HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 2e. cletStoruber 266, 1902 Ittlintsin low itat The Toronto Weekly Globe and New Era from now till t4e end of the year for 350 THE CLINTON NEW. BRA The many friends •of NU and. MOs Wm Lowrie, of the 8th con ktullett, - "' 1 will regret to learn of thesad bet eaye- pairmy, soprstunnR2e, 1002. 1 merit which has befallen them in tbe death of 1 heir on Vi11iaw. nhe sad esesisg ionic absence of one a the pre- event occulted on Wednesday of last 5111gee, the Iseoar eieetion petition week. .A.bout sight weeks agu he waa etricken with a Vona of dropsy and will be postponed from Sept 23 to a week from that tittle until his death he: was later. The place of trial is Carmen. confined to bed most of tbe time. He n to wait just entering into manhood, be- ing only 22 years and eight toontbs old i 'nf an editor were to snapat all the n. From the Chicago British -American cducements held out he would soon be a we take the following account of the enillionaire, If he ran a Paper in ac. marriage of a• former ntlyth. yopng lady "A pretty wedding took piane nerd with the popular notion he would on Menden efternoon'September lst. noon be in the alms -house. If he pub- at four o'clock, at the home of Mr and fished half the items sent to him he Mrs MensKenzie, 248 Ohio street, when would be in jail half tbe time and in the latter'e sister, Miss Mabel hoepitan the other half. Elroy, formerly of Blyth. Ontario, was united In marriage to Mr George ses t.1 V V Wright, assistant superintendent of According to the opinion of most ftfosp Two. factory. people the only person in any coalmen- It is with extreme regret that we ity who is entitled to express his own announce this week the death of one of the early and most honored settlers of opininn upon any subject is the editor McKillop, in the person of Mr Charles of a newspaper. If his opinion does not Dickson, who pessed peacefully away harmonize with that of some of the at his home, on the Oth coucesston on rceaders of his paper he either ought to eueeday. Por six months or more Mr be kicked or he is put down AEI an mnor- Dickenn lied been failing health, but Items. • he suffered trom no partieular disease. • • • It was just a general wearing out of Hon J. Israel Tarte was confined to the system, and being 80 yeast, of age, had run his earthly race faithfully and bis house for a day, suffering some- weis what Peons pains in" his limbs, incluced We record this week the death of mostly by overwork2 and exposure etir Andrew Pringle,one of Turnberrv's ploneer settlers who departed thie during the past week. Mr Tarte does life . on Sept 10t1i, at the age of 71 years and not spare himself in the way of ilsitS in 10 mobths. Mr Pringle was a native cal and mental exertion and his friends of I,Soxborourrhebire, Scotland. He are sdvibing him to tae a week's rest married a daughter of Mr David Nur • • • - ray. of Castleton, and carnet° Canada . in 1854. -In 1858 he settled on his farm, Sir Wilfrid's private secretary states ahout a mile and a half from Wing - that the Premier has been a little Indio- ham, He cleared his farm and, ex- perienced the joys and hardships of posed, owing to seasickness and the pioneer life, and reared a family of pressure of public duties, but this] in seven children, four daughters ape three sons flve of disposition has long since vanished, ' in his last illness, two daughters being and Si,' Wilfrid lwhom attendedhim e looking forward to dead. - • Switzerland. Sir Wilfrid intends to Ile of Saltecird's well-known reale. entspassed th the life beyond on Wed - spend a few days in Home.and then re- nesday of last -week. in the person of turn to Engiand,whence he Is to sail on Thos Gliders. The deceased had reach - the Lake Erie on Oct. 7. . td the advanced age of 82 yeare, and sdied of old age rather than any specific' Petition President Roosevelt. ailment. The late Mr -Gliders was born in geo nearColchesternn Essex county, Englend, In leil be came to Canada, remaining in • the province of Quebec till 183. u hen he moved to Goderich. He lived here for about four years, and had tince made his home in Saltford. Mrs Gliders died seven years ago, but their four sons and four daughters all will get the coat. •survive. • A distressingly sad accident These are are words used by Life in com ed on nniday last et a threshing on the !Denting on the anthracite coal strike, farm of Mr Gaston near Whitechurch, The by which Chas. Rintoul was assisting IAA there is;ainething to them. an the threshinenand was standing near • Peoele are, or should be the govern- machine, when he noticed than one -Meet, and if the government could of the belts was not on properly. He of put ins hand over the beit, probibly to demand the deltvery of coal in case ; pull it off, when tus hand yeas caught war the people should be able . to de- m the pulley and he was wound around mend the delivery of coat in time of until his shoulder was dislocated