HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-26, Page 1oupowitosefvey-mmu
1 What Does Tour Label Say
uOicetee Hor.erees Pub
The Toronto Weekly* Globe and New Era from now, till the end of did year, for 86o
FirtztSt Helena ,-On Wednesday ot last week Seninliter
our village was thrown into a state of OCh.e-The thank-offeripg in co- Nol'as.-Mrs NeWeIl and fain
excitement by a fire to the southeastflection with the Hardt) rmailionvebn% are ePr ndeianrifircnocaurpdleineo! wdeeakned
Many conjectures were mad
to e as o of Calsdri church, OD F id e
what it was that WAS succumbing tolastr,etalittreat
atitendo; m: Fair last week. A Maedel had thedcVanstone spells A few
days at Londo
the fiery monster. At length word r ag
Timm are eheneed, end are chengingehe , was received that it Was OD the 2oti address by Rey J.J. Hastietof Belgrave, misfortune to eprain his ankle whit
&maple no longer bu? their glaesee of ignors OMIcesSiOD Of Met Wewanush, on the givinFC ouStows, religion, etc.. ot the engaged. in threshing at J. Snyder's ci
,..• ociax Into purchasing wonderfel optiOal Fisher. It appears that BegleY a ma- 101e, being an eye.witnese of nearly all ChuROEL-Rev A E Shaw conducted
4 queoke; nor arethey even content i 0 so to • chine had been threshing there during, facts related; the recitatione rendered tha services in North street Niethodis
-46 store and piok out a pair of cheap epee- the daY. As the day's work was about by thelchibiren and .otbets were much church on Sunday last, The service
taclee with which they think they eau Bee finished it was found that one of the appreciated; Collections amounted to here on Sunday last was taken by ID m
beat for A minute or two. When their eye s Polierl on the elevators had become About $17.. Don't forget the arinivee. Beck°, of Goderich; a very interesting
ache or their. sight blurs, they Beek aa mated by the winding around of some earl' Services 10 connection with Calvin and practical dirromarse on Tempera/see
educated optician in whom they have con- straw. This was cut away and it was church here on Sunday, Oct llth. Rey was given. Large numbere from here
fidenge, and expect nira to be able to advise thou ht that all was safe. The floor1,1
J. S. Henderson. of Hensel', will eon.; have atteisded the evangelieel sesegeee
Rohn env1110. •
Chickens Wanted -Au urnb r of k or
IlY Wyndotte chickens, 3 The or over. WOO
tit price, write orbring them direct to the Domi
m lee PelnlrY statiOni Froinassvilie,F„ca Elior
Pile Label Tells tite Data,
$1 per yesr in sdruncv
0,50 when nOt sowed
Additional Local News *********************Aftfom
• Wellis, who went OUt tO ilfanitObs. Si
e log on the instruetione of the Dornin
e Governments tbe roanager of tb
n Poultry Station here, F Elford
ant peddlere, nor al ow ehernselves to be farm at Present occupied hif Seth Hindoos, was instructive and interest. IllursdaY last.
weeks; ago with a, load of firsreclas
b ▪ working horses, returned heat Vrids,
with two care of broncho and indte
• Ponies. $8 in all. He intends oirerin
I them for sale by auction. We hope his
• yenture w prove successful, and we.
" think it will as they are a floe looking
lot of ponies, and should be picked up
with po t rad u
I.E.-A well-known lady in town,
who is a good baker, was gettiog ready -
go &ilia(' station with attune friends
last Friday modng, and as it is ;natal
for a lady to grab her purse the last
thing, such was her last act TO her as-
tonishment, when arriving at the sta-
tion, she discovered a prayer book in
her hand in place of her purse. It is
.singular that the both should be tale in
the same place.
ACCIDENT. -What might have
proved a. serious accident happened on
Priday.to Mr A. Whittingham, while
In the act of driving a large load of
lizinber into S. S. Cooper's planing
factory. The load not being bound the
greater part slipped off and felt on him,
burrying its viotirn beneath it; but
willing hands soon rescued him from
his perilous condition and found him
unhurt but soinewhat frightened,
em, ani presorebe gimes if they are was eine cleaned up and as notbing
,.found to be required. There's no guess- but chat( WAS coming up the carriers
work in our method ofeye-testing. We are the men in the straw descended. They
ticalided to discover the nature and degree had scarcely got out of the barn when
of any defect and properly corned' it. No it was found that the straw Wrs on fire.
oherge for consultation. It rapidly _spread and soon the barn
was enveloped in flames. Mr Fisher's
whole season's crop, including a couple
of stacks and some hay, was totally de-
stroyed. Much sympathy is felt for
him in his loss. he had about $800 in-
surance in, the West Wawanosh. The
machine was saved with difficulty.
