HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-05, Page 51
Jeieft. 5+11 t902.
sik-rr 777 °"..r4447,1r1RPI!•1,1777F''''
Inte New Era to new subscribers, a trial trip to the end of the yea,
Another Wee
muistuakesto Mitilt,lonal Local News.
zoketi will be imuod it IrAMIT.,Y.-A, R. McMien who sold
out his harnese °bop and went to tbe
, SINGLE WIRSTOLASS V.A.RE North West to try hie luck, some two
good going any goy hem Sept. gra to um, Mouthe ago, but returned, not liking
that eection of the conntrylinie bought . returnine up to Sept. 15th.
a tiernent shop in 'Tensed, and will
reat Valuta Giving T uMeeodnadeyirtyxTahncudruoWdraesyd,niEeolnld, Daeyn,aSydst 2d, 40 . 0,'
, mthoNevM!eotIhmHeerAne R)wVhitaEhvSheTie.-hfa-aTdmadkileyeln ingaehlxttoftugwletheheakerr,-
Willbe ezeurelon dor, onwhiolithetare wilt be ' vet weather; and the °rope have been .
. SA 2‘75 e avedhlausealeenn di the dyieldcon1dthatt
. So n many
The Bargains we have been g:ving during our Building Sale have been extraordinaq Tieketatigreeraglneguicthem. Viehr=113:414rigarti=tric,':
indeed—and in many cases involved losses to us, or to those who owned the goods - Bey Your tickets up TOWO end avoid owIllerbtoole, avn thda reaBvteint.o NthorweshthPaatrtuirt
Pm melt and eefay at etittion. •
. .
.. , . Flowing has commenced, the ground le
before- us, it would seemdalmost impossible that better bargains could be given—but "" 4")
. ellaatil 8.00 every nisit after Sept bit ound to be so dry that all are wishing :
Ihat is just what we are going to do during this first week of September F.*R. HodgenS,VOW,U Agent.
fUEIr tAt: A OALL.*-- Walter Mills A
- ' wealthy apple IMPorter from .Man
0 • Wog tu
rstmats cheater, Ent, who haft been making
• ' trip throtig the United States and
10 shitts-E8dgens Blew:. vet .. ••• ••••ragel Oallatia. ;Me a visitor in town Virecipee-
Obtokens wanted -4' Anora..... 1
Another week-4•Tewcombe.....„...,..., 4 daY. Eta saY0 our aPPle crop is ler,'
- ...A.,0 t inieeler to that of the eltates tbeire be.
Por sohool-Cooper & Co
For sale or to rent-wm Bliea:.,5 ing much larger fruit and better yield,
1 and Canadian apples Will command a
for 2lic
low is given a small list of the many bargains to be
found at our store.
New Fall Dress.Goods,
listings, etc,
Are arriving daily. Our assortment
will be by far the finest and largest we
have ever shown.
Prints -MuslinsaTartans Ginghains Ate it 50
, P
.300 yards of prints, Scotch nursling, tartans, giughamsolo.,
alifaat colors, and goods that will wear well hulzhiliren,
Ifery 4131)0161 at per yard .. . ... . • • • • • ; • • .... • •
try Cotton at 7e.
250 yarde of 86 inoh wide gray cotton, m'ade of fine round
thread,' extra heavy quality, very special at
More 12ie Shakefat Die .
200 yards more of 86 inch wide Flannelettes in pink, oreara
and *lute, Very fine quality, regular 120 value
'Black Silk at 85e.
'75 yards of 20.1noh wide black man -de -ode, Thio is a very
1111(1(041r) of silk that is in great demand Sot skits or
waists. nyder value is $1 per yard, epsoial at.
45eNet Corsets at 30c.,
e balance of our special 45o Comets are now on sale to
Ilear at
25e1.9e and 7e Lace at Re
200 yards of fine Valenciennes lace and. ineertion in asserted
patterns and widths, regular pricee were 50, 60 and 7oall
en ottle at per yard
Ladies' Hose at 121e
Another chance .to
'buy Curtains thaw.
For Friday and Saturday only,
We will give a discount of, 25 per
cent off every Lace Curtain in the store.
Men's Furnishing Depizet.
5e We have jtist received our fall ship-
ment of New York Hats, Neckivear and -Collars
lie Two of the %Min' g shapes in•Hats are
"5th avenue" and "Royal Rival;"the prices are
11g, $2,25 and WO.
pia The Ties cone in a beautiful range .of
v 2u colorings (mostly bias strilies.) This lot in-
cludes the "Midget" string and bow. Prices
are 25e to 50e.
