HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-05, Page 8• The t ew Bra, to new subscribers, a trial trip to the End of the year, for 25c. THE CLINTON NEW..ERA Immense Opportunity. For getting a Beautiful Watch and Claain. free -No Money Required.—Every Man,W0- , man, Boy, or Girl 'Has the same Opportunity under our System. In order to have Dr Arnold's English Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all peroons sufferine from had health we make the following most 1.beral offer: - If you will send to us youtoname and address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr Arnold's English Toxin Pills at 2e per box, we will give you absolutely free a beattiful watch and chain in either ladieb' or gentleman'a size, or you' choice ot twenty .other premiums such as tine sets of jewelry, rings,violin8WaUd01tfl8.t sets, sateen skirts, cameras, etc. Remember we don't want any money until after you sell the pills and you don't have to sell any more than 12 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of prem- iums to agents all over Vre country. Remember also tkat Dr Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills -are a well known rem- edy for all diseases of the kidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, j rheumatism, nervous troubles, and female complaints, and are for sale by all first class driiggists and dealers in medicines in all parts of the world," You have only to show them to sell them. You are not offering something that the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Ladies or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun 'Metal Oases with handsome il- lifminated dials and reliable time -keep- ers, watches such as no lady or gentle- man need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Free to all who sell twelve oxes o • won- derful Toxin Pinta Write at once and be the first in your locality to earn one of tboae fl watcbs and chain As soon as we receive' your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illus- trated catalogue and beautifully colored card with your nameand address on as our authorized agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to se I- any more than the 12 boxes and we don't want any Money until after you have • sold them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a met hod.of advertising De Aro. old's Anglia), Toxin Pills. Don't delay. Write at once and earn a beautiful pi e - sen s for yourself for Uhrist in as.. . Address Arnold Medicine Clo, 50 Mel:tide St. East, Tornto, Ont. Sept 5-3m. Pessimism of Educated Youto, BACKACHE The Insane Plulos4liy of Tolstoi. •••••••••* Almoet any evening, at dinner time,Is only one of many distressing symp- there may be seen in a. well-known downtoms oink to the resence of town restaurant a group of young men, who mu y always the eame corner and. 'womanly diseases. If women thoroughly le •t spend a long time talking over their lth relationf the 1 1 coffee and cigars. The are all cogent, d o would understand that sully health to the general health, they gra u , backache, headache, the day in getting a start in life, or, OA one of them, wit° is engaged in some _ nervousness, sideache, dizziness faintness and eat of literary work, more picturesettely , similar 'feminine ail - puts it, "bucking the metropolis with a ments, cannot be 'ured stub pen." Few have heard their talk, u u ti 1 t h e womanly I for when a stranger falls among them health is established. thev are decorously polite, but uncom- Dr..Pierce's Favorite municative, in the spirit of their leader. Prescription cures cgs-, A few, however, have been initiated, and eases. peculiar to wont - describe the conversations as "a series en. It establishes r?g- of carefully cultivated, cynicisms, led by. ularity, dries the drains a lecture." Thus do their guests become- which weaken women, victims to phrase -making. heals inflammation and "It would be hard to diagnose their ulceration, and cures complaint," said oneof these victim.; female weakness. In "they are so cheerful in their woe. Noth- curing these local dis- ing at preterit suits them, and. they all eases, it cures the ail - pronounce their daily tastrsoa bore, But nients which they they are