ea. -
Thio was an notion for dameg et for injuries
re:geed by plff on aeo^unt, as allegee,of an
noe.pe of steam from the heating,pipe on a
T R trein, the steam blinding the plaint-
iff and causing hit to fall between the oar
step and Sot platform as be was about 40
board tile train. The cage was tried at the
previous Aseizes, when the jury disagree&
and'a newerial wee had. E L Diainsob
for piff; Shepley, It 0, (lemma) and
Philip Holt, X 0, for deft. Verdict for
plaintiff for 5250 and cost% Ilia Lordship
tea the wrote of the fired trial would follow
the result of thili Wit
Cook Ye Steitheo•Ah ketion for brew%
of promise of marriage, W Proudfoet, 0,
the power of this word weer•noted in
the Gospels, 'Wed how allemportant it
was that we should hear and heed. We
mayeseparate•• hearing.. and doing., ._ in
thought and in life,but when setae -
ate. theta in life we put asunder what
tecod has Joined together. The great
worth ofany apt is its rxiotive or spirit,
and the spirit of it project rests upon
somedeep foundation of what a man
believee. The prevailing idea. that man
Is alerivht as long as he is kind e,nddoes
the square thing. is a good creeds° far as
it goes, but it must test on some belief
or it will not prove a lasting heritage in
the World to croxie. He must have hear-
ing as a principle for doing to have
vvorth,and that is one thing taught by
St James. We note another thing that
is taught by the same apostle, and that
is doing is More than outward activity
with all costs and expenses, the defendant 21th.-Witainlier-eldest-e-dailghtere-Gere ' nereoffeeendeititleedirnotwordee-Thelife•-
undertaking to bring no Within for the trude E, WWI united in the holy bonds
wrongful seizure of the tootle in queetion. of matrimony to Charles E. Shaw, Of women, Mary and Martha, were living
of the good Samaritan and the two good
. Cranfield, N. J., formerly of town, At examples of two sides of Christian life.
She hour of 0 the bridal, party entered St James Mentions three spheres of do -
Mr Tarts In Goderich - the parlor, to the strains of the weds beg, and only one of them Is what is
- • - ding -march, played by Mifie Eva Shaw, ;
Hon. J. I, Tarte, Minister of Public eister of the groOna. The ceremony' let, "Control of the tongue;" 2nd,"Vis-
generally understood to be active -
Works, expects to visit Goderich next was performed by Rev Mr Dunlop, in
Wedneltday, in order to open the Fall the presence of only the immediate oi tridn g
, "Keeping onesself unspotted from
the widow and the orphan ;",
• •
relative% there being no attendants. the world," and only the 2nd is clearly
Fair. and also to lealttaint hilneelf With The bride looked sweet in white organ- outlined in its doing. So we see how Si
the condition ot the harbor at that dv, with beautiful chiffon veil, fastened James' wOrds "Be ye dome of the word
'With white satin ribbon. After Cone i and not hoaxers only ' sends us back to
PI ‘i'Aceit,. editorial, bearing on hie recent the dining room, where a sumptuous
gratulations, the party adjourned to inner ptincitiles. We see that if we are
utterances concerning protection, la repast was pattaken of, the tables be- "doers of the word," all our life -the
unavoidably crowded out until next
.....Sromh.... ars, while the tonnes were tastily deco- Kr Craig has a pleasing calm and
ing very prettily decorated With flow -
rated with nayrtle. The nutnerotts and ' sincere delivery, and leaves the idea
dinerit,eprentUraenlidabe rtotiebnuetcrard--va be
Wioeeeal.branch of the Sovereigo Bank of that he wishes to convey clearly in otir
coetia presents bespeak the high es -
A LIBERAL DONATION. - The teem in which the young couple are mind.
Canada has made a very liberal donee Mr Mid Mrs Shaw entertained the evening amounted to $181,67, which Is
g The collection at both merning and
held by __the tdonors, In the evening
tion of it trophy to the value of li21 to mernbete of the Sunday School choir a little better then Met veer.
be Abet for at the taming shoot Of toe I -
Clinton Gtth Club on October Sth And
9: h. It is Open to Huron comity only,
ard is to be Won five timee before be.
coming the property of the competitor, -
Highest aggregate in this shoot will
constittite winning it onto, and further
particulars abOue it can be had Otkap,
plieittion to the secretary, a E HOVOY.
The Gun Club ,deeires, to, return their Burglars at Montreal blew it eix foot
sincere thanks to the bank for their nth into fragmente nod got away
liberality. The trophy is on exhibition with the earth box ' from an inside
In P B Orew's window, strong box, They Waived $124.85.
74 to 141. • .
