HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-05, Page 3deptouber 60$ 1902
444.4 -
Canada's Hin1441110 CVOVeth,
Everybody knows that when the
Liberals took office, their opponents
-predicted Min and stagnatitT. Our
Industries were elf to be dosed, fereign
trade walla be crippled, And eftery.
thing would ge to the had, lostead of
tbat being the case our industries have
nourished as they never did before,
while the development of our trade
year by year bas simply been'ainazine.
The c fficial figures for the last fiscal
year, just issued, ehow that Caneda
on the high Wave of prosperity, and
that under a reformed tariff cur trade
14 far and away ahead of what it was.'
under the so-called Notional Policy.
The figures are worthy of considera-
tion. Last year our trade amounted
to $423,000,000, or $184,000,000 more
than when the Liberals took' office.
The average trade for the 13. years of
'Liberal rule was li345.040,000, while for
the lest six years of Conservative
t was $285,00e,000. Or an 'average of
$110,060,000 more every year under,
Liberal rule than under Conservative.
• Taking the total trade of the last 6
•• years unde Liberal rule, and compar-
ing it with the last six under Conser:
vative rule, shows an increase of $663,-
• (.00,000 in favor of the Liberals.
0 Let up put the comparison in subtle-
er way. In 1895, under Conservative
rule, our trade was SO per head of
population. In 1902 under Liberalrule
it was about e80 per head.
These are very suggestive figures,
and show that we are making mar,
yellows progress. If the same develop -
in eat had taken place when our op.
ponents were in office, the panes
would be ringing with praises of be
government's foresight and abititY ;
and though we do not claim that all
the credit is due the government, it
proves that the prophets of evil were
wide of the mark in their predictions
of disaster.
vary fin a ,titvelau worth thous.
ands of dollars to the Northwest farm-
eas. A sliort spell more °fans gloripus
weather and the biggestcron'of its bie.
tory will sale in stacks evil mien-
aries. . -
The preferential titieff DOt have
done all that some people expected,but
it is nonsense to say that it has"inct eas-
ed imports of goods from the .United
States." or that it has not had the effect
of placing goods at an • advantage a.s
compared with goods from other coun-
tries. The preference may easily be
made more effective bY making it al
per cent instead of 331 3 pet , cent. It
nairht be worth trying.
3. D. Roes is no great farmer, as
fanners to in Manitoba, but a Globe
• reporter saw him teaming hems 4,000
pounds of binder twine the other day
• to tie up hie wheat, of which he hes
1,600 acres, yielding, according to esti-
•mate 48,000 bushels. Last year he had
36,000 bushels. He has aiso 300 acres
• of oats and 40 acres of barley, three or
four harms, 30 horses, and a nice brick
house. Ele has been farming ten Years
and employ!, six men. On the face of
• it Mr Ross is dote* shade.better thin
he could have done if he had stuck to
his old hundred acres in Coterie.
Thom people who are crying out for
more tariff to enable them to restrict
the liberties of others and deprive
them of part df theft rights that they
may collect tribute from them, bevy a
qiieet idea of the meaning of freedom.
Whenever one man is giv'en a "priv-
liege" some other man is deprited of a,
right. That admits of no dispute. E 7.
• ery man's:liberty and rights are bound.
ed by those of every other H one-
man is elven more, Others must get
less. The. men who asit that others
should waive their equal rights to give
him advantages before the law is very
*such in the position of a .flaendicant.
. The Opposition papers made a great
' fuss about the Germans refusing Can-
• ada the most favored nation treatment
because we got Britalu to cancel the
treaties that prevented nit giying her
the /mile treatment We desired to give
her, and loud were their domplaiiith
,rfferee4teeiVae: „
• small trade at the best, tart they
thought tnere was,a chance to make a
little partisan squeal, Now Sir Wil
trid is trying to make some reciptdcliy
arrstngemente for the increase Of our
business with Some other EurOpesin
countries, and. here are some of the
less reputable sheets of the patty rais-
ing a howl its if he Were doing the
Country a great won* With that
elan its anything to lolaekguard Laur-
September Canadian Magazine,
The September Canadian Illagezine
contains several features worthy of
Rae. W. IsThorold writes of•the Sig-
nificance of the Coronation from a new
view.point, and his article hi profusely
Illusitated. The frontispiece of the
number gives a splendid idect of the
first extlatively colonial review ever
Mkt in London. Tbis took piece on
July let. An oration on Robert But tat
on the occasion Of the dedication Of a
etatue in Toronto-, by Professor W
liana Clark, is well worth readmi,
Ride A. Dent gives an elementary
tronotnical article for beginners. Toe
charts show how to find the CO
eet stars. The chief article in thenum.