not bothered with reform no- cause; backache, heads tions and don't make a public fuss, I ache, sideache, dizzi- suspect they all cherish secret ambitions :less, faintness, nerv- of winning commonplaee successes, and ousness, and other ills swap their melancholy epigrams because peculrarly -feminine. they have no other wayat present to t‘I wrote youfor advice maintain that academic seclusiveness February 4th, 28 6," writes ?,nour college graduate usually feels the Mrs. Lorna Ha stead, of The new art photography is very at- tractive and a boon to the • homely ,gir1 for which she will'. be ..eternal-' ly grateful, but it has its disadvantages. A man discovered the latter ..fa,et about a month ago, when he received. the pho- tograph of. a beautiful creature. whom he did not in the least recog,nize. He ex- amined the likeness that was not a like- ness by daylight, by gailight and by the ghastly glare of an aro light...He looked at the handwritine on the covet, and it conveyed not an 1 ea to his stupid mate • culine head. Theirlie• gave , it up. • "Blest if I know who it is," said he to • elt of during the .first years of hie ?illadrekncoje,,Cherokee Nat., plunge into life. However, there's some hreaWdaVgg:igYhteleli.ailliatinieliutOli.se back of 'Ler, truth and humor in their talk that Our for vveeks at a time, and wasnu‘able to sit tter, advisame touse our valuable medicines, • • '• is as.' absurd as preaching .absolute. opmp.m.•••• TolOtol's book on the sex question, In which he advocatee absolute 'chastity, even at the cost of the gradual disap- Pea•ranee of the human race, continues 'Os arouse spirited discuss:on. "La BeVLW Blanche" (Paris) recently asked the opinion of several prominent Burope- ens regarding Tolstol's views, Some of the replies ere appended, Madame Judith Gauthier, a retired opera singer who is now a literary woman, was the only one, to endorse Toistol's position. Max Nortlau-"Count Leo Tolstoi' preaches absolute chastity. I wonder If he Can convince Maclaine Tolstoi and the fine family she has raised! At all events, we should copgratulate our- selves that his parents did not share 111.5 opinion. Otherwise we should have had aro 'War and Peace' or 'Anna Itarenina.' . . 'Speaking seriously, it seems to me that the ideas of Count , Tolstoi on the marriage questiqn are albsolutely delirious, and delirium can be diagnosed, but not discussed, It is useless to defend woman against the absurd lueubrations of a sick brain." Mnpico Ferri of Rome, --"The affirma- •tions 013 Tolstoi on the sexual question only confirm Lombroso's theory of the degeneracy of genius. The fundamen- tal needs of humanity are bread to preserve life and love to preserve the Turns .Bad Blood into Rich Red Blood. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and puri, tying properties. Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,. Abscesses, and all Eruptions. Internally, restores the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy action. If your appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B. B.13, will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life. species. To preaeh absolute chastity “The Umbrella p or ten minutes'at a time. Yotranswered my needn't be summarily dismissed as downy lie faced cynicrsm. • vtz., Dr, A narrated as nearly as Pierce's.Favon e Prescrii)tion, ' Golden tasting. Marriage, whatever Tolstoi, ' An English exchange makes the fol- nd the speaker Medical Discovery,' and 'Pleasant Pellets,' also gave advice about injections; baths and diet. To may say, is the Ideal state of human lowing remarks with reterence to the 4 umbrella' he could' a speech' .of the leader on the suropurrisfi!:antifutrtekon:afro,m,eirteotimmaenxabiej Iffe,,n . subject of "Ilow,to Be Soacessful Though %Ye . • • in sixteen hours a day at ha Emile Zola -"The idea of Tolstoi Is "It seems that the same Sherlock Educated." The younganan knocked his §aveYnof had the blickacrie since, mil' now 1 p‘tit . cigarette ash into the dregs of his coffee . rd work.” • not new. Marriage is legalized by. so- Holmes -like instinct which is prepared . and midi "Pve thought this all out, as Weak and sick wonien are invited to clety; but it exists in nature without •Lo reconstruct