HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-19, Page 104404PePPPAPPPPati What Rees 'four Label Say .111bialina.4141PfholtiflPfelf*VeloilitultifiloPM STADLTSRVD 1886. RtilatT HOLMES 1'0 I Optical . Education Times are ohenged, and ere obanging,the people no longer buy their gleam ot ignor- ant peddlers, nor allow themselves to be coaxed into purchasing wonderful optical quack's; nor are they even content t o go to It store and plek out a paw of cheat) slieo- lades with which they think they can 0.3e hest for a minute or two. When their erns eche or tbeir eight blare, they seek an educated optician in whom they have con- fidence, and expect nim to be able to adviee 'them, an 1 prescribe glasses if they are fouud to be required. Theron; no geese - work in our method of eye -totting. We are qualified to discover the nature and degree of any defect and properly correct It. No charge for conenhation, P. B. CREWS, Expert Watch Repairer -Jeweler Refraotionist and Dispensing Optician. OPPOSITS Town HALL, BIDDLECONBE'S OLD STAND: St Augustine entenderrtor lest week, . NnTES.-Miss Julia O'Connor and her mother attended Toronto fair, Was M. "Troy taking Charge of her school in her absence. Will Brophy has gene back to St Michael's College to continue his studies ; his young friends regret his •depaeture, but wish him every success for the coming year. We are indeed -glad to learn that Mr Jefferson's eon, who has been very ill of late,is recover- ing. hire Simon Dow is now very much indisposed, but hope she .will soon be around again, Mrs Geo Gar- ton made a fiyiny visit to Whitechurch on Wednesday. Wm Grant of Clinton, after spending a few days in the neigh- borhood, left for home with about two narloade of extra fine cattle. Apples The Toronto Weekly Globe and New Era from now, till th,e end of the year, for 35c. The Clinton New Era. Goderich Nerria-Wesley Edwarde, a senior student of the Collegiate, is taking the late Mr Moore's class, until a perman- ent teacher shall be appointed. • DHAT/3.-1. A. Moore, B. A., for over twenty years mathematical master of the Collegiate Institute, died suddenly at his home on Sunday, lie had been ill for a couple of weeks, but had so' far recoyered as to be able to take hie dames at the inet tute during the pee , week; and on Saturday afternoon at. , tended a meeting of the publiclibrary board, of which, he had been a director for many years and its moving spirit. IMPROVEMENTS. --The Lake Hur- on and Manitoba Milling Co. are offer- ing 11125,000 of 7 per cent cumulative stock'the above anaouat to be applied to improvement of the present plant and for the erection ot a warehouse with a capacity of 40,000 barrette, also for the installing of a vacuum salt plant with a capacity of 200 barrels per day. It is also proposed to pay off the balance of the purchase price of the property, and to provide a wonting capital of $75,000. Itrotursee-The adjourned inquest in the matter of the drowning of Frank -Lawrence, one of the crew of the India, whose body was found off thepark i last week, was held last Friday n the , town hall. After hearing evidence, the 'Verdict was given OS follows: "We find the unknown man to - be Frank Lawrence, eecond mate of the steamer India, who was with three others on board the 'steamer Marine City last November, and were lost off this har- OLINTON, ONTABIO• SEPTEMBER, 19, 1002; • St, Helens (Iotendecifor eat week.) Itesracron's VIsiT.-Inspector Torn paid his semaannual visit to our school on F'rida.y last. He ex reseed him- self as wefl pleased with the work done j by Mr Tenbutt, There were present - also Mr A, F. MacDonald, of S. 8, No, 14, Mise 0. McFarlane, of No 12, and fieV S. M4 -Whaley B. A. All enjoyed a holiday after dinner. Curractr-R, J E H nter (eyan aohnesville chickens Wanted -Any number of Book or ;rret,,i4tetnPeirt; iiii8digettiroeff. 1)ot in - ton Poultry Station; 11olmesvute, X'. 0. ()BURCH liatoorta.