HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-19, Page 7The Toronto Viriekly Globe and No
.714 C.11 .1110 VL
1. •
The Fariner's Success be- • =THE BUFF COCi:UN •
• plaids Upon. His. Free-
dom Disease and
Paine's Celery
Is the Medicine 'That Has
Made Thousands of Country
Toilers Well and Strong.
lime are thousends of !arrears in our
land who are rish in broad sores and gold,
yet lack that true wealth enown as good
It is a melanoholy feet that men Ana
, women in that eountry districts, breathiest
the purest air and drinking from Gode
huddling fountains and limpid epringe, are
liable to the 'same diesasee and ailments(
that come thick and fest to city people.
We find rhennasaisin, neuralgia, debility,
dyspepsia, kidney and liver trouble:1 and
blood dicantees alrdost ail common in farm-
er's family as they ere in city homes.
Pun's Celery Cerapound, Heaven's
best blessing to the farming community
hes done more for the banielsment of dread
disease and the building up of health than
all other combined medieines. Mr G. 3,
&eye, a well known farmer of Sheffield,
On., eays: s
'it is witia great plotters that I testify
to the value of your great medicine; Peine's
Celery Compound. For -nearly two years
I suffered from indigestion, kidney and
liver troubles. After trying fleeciest med-
icines that did not effect a cure, I decided
to try your Compound. Before using it I
was so low in health that I could not ttat
or sleep. I could mit lie in bed owing to
pais; be my back ; it was only by resting
on elbows and kneels I was enabled to ob-.
tain a slight degree of ease. Before I had
fully taken onehottle of your. medicine I
began to improve. I heve now -taken in
all fourteen bottles with grand results I
am a farmer and am now • working every
day. Anyone may refer to me in regard
to these statements, or to any of• my
neighbors around Sisettleld, where I am
well known. I am a liviia witness to the
worth of Paine's Coley.
Vaeftil Mut to Allow this Illatis to Pass
The food sometimes beelemes bounia
and impacted in the crop. "nee mese
, 'gets so hard that • it cannot
/through the small paesege into the.eli,e
zardwhere the grindig: Precess goe9
on. ' . • •"
With a sharp knife. make a slit in.,
the crop just large enough: so that. the
/contents may be carettilly taken', out
with the finger or 'a conaraon wiro
hair -pin, usingthe bent end. After
all is out close the Opeaing with 'a
•Butch or two, and feedwith • soft food
for a few days or until the crop heals.
-(Make the sl1t'.0n upper side, of .crop.
First cut outer skin; 'draw a little aside
and then. but. inembrane of -crop, Ill
clOsing sew crop, thin the outer skin,
be careful not to sew •togetlier,-Edltor
Farm donrnal)
To deal with erep Innind takes more
patience than. anything:else. :Yen *ant
to have plenty of time for the opera-
tion, and not ge at' it .at a time whea.
you will balurried. •' . •
Handle the towl sVery gently and
carefully sothat it will not Struggle
and try to get away:. becauee of fright:.
:You east do 'almost anythingwith ki
chicken if it le not afraid of You. but(
„once get it frightened so that 'it Neter.
struggle • and try all the time to .get
*way, it is very hard to manage..
• • •• . rtleamse. ' . ' -•
The largest hag !wet* rateed- was 'ree '
. cently slaughtered in New: York Toe .
. , •
animal was a jersey Red ,boar.tWo and
yearaoid, welglilng alive 1,-
609 Pounds, and dressing lean eiounda.
The National Provisioner hag the fol.:
owing to say of the prodigy: • "This
huge measured ,•oVer nine feet
from . the of Rendre to mid of its tail. '
It measured two and eneebair feet.
across the loin, two and one-half feet
across the harap and six feet in girth.
'This naak:es the hog three feet thteugh,,
it is split at the shoulder,. and to look
into the great carcase, is like looking
A Wonderful Xedicine.
A repurar Bird That leas feseeeral Excel.
leat seueneke
segond: to the: Brahmas in the izes4
TerY 'Popular with. -breeders. They are
The four varieties of Carbine are
tweeds, wellehinir bat a pound lighter-eech
than the I4ight fleabane. Old and eit-
gerienced breeciere 4 Cochlns are pro- ' li
flounced in praise ottlieir qualities 04 ,
Drofttatle fowls. They are hardy, good
,winter layers 0t rich, brown, medium
sized eggs and fairly good table fowls
The elneks grow well and develOP ap-
141,7 under proper eare.
