HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-29, Page 7•
Will be Full "When You
Becoroe a Regular
User of
• a d
it is The Cereal Food That
People Talk About
There Are Poor Imitations But
Nothing to Equal it as a
Strength and Health,
The joys of home life are not !idly at-
tained until your breakfast beeoneeti a ree
lieh and pleasure. When you become a
regelae peer of Malt 'Breakfast Food at
4 Om morning meal, yen truly begin to en-
joy life, beoeuete this marvellously dearth
our food keep digestion perfect, Bads to
physical etrength and keeps up vitality.
It le the food that people talk about every.
where. There are poor xmitations ,• ovoid
them and linnet upon having Malt Break-
fast Food. Your Groner can eupply yeti.
0 How to milk.
•A large niill which employed a thou -
Sand hands suddenly • one day ' went
;wrong in its machinery, and could not
again be started. There was nothing
hi -Wren, and all the efforts of those on
the place could not discover the chide
catty. An expert wee sent for, and in
lief an holey the wheels were again turn-
ing as smoothly as before. "What is
your charge ?" said the Manager. "A
dollar a minute," was the reply, "That'a
big charge," said the former. allow
much were you losing a minute while the
mill was not working ?" came back the
response; "the .knowledge was What I
was charging for." It is of the knowl-
edge that we wish to speak about in the
matter of milking, •and sonie of its se-
crets ; it is not merely ii. question of a
simple matter of loosening and tighten-
ing the hands that constitutes the suc-
cess of milking. To begin with, hand -
milking is an artificial way of doing -a
thing that nature furnished forthe sup-
port of a calf, and the effort of suction
on the part of the calf and hand -milking
are not .in. any •wayesimilar :inaction,
yet the milker May so cultivate a syra-
.pathetie feelingebetween himself and the
cow '04 she accepts the artificial.sub
stitute, and even shows pleasure.at the
appearance of the milker. The expert
milker goes at his work inat confiden-
tial sort. of way, and with a quiet word
or two; and a few strokes of the hands
in rubbing the udder, and -even the
flanks, gives assurance • of no bodily
harm, and is quickly drawing the milk,
not by tugging and jerking, • but by
steady and gentle xnerneulations ;with
hands ih fuIl Use, and not by thairibing
and fingering and frequently wetting the
-fingers in the Milk. The milking should
be so that the pasture is relieved • as
uniformly as possible, net drawing: all
of the milk out of two quarters of the
udder. before milking from hthe other
two. Then the hatidsahould be. so clos-
ed that the finger nails are not drivett
into the. flesh of the teats to give pain;
and this steady, pleasurable motion to
the Cove aeon 'becomes. a substitute for
riature's plan, and the last drop is give
on. The keeping tip of the flew ofmilk
and extending the 'period is .to a large
extent the result of perfeet drawing of
the last portion of the milk, and .sorue
go so far in their belief as to say that
this final handling of the udder is a
stiniulant to milk elaboration, and eptu.
ally adds to the .yield in 'some degree;
besides prolonging the 'milking . -period.
Cows should be milked in regular order,
and as regularly as poesilile as to periods
of time, and the whole otietation should
be to excite RS little as possible, and
never irritate the eow, and, abeae all,
never be ltratal. The develoament of
motherhood has never been, and never
. will be, built enelines of brutality. The
man who has a dairy should be a hit-
manitarien in its broad.senee, not only
tcamankild; but.to the cettle in his ebarge,
and to the cow in particuler, latpaness
pays, and nowhere. enore than in a Circle,
ten feet in diameter, in which are the
dew, the man and the milking pail.' -Q.
G. Freer ThOnger in Farm and Home.
Three Galician settlers and a Men-
nonite were killed by lightning aear
Bosthern, Saskatchewan.
Hon A. G. Blair will return to Can-
ada on the steariiship Tunisian, which
leayee Liverpoolaleptember 11th,
• .
Miss Starr, of Newmarket, bas re-
signed bee position on the Action itigh
echool staff, owing to ill -health.
Messes Pleyfair and White will non-:
tribute half of the cost of the" new
Peeehe terian church at Midland
WmShaw, lost most of the season's
crops hy the destruction of his •batn
near. Belleville.