NOTES, -John Nicholson, Auburn,
Sundayed with his eister, Mrs T °lark.
Quite a few of our young men left for
camp at Niagara-on-the•lake. Mr and
Mrs Hamlin, Port Albert, were in our
village Sunday, J Ryan was:in/London
last week. We are sore y to hear of the
illness of J j Ward and hope to hear of
his speedy recovery. Miss Kitson is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs David Sproule.
Quite a few attended the revival meet-
• nags here the last few nights. While
going to one day -lag -Weak:
Rev. Mr Rutherford lost hie light over
coat ; any one finding it *ill please
leave it at the manse.
Meat Wawanosh •
Expert Watch Repairer Jeweler
liefractioniet and Diepensing Optician,
----0116941,11:11itit. 4%1'
nerieral, disc...tarot%
Ws *pogitiVais
ogadltlogi %otitis .
scientific Jeratelleas
asset Optician
- V4ct9
7 --
Collegiate Field! Day.
To -day (Friday) will be field day for
the scholars of the Collegiate Institute
enrol:owing at one o'dock,and a good
day's enjoyment will be had by attend.
MO. There are a nember of, firsaclass
• athlete 'n attendance at the school this
year. and the ditfexent events will be
keenly contested for. Only one prize
will he allowed to girl() any one pupil,
and for championship the winner Must
coatest from 1 to 8. These are i-Ruh-
ning hop,step and jump, putting shot,
running bioad jump, 1C3y ard race,vaolt-
ing with poled; mile race,1 mile race. The
events open to pupils of school ender 15
are -running high junap,running broad -
jump, 100 yard race, wheelbarrow race,
shne race, relay race (temp of two,)
Open- to schools of county -100 yard
race, mile race.
Open to girls of the schoot-'-'75 yard
eace, egg race, potatoe race, graceful
ware -ince putting shot, pail race, tug of
war and three legged. race.
After the close of the above sports a
football match of two ends will be
played off between Goderich O. I.. and
Clinton C. I.
The officers of the day will be J.Scott,
W. Tier and E. M. McLean sport) corns
tnittee ; R. F. Stoddart and T. Houston
clerics ; W. Jackson, W. R. Lough, Di.
Shaw and Dr. Agnew,starters ; Messrs.
Ransford and Forrester, timekeepers
J, Scott, W. Tier, Dr. Holmes end E.M.
McLean. judges; C. Mustard, R. King,
'Beldadour, J. Whiddon, J. Laird and
V. Chante'lleld committee; _Misses E.
Copp, A. Fotrester. L. Hoover, M.
Coats, and A. Baird, 0. and 0.•
SaWers, prize committee. .
„ „Let there be a good turnout of our,
citizens and encourage the boys in their
health -giving exercises.
The Committee wish to thank these
who have so kindly donated prizes and
otherwise assisted with the spored.
' m
i g.
- -si
FARM SoLD.-The fine farm belong.
ng to the estate of the late Sas McGee,
h the lst cone has been sold to elteee
cGee, of Woodstock, a brother of de -
eased. for the sum of $0,;0. There are
00 acres in it, with good 'orchard, brick
oust) and fair barns ; the price is con-
deredreasonable;,, Wesley. Farrow.,
ho had a three years' lease of this
arne•leavee it nextApril, having rent-
ed the Harrison farm, on the 5th con..
. .
Goderich Township
VOTERS' LIST. -The list for this year
as just beba issued. In. the Hat of
hose entitled to vote at both legislative
prl municipal eleetions, there are 682
arises. There are 158 persons entitled
o vote only in muoicipatelectionaand
who can vote for the:Legislative Ate.
ernbly 617 are: eligible as jurors.
number of widows on the fist are
eased as"fartners,!'which is not a cor-
d definition for a voters' list, but it
ill 'make -no difterenci itt ease they
ish to vote at municipal elections.
Pensosete-Mr and Mae Millar are
r usticating at Winnipeg. They left on
the excursion last week and will • be
gone for a couple of months. •
Notes.- Dr Sohn Foote, wife and
child. of Senile° Co., Michigan, are
visiting friends and relatives here.