a inan's whole mode of Devery does his brilliants. It's not iin- consult Dr. Pierce by letter free.. Ad- laws. Christ dld not get married, be- life from a study of his cigarette ends proluptu.' I was burdened -with -the con- dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. cause he was too busy to think about has now been brought to bear upon cop ion y 00 muchpaternal advice 0 The Comth mon Sense Medical Adviser, • it. I confess at I do not understand the .umbrella, and the expert urnbrel- hole to succeed. Weget too much of is given away. Send 31 one -cent stamps, ' Tolstoi. . . , It 'is insane." - , list is prepared to .give a elemplete . that advice on all hands. The path from ' the expense of customs and mailing only, ' aVladarne Judith .d.authier - "I will etraraxterleketeh of any Individual, . , the log ca, in to the Whitc House lias forthe book in papercovers, or sis stamps ' limit my consideration of the prOblem .With the principal events in his past .or the volume bound. in cloth. - Address- to the question of birth. It seems to me and future history, after a critical sur- ' been exploited and explained; we have Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, I. Y. • an .act of truest wisdom to prevent the De nappy ' tl h. . vey of his behavior with an umbrella. . . married,' and it Only remains to pot the' teaching into practice-oa, minor detail; .. .. cated the path which we have failed to in such a way as to preserve her on magazines conducted by underpaid editors • 'The' Love -Letters ci a Ch:431a.I., . have told os hoW to get from• home to • follow. Te give life and. then inflict street hat from the rain,. while a. little' college With a. COW for capital; the lives scientist. • death would constitute 'the greateet a stream trickles sof tp .•1 down the • back of our catains of industry have been been 1augn ro • unhappiness of exiatence, and many r instance, if a man,is observed ear - wise men, including Christ, 'have Ina. rYlng an umbrella over. a lady's head . . crimes, did not nature in her 'search of lils, own neck,. it le •pretty sate to laid bare from their always humble be • Mybeloved Prince of the New for victims, strike with blindness and:: prophesy that she is his Best Ginl. If, . uuconsCiousness those whom she al- on the other hand, it Is his own .gaso- - ginning% but the really- useful work is • Thought -I have been 'Wondering to- lures into her snares " ' meter which. is kept dry, while tale • the one not done. °Who will tell s how day If our .exohange of gifts Seems • to be successful though educated? as . beautiful to you as it does to. ., Albert Reville-"Pascall said, 'Man is. trickle is reserved for the lady, It is -a . "The worst thatmay be said of a col- me. • Most lovers exchange rims; • neither angel nor beast and the man safe thousand -to -three an that she is lege training (until the chair of success . but how • Minh . more your be '. who wants to be an angel plays the his wife. Whena man carries an um-. is founded) is that it giv:es a .young man trothal gift to me really mea:ns! The -part of a beast.' If the hope of . a-flk- brella horizontally under his arm, it la '•• • generally •a sign that someone Is 'short, ainbitione. •After all, the youth. whose thought that you have given me your • • capital is a cow in most instaiices pre- well -studied . and .. dog-eared • copy of fens to keep his Capital and milk it; the Science and Health with •a Key to - above the organic. conditions of this ' Out. When a ,brand-new umbrella is mysterious Mei,. tut as long as we live •deposited with :a lot of others. In the bp in the lo cabin hopes some day to Scriptures, and that I have given you on earth, we are bound to admit .ths •urnbrella-stand of , a' 'clitb. It is fre-.' • build is house with Store. shingles; the my cook of the Mother's Worde, thrills if ltfetie • legitimacy of the &eta and funetiens . quently• a sign :. that it isabout to • Yound Worker in the steel mill thinks he me to the heart -or Would, without ;midi our own life and the life : change OWifert. There nre Marry other - may in time rise id be. a" foreman, and is were any . reality le' matter. (Heart . content if he !:does. But . the College would under. the