Lost -w I2111113 0 .. . # • . •
Girl wanted-41ns W
Dr Smith, Barfield • • • . .........
cloth jaokets-McKinnon &co'.
Dress shiffs--Hoclgens Bros
Wanted -Drawer
Ladies' fine tailoring-WmPlohard
Peare-Caittelon Broa • • s . • ... ..••• • .• • go
ii**** !**2ttit
00derlCh Barbi/re
It is a matter of considerable import
wage to blotlerich as to whether it has
oargectood:37 bad harbor. For years little
distinct hi Its own iodividu 1 ty
maszeunme7nteeirrtainPircii:fer:tvionbeg‘ rjeormfection to which the Doh:rtY 07gabe
f_ Clinton has arrived in the
pmrldkegitagoei:foeainteaci organslane,atter of
here; and it was only when Ilonand the al
et en:71in es
r Tarte became Minister' of Public e hilntien display
t upon the ce "r7 m"b
e brreareedtefi
orke, that he decided sto make it a ,crxedi
harbor Inof credit to ou -
fact as Well as in name.' One aii well as henorary to th r tciwn
With a great deal
of the principles upon which he has al: to know that they have been awarded
.ma for the beet dispIa f
e above firm
to the fullest extent -possible Wail Or t 1
the Diplo
ways acted,is to nee our Waterfacilities
. —.. mutt, hex excellen ' f Y e '
this end in viev; considertibi iteieb. eir 0 tone and
in3 redging an money
ed moether, the eiRR RURANIANS.-WW1 ip
Jamesweetern Statee atew claim av:ae2a -
proving the harbor, with • the FOR
9nSa:Bll • met. a couple of former
has been spent in d
re it . whowere delighted to see
that at Present there le a depth Hur ia
Montana, he met. Jae
him. At Butte, M
o feet ofiVirater, and the writer w s
a . Bell, brother of 'M T
. , o God- tow r hew" Bel
n' who arPears to h I* °I
pleased to learn;during a visit t have prospered
very anialeprice in comparison wtth
our neighbor's apples. The Fruit
Marks Act, although limiting the imp
ply, will increase the demated for our
fruit, only first-class stock being per-
mitted to be branded Oenlidiana
organ says the Globe, in its report of -
the Ie'duetrial Fair, is again on exhib-
ition in the Music Pavillon, with, if
possible, a finer display of instruments
than ever. The fine cathedral organ,
In golden OWL finish, with illuminated '
pipe tope, represents the acme of reed
church organ building, its beauty of
tone and workmanship's being unsur-
passed. There are over a score of beau- -
Win instruments exhibited,' ash one
• •
, • • well. He wbe in Helena for some time.
I a•1- oriel' the otbett'dan that everY Veseel•
e are so e agents in nton or e
Whieh hae entered the 'harbor this .t11:et therieteMterlY Iffoitielc400konoewr,, at
ItInn in Troy. New York, apa.are the mostiomfort- few) brie been :able to do go without the .
nika season (and the numbee has not been town, s residing there. At Bcilings,
rooninettiftieritamiciit valtgcetteyeet24 . Fitt thlisi:
famous Barker . %ill ;___0011fti0. • fr „hey Aro
Able and perfect fitting to be found anywhere. .0ightest fear of grim:tiding,. and the Hattie Foirton,• formerly of Clrnton.
Price 20c each. - . . . . . ' . . captains thereof exPreatied 'their entire hu billid a Tie Efill air wth "libel;
"She rac ise di e • e ,
30e . ..,.. . . . : :eatiefictio'n with the improvenients a eve ;ire rr !let ne!137ed 17rd Ire
- /iVe. also early a eOmplefe assartramit Of that had been Made in this cli ti nj very
I cratry:PhureYin'esees, .Mere ill'IoxY-
another sister, aleo marrie I* i
.. vant.age to the town ie shown i
all the leading shapes in Canadian and _English That the Work h be rec ttl° u
In the the same state. They were very much
Collars. Prio' 13 lg
fact that the elevator has already pleased to meet Mr Snell, and natur-
4it Opened this week— • • handled several thousand buehels mpre . ally anxious to learn as much news of
- • , grain so far this season than last, and • Clinton as possible. . • •
scotch check car for boys 25e and .50-e; sexpeots to handle a.still larger amount - • ...
as en of great n s living with her daughter and
es e, c, 18e and 20e each.
, Ives n
120 pairs of plain and ribbed cotton Hose. Hermseorf
regular value 180 to 200,' on sale at ,
before the season closes, here are •
NOW designs in uspenders 25eand 50e. other improvements yet needed, which ARY 41INI A t t e
�18t church Alm fol owin were ar-
• May come in •the course of we but recent district meetinf of it; Metho-
(Be sure and see these .11f1W goods.) . r
, the. t., e h• h i •• ranged: -
governmen o w ic e is a mem-
Goderich (North street), Clinton
; . ber, is to be congratulated for the
, Blyth -local arrangements.