Mr and Mrs Luker, of the Klondike,
iitlare visiting ,his sister. Mrs Jas Wan-
es this week. Lyle'. ;Blake, who has
been visiting friends in London, re-
turned home on Tuesday last. Quite a
number from here took in London fair
last week. The evaporator is running
full seeing day and night ;Mr E. Gent
the genial proprietor,. had to build
another dryer, in order. to • use up the.
large quantities of apples theaare com-
ing in daily, the new dry -kiln is cap-
able ot drying 100 bush a day. Mr S.
p. Re.thwell za busy pecking up and is .
moving his •family on Thursday to
Gorrie, we wish him •eyery success In
their new home. •
A cablegram has been received Mat-
ti* the.t-a party of Boers who arato
vieit Canada, have sailed on the Lake
L. H. Greig, a bookkeeper in the
London offices, of the ()movie Steel
CoP3PanYi le charged with frauds
• trogregating.$1004.9011.6-
There's a Good Deal
in the eamera
Blyth •
Nores,-The Presbyterian °lunch ie re -
tidying a new coat of paint on the woodwork
and also the fano around. The Blyth flour
mills are busy turning out their orders for
the lower province. Remember Blyth fair
on Oct. 7th and 8th. Rev. Mr Hussar,
elohnesville, occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church on Sunday, Rev. Mr
Holmes taking hie work OA the Holmesville
ctrcuit, •
Cieurron.--The special thanksgiving
services of last Sunday in the Anglican
chord], excelled the most sanguine ex-
pectations of the oldest meMbers,
Since the Rev Edmunds took hold of
this parish some few months ago, it
was quite evident that a new life was
found to start in the littlenongregation.
Some seven years ago the entire debt
of the church WAS amalgamated, and
divided into so many annual payments
of $162 each, and every year since then.
they have not failed in their missioo,
but last Sunday the collection amount-
ed to $225, ,and the congregations were
the largerit that have been inside the
church. The eeroi_pleadelieere_d-hY -Mr
Edmunds were much above the ordin-
ary, and the music of the choir. was ex-
ceedingly good. The wardens, IVIessre
Bell and Metcalf, have every reason to
feel proud of the growth of the church
gime their present rector has been with
ena, Oa Monday evening the church
as again filled to the doors and a
ry totereatiog service was held.
eve Wan 011114 of leetrolia, O. \ R.
Mine, of Clinton. Win Lowe, of
Ingham, and the pastor, each dolly -
ed addressee, and the whole service
as an intellectual treat, the choir, as
'Sunday, upheld their end, and the
61041 nett was much appreciated,
he congregation and friends of the
urch were more than liberal With
eir contributions, there being placed
It the plates 11210, making a total for
oth days of $4/1. Ibis not Often that
church in a plate the size of illyth,
n raise thia amount of money at a
service, and they are to be
ongratulated, for the sincereity and
een interest Which the have exems
• ' special
Ilfied in raising ritieh a arge amount
&rides keeping up their regular atib,
riptione for pew rents, minister's
And a good deist in knowing bete' tO.trse
the element, tre
Ween wienieike phOtegrephe we lure the ea
beet teitierettie Money den hey end we use '
It ell With the °kill thet comers freed stndy
and eaperienee, Thet'a Why Our pictures
Iltarra Photo - Studio t
uet the services ou Sunday. On Mon- IP Dungannon during the last three
day °stifling a tea will be served in the weeks,
baeement of the church, after which a, Imenovinernsws.---E.Mohring has had
splendid program of addresses, music, m second story added to his ' boucle.
etc, will be 'given.' When the work is completed the house
Noe. -Walter Hackett, tetteher at will preseut L very neat appearance.
0. Mennings, of Goderich, has the con-
tract of the carpenter work and F.
Naegicl the contract of plastering. The
work in connection with the bridge at
the woolen factory is being rapidly
pushed aheateand the cement work on
the abutments will be commenced this
Lanes, called on C. A. Tebblitt, one
evening last week: The •local sports-
men are doing considerableehunting
but not niucli shooting- Rev S. IL'
Whaley, B. A., preached in Lochalsh
on Sunday evening last. A number
from the; vicinity attended Leaden
fair last week and report good times.
Robt McGuire and McDonald efros. are
adding still more to their threshing
equipment, by dispensing with their
horses to pull their engine, using a trac-
tion engine instead. 0 A Tebbutt took
part in a Peered concert in the brick
church on Belgra,ve circuitem Monday
evening. We are pleased to know Mr
, .
Auburn .
ansac-100 the Granulated!Sugar for 66.63, At
lbs Brown Sugar for SCA.
- W. T. RIDDELL, Auburn.
NOTEs.-,-Mieg Annie Sturdy left on
Monday tc visit triende in Staples.