-The annual finan- cial reports of the Hohnesville circuit has been issued, and from which we learn that $549,85 has been raised* for rentst he atrot ehre'ea SPaPti re Yd aonndircittaftailnia. pew ts apportioment is 0585, so from the amount raised, they have exceeded 5ennuller. _:hurchChimea. • 13tintoVE2,1EN TS. -COntrao ts ft)r the the bridge tildhirnidgof cencrete abutments under bat ewe the creek near the woolen mill, from the stream it de- rives its motive power. was awarded hy the township council to Jease eldest. hill on the plan laid down by the coun. tv engineer, his tender being the lowest. The bridge is to he raised four feet above the present level,and a retaining wall, also of concrete, will be built to listlereached to a large tongregat on that by 914.85, showiag a very success. dam up the stream, thus ensuring a td,,,in church. kere 00 sundae ful year financially has attended them. higherhead of water &la neepto lessons, Yearn 2S and the Lord's Pray, the Holinesville coogregation they ol wooden flume the water will be en. have collected on their church account forced to flow along the side of the ein- - er And his expoeition of thorn was joyed by all. He afterward preached $67.30 in cash, making total receipte banament, where it will be conveyed frorn Mat. 7 $ On the subject of "Pray. outside of sti end raised of $118.17. Ex, to_the water wheels through a massive pehditur es- or sexton, rintingswood, tube of boner plate, and when complet. era._ A nuMber from here attended of the eattatee_ , oti, etc., 5115.40. leaving ' a balance On ed will give a head of twenty-five feet, the afternoon meetings lists in Dungannon. The Thankoffer. hand of $2.71. The number on members en !Solent to,give a p es re estimated on cheat is 202, and the total amount fifty home power 1 e year round. Ing meeting in aid of missions will be held in Calvin church to.nilebt• (Friday) raised for all purposes was $1351.80, any years ago before e name Ben. This is indeed a good showing, and tbe miller had place on the map a Mr when Rey J, J. Hattie, 13algrave, above amount le divided' as follows Logan, who happened to he traversing will deliver an address and a short pre. Superannuation, $3o.86: Missionary, the stream, noticed the power bleat grame of recitatione,etc., will be given. =mint, last. He took as his two Besides the above amount tabled by increase in power, ne ea o the , 0142.64; W. M. es., 852.20i Educational, could be accumulated from the little NOTES. -:-Mr Harry woo went to Toronto to be • operated on, Passed through it successfully and .we are pleased to know, is doing well. Mr Bert Wellwood, of the 10th concnssion, took in the excursion to Manitoba, on Tuesday last. Mrs J. McDonald and children, of Brandon, Manitoba, who have been visiting at the home of tier brother, W. S. • Gordon, returned to Toronto on Thursday and from there will join her husband and proceed to their western home. , Miss C. M. Gor- don, who spent consaleraole time camping, in Muskoka, has returned and bon and we believe the eteamer with seems greatly inaproved in heath. Sbe her consort could have entered tiee bar- •bor safely had there been a proper rake very highly ot catnp life there. re W. 0.4'Webb and children and Miss breakwater." • • Annie McKenzie are visiting friends in . and around Guelph. The masons and carpenters are pushing forwatd quite Wiugham. idl th k o Mr D Todd's new $7.06; Contingent, .$3 81; General Con- creek known as Sharpe's. and mewed- fse.s2rAce,s-hlidie 07h8L117.inhino:a 1.3215rc; h sl:tihelcleatz 1411,1280er 8=A3ticiigelgteaviNggranucil School Aid, $1 ; General Epworth its thriving industry of today took its League, $1; Quarterly Board, $723.60; birth. He subsequently Hold it to the Trustee boards, $2041; Epworth League, present proprietor's father Berne forty. 551; incidental expenses, 04.36; Sunday two years ago. The mill began witb schools, $107; all other purposes, el.O. lest a small patronage from the early settlers, who came there with fleeces of CiaLrECII. - The re -opening of the i the few sheep they were able to keel'. Methodiet church here after the eaten - from the ravages of wolves and bears sive repairs will take place next Sun- day, The church has been beautifully decorated, and Rey J. Holmes. Blyth, a speaker of more than ordinary Wail. ity, will conduct the services at 10 a, m., 2 and 7 p. m. The afternoon ad- dress will be specially for children. A that were very numerous theh. They brought the wool to be carded, for the spinning wheel in the old log houses was the only way that the good house. 