Mirth) (Oatarm. street), .
marked improvement that has been (Wesley
, made, as the harbor' can now accoino
uoderich (Victoria:, street) -Rev J.
' date the very largest lake vessels,
Kennedy, B. L. .
The writ for an election: in the Yuk- Seaforth-•Fee, 15 16. Deputation.
tied by the. Clerk of the
. Rev A. K. Birks LL.B., W. R. Lough.
on was . ise
Hon Mr Tarte inparticular, as viral as
• re -
Your money back
• Want it.
Holmetiville-Noy 23 24. Depute -
(*Own in Chancery on ;Wednesday. don; Rey I* B. Walvvin, B.A., Rev M.
The nomination will take place On Nei*, J. Wilson; B.A., and R. W. McKenzie. •
ember 4, and„ the election fourweeht8 DDPieeeerili -Oct.2.6.27; Re"' 'Dr*
Hile*.-Revi _Dr. Gifford.
Benindier-Orit, 19. Rev R;A.Miller;
Auburn-Itee•Dr.Daniel. .
Walton -Rev John Holmes. •
Londesbcro-Reve Dr. Gifford, J. W.
. sole en •
later. on December 2. Sheriff Wheels
will be the returning officer. At the
• last session of Parliament an act was
workt_whieh was sounded for him by
...- - - -Church Chimes,*----- Mr 3. Houston•iiid-Tt.-116-Thee; -..'".•Dr
Gifford leaves this week on a visit to
'WESLEY 'ClatTRoit-Monthly tellowhis old home in Durham, andhis put -
ship meeting next Sunday.. at 10 a,. m, pit will be enpplied for "him by his sour
HURO-There •was • a , 3... ' • . , • .-. '.
tto-quorum meetiokot the Ladies' 5.3uild
latit•Thureday evening and adjourned ,
Cemetery Lots,
without any business being done.
Rey J.T.Kerrin. of Sionestown,N.Y., , To the Miter of the New Era:
'whole well known in town, having . 'Upon visiting ourcemetery this sum -
been stationed at Mitchell a short time mer I am greatly surprised at so large
ago. is about to make another change, a number of people -who are so thought.
having been invited,to a more lima. less and disorderly. I notice that some
/lye parish in Pennsylvania. Ile leaves people wing° to great expense in plat-
Jatneatown with sorrow and regret, ing nice monuments over their friends
•.• 'having gained many fast friends in his that have been placed -in the cemetery,
, Lima stay. and their lots are nothing but a mass
4 = of weeds because they will not pay the
Tee first Sunday in September was - small sum a one dollar to the care-
taker to keep thew lots in order. • To
my tnind it is quite a contrast. a fine
monument and a dirty, weedy lot. • It
makes the neighboring lot a dirty lot
also. . The 88.the class of disorder is go-
ing on in town; one bitizen will spend a
great deal of time in keeping his house
and lot in a tidy condition but his neigh-
bor willhave nothing but diserderliness
Is not the duty of the authorities to
apply to the mw? Would it not be
just and equal or rha‘j,etesolaAwnr,fvoir P.
- •
Our Seh9146,,
•; the day selected by the Dominion Al.
., 'Sande on Which all the Parton of On-
. • term are requested to breach sermons
bearing on the referendum, and from
this time forward there will probably
be considerable agitation in conriectiOn.
with this question. •- • •
Wyckaare Cannotc,a40n account of.
the building of gtanolithie sidewalks
on the church ptoperty, . all meeting°• •
Were postponed till the' following
; ;,•ateek. .: Rev Mannino. - °envies the
pulpit ', at both `services next Sunday
• " and.j. floustrin in the morning Of the
": Sandi* folleWing„ and WY 'R. lough
in the.eyening.
•' 'gait Arthur Murphy, an Anglidan Tuesday, the opening day of the
Beangelist. who has been confined to Model °lase, seen a good tesponte for
his bed with -a tallow°. illness,. •ie• On La .- the first dayof the teem. and: our un-'
fair way to recovery at Toronto, and ?t:. equalled model teacher, . W. R. Lough,
„Ike__ etecl,witiolie eble. to take, Oil:, hlq .,wilIngainItaktAte_tiiiteetie;tlinibirgeat
late a .itifflidgegiiiiiiittr-Itele Web class thie school bas had in matt- ears
lerietvii by •• English Church " people The following are the names Of those
thrOughout ballads and •Ete/tand6 i• .. lir attendance r;-111.itte 0: s:Brighttni,
: Rev Dr Johneotti rector ot St And. Condesboro; 11., Oatneron; Kipper); E.
ews Presbyterian church, London, Dunlop, M. Kerr, K. MeCourt. 3.2.Pore.