ber,is an exhaustive history of lacrosse
with photos of -old and new players,
. This should interest everybode. There
le a. second illustrated article on "The
queeers of Uttropal" that on "Carman
Sylvt," the Poet -Queen of Roumania,
Is delightful. The beet short story in
the WOO is a Northwest tale from the
,1050 of W. At Frasert
A, Trial Subscription to the New Bra from now till the end of the rata for 25c
Open Market tor Canada. Crisp County Clippings
Tee new teacher in 8. S No 3 tirey,
lAnder Has Elopes Of SOCOrifig is R. H. jetesote
Prance Stich* late of Oshawa. We are sorry to report that Andiew
Miller, of Wroxeter, died in the ail -
Patio. Aug. 18. -The directors of the lam'
Line Exhibition, which Sir Wilfrid Mrs Chas Mauseri Gerrie' hea the
Laurie*, visited Yesterday, tendered a , misfortune to fall on. Tuesday after
banquet to the Dominion Premier in ne0e and break her right arab'
the evening. In reply to a toast to Me Win Irwin, lawyer, is the newly
his health, Sir Wilfrid said: -"Our pe.•appointed postmaster for Gorrie,which
Utica relations are nwoken, but our appointment be received this week.
ennunercial relations may be resumed.
you hnve an open market, he Canada. flatter
are pleased to learn that the
eeefleeter mow with the hope, of fever has left Miss May MeAllistee, of
seeing France an open market for Can- Grey. •end that she is p g
ro resettle as
iproducts, Prenciamen vvishing nicely as could be expected,
for settlement." last week. Mr Govenloek intends phire • e 7temor
Ping the Inn se to tbe Northwest, e
to emigrate to •Caned 4 Win find the T. 3. Berry, Henstail, sold one of his 14
mnst excentionel conditions prevailing imported stallions to 0/ohn GoVentock
Is useless," continueth spec
ado, coutinued under the French re- passed awav at the residence of her
ulate what might have been, had Can- On 'Thursday afternoon last their Am GENTLY . LIVER
gone. It was under the eyes* of EaT daughter, in Gordo. Mrs Wm Strong
lend that French-Canadians had cu •.. Sr. at the age of 73 years and. 11 days,
tivated S. worshin of France, and if •
France had inspired that worship Can- One day recentlyBreder Bros thresb- '
adieus had preservecl it, and. Great ed 1,178 biellaels of wheat for Wm Bry-
Britain bad respected it." - ans, 4,11 core Morris; This amount of
The Oanadia,n Premier added that, vvheet vvasthresheeoft„pt acres ofland. cLEAN EFFECTUALLY.
though a, British subject, he.was proud G. W, lioleinen. who has been prin.•
teeLS • 65 •
of his ore, a„nd everything concerti- cipal of Hayfield public echool for the 1.51
*ng Prance interested him.
similar position at Bemondyille; Henry
. past five years, has resigned to take a .0 C ' ODA°
• Eberheart eucceede him..
. , been seriously ill for two weeke, and at h., ,•kisTi N
Hon, Mr Stiretton thus'
tipealtive,at Bowmanyille the other
e.. .
one tirctb his recovery was doubtful, • A,
*‚it's osperityi- . hie advanced years he is recovering. ' 1•••• •
Showed. Onto, but we are glad to leeen.that despite : t'l
condition than the banking business of He succee ed with a dose of buckshot ENETIOAL. Eff g . •
" atf
Prosperity. Jae. Forsyth, of ER030134,1110, has OVERCOMES • PATIO
JCL was no better or more reli- jas of the Grey; boundary spied • °Ca et/. as
able barometer of the general financial a Witte earl sitting on a dead' tree. iTsB
tbe country, Taking the 03 mth ef in bringing eo via the bird, which we* ,
June last, e.nd comparing its banking a tine large one measuring aboute8 feet em, GENumE,..1040.0 BY
found that the sebseribed capital stock Invitations have ,been received by , ORNENIA.FG *yr el
business vvith that of Jiine, 1901,, be from tip to tip of wings.
of Ontario banks •hati increased from Mr and Mrs D. A. Roes, Exeter, an -
$23,248,400 to $25.050.000. their deposits nouneing the nuterlage of their son, Dr i
h"d rise° from $137t803,8°8 t° $152 994,' •H. P.Ross, of Campbell, Minn. to Mies ottsv4k eesrese. viiroks.
2(31, and their lotus Canada from Claudia, daughter of Mr and t
Aire Rub
circulation cf Ontario banks' bad in.
There Was no mistaking this evidence eident last week while assisting at a • Additional Local News.
lot e; q N.V. •
5135,774,'791 to Sine 529,402, The not G. Cross, of the same place. Pt SA:bePlitalicarS!Ptha 50c,PERE10171,;.,
cteered from $19,319 053 to $21,633,487. Samuel Shine raet with a severe an. °' , •
of the general prosperity and business
activity which everywhere prevailea,
of which the farmer was receiving his
fulleharse as evidenced .by • the great
improvements in the buildings and sur-
roundings or the rater; observable ev.
erg. whet e. Thepi ?mince of On ratan
money n the bank on the 10th
da of Ji4iastanth
ewaaal)rA_tInTtely alance n the hands o_ _
lbanks to: the credit of the Provincial
Treit4er4, of $1,701.500, jof which We
44431' were special deposits drawing
intereet. It would be rather- difficult
Ito convince any farmer whe had his
letid,pied Ter, and a good round seal to
bite eredWat the ,bater. that he was on
the Verge Of bankruptcy and ruin. Yet
that!** the:pbeition of Ontario."