'wives of that period had, to provide themselnes with yarn for socks and the IThe Label Tells the bate. ;#.44ppi***********44404414444kv WESLEY. -Last Sunday, in the ab- sence a the pastor, who is away on a holiday trip, the pulpit was occupied t bath b T. , clever young man who is studying for the ministry in the States, but is al present enjoying holidays at the borne of his father, Andrew Courtiee, of Hohneeville; large congregations were in attendance, and were delighted RP well s edified b hiei dis hel unanimous in pra se o his bright fut. are... Rev J Greene will occupy the a y cour nir • . PiiWiPnitsnanexertC8u9nlidetairi-The W.M.S held thew annual meeting on Tilers& v, of 'act Week, and the following effleers were elected for the ensuing year :- Pres., Mrs W. S. Harland ; let. vice, Mrs (Rev,) Manning; 2nd ' vice, Mis (Rev.) Hall • rec. sec., Miss Porter; cor. see., Mrs Ed. Oantelon ,• treas., Mrs Hodgens....Delegates were also ap- pointed to attend. tbe London Confer- ence Branch meeting to be held in. Ontario and Wesley churches on Oct. 7th, 84h and 9th. One of the most important subjects which has come up for discussion and finally.passed by• the General Synod in session at Montreal was that intro- duced by Mr Jenkins, of Petrolea,, e layman well know er the diocese of Huron. In a very powerful and ex- haustive speech Mr Seeking showed A tannin Assizes how the, church had suffered in the past for lack of the extension of the The autumn sittings of the High Court of Justice for the county of Herron opened in Goderich Tuesday afternoon, with Chief Justice Sir William Mph Meredith on the Bench. There were seven civil cages on the docket -four -jury and three non -jury actions. it was expected that there would be some criminal business., and H. N. Ball, of Woodstock, was in at tendance prosecutor, bat when the court opened there was nothing to go before the grand jury. The grand jury is comprised as Nilo ; S. J. Shannon. MaltilloP (foreman) ; George Came:bell, Stanley; James Denman, Grey: John Deveroux, Maintop ; Alex Laird, Howick ; Thos leiyingston, Ilullett ; W. Fla Reyntilds, Hewett ; Jas.Ryan, McKfIrdefl W. 0. Reidy Seafortire-GeorgeeSfeeirert, God-- erieh ; John Stewart, Howick Jacob. Switzer, Stephen; Speoat, Tuck. ei‘eetimmitohng the counsel in attendance • are Geo H. Watson, K. O.. d G Shepley, K. Oa Toronto; J. Mabee., KW.CP"roSucnitiof°t,ratii. 0., E. K. 0; EeL Dickinson, L. E. Dancey,llod- reach.; L. H. Dickson, F. Vv • Gladrnane Exeter e W.V. Sinclair. Brussels. , Huron Model Schools. • • • The following is a completelist of the candidates attending the ModelSchoots at present :- • • CLUITOL-Olvettn, Brigham, F'red Bryans. Kate A. Hart; Jennie Lowrie, Geo. N. Johnston, Ed, O. Wilford, Miss . Walsh, Sylvia Seel, Ella . John% Chas. W. Sewers. Lizzie Leverence, Hattie Cameron, Kare MeCoarte Clark Fraser, E. Jarrott, Mabel Hartry,Josephine .Lane, Maude Porter, Minnie Mies Dunlop, Edith Robson, Todd,'Flora MeEwen, Robt, King, Edna Manning and Ethel Musgrove. __ GODERICH.--toary J. Clark, Harry Walker,* Annie NI, Courtney, Edith. Taylor: Lin 'Knox, Ed. Stewart, rxi. Melbourne McDowell, Anna Martin J. Mabel.. A. Bailie. „Len.a,111.Sohn-.. Mabel Jennison,Lillian Robirisonadary n. eton, T. J. Olenighlm, Lillian Willson, Troy, Rebecca M. Hogg, Pearl E. Jack- ' • • ' • I1. ?oefwvheollur tuoadsolavirioe • PICKLINO SPICES Whole ground and mixed Spices Fresh and Pure by the ounce or pound. R. P. Reekie's • , Prescription Drug Store N. B.—Jar rings, bottling wax, etc. INTO diaconate. how the work of the church had been 'done since the reformation by men of the seccnd order; how tbe church might, be immeasurably strengthened by the 'revival of the coarse -woolens then in use. BY Patient material -material which could be order; how the church lead the beet thank offering will be received at all industry. and petseverance the nein called upon at a moment's notice - the services. The .excellent choir of has &teamed the Piet reputation it material which would render good the church, under the able leadership epeelee . holds today, and the Behalf-11er woolen service and -vhich, equipped under the a Wm. Pickard, is preparitig . . . new rule which he goeett. would do a m is ninon mous with last deatin ACCIDENT. -& very serious accident Occurred in A.• Young's and Sons' new house when flniehed, it will he one music. On • Monday evetting a first and honest work far beyond limits of the finest reeidences in this vicinity. class program will be given, consisting - g work, the importance of which had Hogg while working on a step•Iadder • ' NOTES -A number of our boys have hardware store on Friday. •Mr F. ot music by the choir, quartettes, d addresSeS are expected from ee ' 'present proprietor, ti, of the neighbori well known prett 3eYsitile grain, Ile Tile while the church had beeniargely in. been understood by other bodies, became over -balanced and fell down been busy "Oorin" hunting during the, Ig; and e Holmes, Robinson of Goderich, over t