and the muscles alltorn off his arm, Dr. peace. Ae we ha.ve said beforisthe Avon, Kennedy was eummoned and found it age citizen,who is innocent cf the diffi. necessary to amputate the arm just be- cultv between the coal operators and .low the shoulder.. The injured man is married anlil.hatea small family depth - miners, is bearing the brunt of dent upon 22n. • • , its co asequenees. And perhape A serious accident happened on Fri - there is a way in vehicle- he -could day lase to F. Hogg, tinsmith at A. ons Wineham He was at bring his influence tobear on. the wYo°rulitteVe evostrishoP,andfell through situation. The average citizen, after an oneniog in the floor, and was found & delightfui holiday of two weeks in 0 "If there 'was& sudden war scare and the 'United States Government wanted hard coal for war purposes the mat would come with a rush, The demand of people will,in time,become as urgent as the demand of the government in case of war, and somehovr the. peoele lying in the cellar with his feet tangled ale constitutes a more powerful class in shoddy there is. in the cloth, In the ladder Help was called and it fl°°11' arid Panada neglects 9° great the community than either the coal' was found tliat the injured man had daniffopportunityttbo her &nether and in- - . The next objection has reference to •f ..erence mus e attributed, future the ens ctme ir that all goods menu. - Canada and the So nth Alrl- 4 ea* Trade, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Sept, 18th. Tbe paciflcation of South Africa, and the establishment of a direct line of steamers, bas naturally caused the Canadian manufacturers and shippers to exaosine the conditions which sur- round the new field of trade and com- merce, and many inquiries are being made. It is desirable that those con- ditions should be generally known, and it is not remiss to recall the fact that two years age a Dominion agent was sent to the Cape to examine and re- port. W. W. Moore has reported to the Department of Agriculture that he has conversed with leading importers at the great centres and that the out- look IS most Promising. It is Ilene teo soon for Canadians to wake up and- do their utmost to obtain a good footing in the newneannexedcountry. At the very moment when the song of peace thanksgivinn was being sung in Pretoria, tbe publication branch of the Agricultural Department was issuing an article manifesting the wants of Greet Britain's newlY-so- quired subjects, -and .describing how ilanada can opportunely meet many of them more economically as well as more expeditiously than any of her competitors. This manifesto -was nec- enmity lengthy, but not more so than the exigenotes of the occasion demand- ed • The Canadian Departnaent of Agri- culture has received many inquiries as to what South Africa requires, and howhow it may best acquire it. In the first place, South Africa rep quires everythusg that. Canada has to offer, and it requiree it iu two grades - the beat that can be supplied in open competition at market ptice, and the, best that can be supplied irrespective of price. Naturally. the first must receive pri- the fact is recalled that in the very . year that war was proclaimed, the South African market turnover to the a good article, price being a secondary con. United States of America was eighteen eicieration. But this feature of SouthAfri- million dollars. This was not the re- oan trade aill, no doubt become less pro - suit of spasmodic effort but the out. •minent as the interior -become more corae of direct • personal commercial thiokly seteel and its inhabitants more representation for a Aeries of ware on ProsPesone. . the snot. To quote W. W. Moore, of • You drink your Own Heatlh when you drink Abbey's Salt. Extracted from the juice of pure fruits, it is both a giver and pre. server of health. beyl s.ffervescent is recornmended by physicians because it purifies the blood, cleanses the stomach, invigorates ' the liver and gently regulates the bowels. it keeps the head clear, the eyes bright and the complex- ion good. Insist Oft "Abbeys." mary consideration, especially when le • Properties for Sale or to Let Cottage to Rent, HALE, Huron et., °ninon; JAMES SCOTT To Rent Cottage on Princess street, p lYt9 . B nerrieter,iSolleitoe, 0 - ehelir18181.tirgd cgrie,1301144,2gligieg7,a. Fit CBI For Sale or To Rent. alfrICE Clinton • -Elliott Meek, /ease Street:. CLOITOSi. ings and 4 acres good orchard. House storey elONEV l'er LOAN. ' To tete 184 acres, both farms well watered, good boil - Lots is and 14, VIM. 1, Colborne. containing •F•T briek; barns,. elm &SABO and the other 0x36, •ISARRISTWA BOROYi)(4°TNOIGE; NOTAR • That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, Huron Street, lately ocenPled by 0.Witts• .40* ply to THOS. JACKSON, Sr., I Sept. 0 -tf Clinton Farm For Sale. The west half of lot 24, Hayfield Con. fled. erloh township, montaining ).00 agree c 119e5 land, is offere,d for sale on easy term,. Good barn, lag