heed of matter, of humanity wouldbe impossible To, ways In 'which the. umbrella; may be State ;that Marriage is.urichristian, be- . taken as an Indication either •of 'eoin- : graduate has ambitions. Nurtured ni • wouldn't it'? Arid :matter' Is reflected, • • - 1, oauSe christ was net married .'13 .103,. : Mg events on of character; .but the '. is, we may be able one day •to rise lY going to have his, Or her, eye put romance, fed on history. filled with the of courser from mortal mind, which is • and the ower of .intellectual mastery, Do you remember the day, darling eye over the above "says emphatically not go to heaven because we travel by keen relish for intellectual excitement ' eVil;). . surd,. It is like reasoning that we could Best fart wilic; has been running her ' he is year y turned by the. thousond into Vibration :of the mind Universal, that that it is 1i -rt. -wily absurd to judge any rail and wear'trousers, whereas Christ the hard world, with arnbitions, but no we sat together' planning whp,t average man fiorn his umbrella. When did neither. „Ohrist himatlf said, that . a , . shoiild represent at the Lemar's I3ook .pressed for a. reason she ex a, ns i - marriage was a holy and•divine insti- • "There are open for him' the law arid, Party? It seems but 'yesterday': We tution (IVIerk x. 24). . • ,,1 castically, 'gel:tame it eo seldom' be - 'medicine; but each repine three Or • decided thet you would wear goggles I longe to !Om!' And there is something . additional period of unremuneratiVe were to- represent Science, and L • • i - _ . blew and Aggreeeive. • four more years of training, and then an. . and your college tap and gown, for you In that."' •Waiting. There is business, but already Health (trusting to my red cheeks, to . DooleY on the Romantic Novel.- years' start, Which, when all Is said, the and to silent affirmations that wag gathered up in ,the expression, "A new But lithrachoor th' gr-reat life - the high school graddate has a four a treating , the guests for Intelligence, Much knowledge of human nature is, • . . . is clatssics and French literature do notHealth), to reveal the name of our broom sweeps clean." •The new bank, wurruk Ivthe modhren .woman. kelt to overcome. He might Write no -book -the Oipther's BoOk-and our En-' the Sovereign, 'Which' opened. in To- conthrol is passin' into th' hands iv th' , ' l /I,. but bis taste ig tO0 :good, while gagementi (Do you know,' Beloved, wledge of art bars him from the they say the Mother has demonstrated a new staffnew officers new Issue of thwurrud book will mane nomore to tont* last week in new premises, with fair sect, an' th' day Will conte whin • drama. To be sure, there is teaching; the an immenseteriune out other 'Words- .bigs-everything new -is one of the an ablebodied man . thin th" wurrud financial brooni ing to make. himself, "but if I ever meet her my' teach cheaper, even that field is.restrict- ' it?) Well, We Were Jost finding a way lenity of the: •baohelor days are over, mire, for she's the ed. It is no wonder that th,ere are sO - to represent the Key (by putting onr-• agement ha prettiest thing ever." many ineri• of cultutO in the mines of selves At 'touch with the Way Univer- • since it open Just last week after he'd cherished Mexico and Alaska, or that so few. of us sal); when your 'mother came in and number of bus men and people to 'man is : sure .0. good, otheong • Man the photo of his unknown admirer for a college men marry,br tore we are thirtyasked the day of the. loofah, and aPolo- all the. walks Of life 'who have trait*: might to be able to kill anny nuniber iv good fortnight, he met his second conain • "Theo someone asked this • gloomy gized .for addressing • es in Engiish, acted beininess over its ceunterscena bad, weak men,but a •roan is always on the street teacher of twenty-three, whose. remarks. • adding sax 4astically that she didn't trailY eituated on the north side of wondherin. . what th' other la ad Wu' cI Now, his second cousin i 0 versoami-. were greeted with no applause; but quiet speak Chriatlan solstice; Ale my Own, . King street, but a short •ffiotanee from' do. •He Might have UV. PunCh , left in able young. women, but she isn't in the '.approval," said the outsider, "whet he I have to veheinently &Orin that I• am Yonge, tind, commodiously appointed to ...hint that w'u'ol• get th' money.. • A wo- way of being benutiful, and 'When site proposed to do aborit it His answer was one, With Love Omnipotent Orrintpres.. the smallest detail; the premises of the man ;liver cares how Many men are. greeted -him- with,- =,- .