HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-19, Page 54 ; The Toronto Weekly Globe and New Era a trial till the end: of the year, 'for 350. I W.Aimuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwii •Glorious Big • Bargain E'srOnt. A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. • Our Whole Clothing Stock will he offered at a special discount of 20 per cent • The object of this sale is to sell out this seasons clothing before our new goods arrive. We never carry one season's goods into the next season. All goods charged during this sale wM be charged at regular prices. Positively. no goods charged at .sale prices Our ctoods are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale. Alen's Suits. Men's 5.00 suits now 4.00 Men's 6 00 " " • .... 480. Men's 8 00 " . 6 19 , Men's 10 00 Men's 12 00 (s 9 60 • Bovs' Suits Boys' 150 suits now Boys' 2 00 , o Boys' 2 50 " Boys' .300 4 " Boys' 4 00 " t‘ --Buys"--5 00 Dive. odd pants . 40 • „ Men's Overcoats Men's 5.00 Overcoats 400 4, • 4 .480 Men'sr8 , f " 1.20 1.60. 2 00 240 •••••••••I ..... 320 • • Isa. .• • • • ao' tio: 4'o. 4.00 ' • .• • ..111C••••••••fp 6 40 Men's 10 00 " Men's 12 00 . " " •110 9 60 BOY.,S' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced Same proportion. All fur goodsatabsolute cost—Fur Caps, Coat, Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing. Tho. Jackion,Sr., Victoria Block, eLINTON ------------------------.1 An,-.111,flit king IS fur comfortable whether the wearer A' Walks, Sits or Stands. Hagar Shoes • ,.. Are not uncomfortable TEE CLINTON NEW ERA .0onona ono Golan e owns and violas Mines Lou and Millie Little are in Lon- Ohne Twitchell was a Seaforth Visitor don thie week. last week. The Miaow; Dower are itway in Brant- Mies Lily Herman is a guest in London ford holidaying. this week, Alias Wawa of Ooderioll,10 4 gueet at the W, Q. Phillips Was up hi. Goderich FriditY honae nt Thee Johnson. On business. ' Miss Irina Kaiser visited her grandinoth• Mu H. 0..Bell came back from the Tor. or in Hensall het week, onto fair Friday. Mrs A, a. Grigg ie • vielting friendat Mrs Olaaricige returned Saturday evening London and St, Thomas. ' from a vieit in Mitchell. Mrs W. Doherty left on Tneaday to vieit Mies Lily Agnew renewed old aequeint, . with friende at Wardeville. • anoes in Drysdale lad week. Mrs john Enamerton left for her nevi' Mies jo don an ra'a a X( naie Fo ter r a i a Foe ter in Ripley last Thursday. •spent Suncley in Sheppardton, NUS JOB. Rattabury *left for Toront•o Miss Lettie Smith returned home Sitter. ' Tuesday to spend a couple of weeke. . day froin an extended visit at St f4arys. F. L. Karn, of the Sovereign Bank,Exet- The Miners Little and:Miss Mead Moffatt er, spent a few dap in town this week, went to• Loadon Saturday to epend the we• ek. Misses Edith Hodgens andMayArmstrong Why not let well enough alone. .. have returned home from a holiday trip to Toronto. • Ramilton was never more prospeteugfl Tony Sehrenlr, of Harristonspent Mona lightful trip "to Montreal last Tian:0day It A IN. , . Mr and Mre ,Tas Fair:returned from a de - day in town. He is doing we,ll up in that evening. northern town, SBorland went to London Monday Mies Lily Johnson, of the Collegiate In STANDARD ELEVATOR . epent Sunday at her s, with his little son, Who has been on a visit htitnte staff, Seaforth laere ter two weeks. .. •Mrs J. P.Doherty and child have return- omhere, Mrs S. Cole and Mies Lucy 'have return- ed from en extended vieit at her home in . ed from Toronto, after a week's • visit with Poplar Hill, friende in the city, Mrs W. Pi, Ole, daughter and son, of - Fred and Mies Elsie Dower were the Detroit, have been visiting with relatives in ' guests of Miee Clara Bisset at the P'. O., town for the past two weeks. Goderich, over f3anday.