HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-09-05, Page 2ii****weimumtwoo*,. What Does Tour Label Say ise.****.ti444v4444we# geThing slop ise.. 1 Ittinshi= lithd421$13. Fah 1. Optical Education ew OLINTQN. ONT,ARIO. SEPTEMBER -6, 002; Tinos are changed, snd are changing,the Peeele no longsr bay their glows ot ignor. lint peddlers, nor allow themselves to be coxed into purcheetrafe wooderini indica 4quaglso; nor are they eve* (potent o go to m a !iteand pick out it pair of cheap speo- tecies with witiola they think they on see best for e minute or two. When their eyes aohe or 'Many sight blars, they ewer an educated optithen in whom they heve con. Adeline, and expect Itim to be able to advise thein, and preetribe glossae if they are found to be required. There's no woe& work In onr Method of eye -testing. We ere ratified to discover the nature- end degree ot any defeet end properly correct it. No charge for conaeltetion. learleld 14011neereilln "giora"."- This "Men has been NiTirtette‘giitilrottoid-eralleubgelg TI1 lagteg particularly good one for . bees,. both price, write ortrinethess dime to the pom-tee Ftt' pavillion and in the town ton hotterr Station; Itelmesviue, et 0. Ettore. hall. These little aoclel dances are Narea-j. Tates and wife, of God. most enjoyable affair% att le ehown by eddy, called on friends here the other the attendance of many Olinten,Goders day ter wee, wife and daughters, of ich and Seaforth young men. Mrq 1. . Kansas, ard Mre Broadfoot, of Bruce. • I H. Glass, of London, and etre (Dr-) field, Were guests at W. Startlers last Smith gave last week the final dance of week. Mr Snyder. of Cincinnati3Ohlo, the eeason in the twit hall. The hall is !mending e few weeks at the home was tastily decorated with buntleg. of hi eagseican stalkiegolden rod ancleat tails. s brother-in-law. W. Gould, on the Huron road. W. 'gam had the Tee event of the evening was a grand cake walk for a "Gibson" sketch and "Pincuthion leg" as first prize for lady and gentlenaan, while the second prize Was an enormous fruit cake iced artis. tically. Miss Gertrude Glass and Dr bls Win Smith won first prize, and Bub Brewer and Miss Gull the cake. Miss Glass' gown and hat were trimmed with yellow ribbon and sunfiowers and Dr Sniithaa cane and glaciate hat were meat noticeable The dente closed early and afterward the young gentle- . pe B oRw.vrici men from adietance_were entertained •11.11 V V kJ, at a Dutchlunch at Urn Smith's beam. . Many Were heard to say it was a fitting Berm watch nen-eirer jeweler , close to a brilliant season: 25c. The New Era will be sent to new subscribers, for the be:lance of the yeer, for the sumof 25c cash misfortune to lose hie hotse one night •• .00deltdoh TOWIlsittIF from the village ehed, and it was not until the next evening, atter miles ee Notes.-Tohe Stewarb too a plea - searching, that it was found in a neigh- sure trip to the Sault last week. Mrs bor's field. A. pony belonging to Mre Peter Cole attended the Toronto fair T. O. Pickard also took French leaVe, this Week* Jelin 1:4thWell' 13aile Line' and waa found on the nu con- Of is in a happy MoOd at present over the pay 0, advent of a baby boy arriving. The Stanley; it had only gone to visit to termer friend% A young colt trustees of S. 8. No. 9 has had their belonging te) Alf Jervis got into a barb own time trying to select a teacher but Ur Holland has decided to remain his wire fence the other day' and cut a e,,,, ter . gash in its shoulder that required a ' De Mrs R. Welwood and the dozen stitches; the man that invented ing eee, and Robe Reehardeon,retUrned doter, Miss Susie, who have been vlsit. barbed wire will have a geed deal to answer fon Mies V, Tebbutt left on to Brooklyn, N. Y., on Saturday. Geo Tuesday for Toronto, Marichant, Ham. Wlse, wife And two children, of Cleve. iltoo, and other placesft she will Ise lend, who haye been visiting at the old . homeeteed for the past two weeks, re- turned home last week; they were ac. cornpanied by Mr Wise's mother, who will make a lenirthy visit with them. Wm Vines and Mrs Jenkins lett for the same place on Saturday lest to spend a few days. Messrs Herb and. Will MD' Re raotionist sea Inspeosing Optic:Ian. - Exerriziel TIME. -There was quite tr.: eaVe.Y several weeks. Miss Lillie Mc- Opeoneis Time Vane BleeLgoolderee OLD STAND, exciting time here last week in the t Uartny and T. K. Uourticep . fort to catch a young fellow, whore it lug a few days with friends at Nile. was alleged was making away with a ?Irs R. McIlwain, Nile, has been visit - stolen hoese. After the