The buff variety ie the most genial-
Ib- 'bred, Their color tone offers an
attraction to %miens that is hard to
iregiSt. Both male and feninie aro of a
in,to tbe crevice of a cavern. The -
carcass spreads ' erosth ti •
of the store '111,te a Manic statue of
Bork perionifted. It also looks like
the bod,y of the great hog 'god em- . •The model housewife is not she who
bahned and reposing in its gigantic, ends the most ot her time 'in the
• malesty. Prom hip hone to toe le kitohen, who never has any time for
measures. three and one-half feet and reading • and recreation. Nor is it she -
about. the Same from the crest of the who immediately( makes'her beds upon
Shoulder blade to the bottom of the rising In the merning 'without allow-
ing them a breath of God's eresh air, est people, even if they do occasionally
in Etorder that sho may have an early take feev pIc
in and other rti Iea of
start sereth the' Worltecif. theadaie - . stat,ionery pe tbe daily papers. • '
I NO; the 'model housewife Of 7o.-*dity i 1 J. MS elass belohgs to NYork
iotel 'as- much as that a New
of leisure nixie et 0
s systernatic, thoughtful '
, 'with plenty • consists of men who rhei class which
the kitehen all yth-atairolesetiesilsiagreylltis t :ticker. all 'clay figuring1 and amuntl the
Ririe: ilnuele money
and th medic machinery In tnotio:"--. atittidni; had been a. earialu
have been m
Set the d
,i g..., en a little attention kee
' Pull Feathered Buff Cochin Caele.
rich, deep, clea.r buff, uniform in shade
throughout,, except the tail, -Which
should be a deeper buff or copperish
bronze; under color saane as setrfase
eolor but of lighter shade and should
extend to the skin. In breeding select
females as near as possible to the de,
sired shade of buff, as free from dark
cr white en wing and tali and of as
(even a color ae can be, To suell •fe-
imales mate a coelt of deeped shade,
with souie little black in wing and tail
of deep hag of a coppery lustre. This
mating will prefidnee geed results in
coelterele and pullets, The heaVy leg
and foot feathering; so characteristic
of the • breed, should have • constant
care and attention. '. While the feather-
ehouId be aluudant'all seinblanee
to vulture hook, or etiff feathering;
6.1shou1d be avoider1.---Farmers' Bulletin
- iNo. 51, Agricultural Department,
, •
• '• • — •
When the :young
mother is allowed to •
get up aft); her, first
•rneal, even though
she takes i alone, it
seems -good to her to
take thisone step nearer
the 'kindly circle, ' and
.she cOunte the days un-
til her strength will be
ully restored. But
very often, stfetigth. does
not come as expected,
and she lingers in lat.-
. - • geor mid weakness. At
suck a tiingthere is need of an
rating, tonic, and- the very best tonic
Which a tuirsiiig mother can use. is Dr,
Pierce's Favorite. Prescription. It con-
tains'no alcohel nor narcotics, It gives
reel .strength: . •
or,avorite Prescription" is a reliable
woman's medicine. It establishes regit;
laxity,. dries weakening drains, heals In-
flammation and. ulceraeioo and etiree
female weakness. ' . ' , .
teannot praise Dr. Pierce's Pavorite
for tired, Worn-out
i,,,svconlicinalle!;21;g1TYO%.9ae t4111(i
amide weakness,” writes Mrs, Ira W. inalmes,
of Ceder Rapir19. Iowa. It ha9 helped lima -cry
ninelt.aud a physician said to Inc in an.
•strer to m question as to its efficacy, ' X know
of cases •ty acre at has really worked wonders,' "
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
ze,o3 pages 'in paper covers, is sent free
On receipt of 31 oe¢ stamps to pay t
exeense of customs and mailing Until.
Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
FOR. Ald.
• Bilious and
Nervous Disorders,
Sick Wadi, Constipation,
• Wind and Pains in Stomach,
Impaired Digestion,,
Disordered Liver and
Female Ailments.
Thomas Beecham St. Helens, Eq.,
Sold by all Druggists
In Canada and U. S, America.