, as been asked tti „join - th.e• lecturing, ter; E. Manning, A Rebeen, E. johns;
Otter. of Home College, •Verontb. Rey : OlititinilF. McEiven,Hensall;M.HartrY.
'net/avert, principal of Boor College, Seafortb; J. Lowrie.Coneiance; L.Law-
will celebrate his half century in tbe ranee,el,: eaforthe H. Bart, , J. Lent:,
intstry ot the Oresbyteriati church Brucelleitil S. Seel, Uranbrook; E. Pius.
nett month. He was ordained end grove, M. Walsh, Wingtiam ;___Messre
irtduaed into pastoral charge at fit.. J. H. Todd, Bete:all; F. T. Bryans,
Mary" Ont., on October 7ch, 21852. ,f,etnestuWinGen.N.Jelitiaton Winghain;
She ore 'teen will be mar* d or Knox R. C. Fraser, Molesworth; W. Jarrett,
College and Toronto Presbs. tery. Billegreen; W. C Wilford, Blyth; C.
OfOrAld0 STREET OBnithit.--The rino: Salver", lirticelield: 11, Zing, Clinton.
Jana financial report shotie that the . . .
Quarterly Iteardreceipte for the veer
were 11478,18; expenditures-• $145,44,, A big' company to manufacture what.
' The "Otititributione , to •Connectional key and wine in tablet forna is being
p ods are as follOWe :-Missionary, formed at Binghamton, N. Y.
•1.80.10; Educational.. ,012.20 I Oe3erai ft/Atom vessels were driven t4hoto
nterence.96.82 0entingent• $420 i Sa in a gale at Port Elizabeth, South
S. Celleetione,$82 t S. S., Annver-
Africa, It is fated there habeen
r$08 Ladies Aiditeee eeraetee' great toes Of life. .
alet'in $5,11,8 ; FalionfistiOhaihrelinurboIieloimef,r In a railway wreck on the southern
fra$518244,rgit()„, t4Thi ez‘raa.m-o-tin-i- ra-lied -toWard. road, near Barry, Alai, one Cettote Man'
the bomb* fOhtVielte IRMO Sp; making and tweefrave negemet wee!)it;ned
end +several other* Injured.
st. letal tithed tiering the year
$0814.27. Thie iii a very good showing! ,Cortilete in Toe* are treated. like
and PeOVeit that the Ohara .11 In A 1 beftete Of the field and shot down upon
Elautperous 'Oondition....1.0at fintnlitY theelightest pretext., according to the
• Su1 iboottlietiees that he eottla 400 toe his : Inittet.
IN4 ard W
U Wee ffering 00 *Ahab freta report of the State inveitigating com.
• '
" • passed giving representation • the
Yukon_tri the Dominion' Rouse.Pro.;
vision-nivas made to have the election
.1. eroottairliftas--the- eretifit hefere-"Taaar7- T'•//e"retAlViling '
. Trophy. ellaton B Gets have the election lists prepared Onl
B k t ' British subjects will have'. the right to
ofdder Will appoint enumerator° to
Robinson, and Mr W. R. Lough.
--Tuckeremith-Rev M. Manning.-•
, Bayfield -Oct. 19 26. Revs„Jas. Res-
. p.ro , and R. A. Milier. .
Varna -Oct, 5. Rev M.J.Wilson,B.A,
. • ,
• , tabor bay was a busy day for the
. .
masses who came to our town towit-
tees the different events. Tne mho:Mire
drew their•sbare,:the,circtia the nine. •
. but the interest did not wane at all:
• cn theveen, for it was • bowl .from 9
; o'clock in the Morning till 6 in the even.
: ing. The forenoon Was devoted to the .
playlet; cff of a genie of points for • the
; Crewetrophy.Twenty-three members
enteeed the con:testi-and drawing,guard,,...
frig, trailing, and driving shots Were
those taken, number made good
wares; Which was -not confined :to: old
bowlers,W..R. Lough With six Weeks
I experience nearly captutinq the a prize.
Hoover and•McLean ended in *tie. and
on playing off the former won out by a
score of 17 to 14. We append the larger _
scores only i.- • • - "' •
Hoover 21 Ist,17 2nd; McLean 21 ist,
14 2nd ; J. Wiseman19,W, R. Longb 18,
J. Taylor*. J.. McCovvie 16, W. Jack-
son 16, D.• A. Forrester 15, J. Fair.15,3.