e different. He also . referred to the i reene of Clinton Yelland of Illy- counteY and Me. Ytob ce gs ni a a n her quota . to the need for the enliatextent of young circumstances of the present day and about fifteen feet, receiving very ser- week and some reiort having caught 1 tee, tODS injuries about the hea: more than "coons'. Be careful boys. I field, and W. A. Gifiord jiiClinton. A . Mett n tile eery ce o e c re 0 i i f th hn b wh of orders to this mill.. He is descended . mpving to Ualgary this week evhere he e b 0 . and family are at the London Fair this • i cre:te a go ea o terve . ter an h is so , Mr-Ward-Gladialltlais nowee---a--area- hare I' b arT ' week. Miss Bena Harrie graduate country a trimness is handed di3" ;33 eyrie air lc won a me t, e ewe of • getting their evaporating 'factory in decision_ was.. the ftwerilanee It is -not often inalivi ing,..both sides the theeMaster, who came to seek and to piesent vielting her aunt, .!111- iss -.ec;h4 thilar 87, - lir ...at given, in favor Of the negative, that the O uf 7,3 tthhhi se . tisiet:g oil of nhe, :afore; . nurse,- of -Philadelphia,-1.7; ill hadpowerthan the t eli f thgeneration o e our and o , .. Have the lost; work whicle the church ': • orn 'off while engaged • inthreshing J3e.reour: -Rota Miner:: a Goderith, e e e pulpit. to go even further to the Mir: 14+91:79 .1 pressmor nhad; for most part, neglected bat 'Wh t b. n Frida . The beckwerk n • Miser' Minis Rutherford, of Goderich frorn a long line of wool , spinners, for collection will be taken at the docir.... e en cgrdiodeetliont. rhithahte Lzene :York whigh was rilow about to take on imaineiss irit, the city ct Leech... England, anted No.i.as-Mr Water. Hutchison is Collegiate spent Saturoav and Sun- ' Th de ate whi h was held Monda his father and granfather were in the would aid the clergy in their work- • • intends to reside. meatiey Brea are day at her home here. Mr W. Willson , ev • • Paring and Cider Apples -wanted at the necnseary repairs have caused a tern- VapOrat4ar week. / eels Salkeld, of Griderich, was a,lso a the last six or seven yett;sat Victoria. • house aims commenced this new itn Imre mportant character. : porerer suspension of ' the 'looms for ' e which could now 'B a h . every prospec ,o onqua die . seccetea Wingham fair is to be held on Sentera. from around here wile attended Tor- home last Friday quite ' unexpectedly, , j US a large stock of manufactneed goods . S P ' C T IA d' • on and after ' ber 25 and 26. The directors esay it- . n hand to tide him .over, When com- mantes were delivered by Rev. . . . nr , Exhibition were Miss Robertson..1 and gaVe his ManY frielids a cornp ete 0 leted the present improvement will Sued•" Thomas, Luca% tormerly of Myth, on last: Fair con. gregetions greet- - September 15tn, 1902: Iv 11 be the best that ever wee held % oeire. Mr J. Clegg a,nd wife removed : hues MorraMisg 1Vikery surprise by his sodden re-appearanee. Prof, J; T. Holdswerth returned to his P ateriall benefit the - ill e f the a ed hira on both occasions. TahosuengthaoIsci- Cellege," Philadelphia, 17, swere the his studie• s at the Ohio y Wesle an Una • consi.derao e- t oug an . co MSEY good points forthe seeking Chris - °tit t ere. . ' . hill to that extent. '.The new dam will NOTES -Wm Peterson, of the 13th Detroit; last 'week, where.she hai been •ing services 'of the English church Oil .will be a gond breeding ground for the me all halabor an ar e heavy lad. con., Hulled. and Win Dobie go to tee tor the past two months. A number the 28th, the rector 'will be assisted by speckled beauties for 'which Sharp's en and I will aive you rest,"was alererly west this week, .Jno - Inoee also takes froto around here have been attending i his father, Rev T A Wright,. of Brant- creek is farnous. , handled and qiiite distiact in thneght 01117B031,-0. M BeZzO, of .60. derieh , fervoomnini.gbe a Ilecuot.siell. teivargetmatriorem fooTnhge out applee, ete. Our evaporator is tbe Eyangelistic services no4Y beim/ 1 ford. The olitireblivOill he testily decor - i near ec urc on • e F d hh t' lex newinit.I pent atehbath last with his . -mother; sa Ens° AL.- FL Or W 0 SS 9n o W Buttons Clinton E be, taken tip witb vieetor at MIS Millers. Some ef those .0„a,n ot er western tenets, armed nrnhe weeke, but the proprietor T. AlJL 1113RCH.