. bantam!,
The New Bra to new subscribers, a trial trip to the end of the year, for 25c
David Lloyd -George, a Member of Part
liaznent from Wales, tells a good story
. on himself in etannection with. a Disestab-
lishment meeting in which he has been
taking part ht Wales, et, few days pre-
- vious, it seems, there had been a Chtlech
t Defence meeting held in the ,saree place,
at which a eertain prominent dignitary
o th� Establishment had spoken,
ferr ng to whom Mr, Lloyd -George's
' 'chairman observed: "in my opinion. that
, Churchman is ' one of the biggest bare in
\North Wales,. but, thank goedness, we've
'got a Metch for him here to -night!" •
"Chains" tells of a certain wild becist
tamer who had been on bad terms for
some time with one of his neighbors,
and the other day, as the result of a vio-
lent quarrel, the latter, with a friend,
attacked the former ,just before he was
timed to give his performance.. The •
tamer unwilling to make a scene, took
refuge in the lion's den. Judge of the
amusement of the epeetators when they'
beheld the twa men standing in front of
the cage and shouting through the bare
at regular Intervale,: "Come out of that,
you big coward; come out of that!" .
• Some little while ago a rather eccen-,
tie cotton manufacturer, owning large
. Innis not a score of miles from Halifax,
England, and who was familiarly known,
in the district round about as "Owe/
11--," overheard one of the lads in his
employ remark to sonicboclye hAw wish'
Aw hed ‘Owd.1:1—'s' brass, an' he wor,
it tat warkhaase," Quickly retiring,
"Owd H --h" sent for thee:derider into,
his office, and asked him what he would
do with the money, supposing .his with
were to be fulfilled. The youngster was.
quite equal to the 'occasion, promptly.
replying: "Whoy, th' furst thing Aw'd do
wod be ta fotch yo aat (out), niaister.".
• This clever reply so appeased the old gen. •
tlema,n that the boy was sent bach to
-. his work with 'half a sov.ereign in hie '
The other afternoon,' Sage' the New
York "Tribune," when 'President Room- -
•velt reached Dupont Circle, a "fleeing
Washington" electric ear heave in sight,
• and the guide continued his lecture
'through a megaphone in this way: "On
. the left' we see the elegant residence of'
Mr. George Westinghouse, the million-
aire inventor and electrician, formerly.
the home of the late James Ch Blaine; a
little to the left of trent we perceive the..
palatial mansion of Mr. L. Z. Leiter, thel
Chicago .millionaire, and father Of the fa -1
mous beauty, Miss Mary Leiter, now
Lady 'Curzore`the wife of:theGovernor- '
General of India; in, the parkin front'
we are confronted. by the 2statee of Ad-
miral Dupont, and also in front .we see
the President 01 the United States On
horseback." . The crowd lookedeand Lose .
Woman said, "Whose statue is it, •Me-
Kinley's?" •. "It's Roosevelt", the rend ,
reepended.' "Heaain't j1, -.statue, --hate - -ea .-
- :---...a• -- • • .
rio .more we near ettssing . Dugs '..
.. .
As in the days gone, by.
No more about the summer girl-
.• In maudlin strains we, sigh..
. ,
The song that raag with rag -time Os
ate a- departed fed. • •
Life isn't wbat it used to ,be • .
• For which MU vary alstA.,
BIP 'waiter sootvoi,ove story.' 'Varna and PoultrYwVarci.
