HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-29, Page 2August 29th 1902 . • '<.1,te A. Triai Subscription to the New Bra from now till the end of Ole year lox' 25p TUE CLINTON NEW ERA itiVili#a0141.411114 CrisP -.-CoulitY Clippings nensall, r•••HONoltED.-It vtit is h feelings orsin, ..e, FRIDALAUGTISr g9,1902, I Ur Abettart has been engaged as care s egret thet the church, buelnees 1 that Mr, le flat old, who has been our Rat Hamilton, of Turnberry, Hold a a•eni• 1 station I gent, was to be trans. pan of eledings to a buyer from T3lyth, ferret) from this place to Wingham. tor the handsome price of $100. „ The good people of Hensall felt then Dave Onnningham has sold his farm, ' 1)C}' "gig in "Inn ttInginle !nail"' weshalf f l83415th on., Grey, to recognize the worth ot Mr Harold, and t oot eyVednesdav eventing 2a0 Wna, Schneclt, 12th cod., for the sum.of accordingly on after Peayer meeting Rev I S, Hender. , $3,. • ' eon announced to the people that he I The troetees el' S. S. No. 8, Grey, nee a pleiteent, eizrprise for Mr Harold. I have engaged Miss Edwards, of Moore. and called the neaten:ion to the front, geld as teacher for the balance of the when Miss) Murray read au inenressive year. 1 Address, dealing with his work in the Miss Jessie 33elbutte has been ap- Sunday school as supertutendenteand i Printed to fim ll the position on the Sea. asking him to accept a sall set of fortri Pliblic School staff melte .nacaut books as a slight appreciation of the , wee ' by the resignation of Mies Watson'. respect and esteem in whicb he •It is not well to pay over much at. lention to the reporte that the Liberal Arty will soon have to choose a.toe- $ reseal- to Sir Wilfrid Lainier.wition. ereal Gazette. Arrenele capitalists want to lend looney to the fat mers in the Canadian Bortiewest. Nobctly will object to that, provided the rate ot le.terest is low. The use of a few dollare helps the new settler to get upon his feet. principal of 13eyfield Public School. and • Foetal element of Ileneall 1,aricied It is not. In ,the course of the next ten or fifteen or twenty years the Lit - ovals, on whom the duty will fall, will leave plenty of chance to think aboet it. Our opponents should not let the question cost them an bour'e sleep, * • If the Manufacturers' A.ssociation is bound to urge its views for tariff in - ere tee, it will meet with pretty strong , --Opposition, both in the House and countiy. The people believe in "tat iff . reform" not "tariff increase," and the • ins nufacturers. who are enjoying great • prosperity, bad better leave well ,eno ugh alone. • The agitation that Canadians should , buy Canadian goads in preference to e • those of foreign manufacture, As all right, and should be aGted upon, pre - 'Acted conditions aie equal, butinaagine the consistency of a man standing up • in the Ilouse of -Oonernoner-as one did- ' latte session, and advocating an addi- tional duty on Canadian woollens:'to , protect the home Market, while at the ,' atone time. he was wearing a suit made • Of impot red Scorch tweed. - • • The London Deily : News calls Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Edmund Bar- i, ton e'two of the most capable states - nen that the culonies have yet pro- :. ' awed."The Edinburgh Smittiman e•,‘ :? says "Mgny happy ,,and well timed ' ,rercuseies were uttered in the course of the nnoceedinge of Saturday. Sir Wit- Iriateaierter, in Particular, justified his reputation, not only as a master ot graceful and eloquent speech, NM as a eitateemau of high aspiration's and broattand,nable sympathies." • . 