failure to catch ing at the home of Fred Jervis; Mr Me - hi th•brid e Constable fitundry Dwain drove down Sunday. Misses Elle and Mabel Will:ion who have 86111111411". tef Geoderich, 'and 'Fritz Narnie-jesee Gledhill -made a ;hip.' the latter on wheel,started down south been in Seaforth for a couple or weags, - • Gregor left on Monday tor Souns,Man. John Middleton went to Ilderton Mon- Gerainhardt, . , client of wool on Monday, consisting • on the lakesehore road, and went as far returned home Saturday. Will °our- tdne- y to visit an old ftiendjohn Beacom. .of 86 sacks. Herman. Maeda left thie eea St Joseph, hethe hope ef 'catching tice spent Sunday andMondaYat hoine. , who is very sick; he was 'it former week for Norwich, where he Intends him. But they had evidently get PERSONAL. -Nelson W. Tretvartha resident and deputy -reeve of our'town- tearable the *baking with his brother. ahead of the youth, for Geneinharrit of London Normal. spent Labor DLY ship. We are.pleesed to be 'big to re - Thos. Vanstone was etricken by par- returned to town, and later in the day, at his home. Mrs A. K, Birks was in _ Port that he is on themend. • Miss alysis on Sunday,- and i a in a serious hearing that the fellow had been seen Loudon a couple of daye, last week, and , Brooks, of Perth, Lanark Co., returned .condition; we hope . he may soon be not far from Bayeeld, again started her son Bert went to London Monday to her home Wednesday after a enjoy - restored to his usual health. Joe Dick, out, and had the good fortune to over, to attend Collegiate. Will Clourtice,of ' able visit at the home of ItcWThomp- Seaforth, visited our berg Labor Day. take him. Attempting to capture . the Crewe, spent a few days under the pars 1 son of the Hite, .5 boy, the latter put whip to the horse, ental root J. Vit.McRoberto, wife and, ' A Dam u, NooTorm.AL. _ A.n un. Leaburn and Geminhardt followecl, until run- daughter returned •• to Mitchell last - A. eorge an ning into a sand heap, the latter Was week Alf Blacktvell, wife and children, known person had the audacity to en- , 1 N outs, - G d Alex Ohitton, ter into Gaoriel Efficitt's stab ea one from near Hamilton: Visited relatiies thrown from his wheel, and had to dis- of Woodstock, were visiting a few' continue pursuit. Report said that a days at J. Colclough's. Miss Vin 3 Teti. night recently. and took out his driver. here this week. Iffrend Mrs H, Camp. When the hired man went out to the The butt left this week on a visit to Town- * bell and daughter Edith. from H.uron, couple of shots were exchanged. boy was captured later, however, and to and other points. Miss EdYtheTeto stable in the ntorninh. he found the on Saturday and Sunday. W. Ems takeh to Goderich. It is, said that the butt returned toGoderich last week at ; Murliabti terribly nmaarreactew4 PtLeesPwirg°7.,trtr,de were guests of Mr and ' Itire D. Stirling - horse on which he Was riding, and sup- ter a short visit to her home. Mr and , _ out such an offence is a most ignonins- pereons Wenteiii noeknown cede, from near Stratford, spent Labor dav with Roy Linklatee. Mr and Mrs posed to have been stolen, was in' reah Mrs W.Elford,of Goderich, are visiting Person or .john McNevin and son John, Wing, ity his owreinit there is some complies- . in the village. Me'andMrs John Curry am. sp y with thefor- tion in the matter. - •Goderich, spent Saturday tvith the lat. - ioue as well as barefadedbess, tied the • - guilty arty if found out should be riser's mother. Mrs R Fulford returned pecan/TO:MN Chltricre-Lest Sun- ' home last Week. from Dakota, where day was the second day of services for she had been visiting her daughter, the opening of the new Presbyterian Mrs W Stewart. . • church in )3ayffeld. Large eongrega- - • • - ---‘ . • •-• lions again filled. the edifice to ita doors Goderich : and the Rev Dr Stewart of Ottnton de- livered two excellent ' discourses, So ' STATION -A visit to the G T 11 -depot inild and earnest is he in his manner will now give one an idea of the shepe of 'wetting- and drawing you into of the new building. The . foundlition closer •touch with the living word of is practically complete, and the joists God that thoughts of thia world have for the first floor are nearly all in pos- no place, layout mind, while he is ed- ition. Many of the pressed bricks •dressing.you. The music of the choir, 'that will be used in the building are as on former 'Stinday was Weff ep to now en the greeted, and it looks as if the mark and solos were sung, by out - the building will be ready .for gee be- aide talent at both services.. rhe col - fore tbe cold weather. • ' er a parentsn e . . he has secured -a good position in the • Ltralv.