In boxes, 25 cents.
No -Pay Hotel Quests.
"I vvesh you would have some new pens
ut on the writing.table," said a well•
reseed man to the elerk of an uptowl
• "Certainly. • Front!" and a boy wa
• called and instructed te attend to th
• matter.
"Now, Wouldn't you think that he Wa
Our ester gest?" asked the clerk. "I
you did think so you woidd be wrong
for he never spent a cent in this house
Ile lives quite a distance froin heee, bu
comes in re's regularly as the day, read
Bra a trial till the end of the year, for 35o.
Theory of an.Q1d Angler,
• Nine out of ten , fishermen believa
that when trout will not 'bite they ar
i already gorged with food; but this is no
I the case. elven during the off days of,
1 the trout,. one will be caught now and
then, bit always.on bait, and if the an.
gler could see the fish when it takes the
- bait he would notice that it does it in a
very perfunctory manner. The trout
does not move out of its way, in doing
it, but mechanically takes the bait in
mueh after the fashion of the sucker. .
Then, if the trout fisherman who
1 t
the trout and examine its stomach he
will be surpelsed. to find eat instead oi ,
goet is wholly related to the sheep, and.
bee alt tl
the fish being iror ed ith .
lrts not a tra f f ci " •
Pop tho Parrners.
According to some expsriments recent.
noted by the United Statee 1)epart•
went of Agriculture, it rime found that
where cows were milked three times a
day, morning, noon and evening,the milk
w.as rieheet at noon and poe-t in the
morning, and when milked merning and
evening the milk was slightly rieher In
the evening.
Dieeatee in Angora Goats.
The common impression that the oat
le free front all the &oases to welch -
me ces a ca els at suck thne will open slieep are subject is wholly wrong. The
Sept. 19th .1.902
arvest is' Coming*
' BUt before it coMee there is afreit season. You will therefor() want A Sapp!),
Fruit are, We hay°, Imperial, Pints, Quarts and Bon Gallons,
Dayou. want a flay Feek,rops,g• inch of Pure Manilla? Then come Imre. Do n4
forget Forke, Bakes, Scythea, Snetbs, Soythe Stones, Maclaine Oil anti Calla. Then pee.
haps you want a semen door or window? You ought to see ours,
I Mogul and ran Brand,
A iine VerietY of Package Teets ouch as Blue Ribbon, Salada, Montioon, .*rand
I Do you want year phot68 enlerged, if so etek for one of our Cards
i Terms are cash er prodame snob as Berge at 140, (and likely more) Butter, Lara.
Tallow, Dried Applea, etc. A. trial reepectially eolicited, Yourti for bueinees,
I '
hence indifferenf' ti.) mere, ite etomach , ily is • generally subject, and some oth.rs I
addition. It thus suffers frern this '
' This will be found to be the cese in- ' '
variably, and disposes of the belief that class of -disease very eeriously wilco flee•
when trout refuse to bite it is bemuse gleoted, alt/iough It is mOre easily re- I ' ' II e•
they a.re already full of food. It would lieved than sheep on account of the I
to catch trout would be when. they are
they are rising beet to the fly, or are of the same cherecter itS these of the
ss wfood, and le parasites to which the fam- •
Emporium, Lordesboro
anly 8rds 1802.
naturally be eupposed that the best time more, o en and Jess oily •fieece. Teey uggies
hangry, but it will be found. that when
also suffer from root rot, lieving feet
taplentykof king bait with the most avidity, there sheep. This is due to the existence of a
is food. in their stomachs, fre- secretory or excretory gland in the foot
quently so meet., 'le fact, that it would
seem Impossible that any more could be between the toes, known as the inter,
taken in, • ungulated gland, which seeretes a spec -
41 lubricat/ng substance by which the
Why this should be no one can• tell. It $ t
oo points are kept free from injury. It
is a feet, neveethe]ese, which anY hiller'
man may easily verify by ineestiga• is the almost entire ignorance of this Geo A
'vis °Isaac Street Clintor
ag ons!