'The Ottawa Citizen (Ceneeiveteien) -speaks of this as the "time when Can- ada is beginning to„forge ahead" its she :never did before,"' That ie patent to eVerybody. Even Sir Charles Tupper, who,vvheri the Liberal tariff was befor e the Hone, declared that he could hear the walla Of the industries which Were le' to be ruined by it, has been Constrain- . .ed ,to say that .Canada was enjoying •• unprecedented proSpetity. That, ougto, to encourage the tariff reformers to •'further reductions in the tnterest ofthe p Canadian people. • 'Haipees Weekly advocatesthe re- moval of the U.S.duty on wheat:which •t it says "effects nothing to the advant- age of our own growers." That has been known to the reals beneficiaries of the tariff all along. The tariff on grain never helped the U. S. farmer to the xtent of a dollar,. and. similarly the Canadian taritf on grain Was so much duet to blind the farmer while the nionopeliet picked his pockete. The. • • fernier -who •exPectreLto benefit „bee protective tariff On his products is the : tasv-ruat egt id leo rn which green goOds •.shetpeattarwo men and Widest fakirs 0" hel v e. un ec on . r Aro Mr John ICelly has sold his residence I replied in a suitable and teeting mao- in Blyth to Dr Jerome, The price I der, after which Mr Hamad was asked Paid was $1450 cash. Mr Kelly and to step down to Miller's Opera House, f•imily will likely take up their reside, and ripou Ina'arri vat found a delegation' ence in Goderich. of the business men waiting for, him. Mr Thomas Russel, Thames Road, is and was asked to come upon the plat - placing a very fine monument on hitt form by the, eleairman of the evening. plot in Hensali Union Cemetery, The Rev, Je S. Henderson; tipon which the shaft is about 20 feet high and cost cha•irman asked Mr G. MeEwen. DI, P., about 5:00. • There died in ltfaillop on Saturday last, at her late residence, concession 7, Fannie 1VIcAlichlet relict of the late Thninas Campbell, at the advanced age of 71 years. to read an address,after which Mr Har- old was presented with a cabinet of quartered oak containing 44 pieces of sterling silver, • Mr Harold, In reply, stated that it had always been a plea,-- ure for him to transact bueiness with • the people from tbe first day among VVe are pleased tn learn that Mr, M. there; and it was with feelings of re - Mamba, reeve) of MoKillop, who luta gret that he parted from them; but been seriously ill, is now so. far re- that be should always remember the„ covered as to be considered out of neneroue and kind people of Heneall: danger, •The chairman then called upon T Nee - Mr P. W. Tanner, a, former resident lands, G. McEwen, M,P., and Dr Fere of Blyth, and who has been residing in euson to say a few words, which they Stratlarny foe the past seven yeare, has did,paying high tribute to the business removed to London where he has been qualifications and courtesy shown hy aPpointeta, manager of the Sanitary Mr Harold to all with whom he catne Dairy Oo. • in contnct, and that what would he Mr Wm tis.pennse_whe hne been a respected resider,* • of Seaforth for thirty years, lett on Thursday for •Ha,nnith, North Dakota, where be in. tends taking up his abodb in future. Mr Dynes has a brother and other re- latives living in that Vicinity. Mr John Scott, one of the oldest mid Most highly • respected residents of •Hovvick township. died.at Lakelet on Sunday, August 10th. • Mr Scott had only been ill for a few weeks and a few. days ptior to his death he had an oper- ation prefornied for an internaltrouble. • It is our sad duty this week to• Men- • tion the calling atvay.of another of the houored pioneer:4 ot Kippen, in •the person of Ales William Cooper, sr., - who naesed to her peaceful rest on Saturdaymorning last, haying lived P3..1?!Itt arDOth Yea". Mrs Preyin'ated 'the reside-ned Of. Willison,at Constance,cni Saturday afternoon after a short illoess, De- ceased wee a resident of Galt and went to tlo_nstance to stay with relatives thitilcOg that a change from Own to the country ate would be, beneficial to her health, she having been 'rather delicate in health for some time past Hensall's 10ES would be Winetteiree -gain. • A The lit•st annual sale, of leure•bred swine under the auspices of the Ontario Government was held at Guelph on Friday in the Provincial Winter Fair building. One hundred animals were offered. 