- Wm ;Wise, of Goderich whets -11unishe severely. elle left last week for Stratford, baggage department of the G.T. R. . • township, had the good fortune last week in vith - '. SUCCESS TO' Tut:tee-We are glad toeek to haye two cows co learn of the success of oue friends, twin CalVeo each. It is something uns usual hereon° farmer to have two such Philip and Louis ,Gravehe, of Strat- ' as Shia in a small herd of cattle. Both ford. Phil, who has been , there, for _ several months hasbeencin the ens_ - mothers and their calves are in fine ploy of the G. T. R, all the time; that °bath& • • . - • , : he has given satiefaction , is evidenced - ARM Brioxen..-- Adam Curry, 7th by the fact that he has been promoted ' eon., had the misfortune to fall from a twice, accompanied by.: the eousequett scaffold in a barn, breaking his.arm. raise in 'salary. Lome • Who went. a His numerous friends hope for a speedy • week or so ago, started, the morning recovery. It is an old saying that one ettet his arrival )34 assistant baggage- trouble never comes alone. . man. at the citation at a good Baleen F ARK ../HANGE. ..ii rl •••••T Au' a Iffileotiiums Needless to sa.y he likes the' work, and merhill, has bought the old. Whitely We wouldn'ebe mach surprised if in the very near there he eboUld follow farm of 80 acres on the Base Lem, from PhiPs exempla and commit inatrinaorty. L. *Alining, paying a genii Price there for. To THE Fitorit.-Prof. S. I. Holds worth, of Drexel University, Philadei- phia, is spendipg part of his holidays , lectiona of: bent Sundays, amount to Nargs-The Goderich Organ: Com- something' over $200,and Will motet the pa.ny was closed :this week for stock finsnce committee materially is closing taking purposes, The Heron •Hotel trhe debtoff their new edifice Rev. Mr addition is being . plastered, and in a Henderson, of Ilensah, an Monday few weeks will be readnfor occupation. evening delivered hie time honored, The many friends of Street Inspector address and dreW'a largeiahpreciative Reid will regret hie continued illness; audience. . .• . . - ' • . treatment at Detroit. The feoderich Ncernss-Iffr E., (lombe and Mr Rot- he hasjust returned from undergoing teribury were in town: last week. ears Engine Works are pretty busy these Pollock is able to be up again, alter her days, and appearaiices . are thet they regent illness. MiseFlorence McLaren, will continue to be so; on Saturday a • of Godetich, has:been, spending the bet marine engine . was shipped to Coning-. weod. The G T tt Authorities ere week with Mrs Smith, Messrs Gardner sending 25 5o30 cars of grain eeiltyvard and ,Forrester. front (hilltop, atthnded daily. two of the "hops" last week. The ' - work on the dock is going ahead rapid - Westfield ly, : and the crib work is reedy to be Fieldale soon as the dredge comes. The CHITEML-Mr ctroesletewill preach in fisheronen. report excellent • catches of the Westfield church next Sabbath at salmon the last few weeks. 10 30 a. m. There will be nit preaching (rive the people an opportunity of hear. : stress:e0n Monde,: last quite a . ' Varna:. service in the afternoon in order to , Ingethept,._,.... .., . ....... . _ . .... _. .., .... : . number. from-heresieft for the west; LEOTIIEE.-00 the evening • of Sept. John Sparrow, George Faster. Joseph :8th Rev Dr Medd; of Hensel!, .wiil de- •Ward, Harry Armstrong, Win. Reid liver bis popular lecture"IVoing and and Mr. Stayner.'freria Brucelield, left wedding," in the Methodist •church Clinton for Winnipeg, being ticketed here. Dr Mead's - lectures are. highly by Mr Jackson. James Armstrong has spoken of, and we believe this tb be one rented his evaporator to Messie•Town of his best. Special mosic will aleip be & Case, of Chilton. who are busy rence -given. Everybody come and enjoy a waffle and putting in the most modern treat. • - , machinery, and will be ready to start NoTES.