The Clinton New Era, 1902-09-05, Page 7ir
&Pt 6th 1902
1.11Strlet 1401 Palre
WitighaM. Sept- 2$ 26.
'Tweevotter, Sept 2e 25.
• Doegannon, Oot 0 10.
•/Meth, Oot, 7 8.
Bruesels, Oot, 2• 3.
Welitertoo. tiept 17•18.
Stratford, Sem tiO Oot t,
leestowel, Sept 80 Oot L
e. recent censue of two lizards in 4on40n
meowed a falling off in population of 65.
There is e soaroity of ye.oant heteres in
Gydnev, Ogee Breton. The city beeps
le E. Staples has been appointed eons'
ant mange master of Kingston Collegiate
It is said that Hee Sydney Fislaer
will 'postpone his vidt to Japan until
next, year.
Another new natural gas Weil Ills
been struck in Essex, one more welis
wit be drilled. .
William J. Sbeehan, of Hamilton, woe
eaphyxisted by gas in Brooklyn, th.Y. In.
eerment at Hamilton.
Thomas Rooney was suffocated while
laying to rescue his hired man from a well
as Strathoona, Man,
Millet 'a Com} ound Iron Pills have Ruch
virtue that everyone ahoul ‘ ry them, Sold
• by all druggists, town. ,e
A. number of bartende n steamers
e running out of the port of Toronto
were fined $75 each and one $20.
Hon G. W. Ross on Thursday com-
pleted 30 years of parliamentary ser.
vice. Many happy reterneof the dee,
, The fear year old son of Thee Bryson,
farmer near Virden, Man., fell into the
euelyes of a binder driven • by his father.
The boy may die.
Guelph is atter an iron pipe factory,
the building to be worth $100,000. A.
straight bonus of 540,000 is asked, be-
sides exemption from taxes.
Every person suffering from general ,de.
Why should take Pdillees Compound .Ion
Pills. Sold be all draggiate, town.
Dinocwic, Man.. ia still on the map..
Three tons of dynamite exploded there
yet no one was injured and hut little
fiamage done to property. •
Three tons of dynamite exploded in
tbe storehouse 'at Dinor vele, Man. A
lot of windows were smashed in the
town but no one was hurt..
It isproposed at Kingston to fain a'
brae international park of a number
of Canadian and American !islands be
the St Lawrence, near Kingston,
.Many young ladies who were supposed
to be going into deoline have been restoted
tobealth and vigor by the use of Miller's
Compourd Iron Pills. Sold by all drug-
gists, town.
While James Herbert, a stoeecutter,
of Hamilton, was working in tbe yard
on the outskirts of that city, a bullet
. whizzed by him cutting a hole in his
amt. •
Thos Rooney, ten years a resident of
Strathenna, Alta., went into a well to
agscue his hired man, over comeby gas,
• The hired man was saved, but Mr
Rooney succumbed.
&tome Jacques, a seaman on the
• schooner F. 11: Wadeat Halifax, fell
• from thp tonmast to the- deck,.a dis.
tame of 7) feet, and only it jury he
sustained was a broken pose.
• Mr Claus A. Spreckels, of New York,
is in Montreal in connection with the
4 organization of a Canadian company,
with a cepital of 56 000,000, to exploit
• nw process of *sugar :Wg
vgnited by Mr Spreckels.
Henry Hall, aged 19 of Embro, Ont., I
dockhand on the steamer D. L. Mather. l
was drowned at Coney Island, Het
Portage, Wednesday afternoon, Mr
Bruce, of the Harold Nelson Stock
thampany, made a gallant effort to
rescue him. •
C. H, Acheson, of the Moncton High
sceool staff, has received official noti.
fhitition of his appdintroent as assistant'
master in the Normal School at Pre-
toria. The salary is to be 251J0 a year.
and residence and free passage for him -
;elf and family. i • :
J. W. Tyrrell. of Ham! Hon, who has
enst returned from Klondike says
that Dawson City has beenovetelmoin-
ed, and that merchants are leaving it.