'rhe lot was cleared out quite eerily •the afternoon at a high aver- age of $89. The sale netted $3.345, and the expense of selling averaged $5 per head. A tegistered sow, bred by J, B. Brethour. brought $4,5. which ha con- sidered the highest price ever paid for one auimal on the continent. An- other sow, bred by Brethour and Saunders,' of Burford; was sold at $185. NERVOUs nnexadHE . A very distressing end common malady' doubtless it his its origin in some un- bilaneed acitidithiti Of the. nenyoue ...system• - One of the eiroplest safest, and most effi- ,, , smut remedies is Neryilme; Twenty drops in a little sweetened water gives elniost inunedlete relief, and thistreatmebb thoold be seppleinented by bathing the regioti of . • pain with Neeyiline To gay a sots quick- ly fails to eipreas the result. Denggiets 1 Bell it oVerywhere. . . I• We are pleased to make p3ention of Three desperate murderere attempted the rapid.teregress of one of Huron's t,0 eeeane from, prison at Frankfort. boys, whoro we think Rippe!' can duly KeY, -Ooe was efatiiITY shot a. second eaten. •The one referred to is W. J. wounded and the attempt frustrated.. McLean, iton of Mr R. B. McLean, ho w '• For all Kidney and Bladder Troubles try about one year ago accepted a.potition „,,„,ee,e Kidney and madder poio., sold M the large whOlesalis grocery house of "'""" T. B. Eseott .3z, Co., of London, and by all a, raggiat!' ClinV:41' ' ' • . '' lest week% he was promoted to the Conimissioner 'Ross lof White Horse position ot city traveller for that firm.- WedoesdaY for Vietotia; in a telegram ' to Ottawa, he ttports that his health • The folloWing clipped from the (Rye- tal City (11dan.) Courier, refers to the has much improved. , ' ' • of Ushorne .--By the death of Mr Win dea.th of a former vvell.known resident - • • •..e•littelltener. Do not go without Abbey's Salt! • Z f you have a bottle- of Abbey's in your travelling bag, You are eafe from the discomfort and danger of constipation, biliousneas, sour sto- mach and kindred ailments that mar • the pleasure of a holiday trip, , • Take a teaspoonful of . th_ -16 !,1 Properties for Sale or to Let Cotiage to Rent. .L egal Cottage on Princess ctreet, Apply to 0 B, I Jamas SCOTT To Rent HALE, Huron iit., Clinton. itarrieter, Soliettor, We, lee ice.• CLINTON. Lot 88, Maitland concesidon.00derlen Town- ship. Apply to JAS. SCOTT, Barrister. Oet 11-tf. Clinton To Rent. . Flut class brick store, soltablefor any bust, nos. APplv to W. 0. SEARLE, Olinton. Nov15-tf, To Let. That beautiful store in the Jackson. Block. 'Huron Street, lately ocettpied bY 0•Witts. AP" ply to THOS. jA.OESON, Sept. Clinton • Farm For Sale. The west bait of lot 24, Hayfield Con God. erich toweship, cootaleing DO acres c sopa land., is offered for sale on east ternis, Good barn, log house, plenty of witter end etheil. orchard. Particulars on appiication to tf- • J. P. IISDALL, Olintott • For Sale or to Rent. . Lot29, con..2, Stanley, eontaining 100 acres In good state of cultivation for sale or to rent for term of years, apply to JNO. meGREGOE, on•premises or Sinn MeGREGOB, s con.,11. is, 6..Tuoirersmith, SeefortbP. 0. Feb. 7-tf. • For Sale loa,-. . ,467 .. . Comfortable house •tind. lot, on ' A ji;ert St., • Clinton, for sale cheap, lot k acre House suitable for small ittmity. Apmy at N'Elv ERA • office. . . • JEffervescent. a In a glass of water before breakfast . and it will keep you well for the . • rest of the day. Tell -your. druggistryou-want,....