- Among those who left for an Monday, prepared to buy a large .Manitoba on the recent excursions ghantity of apples, , wish on delivety. were Jas McGill, Albert Fothergill, unarles Johns and wife left ,for their 'Thos Tunney. A. and M. Taylor and home in ()Wag° on Thursday. well Ahdrew Auld Mr and Mrs •Geo Gar. al d with their Well eareedholidays. rett, of Hudett. epent Sunday with rel- ,tate . R. McCool and children, who have atives here. Quite a number are at. Deer, 'Biting her parents, returned to .teridina the Hunter-Oroseley meetings e in • Drembo on Wednesday. in Dungennon. J. Wilford, of myth, Mrs Sohn Barbour returned t. her will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday home in Sob, Grey county, on Mon. next in she absencieof the pastor, Revs dltY hult. Rev Mr and Mrs Itillier are T. B.Coupland, who will be in Toronto. visiting this Week atPark Hill. Mires -Several cases of typhoid fever are re- MinnitteepedsInee Andrews, Park Hill. ;ported around Dungannon. who have been visiting here for the past two Weeks, returned benne Setae' John Daniels, at liaysville, Ont, doer, S. J. Keys, wife and child, who eittempted suicide by cutting his have been •visiting.relatitree and friende. throat; he will live. here, left for their home in Naellville, J 0 Debie, it well known businesS. Tenzin On Thursday. man of Port Arthur, was stricken with heart trouble and may die. • • Auburn • ACCIDENT. -The village has 'Awl its share of accents &nine the past week. On • ursday evening Ble j• te ' .§ Neagers datighter,„ hinted, cut the end / pf her finger nearly off in the cooter I shell. On Friday evening Rev Mr Coup . 7? I land's daughter, Mabel, fell kown the ., 1 gellar,with .e., glass lamp. itt her heed„ -1-----filitinkrifv417=t-bilit":4* liThiLfriFin4.6 t I which -had to.have four Or five stitches ' ) ,put in itaind on Saturday Mr Turnbull, t 'brother of Dr Turnbull, stepped on a t neil„which gave him a painful wound. •?. The 'emended are all doing doing nicely Notes. - Quite a nernber ot tlxe HAL-FADOLLAR and Hunter m on Sabbath, • eetings in D to our village and tied his hotte in the paid a abort visit to Mrs J. Gi tnour menet: thus week their Part It 'Junior ungann-- ed. Before d g so, h We car he this Week 11/r Brown of Blyth, and Leaving work, tbe fornaer at GoderIch °unhitched it fro21.the Wag hia nephew.. of Detroit' were Welting Oolleiciete, and the latter at Lucknow; , _ 0 " f under the parental roof. Since his gonng Chickens Wanted -If you haye any Rtillett , ' .7aoation started he has been coneblh. young °MI:Renato& sale drop a card IQ John ing business and pleasure. at Washing. Forrester,Clintonn Moto 400 paid, according ton, D. Ce New York and other places. to toaset of Rooks and Wyandottes.. His many friends here are glad to hear • In tint WEST. -Mr Thoiepole, forth- ' ' of his contiteeid once:see in his chosen evil: of this township, writing from profession. As one of the Faculty of Ceprees River, Man„saye: -"The crops Drexel Univereity; Professor of Politi- are grand out here thisyear; this is the cal Economy, etc., he 'is rapidly going best. crop sincta I came to the country.' to the front. That his ',abilities are I started to cut my wheat'. oh the 21st. recognized outsidethe University Walls I have 82 acres of wheat, 16 of bate and is apparent from the fadt that he re- 8 of barley and altars good. We are fused an offer from a publishing firm, all well and like the country tine. but the consideration of which ran into we are alwaye glad to bee our Huron four figures. We wish him still great- friende and the NEW ESA is a welcome 100 er Buccess in the future. • . Visitor each week." • , -• To Uenstme.-Among thoso, who re. ' • 1/11-alimaa'13' -.Me OP fix/132°e *net. turn to Clinton ObIlegutte this wetk on ern Patine, of Cypress River, Mat., the opening of that institution for the an item of interest to our readers, con - fall eerin are Bleeehe Tebbutte Fred cerning the marriage of,a daughter of Antess. Gorden Amees,Stahley Armes, a former resident here: "At the home Rey. Pickard, Edward Badour and . of Mr and Mrs Thomas Cole on Wed. Henry BadOur. We undereteode.ajeo nesda.y, August 6, their eldest daugh; that Jerome Badour, a former pupil of tee, Mimi Lilian, was married to John this school, who taught with great Female-tr. The marriage service was success at St Joserite and attended col- held out Of doors, the wooded slopes of lege in Quebec last year, will, for the the hills making e beautiful back. present 'pursue his studies further at - ground. The groom was supported by Clinton Collegiate. Watch for the re his brother, David Kinaley, While the cord flolmesvilte will make at next bridesmaid was Miss Gertrude Cole. year's departmentel exandnations. The bride was attired in a very pretty Ittettitnn,-The barbed wire fence is : coatis:0e of white muslin and lace, and . . still adding to its list of Victims. Ori after the . ceremony; which was wit - Wednesday of last week Will Pickard - nessed by a large number of relatives had a tine colt so badly injured ,as.to and friends, the contpitny enjoyed the necessitate the services of a veterinary. hospitality of Mr and Mrs