Do you want a high grade Buggy or . ,Wagon
. we bave the finest btock. to select from. All the fittest styles in the new,
est colors. Oar prices are as low as can be found tor firstsolass-material
and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us. ' se' -
We also bundle the Canadian Steel Field Fence, already svoyen, any farmer:ors. .
ereot from 60 tie 80 rude per day, it is a cheap etroeg fence.
tion., formation of the foot of the sheep, and •
goat as well, which makes the animal so
Tlie labile+ d •tl D Bubject to that serious-disea,se, the foot
tse friction of the parts, soreness follow-• '
g, poison• due to infection
Dudley of gentu .1,-..i 7 , oO of the eminent by filth. Bethel' the goat must be Men-
a good story as weless if he did not and Watched as carefully, ea sheep are, ,
himself: For skin parasites, the same acme -dies.
p and rammer. ; . . rot, Which is simply an -inflammation due
, The Right Bev. Thomas Underwood in and blood
biehops in the Elia:copal Church, enjoys eged with clue regard to Ole disabiltY,
wear the cloth. lie tells this ;elm ' on t -
o oid trouble.
..• .A. lumber of years ego. howassgoing •Die to be used as for sheed, but as they
.by. tram to .oue of the smeller toeus of are • more easily reached it ie may. neec.s- .
1 • his aloceSe to heldsservices. He was en. sary toe wash or grease the skin.. with
• joyingea clear in the smoker, and upon some disinfecting liquid, as a . coinmoa
a the seat . aeleg :him was a very large •sbeep• dip or a preparation of. tobaeco
. - A druirimer sii tape. 'back of him, netieing •Imiled; or to geese the animal with
f . and engin: ed :...6a.rbolie. acid. In:4 et, . -gotki- 0 9" ' -1' -
e valise, containing .los clerical vestments. sli
seeped in boing hot water, but not
s his jaunty tiavelleg cap, leaned; forwerd any oil matter strongly 8-,ented .with
, 'graveling roan. &I" • , „ , ,,
.: . "Yes," anewered the 'bishop. .
, .
t d`W.hat houset a y(9 . Kepresentn....____..._:...• . .
his papere here! writes his lettere at our
• cineati) asked she drummer . : xe succoltStailY used samattYr nY4,trtis
0,000 bellies. Safe. effectual 1-guiteroste9D
"Bigger than that."' see year tire/tat for Cook's l',otton tt'Ot*
• liatations are oangerous. Prioe,.240. 1.13
• "A. T, Stewart'sr tor* Mailed on reeetpt of price and two *Mail
desks and receives his callers in our re
ception rooms. • Ile is not alone in kis
"Vie biggeshoete in the world." '
"ShillitteeS"--- Iouse OM- 0.70olea Cotton Root Con4=1
chss.' There are hundreds .of men, jils.
like . hint, They. are respectable, and iii
no way. offensive, but ,they enjoy a lot
• of hotel prieileges , for nothing se' long
that they finally look -upon theta as
vested. rights." ' • . •
The -Clerk told about the various kinds
• of "no -pay, guests" to be eeen. in all New
York hotels, and said that they were a
source of expentre-tO the hotels, but that
' they helped. to distribute the 'hotel sta
eionery, anCoecasionallY .Sonee Of the• ir
friehds left .a dollar there.- ...
' man With the long hair, over,
The Model Housewife.
• ,foot. The great fat jowls' extend near-
ly tareo feet amass From between the .
ears tTs •'th7 tall is over seven feet-'
The tali itseli is the smallest thing in
• the big proportiong. It Is a mere point
he the air. The face ot the hOg ig also
• - for the size of the animal. It
• is only sixteen inches long. The hams
etre monetere In size. and the Yak
borne just above the voting ny four
•'porker le a Mete pigmy by Its•tilde.
•eIbe biggest' hog heretofore grown'
weighed 1,250 pounds dead Weight."
"Marehall'Field S" peat srake no at or, as all Mixtures, pito 424)
•"Bigger than -that." seese.ago. .2,10 de,grees stronger, 0 par' bar.
"Bigger Yet." • The I:look Company Windsor
very". Fa 0 li use
• The best klit0Will remedy for Smut on Oats, Eartey,
Wheat.or Corn:
.• .