Crossley and evangelists, held
II. McQuillan is progressing fevorable a service in the Presbyterian church
eration in Toronto. after his ehere on Monday afternoon. - Oliver
s -
Clark has been fixing .up the Walker-
._ :burn dam. Jellies Carter bat torn down
his blacksmith shop, and is building a
Hallett new concrete one 20x35. Geo lamp has
()puke -A come forthe hearing Of appeals a.benit completed his new building on
against the voters' list will be held at Lon- . the front street. vt or commenced in
&labor°, on Saturday, Oct. 11, at 10 A. M. the evaporator last week, which is un-
der the management of Munro and
Asquith. A very successful ravel
is home fee a two weeks' holiday • trip.
hauling bee was held on Thursday,
WEstmey• Pana.therson and ja,s. Dobie. left o.n
the last excursiop to the Northwest for the J.
covert 4iil loads of gravel were piled
or . or et s new cement shop; eleven
teams were on in the afternoon, • The
ENTErmartsranera.-A grand miter- eenzert work is going ahead rapitill,
teinnient Will be given easops appoint- though it Couple of the fernier youthful
nient next Tuesda3r eVening,Sept. 30th, Workers le it have gone with •,,the
at 8 o'cleekiinetheohuich. -A program soldiers to-Niagarseinetb•apersons„etE,
Will be rendered by local and outside Mole and Watt Moore; E Hemet ere
talent, and W. Gledhill will contribute
several selections on ehe. gramophone. Mole en4C Willard .also went. Rev
Hunter, of Sunshine, preached in the
. NOTIGS.-3.ae:Snell had aphotO taken Methodist pulpit Sunday evening- a
of his prize stallion on Fridey to Send sermon on temperance. Miss .Arthur
to an intending purchaser in NewYork left for a few weeks visit with 400 re-
state: Mr Snell's new barn will be fin- latives on Saturday 'last; .
ished this week. rthe shinglers being • ,
now at it ; itis 72x30, and is erected on ' Stanley '
. .
the stone foendation of one of his ' NOTES. -Among those who attended
barns destroyed by fire. He ciaers it the Western tair last. week were M. O.
win tide him over the Winter and if he Ross, It Pearson, Geo T Baird, Sohn
decides to remain on his -farm, will MeCowan.Neil MeGregoree T'Grallane,
build again next spring. Sas Snell Hugh McGregorand son Hugh: Mise
shipped a, flue Leicester • lanai:. to Jae, lefargaret Sullivan, of Toronto, is visit.,
Doughts,. of ..Caledonia, .on Ttiesdey ing her 'grandmother, Mee J McCowan.
morning. ' , • • „ . . 'Mrs Jos Dunbar, of Ashfield, is visiting
Witninea. -:-The home- of me, eee- et the home of her daughtereMes Thos
Baird, this Week, .. Mrs Alex Fraser, of .
Mee Peter' Hawthorne, of Mullett. was
Ailsa Craig, was Visiting at the home
the scene of a jefous event on Wed-
nesday of this week, when the mystic 'of her mother, Mrs D. Rose, last .week.
Slios stilleontinue to be erected ; John
bend Of Wedlock was cemented between
their eldest daughter. Edith Elizabeth, McEwen has erected a new one and A.
and Mr Humphrey Mills Sriell, :of the Nett has euet finished one ,Of cement
this Week.', .
was performed • by Rev F. H. Larkin, ' " ' •
township Of Mullett. The ceremony
• , .. Liondenboro
aosiougi by Rev Mk. Kennedy, in the
presence of a liege number of guests. • NO'rEs.-Dr. E D McCallurnis hotne
a short time on .
The bride looked exceedingly pretty, Sleeint after smnaing
&holiday trip. Miss Clara Y.oung has
dressed lie albatross with chiffon and
applique trimmings The teeming er. returned to school at Belleville.. Mr
feet was heightened by the bridal.yeil Damn of Ingersoll, was united in
nnarriacre to Miss Sarah, daughter of.
decked with orange blossoms. ' The
•Francis' Brown, on Thursday. we offer
groom was supported ' hy Wee Snell.
our coogretulations. R G, Webb ship-
ped a car of flout to Toronto this week.
Mr Cantelon shipped. a double decker
of hogs from here on Monday; it is in-
tended to ship eyery two 'weeks. The
evaporator is tieing a rushing besinese.
Large quantities of • apples are being,
shiPped from the station here. Our
popular re:1dg teachers, Misses Wise -
/man apd Chidley; have been re-engaged
in S. SeNce 8 for 1903 at 'increased sal-
aries. Mrs Dr. Bell, Who has been vis-
iting under the parental roof, returned
honie Thursday. Several from here
.took in the westernexeursions.
Pieasineeas.WmA3rowb, 'Detroit,
and Miss Minnie Hawthorne, stater of
the bride. who was handsomely gown.
ed, acted as bridesmaid. Marion and
Beatrice Larkin did service as flower
girls Atter justice had been done to
the bountiful repast by the assembled
company, Mr and Mrs Snell took their
leave on the afternoon train for their
honeymoon trip. 'Both parties to this
matrimonial contract are held in excep-
tionally high esteem for their worth's
sake and carry with them the best
wishes of their many friends for a JOUR'
and happy life together.