Cole around On Saturday,: Allred jetvis alto had one ati abundantly supplied table. The severely cut, and at first it was thought . ' bride was the recipient of many gifts, it Would not live but under the treat- including china, cutlery, litotes, easy inent of a "yet" 'front a •neighboring i chairs, and. e beautiful couch." • town it is Improving. . . ON van Stole fast..L-Sehn Walter is • ' StutileY .. confined to the • house at preeent ; DttettreseWord has been received of ,hope to hear of his speedy ree0VerwYe. the death near Portage ie Prairie of The Many friends of Mrs Holmes: will David W. Yarn formerly of Stanley. be sotry to beer that she io one in - He passed quietly away at the age of again; despite her great age she is ,pne„ over 80 years, e had many friends sessed ot a wondeeful vitality 'and. we M this neighborhood who will regret time that she may again retover her ,to learn of his departure. aceustemed heath arid strength: • ,,,NOtEs-erifies Mary Gilnatiur lett On Look charge of the work here last Sab- - spreildtvalYllf9vrialUt °gee; . Jaw, ets°,8thwohaerree ChistuatreeThoe •Iffurch,* of Clinton, bath Morning. The pekoe officiated in farming in•that district, Theo B Baird Ash - the evening. At the meeting of the titiliddva, visit to his grandfather in Ash - mg thefirstof the Week.. Mile, liendlikittabtridateeteeitilireste-i' shisughte --mire einietetes, besBryekewar--elelteerg ful diseriurse was given by F.C.Elfcird, on the topic "Communion and trans- . tere James Cameron, of Greenock, and at Mr Graham's during the holiday% formation." . It is anticipated that the church will be re.opened about; the glati her San James are visiting this week at Nail McGregorta. Mrs Blunter and 1 The Label Tells the Date womtipepm$444poiivoolopppkwo toirwiszrit= "coolforanaltft* The september meeptig or the; setitenteorkerttertInk*stankeneitfthrithilt Nothe.-Mr ittgl Iffre Sandrick flfl ° Tont% CounC11. daughter, Nellie, of Ingersoll, who . have been visiting at F. W. Cliche for Our Aldermen met in regular session some returned home Wednesday', last Tuesday evening, to discuss the Nish SandrIck going by train and her townie welfare and trensact such other parents driving.. Mies Fisher, of I3ens 4 business as was brought before them. miller -Os enjoying an extended visit %bare Were present the Mayor, H B with friends in this locality. Attie Oombe, Chas Overbury, Thoe and Alex McDonald is yisiting at the home of McKenzie and Jas Ford. her sister, Mrs °rich, Miss E. Mc- The principal items of business were Knight and Miss Mebane Stanhoryvis. the passing of accounts, receiving pet. ited friends here on Sunday last. T. Mons for sidewalks, and reports of the Ashton Is engaged with ift . ()rich. A street, and propene committees. number from. here picnicked at Bay. B Combe, chairman of the last field On /Myr leey, but a larger num- named eomnuttee, reported that the ber took in the Pan.Arnerican at the 1. furnaces in the town hell were in a bad hub* Mies F. and T..Townaend and I condition, and recommended that new Miss Murray visited friends at the ones be pet in at once. Om motion It West end on Labor day. The League was decided to call for tandem for same, at Turners was addreseed on Sunday and also for the shingling of the weigh evening by Mists Aitcheson, of Hullette, ecajee shed. who gave a eplendid topic. The street committee reported as foll ovs : That all the treee on both OMINOIL.-tiouncil met at Dale's sides of itattenbury street west haye hall, Egmondville, on Saturday, Aug. been trimmed; Orange street from On - 30; all the membere were Prteent. The On - rates were struck as follows .• For tano to Princess; aide of Victoria to High, and both sides of High; 160 county purpose% $2,115.55, teggiring a four blob tile were placed on Queen, rate of 1.1 OD the dollar. For general township purposes tie3 awn ne skean, and 30 ten inch tile ; 30 leads requiring a rate Of 2.2 mills on the dol. of gravel were placed at the approaches to the new crossinget • ate° that the til- ler. For public school purposes as ing anct filling in on south Ode of On - required by section 70 of the public tart% train Dr Shaw's to J Rattenbtiry's On - schools act, $1,071.67, requiring a rate of .88 mills. The various amounts asked for by the btards of school trust- ees is as follows : S No 1 -For gen- eral purposes, $55 14, requiring a rate of .3 mills; for -paying, debenture No, 3, $220.56, requiring a rate of 1.2 mills. S No 2 -the sum of $328.57, requiring a rate of 1.5 mills. S $ No 3 -the sum of $274.01, requiring a rate of 1 1 mills. S