The gold output this year will not be •
more than half of that of the previous
The largest shipment of "meat on
the hoof" that ever left Portland is
mow at sea on the steamship Norseman
She carries in Liverpool 1,179 head of
cattle and 1,398 sheep. The "scareity"
which apologists of the Beef Trust
plead in excuse from famine price is
refuted by this record shipment.
Every one of these cattle and sheep
was grown in Canada, and railroaded
in bond" though Maine. ' Their ex-
pert value, dreesectis abeut he cents e
. An eggshell farm is a part of one of
the primary • school departments ot
etude, in Buffalo. Each child takes an
eirgsbell about two-thirds whole. The
child's name is written on the shell,
and after a lesson on soils sufficient
earth is placed in the shell to fill it.
Each one in a room is given the sante
kind of seed to plant. After the plant
becomes too large for the shell the
thild is encouraged to take it helm
and plant it in e large garden. The
teachers aim to teach the complete life
• history of the plent from seed to seed.
Apparentlydriven frantic by the fear
libat she might some time becerne in,
_ aline, Mrs Johattleplirdy, Of Chicago,
a bride of lees than three months; -.has
killed herself in a peculiarly shrieking
moanner. Having fine undressed,she
put on a nighteown, climbed to the table, and having placed
her mouth over one of the lets on the
chandelier, tied her head firmly by
imeeens of heavy cords wound tightly
around her neck. Then she turned ou
The gas. When her hu6band mune
lime he found ber dead, 'Letters that,
• the woman left behind lead to the 'be,
lief that she was mentally unbalanced,
he wad 38 years old,
ferleorden, leerier of the Opposition;
is acting wisely in paying a visit to the
wen. Canadian public . Men ought to
%now their CW11 cedilla% bud especial -
fry those regions which ere now grow -
wig so rapidly and attracting so much
OstteinUon. S atesman may differ On
!Many thingt4•1 tit need be in, na doubt
as to the splendid possibilities of this
county, Mr Borden's journey may in-
Sitence his -views as to teatuiportation
and the tariff, and We shall be eurpris•
Sid if he comes to any other conclusion
than that wadingdales and railWAY
• tharges might to bear its lightly as
peesible mi the greht itidttetry Of the
The New Era to new subscribers, a trial trip to the end of the ye
THE taorroN foiir F
iiii I ill li I 1
The supply of riataral gas in Essex
County is reporteu to be increasing,
Me Shale, At Blilevalet hag heee tinged*
ed to ell it vacancy on the Uxbriege high
wheel etaff.
D. J. Cempbele of Mariposa, near Lind.
gay, was oruehed by a bail Aud may die
from his injuries.
The 'three wedge' old child ot Danth
Chisholm, of $t John, N, B„ had boiel
eyelids partly eateh by *rat,
Woodstoclegerdener, Mr Walter War.
ner, has fallen heir to $20,000 by the death
of his mother at Birmingham, England,
I A Standard Remedy I
Used In Thousands of Homes hi
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and • has never yet failed
to give satisfaction.
Miter Eya,Deene, sister of Alayor Dwane,
Peterboro, bag been appointee supernitend-
eat of purees ba the Sioux City hopital.
Robert le, ellitnie. of W innipege aged
49 years, tormei ly.of London, died tn
the Ciermeneernencan Hoepital et Chi-
cago, The remeins were taken to Lts.
towel for but lel,
William Sheeheal, of Hamilton, who I
was found dead in bed in a Brooklyn I
hotel, wee a Hamilton shoe cater.
His friends take no stock in tbe
lion thee be suicided.
An Ottawa despatch pays a big Eng-
lish paper combine is being formed of
eleven of the largest mills in Englend,
whim will secure 2000 acres of pulp
lands pear Ottawa district,
A little son of W. IL .Pierce, Fourth
avenue, Ottawa, was killed at the colli-
er of Beek street • and Third ea enue
Thursday. He was riding a bicycle.
and in some way- was pitched from ht
wheel and WAS thrown beneath a car.
Tne Wheels struek his left leg and
broke it, and his body. was pinned mg
denied th the motor, the chest being
crushed in.
Jas Emery, a farmer in Gouldburne
township, near Ottawa, was shot in
the breast by a boy who Was fooling
With a revolver, and he may die. The
by was an adopted waif, but it is be-
lieved that the affair was aecidental
lerown Attorney Ritchie has sent
County Chief Harnil,on • to take the
mates anteenortern statement. The
boy has not been arrested,
Mr L. W. Paisley, of Chilliwhack, B.