'. •
foolishly. If they improve ever so
little saheb thit'fine weather emus they re-
lax effort and drift back into the old condi-
tion tyhioh if priesible,becomes more chron-
ic, Bit bronchii
tis hard n the stittaer and
yodal govrid of it and drive it tight out of
thresning on tbe farm of Mr 'Hoe, near
machine anti% a hurl y the lean Wee to the tonal t of the town hall. tolallow,
(hitting the bands came in contact p g
With his right heed, severing the cords left in the „etate that itis in. It time
Of the back of the' 'hand. It will be cur council e as acting in the matter.
Jamestown. He vests feedir;g the It is an eye sore as well as an injustice
thefront of our ublic buildin to be
SoMe time before he will have the nee IS YOUR NAME ON. -:The vOterS'
of it.
Steacey, who resided with his nephew, titan. It is the duty every man that
was found dead in his bed. The old loon the list if he wants to have a vete.
man,vvhct was 71 years* of age,had fleMe It is his own fault if his name is mitt -
out from the .old country about 14 ed vshen the roil has finally passed the
years agoeand was residing with his judge, if it was not On the toll .13efore.
nephew whom he • assisted on the This isa personal matter and motto be
' • lists of the various municipalities have
Oa the morninof .Aug. 20th John been, printed and burg up for inspec-
about a mile a half east of Chisel urst, is -qualified to pole to see that his name
• Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent
Lot 80, Maitlend concession. ooderich Town.
Apply to ,)Ak3, SCOTT, Barrister.
Oct li-tt„ • Clinton
To Rent.
First class brick store, sultabie for any bust.
?less. Apply to W. 0. SEARLE, Clinton.
Nov 15-tf,
To Let
That beautiful store in Jackson Block.
ECuvenfitrect, oceupied by 0.Witte,
t to
Sept, 0-0 T5il..1.401CSOlip
farm; His death„ is supposed to have left to another tb do for you. See that
been caused by heart failure, . your naine is On. ' . •
Jas Sutherland, • Hensel), this wee cells up old times to see the name
received a fnneral card from Mrs ,liart- of a certain weinan figuring in one of .
ley, aneouncing theeleath• of her hue- our exchanges for usingimproper la.ngr
band, Rev Alex. Hartley,of McLennan, lieges Some years ago when Ilir Pais -
Algoma: The death occurred on Aug. ley Was town constable, he undertook
22od after lefew hours' illness, aged 64. to art est her for some irregularity arid
years. 11r,klartley. was well and. fay- went to the house. She told him to
orably known herethaving been pastor take a seat, and she wield be ready to
of tbe Presbyterian 01.,noTegation here acconipany hiva in a . few momenta..
the oystem. In' winter it is alltdat in3p00;: and at Chiselhurit for. Over ten years. Retiring to another room she re -an -
Bible thiei ' Inhale Catarrhozone reg. At 9a. m. on Wednesdayweek, Mies Peered in a few moments and said she
nlarly, he a dead sure thing OD bronchitis,. Marguerite Steinberg Acheson and was ready. The former. chief 'nearly
, .
It goes into the moot minute air cells of Gilbert 0. Cobb were united in mar- fainted when he saw her. -she was
statk naked. •• • •
the binge, bather, all parts of the .bronlibial riage-at ' the. Presbyterian church in ,
tithes with its healing, germ destroeieg Pertibinaln the presence of a large con- A SUBSTANTIAL HEY. -
vapor, and Oakes every gine, *Highly exi. gregation of friends. The Caltranny One of the nicest hen houses rtit it
&used by all competent druggists ane doe- was perferined by the hither if the has been ourpleasure to insect, is
tors, , .eee and It• bride Rev Sarcluel A.cheson, •of Pena. that of O. 0, Rance. ' building 16x12,
111 ever Tbmk of War.
bine formerly of Ktppen, assisted bK double' boarded over !mantling, and lin-
Elver, • loft large °dough tot i icnbator• putpoae
.hislirothereRev T.D.A.cheson of Par ed With tar paper • througlibut, with
j and brooders, to ne got to by failing
Three More of the old residents
this vicinity have passed away within
Canadians are Occupied 911 other the past week. On Thursday of last
and. more Peaceful 74atters, saya week Mrs Wm Chesney, of Roam&
ville, was called home. She had passed
Sir Wilfrid. • ' the four score mark, being over 80
. -e- years of age. The second death to note
' . - ' • ' is that of itobt. McMillan, of Roxboro,
' In the_ August Review of Reviews McKillop; Mr McMillan, too, had out -
the follovving appears : tr.- . . . ,. li'Ved the allotted span and was over 81
I met Sir .8117.ilfrid, Laurier for the Yeai's'ef llge, hilt be Was`a 'remarkably
Orit time at the Rotel 'Cecil this year. active man for his years. He was an
Re told me. that nothing impressed. elder brother a the late Sohn .McMil
him so much .When be et xne to the Old len, ex -111.E' for $outh Huron. Hewas
Country as t he radical difference in the one of the earliest settlers in this Yiciri-
point of view of statesmen in Europe itY and !abated an the fitrai at Roxboro
and America. • • ' on which he confineed to reside until
"Herr," said he, "no Wetter VithenI' his death. The third death was that
you meet, whether statesmen, politics. Of gre "all McIntosh, Mill road,Tucke
lane, financiers, journalists; of any' , o'sreith- 'which °more(' °Ili gehdif'
kind. however ewe they row say, .11irs McIntosh had reached the seinen
about it, you always come sooner or what °fluaothel.,.-varaer -.They. are,
la,tet upon the fact that the thought Eit. three Tears an she met with 'an
ladder, on hinges. • lialitvity through
the centre with a separate pen and
nests for each department, so .that two
kind of fowl can be raised with com-
fort. The nests are Arranged in rows,
each nest a separate drawer, that can
be puled one from the hall Way and
turned, in case you should want to set
a hen,. secluding her from the rest of
the toWl.' The rouge ate so placed,
that the ettifest cleartlinesa7ean---be..