StoddartIll,W, ,Brydone • 13; B. Gib.
'bingo 12,, Dr. ShaW 12, and D. McPhee.;
son 11.. ••a . .-•
. . ; • -,
Inthe afternoon Brussels drove Over
three rink strong to give Clinton Bowl-
ers a consolation game having been
downed badly on their visit to that .
town some two weekepast. They got
conetolatien by defeating Brussels two
gamere and they darted declaring.
hartore even: . The fc110Whiin
g.. are; the
•scoreir•taa •-• " "'•-, • '
,J Hegitt
414.2° ;N:frwInjeanize liki°
kairs 28 J now skip ie.
• tionster
skip 28. a 0 nods • Map 10
' The* Political •situation in Ontario . A 000D MN
A. -The Eimeed
Mimi • ng unehenged. There are nO ittargEnrgr, of two
to an item in
Ron. Mr, Rose,' and the probabilities • giwasne,dhtah: ottlioaradottirtionrultaiet •
igro aliriter; rilie -
new developments since the retuhrof Cernitig Mr UiciZartv,mwe p e.
are there will be none -Until the eke- people of Clinton have been exceeding -
tion trials arelield-if they ever are- ly fortunate to get hold of Mr ifyqu-
or the 'Ranee meets. A good deal of hart, and if beelike, ability, energy
interest will centre in the elettion'in •and push' can Make the business in
North Renfrew, to fill the seat vacated which • he has engaged 111 that town
by the death of the fornier Member, succeed, it will be seccessful. He is
•••• --------' not a Stranger to the people either, .as
The Gun Clubs Sleet on Laborhe has been in business In this coontY
• ' . EittY,.. " . for a quarter of a century., and be pos-
. . • • settees in a high degreethe confidence
itht, (Hinton, Gun Club sboot.is Called of the ' people among whom he has eo
for Labor Day, Was Well attended, and long resided We hope for him a large
keen interest displayed in each of the measure of success in the bininesein
eventeeby those competing. Shooters which be balk embarked and We are
only Seery be has not Wrested' fileaforth
were present trona. Brantford, Ripley,
instead of Clinton for his intended op -
Seaforth and Brussels, • and '
the Gun Club did its part well to enter- ' erations. It will .pay the people of.
tain them all. . In the club contest for: • Clinton to be geed to Mr Urquhatt.),'
a silver cup the home terun,mon from ' We 'ought aleo-ada that Mr bmithawill
Ripley by a Score of 90 to 74, . out of a. remain as bo•er With another Man '
- from St
total 120. • '
The sitOres:in the other events went
as f011ovelie,-* • ., ';0. MARKETS. -The, past week
. Event 1- 10 targets- Cant elon Ek !_'.011
, has aeon the end of old wheat on ,•the
Dodds 5; Hovey 8, Bright 8, N D Roil* - matt" and some,rit" am farniers are
vie Ac s g:Rougvie 6, Watson 5, jackeen le in their new out at the resent
7; Graham 8, IlcUrbetie 7, litibbings 6,, prices. A drop of 5e is reportea on the
Forrester 7, Ross 8, Helmet: 0, Irwin 3, , dee of' new . wheat . einee 'set wee*"
and the general market is week, it, be-,
„..,MReBlrreelent11,-,itarlieta.-'1'-.-4Cientekte42;- -b4nrigyrakiirked tear 68etlithiricSieerheate"--beeenne
'Dodds 14,, Hovey 12; Bright 11, 'N.- D., !
Rougvie 12, A, Rougvie 4, Wateon181 ut in. two,selling now from 280 to 30c,
Jackson 8; Graham 10, Holmes 18Ir-
?Arley is inactive at 35c to 30c. The
win, 4; Gibbings 12, Ross ip, Ball 10e p lee of beef le weakening andfanners
erre ,only receiving from 81C to 4c a lb,
Ir'es.wifietnrt9e8 220 targote, Seargent aysteni 1114 -weight for their stockers. Hoge
-For SON%
If you want yowled
well supplied as to
books, pens, slates, pen.
oils, paper, what not in
the school atationery
hweer,ellgIIlIIieupply :61:;01111(;) 13eYind your bileodytt,12001°Inimecotcwuruitste;
We incluge the "Little Ledies", are always, welcome
him and see how well
I:000 ficribblers ruled endiolein, big value at 50 eaoh.our
price is 3 for Ville
1200 Soribbiere ruled orplain, variouseovers and imam
eemial prime *bile they Iest, 2 tor . 06.
LERD PENeu.s 3 for Sc.