- cv0 a e. 15 • ir A Mr• tials rmoadveay Ywill be raiellard Tes:Criixilrfee sessing no great areeent of flre oir; vindi Olegithas purchasad a hotel busioess Lid kiliake et the "Woman's :Medical Tar-.....istlii74tIndladuties at Drexel Instielite last week. Tuesday.T R Courtice left to re MEM thereby lessening the gradient of the in klir delivrryiviet lahsteerindo T OWN & S E to Calgary, N. W. T., this week. When print bluesefir. itable tamper and ,. eneral discomfort, result. W. positivals ems.) • this condition withi - glosses. Hetherington returned home trom e eff Ay; Becievneca-At the Tharaesigiv. it will cover several acres of .land and a vett - ti n The morning text e0ortie unto . Auburn • guests of the Misses Gordon. Mrs baperfect paradise for- fishermenaas getting io a new heater, and with n- held in Dungannon, by Crossley and I ated and the choir tall render .apprcie will speak in Be:trainer .Methodist the line of "The Higher Criticism,'t creased capacity is baying tbe apples Hunter; Mr Hunter had charge af a priate music, ' cburzh next Sabbath evening, Sept. and the speaker nobly upheld the Div - pared '; Gerry, of Blyth, Put in the union service, held in the Pt esbyterian .. N°178• -"Ge° Ludlow has. a m been •218t, at seven o'clock in the interest lee Being in his force of arguent.- . furnaces. 0. Askwith has returned to S IA lb I t • Th t 'Ale Collegiate 'at Goderich to resume cuurcu 1151500 ' a a d d second price fox white cheese ternnerance be net ie the ...ales to accommodate - at the London air. . , . . • . . - services next Sunda,v t he wardens have F4' • ' '• . • ' Tuchersmith. For the special barvest thanicegiving tendance was large, chairs having to w ,r e the number Present. ' • Soder ch ownship ' - , heel issued a neat, four page program of aToaas-Invitations are out announc- same. There will be four services held Louise, spent several days at Toronto :-.11oly Communinn et 8 a.na,, moroing • Dungannon . NOTES. -13. Tebbutt and sister, Miss ing the marriage of two well known' Drayer and linty Communion et 11 a. AN OLD PIONEER ON -On Tues- 'Tuckersmith young People, the fleet of me children's serviee• at .8 p. no, and fair last week • - _ .. the month. Mr and MreSpencer,of Hispe A • day last by the h&nd of death . one of .. our noblest pioneers that this seation • wortb, are visiting a Eli Orichas this evenin.7 rraver at 7 p.rn. The Rev.Wrn KAYLCOS CORNER -Rev SW Robin 800 h h week amang those from here who at- aCerseetnPseathredl isn: willaile canes:lista 411, froetew_ oti Sunday at 3 p. mon temperance, tended the Western Fair were:- Misees for; Reo.'0. R. Giinnee Special calm. Misses Ella arid Birdie Willson, of . -. .Mary O'Brien, Mary Peppet and'Mary nom are being. esked for to meet the . his itudiee there. The harvest home • aervices in the, Episcopal church were • • - well attended; the churchwas deconit. y 4 ed withgreat taste arid skill and no ef- fort spared to make it remind one of I the ingathering while the address was I good, • "Rea Edrnoncle gave the school a • . flying can on Monday. Mimi leStraugh. . an has returned to resume her cicctipa- - tion at the Soo. The apple barrels are .. flying around now. While 'tearing Layton and •Messrs p. Layton, Fred away pare of his old smithy Jae Cartet speek, came to this country in 1831, . cpiesin. Misaaura ti, ilton,on S nda 11 Y• Pepper and W. Crich.e . . , . i I crown payment of tbe S nk ng Fund a t met with am accident by having his ear from t y . f Downe Ieeland. he count o • Th B Gd •b • os urrows of 0 erre , visited at - ee...„. of the church aniounting to $203 60.The . - has. had- with them, was ferried across. the gulf from' .which no traveller haw teturued, Wm Mcalittlaa of whom we A. Jr. GRIGG ScientiiiO Joiwger and Optician CLINTON. ON'Te , th. Otter. Willsones on Sunday; we Welcorrie • : "alittiebtiateen bear-engager:refer' the h his ts who ; bull has returned from London fair. settled on Anaheest Island at the mon . - past n3onth on special music, and will cut open by a board. -Dr Tura. vvben bet a bcYr wit le . . . fteatorth • ' • • of the St.Lawrence. and took. up land; Yon.. • . renders, 'beautiful song service through- . • ' • ' • on whieli they farmed. Arriving at OBITUARY.-Tbe. funeral af the fate Oulu OSIETV.