•• . I characteristic; "1".5.,morrOW play, eikt, Ornniscientifia; every time.I think sovereign. Bank are amoilgst the .most • kilt but a man beileVes in •fair play, "Well, Fritz, why -baven'tYoU ad- he said »-N Y "Tribune.'.'• - • - of 70:1:41.- mother, ..1,beglit.._ecteh• day b,Y:• • convenient and the most Suitable for an he'd• like to •see th' polis intherfere • . • . • Subjects of Thought, world still puts ;im with a little educa- really, three dollars and fifty cents to tion in its teachers. Yet, -as wornen will give for thernis something fierce, isn't Is evidently go- gusset. 'Women write all. tIO.romentic ep. , The popn- novels that ar-re 'arlriy good. That's and. of its man- because iv'ry men ' thinks th' thrue onstiated daily •hasProe is himself an' ivrY woman rs by the large thinks he's lames K. Hackett A wo- knowledged the photograph I was; good enough to send you?" the man was stag- gered. "I never.received it, that's why," said he. "I'd love to have a likeness Of ,you, Mab, but you've never sent me one.' "I have sent you one, nearly a month ago, taken in my bridesmaid's gown and with a big chiffon hat on. 'Now, don't tell me you never received it, for Pni sure you did, and have forgotten." " "Was that you?" exclaimed the mat, and then he felt that this was among the things better deft Unsaid, and he weakly hedged. "'Course I got it," said he. "I just wanted to jolly you a. bit.: Splendid of you, too.". • "What did the alfrtl do to her?" he asked his sister half an hour Tater. "1 declare to you I'd never recognize her in the world." , "Well, he drew a line -down .her nese to make it look less-er-well; less re- trousse," replied that world -wise young lady, ."and he curved :her. mouth with rouge, and made her eyes larger in the negative and really I think it's a very creditabfe work of art. Pin going to him myself." The man didn'A say a wad, but he made up his mind to something; and now when people show him a photograph of "my lovely mem dovi'm South," or "my sister, who's the beauty of Denver," he glances at iteursorily and theri•he says gently, "It's a very. pretty.picture, but I should- like to see atheaanguielL____a_____ Georgie ate a watermelon ' Which had grown beside the gorge; With ten•seeds in his appendix George's parents planted. George: , treating myself for Love and Non-re- sistance, • -and yet -1 must • say your mother is without exception the most anta,genistic old party I. ever rnet! But From "Weverley Magazine." then she is your mother -our mother - While we gladly necord honor to ...i.he and All Is Love, and You are 'All -or courage, of active heroism, let us not for; almost All. get also to reVerenee the courage of oae° I hope my gift with a Key to the tient endurance, the courage of absolute Sariptures will arrive safely and bring • 'sincerity, 'the courage of devotion to t you the kisses I entrust to its wise principle. He who possesses these id in- care. liow dear ate the Mother's m deed a brave an, though no one inay Words! Do. yeno like kisses? Yours,.recognize it and he himself :be mum- wi-tib a 1ey to the Scr p urea wou Mous of it. could wear at my heart! It was. so • IRON -OX "fron.Ox tablets• seem toi "attain. an •inntediate popu- "1r1ty. e have Sold easily, "in .the few months 1 have "had them, at least double.as "many boies as 1 ever did of "any other Patent Medicine the same length' a time. "Istearly every 'box sold seems "td "be 'the means of idling **a n o then"— 8. E. .11ICX0 'Druggist, Goderich, Ont. A superior Blood Rotnody krvaittable Tonle 50 Tabloto 25e • • ,sweet of you not to select as the first The hope that inspires effort is always • manifestation pf your Individual -Love, a, blessing. Not only does it strengthen some vulgar thiog te dazzle the world, the human faculties and improve the character; it also makes rapid advance- ment in its own line, even when failing