observed, without any trouble. And
the Whole is one of the nicest get-ups
and most convenient hen houses in
this section.; The Buff.Orp., floe of the
kinds handled by Mr Rance, is a newly
imported variety, for which. he paid
possessing more flesh to the bird 'than
unusual ageof "83 Yeara•
t resulting in the fracture of her
itY of war. It may not come to -day or
the back of their Minds is the possibiP e° DYSPEPSIA PAINS,
leg. Frora this injury she never fully
toenoreow,-or the next day, but sem° recovered,
improper digestion, is t,he source of great
day. a great War will be blazing along'
their frontiers, and the supreme ones- WE X
' IPS IS NOT LIFE misery to many. A very prompt and ca -
dent remedy for this trouble is found in
tion with them is how they.are pre- "Without health life' is not bile; it is Nerviline. It relieves distention instantly
roared for that tremendous eventuality. t only a state of Lamour and • etifferaug-up and by stimulating adieu on the stomach
It colors all their thoughts; it domtn- Ins g • of death." The use. of Dr ebneb-n aide digestion. Good also for wile,colder,
ates all their policies. They never es- Nerve Food gives the weak, languid and ihmmatistre neuralgia and headache. In
cape from it; it dwells with them can. discouraged a new hold on life. It makes medicinal powers xerviline has a value five
"s1it,4 fly:" NO* ;fin Canada** we never the blood pure and rich, creates new nerve timer' greater than any other. Test it and
think of war from January to DeCeln- force ai
rind nstils new energy and vitality
her. So far from it continually preoc- itao bet if it in not eo. Druggists Bell it.
the whole being, It makes weak and
copying our thoughts, the possibility sickly people Editing and Well by building up .
of vvar never even enters our minds- the system. London's Big Show
as a contingency foe which we ehould
Everything is shaping well for a
bo prepared. • And it is that," said he, Canada Abroad.
Not, -
speaking with great emphasis, "which ' •--,- , ., withstanding that the dates, Sept. 1203
. ' most successful Western Fair. Not.
030re than anything else has made me Sir Wiltrid Laurier s trip to the old
p to 20th, are a week later this year, en -
resolute to prevent, at any cost, any lend, as is usual with the *hate of
- tries are fully up to what they wore
entanglement of Canada in the military Premier, is giving evidence or resu ting
IS lagt3rear attthis time and bi the ante,
'arising from the fermation of gas, owing to
system of the Old World." In much good to this seentrv• 1r leg Ate, $opt, llth, eyerv apartment
"T" ventured mildly' to suggest that Wilfrid bite tile happy facility of meet.
peonies on tv I bi3 crowded to its fullest capacity.
Cenada had entangled herself pretty ing all persons and
Considerably in, military matters by 4nd wherever he goes he leaves a good have applied Air space and Mete ill
A number of American roattufacth re
the cohtiogents which she had sent to impression and always manages., to follow. ,
the conl'ingents, it is true, but if you ottuadals Wfille-in Lohdou the being tliormighly,shterbailledAhd PUt
Will refer to the epee& which 1 delft?. Oariadian Premier lost no opportunity
In first -chisel cundttion, ehtithees helug
South. A.fricee, .. „• 000sbibe business With Pleas"m in a The steak and other ate
sleifte_:11 irtatinerecateulated ,to pull water; to,,
ered in Parliament when the first con. of advancing Canada's interesta in all
;prevent iWaSeent, you will find ' that reepecte, remaining firm where &na-
med it doWiti ti the strongest posinble nese Wag a neeefituty, but still retaining
terms that their despatela WAS it no the affableand cOnrtecitis dignity Which
Way to be regarded ell A Constitutional has Won him friends on bOth sides of
preeedent or the fulfilment of an Obli. the Atlantic. White in$PaliiseSir Wil -
Ration. Canada reserved her liberty.- frid has also been making hay. He
to any future War in Which the Empire has opened the Way for negotiations
might be iovolved- to deride *both,. r which may lead to better commercial
she would take part in it or Whether relations between kratce and the Do.
she would steed aloof.'' iniPion, and we all know that French
trade is well Worth looking after. NoW
Mejor Rowe, superintendent of the we are informed that When the Prem.