Wecan give you testimonials from ail:the
• farmers of this'seetion who, used our forwi1de13rde,
• year.. 'Fall instrnetions given with each 'bottle; •
INC Combo's "Standard FOrnialdehyde" •
„ .• •
• II
Chemist tt Drulist
II. NO, 111 IN 1 II I 0 r1.•
eduction111 Prices
• •
recoleteae,patokork 1 dEreee is a great ohm:mete secure a firstr,olass bilged/ at ii. big reduction .No.
"Well, What 'house is •it? .These are: effeeeenniiiitteigl'illeeetledatantrieledia.
the best I know." . I s - sese prices:-
' . el-rep...cent, elred said thebishop, i
Ide e.; s ... ,...,- - - se, ..- - $8,0„Buggees.foe 0613-1;$75.-Beaddee fee $65'
pee., e„e3., ethe .(,esese. s,s crest?, , i - leo. 1, and .No. 2, are soict in tilinroe ''' - $(15 jeeggies for $00 •
The saleeraari eetie; a meet), then glitAc- • 't all resPnrainle.Dred Stores.: , '••• .•
Lee es the inamAotle vLise, exclainzeda ' • ' :Remember theseetirts ati. our own mrticeWhieli place's no in 'a pbsition Ito: gnarantts, •••
- ' all rve rot to say is, yon carry• Noliee to CrtoditOrs. • them,. as we do net buy.6ny material bet wiiat is -first class.
It patty full.line of sareples." ' •
X.( Coe 'is herehy given' that 4'11 persons t . , .
. • .
haviate feline against the estate of I
Williain Stirling, 9vito died on •or abotit the
•4.111110.1.6.0 ,Repleiring promptly attended to b eXpe d
there," said the. cleric, pOieting to -a die-
• 23rd day of JUly.1P02, are required ora or be-- -00.9orsosisosoaa-9-9,-- '''•"•9••••••-•aa•-aaosturnsaraiisaaretiscaaara
„tinguished- looking airily Who lolled in an
.. easy chair with an 'air of proprietorship
• !els one of our 'regular' geeste.• .His epe-
cialty is newspapers.: Ti•ho his break
hist at a coffee ;and :chkes .place near by
- and comes -early every. meriting,- He sits
.about .with his eyes halt closed,.appaa
, y r nce n,
itt 31c,NATIL !•• Huron• Strectg
........... ...• Ye • • V.
iintara. SitS. '.Door and
• •d • •
Genera/ Builder and Contractoire •
ently oblivious to all around bini,. uhtil
soineorte -lays _down te paper and. walks
away. Then he will jiistip- for the .papei
quick Us. a. 'flash,. and begin to read
-While he is reading he keeps an eye on
the others in the:.roone. and papere
are cast aside he adds to hie store, but
, when he his dnished • reading he' leaves
the papers to tbe readingstoone, and
spnie of his fellow .'regulars' carry them
away. At the writinegdesks our expense
Lor stationery is lookedenpon as kola.-
- mete, but thee is onefeature that 'gdes
• a. -,little :beyond the liniit, and de. rather
exasperating. That is the pilfering.
"Penholders, With pens and without
pens •rens new Andold and blotters in
all etaees, are acarried awayin great
, quantities...A than who is known aeethe
professor' in the hotels in this neighbor-
- bood, , probably because he was .once
school teacher, used to around a-writ-
ing:table 'for a- long time everyday; pre-
tending to reed, but he really ;watched
. opportunity•. . tea new
blotter in. the folds. of his paper. When
this had been accomplished he folded up
the 'paper. and -walked ..out What. lie
.Wanted tile 4a.per for. I don't .know,
Tonsil he' did all. his writing here.' Oho
day I called him aside and told him that
he. must stay away. He asked no cptes-
, Lions, but. he underitood why. I am
'sure, ,however, net, his place as a• blot-
ter• pilferer has been filled." • •
In the • Winter these ,hotel loungers
make the public rooms' their elu.la and.
in. warm weather they 'cannot be dis-
tinguished. .
•. from e • iett guests • in • se
fresh 'air parts of the 'hotels. a
"Of course," said the clerk, "if we
would allow everyon.e•to Make our house
his headqyarterie we 'would soon have
no room' for :our guests, but we do; not.
. Our 'sitters' . are reputable people, who
have no business' to occupy their time;
old men whose day has passed or nien
who are waitingfor something to teen
np, and I am sure that they are -elf hon.