to reach its 'far-off goal. . . The heart is always hungry. No man you In mine -even as Thought (the - lives balmily alone. The wisest and the Universal Mind)-holde us both to its best is wiser and better for the friends lireastt And come hi to tea soon -soon. he has, P. S. -you remember, Bobby, don't Generosity, to deserve the name, com- you, Beloved? The poor child has such prises the desire end the effort to bene- ' oafrightfur claim ofsuperfluous flesh - fit others, without reference to self. actually, the neighborhood toys call It is poor policy to take advantage of him "the fat boy of the circus," but he other people because you have never is getting strongly in accord with the had any advantage of your own Principle of Life and will yet denten- 1Vhat men want id not talent, it 113 • purpose; in other words, not the power g " 9 g , .such. as a grand pihno. 1 would so much prefer having you simple,' ador- able Ita.diator of Hope,' like Wisdom. 'Hold me in your TM:Slight,' as I hold . • • straM his Freedom. Yesterday, Bobby was welkin alon° •ith Ttal. h•liu. hes when an unenlightened little street ur- te achieve, bot. the will to labor. - .' It is a maxiin that those to Whem. ev-* • chin yelled, "}„Iello, Skinny! hello, Skin- erybody allows the second place have ny! hello, Skinny!" • an undoubted right to the. first. "Smash him!" :suftp;ested Ralph. "Not on your life!' said Bobby.. "He, --:-Tlie WifiT• dTgirdereirTneri audobeat-reo,osisagavingainger atroent!" formers were light wei,o,lit when Weighed ' Isn't it totiching to See-Stia'llettel in the scales of bigotry, . . in the Power of the Word as this child Love's a virtue for herpes. rind immor- has?. Did I tell you that we have tal as every groat soul is that struggles, the claim of. mice?. Yes. We are endures and fulfills. . now entirely free from. themle-Ztatel Reading should- teach us how to seek OnankellnrdIlt "14'" for truth, meditation how to 'find it. • . The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignoranoe. ° Fixed to no spot is happiness; 'tie no. where to be found, 'or everywhere. • - - - Why Coughing is Weakening. The amountof energy expended in . coughing ia very considerable; indeed, one of the patient ststisticians for which I Germany is renowned has calculated that O patient, who coughs once every guar. teriof an hour for ten hours expends en - Orgy equivalent to two hundred and fifty units of teat, which maY be translated is equiSsient to the nourishment con- tained in three eggs or two glasses of • Milk, In normal reepiretion the air is expelled from the &lest at the rttte of . four feet per second, .wherectsin.violent coughing It may attain a .velocity of , three -hundred "feet" • ' • ' °•" '.• A. rAivattArt ilain • In the hcrae of Canada rind the ralteti j States there are few MOMS more familiar mid none 113C10 reverently 'Molten then that; of Dr A. W. Chagos the great physician ; find receipt book ember. He is Mewed for the sufferine lerhati relieved and the die. I Well he has coredhis remedies are need t and endoreed by th'e beat people in the land; I, they are popular because they euro Wht-ri 1 Caere fail. Are a Heart and Nerve Tonic, Blood and Tissue guilder and Constitution Renewer. for all troubled with weak heart or notate& AS a food for the blood, the brain and the nerves, they cannot be excelled. If you are troubled with Nervousness, Sreeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Pal- pitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Weak or Painting Spells, Ansernia, or any form of Debility, fake MILBURN'S HART AND NERVE PILLS. Their curative power is quickly Mani. fet4ed. They purify and revitalize the blood, brighten the brain and steady and itrenghted the nerves,- from the firtit few doses. . ?dee see. Der box or a boxes for gt.aa et all dealers or The Nubian co., Limited, Urals°, Oat, their purpose of any hi 'Tetlifilit-0.-"Thea-saboate-Oha.pter-Thiee.