• Amongst those who attended the wedding Mies Doan returned to Cleveland Friday of Ackert-Harper in Holyrood lad week we to enter upon her duties as beacherin one of notice the name of.Miss Eva t3haw1of town, the sohciols of that oity. •W. P. Egg, City Passenger Agent, of Mies Hanna, Tiverton,returned to her Montreal, Cattle up the past week ft,r his home on Wednesday after an enjoyable' flunrtharviihithwh/ohhnaHVeoismpeeen,toothaee visit with her sister, Mrs S. S. Cooper. . rioarromaedr, Misses Sanders and Hardy, of Exeter, and returned Friday. • returned to their homes Monday. ' They Db. and Mrs Geo Potts returned from a , were the gussets of Russel Manning while Vieit to Cleveland, Ohio, Monday They • here. were detained for some time before starting • Mrs at 1111oMenamin and friend, Mrs on amount of a storm raging on the lake, Ormond, of Glaegow, Scotland, returned to and had a rough trip morose, Montreal Mondayafter a pleasant visit at • Walter Irvvia, who hail been occupying a the reatory. .• position in Toronto for the past two m John Middleton, jr., left for Alexander,onths, returned home Friday to take the place cf his brother,Wallacean hia father's Man., Tuedday.morning to VOA after their store, who leaves this week to cornmenoe land in that neighborhood. He will be gone a his etudies in the Chicego Dental Selidol. some six weeks. - Mrs John Mani* retnod-110mir-on • Tneeday from the west. She has been vis- BARGE—In Clinton, Sept. 18th, to Mr .,. . iting at her son's Harry in Ox Bow, Man,, and Mrs G. W. Barge, a son, Servant Wanted for two months. •BELL.—On and con., Turnberry, on " W. P. Spaulding left Thursday for the Sept 2nd, to Mr and Mrs Frank A. Bell, a 1 manufacturing oentre of Philadelphia to daughter. pick out the latest hOsiery knittingMag--11iii ery that is, available; -- .- BRISTOW.--In Sestorth, on Sept 5, to ••Mr and Mrs Wm Bristow, a son. ' Mr Gottshall, who has been in town for •. SMILEY.—In Seaforth, on Sept 8;to Mr _ . some time Visiting and teetering at 't•he and Mrs J Y Smile • y, a daughter. ' Brethren,meetings;- left for Amberley last'• week to conditot meetings there. • • CLINTON MARKETS Correct d every Thursday afternoon 14.T113ateoliatyoSePtembor 1803, 1902. 04whtId 0 65 new 0 65 SprinOate ... 0 28 a 0 30 g " "......,... 0 06 a 0 65 .... 0.40 a, 045 Bailey • 0 35 a 0 26 Peas •080 a 080 Fleur per owl .. 225 at 2 25 Play Green bTo. 3. Aim. bides 28 5 200500 a 5 • aa °9 550000' Obeepekias WOh°i°04kenssh,°rer* p"it•ir**•: : : 02 2205 ita 02 450 p 2 Pork, live 6 80 a 6 60 Pork, dressed 6 50 a 0 5u Butter, loose ....,..,O 13 a 014 tub 0 18 a 014 Potatoes,ggsPI.dpclzr"blisici * * 14 a "0 15 Dried APPles Per lb"00 0355 aa 00 0355 CLINTON. • All kinds of grain wanted, and the highest prices paid in cash for any quantity. Call at the Ele- vator and see .us' before selling. D. URQUHART. Summerhill NOTES.—Two seryicee are to be held la S. Peter's church on Sunday, the 28th, the day of their, harvest Thaoks- giving, Rev G. A. ' Wright, of Brant- ford, will speak in the morning, and the rector will occupy the pulpit, at night. Interesting services may be looked for, as the church will be beau- tifully decorated, and the chair will render son3e choice ramie. MeV Xftrattlinailats Good general servant'wanted atone. XPnlY to • • • • AIRS J, IRW INT, Ring street; Sept. 18--tf , . , • Farm for Sale. Mr and.Mrs X, D. Katy,. Of Laurium, Mich., formerly of Clinton, hive been vis- iting . Philadelphia, New York and other eastern points, for the past two reeks, - . . Mrs Baird, of Brumfield, accompanied by Mies Campbell, of Kincardine, andljss McKenzie, who has been onas vial ere, were guests at MoLenriae-e, Saturday. • Aire G. P. Oakes and daughtere,. Carol and Muriel, have returned to Chieitge, hav- ing enjoyed a pleasant two monthsvisit in Olhiton, Exeter, Guelph and Brantford. - Miss L. Woribington,who left a year ago tO•iritter the Boston General Hospital as a nurse -in -training, arrived home last Tues- day for a niontlee vacation at her home. , ! 