J. RE DEMISE OF 1)11IS FORD. -00 tzlIu
day afternoon lase, a life went out and
the spirit fled, leaving nothing but it
tenement of clay.tbat once constituted
the living being or the late Mrs John
Ford, who resided on the 2nd con., and
was widely known by all in these
parts. Being in her e2nd year, It was
simply a question ole. short time before.
she would have been coiled to her
home above, but 'enjoyed exceedingly
good health to within a few days of
her death, her husband hating prede-
ceased her eight years ago, Mrs Ford,
was born in Fermanagh, Ireland, and
came to this country with her husban-d
in-1837,at a time when this sectitin was
but a wilderness. Goderich' was their
first abiding place, and remained there
for four yeers, and then moved to God-
erich township, where they lived a
pioneer life for another four years, but
finally settled on their present. farm in
aullett, where they have lived ever
irince. Starting in a dense forest, Mrs
NOTES. -Miss Edith Wiggins acted
• as bridesmaid the Wedding of Mies
E. Russell to Dr Allred Morgan in Lon •
don last week. R. N. Merritt, of
Markham,. has been chosen as mathe-
matical matter of the Collegiate, and
the resignation. of B Grant has
been accepted. W. •ProudfOof,
hes taken an interest • in a Toronto
legal fit has net intention of leaving
The death ocen
Derred Sat-
urday Oth inst., at the 'Holy Cross
Hospital, Calgary, uf Geo P. Shannon,
of Goderich, wild went out there six
months ago in search of health. His
lung condition seemed to improve after
his arrival, tut later he developed a
tubercular stomach, which was ,a vio-
lent forna, He was unable 50 retain
any noorishment, and he gradually
and assieted her, liseniftering.. ...111....Shannon.... was. „only
wore away until death robbid'him of
Ford.rausel. heriartillY
husbond clearang-thilliiiideand-ofeerf 22 veers, old, and one of the brightest
at farming, oroving herself equal to. ma aloes prornisingyoung men in the
any man with the cycle Or at binding, employ cif the Bank of Montreal. .
and it is said vvould, carry her child ,
twelve miles to Goderich, and bringY
back her percheses with her. She • St. loseph.
„., „ e
leaver; a grown up family of seven sons . Nollto•-"W4011mPhelltwho 20 "Ad to 'neve
and datightere to mourn her lose- two beaked N. M.Contine to the extent of Moon'
dons reside on the hornesteachtts0,3ohn $45,000, is reported to have died this week'
and William live in town; Mrs 'S.' It le also reported that the town site has
Archer of paisley. Bees Leeesaeo cer East finally been sold toasynnioate Of capitalistic,
Axe, mush., Airs RObt Oolciough of Whointeha trlimeh i‘• 64.6 Pim° °I rea°11
Goderith township: The .late Miss .
Ford, of town;vvas Mao another datigia Bracolleld.
tee. Mrs Potal 'wee it steadfast and ' 1•TOrsg.--MoV, E. Sewers preaphed in
cooSistent, member of the Church of White ohnrolk on Sunday lad. Mies Lillie
England,,, attending whenever - she Layton spent lest week io London. De.
could to within two year) ago. iler Footeand bonny .visited last. week at the
maiden name wag Beacons, and she home of his hither in fitenley, eas. Foote
was the oldest of the family and the left for MOM °tillage last week, eitrieetett
last to pas° away. The funeral WAS bus engaged Robt. Murdoch to take charge
held on Tuesday eaten:woe last, the re- of grain storehouse J.. Pattenhere °pent
mains being interred inOlinten cemet. hie vecation at his hems last week; Mee
era,. Revs Wm draig, of Petroletzaind I Marks late been appointed pdge of tidier'.
0, ft, Ginnie performed the last sad work et the Seeforth. &la B. Eetchen
rites of the church, and the pelt- preached in Brunets on Sunday, Mrs E.
bearers were her four nephews, MeSerg &mere lett lad Week to visit bet piteralte I/I
Christie and Minty Beacons, of Sum. Iowa, Mut S. Broitaloot left on Woodsy
merhill, Thee DetiOOrri, Of town, and R. to vieit frierds in Dakota. • ,
Fitzsintotte, also Thos Biggins and W.
. "Millar. We aktend to the bereaved Exeter
familYour deepest sympathy in the
loss of their kind and loving mother. Vat Pstaa-The South Huron Agrieuittirw
NOTeae-W. G. Small left last week . --al Fair here On Wedneedity was a einem'
:. The live tittiok WAS enellent, in. feet every
o spend a few weeks arnonget the bar- • Robertliouee Was found dead in one department was well up in guilty and
est &Mir near Calgary, and Itobt, of the sifting I'001130 Of the Commercial quantity, The weather being fine there was
Atm Went to Books:Wain, . hotel at Stratford, . I a large Wel/AMISS.
put:ss ma,king a tour a the panel
pal °cat faire, taking with him sped
Meng of chicken.; from the great varie
ty he has here. He will have with
him birds that are desirable for fattell
ing purposes, others that are not, and
each pen will be placarded showing
the respective merit% Mr latord will
be pleased to explain any matters to
the visitors at the fairs.