Northwest Mounted Police, 'Macleod ier visits Rome he will meet alod con -
riot, is dead at lViacleCod, N. W , L eult with members of the Italian Gov -
11. j the Police )13•70, serve3. in eminent regatding closer trade relat.
maue that Will very Inaterially,
prove the general appertrapco of
exhibits, and add to the co tort
cOrraenierice of the siglitseer.
some reference Was 'glide' ta the Iist bf
in an earlier issue of 'this ,TOUrilill That well situated ehoice Iroperty, known
fie hie Whitely farm, on the too lino, Odder.
special attractions engaged ,up 0- that Joh Township. coneistlupof aeres of good
., land, ueehyadl,eleared$ is offered lot oaks on
time. Since then tWO,Mdreingh prieu,' emir teririll:VTt IS Oireetlyoppoeite the Post
feat area WINO begirt • secnt ed. be °eke and otere (Mehl Within 13 niitnitta' walk
World-fained Streator„ Zeilayett (seVera; a eitherchureb Or ichooL Woo of purely' se
dtill and waif scat g team, and Tom Prtataillett "I* t° *261 L. MANXI1104,1ston,
teen hi' nutiobete, th champion fancy mopey mear remain on the Plebe if desired. Por
Eck's ,nibtor cycle whirl, the only act -
of its kind,, in the world,. tt virtually
consists of riding On the side of a.picktt kpirst-tlass Farm tor Sale
fence. - The whirl Ise; circular.track 1
FareFiir Sale.
" The west half of lot 24, Sayfield con Gad.
each townshigazontaining IQ° acres c rod
Oreir! Pirrfitforia:7L0 water, and
J. P. l'ISDALL.clintun
on apleneetion, to
land, le offered for sale on easy terms. ood
Real Estate tor Sale.
For Sale or to Rent.
Cottage to Rem.
Cottage on Princess street, Ainny to 0.B
BAJA. Tilton ni-Cnutee-
lee lee.
JAMES scorr
Minister, 'Solicitor, azo.,•'
1 .3aricri-Villott Block, Xeitao Street
Mt have taken over the largo lee entise
from Wm. Wheatiey. on Huron etreet, Tam
prepared to take orders to furnish good, clean ,
Pitre ice to all customers during t coming f
ianInXer, orciers wilittextrynatatge:do
Feb 147-tf.
Good Farm for Rent
The undersigned ()Vero for rent lot 1?, In the
Maitland con. Colborne. situated 7 miles from
Milton and 9?/2' from Gederieh, ranee from
church and mile from school; thie farm
contains 11840room:tore relies qf good farm
land °Vivid -0110d acres are oleared A good
two otter frame house, good bank bare 4 hen
house, pig ,.table, also 1* acmes of good. beariag
orchard, 2 good wells and 3 never failing
springs of water.
tf. . A, 4, ALLitv, ienmiller Out,
Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley, containibil 100 iieres
in good Mateo/ cultivation for Bale or to rent
for term of yearaLeaMbr to JNO. 1,1cOREGOR,
on premiees or MKS D. IloGRE(ION.$ oon.x.
Tookerstellb, Seafortli P, O.
Feb, 7-tf.
- 1 • .
For Sale
• Comfortable honoe and lot. on Albert St.,
Clinton, for este eheap, lot ir acre, Howie
suitable ter amaltfaraily. APPIY fit NEW Eu
office. •
Shorthorns tor Sale.
r •
wo registered Shorthorn bulls ,red color,one
28 months old and the other18211022d313. Of excel.
lent eedieresschoice animals.
Lot 22, bon: 18._ Uttilett,
May 28--tf Londesboro P, O.
Stable for Sale:
A good stable With seven single stone, a box
atoll, a baronet, room, grain bins, a roomy 'bay
loft, eteewili be sold at a very reasonable price.
.&pril 11-(f, W. SIMONE, Clinton. •
Farm tor Sale,
tesubscriber offers for sale his farm of 50 acres
on the Efuron Road, Tweiersmith, being part
o? lot No. O. all cleared. Gdod, brick -bonne,
bank bun, plenty of water, I of an acre young
orchard. About titbit -a -mho east of Clinton, on
god gravel road,
.Aug. tf. JOHN PICKETT, linton.
House tor Sale.
A. good frame hereto on laurels Street, 14
gorrteteiliwint:ii:ssoL tarrnis, fIlehre,At dining
and soft, t'vater, him iiegiot7 bealgling
raft trees. Apply to . '• J. eacy• annErnon; streei
.Juno 27-4. .
- Coot -Rouse for 'Sale
Subscriber offers for Ban. hi h and lot
binuafixtyott:t. winoreh ,rh 2:3!-Puitli
er frimlie; to: Trigirit'reteel
atet,aagnitc4d411e. Rousi
good cellar. s'Oi4Olie sold obeli.%
a room an
Fpr sale FoRrE DtoLOjitenT,:linton.
Thdchoice Mick house on the corner of 1%1,-
11131,32f Joaoph tlelt ft&TI ettr.
0 e at r yw o e e
for eale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary faintly, is practically a now house, vvith
all conveniences, and three.tenths of an acre
of laxd. If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rented. Apply to
. • W. COATS Eexecuter, Clinton .