'Dr end. Mrs Agnew left for Montreal Mday morning to spend a week in that day. on- e ' • ,Cho .Or will be in attendance at the' Curia- ' !, aianental Aseociation;whioh is in session there. 1 J. McGuire left for his own labors at .. ' Shalrespeare•ffaturday morning after doing ••-- relief work at•the station here for A.O.Pat- Mia i s mi,. who was away on e two Weeke%holia 1 ..1-,, day tour. • a , .fir; -, ; J. R. Sutherland ani wife returned to their home -in New York on Monday. They left on•theirmotor cycle, and if the roads prove good will go all the way on their nov- Edward pinsley, 'a well-to-do insurance , 1 . I man of the aiity of Chicago is -here on a They Fit Well —Look Well: Wear . Wei . visit to hes parents, Mr aad Mrs Edward . 0 ' ' • • Dinsley, of gm street, and with his sister, We carry' in stock 25 different stylerof this makof Shies W1111113Naughton,who retirnod,with his Mrs N.Reheozalaat week .- giving you a Splendid variety to ,chooie'frem. . sisters Maud and °bailie, lad eek,from a surnames Outing at Goderioglacavyfield,Loni. The prices range from $3.00 to 85.00. - . don and other points,left on. Tutisday morn- . No Shoddw—No Paper Soles. .. , ing to seek his tartan° at Calgary,N.W. T. • Pairtinize the New Shoe„Store and get. New Shoes ' Jas. Connolly left for Brantford onWed ' nesday,toattend a meeting of the exeoutfie • . of the Weatern Dairymen's Aseociation to PI. .' • rr• 3K S ifin:DIN,o1r. be held in that city for tbe purpose of ppr•-. • %.1"..A.0 . fecting arrangements for a Fair and Dairy ' Exhibit to be held in that oity, during the • azawrivoisT The New Williams Machine ' -• .1,-Thdelrneedireg ogood reliable sewing Machines -cannot do better than buy a New Williams. These machines are fitted with ball bearings and are made of the best steel throughout. A full set •of nickel silver attach- ; raents spoil:many each maddee, arid gill4hea, in the best quarter -out • golden oak and guaranteed. to daperfeet work. Call and NC them at our furniture dere. winter• , Miss Shipley, who has been in St. Oath.. erines on an extended- visit returned home Monday. She had some idea of going to New York to reside, but we learn that that brighter prospects present themselves for her to remain in town, and she has de- cided to accept it, • Miss Ida Brook, Mies 'Phompson and Miss McDonald, of Listowel, were the gueetll of Mrs R F Stoddart the past week, They assisted the latter lady during her re- ception on Thar ay, Friday and Saturday of last week, Tbp two former retnrned home Monday. Mr, and Mrs A. O. Pattison returned Friday evening from a pleasant two week' outing, They visited Buffalo and the In. &Wrist Pair and tben left 'for Penetan- gnishene to take boat fot e, utiles on Georg- ian Bay, stopping at all points of interest. He sols that section heal grown wonderfab Lot con. 3. Colborne, eoritaiging EA acres of , KNO.X.