August 29, 1902
•/ti his paper on "Walter Scott's Land" Fowl confined in very dry pens etre a
In Harper's for June, William Sharp te
how the great novelist met his first i
only love t -
"It was at the stage when the queer- '
nese and the fun' of the bygone tinae
and the present how were with ,
; more than any other conscious compel-
ling influence," Mr. Sharp says, "that,
one day in his twenty-lifth year, with
his friend, Adam Fergusson, he went for
a ride `by Glisland moors,' over by Na
worth, perhaps, or by Lannercatit Priory,
above the vale of Lanhercest, or by the
• fragmentary ruins of TrierMain *Castle,
where air Roland. de Vaux lived and
dreamed, as afterwards so musically set
e"e'ffrY Farm and the ruins or the great wall of
gel forth in 'The Bridal,' or by Iturdoswald
Severus and the Roman camp. Perhapii
• CM CHASE'S REMEDIES • 1 the young poet's heart was longing for
love ; at any rate, it Was at (Instead,
a dose 55 ohmicee:Pletsicakibnxe.y. hiTbropillisc.ronts...ro be
dgbefore he met Miss Carpenter, that
't a lady ' along with som
Pr'; chhaa6::: w/ldflaoyweersogathered'in the fragments of
Seven's' all, these two all-but-fergot-
uhaoe,s cmitmerix, ISO cents a ix.x
gh:seie Liver Cure-, r.os tea ten fugitive quatrains
Dr. aflame:et etyma) ov 1..Inaeo;',4 arta
Turpentine, 2s c, • VI a 1,01A.a,and "Take these flowers which, purple Wav.
sign:mm.1 of Dr A. W.. • se , ev.ry box of :11.;
genelne. all deaaaa hdawasen Bate; ing,
•company, somata. On the ruin'd rampaat grew,.
Where, the sons of freedom braving,
The Breakfast state of Mind. Itorne's imperial standards flew.
Warriors from the breach of danger
Why hs breakfast "the most trying Pluck no longer laurels there;
meal of the day?" asks a writer in the But they yield the passing stranger
"Spectator." Why are people Ir- Wildflower wreaths for Beauty's hal
ramble at breakfast and disinclined••
talk? Is it possible, perhaps, the.t.there "In any° case it was on high groan
exists a Particular ..brealtfast near Gilsland that, one August day
Which thrives in the presence of ba- I- VT, Scatt and Adam Pergussou were
con, coffee and blittered . tpast, mane: rebitegealohen both yettng • men were
which attacks everybody who co the apparition of a beautiful
into the room where it lives, with a young girl, also onhorseback. So much
vaetheig effect upon different constitu-' impressed, indeed, was the young poet.
tions? For the biealteast state of 'mind advocate that he kept the fair 'bora&
varies with different persons. There woman. in view till the divided caval -
are severai diatrnet cia.sses Into which cade entered Gilsland, and he saw where
the prevalent symptoms seem to fall. the lady lived. Whoever wants to know
People do not behave in the same way• more ,of the picturesque details, where:
,at breakfast as at other meals, and, fa.ncy only slightly colors fact, mayiur
lis liable to the dieease celled bumble -foot.
This may be prevented by throwing wet
grass Into the pen.
• Green food is absolutely necessary for
the brOoder chicks, and grit miles un-
der the seine •cetegory. A. little char-
coal should be fed• daily; one tablespoou-
ful in iced ,suiiteient for NO chieks is
Pumpkin seeds contain' a Medicinal
P1'11100(1 which, in large quantities, prove
es, poisonous to chiekene and, turkeys,
and is probably injerious to cows.
Where- large quantities of .purnpkins are
fed. in the open air and chickens oat the
seeds; some become paralyzed 14 the
legs while others walk. as though in-
toxica,ted. It would be well to remove
the seeds when pumpkins are fed to
etock, for they probably. counteract ,
much of the good the fruit does.
A eorrespondeet of Hoard's Dairynian
offers the following. formulit as a fly re-
pellent: Take etboixt teattupful
of the bi-sulphide of carbon' and use this
a to dissolve, a tablespoonful' of pine ter,
• stir thoroughly till the tar is. dissolved
he arid add one quart of crude oil. This
will fill a small' air spray pump and if
•. applied en the moriiing av.f11 hist well all
da With this amount I. spray eight
cows three tunes, taking about ten min-
d utes etteh day."
inh '
though at dinner their mooes may be., to. the romaece of Frank Osbaldiston
Practice:14Y indistinguishable the and. Diaiut'Veriatin, .as set foi•th in etto
states of mind of diners that is, do not Roy.' Well there was wahine an
greatly vary -at breakfast they con- wooing and •ultimately pledging by th
duetthemselves as differently as pos- Lovers' -Stone in the romantic Men • o
alble. There are some people, for in, Glisland N'Vh.ter, and. by Christmas th
stance, 'who are in offensively high young couplet were married, and Walte
spirits early In t• the morniege in a state Scott eeturned Eumburgh with muo
of heahh, In ahort, which- really is • never-to-be-forgoteen hilaterial . for poe
rightly described as rude. •Ton can and. and a bride to give 'color an
hear them coming downstairs, no mat- zest to all he should do with these."
ter how far the stairs axe away from •
the dining-roinm after sla.mming their IrAsh M.P.'s Jnii-goers.
bed-reern doors with -1, resounding bang..