C., secretary of the British Columbia
Lev.° Steck Associetion, called en. Mr
A. P. Westervelt at the legislative
building Tort -onto. Mt' Paisley wants
C tttle-he does net exactiv know how
many yet, but if he can get the kiuds
he wants; at the prices he wants, he
May take west vvith him. in two or
three weeks as many ae 1,500 bead;
He will purchase thee(' for nunierous
dairy men and rattchers in the Pacific
Province, who have given him com-
missions to pickup vedette Varieties in
Miss Carle le, the Provincial. Inspec-
tor of Factories where females are em-
ployed, returned to Toronto on Thurs-
day from a trip through Western On
tario. "The mills are all very busy,"
she said, "andtheir great difficulty at
at presen t is to firid 'sufficient nelp. In
a email town like Paris, for instance, •
where the Penman Company have
three large mills, there are not girls
enough to belied in the town, and so
large numbers a the farmer" children
are empleyed. These have • now been
taken home to assist in the "harvesting
operetions. and a scarcity of help is
the result."
• •
In Nov., zgol, Mr. SherivoddWaiker; a
fireman on the Canada Atlantic Railway,
living at Madawaska, Ont., Wrote :--" I
am a great sufferer from bleeding piles.
Sometimes the protruding piles come
down, causing much misery and uneasi-
ness, and at other' fillies I am subject to
bleedingpiles, and they bleed to such an.
extent as to make me quite weak. • If Dr.
Chase's Ointment will cure this awful ail-
ment you will have me everlasting grati.
-On March "X, 1902, he wrote:-"Accord-
ingto my promise, I now take pleasure in
writing to you. . If you remember, you
sent me a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment for
bleeding piles some three months ago. I
used it faithfullf. and can say that it
proved a Godsend, for it has eltirely cured
mo of bbeeding piles•
would have written sooner but I
wanted to be able to tell you that it was a
permanent cure. This you can use for the
' benefit of other suffering people. There
I - are several people here who have been
Icured of very .severe cases of protruding
piles by using this great ointment. 60
cents a box, at all dealers, or Edreanson,
Bates & Co., Toronto.
Dr. Chase's
! eeetirtahip of the Future;
die -'Do you •love me cts much a%
• • Oyer? '
more. Since I received your
• thought registering machine I haVo
beea so close t� Yen: •
"And 1 to you. Bythe way, Where
• are you?"
44I'm in Naples. And you?"
"In Harlem. I cam, e here tram Lon-
don, Did you heareine call you Up at
• midnight last night?"
"Yes, dear; but I could not answer.
had just eaten's, broiled lobster, and
the psycble cdrreet Wouldn't respond."
eSometlines I wish I could see you--
• hold you in my arms," .
. "What nonsense! Thates so unite.
cessary "
• "There! Feel that? .Wasn't that.
nice?" •
"For a vibration, yes But I can't
help feeling—"
"Nonsense! Irou're sea an eld togy.
• By the way,_ when shall we be mar-
• teed?"
"The sooner the better."
• 'We1b 1 will arrange it ell. We eall
Neve the ceremony peiformetle if you
like, by the Orationt system."
right. • And the wedding trier?"
"eeh, we can take every morning, say
r. from eight to ten -that is, if you tan
r get away trent buelness."
• "Bet Wouldret it be nice to take it
• together? 1 should like -nay, /
cietually to held you In my armee'
4'Why, you goose, don't you isee that
ii01110 spoil the Whele romanee?"-X.
Stopir the thetigh
Ind Woritteft the (told
tuatite 15rOrn6Qtttithe Wahlete cure a
Old inonO dqg NO Onte,10 Pay, Bliee
, Diarrigea, Dysentery, Cholera,
. Cholera idorbus, Cholera Infau-
tum, Cramps, Collo, Sea Sickness
and all Siunmer Complaints.
I Its prompt use will prevent a
, great deal of unnecessary suffer-
ing and often save life.
, Price. 350.,
Th, 1'. Milberg% Co.. Limited. Toreateeteatnio.