—In Exeter; on Sept 6,t6 Ms_and land in good,cultivaticai, 20 acres fall plowing,15 4 Mrs Geo Knox, _a son, acres M gragsrb acres fall wheat: On, premises . is PA story frame house and two frame barns in . ,HARRIED. good repair, also a good well and young bearing PA RK—FINDLAY. — At Ripley. on , Possession may be had.Mar. 1st, Nos, For fur- er particulars apply to Sept. R. ROWDEN or R. JEWELL. Box 50. Goderalr. Sept. 19th 1902 • :046.46.90100 0.4011041**111110016110 McKinnon & Co, 1311..4V T1E1 •ran lVlillinery Opening Friday and Saturday, Sept. 26th and 27th, 1902: .. • Our Millinery Openihg always causes a fiatter of excitement among the fair sex. They always expect to me all the new oreatione in. Militia, •ery displayed in our large show room, and we make it a point not to disappoint them, Other eeasone we have received unstinted praise for the wealth and extent of our opening displays, but our display on Friday evening, the 261h, will surpass anything we have ever attempted. This departraent is under the Able management of Kim Stewart, assisted by full staff of assistants and expert trimmera, who attended the whole. sale millinery openings and spent some weeks in copying the latest Par- is and New York designs and are prepared to execute all orders in the moat artistio.etyle, • • To supplement the attractions of oar Millinery display on Friday evening, the 261)3 inst., we will make a epeoial • showing of New Fell Dross Goode, Silke and Fanoy MOON Goods,New Furs in Ladies' Astra- ch,in Jackets, Caperines, Ruffs, Muff, Boas and Viotorinee, Ladies', Misses' and Children'a °loth Coats in all the new styles, Ladies' Kid Gloyea in the beat quality in all the new fall shades. • A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All to At- tend Our Grand Millinery Opening. McKinnon •Sz Co.,.131y th 009090041010110 .1141011.41011060411 orchard.: Farm well fented and well watered • Sept 4, by Rev Mr Hooking Halsey Park, .ofWingham, to Mrs Findlay, of Ripley, • AULD— GOWDY. — In Beliztore,! on • Septet; by Rev Mr Stewart, /hos Auld to Mies Lizzie Gowdy:, both of Wingham. WILSON—FERGIlSON.—At the reef - mace of the bride's parents 64 Sept 3, by ReY G M Dunn, Jae Wieon to Kiss Pheme Ferguson, both of Culross. . SMITH--130DGINS.—At the Engliab church, Etensali, .on Sept 1, by Rey Mr Smith, father of the groom, assisted by Rev W J Doherty, Mr Ambrose Smith, of Exeter, to Mies Bertha, °mond daughter of Wre Hedging. • IticADAM— ROSS. — At the manse, Saeforth, on the 6th, by Rev far Larkin, Mies Jean Rosa, of Tackersmith, to Thee "McAdam, of Owen Sound.. STE WART—HOUSTON.a-tn Grey, on Sept 10; b51 Rev,D B McRae, Mr Alattheve Stewart to Miss Sophia .Honaton, alt of: araY•° McDONALD—HUT TOE'. —At Centralia Methodist parsonage, on Sept 3; by the father of the bride, Fred W. MacDonald, L. D, 8„ of Detroit, to Mists A; M. antton, ' of Centralia. . TAtrENDEA--LONG. — Wingham, on Sept 9, by Rev J J Patterson, B. A., E J Tavender,. p1 Chesley,' to Mips Ada, yotingest daughter of John Long, of Wing. ' IRELAND—jUENSTON. ,•-• Iti‘Turti- betry, on Sept IO, at the residence 4if the bride s father, by Bev W Lowe, jolor Ire- land to Miss . Amelia, daughter of Wm Johneton. , . HANNA—FISHER. —On the 4th inat'a at the residende of the bride's parente.. by Rev•il J Pattemon, B A.; amisted by Rev D Berrie, George 0 Hanna to Carrie M L., youngest daughter of Postmaster 'Fisher, all of Wingham. . DIED ' . MoklATPL—In Dungannon, on Tuesday, Sept'. 16, Vara Dtloblath, father cif James MoMatb, of Clinton, in his 7$th Oar. PIIINGLE.—In Turnberry, on Sept 10, Andrew :E'cingle, aged 71. yeare and 10 months. • :MoISEIL.--In Winaipeg, Manitoba; on Sept 8, John lloN eil, formerly of Grey, in hur68th year. FRASER.—In Grey, on Sept 6, Findlay Fraser, in his 88t1i year; • GRAETON.—In Oentralia, on Se k 10, li Geo Grafton. aged 39 yeans and 2 moAhs, SNELL.