-- - Abbey'e.' 77-72 • ' seem to think, thae..veinter 11 the only time when elite and attentiort are needed in the poultry yard, and that the fowl can get .along "any eld way" in the summer. Work around the poul- try houses is tiresomei and when hot weather conies, the fowl are lett to. .shift foe themselves. .A greeter mis- take was never Made. • Lice, the great- est eneniy of the feathered tribe, mut- tipiy and flourish in, summer, and dis- eases ko a foothold M the flock •The ,often overerewded and diuffering , from.expotiore theliet, sort, dreop and • lose their Vitality, which the Uable not to regain with the corning of, cool weather. They should receive the Most. careful- attention .new. • Their food shouni be given regularly, fresh water •provided ,In. abundance and the dishee. kept clean and •pieced in: the shade, and •. a shelter from the .hot sun furnished. The pooltryinan who neg. • Meta his feathered charges will certain- • ly be punished, not in any Mystical fire tote of Mystericnis torttre, but. in the. loss of good harcl •cash now :out. of -his pocket, the place where the .average 'man • fa most .Pensitiee. Free Hinge. , On Most felons ehickena eve free • range.• • A free range for cleickens has , its dieadvantegeS, but it is unquestion- ably the place for rearing chicks, with • hardihood.. It .is the free range where strong, yigorous'breeding stock m produced. In speaking of a free amigo we are free t� say that. there is a vast -difference ' in even a free. range. No-. thini -he found anyielierethtit is equal to a farm,range fer, fowls. , Floats that tange all over the farm ate; expos- ,:nd to untnyinogeri, but tdese are. the ones that are emiglirds "gOatl 'bread:a when euality ip found there. - • . In addition to the • varied diet 'secur- • ed by ,mich tercels there -'obtained that vigor that alone cart come with ,eiers eisieg and rusticating about the farm: " The human being- will ha.ve his appetite • wonderfulli.improved when he gets out and coinniingles With no ture: One who has been running down on aceount of te- • deritarY• habits will develop an appetite • like a, threshing machine • should he get • :out and camp, hunt, mid fish and take all kinds of open air exercise. Thin same kind of development is case found ,the chi& that is given the same .or port•Unitle8.,-Poultre Farmer.' • ' - „ IOU • PREVENT RAY' FEVER OR • Werryinfl Wednesday, Aug.6th, the esiettioney vote to Lerd Kitchener set Genet:nil Hospital, 'Winnipeg, •Goct tock some of' the Brittsh newspapenerecedling to the home of heaven a faithfu mem, money grants of the past to idctorions . her .of the • Crystal City Mitthodiet Chitral, Wm Werry was born in • Corowall; England, ,1889 and when about six years of age his parents mov- ed to Darlington, Durham Co., • Ont. In 1860- he was united in marline to Mies .N.iaey Ann Osborrie,of Darlington, and atter arfew e ars -time. ey eenad their home in Exet•er, Ont.' where the family resided Until they , settled in Manitoba in 1880. • • . • • make. ' . • • .• • •. • • FOB. A.' CEETAINAT I AM QUAEV• • ALoster's ReYery. • • Oarcinsse. • Embowered neatli a drooping pine, •.. Unmindful of the passing time, 'Unthinking if the breezeslear, • • They bear it to the world'e wide ear, The lover sits in reveries• • • Dreaming, if ealy love were tile. Worshipphae his ideality. Praying he might the reality,t [theme, • Dreaming of love,that well -wrought And these are the words of the lover's' dream, • , Caught by tie bree-ze and bore along Into the greet wide world of song... . . . • • Oh, for the love of A loving lass, The sweeteet bleeding that Heaven has. • Of holy thoughts and noble deeds, • Of all that's goo, love is the seed. Oh, bind resgensive hearta in twain, For bass and treble Make the °herd ; Complete and beautiful be the drain That these will raise to Tiaee,Oh Loyd; Por Thou ert love, love is of The.e, .