Out Semliki Cooper'it Hoek Store 8 for 50 pencil is a
favorite with the }scholars, and little wonder, as it -
Is as good 0 pencil as other people charge 30 or 51::
for, They are a line that we get nilde•ia Germeny
in large quango which accourtt for their excellent
quality at Mb a low, priee,13 for 50 or per dozen .;200
Are here by the hundreds, in buying your
books from us you are always sure of getting the
latest editions, as we pity particular attention, to all
the lines that are used in Public and .High Schools
and Collegiate Institutes. See list in last week'w
paper. •
Book Covers
Supplied flee with all text books. A stron
manila cover that greatly proteetiihe boars.
. . • • . , •. ,. .
. .•,
• WILL : REMAIN; HERE.,-.- Tlireii '.REOIST,RiTMELTite" .'rk OA' of .,
weeks ago it was stated that Thos; 'Alm Inspector of Regietry Offices for •
Murphy Intended -Waiving to Godertch; 1901 just issued.Vives the following in- . •
;Thief Was correct at the time, as „ that formation: -No of instruments regist- '
•Was.hie intention. But ..he has 'emee ered 4.170; thie is : Pxceeded by five
accepted a better offer, and Will remain other counties 'only,,, of ebeee_14.29.
with Geo.,. •,Lavie. . L. 'La,vis will still were deeds, 1006 were nibrtgagee, '1060 '
remain head :agent ,fer the Massey-, discharge of mortgages,. 170 wills,. aid.... '
Harris co., at Godench.. . -. . " 5mlee=licriiettgatea4013nostetteincuhl,3.3%-.62.,
. ' .
rtted. The gross amounlef fees :pan
. ...._, ... BA Ebsor ..otApt; a e .twoA Nilie year.
So. Tar Rcattle,l .Ole
forthe year, wee $6071•25. *Amount o
tre4norer,stnshie koareat to:14-(* inea0Z,Par tne :6°°11t•Y 1285L0.3, Neet...... ,
i ntl shipped b R ler Re; s Om of :14 429,9 69 . The total imuetot tbe,.,
.. o •I'n o e. Tee IV el R g . :
:don,. Eng., secure the highest !ice mortgages reoristeisa was gi.480.060.
'that was offered on :the day. of eale. ' ' '
. Thie shoWs thatthe county of Hut, on.
work gettingtheirplanteatC'4 tb Varna, • •
. .
is capable of producing. cattle .thrit vv.ill
ana Clinton, in funning. order. Bo as Ici
Penitent of e Evaporator are at
gil°RtitaAlliatLniuW3reltt.rhY°131180iseTetE7•L-B.Tehnedlon:Cret:t: ..commente about the •12th. • The More -.
Ntroactika mataiethea*t'a
our mixed train Which comes up . from , than soggy condition, of the apple. vow .
sp.lciocneo,h`otr isprile;irixnli eign.;!.. loe to 15c a bag, will net . be Werth :
Seatorth about' 10 a. in.. tan off. the mean extra 'earn this ,:. year, Mr Cabe'
days, and unless they can be bed from
assist it, .and arrived in town a. I teWn,opened up it case of. thee firni's
. gine was called from GOderiche handling.' :A prominent hotel, Man. in, :
s •• • j'• :
Minutes "ahead of the veinier at .12,55. :lase yeareproduction
a few days ago,
An excursion train frorei Stretford:
and these who partook of ' 'Itlia it
went through to Goderich. Friday was nicer than green apples, Ihe
nioeningabout9:30 with 600 passengers, evatiOrated fruit market has *'rientre •
the great .dretneutiog point, ..and to
like the *atermeloes Of the ebtith. In. .
the former, Bremen of Germany • being:
•whieitthe doctors would. noC perferrn '
Thomas Biggart, who recently came' to
town to • undergo an- •operatioo, • but: .
• . • .. . a. . of Canada; goes except• f ,' •
which the greatest balk et the product -
owing to his•enfeebled condition, led , . .1.el' a little .
• local 'trade - • . • , -
on Sundayat the home his brother,
-John in Bayfield;• the cause Of death , LAID UP.Ur.-MissiEtniiv 2, Turner,
, •
•was .04 • illeftrahle.,ti
•iNthor.,. from which ....(dangliter..ot, ttfreZ
head been been .suftering; , 'e was. about to the bousehy a alight aCeidentand it . • .
• 70 yearkotage,.uninarried, and was a :' Maybe some time before she is able to ••
brotherof Mr Robert Riggart. ' !;,:asutiterobwerndotiliaerliytine, e it=110, lilehte!