0:Inot:s.w-iNltepaaty Mt:it:de:ea egvueon i an 03„ iaI thet
Members ot Ontario street League,
and furnish the program; at exeellent
time is anticipated. Mist) Cameron,
Bayfielcl, has been visiting in the vil-
lage. Mrs J. Ford and Miss A. Porter,
Clinton were ,guests of Mrs W. Pick-
arcl lase Sunday. Mrs W. Logan, of
Varna, and IVIrs T. C. Pickard vietted
in Mitchell a couple of days this week.
The new etore opened for business on
Monday morning. A. J. Courtice, ire
who has been aesieting Dr. Mabee in
Goderich for a few weeks, returns to
his dental studies in Chicago next
ANeuvrtasekterSeraVicres.-This year
the church. decided to do without its
time-honered tea -meeting, and to have
special services only for the twe days.
Sunday and Monday- were the dates
assignee for the occasion. The churele
has recently been renovated, and the
reopening of it was thought to be a fit
timefor the anniversary services. A.
thsakotertrig was taken up to meet
the expenses incident to the improve-
Merite. Sunday was all that could be
desired. Rev J. Holnies. of Blyth,
preached morning, afternoonand even-
ing.. On Monday (*ening addrebses
were given by Revs Holmes, Robinson
of Goderich, and Greene of Clinton.
The choir furnished the music for the
occasion. During the two days over
lit25 was put upon the plates, which
includes 051 frenn the League. The
congregation certainly' responded lib-
erally to . meet the -requirements-of-the.
trustee board. •
That apple buyers are not so eager as
they have been. That teaerieetinas in
Efiginagyille are A scarce article. That
the male birds at the Dominion Poul -
pry Station disturb the slumbers of the
inhabitants: by their early morning
notes; that the manager should give
the crovvers it sleeping potion. That
history repeats itself -the coat of many
colors hag reappeared. That threshers
are having a profitable season. That
the choir looks. to great advantage in
their new position. - That the colors pf
the rainbow -a- ane several others -are
herein small compass -something like
bargain dey in a Chinese city. That
Ocitaeio street 'League will attend in
large nurabere next Monday evening;
That a vendor of smoked Wane .1 for
the purpose of protecting the optic
rierye would reap a harvest here. That
liberal contributions Were a feature of
the anniversary eervices. That ' the
cheer wish- it to ee understood that
they are not "on exhibition." That
the blending of colors is worthy of a
past grand master in the art. Thee
parts of garments left in thiseata nifty
be bed on application to the sexton.
That chairs III the aisle were not neces-
sary Monday evening. That Holmes -
villa lechery Makes good cheese. That
the expenses of the anniversary were
email. That we have had enough rain.
• Colborne
DM) IN MANIT0DA.-40hil, Wesley Johne,
Colborne, who went with his brother to the
West a few weeke ago on one of the harVeie
ter's excursions, died euddenly last Beier -
day at I3oissevain, Man.,of pneumonia. He
was a eon of Nathan Johne, a well-known
and highly - tweeted resident of
Colborne, and was only 18 years of age.
The body was brought home,anct the Inner.
al took place Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, from Mr Johns' residence on con, 4,
to the Colborne cemetery,
• Additional Local News.
0. C.I. "AT HOME" -The young ladies
and gentlemen of the Collegiate and Model
8ohool were eAt home" to their friends itt
Vie Collegiate Aseembly reem,on Thursday
afternoon, from 3 to 7 cetera, The occa-
sion WAS in honor of Mr John Lewd, one of
Clintoiesmost successful studente, and it
soholatahip graduate Of the Institute. His
falIow students naturally feel proud ot him
and wish him continned eumess in his
University eareer,which he expeote to enter
on October 1st, at the Toronto University,.
His Merida in Clinton will watoh his pro -
erase With ititereet,ae he is sure to keep *11
tip in the race. The program was neatly
arranged andprinted, and invitations were
gent to teaohere and others in the town, The
•affair was Very nicely conduoted,end ranch
-credit-is-dee-the promoters. •
RECEPTION. -On Tuesday evening
lase the ladies of St Paul's tendered
Ray and Mrs Craig it reception so, that -
they might have the privilege of meet-
ing all their old parishioners thot
attended church tiering their time, as
well as many of their Mende in WWII,
The, evening, though damp and rainy,
did not dieheartenalorgenumber frorn '
responding to the invitation to come
anti attend a plemant arideociable even-
ing With tbern. ' The Sunday School
room was turned into a veritable draw -
Ing room, with its many artietic decor+
Minns for the occasion, and the ladiee
who bad it itz charge excelled them-
selves in their endeavor to Make the
room attractive, flowers and green W-
ino in abundance, with beautiful lounps
adorning the room. The platform used
by the superintendent, of the school
WAS Wetted into a cafenntable occupying
the centre, contained all the dainties
nicely arranged, besides Whig banal.