berme, plenty of water and email orchard. Particulars on application to conteine 118 o,ores more or'L. es of good feria tf- P. TISDALL,Clintue. I For Sale or to Rent. Stable under both, drivine house, ben and pig barn, sent by hydraulio rant; 12 wires in fell wheat. Sept 5 V731.33LAKE, Bentz .11ei. 1713 et°airfes, Oepep-mialte16:1Zr1;01:SPiro:G.sllerf - PU.OoLLIIONT, :TO. stables, 160 acres cleared, waterat house and RICOOLIT 81, HAI.E Good Farm for Rent, The undersigned offers for rent lot 12, in the CJONVEYA,140ERS, 001IMISSIONER ;Irinatland eon. t'olborne, situated 7 miles from Real Estate and Insurance Agency: . Clinton and 914 froze Goderieh, 3% =heti from Money to loon. • church and % mile from school* this farut Tio.,.... . Cl.13. ITALIC, JOHN 1111:90/- 1 Comfortable house and lot, on Albert St., - Clinton, for sale cheap, lot f acre, House $ suitable for small famliy. Apply at NEw Ens 1 office. -- for term of years,apply to JNO. McGREGOR, Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres In good state of onitivation fe *ale or to rent on premises or MUSD. McGREGON, 2 onset. B, b.. Tuckeremith, -Seaforth P. 0. Feb. 2 -If. 1 lend of title/310o acres aro cleared A geed two story frame bowie, good bank barn, hen house. Pig atable, also soros of good bearing orchard, 2 good wells and 8 "Weir failing springs of water. tf. A. E. ALLIN, Bentniller Ont. For gale a Objections to ueglalation for the Dominion !Depanktnent of Agee 11- ture, who was sent by the Hon. Sidn sr Protection of Wool Growers. South African trade relations and orac. (BY ALFRED MANSELL, ShreWebilrY, South African market •has been recog. The objections to the proposed goy- nized by the business houses of the ernment bill are rather strongly put United States for years past, and by by the Textile Vihrld, a paper, judging persistent efforts ard good business' from its name. which has its symeathe stantial trade." ' , • • ;They state that if the bill becomes law tattles they have there built up a sub- ies mainly with the manufacturers, Business cennot be done in South no fabric containingthe slightest pro - Africa by proxy any mere than it etlal portion of wool will come into ti in India. Catalogees; circular's bill», United Ststes, for .there is no method Fisher to ascertain all the details of Shorthorns for Sale. Two registered Shorthorn bulls ,red color;.orie 28 months old and the other lamontbs. of excel. lent pedigree, choice animals. JOHN COMING, Lot 22, con; 18, Hullett, May 28-42 Londesboro P, 0. Stable for Stde. • • loft, stall, A harnese room, grain bine, a roomy bay A good atable with sisven single stalls, a ',box ete„will be sold at a very reasonable price. April 11-tf. W. BRYDONE, Clinton. Farm tor Sale. . — Subscriber offers for sale his faun 02 60 acres on the Huron Road. Tnekersmith, being pert of lot No. 41. all cleared. Gooe brick house. bank batn, plenty of water, of AR acre roling orchard. About halnamile east of Clinton, en sz tvfe.1 road. JOHN PICKETT, Clintoti Molise for Sale. - A good frame house on Huron Street, 1% • bees "the ma • gnitude and value of the •• England) atories; contains 3 bedroom, parlor, dining • - room, hall, closets, kitchen. woodshed. hard and soft water, half aore lot, • with bearing halt trees. Apply to j. tiNYDER, • June 27-4, . Huron Street. Good Hodge for Sale.' • • *Subscriber offers for sale hia house and lot on Albert St. north. • The lot is one quarter acre with al number. of bearing fruit trees, 'hard anclaoft wateiand cod stable...-. House pamphlets, letters. soliciting hueineas knewn to men , of aletermining nem,. _ oms closet all ry, wash room and Without a. llersonal canvass ..and fair much of the wool in a fabric •bas been, iii3;tougtozeriflar. - ill b. s-ld (Mean. sized samples are as neeless as rouetard and bow much has not been, subjected • • • FRED LOT', Clinton. without meat To do .anytbino thcre to a manufacturing process before it ' a firm must know the conditions; of reached the neill where it was last con - trade and. the local manner of conduct:, verted into cloth. This, I am inforrn- ing business; and lc,cal traders mnst ed, is incori ect. The Bradford Con- knownhe standing and business nue h- ditioning House can determine what ods of any firm befnee thee will do any fabric is mane of by actual percen- business with them- Once get in the teem • • thin end of the wedge and the entire 111 18 stated that the Custom House factory ratty follnw; but getting the officials can distinguish cotton, linen, ,start in is the difficulty, silk and certain °Our fibres from wool The United States, New Zealanctand and woollen shoddy, but they will be. 