,slow Some Men Were R.olnect.
An ordinary penny postage stamp
brought ruin to Hobart, the "great Brit-
ish iron king," says The New York Sun.
Dunne. the Whitworth period, When the
big crisis in the iron trade occurred,. he
had agente in all haits.of the world w»kept hint posted:. Sometimes thee tele-
grephed the news in cipher, but those in
• England were always ' instnicted to
*rite. At that time his principal agent,
Who was also his 'partnere was in Shef-
field, and wrote hirn fpom there, Warn-
ing him to sell outof all eron interests
for the time on aceount of the Whit-
worth. crisis; •
Hebert had frequent . fits of irritation-
iteteand he •hael been redeiving aeiet of -
under -stamped letters of no import-
ance, on .which he had to pay • double .
postage. One peening ep anger be gave
orders that such letters were. to be re-
turned' to the arriers. The Yery first
under-etatimed. letter received. After this
was from his 'perer. was rejected
Pnce in Ilading1
common and trivial mimeo given
by time who read little is that
they leave no time for reading.
One may have no time fug eating or
sleeping, but hardly no Who to maku.
love or to read. It is good Will, come*,
tration, and the habit of despatch, not
leisure or unlimited opportunity, which
Imes alwaye performed the greateet,
Wonders in both of these useful par,
• suits, Many personsin mature life are
conscious of A gentle and luxurious .sen -
blunt in favor of reading, which Mate
to nothing 'because they do not ',know
how to reed. With all the good -will in
the world, they lack concentration and
the habit of despatch. The good -will
was not applied early enough, or
plisd at all, to Any other end than the
lazy diversion of a moment. This na-
turally resulted in the formation of the
newspaper habit, by which 1 do not
mean sunpiy the habit of reading nettle
papers, . but the habit of mind which
=keit it poseible • for men to spend an
evening in going through Motions. There
is up more reason for spending two
hours in reading the newspaper than in
having one's boots blacked. 'Some people
never make their way into the great
Establishment of Letters farther than
the vestibule, where .they spend their
lives contentedly playing marbles with
the hall -boys, Of course we do not eull
the newspaper worthless grimly bectietee
smite other things are worth more. The
best reading is 'both' intensive and ex-
tensive; one reads a little et everything,
and a great deal of some thiugs. The
goodweeder takes all reeding to be his
province. Newspapers, periodicals, books
old one new, all present themselves to
him in their proper perspeetivee they are
all grist to his mill, but they do not go
into the same hopper or regture the: nine ,
process. On •the contrary, one of the
main distinctions of the clever reader is.
that without varying as to intensity, he
varies almost indefinitely as to pace.
.This lower of reading flexibly comes
mainly, of Course, with practice. For
those who have Tacked an early ,experi-
enee of books, the manipulation of them -
is never likely to become the perfect and
instinctive process of adjustment Which
it should be. People often achieve a cer-
tain degree of education and refieemene
late in life, but seldom,: I think, the
"power of the accomplished reading Man.
It is simply not to be expected. An
adult who takes up the Violin May get -
much amusement and prceit .feom his in-
strument, but he cannot hope to master
it A certain increase of facility, how-
ever,. the belated reader may surely ex-
pect to gain from some sott of observ-
ance of this temple principle of. adjust-
ment. .
This anxious but unskilled reader is
leo likely to have 'a 'set gait, so many
words to the minute or lines to the hour.
An., essay, an editorial, a. clutter in e •
novel or in the ,Biblee scieetifigerticie,
a. short .story, 'theycontain the Jame -
number of words, take, up Test theseme
amountof this misguided person's time.
No *ender_ reaeing,.liecepeee An Incubus
ete him, with the appalling .monotony of •
its precession Of printed' wordsfiling end-
lessly •lnifore• him, He „really has time
enough, if he knew how to Make. hse ot
it iben Holden keeps hire busy for ae
week or more; it should boreal in a
few hours. He plods • methodically
through Sir Walter, and Ands him slow;
the happy render who On 'get Quentin
and his Isabelle' satisfactorily married m
: pie hours does not 'The trained reader
readjusts his focus for daeli 'objective.