—In Daehwood,oia Sent 9, a os Snell, aged 82 years. ' PHILLIPS . — In Trowbridge, on Sept16, Eby R. Phillips; aged 61 years. * - ly aincie he last visite,d it, and. is the doming 'Sale Register. -- place for all twirled& ' Art.extensive unreserved unction sale of =•:-W•nizaliiiiiiii-4-2forideKie6ii • aLreaidefit, :a:failed° elaffniiiiiiikeitiaiitidlItrirkifieldefi2 fectirto be held on lot 8, cm 3, Hallett, on TeeedeY. Oet. 7, commencing at 12 o'olock. A discount of 5 per cent. Will be allowed for cash. if.. G. MoMiehael,auct,Wm. Aitchi- son, Prop. •. On Monday,.Sept. 22nd, at MoCkumelPa Bieck yarda, Dublin, extensive sale of stook steers, heifers, newly calved °owe and apringers, John Uotionnell, prop., Thoa, 13rown, auctioneer. Oti Monday, Sept. 291h, at 1 p, in., kit IL otin 12, Hallett; oldie* sale of farm stock and implements, Alex, Smith, propaThos Brown, anotioneer, •, . of our town and of Blyth, who as reached the good old age of 78, and has for some years past lived with his married slaughter in Montreal, was here on a Visit this week with his brothers-in-law ate and TEM Rat- tenbury. He is looking hale imd hearty and is good for many years get, Ile is en a tear and will visit in Seafotth and other northern points as well as Michigan ,before he returns to hie home. He is not only looking bright and mart but he says he is feeling first-olass. The old Wilts° blook tiled was torn down recently was -framed by thin gentleman in the fifties and he knows a lot about our town's early days. We are aged to have a visit from an old land, On Tuesday, Sept, 30thatt 1 p. ro,,let 15, ark like Mr Shalt. con 1, MoKillop, extenelve sale of herself D. McAllister, formerly a large sheep and oattl"aat Carlin' PrO"ThnalBr" • dealer at North Yakima, Washi ton term fteetielleera ritorv, but who soldout all his/ interests On tiefiday, Oot. 703, at 1 p, m., lot 80, there, and has been spending th last -three con. 3, Plibbert, (deeming Rale of farm stook. weeks in town renewing old aceittaintanoes, Peter Mca6ne, prep., Thee. Stem, and, left for Arran, on the west 004131 of ScOt- liai nned ,.0 nWse6dtnuersadmai ,f rot tteetiwle 43.0yrkt,he Carinn not,nd. 7,00.2, Stanley,extensive sale of 120 1,01.024 On Thareday,Oct.903,at 12 o'Clook,ori lot veration with Bo Retaliator he „ye the ter ewesialse,general farm stook and ;mole, new IAW whieh dime into tiled in that metl.te4 Hector /told, prop., Thos. Brown, sue btate in regard to ranchers, will serlostely .. - handietip the Mall man. Ali a mat had to On Tnesday,Oet.24at 2 p.inalot 18;oon, °ander the o14 itiw was to regieter the 7, Et E. S., Tadao:dab, a choice 50 acre aloe of his stook and pay taxes on his farmithe property Of the late jetalldwardia Moment levied by the country, ne then Chas. Wilson, adminidtrater,Thea, Brown, d the Oil/liege of herding on any of the and. nimbn°0 but )101710) has to own blo own On Saturday, Oet, dth, at 1 p. m. at IL ria or Pu3, rent t° an owner* The WI. Devotees, waverooms, Seaforth, clearing ads in that Ootintry hatte tinder their own auction (Aloof now 0,ha seeendliand war. ght end title 40 MHO of fend on eaohi de gone and buggies. it. Dovoroo,prop.ahos. theirteitok, The °bled of the vomit prowl), and, gielation is to compel the taking up of meeteade. for Nis further onolament of Vorb Arthur Town Council has dacut- at country, the W01) iii1 being more prat* ea untoimouoty not to moot Mt Oar - le to the roroaan. negio's Dray otter. For Sale. -- • • • • ' ..House,.twO kits and stab's, ediner' Of • North ' and Mary Streets,The cottage contains six rooms in good renalr,'woodshed, with hard and s 11;, water, fruittrees and a stable in oat a d Wood JUST RECEIVEg Massilon seiett lump sat coal, 'suitable for pates, also Semi -Anthracite, the best substitute new to be bad for ,hard coal... 'Cannot supply more than oneton to a customer .at a time. . Cannot say when we will have hard coal but as soon: as the strike is adjusted we will endeavor to have it as soon as any person in this section. We now have a woodyard in connection with our business and can supply good dry wood. Leave your orders at our store and they will be attended to promptly. Teamsters wanted. to haul wood from the bush, haNing &it -class conclition. Apply to . purchased a lquai ain)* ntity.. 