'Australia are all doing Well in South forced either to refuse admission to Africa, then why should Canada be the goods or accept the statement of less successful? Now the tide is at the the importer as to howl much wool barons or the miners' union, and we fallen a,gainst. the stone wall, and was . at ute. The Goyennment of the De- factured prior to the passing of the f lying unconsetousna a pool of bionsrefor imagine that if he got up & series o minion in her Minister of Agriculture, Act, end which had pessed cut of the • • he had bled profusely. A cut seyeral and her Commissioner of ,Agricniture 1 handsot tbe Manufacturer and the in - monster petitions addressed to Piedinches long was found on - the back of tient Roosevolt and calling upon Lim to -end the pi esent deadlock in the coal mining regions -we we sae, that something would heppen, This is The Woiltre suggeetion in ease the mine owners and miners -do not soon come togetner, and We re- spectfully offer it the people of the United States. A coal femme will be as serious a menace to- the East( rn States as would be the declare -ion I f war by a foreign power, and if the government cou:d coma the delivery' of coal to the people tue• the purposes - of peace. And besides being a national ques-' ton, an actual coal famine would haste and Dallying, has acted prbmptly gredients of which are not known. his head, pribably caused by his failing against!: the stone wall; severe bruises were also found on his bode and arms. He was only coneciousfor brief periods until Wednesday. He ie now doing as well as Weld les expected. . utiey Wednesday morning Mr Wera Pullnaan, of the West Ward, started on foot to assist his brothers Thomas,. ofRibber% at threshing. He was in the very best of tenth • and as eheery as usuai. As soon as . work betratt he *as assigned a position im the stack. About an boor later be was seen to fall, and when reached life was extinct. Death seemed to be instantaneous. The seperator was stopped and the body removed to the house..Word Was at once sent tn•his aged •wife, who an international bearing. A great Was so terribly overcome with grief section of Canada depends for coal that the scene is said to have been upon the mines of Ohio and Penney).- heartrending. •Deceased was about trouts, and the petiole of the; ionntre. '73 years of age robust and scarcely a have a right to demand that Uncle day tick in hislife. He was one of the Sam implies a moral if not a legal oldeet settlers of this neighborhood, international obligation on his part to and a peaceable abdrestieeted citizen. refrain from suddenly deprivieg these • provinces of their fuel supply, Twenty Years of t3errice to age Therefore, for both national and in- I pie of the Eastern States, if the situtie Tbniannual autumn number of the ' riculture., ternational reasons. we adviee the pen tion does not improve soon to petition . Fasasiss wet le, a espy- of which ha,s their chief magistrate as we have sug- just been received, is designed to cow- gested.-Toronto World. memorate the twentiethnrear of public- - . . ation of this most excellent farm iour- Crisp County Clippings . - nal. This number to some extent con- trasts the position of agriculture I 1 - day with that of twenty yevs ago. In John Helm has purchatted from Jas this' connection the articl by O. C. Martin the house on Shuter street, natnee,Depitty.Minieter of riculture; Winghara, now occupied by S. Merin* Mr Wm Davies, Preeident the Wm field. , Damien 0o., Toronto., and e Col. Mc - Ci ea, of Guelph, are especially note. Mrs W. G. Patterson, of Winghano, worthy. Other notable contributors mourns the death of her father, Mr are le als trodeon.Dorninion Live Stock John McMahon, a respected resident Commissioner; A W Campbell, Com- _ elf_Litinostels who died on the 7th inst. missiontir of.Etighwa_s_ve- C 0 Creeinaan, aged 80 years. • Supt. iirPiiitnefir- Inititutes ; .A7E1 The Teeswater News has -changed Westervelt, Secretary' of tne Live hands, and Mr Colwell is the new pro- Stock Associations! W Sraith,Presid. prietor. lktr Butchart did not intimate "t (:'t the f'sr(miticuti what" fah' A *Dere he intends to locate. Ruddick, chief of the dairy divieion, •• 0 Reese, an d IVIelyin Bartle ttNieinn ipeg, • A change has taken plaee thie week W H Hay contributes an excellent art. in the firm of Homuth SOPS, Wing. icleCclealing with Menden display at ham. J. J. Horouth, lifter a long and the Wolverba,nspton and Cork expos!. honortible experience, retires from the time In the farm home department business which will be continued by Miss; Laura Rose writes most interest - bis sone, In the same stand. Ingly of borne life in rural Nova Scotia. The story of Canadian dairying and the A happy event took place at the resi• development otCanatlins eettort, bacon deuce of Mr Chris Jobb, ninth line, trade ate titles of two carefully peeper- Turnberry, on Wechiesdity of this ed erncles by the editor. The illustree week, when Miss Lizzie Hastings, time are ritimerous tepresent f sister of Mrs Jobb, was united in mar- and other scenes in all parts of the riage to Thomas Martin- ef the same Dominion. The various tleteirtments township. Rev W, 3, sWeety 11. Ps .