- • .Bind ns.together, Lord, to Thee. • One hearts:are Thi rte, to Thee they'll raiee • A loving (long. th rotigh endleee days. A LosPeenotio Mose, ^ . • • • The'Engligh "Semety for this Prevention of Consumption", presided oyer by the prinete of Wales, : was recently addressee by SiriVillieurBroedbeht, who dated thst • etesves definitely known that evert, case of nonspraption began with a germ as Thhcr- itei coneuelptiom There raay be beere weakness whieh tends to consumptien, btit ihe germ has absolutely to be planted that weak spot before cooeurnption can ens ens. This ought to clhofore thousand of peeps° who have "weak chaste" or "weak lunge." They Are not foreordained viotints it tine dread dieettee. All that le needeo so red ittleolUte defInance to this dreadly reourge, is to be able to strengthen the Weak bingo, and build up .a strong body. Tito ottOwer to this need is found in 1)r Pierotee Golden Medical DiatiOVery, It so Vivifies the blood and inoreases the blood empply, that disease is thrown off, and the wean orgatat are nourished into perfeet health, Which deficit germs of (Wore mod. People, given nite by doctors, ernagiated, ;bleeding OA the lunge, with 400m:tido ling- ering toughs, are being cured every day by she MI6 of "Golden Idedied Diseovery." ie te etriekly temperance meaienes, cote tabling to alcohol, tehisky. Or Other in. ledriettfitit. A. destructive eleotticel nn hail eentM datilaged crops in the vicinity of * Kifigetott; destroyed barineeind killed a '3innibee Of cattlei • itthlef /notice lVIeGuire of the 'North. *vest Tetritoriee has arrived In Kings. inn, for a VanatiOn in his old home. Tbete le no truth in the report of his intended fetirement. tenon the. 0000 • end Werke eft the ifeld • tihtetive BreliatAtibline !rattan: mire it •note in One dey. 'No Otto, No Pey, kritte $4' 00001. • . Mr James Treoeman, butcher, 536 Ade- • laide Street, Lontiod, Ont., write •that for two years be wag laid up with kidney chg. ease and 'urinary trottblee. He became dropsical and life legs would swell e� that he conld seurcely go around. •ae, never us-. • ed any medicinedhat &id bito so.oincli good as Dr -Chalices Itidney-Liver Pills and knows for a certainty that thm treatment • mired him. One pill a dose; 25 °mite a • box, . . •trztristoorr,nule systiorylisH. • •' • Antinlineh of farming.Whieh inereasee, the general fertility • of the farmiand- ' while paying a living profit' is worth more thall4A9t4W,41)41441141M14 Menses the productivity. of the soil. Rob • bing the land to make regent. profit is an •11.11WiSe proceeding: Sootier or later eva pay for it, and eietnetimes dearly. • Nov. lairying, 'of all branches. 'of farm.' ing, iit ride first • in tilis respect. • It can be conducted so that the farm land will steadily degenerate until the place Is on the verge of ruin and abandonment, • or it can be made to improve the soil • yearby year.. • In order to bring lip a poor farm by • dairying care; should be taken not to commanders. •he great captain Wel.; lington comes first---lirst in date, first in rank, first indeed in everything. After Talavera, in 1800, he became Viscount : WeIiingtore and had a pension of £2,000 a....year cOnferred on him and his two successors in the title, and the pension • bnly lapsed two years ago. In,.1812 he. get an Earldom and an, additional £2;- 000" a year, and hi October of the same year became e MarqUie,.with a giant of • £100,000 for purchase of lands M dee spend. with the Marquisette. • Finally in May,. 1814, when everybody thought that Napoleon in Elba was done fop, he was made it Duke, and received £400,000 to • purchase estates entailed on the heirs male of his body. • 13ot Napoleon was not dope with' yet, • and Waterloci -brought its reward, for the Dake, after being thanked by Par- .liament ."for the Consummate ability, unexampled exertion and irresietibte• etr. dor displayed by him on the eighteenth,'! received an additional mit of £200,000 • for the purchase of lands, to be held by him and his heirs on the .tenure of ren- dering a tricolor flag en evert, 18th of t?jiiffeeeTittiesthee-Dukelaceived. 