N 4 -none required. $ S No 5- $WJ0.42, requiring a rate of Li mills. id S Ni, 7 -none required. S Ne S349.42, requiring a rate of 20 mills. S • S No 9-sasta requiring a rate of 18 tl S No 10-$104.02, requiring a rate of ° .7 mills, Seaforth separate aehool-$131.21, requiring a rate of 2 mills. Union No, 1, MoKillop-t2.20, rehoiring a rate of .07 mills. Tucker - smith ratepayers will be pleased. to team that their taxes will be about 1. mill on the dollar lower than last year, or about $5 less on an assessment of $5000. James Cluximing was re-ap. pointed collector at a salary of $90,and he will be required. to furnish the usual a.mount ot bond for $10,000, Mr Gut. tericlge • was given a check for $500 as part payment on the Sproat bridge, abutntents which are completed but not 'passed by the engineer. . Accounts were passed amounting to $95.57. The next meeting will be held at Strong's hall on Saturday, Oct. 4, at 10 a m. Dungannon • Nwrics,--Thos. Anderson Was a guest at John Mole's Auburn, on Sunday Wit. Wm Mole spent Sunday at ,Auburn, Quite .a few • ale Attending the meetings in the.hall. W McLeod Spent a fewdaes with friends -in Holy - rood: Mrs Sanatiburne, daughter of Mrs Eden Gleen,who has been visiting her mother, has returned to her home at Grand Falls* Montana. John • wno has been Venting at, the :Soo, has returned,home much • improved in health. A. B. DaVideon and fa.mily, of Goderich, spent Labor Dav at B. J. •Orawfoidti. Frank Ruseel leaves for the Soo on Wednesday: Mrs 11 Welsh, Of Goderich, . is vlsitine friends here. lobe Mole and son, Edward, were callers in town one day teat week. Hubert ()eager spent Sunday evening at' John. Elliott's, We are sorry to hear that Mi s Geo Westbrook. and Mrs lot, bed been finiehed. - Two petitions for 'sidewalks, Nos. 51 Ilier********11ntriKalk*****Altddnie and 52, to be built on Princess and Huron street% evere passed, and the engineer was empowered to build the walk over the, old drain on Princess street, but that a tile drain wee to be put in from the old ene, amen Orange and Princess streets to the big dram on Orange. The following are the receipts and expenditures for the month: ' EXPENDITURE laical Improvement moonlit ;- • For Sore, Tired Swollen and ach - ingFeet wehave Eas em Antiseptic Foot Powder, Foot Elm, etc. R. P. Reekie's Prescription Drug Stove 0I4NTON N B. -Fly Pads and Tanglefoot for flies E Whestley, workbill secount..§250 09 13 Churchill, gravel... . . ... 222 50 JW Bailey, mind . . .„.. 3685 JE Wheatley, workbill actionnt.: 239 70 R Churchill, gravel-- ..... . . 165 70 W Bailey. sand ' . 1800 • Thos A Walker, cement .:66oQ0 • G Piellett,3 loads of clay ..... 150 R& Ransford, lumber .. . 36 00 R ttolines. printing . . .... 11 52 Jas Murray, janitor ..... . . 1 00, 'Street .account :-. • Carter work bill • • 1.13 98 D Cook, tearaing..' . . . •• . • 4 10 Bell Telephone Co........ 10 Ohhkohill, gravel.: • , 22.50 Property scoo,nnt :-- • • Chimney cleaner .. 600. R & Ransford; salt• 3.00 Cenniternaceonnt :- . . '' ' • ' 3 Rands :... .:.... e.. .... .s... • 165 0 Crich .... . . .. .. . .530 00 Street watering :-.J• Miller 50 00 Printing :- R Holmes ' ........ 875 W3 paitoheil_., ..... :. . . . . .. 4825 Street lighting te- • Eleotrio Light Co.. :. .. . ... . ... 70 0e, Salaries account :- ' Office.. ......„ . . . . . ........ 8 ...........310:00 A. Wilken • REOEIPTh Meier license • • 35.00 Weigh .soelee .. 6 40 • Station scales ......:! . .. .... ,,, .. , • 26 55 License,Pride of Valley 150 Cemetery work .... 14 00 ' Sale of 2 edotri • • Sete of 1 single grayt. ... . . WInithelitts Frank Glenn are down with typhoid our eauimportations of fashionable Dry rfeevenevnewrye hope to. hear of their speedy tittnects Bargtoertill.Earro.Lving' A 8 inVitein8P88 • E. KING Whigham. • A4RETINO% -- The Hunter -Crossley Two WEDDINGS, -The marriage ef meetinge that are beingbald here are Geo C. Hanna to Miss 'Carrie 'Fisher proving a fine success. all could not was solemized one o'clock on ' Thurs. admit all Sunday night, and was day. They are both well-known_ on Tuesday evening- -Severathave dee-Winghtonites; enctiveanceehd- eangiat- olden for Oh dee Union services will Illation% Otir•popular jeweler. HalsaY be lield next Sunhat, as follows :- At Park,. has also taken unto himeelt it 10.30 in hall, led by Mr Hunter; at 3 p• wife, in the person of Mrs ',Findlay, of for men only, subject "Personal Ripley, The ceremony took place at Purity,"aed 7.30 in the evening; sere. the brides home ht Ripley on Thureday. vice every night the following week at •D,Biz To Eon Diiaw......0.74 failing a 7.45. Union services in Weetfield di,ste,ucer,of 25 feet on *Wednesday Methodist Church Sunday at 10.80 con- Id Sutherland of Wing. dueted by Mr Crossley. Additional elig"" " . (Maud was tvalking from Petrolea and St. Helens was ripened down by a hand -car on . a a bridge. He was knocked to the ground and sustained a fracture of the NOTES. -Rey Mr arid Mrs West, of Bluevale, visited their cousins, Mr and hip and internal injurieii. He was at- MisECGordon •Ittist week. Rev S.: tended by Dor no avail. annsacetadin3werase, Whaley has returned home after say 14 00 . 