Milton may. be Mad in words or Bee%
'MacAulay , in sentences) • Theckenty
paragraphs, Conan Doyle in ent.ges; The"
eye, that is, readily gains the power of
• taking in words • in groups instead of•
separaicly. How large a 'genii the .
• glance. can Menage varies with the sed-
oesness' of the subject. With the same
degree. of 'concenteation, 'eye and Mind
will take bare of a pageof the "Prisoner
Of Zenda" as eiteily aixthey can, absorb a•.:
' line of Maebeth, or one, of Fitzgeetted's
geatraine. . • • . • '
Oreimese .this desposee of the indo-
lent lolling. style of reitdingee rather
•. makes a rarehichilgence of it. When one
occasionally comes upon the trovel of his
heart, or the poem he has waited for, 'he
may well afford to ,consider it at. Ins
luxuriousleisure, minimizing labor by .
dilatoriness. • But are, a nile the widely
reeding.num is not an indolent person.
Not that he to be'always keeping -his -
nose in a bre*. By eegulatingees pace,:
he not only covers an e Astoniehing
amount:of ground in reading, but Makes'
reeve for other things. He • knows how:
to get the mose for his tiane, that is all.
The bee doe not eat the:flower to get
the 'honey . out of it. The . eye of the
skilled reader • acts like 'a sixth settee,
directing lera to the gest of the matter,
in whatever form it rimy appear. Twen-
ty minutes yieldsall that there is for
hine in, the book . which his neighbor,
knowing that it would 'Mean_ a week's •
spare hours, is pareful to avoid. •
.This, it ' May .he ,said, sounds- very
muchlike anadvocacy of skimming,
Skimming And rapid reeding.are differ-
ent processes, bit skimmiegis at limes.
a good.. thing, toe; even skipping . bee
comes, on occasion, te sacred. duty, We
. may go a step farther, for skimming im-
plies cream, and skipping, a foothold
•soinewhere; and many books deserve
neither of these less, and least comple
Mentary, modes of treatment. The eye
brushes a page or two, and the mind is
hardly called in to assist In a. dainna-
tory verdict iehich is informal, but emu-
mary. The exparieneed yeader, in short,
Is an artist, and, like other artists, at -
tells his 'ugliest powers only when •hp.
has learned What to subordittate, to
slight,. even to omit, The poor fellow
• whose conscience will not let him refuse •
an equally deliberate consideration to
every aix inches of black and White
which comes in his way may be an ex-
cellent husband and father, a toed.
tonone litneer ir merchant,undeveModel-
' citizen; he Is certainly not a geed resit.
er.--Toritributote OW'
as Soon as it arrived. •
Next • day Hobart pledged himself for
more iron deals than even lus• mighty
°Tait teas goodfor. The geeat drop in
prices canoe two days later, and Hobart,
once a millioneire; was nivolved, in a
hopeless bankruptcy, from which he.
never, recovered. ' •
Geoffry Peek, once prince of London's
• Stock Exchange. was famous for being
mot purietuae never 'arriving a -minute
: late, though he Walked to the city from
• his 'home every morning. One day he
• tore his trousers on n nail .that was
sticking Out of a fence. That tear guin-
ea him. Instead of going home he went
into the nearest tailor's to get a ileW
pair ..of trousers. They had 'none he
could Wear, but they meneed the tear
for hhn, and •were•g .
1 h t it l.bnt
he was an Izmir late. That very niorw•
ing was the one of the Australian slump,
wheel. broke 'fourteen firms in almost
as niany minutes; and' though • Pask
could easily have saved himself had he
been there to et:intro' his:affairs; the de-
lay at the tailor's carried them beyond
hope, and he arrived to find himself a
beggar. He. oonunitted suwide. a week
• The mere moyirig of A ;hand, reiriect.
Cobbett & Co., one of the largest And
Wealthiest engineeringfirme ever known.
They and a rival Ameeicam fine tender-
ed for the building of ethe greet etaiint
bridge for the Russian Government.
jaeob Cobbett, who was the head of the
business, speat six menthe in the de-
eiignifig and contracting, and had eel les
plans ready. His bid was accepted, and
Material was bought in enormous quan-
tities,men engaged and engines built. A
time limit had been set for the com-
mencement and the artiste and Cobbett
was perfecting his /dent and • making
sure of the smallest detitils, with all the
formula 'spread mit before him, when he
strefeherl out: his 'hand, overturned an
ink pot foul drowned the most important
• paper in le black sea. . .