• Farm for Sale.
• .
Lot SI, Concession 8, H. R. S., 103 , acrea ; •
'wheel }unite on premises: within ve• minutes
walk of church; 5 miles from 0 nton and .
miles from Seaforth; large frame house, good
orchardonostly winter fruit, 2 good Wells and
cistern, 2 barns, one 48x50, with stone atabling
underneath, the other 28x60, driving shed and
ben house. Apply to WHITFIELD CRICEI,
Clinton P. O. August 1-4f,
.FarM For Sale.
...The subscriber offers for sale that choice farm
on the Raton road, Tackermnith. Just east of
Clinton. at present occupied by Mr Fisher. It
consiste of 150 acres, more or less, with good
-franiebonnesbankierliattile,wiedipill and small
orehard. Plenty o water. A-n-tizdellexit' WWI
In a splendid locality. Por tonne apply to .
Farm for -Sale.
A Bplendid100 acre 1113133 consisting oui sfoxt55120,
East ball of Lot 50, eon 1, East W anosh.
goodv framev,lit,ouse 74itahinvkite9h,lein.
and shed 80x40 in which thero are go ling
"particulars appirto H. GO 'Ii,
o . For her
Jane 6-49' •• Auburn P. 0.
Porobasei efte have presession thie fail.
Vann For Sate.
Lot. 12, Bayiteacon.,Goderich tp., 118 acre •
(85 cleared,balance hardwood.with a large quan-
tity of cedar on it), in good kitato of cultivatior
about live acres fall wheat,and considerable falt
plowing done. Comfortable brick house large
Darn withstabling underneath,driving shed and
other outbuildings; about 2 aere orchard,
mostly:winter !nut ; well Watered..--neyprfail-
ing spring creek and two Wells Seven. milea
from Clinton and three from Hayfield. POSSOfi-
sion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for
further particultirs to CHAS. SIMONS, 72 St.
• David at., Ooderich.
• To Rent or for Sale
Praine residence andl acre of land en Ran,
Street, Clinton, 7ctourti, cellar, wood shed ,hard
andsoft water, new stable and driving Ahodi
excellent garden, With paun; Pear awl. Lunde
Aloo for Sale..
. . .
Irocer Blablileto,,e the North Endo! William
- At Wilytinot toist Sept. • aeres,part of the
Street, ear ch is a valuable property
far fir t strovvfangi being well planted out in
merry ales, iris, apples, etc. There
isaiso.' *err eXeelleli grade Of sand and
-ffraVel-oniliti prettifies is teraProfitable.'
APPLY to P., isTRVIlif,or tti-VV,`.BRYEONK,
AprO 18- , , Clinton.
(Food Farm tor Sale.
ie Northwest rebelluni andin •BotItil 'lone helve%) and Oanatia. .All ftet. adrose the bottom and 21,feetlat
polite on his return. inion And thie Is exactly what we
superintendent of ' this niertns more blisiness for the Dein- - UM, within' ee. Pot ancl half of
being perpendicular, 0,Unmet around
Aft ice, being made
want! sir Wilfrid has done and making one mtlei .rAtotintl thistminia.
titre track nye riders nn tuotorb at the
noWss THIS ? • +Joint,- .,..j.,,.tO bring Canada before the
World than any other Ocinadirifu We 0110 tin” Mei/ at btra sa( reone 8Deed cf
We offer Oho Randred Dollars Reward have As yet knoWn. In nO troall meas. and t hnir trYepniaisleainbgreTealar aoPt he r, aatlealitatel8minegs
for any (aloe of catarrh that cannot be cur. tire thrOugh his efforts we are taking'
ed by Hall's (laterrli Cure. • our proper place amongst the flatfoot* g.,91eg °P_P°8k directions, eq,,WrIng
F. J. Chesney es Ceeerrops„ToIed0,0. t7if the -world, and no matter how "Minh ribut4vgliiirs'ILIgt:riliora-bolot n,103 Ire /Ana/Iva
We, the undentignee have known F. J. garping critics at home or abroad may
Cheaney for the lest 16 yeerst and believe abuse him, Canadians feel and know bn the net, holds the record for the fast.
bini perfeefily honorable in all hussibeets that he Is the tight Man in the right est utile hy lady; as well as the hour
tratisaetioris, and Anancially able to carry place-st Credit both to himself and the record, haying made 'Oyer 23 miles' in
' oat any obligetion made by the, firm. countty lie represents. The esPeciel the hetet' The °that'll ail riders a
Vest Trommotliessie druggiste,Toledo,0 strine Of Sir PAWS OUte rut note, including ,the champion 'trick
Wslaingt ItiOrtan de Mervin, wholeeate eget% %ebb eet eee Inerels„ give credit, ruler of Arner100., VIVO eveniriga
aruggiste, Vika°, 0, Where credit bi due %kid We eay again RraUti fireworks, fileitig eaSa evening
HMI's Oatsrrh Cure is taken internally. 1 that as a Canad16 yobbo matt sir a, thrillfrig erectacular representation
aoutig airceile upors the elosel end madams , VVilfrid outshines all Ws predecessors, of South Afr can War. The secretary
tideland] of the eyetete :erica '760 Ter bcities j -London News, infortris us that special and late trains
fioki by all duoasts. Weatimoniti a
at specially low rates boat
liftVO' been sr*
Ihttlaily Pills aro the beai I IleW life for a (patter. Ittil1er$0 00ra. rataged for, so that no one need
pawl iron last Sold by all *drools* seeing the Rxhibition in ail its tom.
term. - pletenele•
Iiu thelowaship of West Watvatirsit ernMes.