- • • finanolai•status of the Bank is high; it Wonsan writes all th' good romantic starts on .YJS dtqeer with an .authorized-' noyels, at' reads.. thim :all. If army capital of. $2,0,00,006 and a subscribed • proud la -ad Irt th' gum Unpin* thinks. capital of 0,300,000. The Board Of Di- .he riprisints. th' ideai iv his trife's soul, reatoro, upon which appear the names he •ought to take a look at th' • books of Mesars 11 S. Holt, Montreal:, Bart- she reada. He'll Vern there th' reason dolph Macdonald,,Toreinto; lathes Car- hes where he ie becauie • he was th' •rutiaers, •Montreal; A. A. Allan; Toren- : .oriOr chenst; not because he was th' to: Arch. Campbell, • M.P., Toronto , nrit cholera. 'T Veu'd . humble th', Junction; Hon., Peter MoLaren, Perth; haug•hriest ptinpe IV thrade to look into John Pugsley, Toronto; Hen- D. •th ' heart iv th' °woman he, cares most MIllan Alexatdria,. Onto Henri rt;. rn an thinks 'last- about; on' find that. Wilson, New York, is a list of gentle- instead IV the photygraft a a shrewd. men of recognized standing end proven . but kindly man with a thriflin' absence capability as financiers. In Mi. D. M; IV hair on his head an' a burglar-proof Stewart Canada has her youngest.ond safe on his watch., charmt. there's p undoubtedly. one of her very ablest Ditcher:iv tayourig la -lid in green tight?. general bank managers. In •rodditien to .Playin' a mandolin to a.. high front all the ordinary features of a btu:skink, stoop. On th' steal), with e rose in •business, the Sovereign will Jostle Tra- her heed, is •his lawftd-wedded .wife, velere.1..ettepplet,,,cgt€1,11„,,on 3. S. Mesa th' lady Armomarior Huggins iv Peo-• - gan ria Co., London, and.Morgan,•Hata I tone: ' Ye' :VaranketV!hie jes •Cointiany, Paris: 'These cre‘dlts are romantic nevel. No matther what Ed; available hi an parts of the world, and , 'tvord Atkinson tells • ye,.. She prerera just the thing for persons contemplat- "Th': Age iv Chivalry" to- th' otos'. ats ing Oisit to Europe or to the corm- • thrective houseWurrula "Cautory ation this surnmer. -LatTaz.tml-" • Sept. oth 1902. wwwilwaiwwwwwww A. Glorious Big Bargain Event A royal time for those who need or who will nee d clothing. 3/Ten's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Ovi.;rcoat Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount 01 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new. goods arrive. We never carry one teason's goods into the next season. AU goods charged during this sale will Joe charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale prices Our ccOods are marked in plain figures -- deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash cob, during the sale. Men's Stilts. Men's 5.00 suits now ,,,, 4.00 Men's 6 00 " " cd 6 10 Men's 8 00 Men's 10 00 8 b0 Men's 12 00 di di id it . .. . . . 960 • Boys' Suits ,Boys, 1 50 suits now .... ... 1 20 Boys' 2 00 " " . 1 60 I3oys' 2 50 " Boys' 300 " Boys' 4 00 " Boys' 5 00 " Boys' oddyants ....... ........ . . 40 Men's Overcoats .. 4 00 Men's 5 00 Overcoats now Mmeenn',ser: 0000 cg • 6 40 " 480 Men's 10 00 " Men's 12 00 " di di 4' di 200 • . 2 40.. . 20 400 ' r • r • * • 8 00 44 •• • a • • IF, BOYS' OVtRC9ATS d. :Pea. ,7ti-Ciets reduced in same Folic rtion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps Coats, st.4 Collars, ,Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Un'der g Thos. Ja:kson, Sr., Victoria Block, eLINTON MMMMMM MMWPM .TISDALL. 1444"1"*-11"1";L"3"14441114ortaina xThe NoveltylEakei y All About Men. One of the greatest advantages of kLIPPINGZI s a he cermet be nearly so obJectionable If they did not rt M 0 NTisi r. ;.° ALI Men who ride hobbies would not bePt FMILY ' Want all the road tathemselves. ' The Boct n • manl often 'make small finite CO st.rre •No r. conspicuous In order -to iiiiiiiiiiite-ther'lkteki....tiiiefWAsaloStsaoaltsosasaa......: - misquoted.. • • he has no .great ones. have are of events that toyer hap- ': r'PA PirtOtS ON I- i it! •.: , •'. , -Often the pleasantest memories men , foosso sive 9 ci• 0 P...1. ,' ' pened. . s al C•1 <A' n'r I N 1,1 5, r., :.,i i c . • . The things that come to the. man , _ofy '0;,!..lor,ft r,t0M, C• who waits, are generally the cast-offs ' 2.1.-adasaaseee.t.