Cobbett had a poor 'memory. ' In a
fever of anxiety he tried to reconstruct
his plans from stray notes. It was het -
possible, and he called to the Russian
Government • for more time. This was
.gefused, dud Russia repudiated the con-
tract, on -the ground of delay, as the
agreement allowed: Cobbett could not
get les work through in time, and the
Areerican firm, who now advanced a
cheaper tender with all plans prepared,
--secured:_the-contrAct,-,.....The less _drove,
Cobbett & Co. into hankruptcy, and the
great Kaura bridge in Russia is Ameri-
can built. •
Semewhat similar, but more romantio,
was the moradat of forgetfulness that
wrecked the career of the great railway'
contractor, Purbeck Jones, He had un-
dertaken. the contract to build the
lelaievar Iiiie In Central India, and stak-
ed all he had. Security was necessary,
however, and lie was bound to deliver
by May 9, 1891, a sufficient quantity of
negotiable bonds., etc, to cover 1100 by
the railway syndicate. Tills sum amount-
ed to over 42,000,000, and evert Pur-
beck aeries found it hard to raise such a
sum, but his credit obtained it for him,
and he deposited his scouritiee in a great
safe at les °Moo, preferring that to a,
oafs depoeit.
It was not until the morning that the
Indian mat went off that he arrived to
despatch the Reeurities under special
guard to India. When he arrived, to his
utter dismay, he found he had left his
keys Of the safe behind, Thep 'were in
his country place, and to get them In
time to eateh the mail was impossible.
If he misted the mail -his time limit for
,the deposit Would lapse. He tent to the
Safe makers( for expert workmen, and of-
fered large rewards to them if they
could break the totfe open within two
Imre. They could not do it, and Pete
heck Iona was ruined, for the syndl-
cate refused an extellaion of time, and
the Tots Of the COntract made him hope.
leesly bankrupt. He died in an insect.
SWUM hit year,
nee? it Shakes One op, invade deep, des-
troys strength, adds a real misery to life.
Not the atomaoh but the nerves ere affoot.
ed, Starved nerves make the Whale trouble
You need Verrc2one bedtime Ito a nerve
food. It supplies the elements ihat are
needed to Make ritth red Wed. This is the
saving bank of hertith. The richer the
Mood in ted cells, the richer you're sure to
be in health. Verrogone quickly Makes
blood, strengthens the nervous sststera,
atterigthens the digestive °Nene tela prestot
the neryoult disturbance disappori. Sold
by admix', prioe 60 onto.
Chhumic Fadden on company Promoting+
r, for 25c
"I see by de yelpers where ia. 00211. .
pony ,det is going to melee birch-bre*
canoes -or le it go -veleta -by ennehle
ery, «fors hoe,* for totty-tree vents a
share which is %tare to pay one hundred •
or cent. on bb* hundred dolligirs a
»hare. ,Die prover, how wonderful is
de *Metede of =don finance. But det
is not rwhet most excites my fancy. De L:
same company says de Mane ,stock will
be forty-seven eents in tree days, a
dollar and six -bits in ten envie-and will
(sell for two or tree hundred 'clonare in.
dee ott six monts. Dat being so, str-
and •ttf course 4ey ,woultd not say so 11
it was not -4 Is fitted witastonisinneet
hat dey lets de public in at toityetree
cents!" . .
"Day may be pliliantrepistx." Sari
Miss rannle.
- "/ aux pot sure," sayrs 91r. Paul, "De
Only ting sureeabout "ern is dat dey is
reit In Jail; and a man lout at jail may
he anyting, Den dere is de olt tom. .
panies wit opoutiug wells, pipe lino,
and rallroadsewho Is gelling stock easy
• wort seven hundred eollars a Aare for
from fourr to twenty centn. As de poet
says, I Often wonder what de vendors
buy oneelralf so precious as de .etuff .