$ performed the marriage eerefriOny! Mr Wm Acheson has sold his term, lot 8. on the 3rd concession of Hellen., to Mr Thomas McMichael, who lives across the road. The farm coutaine 100 acres and has on it it goon house and fair buildings. The price paid we $6,200. Mr Acheson intends cetning tr. Seenorth to live, having Mirchtteed the residence and property of Mr F. C. G. Garden, just welt of town, lot which ,he paid $1,250, Wfilliam Wallace, formerly of God- erieh and now of Petrolea, returned this Week for his bride, wilem hes wed- ded on Tuesday at the home of her events, Mr and Mrs Richard A. of the runlet contain special matter of inteteet and the peblisher ie to be con. gratulated upon the excellenee of the number throughoot. DR.11. W. CHASE'S On CATARRH CURE roues h tett direct to the diseased yam by the improved BlOvrer, Heals the taleerit, Cleat the Mt piesages, Mops droppings In the throat and permanently cuter Catarrh and Hee Fever. Blower - free. All dealer* or Dr. A. W. Chat° lifedielneCo.,-Toronto and 13uffalo, 0010; ada, forest fires are unchecked Oregon citiee have rallied $0,eS1 for silt eters. Scotch iiiintes have accepted it reit:lotion part ; it only remains for her omater- shall be labeled "Manufactured Prior cial men to act well their part, and to the Pure Fibre . Act; Composition South African patronage will not fail • not Known.' ' • to arpreciate the bold! and , patriotic The at tick in question contends that part the sons of Canada have taken in .that the manufactured goods thus the war to uphold the right in the placed under a. ban would approach in Transvasi and in putce to ' eupply the value V50,00000, and by Melling domestic wanted of her nape/see, ' them they would be cast under sus - What does South Africa require thatpicion tegerdless of merit, Thia. I Canada can supply by ournewly-organs take it, could be minimized to a great iseddirect eleamship line ? • extent by postponing the bill coming The Colony of Natal, ef which Dur- into operatlon until astrean or so had ban is the chief city and port, requires darned from its becoming law. annually $1,123,435 worth of flour, which When margarine was sold as butter is admitted free of duty; and as the first a great hue,, and cry was raised, and Consignment of Canadian -flour was rightly sn, because the fat of an ox WAS landed there during Mr Moore's . yisit, being tend as the product of the cow, ondprovedsatisfacn ry,in every respect and now, fcirsootn, because a simple the dealers being so pleased with the tnicroscopic examination (as is the cage ouality that they despatched repeat or- with margarine) will not disclose the aers in Mr Moore's presenoe,bere is a staple fraud, we are told Ln -this article that . oommoeity for which e Aerie demand ex- no attempt must be t•nade to pr )tect late. They -require a hard springwheat the public and ensure their be.ng able flour, and Canadian preclude will get the to purchase a pure woollen garment, preference over those of other countries. Difficulties were made to be overcnme. Natal consumes fIC3,230 worth of im- and we should, 'bet be content to eft ported cheese, •Canadian dbeddars down and take it as an accepted fact meeting a ready.eale. The 70- pound that there is no solution of this prob- cheese will do for Durban town trade, lem. but the country trade can only be com- Another difficulty that the writers mended when each cheese does not ex- sde is that honest manufacturers of ceed 20 poen& insweight. • ROOCle .containing On of wool would The same colony reqpirest , $,01,7,10, teg them as mixed or shoddy goods, worth of butter per annitinn:' The -S3 `titililst the dishobest manufacturer rd - pound box will do for the local trade of goods containine. 90% of shoddy would Durban; but the interior trade will tag them as all wool. This difficulty only touch tinned butter in one, twe or may arise, but I 'am under the impres- five pound tibe respectively; sion that to work up CO% of shoddy a There is an import duty of 0 cents per emsiderable amount of cotton must pound on both eheese and butter. ' be used; and the dishonest manufactu- On bacon and hams the import' duty rer would probably find himself mule - le 4 cents nor pound. and $145,515 ted in enemy fine, worth are require(' annually. Hitberto As before stated, undoubtedly some Canadian has been purchased in Lon- shoddy is far better, and would make don and Liverpool and thence shipped a better cloth, than some sorts of for. to the colony. Mr Moore was informed eign• low grade Kerripy wool, but tbese nay several grocers that Canadian bacon alone, and not adulterated, could not vette thesbeste-on-the-Durbans.markee, anakeset_cinthistnecelyeAnyone. and and it is preferred over all other kinds. 