... of Moak steers, heifere, newly. calved cows
G. T. R. stock -yards, Beeforth, a ' tan:Ober
The term otthe General SuperlOten
'and springers. Tiros Bnowit anon ,,-,
dent is eight years. An unsuccessful
On Monday, Sept; 29th, at 1 p, m., lo i 1
attempt was made to redoce ie to four,
12, Hallett; clearing sale of farm nook
but we venture to that if • Dr.' Car- coin
man completes his present ternielt will and inipleinente. Alex, SinitheproPoThos
Brown, auctioneer. • .
_never again be an eight year. term.
There was not at antretinierenye Beriouee-OneTheatia3e-flePte.0.1thiallne..ni jot .15..
con Moltillop, exteneive eel° ,of horses
opposition to his re-election, though a
number of votes were cast for °there, and cattle, Tas. Carlin, premeThoree3rown,
auctioneer, .
It stood Carman 144,Dr. Sutherland 87,
Dr. Rose, Ottawa 21, Dr. Potts 19, Dr. On Tuesday,Oet.2nd,st 2 p.melot 18,con.
et, R. S., Tuckeremith, 1 ohohie 50 acre
Ryckman 5, Jas. Allan 5, Dr Williams 7.
4, Dr. ktoss 2 ahd Dr. Young 1, fermahe propetty of the late JareEdwerde,
Dr. Carman is entering upon his 70th Chafe Wileon, adminietrator,Thos. Brown,
year, and few men in Canada have held and,
the position of presiding officer in any
Hotel, Brucelleldl Hotel end furniture,
On Friday, 00t.3, at 2 p. m., at Lettle'a
church court for such it lengthened
time. For about thirty years ehe has with all eetilPmenti. Atm MUSTARD., As-
signee, Tnos /hunt% Auctioneer.
been in the chair, first as Bishop of the
M. Fe Church,and now for 18 years as On Saturday, Oot, 44h, at 1 re ra. at R.
ge of tlecitis. anotiori wiled terve and tecond-hand WaGs•
dist Church. His knowledge General Superintendent in the Meth°. Deverena, werereobee, Settforth, clearing
gone and buggies.. IL Devereteprop.
eisione usually reieee with a,pptoval. Beowno etlei. '
Medea' law is unquestioned and his de-
' On Tundey, Oot. 7th, it 1 p. el,, lot 30,
The genial Book Steward, Rev. Dr.
J3riggs. was elected by acclamation. con. a. Etibbert, clearing sale of farm stook.
His woliderfel Bowen as business man- Peter MoOame• Pfelte Thos. Brown, auot,
ager of the lame Book Itoorti, dor- An exteneive toneserved auction dale of
mg the teeny years be has been in farm etook, implements ima. honeehold ef-
charge, has led the conference to wish ferns 40 bo held on lot 8, con. 8, Hallett, on
Th f be s ared for many Tueoday, Oot, 7, commencing at 12 o'clock.
ot Wesley A. discount of 5 per cent. swill be alloWed for
former members; while there they pre- THE "NEW HOME."-Wrei Moore, the years to continue his good work,The
eented the bride with a beautiful berry energetic Wel %gent Of the "New Herne" setne happy feeling prevadee themind cash. J. O. MeMichael,attOtoWnr. Altohi.
set, as it token of appreciation, Mr Sewing Machine Co has leased the frame hf the conference with regard to Rey, son, Prop.
and Mrs Shaw will remain in town beilding oh Hilton tavern for five years, end Dr. Iliostite who for many Yeare been Oe Thuredisy,Oot;Ottest le o'olook.oh lot
until Monday, when they leave for for the past m06031166 been renovating and in charge of what is known as the East., 7,00n.2, Stanley,extensiveriale of 120 Shrop.
their future home in Uncle Sam's do- • changing the interior, The lower half w 1 ern Book Room, in Halifax. SO ale() shireewenelsoiorneralifettnetocaland imple-
main. We extend congratulations. be fixed up aa 6 sitting room, and the po, t with regard to the well-known head of tteetese 'Hector Reid, prop , Thos. Boom,
• a show rooni 'het! been
or r p
onleiged, new fleets put In, ter4apeted and
painted, sod when he gets moved in will
make a 1)6r1 reatradablil bestows stand.
The "New HOMO" is eyidently
the, Mismon Itooms,Rey.Dr.Sutheriand.
His Wonderful abilities as an organizer un Monday, Oa. 18114 at 1 p. re. Lot 0,
and hie succeseful headline' Of the mtg., son, 1 Stanley, clearing sale of farm etock
einnaryllwork of the tburCh,. have long and implements. Atic3, liossirropriotor,
been reeogrezed not °sly hp his tivrit Tnen 'Snows, Auntioneat