They open the-dineng-room door...as_ _ .. . •
The nrison adventures of Mr Mcfrugh
they were pursued by a policeman, and haveThietiiibh-teittrilte-reieffic
probably slap tiielO male Patellae on the tion that Me. McHugh's colleagueinth
back in an extremely hrOinecatiee man- .
representatien oz Leitrim, Mr. Jespe
nen During breakfast itsele, while
1 Pa mute* Ins Latest Method Treatmentlo be e, perzneneet
relative cure for Variccaele end Stricture, without eu.tting,
pis or lose of time. In Verleocele it absorb i the bagging', or Irin
condition, equalizes circulation, etope pains in the groins, elm,
drains, thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitatewa
tips parte and restore a lost powers; in steicture it tbsorbs itit•
Stricture tissue, Btops emarting sensation, :.ervousness, e•tatexeme
backache, eta. while In 11,111 proetatio trpnbles kis the Ere*
went par exoellanee. to Positive am teat my t4nteat Aluk
Tireat3hent cure you that You can
Ton need ilar nothing until yott are convineed that theroughesit
m ik. es no differenee etees
410EaCh time you es$ you see me Personally, 4
ereach time you Write it receives my per:tenet. attention. The number or yeses x exh".
as the foremoat speeiali it of tile countrr•
lished in Detroit, and the cureg I aceoraplishqd ix; r given UP lor other doctors, Lae plabdi
The Latest Method Trettnaent Guar anted to Cure
Varicoeele ,and Striate.% evithout outtine, stretehing_or loss of meat. atto
Chronic, Private, Nervous, Impetencyc Mawr. Liver, atidatar, mom,: teetp tat. brnua
T"utblorTigurs"ster14,11,(Vilflniftllii;gt• MA) )30040sEr
iggf-ii for ululate= patients shipped from Winusor. •.All aide and express charges preissits
ROO Wooward Ave., COT. Wjleellitte
hey are aPood. too
• Are those old simple prescriptions •theh you have used,
• maybe for years and years in your family. We like te
coropOund them, because we have all the things to do it
with -and to do itheroperly, •
If you have a feyorite prescription of your own, bring it
• to us,•
jt vvill get the same attention as these the doctors *rite,
and evety legredient will he the tiret quality.
Our Baking Powder at 25. ,Cents a pound is good
J . E, HOVEY', -.4" Dispensing Chemist', •- Clinton
,:s44.4.4.4,0***wopppp$4,4444. xtidaulutplusAusultaAwitatv?as ka,,st
ephianis offending Physicians. .
ut• ality the Best
, I have been prescribing•Stronh's P)1 -kone
d for the last eight years, and have had be. •
, means, WeeeWOODRUFF, D , Lon-
d• teornesomucte.es with them thtin with, all oil er
e .•.
✓ Price $1.09. For sale by druggists, of•
h, by mail oe eoeipt of price.
ma, • W. T. STRONG, Manufecturing Chem-
et, London, Ontario.
• To Assimilate rood
see that your stonaach and
r ere inproper condition.
To do it easily and pleasant- •
ly take . .