-A regular Forepaugh out Following is the program Brucedent• . • the age of manhood he took unto. him- cam Blair, who died suddeniy on side show curiosity was fouy nd b J . a- MondaY of last • week, at his home on Sillifont in an oatfield on his farm. It MORNINGPSAYER lf a wife in tbe1P of Jane Grey • The Ontario Rog Census. It is interesting to note be the tabu- lated returns of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, the number of. hogs re- ported from the various tounties. On July 1st• of a recent year, all told there were 1,771,641 hogs reported in 48 coun- ties, The . lowest was Nipissing with 1.797, and the highest was Rent. The 12 counties having the greatest hog population were as follows Kent 115,79 • Essex ..;05,173 • Sinacoe 94.446 78,1 I • NOTES. -Dr Rogers, of • Belmont,se con. 3, was largely attended on Thurs. was a garter snake a,nd had two heads, var. les Pitmen has taken over the godwill.and and four years later, in 1852, left hi; day, intenxient being made in Maitland 'four eyes two mouths and two ton- Proper Pealnis-bry, catty Practise of Dr Armstrong, of Bruce- father's farm with his bride, and took cemetery, Mr Blair was bora in Ire- rues, lige two heads being joined at field. Mr Little, hotelkeeper in the boat for Hamilton. From there he land 73 years ago, coming to Canada right -angles. First Lesson -Deut. vill . Dr. Dykes to his creditors ; the hotel is close at . corner hotel, has made an assigner:1ra drove overland to the present site, where the farm is now located, near with his parents at an early age. He - P4OTES,-nara Sas Weir and daugh- Second Leason-St, Luke xii; 15-81 To Daum Was a member of the Methodistahurch Smola' Collect . bowie • • • Henley visiting at the home of Rea Mr Coutts, enduring all the barlIsbips of a pion. and in the early days often did' service as a local preacher. He married Lydia, guiltsPinkney, 133' Jubilate Poly Communion present. Mr and Mrs Wm McMillan is Dungannon. After years of toil and tees, Mims Myrtle and Lyall, are the Hymn EmE, Sarma township. A P beat has eer's life. he gathered around him ea- • deughter of the late Samuel Burke .13at urst street, London. • foirrithele85Boletle-RoY. xiVt 140 Tours Ebelieaer • returned bone a pleasure trip down the cient o 11118 wor foo a • 10 wisas 1115 St Lewrence to 'Montreal. Mrs Mos wife and family corn ortable, of which Gloria Tibi-1.98 • . . Who eurvives him. They bad eightTours .REPORT.•, -0n the Holmesville circuit SileYrnimnon.54 Rev', Wm. Craig, Simpson is visitin in Toronto Miss there were nine children. Those still children, of whem seven are living, ope little church is credited with raMing A Campbell, who has' been visiting at Damn are 3, O. of Clinton. R. J. of. • W • d d 1 y the honae of Mrs Currier, Grand Bend Wingham, Mrs J. Hamlin of Goderich, RFC°. The eurvivint children are • Mrs Additional Local News epert which has just come out our (ifitT" in • Dr Stainer John Woods, EliZa eth, Sophiae.John MARKETS. - The price of flour, s and James, of Goderich townshi, and which. concerns the most of us, has fea,,,einuispei '$87 on a $85 apportionment, with only hag returned Miss Louise McColl has Mrs A. Stobie of Seaforth, Mrs G. C.. endue 201 Ames '13 names on our pay list. We -think returnad to Detroit. Mrs Robers and Maieners of Wingharn, and Jennie at ionvse-arwrove 0 }rather minclfu o y, this is very good for a small congresra- etre Sterling, who have been visiting h nue. I religion he was a Methodist, Jennie and Mrs John Walljo--------------- cselling at 62,15a hun- Middlesex Wellington .... • . 74,301 . Huron . 72,925 . Grey Elgin Oxford. York Perth ,.... . . . . .. . . 56,634 Druce 4 f8,810 -Merrill. tion,besides keeping . up our building are due to our untiring steweerd, S H detrati m and Mr and Mrs A T Scott attended all. On Thursday afternoon at it the hinge of Mrs John McKenzie, and a staunch Reformer. Though re- Soo. a. r J Levan, Mies A.• Beatty Ins pative couary and was beloved by2 r rileton's is to be giVen ix treat at their being ptud for export lieef, pork $6.50, Hymn 204 harvest thanksgiving ; seervices to be. lambs $3.75. Eggs 14c to 15c and butter crop, ael °Laet-17 Proper Panime-oxlv, orlon . ' was held in the community was evid h ' .1., Low Rates to The Northwest. pitst3tfret ims9nizat. XVI :1-12 . held tib Sunday, the 23th. In the morn- 13c,to 14c for best. Potatoes, no . but quoted at 35c a bashel. Grapes on the list to raise an apportionment Sabbath next. Louis Aikenhead and erts, Ward; Anderson and Whyard. 4. lewle the funeral of Mr Andrew Beatty, of o'clock all that remains in this mortal ing the rector will preach at 11 a. m. elan° Dinettes -85 ... . . .........e....Greecirlan ec d sson-2 Cor. lx Sharon. Westminster, who died very 'suddenly life was taken to its last resting place • and in the evemng at 7 p.m. Rev T 'A. scarce, none on sale, last price 2ic a 11), that the Methodist church at the above Toronto, Mr Beverly Ketchen will Rev T R McNair, andathe pall -bearers proprie,te sddreee for the occasion. baskets at 50o and small at 25c. To- saeaira." bil eril rolleck _ Rey. Wm. orate, B. P. • Cerartes.