150 am, st4tnitrned such seve're rlee seating room will be provided ha a day that he diem Saturday morning. sale. or two. eeal weeks vacation, and wasdelig ted to find that decided improvements had been made in the manse during his absence. J. V. Martin, Miss Miller and Miss Cameron, visited friends in God- My:etre-Of age: The body wag taken `to itTinghainfor interment. 4 • NOTHEI•20. Lloyd, Son & Co, have asked the Coup,cil for $6P00, to enable them to extend their.- plant for the arida this week. A number from manufacture•of doors; they will em - around here took in the Circus at ploy 25 extra hands and the proposed Wingharn hitt Saturday. Mrs' Mc. building' will be 36x80. Rey W. R. Donald andfa.mily, of -Brandon, is at , Hobbs, of Winghant, was registered present visiting her brother and sisters at one of the hotels in Wetaskiwin, at the old homestead, Mailers ,Teb. this past week. hue (Rev) R. Hobbs butt and McDonald:holidayed at God-, and family are expected home from erich on LaborDey. The infant child Port Keetvanlia, hiarikoka,to day. Mr. of Wm Woods was buried at Si. Helens Win Millee, who Was it member of the cemetery on Saturday leek We are last Canadian contingent to South sorry to litiar that .11Irs Weatherhead Africa, and Mr Alltert.McBrion, of the Sen., is at present quite ill, but hope Nottkeeeet, both Old Clinton resident:), 80611 tehekr of her reooVerY, Among haye been . visiting With their uncle, those who left this week for Goderich Mr H. Kerr.. - Collegiate and Medal, are Mina Ruth.' NEW Crrieens.-Mr j. O. Rose who, erferoe What etnd • Mern49,... titre Mitnufacturers factories in. Wing- tained a number of filen& on Friday ham has moved his family. to town. evening !whet:rid all enjoyed themselvele The Seaforth Expositor soya as follows fully. A. P. McDonald and 0 A. Te!. re the removal of his family :-Mrs Witt iip nt Leber da With "Mends in 0. Rose'and tinnily moved from here eli When . Print Blur When print biersottr... *table temper and entiral discos:4ot* • rellitsit. C.' positive!, cur* his condition ieltbi omits. • . itrakamolimi! Olt A. j. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler isnd Optician CLINTON.. ONT., ;;;;tb.--T: : MARRIAGE.--MiSe • Legan,•dauglatei of jail: Logan, was nutted in marriage by the Rev W. Peehall, on Friday at 'high noon, to S. B. Ctorwill, a retired fernier, living in LOndon. The cere- mony was performed at the bride's. 'parents, in the 'presenee of onlythe mediate relatives, and they left on the afternoon train for notate south, after partaking of a light luncbeon. she was the rezipientof it ;lumber of bea,ute iful presents, which speaks the esteem in which she was held in our village. Pgusowar...-3. Kelly and family lefb Myth orf Friday Inc Goderich, where. . they intend residing: Miss Gertrude Graham, a former teacher in Blyth - publIc school, is attending the London. normal school. Misses Etta and Mar; - comet McLaren, of Toronto,are visitin with relative and friends in Blatt,. an vicinity. •Mr and . Mrs Joa. Stratton . _and, tam Francis, Stratton- :- last *reek for .their home . -Kansas City, Kansas, where they will reside in She future.' • * . • • NOTES. -Our baseball team took great .drop at Winvham on Monday, being shut out by a score of 10 to 0; It . was a difference of opinion As to what Libor Day meant, Division pure was • held here on Saturday last. Bitintoii Bros shipped 4000 pounds of wool to Toronto laid week. E. Liyingstot; has erected a cooper shop in connection With his saw mill, and at present has a staff of coopers making apple barrel% Isaac Brown has purchaeed the inter- ests T G. Allen m the Blyth evapor- ator and will in faturerun the business • himself. ' • - ' Bruit:held. , IsTaria.r-Dr. M. Armstrong hi 'visite inghis brother, Dr. Armstrong, Mitch, Misses Kate Hart and Hattie Cameron, and Charles Sewers are at- tending the Model in Clinton. ,Charles •Mustard. A. McQueen and Boyne Pens found will attendthe Collegiate. Mls Maggie