'therefore would not compete with any Cape Colony, of which Capetown, except the adulterated goode. East London. and, Port -Elizabeth are That there are many 'difficulties in the distributing centres, the latter for the way of getting practical legislation the Orange River colony, the Trans. on the subject cannot be denied, but Vaal, and the northern part, of °Ape the importance of promoting honesty Colony, requiree at least 114,185,070 amengsttnanufacterers and protecting worth of Wheat a- year, the duty os 210 people from ittptesitien demands wheat being CO cents per hundred. the serious attention of the Legislature weight, but, that en flour is 21.12 per of all civilized ealrItirille, because as a hundreciWeight, the extra ininort being matter Of fact it really coneerres the to encourage wheat milling in' the cal- masses of the neonle more than the may for theyonly require $rSeen) sheep wed who are ditectly interested. worth of flour iitiported in the course because under present conditions all of tWelvemonthe.1111111 the poorer clams are entirely. clad in Op cheese and butter the linport the adulterated goods. duty is G dente per pouted. Of the • There can be no gnestion that the former the Colony requiree SE'53,2C3 Majority of men and women -Who go worth a year, And of the latter eilliSerse into a shop to purchase woollen goods per annum. While our '70 e oued hair's no knowledge of the extensive cheeees may be Imitable for Capetown trend daliy Pernetrated tnuelllng them all other places demand small Mein's& goo& largely composed of eubttitutes not in any case exceeding 20 pounds for wool, and that CO % of the buyers each. Bon butter may sell in cape. have no idea that when, asking for town. hut nowhere eta& the demand woollen goods they nre 'too Often put. being for One, two, and five pound chasing an • tirtidle from which raw Woe's conspiettous bn its absence. tint:. had= and hams the wante are similar to those in Neel. A few of the manyother loon pro - dude required which Canada can Impel), are potatoe& dried and tinned fruit& canned Meatiefrozen and dulled means rolled oats, condensed milk, hlit peas and bermes tinned vegetables. British Columbia Witten salmon. and jam& -and in industrial oroducte alt kinds of triainifectured entielete prune, Stanley street, Goderich. Thrin woo, . Se meets for the articles then bind en - nuptial ceremonn WAS OW0011161 at - &tenter competitve ,peioett. in the past noon by Rae' J. W. Robineon pastor HOok--/letee Something abettO f011Ote "tried" rather thaw (lenity" has rukid in of Victoria street tiethodiet 'obilrele who was kiLled eavesdropping. notith Africa ; but tine mein!, applied to In the presenCe of 0, gathering of re- e-Bentiedropping 7 the tnetionntty trade; beoetuie in the totnefid listiVes and intlittate:frierlde. In -Yee, he fell from a rte. the Well.10.110 eittlie Went and Maid haye f For Sale or tA) iteis4 • . • The choice brick howie on the corner of Fun ton and Jeseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- nary family, is practically a new house; with all,conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre of land. If the property is not sold or rented, part of it will be rooted. Apply to - W. COATS ExeoutOr Clinton . • Farm for. Sale. Lot 31, Conoeselon Er. R. S.., 103 acres; echool house on premises; within Rye minutts walk of church; 5 miles from Clinton and 6 miles from Seam th; large frame house, good orchard, tnost13• winter fru.t, 2 good wells and. cistern, 2 barns, one 43x66, with stone stabling underneath, the other 98s60 driving shed and hen house, Apply ter WHITFIELD CRICH, Clinton P. 0. • . Aumist 1-tf. Farm For Sale. . . The subseriber offers for sale that choice -MI= on the liuron mad, Twateremith_, just . east of Clinton. at pr A nit occupied by Mr Fisher. It consists of 160 acres, more or less, . with good frante•house,bank barn,silo,windnmtll and small orchard.. Plenty.of water. An excellent farm In asplendid. looality.• For terms Apply to ARTEHTB. COUCH,Olittnia; For hale. . . Cottage. almost new situated on Issao Street near oestre of town, enntaining Hall, Double Parlor, 1. Ming room, three' bed rooms, three clothes closets, kitchen, ' and pantry. Also summer kitehen. Goo i atone cellar, hard and soft water. , gond garden, large and small fruits s hundexce, Ince Iowa. All in first-class Indition. Owner leaving town. .A.Iso some good furnitnre to be sold privately at the house. Apply to - • 1 m*.Ang 29 a; T. E MMERTON Clinton. Farm for Sale. • A splendid 100 acre farm consisting of the East half of Lot 1.,0, con 1; East Wewarrosh, Rood frame house with kitchen, barn 36165, and abed 30x40 in which there are good stabling hard water of never failing well; 8 sores bush, 1 mire of orchard, situated I} miles from Au burn and 60 rods from echoer. For lurther particulars apply to H. GOVIER, . June 6-4* ' • Auburn .P. O. ,Rnrchine4i15.•nli have possession this fail. Farm. For Sale. • Lot. 12, Bayfield con., Goderich Sp.. 118 acre (85 eleared,balance hardwood,with a large amen? tity of cedar on It). in good state or cultivatior about five acres fall wheatAnd considerable' fall plowing done. Comfortable brick house large hirn withstabling underneitth,driving abed and other outbuildings; about 3 acre orchard, mostly winter fruit ; well wateredzmeverfail- ing spring creek and two wells Seven miles from Clinton and threefrom9layfield. Posses- sion at wry time, reasonable term. Apply for fel•ther particularto CHAS. SIMON'S. 72 St. David at.. Goderieh. -- To Iteut-or for -Sale " Frame residente.andl acre of lend on Mari Street, Clinton, nroonts; cellar, woodshed ,hard an dsoft water, netv stable and driving ohed, excellent garden, 'with plura, pear and annlit teneeete. 