• • •
• Sold Everywhere. boxes, 25
"George," demanded Mrs Ferguson,
with flashing eyes, accordi•ng • to . The
• Chicago Tribune, "am r the mistres's of
this house or am not, 7" ••
.•"You eeitainly are," replied Mr. Fer-
• guson, with alacrity. eWhata, the mat-
ter now ?" •• '
oonsumirig great quantities of all kinas Tully, who is also a journalist and the
of food they comMent loudly on the: 'proprietor of e couple of newspaper;
:• •
small appetites of OtherS, and insist was Once knewas tee "greatest 'jail -
upon drasirld tte ti f
who clearly Wish tit eat Very little .tik, goer ta Ireland," all houghthat record
the presence Of everything whieh is • 8,nd-distinction must ay this tithe have
e in the ,roorrihe-seed into the -possession of Mr. Me-
edibl. Thei appear to:be '
perfectly imeonselous: of the amount of
Hugh. Mr. Tully haw practically retirede
• Crockery -I have just c paned oat .8 cratee Dinnerf_Toe4alia.,i:dviT.e..itxlitw-se:
aral fairy ehina,..rate •patterns direct from the.factories . England,
aellitidateine JO. t the.a. regular --pticite
•th• every toym-7-
• and villa.ge 1 • quoitY and -1340e% • • •
Wanted good butter anclegres., , • . • Phone 45. •
Prices the Low
Redpath and St. Laverence best granulated and coffee sugar
than wholesale prices, $8.85 per cwt by the barrel. •
Canned goods cheap-belni and Kent Can Corn de a can, •Cannet
chicken 10e, Roast Beef 1 .lb tins 15e each. . ' .
Teas--131aek J•apan and Young Hyson from' 10e up, our leader isit5c per
Retsina Currants, Prunes, Dried Peachee, Apricots. and Cooking Fhett
'nay be had,‘• •
the J. XAWIN,
habits inflict upon Other persons of less observes The Daily Chrenicle, Mr. ' Me- xie
. from the jail -going husmess,, whereas,
suffering whith their splendialy healthy
• robust copstautions, and , are only able Hugh was ?lever more euergetie in • Its
to suggest In answer to possible com- •pursuit than in recent yeara A wealthy "
p: inaesioa for the session , and Grease
plaints. of a headache, that •the coni- member of the Irish party oneeleolcaiaioant should resort to the paeticuWest End
lar d.lshes Of which' they hare them-, invited all hie cellee'mtes to an inaugural'
describe as "quite exeellent.".
selves eaten, and.whiah they inVariably . dinner.' The conversation hectime rena
. niscent auci the gueste 'volubly exchang
Kee • that. rria.kes: your.
• "I've dieeharged that impudent hired
lbeilanced anental attitude may be one .
.girl, and ;she refuses .to 1venrt
'you to go to the kitchen and bundle hat !
out, neck and crop is", •
"Settle it between yoursolvia, Laura',
said Mr. rerguson. weekly. "I won't
Va anh,nft +.11 nr.lt_
deoZT6.,Itifiksiis•n pre,,etitative Kyle tot. -
epieode happened in Piekaway Co t t
u y,
Obio :
• If the frame of mind of the rueeana ed jail experienees. T.he hostess, alone •I4Tingtd hors es glad.
boisterous breektester is one extreme, Was not amiised,•but•distreught. In tho
the other extreme Is the mental state morning' her woi•St fears were .realized. •
of the Man who goes through the rneei The servinitti give native in a hotly. Ux.1
In a condition of profound .depreselon, able to diserbninate between politica
ile glances vaguely and imam -here- and ordihaty oftehdere tliey 'jurnpCd t
hendingly• at a succession of Mellen. _the 'eonciusioa that they had blundored
eventually tektaig the.. smallest possible into a den of 'critei-als. . The old prime
amount 01 the dish that is easiest to tice of sending pOlitieal offenders to the
get on with.' He does not speak uniess Tower. of London o; 'at really -to be re:
someone speaks to him, when'ai'etthee lived_ if.11,1 ap, .1,,,re abi6 to start o. •
answers shortly and 'sadly, or, More of-, • - et.0eze with "Whened wile in the Tower,'
, '
.at entidl
, .Nin'ictioln:ebciVui0eUiiStlylafuOgteelar. meokr-rlipasnl - 'a,‘,11i eathed's!ergtaartaitebilmn telt: arohoexin:oulci look
Perhaps. this variant Of the breakfast: !. .
state cif mind is amore striking antithe -• - .. . e ..
esis te the rudely. bolgierous-fils..tin-•- .•' Dre. illsli
it tuttyslat evi....)