fully draped with green, and the whole
presented it borne -like appearance, A.e
hour of soda! ehet Mee Mount-
casU4 in her inimitable style, reciterl
that Witching pieee, which Was e nj oyed
by all. Lunch Was then rierved,consist-
ing of coffee, cake and bread and but-
ter, and When all had partaken they
departed for their homes, after singing
the do sology, and bidding Mt and, Mrs
Craig it fend remembrance and good-
bye. •
event card of the 12th annual live bird
and target tournament of the Clinton
%en Pleb, Ltd., is out, and from it we
should judge that it good two days'
•,hoot may be looked forward to. Oct.
8 and 9 are the dates settled for it, and
is guaranteed in prizes, besides a
bandeome trophy donated by the Sov-
ereign itl.nk, which can be seen on ex-
hibition in the windovit of P B Crewe,
The purses are so divided that every
one should be able' to get in on the
livisione and not go home broke. The
shoot will come off, rain or shine.
Shooting commences at 10 rem the
first day, and at 9 on the second. I here
are three events for the first day, and
eight for the secondeso that all sports-
men have an opportimity of showing
their ability. •
-.aMer...roa....NIAG-.4604,- 9N 'THE'
LAKE. -Tuesday morning- beer -teeth
was quite military.like, it being the
day on welch our quota of soldiers was
to leave for camp. LieuteCol Varcoe.
Will • he in comma,nd, with Captain
Rance, of Exeter UomPanv, CAPtain
Coinbe, of Clinton, and Captain Mc-
Taggart, of Dungannon. • Each will,
take with them sur men .tor fatigue
duty. Capt. MeTeggart. did :not go
with the resit of the men, he having
leave of absence till to -day, Feiday.
Beside the above well-known inilitary
men who left here, the following non-
commissiopee officers and privates al-
so went t-Diessrs • Twitehell, Moon,
Johnsmi; Sterling, Cook, Duncan Stele-
enson. lehoeien, Robinson and Brom-
field, and Capt. McPhail, -who :received
Dr Shavses apeointment, Capt. Hance
went by London, he haying to pick up
his men at London while all the rest
Webb by Stratford'.
• L AWN BO WLING.-..-An inteeestiog,
game of lawn bowls -was played Thurs-
day on the •• grounds of tee London
Rowing Club; between picked teams
from their respective clubs. selected by
the well-known bowlers, WM Jackson,
of Clinton, and R. L. Gosnell, of Blen-
heim. The match was arranged for at
the last tourney of the W. O. B. A., at
London in July Welt° be played there
during the Western Fair. The nonteNt
resulted in one of the closest possible
enatehee, ono of, the competing rinks
ending. exactly mu, and the other
rink winning by one shot. The Bien.
beim club were the winners by one
shot only, and the last ahot was only
secured by a most difficult and almost
impossible dead draw.to the Jack by
Mr "Dick" Gosnell, by his last bowl. by
drawing a toucher to and resting on
the rinks. The following are the
players and the scores :-
Eseiretaene OLINNON
FL Winter N. Pair
J . W. ShIllinulaid Dr /iolmos
John Mulholland W. Brydono
R. L. Gosnell, skip 16 W. Jaa.aon, skip 15
Baokahot Hall .1". Taylor •
Dtlgald Samson W Farran
J ohn FergY D. A.Porrester
0. Langford, J. Harland, sktp..11
ran, who owns one of the most valuable
farms in this vicinity, comprising 114
acres, on the Bityfleld road, adjoining
town, andeknowu Atholcott farm,
esker; as much delight out of visiting
it and viewing his erowing orchard and
young stock, as a boy Would with his
marbles. It is evidently a paying in.
yestmene, not as the ordinary farmer.
Would vieve la but ass gentleman farm-
er would handle it, and as he present
owner is. doing-keepine i t well rocked
and growing plenty of fruit. He bag
lots of ;toile end the eitinple of each
are very good. His 02 heed of year -
tinge vvere sold the other day and nett-
ed him some WO. lb le not every year
that he reallzsa this amount from the
etate,..h.P.Ltlie..rimPemLbe tAtes4.10_
driving around i ,,anapty eVail
oupposing he did not get a cent off it.