•.dey 'niece
"Mostly, dey 'buys advertising space,"
says, Whislters, and den he near fall.$
Put Qt '14a Chair eepoing at les gosee. •
N�it e to Creditors.
Notice is iereby given teat all persons
baying Immo egainst • the estate of
William Stirling, who died on or about the
23rd day of July.1902, are required on or be-
fore the 15th day of October, 1202, to send by
Post Prepaid, or deliver to 1tobert Sterling,
011uton, Out.. ohe r.e of texecutors of the wia
of the deceased a statement of their claims,
And further take notice, that after such
last mentioned date, the said executors will
proceed to distribute the assets 'of the said
deceased among the rrties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which no-
tice shall have been g ven as aforesaid.*
By :1AMBISSOOTT, their solicitor.
Dated sr Olint",t. this 19th 4s7 of Aug., 1902.
'Voter's List' 1902
Municipality of the Town of
elinton, County or Huron.
. Notice is hereby' given that I have transmit-
ted andneliv_ered to the parties mentioned In
110,171=1.6s °re tq'grueltrag.tseeroanitt.te,°4
so transmitted or delivered, the list made par-
_ rauant to the said Act, of all persons appearing
.biallltritTve:tlt:Varieat33.V.Ig ttilg Isutidt
Municipality at Elections for nienibers ot rhe
Legislative Assemblr and at Municipal
and thnt said P •ab
my Aloe this lath day of August, r902, and re-
mains there for inspection. Electora are called
upon to examine the .aid list and if any om-
missione or any other errors are found- therein,
to take immediate proceedings to have the said
errors corrected according to law. • ' '
W. COATS, 017.
Dated this le day of August, 1902. • •
We eau give Peiltions • to persons ot alt
grades of abili.4y. • Akents, book-keepers„
clerks, farmer' sons, lawyers. mechanics, phy-
sicians, pr i echo's, students; married and
single women and widows. Positions aro
worth from $400 to $2,500 per annum. . we.
have paid eeveral canvassers. 950. weekly for
Years., Write folly and we will give son a •
.9°BitirE tc1BItaulAD
TLEY-oaAREETSON•flo. Ltd. .
Aug. 22nd . Brantford.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compouigi
Is successfully used, rnontle b7oWJ
o.000Larues. Safe,effeetual. £adiessm
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root
Take no other, as all Mixtures, pure
onsnre dangerous. Price, No, 1, n
sag- f40. 2, io degrees stronger,npet bat.
, per tmalled on receipt of price and two
The Cook Company windsor,
anti etioldand recommended/1g
eleIgraggusts in Cann*. •
No. 1, and No. 2, are sold- in Ciiinton
. at all responsible Drug Stores.
Ike Late -Erie Navilation Co. Ltd:
T• he Sliqri Bente to .
One tray fare front Clinton, $8.75.
• Return - • - 6.00.
13otst leaves PeSte,nley every Tuatiday and
Thursday at 11 p.m., Saturdays at 11 a.m.
• Beate closed after September5, 1902;
Tioltetieon sale at all tonal ticket offipes.
For turiber information write
Wm, Viroollatt, . T. Marshall,
. Manager. Gen.Pase,Agt.
'Walker/ill% Ont.
. eelfee
• .
• .....
Wholesale mock of pianos
at -very-best-pussible- rices..
Organs, the very enterttunable
gramophone, sheet music,
books, and a variety of mimic
C. 11023.1?E'S
Music- Enmorium.
Are a sure And 'permanent cute for nil
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
is the first sign of Ititiney Trouble.
bVin't neglect 10 Check it id timel
• Serious trouble Will follow if you atilt.
0 Cot your Backaehe by taking
bogs ictimy
.A.. IVIe:MCDVir 1\T
Haring bought out the trarnesa
bueinese of 11..i MoBEiE'N, is go-
ing to sell Trtinke,Velieee,Ditstere
Ittlesi,and everythingin connection
with the trade -Good and Cheap.
LightlierneSe, a Specialty
,tisHsod deal and will nee you
# # 4 4 4
ertirOgi St.,9 doors west of New.
Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind,
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver& Female Ailments.