of suppreesed fura. Men. belie been , •
know e who every •!morning of their and child, rtin dovn---there are
lives hold a kind oe review of their ac-
gueintancee an a Wends, and in some. hundreds -lucky if you are not one
easeof those whom they employ. They - And what idti you thiuk they want?
occupy the breakfast hthir-in--passing;71----Thaeli-a-santat-6.-fia a Cliarike. '-
so to speak, dawn the front and rear
ratites, and fn trenchantly sninming up and t it): Pit t `•
There is in the cor• ty a certain ci.oes- • c g.e e cr. y tit eae.
the hifbits and qualifications of every •
roads, where a patieit. teacher struggles man revievied, ending in each case
*daily with thedeveloptnent of *the young - with the -verdict that ahe is art: ass"- *Scott's Etintisl n of 1 -liver
idea. One morning she .was giving the Probably. he is nothing of' the kind
',school. a 'lesson in genoTaphy. • /titer •in the day, 'indeed, he 'mai 'be- • ••
: is ah. noet rest lit i":ielf
rmec aaat, TelY .1,
word, . •
• ."What. is a cataract7?" she asked. come eneowed with all the virtues, but •
...rm.* ft POWNT. bwr• TOat/Arrn
There is absolute silence In respont,e, froth eight &clock in the morning until h• •
and she exp • •
lained tlie meaning of the %4 ten he possesses for the eueloue-break- • . .
faster no characteristics exceht those
• "Whitt ie a cape 7" .a the' idiot, or, in exceptional Oases, 41". L'r•61Iner; as
This was letter. • One of the children
• of the 'professional robber.: Oe eOurse, everybody who hue eat front• of Ids .
it icrtotate is a
knew it was a' point of land. "attin 0 t (between the extremes ef the •rudeli, pulp4 An so, 1.4' Church
into the whter. J ,g•Lt- boisterous and • the profoundly de-;
•man of considere ble size. It is a mat-.
"What is a 'strait ?" • • • nreesed or tree° =thy eurioue break- t9' of naich eflert on his part td fasten
Over in the ,corner a small hand
fast. states of nind there are other* :
ins elioes, . and while eneaged in this.
, up. "I know, teacher,' said a small boa less definite. The curious case came, operation th other meaning his eiefe re-
"Well, what is it 7". ' • at : under the observation of the hresent. Thaeviltieyear, d dii think y•nn n'tea ti, valet,' "It beats three of -a kind," was the' veritet of a man whO, although in eV-: '
triumphant answer.-Wasaington Poet. ey respect temperate and healthy, did
Uell," responded the doctor; "if I
ot tinel hinesifable to breakfast antil had a valley where I now lia-ve a mouth.
tam I could fasten iny shoes myself." -e
o 0
Have You elected a play for next•everyoneelse had fleished. He was ace •
customed to get up at the same time as New York Times.
"No," answered the 'Sensational act- staying in the Same house we're breakt . A well-known New He tpshire fat er
season ?'" •• - •
everyone else, but knowing that othere
,culty. I Would give a k real deal if stairs,' he would iiace up and ccrwn his One is excelleet prettehor of the Goa
agent.".-eaVashingtoneStar. breakeest, was over. He 'would then • several other hoarders at' the 0/(1 111811e
deed find -a playwright whose imagine. room wafting until .a footman, special- pel, 'while the otlar is a Uglier dealer,
.tion is as fertile as that of 'iny press iy iustructed,. brought in the news that A Newburyport inen, in. company with
ress; s a matter of some difli- •fasting in the ordinary wee; down- of the old type ligas4Wtifwtot ghrimetty,na-buprattsof.nllid.
elinieseeparn-Wahheafeheehnelatehatiteti4c*Ak aallein
••••••••-eth+etere. • - •• - Le -tater -the-
- elen-t appetite, whin'h,-low' evaltehrititice Mmey, At last one o the company pre-
• m ,
this•story:- him completely should" any felloW- sent asked him that his sons did lot a
• Shortly after St. Patrick's Catliedrel guest by Chance return to the room, living.