The Cause of
, • In alinost every . case where . woman -
suffers from ills petediarly feminine the
cause is to be found in a weakened and
• exhausted condition of the system, The
nerves are depleted and the blood thin
and watery. If medicines have failed to
cure it is be tt
. cause a wrong reatmen
as een use .
•'•Mis. Henry Cla k, port Hope, Ont..
Mates have used seven boxes of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Feed for nervousness and
fore the 15th day of Omober,- 1002, to send by
p mt prepaid, or deliver to' Bolant Sterling,
()Upton; Out.. Oral or no exeoutl•is of tha will -
of and the dt.cdated a, etateieent of their 0141n13,
Take notice, that .after such,
last inentioned date, the said exemitors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the Said -
deeease among the parties entitled thereto,
,ving regard only to tth o claims of whieh. no- -
t ee shall have been given as afore9atd.
• By LTAkti$ SdOTT, their solicitor.
Dated a' clintee, this 10th day of Aug, 1002.
.Voter's List, 1942,
a completely ten dowe eystem, and can , municipality of the Town • 0
heartily reeommend it as a wonderfully eliat0111., County. of lauron.,
• effective treatment, efore using this i
remedy I had been yery'peor health for nth.° is hereby :riven that I have trausmi
some months. I seemed to . have no • ltd and delivered to the mirties mentioned 1
energy or ambition, felt tired and listless. sectioned:and 6 of the OntarioVorar.'S Olst Ac
•1559, hod copie required by said seetions, t o b
lf b t the h I
Most of the time, and scareelY so transmittiad.or tieliviiiert, the list made D.a
This 'factory. is the largest -in he county, and has the very latest imeroved ma.
ebinery, enable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stook and prepared planet and give estinaatee for and build all olase-
se of buildings onshort notice mad on the olosest prices All worn is supervis9
1 terior and ezterior material. --
ed in a mechanical way and se.tiefaetion- guaranteed. We.sell all hinds of in.
. I Lumber Lath, Saingle tulle, Sash, Doors), Blinds Re
r e GRA.Y.8/114L SCHOOL- DfiligE, naziaufaciared
294' Waterloo. Call end gee prime ana estiroates before placing. your order:3-
toyse a on e o se. was wea suant to the said Act, of all persons aPtennrig •
• well, and felt diecouraged about my §unfg to bi t,4 linotcnyn the
' .. irritable and nervous, could not sleep by thela4 reyised untttled Assessment 114.d. of t o said
elm a a I n f le here el t de
health. Dr.- Chase's Nerve Forel has , is gialative Assembly and at Municipal Elec.
• taken f away these symptoms and given , tionsve teat s'iid list WAR arst posted up at
olei este day of August, I902, and lee
back my usual health and vigor, conse. a net oilles
: quently I endorse •i.ta,fully."
,_. ,
••• Imo to exantine I he aid list and ft any otn-
• 1 mains thei:e for inspueliqn. filet1t0I'S fya ealled
. 50 cents a oats, at ao dealers. n. n.4taan. tinoitgaSik0eX1rn%t13/tOoth)
Vrooe're %Ill gITt‘ Cititil 113:sraIncl
S014 Bates & Co •Toronto. .. ' 'errors corrected according to lo.W.
• W. COATS, Clerk,
Dated this 10 day of August, 1001
,..Itt ", • :.. - • ,.......,,,„:;:qy.4 Up- ../ :doe . T icso ,e0 investeden a. Certain
. trocersvie. ru. „..w....„ . ,, • , „.„...,Fg.,40..eteetzt*me,„ e e e never speculate, be-
._darti.:attaiLenedulint.nattlittLinirtaanitig ilthe win- lils'itunrird-d, h -o el fiellAiikes, (:it.iderill6LbtiLtiii
,,g anthem ‘ me Ay to play the game iii i ' "
awl the bed clothing* placed upon than they .dia when, they played it lus-
ter an hoer or two the ro0Ms'are net --------------- .
chairs to eateh the morning air and at-
•/ - • • •• • •.• • in order. In the stilarter, if you (
. •Iliaven't screen's, you better, have flies
Vives Strength and ilLetor rtban exclude the sunshine and fresh !