'For. partculars apply at our AIRS MOFFATT on. the premises. • • For Sale. store. Thic North Ball'oi Lot /7, Concession 7, :Col- borne, and -two village lots in .lUanchester, livery barns, outfit, and goodwill of tho 1111.5i - nese. For terms, apn:y to the undersigned, : • 1m1 Sept 11. URA WMSYMItGTON Auburn • -• A. bleak cloth overcoat with velvet colter, ea Huron read between golpiesville and Clin- ton, last Saturday, Find.r will receive a re ward by leaving same atNsw ERA OPnron or POST °SVCS tf sept11, Teacher Wanted. arland Bros: Hardware Cheap_ • • • . -- For 2.•2.•No, 9, Rd•Wawanosh. itOldipg4 9nd class oertificate; dutiss to commence 'Jan:. 3rd.. 1903. Personal:applications preferred. Apply jto OEINELLIO fT,1r., Seety Treas. Wingliam . • • Wanted - Good, general servant, apply to . MRS W.BRYDONFI, - luso lit 2 Wanted.. Girl to help in :Small family. abou lab 0, • September, apply to MRS. F. It. TIODGENS at • MRS. J. a:CODGERS Albert SO Wanted Immediately. • A first -Class cOok anda d.aiing-ir oni g'rl Appl" attonee. - • ; tr Atur 29 • CLARENDON BOTEL Clinton. G. W. Maiming Smith, M.D., Cll. ina-rsicLul &, SURGEON. OFFICE—Main Street, Bayfield, former'y soot/pied by Dr. Pa 'sten; CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A ichool that occupies front rank among the beet bigness colleges on the continent. Many beading corn- meroial schools employ our graduatee as teachere. We do our best to plaoe all our graduates in good positions , ,,and,:sgelaaye, been more successful Thoite desiring the best in business education should attenn out 06001. Write for catalogue. • W. Jr, ELIGIOTT,, Principal tiinAug 29 ante d! We want ai many tann- ers as can make it con yen - tent to come in end take a barrel ef Redpath's Gran. ulated sugar, as we are crowded with it,and some of our friends complain* if we store it on the street, so we will.sell it for $3.85 per hundred lbs, by the barrel, to make room for our next car. 01 course, we will deliver it any I)1te 111 town. Hog tlit00011itY .W. T. O'Ndil • Our Aephona number la 48 " Who has moved his stock ot TWEEDS to the Searle Block, Is still givi ng 25% discount off all his Tweeds. Now is the time to get a good cheap tailor-made suit. . . per cent Discoun but we are making The Modern Method. . - Of Sleeping FurniturelcaDs for Iron beds. They are the latest style and are clean and comfort- able. Call and vee our assortment See our Saturday window for t handsome Bedroom Suite at $16. This suit is well made and- has large bevelled glass and combine - tion washstand and is worth $18, a cut on this s,uite and it goes for $16, J. C.. Stevenson, On Albert :Pivot. Oppoiite Town Uall, „ Residence—Opposite Commercial Botel. Undertaker #.110,1 Embalmer. Clinton, Ont; 500 &sheik; Timothy Seed,- Highest Prices Paid. For SaleChoiee clean, home -growl. Timothy. See us for choice 'Crawford Peaches, Plums, Pears and extra fine Temotoes, Pickling Onions, Pure Spices, Gem Jars, Ribbons, etc. We keep ihe best only and prices as Low as any. 7.5 333TIMIR0 M &Wagger to Ogle JUST IN --Moore's early Grapes, the sweet kind COOperLt 004' First lot in town. Dress Goods neW line Of. Ladies'%lets, enibtoidered cashmeres, in eardinal, navy, garnet, royal, Old roes and black, 44 inehes wide, 2 yarde in ea* piece, per rime 91".75. • Embroidered Frew% Opera Flannels, 500 a yard. Ladies' Suitings PVT -Manna, Friezes;' Sergeo and Venetiati in nay, black, gray arid ,hrown, rnioed 750.t0, Silks • 1.1 A good range of phdri and fancy aiika for Waistaer trioottioga. Otic • to 75o a yard. 1 W. X.4.. OITIMETTS, Londesborm •••