TXT 1)110 is what. the , e"
knee. She recovered thereftozo; and
Alm:mite Gazette adder to. the report of
appeared ' in :the 'NEW ERA. of nee
the Treleaven-Gibbings • weddings "ae
ab a BeilFei
ot ile Inn:if dtrea, b. • Ali; drpga jett.
last week took charge of S, $.7 111& - 5i. - -
the original injury, but On tiOnsultine•
tenet nre4g°ttylile-
Weeks ago. -The Gazette Was With the
and she thought it Was 801"60088 from
- 'f i d hom" Treleaven has '
made during %his :ellOit St V . here, in
a doctor she found she had " again. 'die;
Wishipg both ham- and 114re Treleaven
li i.afei :e .1 . 1 iee et( le:I 1164 'al() the
uk:ri, .i:a1; -
life, and hoping that they *ill spend.
all the pleasures. of a happy. -married
. . better. • In the' Im ti MI ' H tti -`
ean me es. a e, .
'here. They;reached Almonte on Mon
many y•eors of the same aniong friends
pourtice has taken charge Of the oho ol .
their home on Eighisteeet. -.• . . - - .
day eveaing, and ere now ipstalled le .. It e . ,
ot thallorthern Fair, to lbe held
a°9 Ur el! e8vTe° STOOK
Pc1 fromEl1 1 I t* -Lague er 1Y
ig , Oct. jet, stating that he •
gret to learn of Tom BroWn's resigna•
has to be judge on long•wool ilieep.' He .,
tion as leader of the..33rd ., Battalion .
has also recervedVery that Oink. tattoo
tory.' He had get together a •
Band and of his reniovalfromSegootnhg. '
' been an old employee of the organ fac-
. orchestra hi Seaforth,
Tom is well,known in Clinton,.. h vi
and was much nsnay settle.ttocif:. vcni r.tei Ili laearti
good Waited upon,on his a est el n trip,asking
from. sheep-breedere. *tom: he had! •
' appreciated at' our asaembliee. We
He eitio inform* us that he purpeses,
'foe he. la a No3. inileiclan, 0 pecially on
rieed hive nct. fear or him not doing well
recently burned. The ' timbere . are ' '.
, . . . : • the kindly help offered hi his tisif- .
rebuilding his barns to replace those." -
the clarionet, and we are orry that
weedy being cut Out of hlit Own beef),
Clinton is: not his destinat on. ' We
' undetstand. that W,. Rale° has re -
and as Goon tut the busy season- Is over, :
.ceived the appointment as bandmaster;
' A: 000b ONE ON THE DR. -Last borewill 130 utilised in putting the' '
..Priday morning at train time a good haTTEtoogieRtchetzr.s. the greatlytised Pan.Arnegati Circus: with its
, joke was Innocently played on a well-
wonderful Rajah has come 'and gone. beat the station on business,' be was ,
known doctor in tatelli HAPP8Oieg to
etanding lit the doorway of the gentle-
the Sanctity of the Sabbath; but 1*. '
i Ptathrirriair. .when tr lady, of good ,
melee waitingroom hi thatustudingh, _,
thing more than was rienesegey was '.
ravoirdupois, Who had COMO down- on
to Wm, paseing_s__ ,evefal other gentle- agneopdutti.ttstotirit. Tintb:heeezirete.arriletroititiahBoYeMilis4itotn.
, One et the northern train% *liked up done 8
care of that till her train Went.' The had artived Our etreete were lined with`, '
large grip, asked hitt to '"kindly bike
doctor smiled, but took the
men of minor ciliber,• and preeenting a in,
no smell ; eolgttileett-x TtietantatnegelAtr, returningLtit
grip ; at the same time making ,her _
WAS seen, when Catt. Santiago, ftom e,
aware of the face that he was not: the
butte ; elle •inithediately rep e we ,
li a ,, h . .
lfintro laddera4g;20tet Tie: illhir 1ZoltiliZalt,'
; to the grotiridee the feature of the cut
iftig To 0Aitatuss tortivouloom. alio .ve &eve% good attendance all 'day.
round. • - • • • . feat aha wen worth seeing. The video,.
you're the only than that. Wile like -
business." A, good laughlfwent, the -
A. young men of Goderich township, ,but the aftereeon phcf, commas, ucthe,.
t ata agAtt711 attt°10111 ' grgtrPg tivietthaa igettrifti tid '
_., .3v.. ladies, ' a brought - „ e them. t. -- , steed
to See the &cue; had . an unpleasant noun°, Tne noWnit Were not Op to the
experience through ettelessness in _. mark but the rest of the *how • Vit
driving over our granolithic sidewalks. first.tlass. ,deveralnew, things in aura..