was completed a faitl)ful devotee on his But nothing', In any ease; 41th/tasted hI•4* 'Phe answer of the old man was char-
• vita ,to Mass hnet a lukewarm Orange. patience; if it hi-ill/mad that a late. acteeistie aud concise. "One is serving
cathedral to admire its beauties and half an hOtIr longer than the rest, ha are doing weil."-Iloston Journal.
man, and persuaded him to enter the riser remained at the breakfast -table the Lord, the other the devil, •
and both
listen to tile wonderful music. In the accepted the situation with eomplete „ . .• . -444-
crowded attendance they obtained seats eqUatiirnItY; nor, upon ant? eontidera- Die Herbert W. Spencer toils the foie
two or three rows apart. The visitor Was tion, Would he gonsent to breakfest in•: lowiug story of his attempt. to corner a
so overwhelmed with the splendor of • his own room, or anawhere exeept at a Christian Scientist
thdainterior that he turned and in quite deserted table. -
"Every tinie We met this Scientist
an audible tone said:- , There are other atid more or ,leset
Littk liver Pius. "Yes," replied Mickey, "that's
the 0 took Neasion to tooff at medical sea.
"Say, Mickey, that bates the (lien!, cOmpretiensible states •of mind; as, for
instance, the dislike which some per- .ence and to dwellupon the wonders
ivhich could be performed thriiiigh faith.
porridge; the unhappiness which poe-
sons have of watching other people eat . 'You are convinced that through faith
: you can do anything it I said to 'him one
sessee some breakfasters, Usually Jour.. n,„ .
naliste, unless they are alloWed to walk; "fa
severe clericel attire and smooth -shaven lip and down the room Insilence; the(
bee ire uentl * " lebelief extreme difficulty which ore ' n fl d txtountai;he replied, 'faith Wilt move
that he is a priest.of the Rothan (atla 'in breakfasting In A moth in Which'A week later he was in
oliChurch,lay office
and tech :tvith a swollen jaw ttuo tb a toothaehe.
o is chUekling. over an expRri- sthtreareis ttkia
teenitoeotege-nadliatsiesn; eeleee, at! : it hat, you here I' I exclaimed, • wil.;li
• ()nee that befell 'hie!! the other day . ' at ' efeignect, tuttonishment
was going to the city," he said, "aria whatever time they may happen tat' '
'Oh, DoctOri, he said, 'X have set.
inivate14.)Triered agony all through the Wet. - I
' witted directly in front of me lit the Nene down totthbe dining -room,
S .
•,, pinata'', end pewee moieley. at Ine over . Bible. Ear Y 6 „ ter eta eanieheu;;‘,1•=0,,iried fat ?" I said to ,
.!1,11Itt Boar Merlotti, re of • .
See Vac -Simile Vltrapper,Seleyt,
*my small !TA as easy•
to take sus sugai..
• ' 1•( e MR SEASAgilt,
•r FOR iiiiiliStittt;
itheitte" 1:14tretr.Yetftd"leed044.
• ion, -New York Times.
A protninent Episcopalian eleigyman
Who lives in Mount Airy, and whos
train were a votive' Irish couple Alia it. Et°111 ° °I" r
little ebild. The little one was Nery IY, to get the thing over as Oen tie pose Simply een't steed this in any onger:
I t• late vein
back or the seat. Erten evetit bier' W6rk °I. h°11113rg` lw° ctairua ifia" '‘."1 7" Ile Me --
Ithe little e,irl 06 t - a eilp tif Cliffee-ethatht- tete breakfast," aiy t utt nit I cettId in • d'untains.'
d "I '
rrente, and t noticea that to was the rexecinet comment tif one trh4/ thla is a ea "-ty or'a this is
'With the
hither or 'No, father.' Filially the
------ak Cure a Cold Wenn Day.
invariabla began the day In a. auitrif taIntY."--140W ork
my girt ohs they would reply : 'Yee, ohneeeeseey hater,
mother plucked up sufficient eourege to.
° Take Lexative ilroMe Q11411/14 Tablate
remark 'You scent very fond Of chile an ex lotion 14 tiN 1 41 An atogilitd ttfund the tnehey if it fail
ionle. 011 gun; Were WWII throUgh a porthole, teach hex, %eta
o rovs ti goa ars s _etc
• a ota
dren, fittlier."01 v.tirso cun* I $aid•
I have six of m .., at 1, y • flagship, the 'Victory, a seaman Ann a i nte .6 yv la tit i
!amid 'have men, flout look at each .