Maavisb, Detroit,. is 'Oohing at home, W. McIntreih left On Mon- day for Edinburgh. Dakota, Where he will be assistant station master, Mos, Garr is building a cement tilin for Beatty Bios., Varna. Rev E. Sewers • officiated eta wedding op • Thursday. Mrs W. Rattetrnhry an daughters Lizzie and Alice are attending Toronto - Exhibition. but this io not yet detinite „, children, of Hay, spent a ehort time Goderi he • Misses Ina Rntherford RANI) Yoh SEEN' IT ANv.wNEEE-On with Mrs Campbell during the first of and Mamie Millar, who took Part Monday evening Will Yeo drove down the week. Mrs Falconer, of Sareld, junior; Leaving: here last year, tom - people from here visited the Crossley not of the quietest nature. By aome at.Mr Graham's lase weeket J. R. Miller resume his studies or • Pate II Senile' Leaving at Goderieh, . while Mina Mary Clark and T.O'Lough. 1 gale One Hundred! °gored eldeta Noegs,-..:telse tdosele Seethe, of Soo. ing the rope and ilevity it went With lin will attena the "model; We wish all t at half a dollar each. They ere forth, is attending the model ochool at the herpes% At lest. tePert MrIteo had births during August. . i 'Winnipeg had 170 deaths and 116 success. Robb McGuire has a newitep. ) light and dark colors, herd and London. Robt Shea, of Seaforth, has not got any track of it. Emerson district, Man.,' is *Wing arator With bloWet attadhed. Mrs R, "), acift fronts, and the last ate ef returned home after visiting his broth. Domultox POULTRY STATION.-Tbis -1 linea that Bold at $1 and 141,26 et, Thos Shea, Sophia street, London, week another large shipment of fowl 86 bushels to the acre,. K• Millar epent Satorde,V and Sunday .1 esob, Seti them in our Radon. Mime Rathwell is visiting in Clinton for , was sent from this -station to the fairs „„ * „,,,„,,,,,.„ A few touters in this vicinity have in. with friends in and around .Goderich, E'ortet'd !slate% Ottawa, has a second i bury St window, choke on sat. a few days ; she will take in, the Indus. in Engiattd and Ireland. These were '."43° °•- "'"'""P''''' trodticed a MOST frain, spelIg. and 'find .1 on SattlralY tiVe • will pet oh Seater& • Means the animal sucpeeded iti breaks nrday " trial befOre rettirrung to her home. shipped elle% the forrner shipmente The C. P. le, now readr to move it, far crop ; tootreaps to WO a SUMItterbiii • there are about six hundred chickens ports, suited for feeding purposes 50c EACH. • being of dressed fowl, At Preeent 500,000 bushels of wheat dill y to lake rather fine grain an ehMild be well being fed for the market. Ibis re orte 1 at Ottawa that Thanks. OTES,a ga , ,„„ „,,- , Clinton, and Mrs j+ It„ Murray, Srook. AtalgTgo..*Lne '•DleeaWell nrepertt givmg sky this year me,y fixed for • LOndeaboro HoDGENs BROS a sattterian , of Ilensall, who has been toRr'' ng a El °re' Une wawa nem neer Belleville, May loge both eyee ail Contber, are visiting friends here. entered Se, ThoMalt Wednesday; the for 6, counle • weeka. eel nettle hP110,:pat who, We lire told, pitrpotigt • , Chester 'Longwell, of Demoreetville, Leamington, altio Mrs Geo Aintlie, of pilot of a 111 0 100ontotive When it ) visiting litre T. J** Lindeay, returned suppose there was enough business the result of, the 'explosion Of a Cart. AIN 11, Harkwell le ependinV few train had killed Wm Baxter atTilson. a homenn liVoltiei3day• to Wingleani last week, as Mt Rose is now permanently located in that town, being manager of the furniture fac- tories there, Mrs. Seise leaves many friendsin Seaforth who, while regret - w ting her removal/x.0M heart- ily congratulate the good people of Wingham secueing such worthy and useful citizens as alr and Mrs Roses she was an active church and Sunday school veorker, and in these and other capacities she will be Much missed here. Thesotatoe Crop i Itingston districe a fa tu 0. " Ladelli, accused of being connected With .the murder of Boutbiette And Ileaudife in the Yukon, has beret ar- rested at Woodsworth, Neyada, ^ len, N.Y., arnI e rootieatityt, Bemegg has been tented fotia year to Pred1V1u . October 28. X0Tss.-.1 110 *Ainslite and wife, of A wrecked bicicle was found on the here for two sores -but perhaps _there ridge. 'melts with her daughter,Mrs sillies burg, • •lesAi60•,:•,... •• • 10. • / • ette 0-steseitilt9 Photos with Quality. We famish you Oohing; that speak, at prietili that talk. Visit our Audio, mike it selection of that particular style of phote. graph yen like, and we vtil take pleature in satisiyibg you. Many etyleit0 mounts but all out photos are goed. limes Photo Studio, • CLINTON • 2+! 2241,"11.".