There are at present about 2200 thristing
trees of the more hardy variety, the
majority of which are bearing fruit
this year, althou;h roany of them are
very young. •
o'clock on Vrednesiiee morning, there
*as celebrated ateSt Joseph's chutchen
the presence of it large number Of
Menthe the wedding of -Richard Brew
1194), of Bullet. to MISS Mary Groveller
datighter of Charles Grevelle of Goder-
ich township ROY Father 'McMena-
min performed the ceremony. and
Wormed the h copy eouple on their Way.
while Mitre Oliftrimof West Witwanoeh,
attended the bride, and Louie Gragelle
waited on the groom. The couple,with
their attendants, took their places at
the altar railing,and retired during the
arable of the Wedding March played
by Miss Shanahan. Who eradiated at
the organ throughout, Mies Mettle
Shanaban 8A/Ift a sweet child -like solo,
and the choir took their place daring
masa. The bride was dressed in a trate-
oiling suit of brown,With picture hat to
Match, Wearing it white velleand carry-
ing a bouquet of astete. After the cere-
mony Was over they left tor their new
horde, which the Armin) hag had nicely
fixed up for the reception of hie bride.
We extend to the floppy etiolate our
best wishes for a long and happy life
Of Wedded blise.
Whole ground and
mixed Spices
Fresh and Pure by
the ounce or pound,
R P. Reeklels
Prescription Drug Ettore
N. B.—Jar rings, corks
bottling wax, etc.
MTThitSsd-eir Oele 16, is Tbankirgivinte
Day. •
No less than three wedding' et"
were seen at Clinton station on Wed:- ,
••1 neLd.aYoantelon;ir apple ;netters are, .
busily engaged at; Belgrave this week
packing applee. . •
A new coal furnace is being installed'
this week by Davis & Rowland, for the.
church of England.
Harvey Davis has installed in hist
livery a new rubber tired buggy, and,
it is a good looker. .
W. G. Perrin has shipped Ocoee of.
°ate since the new crop hag come in -
and meetly for expert.
We are pleased to see 3. 'McNeal '
to be around again, hilt not quiet beleat
after_his late incident.
Norman Fitz;intions :bee teem ae,
position in the totem:wird parlor of Ed-
• Munro in the Sloane Bleck. •
The public will in the very near fur,
nes see true station beillisotly ligfeted:
The Inspector for the new post &Hey
beyeinthge4eoienc:rie light system.
has a nicely furnished Office .ini the
Sloane block, 'where all, business is
Jacob Beiter, who advertised some,
pigs for sale. in the Nisee ERA.„ sold
eight of them to Gee. Laithwaitei or
Goderich township. e el!
The Old frame lean-to of the. teem-
mereial hotel,. one time occupied as a
barber shop, is being removed and.
will be put up in the yard at theleaeke
fel; vdreizaslhnedv.. is haying •.ia.
to -date veterinary office fitted up in. •
tee south west corner of the Commer-
Ord hotee.which when tomaleted, .
he one of the piped vet's office in tbffs
section. •
Two American horse bueere were itt
town Monday, and. in company with.
Ephrie n Butts: visited all -the stock:
getting horses In this section; hut ie
is not known- whether any were. pur-
chased ex, tibt.
. •
inspector Hoticrson,of foronto, wide
his annual visit to our Collegutte in-
stitute on Wednesday, but it 'will not
be known for amouple of weeks what
his opinion of our school is, or.. what
complants he will make, or •what
changes he may suggest,
" The grounds of the Wegley church
property are &Satiating a more beaute-
ous aspect. A big force of men kw&
.been busily engaged there for several
days, and we must say they now look
quite neat. The boulevards have come
in for a share of the labor and when the
grasp appears next spring it will be an
attractive spot to look upon.
J. S. Fanning, of New York, 0110, of ,
She crack team of ten American sheet..
ere that made a tour last 3Year of Vree-
land, irelandefindelecotland, and beat-
ing their opponents whet ever,they had
a match, and who has personally a,
record of 231 birds without a; miser has
sent word tothe president of the Gun
Club thht, he will attend their sheet
on Oct 8 and 9. •
Messrs P. Senn and Fred Stti5gerr. of
Brantford, have been- at work in Mkt •
section With their local agent, D. B.
Kennedy, taking orders and erecting .
lightning reds, and have been gem •
successful. The following have hart
them placed on their buildings during
the pest week e Meatier; Huller, 3. Ford,,
Richardson, Walters, Tebbutt, Gout&
hick, J O. Elliott, and several others
in Goderich townehip.bestries
Watt and Hardy, of Trielteremith.
• e
' 1M1 e are Belling Olio fall is it
reoOrn breaker for value, You will
wonder how ranch reel worth and
etyle can he had for it $10 bill.
Equal in every way, workmen.,
ship, 63/lased fit, to mode to or -
tier at $14 or $15. Come and see
if thigis not go. Yon might as
Well save a $6 hill when you can,
3 The At le period,
B .