* nitutt in hurroe Phil d luitts, ltsA i•
0111111111111111SIMOR B 11 d •
to sell PRINTER'S INR--.
a journal for advert:mere,
• published weekly at •fiVe
• della. s a year. It t eaches
the rice avd priiceet. of
: Advertising, .andeiti highly
! esteemed byet he moer; ene-
eeseitil edvertieere in 11)113
, *rolmtry and t•lrett Britnin.
Li ho p s I com in i psi on s 1.
Ilowed.Acldrelp: PRINTERS
)NK, 10 Spruce St., New
York. 0
There is
scarcely a
farmer in this
country but
kttows what
backache is.
The hard
work and
heavy lifts,
• the constant
grind of 'toil
• , latt3 77;tfrom early4e.:74.1104,...10?„:„:
the back or the dull grinding ache
that knows no let up. Then too
there are often urinary troubles,
swelling ,of the, feet and ankles,
puffiness under the eyes, rheumatic
pains in the joints and tnuscles. • .
' Dr. Pitcher ought to be' held in
high esteem by every farmer in the
land on aeconut of his Backache
idney Tablets, which are doing
such ,a grand and noble work in
banishing baekache, kidney and
urinary troubles, which are Emelt
versal complaints on the farm.
Mr. 0. E. 'Lank Ring Street East,
Ontia '41 have been subject; to
attack* of backache and . kidney trouble
for 101216 years, owing heaNY Work OA
the farm In my early days. Every attack
of °old aggravated it. I luvre tried other
1131216dieff in the past but with little effect,
kfid decided to try a bottle of Dr. Pitcher**
Backache Kidney Tablets. I got ft, bottle
from A. E. Gayfer, drugghtb; using firsi
throe and then two ieb doee, as they
oovocl a- little too laxative. With the
Wm 'tablet dose th o pain and other trouble
disappeared, and eine+ then there has been .
acu roturn,consequentty mu *Ore they art
good mediolne.10 •
Pitcher% Backache 'Kidney, Tablets
are Mo. a Box, at all druggists or by mall.
Tha Iht. Kota raVOstir,4 Cm, Toronto:4 Oa'
Western air
September t1.-4. to. 2ptli,19 2n
Medi.,ey of Spectacular' Merit.. .
Prof, Hutehison, the Herine 13omb, in a thrilling Balloon Ascension and tPsiEshl
chute Drop'. The marvelents Cycle Dazzle. The Osnatoo, in a Beneath* hoveley. Ithei
"areat Gay, theHandeuff King, The'Oafane, Contineatel Eocentriques.. Maumee! sal
De Orow, famotie Menopedes. Resit Neyrion, with her troupe of Trained Tropioal ,
The Bard Bros., Acrobatic Wonders Chrteaie jonee. Cornet Virtues°. Magnilitenit
Pyrotechnics.and many other features Specialataitz service over all lines •
Exhibits further ahead than the tineee. Grounds insiciioualy ,beauttfal,, Picilaret, •
tngeiriesistably . . • .
• Prize Lista MapseProgrammes and ineeriaation ter the making from
itt 001,..W. GARTSHORE: J. A. NELLES., •
. • President. • ,• Secrete*: :
had been troubled with my 4..;?tont
ach. for the past sixteen or seventeen *ear%
and, as I have been acting as a drug clerk
for the past thirteen years, I have a good
chance to try all remedies in the markot,,
but never found anything, until We got-isi
a supply of Rippans Tabules, that did me
anfgi).ifittlie-rbit-ve-zettierelF:Heurrclitv -
At times I.could hold )3othing on my stoma
ach, and I had a our stomach' most all the
time; in. fact, I was miserable, and life was
hardly worth living. was called cro
andcrabbed by my friends, but now they
all notice the change in. me.
• •
The five -tent packet is enough for•lut
ordinary OCCASIOD. The family botqe, si
cents, contains a supp y for a year.