IlibU live, lot tWentit Mitten, Containing ONItteres
More or lent. about 175 acres cleered lui t good
state of cultivation, tool fences, Well Watered,
•good orehard,bulidinge itt gooashape, stone
stablingender barn 42 ,14 etstrvonknt to
solid olitirchee and •Peit.diftlee. Will be
sokl on easy tonne to Milt pnrchtteet. Apply to
W. CAMPBELL Westfield
ant ..July or W. A. BARRI ON, Lucian?
49111ft 4°4 %Ore
t Fn,qli,h 1fr514!IIU.
„13o d and renommendea by Mb in Cement. °DIY ten.
able medicine dlee0Vered. 81.1
pekoes oarahka lo otire *11
BO 130X1I41 1%'IFORD14111, Dii eirOdal Of fibrin
tunno, Opiate or Stimulantit. Arallmt 011 Tents/Pr
Moo. anspillebs free ktany
Tha Oett Outgoing, Win
Pliprodino it 'aft In Clinton, br
1 Part affirm, late 88 sad 83,'cat west side or
Maitlandoon"ooe mile north of Rolinorelle,
containing 07 acres,
0 The north half of lot 25, con, 0nd.,awest part
of lot 24, eon, 8, one half mile from Clinton
north,on gravel road, containing 90 aeree:
8 The brick dwelling Welts:ling lots 18; 10 anti
20 on corner of joeeph and Isaac streets,
4 Thefraxne dwelling on west side of Victoria
street and next nort4i of railway.
Liberal terms to suit purohasero, Apply to
• W, W. FARRAN or
• 0. O. R.AN014, Clinton
• Mardi 28-8m.
Young Men and Women
Is hie time to equip for success itz life.
• Where 2 •
Business & Shorthand College
Cor. Yongeand College Streets, Toronto, ift
unsurpassed for thorough work, equipment
and expert teachers. Individual instruc-
tion given in Business. Snot thand, Tyne- .
Writing and Civil Service courses.
Higb.est, record at all exeminations.
Send for information. .
NIMBI() &HARRISON, Principals,
Sm-Aug.7tli 2 College street, Toren. O.
lt will pay you beet in the end,
The Canada.Business College, .
..enaTnnia ONT.
Has lamed ite annual fist of students
_placed durinig, last year, The number. Is'
860. What do you think ,of Itr The num-
ber for the previous year was. 804; and •for
the year proceeding that, NO. Does this
Inagnifirdent Showing and issoreasing
and not tell yon something? Xf interested
write for list and • haiadeome catalogue,
Fail term creme Sept. and,
. .
D. iteLachlan it CO
* Chatham, Ont.
anted !
Young met and women to prepare. for
gond situations: Apply tn
Thalia:it equipped Business and Shorthand
College intanada. Reduced tuition rates,.
Write us regarding our worms of allay,
and prospects of securing situations for
graduates. Catalogue Bent free. 'Address
J. 8. MCNaY,
Dept Confederation Life Bldg.
• Toronto. Ont,
•, )3ookkee.ping
• Business Law, Wilting,
Correspond.enee, Type-
• writingl etc.,
' Thoroughly tan& by experi-
• fumed teachers at the
Forest City Busi-
lleSs Build -
ng, Lendon,'-Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing competent
pupils in good position% College re -opens
Sept. 2. Send for Catalogue,
J. W. WesterVelto
CLIZA1 1/101r
The purchaser of a • moniunent
should have' complete confidence
in the reliability of the firm, from
which, he bays, for the material
and workmanship is something
very few buyers are faraillar with. ,
If you do not know us, please ht.
quire see* our reliability how
those W1101000 ye best. We are
etOnly praelneal.men here Inoue
J. R, Itoovert Proprieto• r
ext to 0401111.1).0m Hnte
r.Magahots Heave
on+ Woken*
Oahe, Marrs, (thimela tkaor,h, ite,1 all Phterito Lkirm,
;leas or 114.1%044 oo.t 1 letV-8. nrkt, 010 01(41.1-011% in
IhP1O.Dil the Wilt EttAiKOttlit'IM, t %%Mlle the
V#illOtlilOflfl,l 111 Whill t 1111040er. ,ertos, 150
Dr. aftielulitiat's Ktilnoy ib Ctrafth Powdbrit
fossil Mete Ailvst Ione at the tht,tilkt MAO 40504 mash MI
11140111PM rIo :Ow melting nee soaking et the trot
the emelt of hard whine, Marko Moab's,. (IQ., ens
dose Mil relievv, end eue hos 8111 enn,.. Prior, 50e.