111S0 tor Sale. At any time np to let Sent,... acres,partOf the Foot sr Blook,eto.,a.t the Norte rind ot V. Whim Street, Clinton, which Is a 'Valuable property for fruit growing, being weal planted out in betty bushes, en ..11 fruits, apples, eta,. There is also a very excellent grade of sand and gravel on the premises whioh is veeyprolitable. Apple tor. STRATIII,or to W.BRYDONI0, .A.Pril 18-4 Clinton. A Firit-class Farm tor Sale or To Rent. In the Township of West Wavy/Int:sit obneet. Men eve, lot twenty seven, eontainit,g 200aeres Moro or less, about 176 acres cleated lu a good state of Cultivation, good fences, well watered Reed orchard, buildinga in good shape, steno teaming under barn 42 by 82, convent.ns 10 flehtt le, churches and Post -Office. Will be SOlcl 011 easyltertnejoenit purohaser. Apply to W.:H. CAMPBELL Westfield Real Estate tor Sale. -- Part of farm, lote 88 and 83, onwest side of Islaitlandcon.,one mile north of llolmesville, containing 97 acres. The north half of lot 26, con. 2,and west part of lot 24, con, 8, one half mile from Clinton, north, on gravel road, oceattanuig 90 acres. The brick dvrelling including lots 18, 19 and 20 on corner of Joseph and Marto streets, in Clinton, 4 Theframe dwelling on west side of Victoria street and next north of railway. Liberai terms hisult purchasers. Apply to W• W. FARRAN or C. C. RANCE, Clinton March. 28-3m, . 4I,�444444 -e--•••-•-•-•-•-•-•7*•-•-* You'll Miss WI If you decide about your education - and aeleot a school before you seethe new oetalogue of the • Centra'Bustness College = TORONTO , &postal will bring it by return mai) and aside from ite artistic valve you - will be interested in the work of an up to date businese school which employe.. 12 teachers, °wens 100 Typesetting 7 maabines, and sends, out nearly 500 young people into good positions each ,e year. Autnnit session from Sept 2nd Enter any time. Write for catalogue • W,,11, Shaw, Principal ' . 'range& Gerrard Sta, Toronto 4141.,4011•4••••••••••4446 -THE- • NIMICO & HARRISON. _BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE • Cots inttige and College Ste.; Toronto. • Courses of study :Conimercial , • Shorthand, Typewriting, Eng- lish, Civil Service, and Plathe- . mattes. - Open entire year -day and sinning. Individuel instruotion. Enter now.- - Write for further information. anted Young me a and women to prepare for geed situations. Apply to botninion Business College The bent egnipiied Business and Shorthand' College in Canada. Reduced tuition rates. Writens regarding our courses . of study, and prospects ot securing sitnetions 'for graduates. ClatalOgne sent frees Address . J. B. •alicKEY, Depr"C" Confeduration Life Bldg. .Toronto Ont. Sh.ortliand Bookkeeping .Busi-neJiiw;:lVnti' Cerresponderice, Type. writing, eto„ , Thoroughly taught by experi- . mend teaohers at the • Forest city Bust, neSs College,Y.M.Q.A. ng, London, Ont. We have no diftleulty in plaoing competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for. Catalogue. J. W. Westervelt, Principal Ma rble &Granite • 11C.TOIR•TCS The pureheser of a monument should have complete oolifidenee . in the reliability of the firm, fr,)in wheel he bay& for the material and workmanship is something very few buyere are familier with. If you do not know us, plow M - quire about our rellebility fretn those who know us beat. We are the only practical:men here 1nour line. J. 11. Hoover, Proprietor Nelze t,oCaukiner dill) Rotel Drifileilahets Heave 8m...inly 11 or 'W. A. liAllitl.90N, Luekne This presses heavily on the laboring , sass* tend artisan, cltinees, ,.t.. p. llriteit ef1t ly • never get anything except Bo -called °Aft After 'cheap goods, but Whieh Would be more truthfully de 'notated If caltea bmw- prieed zooids. it its Contended that even if the piice were somewhat en- ariced the genuine woollen gartnent t s o Se* '7,GDWe Phopplitialies tie Greed .Englfsh Nein*. Sold and recommended by an druggists in Canada. owe -nee able mediotne discovered. 814 ka es guaranteed to cure all da w'......... all effeete of Otter) would give greener cOmfort end health, peceoxe.eosso,tittenoterls WorrY, xeessive use of To - wear touch longer, And in the end "a timulante, Mailed On receipt ;Vile tie katil Si $5 Onsedtt Oases periVe much more eatneanaical thae milletstre, Lap ati's efge sib limy siddyeset. adulterated gold, T h0 COMpanys Windsor, Co* tcertespondente Englaed, Cite United itover,0 at d:te W $ In eoriclueioni bee' o express my sense of obligation to the numerous* Viciod's Phosphodine i in Chinon in• States Min Ceniada, for meek valuable Information thinplioci to IRO ,,;;j CURE For Broken* Winded HJOREESI Ceres Heaves, Cameo Cough, and MI Clitonie'Affee. 