Prepared only by the Proprietor, TrIM•as BegoirAln, St, Helens, Bog
Sold Everywhere in Canada and V. S. America, In. boxes, 25 cents.
aryest is Coming
• But before it comes there ia &fruit Reason. You will therefore want a eupply:of
Fruit jars. We hare Imperial, Pints Quarts and Half Gallenc
Do you want allay Fork,ropeee inott of Pare Manilla? Then come here. Do toil
forget Feriae/esker', Scythes, Snaths, Soythe Strums, Machine Oil and Cons. Then per.
haps you wanta screen door or window? You ought to seenurre
A fine veriety of Package Tose, such as Blee Ribbon, embeds, Nommen, . Grand
Mogul and Fan Brand. •
Do you iant your Photos enlarged, 11 00, for one of oier Carafe
Terms are cash or produceemoh aa Egga at 14o, (and likely more Butter, Lard
Tallow; Dried App)ee, eto. A, trial respectfully aolicited, Tours for business,
Emporium, Londeaboro
July 3rd, 1902.
Buggies .1 VII ageonst
Do you nant a high grade Buggy or Wagon
We have the finest stock to eelect from, Ah the letest styles in the new-
est colors. Our prices are as low as can be found for first•class material
. ancl workmanship. Before you buy call and see us.
We also handle the Canadian Steel Field Fencieealready woyen, any farmer ea
erect from 60 bo 80 rode per day; it is a ahem) strong fence, •
Geo 1.41Wif3, `Street, 010011
•NEXT DOOR TO NEW ErtA. opizacg
very Tarmer Should use
The best known remedy for Smut on Oats, Barley,
- Wheat or Corn.
We can give. you testimonials from 'all:the 'leading
farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde
last year. Full instructions given with each bottle.
Use Conibp's "Standard 'Formaldehyde" •
Chemist Druggist.
eduction in Prices
• Here ie • e great chance to aeoare a firstrelaseebugey atet•te big reduction, No
these prices:- ..• •, • •
•$80 Buggtee for 068 $75 Buggies for $65
, $65 Buggies for $60
Remember theSeare all our own make, which places ne in a position to gnarante
them, as we do not bny any materialbat what is.first class.
glepairing promptly attended to by experienced men
RUABILL & ile3IRTII. Huron Street, - Clinton
Cluitan. Sitsil, Door, and
Blind.' Factory.
General Builder and .contractor.
This 7.facitorY is the largest in he ce.tinty, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice: We marry an extender°
. Mid reiiblesteak and 'mewed plans, and give estimates for and build all oleo.
es of buildings on short notice and on the olceest prices All work is supervie.
' ed in a Mechanical way and satisfaction gnaianteed. We aell all kinds of in-
terior and exterior materiel.
Luinber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors,. Blinds, Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GRATBILL SCHOOL DESK methdatitured
Weterloo. Call and get prices and cremator; before piecing vow, orders
0 eimanho
Dandruff Cure
Bringa the grace of heantiful hair to' everyone *rho
uses it. Dandruff MUST be gotten rid of firat,--
beause it is ,the root of all hair troubles. .
..-Thste_b_nuAisease: __men_witte.1.1u4 in the Woad le_
and sane More withal:Teeing* to tt
.Dandruff, Cure is a .positive, permanent, -guaranteed ,enre far
dandruff.' Buys bottle at your druggista--frice SOc, and scLee.
onleonto, het! Valet WOOS •
The steady inorease in ottr trade 10 good'proOrof the feet that our goode are righ and
our peloo lower than thoile of other dealers in the trade. •
We ruannfaoture furniture on a large groale and tutu afford to dell °heap. If you bay
• from us, we save for you the profit, which, iii,other casee, bite to be added In
the retail dealer.
Thier weekAtie have passed into etook mine of our new deeigne. Space will not penult
no to emote prices, but come and see for yournelf what snot vte have to Offer.
gemember.Awe are determined that thir prices shall be the OWatit in tlite trade.
In this department otir stook le complete, and we naeo undoubtedly *he best faneril
outfli in the county, Our prices are 10iv et the loweet,
131LOADFOOT 130X & 00, w•
Mtn* ee
P. Ss ttight and Sunday atilt 'Waded to by calling it J., Ohiditytif rod
• -.Direolor1residenee.