In turning around a "corner • near the 'belle feate being dorte,so well on the
Clarendon Hotel, he turned too abort, tight -rope. Hies. Edna Osaka with her
and the hordes fell. striking the pave% heaUtlitill kettle and -dolt* troroortatat
ment. ' Otte of themgot its • reet feet tient brought admiration from all, and.
over the neckvoke and otherwise Willy : we must *ay she is a clover artist. The
tangled up UP in the herneee besiclft break- Ponies in their role were onto, and the
,ing-the tongue. The young Mail 104 three elephante played theirpert well g
'bit head and the ladies eat dumb -stack., 'Rajah, who, is e.' wonder in himself, .
sistatice near at hand *Old have re. 'le in the hands of a gentlemanly ict, of. •
'en in the rig while the herein birched Weighing oder 0 toilet% liteger than oft '
awed kicked, and had it not been for at. Jumbo. -The niatiatoment of the °kens.
Milted there serious. We would advise Met,
and left behlratheranothing bub '
kireful driving over thenOW.Vralks,at a .reipent. net a (let t heiVing.neett left
, ,l
• v. A.•M&k4
" 83 se
olinteleo majority co
A seconagame resulted in.'" town. of
the home team by a majority of 1. Two
of Clinton rinks being Up and one of
Bracelets, •
Mr P. B. Crewe has intimated his
desire to donate trophy for ceirmeti..
don next season. The club 121 bly .
-Oantelon 18, Dodds 160 • Hovey 1,0, haie PIM taken a- drop of 260" eh
hundred; $11.75 being odd by orilf loeal
Bright JO, N. D. Rougvie 8, Graham 16;
Holmes 14. t/ibbinge 9, Rose O. dealers this week.* The lamb market'
:is on the Weak side, a fall af f to ecente
• Evt 5 : 10 targets --: Cantelon 8
Dorldene3, Ilo,vey 8, Bright 3, Bednies /a - a lh being reported by our buyers, they,
)3011 8, Mitchell 0, Brown 7, Ireland 6, payirg 4o the first of the week, but
Graham 10, 'Wats:M.7, Jaeltoon 5, Me* note 3 to 81 With ii, probable 4 for
Croatia 9, Bell 8, Henderson 8.Shane 7,
-- " food etock. Font seems to be plena.
Pourvreeentteorilt,R15 taostus fie,t8Gilbsboianrggeett system „nil' Aeilinu for al per 12 at basket. 0
ul but there is a brisk demand for all
kinds.: No 1 Crawford* have arrived
-Carttelon 14, Dodds 14, tfotey 12, igid i grapes --o-r; -fiencend a. 1.08°0
vent 7 i 15 taonknown angles
Blight %Holmes 14,8011 11,
ta am"' - basket sells at 50o ; tomatoes haiee
-*ciantelon 11, Dodds 11, Hovey it, , taken a drop and can now be had for
40c for Iffle baelret,WhIch Will be nearly
,..1ackson 9, Holmes 19. ,. •
Event 8: 5 pair doubles-Contelon; 9., . inlitint" Pelee for the '.:6-eieeti 1 the
predates his gentleman's 1 berall Dodds& 11olmes 4, Urethan 4,Eright 2, potato market is teary, and by pre.
, and are in their turta thinking of mak. Rover 8, rt pro pea el one- me ittaparent
h aviP output,. will be very email
lug Mr OreWe their Honorary Neel* Extra f0 taigete, Oen te. Shoo_ Ott a the t Me the tot gent through with
dolt for life, • *halloo shot at Litigate. before1002- them, no prices' being quota at pre.
Gibbing° 8.X.Orrester-8, Bali, Hose 7,
Kenniaorskum of the ;lino, mordsb,.;1. eonentote,', Eggs ch anvdervbuttlietrornidaeimitantbde.
n is deed.
'Breit° n°464- vv..ee r---" "6 Poultry veld- be bird to get the amnia§
0 Redniond,. Grielph, Oontinitted Weide' Ire and• j6targets, V°6ter 60 Ireland 5' season owing to buyere picking tip'
hyisking.pArti green. The prinelpiu inOinstr wintieri.were the mull chicks Lofted for export,
Catttelon $10 50, Dad:4410.25; blolmeti
T. Haver of Dublin. $7,00, Rote $5. Special prize, 0 lo
P Dowd, ZOO Old d$400 Wee idea 1112.45, Balt *12.25,Grahani 11840,0m:I
10 itirk,Norwcoil, fell off it boildblg end ed Sheila tot highest aggregate was Mrs Weldinft,lirsztfard, Was Wed aetka
broke Ms thigh. won by .14 E. Cautelen. in her rd
di I
slieed not greater than *is mile* an Unpaid,