........_ 7 • . ',' . air. .• - •4
I The up-to-date hotteekeeper bears iti
.mind the health of her family by keels..
big her bedrooms free from. the stuffy •(
influence •brought to bear, through lack
of proper ventilation.. She remembers
too, that her husband and ehildren en. I •'
I. .0 0,.,„.,,.
iby seeing her iti the hoine.at all times. - 0, . ., 4• (6,
• Malt
nun& Ilk The•System and
You441 Good.I16alth,
the Right rtood Por Young and
Old, Per The StrOtia
and iireak.
Breakfrts's Prod b' ti
• - .
•Next to godliness comes cicanliness,
tabor In the heine and I
then to cleanlinese -add. a systematic WA At 'S TH
VIIIIngnees to tE SPOT!
-for the- hOme, and there win. be tower I
.ihousewives who leek upon hotitte Werk 1 Right •Iti-tho, small uLtho_btacici.,,,_
�S laboriouS, and, fewer maidens who Do you ever got O. pain there./
If so, do you know 'what it means?.
it in a 13nokaehe.
A sure sign of Ridney Trouble,
rush to)the 'shop and factory to avoid
,the irksomeness of honte. Parra
peopet propertionk theeporest and About, Celery.
1,0111)A LI 91d B. ',ma/Random
south, tinysti)s 'signs of decay the covering should be DA Alps xiotiEy piLLs
• .6:patience with your kiendid Malt 13reakt. dried and put hack again in the even- I
• I Don't neglect it. Stop- it in time,
the choicest Wheatk partially cooke arid Celery that remainti In drilla Sh011ia ifyou don't, serious Xlciney roubles
predigested, is the oireat health -giver for ybe examined and if the tops show' are sure to follow.
041 consider it a pledflue to w'rito of my °Am/ °tf " a fin° dalri lihrtk°11 " gtud'
fact Rood. hie, wit out &omit tho. b,,,f,. V/C1Wintre te OW light and air wilt cure Backache, Lune Back,drtheZs,
tlioas WhO tar) WOOS and ruinlowit. It has Orills that have boon dug mit mew bes Lit Trouh.es. ,
enter. nt..y add, that y ir food 6 plow, S'oty some celery was ini
netted bY oVerY' oloolhAr 6 *AY farrlibYl heat, The rim* plants Will he Useful
All Grocers sell Alalt Break ast.PoDOAN IttentitY PILIt, CON
Totem*, Orn.
it* flanginLeon .
of qn grain foodi for i‘,parting.t.trcontit to help to stop the rot. Tho, coveriegs of Droll' and all lCulneY an er
quite. toot my expeetatiotla every parte, grted away and the soli leveled with, PtiOd 1313c.aivq0r forr$05,alit dealers.
Dr. Chase's
• Nerve Food
, .
A laeffiraceral Sergeant, a ng e women . and widows. Posttions ar
Worth from $400 to $?,500 per artnunt. W
J.ue 'German ofdcer is nothing if not • /Hive paid severel canvassers $50, weekly fo
practical', so there may- be an element ypoemeio. 13 ttvoroiti :Jelly and . we will give see
of truth in the - following
TaiStierd?°. Ltd.
It ,,-.-xed. reerttit. ' At lest he bethought
. ,
was perplexed he* to deal with n hew-
iPeideat' . - An'ISR. veeBri.d.RA
:,-.- 0-...--:•.7.--izi./- (ya...9 : ...
which tomes -from Berlin''.. -A sergeant DLBY-GAtiErREa
himself of • a plan.. Taking a, one -mark
piece, about the ,size of a shilling, he a
- eideeed . the recruit • to put ' feabetvireen •
....i.,..•-.!, 11.... :t.
t ,
' 'we can give resiiiens to pereons of al
grades of ability*. Agents, bookireeper
farmer's sons, la Nyers. mechantos, PhY
eieians, prtaebers, stessents, nutrried an
his knees, •and said, "Woe" betide you fU. ? Al
strati let -the money fall bolero I come. 'i•fillee
- ese
beck 'in five :minutes:"
.The unhappy recruit, with knees press-
ed . together, remained in that ancome -
fottable positimifor g. minute, and tit -
laele struck by a happy idea, hetook
the coin frozi between. his knees and pat. •
it in his pocket.. .