-- - - , , . of somebody else. . It IS net, always what II man doe • . that goes against Idin, but what he happens to get caught in.1 .There are Men who do not care . to ) be judged by" whatathey teeny are, but: . (your ownOn .ebSO Reactionto every ;eb- ts y what they wanellthera to think they. . . ertha, ly cent A ear.I tS • CALLS I MAGAZINE A FREE PATTERN i are. Nothing makes a man quite so angry' 'as to realize that he has no just cause; for anger and to realize that others realiZe It. Some men's idea of a friend is eomesa one,who will Stick to them through ad- versity,. take their part against un- charitable neighbors, lend them his; lasts .0111111g. without aecurity, andl when Fortune similes '0.111 take a, back seat. A wisemet can find Plenty of :mg, geatioria Where touts have droporie them, ----. /IOW TO OCHE CORN It is one of the easiest things in the world to cure a corn, tioo not use aoide or other lunatic preparations and don. t ont hole in your boot, 11 18 simply to op rig Pettier* Painless Corn and, Wart Extra°. tor and in three days tbe earn can be reu moved without pain. Hare, Sale, painlese• Take only Putnam's 'Jorn ztractor. A LADIES' MAGAZINE.. altto; dreismaking economicsfa . ;ncy a cm, *maul setae& gates; latest fto vox. p hotsiethold hint.; noa, MIL Sub. !alba to -day, dr. Mod l'a, orlatest tom Lady Robb' Wanttd, Sendfor tallna, Styiliat, Ronal:0;131mo1e, tip -to. date, Eeonomical and Absolutely rerdeeteltittlug Paper Patterns, ....Ms CALL, ,..104..- it,13A/A_E;, _ ,.:.1 ."4'.... .p ATTERNS ,,....... ,.. „ isseseesem., Al $.4:0,AtitadittedsPetemitritIonuiest thaw , tt " rt 15. reIVInbalretotrati tilaitts Oiaiirtroin e TUE MotiAt,t, CO.,. 11$415.4/Wett Sitt My kr Veldt!, ..earmiserle-'-',, - ":' ----swio,•' • • • and. Restaurant . Ist CLINTON, ONT, , t- Private:fends to loan onrolortgloots "fd Is the place to buy choice il • best current rate?, " chocolates. Re handle llio- • ri Cormiolt'e choiceMarictibo * A General Banking business transeetail 1 'chocolates, a 1 s o Paterson s ' * a . ..nterest allowedon deposits. creams and braut almonds and. 'Sale notes boneht • . other choice assortments. We are prepared for the cora..1.! ing season to serve soda water' ........ laavn . crushed fruits in stook; * • cream and; all hinds of cool drinks. • •• A -choice stook of oranges and ' lemons, bananas and all kin& ' of fruit in Reason. Fancy bread and:calres'alway• on hand. Wedding Cakes -la Specialty.. .Terms strietiyOaShi ' • • • - G, D. MeTaggart RANK ER , ALBERT ST., erriff A General Banking Btlnines* transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Notes:issued. LAMS et allotted ea • &mite. * • THE NI:OLSON BANK * y Incorporated by Act:Parliament' J' [T,McCidy Clinton • • CA.P1TAL • -.$2,5digbe SEST.FUND $2,150,000 asgege04.11.1101411001iriisieisiainat . • . HEAD OFFIOE,1MONTREAL MAttEL miBRANITE MONUMENTh. • 1 . • Wm, Morsiox MACPHERSON, Presider; James Eettor,;;;Gezi. Manager. Notes discounted, collections made, +alto issued, sterling and Amerkian exehaaar bought and sold: Intermit allowed os. depoeits Same Belot -Interest silo:sat on mune of $1 and ap. Money advanoedar , farmers on their own notes, with one Jr& ' lucre endorsers, No Mortgage re,quired., 1FI.C. Brewer, Illanageri Clinton** Riattenbury St. Virorks euN TON, Direct Importere.. Workmanshin and Material guaranteed. IHaving puretatted the butchering business of b", K. Powell t am pre- pared to furnish the people of Cin- Oared Meats. Sausage, boloraAis 5: lard, butter and eggs always kept oz 't han JAS. tit -SEALE d. ; • *IL Fitzsimons a SOD. l', . • 1.,:eseessotosseu-iseetipeesei LeI ttai .- :42Z7:244 Meat Market ton With all kinds of Fresh T OR ONT 0 'EXHIBITION - TelPhme 76. M end ay,Sopternber ist,to aturd apt 3th o2 NEW BUILDINGS • NEW VEATIJIMES • NEW EXIIIBITS $85,000 inPreiniunis $30,000 for Attractions V..l4 510 TF Brilliant $20.000 Spi.etaele Milne resources orour Glorious Country, 11,04.1.4•4*. THE PEorLE's IMMO THE PEOPLE'S HOLIDAY Reduced Pates on every line of travel. gonsult your Station seesit regarding Facto. Toronto and holt. partkof the town. Orders delivered promptly to ad 1,,B.-Verecno having hogs for - shipment will confer a favor, by- • ltaviiig word at the shop. • ...msoitiosioosist*100111/110011•014 Suit sun 40. Late ef Toronto, has Opened a.... on Ontario otreet,nett to Ford & IfehTeiVe: and is prepared to exeente all orders in Mx Inc. eamilv washing SOo per doten, Shirts Se each.All work will be (felled for and delivered. Work guaranteed. Were molioitedi