*eh*Dtt. fnu0Alittit MalltiOINK BO..
noututviite* Oki. •
ror.o. by II It OtanbiNareteat,talaton
eneeel.....A.aelateesteeeg5• ee
Pu.atact, BTO.
• Office-ileaver
14 Ptah's, OnposSieltag'e not* Gallen'
stoour & HALE
Real Estate and, hisuranee 'AE(encty
Miner tO lean.
Boulder Solicitor Votary and Conveyone
Office--Oppoolte Colborne Sete/
• Goderiele
• iertnerly of Ctameron, tliolt & openeron
Office-Ratailton St .eppootte Colborne Sou
BARRISTERS, SoraolwOrts, Ent.
Gifice-Corner lEarnilten St. and the ibile
Goderich, Ont., • •
H. I.. Dickinsen OnAs, GannOw.LL,D.
Office: North et., next door to Signal OM
Private Panda to lend at lowest nano
of interest.
W. Pniou'orsica, R.C. RAYS.
WM. GUN, 1$1,1).,
14, n. C. P. 4 S.. Edniburgh..
oftice-,Onsart.• Street, Clinton. Night ea
at front door of Wilco or residence. 'Rotten,-
. bury Street. •
Licentiate oi the Royal College of Physical.
. London, England,
Ofilde and Residence-- '
JOEIN.TEDFoitutilletini, hluroiu St.
'pit.aJ. W. SHAW.
Attootiolieur eta., affloe and residence On,
tario St., opposite' English chetah, fornier13 on -
curried by Dr.`A.Ppleton, Clinton Ont.
- -
' Physician, Surgeon, Rte.
special attention given to diseasegettlite
• Eye Ear,'Throat and I./
Office.and.Residence,. • .
Albert street,2 Maras Unbar DattenbnirY.
(Siniciestior .toDr. T. 0, .Firnee -
Specialist in Crown and 'triage Work •
L. L. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur.
__. aeons of Ontario, Toronto, •
D.,D, S. -First -015i,5 Ronor..graduate Of Den-
tal Department of Toronto • UnivetsitY.
Special attentien_paid to Preservation , of
ohildren's teeth.- Will visit Bayfield every
Office over NV Tailor & ohostore.
• tig$TISTS,Oli.INTON; • ,
• Office adjoining Piaci° Studio:
Office Hours -9 to 6 every day and ' •
Saturday until,10 p. m. Blanch offices
in Manchester Dungannon, Myth and
Hayfield. ,
Member of the Veterinary Medical A nocia.
tions of London entrEdinburgh, and; Grad.
iste of the Ontario Veterinery
„ oColleges .TaT nisrggir Ain ArnaA43
o t.Purchch, tltariStreeOlton,
• Veterinary a Surgeon
Successor to E. ItLACKALE.
33186118es of all • dotos3sticated animals
treated on scientific principles, ,
OOHS promptly attended to .
Office -Isaac St., Clinton ; residence,
Albert St. Phone 62.
In aura nctA gent,
Canada Life Assurance Co.: .
Eire. Marine, Accident. • Plate Giusti
°ince X: P. IfIsditirs Dank, Clinten•
• '
Clinton. •
• , No witnesses required
Organist and Waked Direet^r of North
Street °Mira, Ooderieh, and teacher ,o
PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an TEM) y, ie pre-
pared' to take a limited numbex of .Pupli
the ab_ ,ove For terms apply thie .onice or to.
CAMPBELL,who:roay be Been from 11
at the Clarendon Betel, Clinton
Friday of each Week,
b L. 111ACFNEItS
orstriaassom. .
Fire, - tife, llecident Mate Gita
0 OA tfAtiaatr Ittoox, (.1,11/0ti
tor the MANCHESTER Elea Asstetaeot
00, of hianehester. linglahd, Whose funds are
ingnirity *rotated at 1114,800,000. Also the Er"
Itzttor atimarArilitsIMArant CO. All Winnow 0
farnirlske and tont property taken by
10We5t rates. Pirinadess Leen companies
auto repreeettod. Money to be bad !rein 41- ter
eentup, ficcotsdlig to Mantel of seettrity.,--.
Deily mail to liohneavIlle pottio card o11
fotek him
PARR and .1100O1.1.ATNIt TOwN r1101111TY
1.11. Metean, Prealdebt, Eltopen P. O.; TI,OS.
Ppser. Vict•nrealdent, lirticeneld P. o.; Thou.
Natuya, Nrey.Treties, Seaferth P. O.; V. 0. .
InspeOtor Of Ulises, Beaforth .0.
W. 0. Jorniattnot, Bettfortni John O. grieve
Winthrop P_,0.„. George. Dale. Seaforth; Jain
Renlierlege, Jae, Evan*. BeechWeed P.
04.11ihrt watt, Eterieee P. 0.; ThomasFraser
ntneent ;John Macon, ItinPea darnel
Connell 1 titott..
llama Smith, Harlotk; Ifebt. Pint
farthL Janine rintifoilik, EAntoild`rill91
YON I1614106,1116 t G.orite AIWA, and elm
ant %%aurae/noon will two otolutsuystnin to
rouot &Annie id effect Itutituuto
orsitilampiotir,*. rag tau *bun *i