-Frotn the circuit report on Friday 6f last week Mies Fannie and interred in the Dungannon cornea Wrighaot St Jude's church,Brantford. Pettelles, a little more plentiful, large SP will conduct the service and deliver an baskets selling at 435c to .75c, medium tnucimiti-The Homiest -Tide ThanitaX1711111 - • - which has just been hatred we notice Fatheringhein is visit= relatives in ery. The services were condueted by :place has seventeen paying Members preach in the Presbyterian church on were Meson: Mallough, Hamlin Rob- P'13 rhe choir will render some choice tnatoes no cheaper, still selling.at 40e 'A",',Feet7 _ em. tor 17 lb basket and brisk demand. el Di us."' — It A Sydenham nursic and will be a day to be rem .of $80, nut we are pleastd to repert bride, of Detioit, are visiting at the The ' respect in which the deceased . bered by the raenabers ot the congrega- ' .. 3' a deed, with wheat 65c. The prices of . Gloria in laceeleis-208 Blackburn .and other necessenes. The. thanks 011tlitaH.-The congregation at Mia. neeat remain the same 5c live weight have returned to•thei home Phila. served he possessed that ready wit of EVENING Prayer& • • • 7710, tell • e 60,148 .. 61,874' Mayfield 'Noun; - Mee T 3 Moorhotteee, or "Holmwood," is the guest cf Mr a Mor- rison, Maple street, London, this week. :wit:. , United States entered fore the Palma Trophy bee arritted at Oa. that they were successful in raising home of his father, J Aikenhead. e cthin. h s e T e ladle ntend d coratin t e A FORMER INTON1AN.-Oneof Wc.DDING.-A quiet but pretty wed- ed by the turn out, friends coming hurch With all thinns Pertaining to tampon,f bs oriner usi Mae nese men, r . J. .more thr alotnaentGeo Cane z • te'on is than the faeiithfull pew . ateWard, ding took place on Monday morning fronti miles around. May the comfort,. t. L N f arves eon a tel occupied the pel Allan, but now of Ottawa, bag received Commencing •Sept, tat and continuing last at six o'clock, at the home of Mrs big grace that has posver to soothe all pit on Sendai week ID the absence of word from the Merch Rerrt, a drug until Cot. 81 eacondoilase ono -way colonist • Rev) j• Et sun 0 h sorrow, abstain the berea.ved widow . ps n, ve en er son R W ht h and her children their hour of arnica. eV rig at as bottle in Brantford. lournal pabliehed. in New ork,thatbe tickets Will be Bold by the inieagocildilwan- a the winner of the $20 prize 111 given E'Sawers, to Mies Helen Higgins Chri- den' . Londesbere - them for the beet Palter on w to pointaitadontentericialteeXteah,Californita--14.-::- * • by kee & St. Pini y trom Chicago o a . • eiwe e g sler, niece of -B, B. 'Elifilthis near nur, eMarmara e- Ifunter and firosslear —alaaoaealtahntenetteaeretteeerwae-hae-acoadtlet t.,-diiig store successfully." In Weshington, Oregon,British Columbia end 1 , . . e atillagee-Tlie-brideaawas handsomely meetings willtiiih-elci each nightthei been spending her holidays With her their comment on it,. said they honed intermediate points at greatly aednoed I ' attired in white orliandy. After con- week at 14o; subject Saturday night iip 1 d b 11 " Utlele, Mr SSW" Caldwen, returned to would h it would not be the last that they rates. Choice of routes via St. Pant or via fast, the happy Couple left on the 0 SUnday-o, re e y • 10 80 d In the hall, Dungannon, i Oole spent a few ays v a t ng r en a IIt M Hills eon and occupied the stand now -un bY is *hermits of the United States Govern. E , gratulations and t e wedding break- at or dance an a room. services her home Gueldph on Edda,. Mrs have fro -a the pen of him. Mr Combs. • t 0 'iv b Mr Crossley, at il i f i d Allen is a bretherein-law of Wm Jack- The Chicago, Milwankee & St, Pant R'y ,e o'clock train or their new home in . Pane an . _ - . n Walton SS week, re Staple, where Mr Simpson into a situa. at 10.30 P. m. b Mr minter. urea. * and Mrs John WaymOnth akievilea It P Rookie some three years ag . We ment feat mail treains between Chicago. St. e don. The bride's travelliny dress was meetings at 8 arTd 7.30 in hall and pera home from Manitoba last Thursday. offer our congratulatiens. Paul and Minn/emotes, and of the Pioneer j. i a dark grey talor.made suit, trimmed have churches. On Dionday the 2zno, Limited, the female train Of the world. . 4 Oh Taesday Mr Patterson, one of Hut. . 