• . 'When the sergeant hove in Sight he
hurriedly replaced what he thought to be
- the same -coin, It was, however, -a two-
.;lauirksD113•galeeCerti asnbatzt i 7iSlhiirecogenlasPlimaiel°144e1(11.
the bon -legged recruit on the &elle
••iliressure.,.-ha-imust knee -exerted. on. thei-
, , •
• ,
For the Fall 'trade is now almost, complete
and comprises all the new materials
Waist materials' in
. French Flannels
-Finnetlaines, Etc.
A special:line of Fan 3 y Striped Black:
Silks for waists at .8 Oe yard.
"the sight of tumid&
Vt/holesalt! wok of pianos
A veterinary surgeon raisesthe clues.
tiOn as to whether a good deal of the at very best pu$si le ride&
accidents which happen in driving mety Organs, the very entertamable
not be due to defective eyesight in gramophone, sheet music,
horses. Whether this be so Or not it •books, and a variety of music
'Would be useful for, at any rate, those '
Music Enworium.
n ru
having valuable animals, which they are `.
in the habit of drivine along the high*
ways oe in populous districts, to have
the sight of the .horses periodically test.
ed by aqualified surgeon. Howevertfew
ever think of having a horse's eyesight'
inspected or tested, and yet there pro.
baldly little doubt that the evil of de.
fective sight is much more general than
is commonly suppoeed; undoubtedly
large proportion of the "runaway"' ao-
seitleettielehieh-happen-netysbe pule down-• - -
to tide effecteedtural World,
News. of Brits:in as "made .ittC'tes.
many," le alwaye eneertaining, Title
-delightful pera,.,0-rarli anent the enrodat IltelCO-W"1\,T
turn poseponement, iipetared in it lotal.
pair of a small arrnian town 1-' Ifaving bought Mit Ilia Barness
Wilfrid Lkowier decided that business Of A. iNfellItIjIN. is go.
the Drece:.-.sion -which, was arranged for log to sell Treriks,Villoes,Dimtero
Friday shall falai, place, as arren::a
,eil, nd
„ livies,and everythin,-,tin tionneetion if the QUI.I.n awl the Prince .; ehan ' witb ttad09.003d and 01i0,14),
be pt- 1115. is to avoid a till:HINE'
Drisig10 tonclmi Where the pond. Light flatness 0, Speelalti
matt pf fottdvities is giving rise to
etich.dbirettent that serious • Itpriulaw .1 Call and dna and X will 111:13 3,011
are leered.
I iiirWo°99; St.,11 (1100rS ViitS1.-, Of NOW
The United Strifes battleship, towel,* combos canton.
ran agrourtd near tholiAand 111,iict,
4•684*4 043
aie1 rese,,,eleeeseesae,
Brings the grace of beautiful hair to, everyone who
uses it. Dandruff MOST be gotten rid of first-, "
• because it is the root of hair hair troubles.
Thee is no distant more wide -spread in theivorld teltaz,
and *MO wore embarrasing to people of refinement. Coke
Dandruff Cure Is a positive, permanent, guaranteed. ultras ton
dandruff. .ffuy a bottle at your drugglats—rtice,60e. and PA*
otottacito NEW YORK LONDON
., .6 a...
'iheeteady inorease in oar trade is good pir.lef of the foot that otm,go da are Wei sita
our prioes 10Wer than these of other dealers tho tro.le,
- illarrifaatite ftitnittlre On a huge sc-.1e and call afford to soli' cheap. If yeti btiy.
from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other enee, has to added es ,
tins rotoll dealer.
This week wo•have passed into stook soma 0):. Oar new' designs. Spam will net permit
• its to quote prices, but come anti so., Lor yOttr,10if whtt arteps We haVe to offer,
EnratlinbEn!---9We 010 eettermiaed that our
lUNDE iitTAI.(11% 411.
Prices shall be the oveeet in the trade.
In this &pm:trona oar stoJk is °coeds, and 14 have tindoribtodly the„ hest inner*
outfit ut the ovrity. Ourapriccet aro eve se the loWeet,
mokopoorr„ BOX itr, „,10.0Y Malley
v. 8, Night and &today oalls attondod to hy ealliu at J. W, Obidley's Putt&
•,-0•Direotor) rosidenoe, • 1