14,000 a • year and £700,000, to say- nothing of Ilia £20,000 a year. in Spain and 000 in Belgium. After that there was' no grant until 1839. Sir John Keane • then was created Einem Keane of Giro.; nee, with a pension of £2,000 for him- • self and his two immediate successors itt the Peerage. • Then eatne • lel, and Viscount. Gough received £2,- 000 a year for himself and the nexis,two heirs to the title. Lott Napier of Meig- • dale, 'received £2,000 a year for himeelf and Ids, sitecessor. . Lora Woleeley re- ceived 425,000 after the Ashantee war and the thanks of -Parliament. Lent . have more stotk than the land can af-.ttetieeep mot.. L100,00e; • , .• ford; .This M often the weal( point M • dairying. A malt keeps fifty cows on ae ee' • ' • farni able . to sapport .only thirty or . laill11110/1 or the Hour. forty, The Mem is boiled to run down, • , There is ;falling elee to do exeept to 'Anecdotes of the 'elder Ihnints abound . starve the stock or buy outside food, • at the present moment, the eelehretion iwslibieehttearlivtacyssetim,e)airtisthtem:troe'ekeienwovmedy.oulte . of the eente"nary of his birth. having. Ted - the poorest of (he herd and keep may to a general search among reminiseedeee. so. many as the farm ean support, and, The. following le very characteristic of leave a iittle'eohlething over, Do pen' the 'great writer : Duntes, it is well Idriere up to the very limit of the g Oil, known, wad Often in finaecial difficulties That is, do not take off eiteh year quitt(.3 Mid Was well acquainted with the Ways all that ,eart be prodeted. Leave a lit- and methods of bailiffs. One any a tle balance .in the a tweet% for future accumulation. Dairymen make this mistake and regret It when it ie • too late. As one simeeeile in dairy farming with twenty 'nem, keeping a. herd of mws ott it FM' that they have ample to eat and a little surplus over, more land can bd brought under cultivation and the stock increased, About lielf the dalry farms . to -day -Peed to have either the heed elit in two or half the.land abandoned. That Ise the former nip raising too amity cows to the tore end robbing the BOA ee that the farm is a little poorer each vent., and the latter aro only 'half ea. Meeting about twiee its much " tend AS they are (wattle of handling with their limited meting.. It is better to geed half the label to ,etrafift, and let it go eit that aral nieVote the Attention to strermoua eultivatiort ot the remainder. A little. radical change like title will Werlr won. Ora on many A YIP' /eisil dairy frirmemoi; SMith, hi Walken Farmer. 1 ' 3nION-Elliott Block, Imac Streeto As Ilta,ve taken over the large ice bowie 1 - DONEE VO LOA.N. from •Wm. wheatley, on Huron street, Iara , . •..... _ _ . prepared to take orders to farMsh Kood., clean 1 W. ,Bayrto,NE. Inlre ice to all customers during tne corning i summer, Ali onion:twin henwompny attendee. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NoTaux• , to. H. D.A.VIS,Oliotoo. Feb 14-tf. • • Sliorthorns tor ...Saltr Two registered Shorthorn bulls ,red co or,ene 26 months old and the other 13 raonths. Of excel- lent pedigree, choice animals. • JOHN CUPLING, • • • Lot 22, con:18, Hullett. May 28,-tf Londesboro o. Stable for Sale. .Good Farin for Rent. 1 'The nridersigned offers for relit lot 12, in the Maitland con. tolhorne. situated 7 miles from Clinton and Ole from God erieh, 24 miles from ohurch and •Is mile from school; this farm contains 1l8 acres more orlese Of good farm land of which 105 ;tares are cleared. A good. two story frame house. good bank barn, hen house, pig ete,ble, also 14 acme of good 'bearing orotoird, 2 good voille and 3 never failing .epring8 of Water. ti• A. E. A.T.,LIN,•13enmiller Ont. Real Estate tor Sale. • 1 Part of farm, tote 88 and 83, on west side of Maitland con.,one mile north of Holnieseille, coptaining 97 acres. 2 Tho north half of lot 25, con.2,andwest part of lot 24, con, 8, one half mile from Clinton, north, on gravel road, containing 90 acres, 8 The brick dwelling including lots 18,, 19 and 20 on corner of Joseph and Tease streets, in Clinton. 