6T1t; of.d the Throin, and Lungs., Tha. only medicine J the worlthfa ,eute We above disease, making the Aelmelitetted le Wetland motet toles owner. rriec, 51.60 Dr. MotittlittYst !kidney es Cough Powders, forall Acute Affections of the throat and lungs, melt as Itintemper, etc. For, eiebnswelling and smelting Of the legs, THEbit MICOA1401, srcountsis co., iteteettine.' Ont. Vet bele by /I 13 Conibeiaroggist CHARLES SEAGEFI Barrister Solicitor Notary and Conveyer'', Offiee-,-OPPosite etaborne Hetet ooderieh Ma 01 CAMERON , formerly of Camaro* Holt Qs Cameron BARRISTER AND souorcoa, Office-ilamilton St oppoelte Colborne ROE GODERIOH, ONT DICKINSON .16 °ARROW B4R1ISTERS, SOLICITORSOCTO. Office7-Corner Hamilton St. and the Sea - Ooderieb, Ont. H. L. Dickinson 0s.-Guulow.LL.D PROUDFOOT es HAYS. semusTEms, Somorrons, Nona= ; PUB!. Properrone IN rims Maarrinss Mau, Ato.- Office:North et,, next door to Signal OM Private Funds to /end at lowest rates okhaterest. W. PltpDpFOOT.' 0. HAIM] GYJNN, L. It. C. P. et S. Edinburgh, Oftios--Ontario Street, Clinton. Night ca at front door of office or residence. Rastene bury Street. DR WM. GRAHAM Licentiate of the Royal College ei London, England. (411"411411N"TRILITOTIB°111-"S Mouse, Buren Si.. N- DR. J. W. SHAW. AseouolienPrIneStei.9,IoANIBc'eeaUnad"rMiresidence On toattripowiflt.b, troppDprbo:At,eputica7onsi.sitrshcietehrtoutnor.otth,4, ,ottoot. op_ DR. Q. W. 'THOMPSON special attention given to ditte,ases.oethe Eye, Ear, Throat and Nese. . Moe and Residence- " Albert Stree1,2 Blocks North of liattenburil 0 ' hrEST-HOLMES • DENTIST (Suottessor to:Dr. T. C. )3rnoe Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work , D. S.--Gre,dnate Rigel College DentatiSure D.3). s."`AVottalCAZI:•=tikot nee.' tal Department of Toronto • cniversiey • Special ettention joaid to preservation ohildren's teeth. Will visit Hayfield evety • /deader. • • . • • Office over 'vs. Tesler dr Senht shoe store. . ' DRS. AGNEW. ift BILLIPiGS • . DENTISTS,CLINTON.' . °Moe adjoining Photo Studio. est, 0 -Mee Hours -9 to 6 every day an Saturday until TO p. tn. Bien& offices in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and, Bayfield. • V 't e ermarv• DR. J. FREEMAN.' • . VETERINARY SCBGEON, Member of the Veterinary Medical A Imola. tions of London and Edinburgh, and; Grada- ate of the Ontario Veterinary College, TREAT MBA/MS.0p ALL ANIMALS I *•011 Office open night and day, opposite (13 t • • PrtuPs church, Ontario Street. Clinton, ;Ont. - • NELSON BALI.. veterinai)' Surgeon Successes. J E. BLACIE41,1.• - Dieetteee of all domesticated animal's, treated on seientific principles, • ' Calls Promptly attended to Office-e;Isaac St, Clinton, residenceS. ' Albert St. Phone On Miscellaneous. R. E.- 7 IVIANNING. . ..,. 1 i in aura neeA gent, .. Onitti1q Lite Assurance CO., . , pre, Marine, Accident, plate (Has* Oiliest 1 .1. P. Tiedall's nine. abeam. ,..11/11.11,111AGE'LICENSESIssued by the eh- . , dersigned at bio Residence, Nary Atte° Clinton. - JAMES SCOTT, Slt TAMES CAMPBELL. LONDESSORO, 4 ISSUER Oh' MARRIAGE Lit:SERER NO witnesses required • W. GLEN CAMPBEL Organist and Musical Direoter at North Street Church, Goderich, and teacher ,o , PIA.NO, PIPE ORGAN an THEO V, is pre. pared to take a limited numbet of Pup il is - the above. For terms apply this otlice or to. MR CAMPBELL,•whOn ay 10 8000 fi um 11 eon toik p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton Friday or each week. 1,-.--la'-'111ACkffERSON "° INSURANCE. Fire, Life', accident Plate:61a e . ONTICIS ISLACYCAIS SLOulti LLIKV0er . . JOHN W. YE0 HOLMESVILLE, • sseetif Mr the IllAwmigsrint Frag ASSY:MAW= Co, of Idanehester, England Whom hands are security ere rated at $14,500,000'. Also the Ale. KILLOP MUTUAL Int:TRANCE Co. All °lame 0 form riske and town prenertr taken by lowest rates. First-olass ,Lottn Colametier Who represeeted. Money 10 10 had. front 4 er cements tioeotsine to stater, of riecuritr.- Deng, mail to - postal Card iv it' fete hina ')IeltILLOP 1111.11TAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. te.qtm and 1881,,ATIRsar InteilsnitTV orrzonne /. 13. Motaian, .Presidtett, Ilippen P. O.; Th09. FE. raser, Vioe-prosident, Brno/Meld P. O. • Tho..flitytt, esey.Teette,, Seaferth _P. O.; 'W. Gs BroedfOot, IntleeCtor of Magee. heaforth Dritsorone NV*0. ordatifootr Seater' n; &MA G. Orley° Winthrop 11. On George Date. Seaforttli John Ittlei•ig:li..P!v(Tri`rbigt=1",gel.:14* Bruttefls ;Jobb $3, bleLeah, Rippon simnel Connell linten. Ailinaresi notes entitle toiteock; ROM, MoMihien et, forth:, Settee, caroming, Eaniondvine• n; Vel. Yeti, 1101natleV1110; Gsktrge Blerliettild Jelin Ce Morrison, aliditore. Potties deeirOne to effect Insurance et trans tint other bueiness Will be promptly MUM dissl td en appiletwein to any of the abort* =be Or tO r•OPOOttil Oikeelb. • I 1