5 vers. - With black eatio, with a white.felt hat. at .45 in balaand onhTuesdaithcisa23rodi All eon!: tioket &seen' tiokets via 5 RECEPTION. -Ori Thureday,Frida/ e • • :.• lettes councillOre, left on a trite Ohtani- and Saturday afternoons of last wee (lineage, ilweakee & St. 5511 Paul We, or t A large number Of _friends assembled the last ,daYs, greatYfor toba and the Northeeeet. hi es. Phonics .Mrs R, Stoddart held her postanule• area, A. ;, Teylor, Oanedie,n Paegenger many mites arbuod are tequeste 0 friends in and around Eteter. Thoi3. fully decorated with flowers, and the whole day on the grounds; great meet. f h dso e ht r •L oat. at the station to give them their best thanksgiving. Al t 0 &nu ies Kay, Detroit, left on Saturday to visit d t tad reception. The parlor was taete- A Di #1 rot° OM Coble up, Eg Sampfion its all smiles over the advent bride yeas dreesed in white chiffon over Porter's RIII wishes ter a happy and Protiperous fute tire. b I lunch and end the • AN OLD HunOet 130•3O -Geo A. Mc - t Hill i al in 'AWL state of white taffeta wk. trammed with white A. 11 McLeod, of Melville church Bruise. • 8 - Leod, of Hailer, Idoho, and brother ot -ay o re g Ousworship In ii at 10 itaxi., 3 p.m. and 7 pan. TItt 14 %rile are urged to make a great ho . Mind Perm' Jereyhlefth o on _. _a also a n Tim dsilk Applique, She looked charming, lI and Was waited on her Mrs (Dr) Steveart Colunebue, Ohio, are visithig under the e NOTlik-Mr and Mra Wm Piekard,Of eels has t•eceived the nomination at upon med. d I 11 i and ofvertiting for Srpafoptn, w ere e as accepted .. thelDemocratie and POPilliSte et:MITI:n.1. ed after the tea, sod was assisted 11 .on Tuesday for the N rth ept. him ental roof. Mite Ruby Sterlingeleft .; pOsition in Mr Dalesee jeWelry stpre, and Min Shannon, Min McLean look. Pet There's a Good Deal Men to the recorclership of Blaine • Blyth. Mrs Stoddartie eider and Misees Broo Florence and Master ;ran; atatenald i count, Idaho. This ill ettn, if Colborne and Thompson, r [Ado= cl'htal4e. aleiefVMnbTerfiliodrhaYhieFfirreptaektrin9jelt.inQiiliee al • And s good deal in knowing, hew tome McLeod has been deputy clerk •of the retnr ed home Tuesdav,after Spending elected, eatery of: aotivt $28(r10. Mr NOtatee-Mre G. Bean and son George • °auntie -Thanksgiving services are on Which the a nt es W al was . L96etell r ee , being held in the Anglican chtirch cased in a canopy at White and pink M 3 h V and In the earnera it ( , k tt.- re o n a e,j n., 3 •th.5' camera. • - same county for tbe pot our -year a, Weelt at Termato eXhibition. X.here next Sunday Decorations are in °Wee running frotte the table edge to the Nese 3-e000, Bear eat," home from the ) Wnen vie make photographs 910 inie this term. Ile left Our berg fOr the North. will be no serviee in Zion church neAna the choir will render choice MUSIC. ceiling, and giving a verypretty effect. s t t- a -tii- i 1 fillet f . - Who fit is perfeot. { beet Apparetus money ran hay and We tele wesb with the Seaenth Vaginal", ot on Suuday, Sept 21, sO .that, all eve r ei Rev Edmunds, rector of the church We welcome fdrt Stoddart to our midstt , father Mr %roe Bleir who died Baden. 1 IS all With the skill that comes tirota 'study London, and tookert With the 0 nit- wish may attend the meattinge at Dun. We helm an overcoat to° sell for sio.op this winter, that you would not get any tailor to make to your order for less than $15.00, it is made from a fioelgrey cheviot, Is well made and lined, I3as velvet collaain eppearenoe and for wear. Ing qualities ihe equal to any $15 Coet you can get from any tailor in the lima. ne expiate/lea That's why Our PlOintes diem forces in the Iel rebellion of 1885. gannon. Mt and Mrs A• tau °Dant OCOasiOn. and oil 'Monday evening 1tev labia es Well ete OnjOrable tOWn to oia resident Red willeoe much missed, I ler on konclay week. Mr Blair was an HODGENS,13ROS • will deliver discourses aultahle to the and treat eke will find Clinton' a soo. xeel. Sunday with friends at Nile. Ise of Olinton, will beliver ad. her fr" d h fi eft ecially in the Methodis c tireb of Canadians are bound to climb to the 'Wm LOW°, of Wingnam. arid Rev U. live in. Mrs Sto 4:1 b d art w 11 e t hornet° 4%6E0% - hot° — Siudi0 top in the Ti S.. even over the heads of Minnie Nowise is spending a few weeks it. Guntle, their own American cititene. Goderioh. ten g On t ret an third /hi w ich he has been a eonsttent itte%Xl- ber for many years. dressed, • days in the month. CLINTON .61.164141111111.6.11"..a-