4 The frame dwelling on west side of Victoria street and next north of railway. Liberal terma to suit purchasers, Apply to W. W. VARRAN or C. Q.:RANCE, Clinton March 28 -am. . A good stable with seven single stalk+, a ,box stall, a harness room, grain bins, a roomy hay I loft, ete..will be sold ate very reasonable price. April 11-tf. W. isitYLON111. Clinton. Farm ttor. Sale. . /Mal:scriber offers for sale his farm am) acres on the Huron Road, Tuokersmith, being part of lot No. 41. all cleared. Good brick house, bank bain, plenty of water, of an acre young orchard. About half-a-mhe east of Clinton/ ou • gsoci gravel road. • • . Aug. 15, tf. •JOHN PICKETT, Clinton. • • lioUse tor Sale. • A good- frame bons°. •on Huron Street, • stories; contains 3 bedrooms,. Parlor, 4 dining room, hall, closets, kitchen, woodsbed • hard. • and. Soft water, half acre lot, with. bearing • /• jou% trees Apply tat J.-BE:Vint; Street .•Good. HOUSQ tor Sale. -- Subscriber offers for sale hi., house and Mt on Albert et. north. • The lot Gee quarter • acre with a• number of bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water and good stable. •House has sir rooms. cloeet, pantry, wash room and • good cellar. Will be sold °heath _ • *1.M. •• • FEED LOFFT, UllOton. , • • .4NA•oto 25c 2110gleLho6ttilla atirratt4,111.0te.! 116iied, to *by eddreof person called upon him and asked lint to' subscribe twenty flames towerd the expenses or burying a bailiff. "Twenty frame to bury a bailiff ?" quoth Dunn as, Pm hot )11 funds just noW, .but here's 40 betties. Go and bury a. etiaple.nee-Paris Daily Messenger. A. - BEWARE OW OINTMENTS POD CA TAItitit THAtr CONTAINS MOROI/Rt es memory wilt timely deettoy the genet: of emelt end completelyderange the wholesyn. fem Wheh entering it through the mucous allftenSir. Suoh articles :thorn°, never be tla ed except on meeetiptione from reputable playeiniane,as the dames(' they will do is ten fold to the good, they eon poseibly donee from them Catarrh OWN 11161111. Metered by P. J.Cheeney 0o,,Toledo,0 eantains 1115 metermyeind is taken internal. y, inning directly On the bleed and mo cowl eerftmee of the :latent, In buying Hallen Catarrh Cure be garb 4011 get the prime. It le taken internally, and Merle in Toledo, OW, by Vel.Oheeney &La. TeetiMettiltlfr freer SoldhydrOggins, price 78e per bottle' I Mill Venni? Pills are the beet In o prompt, pleasant and effective way, by inhaling the germ hiller, throat an _ lung heeling Cetarrhozone. Dalightful to use, simple in ha operetion,free from Mom, -163h nauseating and deeiroving substances, • 0 hi a marvel of roienlifio efficacy, Cat- arrhOzone kills the germs that excite the dimes°, bath; the ioflenied surfeees and prevents : Absolhtely a teenrreece of the malady.Osearrhozene cannot fail to cure flay Fc -ver beeteuse it deetroye its cause, IDett4„lets..25a, $1,.or mailed to year ad - dress if price ie forwarded to Whorl et Co., ?he Araerlcan plan et eirrtning, with geldings, as non-productive e mule, • o, useless expense that should be changed to the adoption of breeding mared, eapeciellyr in the heavier' grades, for geldings, when matured, will be an expensive luxury that farmers on 111 afford, 'however good farm teams they tnitle'e! when Limy can us( mares t are quite ai good at tht farm work, and raise a Valuable colt" each year, as in, Prance, England and Scotland,where the draft home are raised almost en. tircly by the farmers, and the motoring geldings atid surplus mares are the Most important income on the farm. The bleglish Live Stock Journal tells haw the English &einem manage: When the foaling season comes, itud the working. horse strength is Weakened through the brood mates being otherwise engaged, their, places should be filled up with young aaimale. The two -year-olds which have not looked through the eollar should be taken in hand and put gerttlt to work, and if they are numerous enough to give them half ,a day each, so that two take the place of one horse, AO much the better for the telt and its owner. If there Le no plowing to be dote/they clin he put to scuttle, or dreg on the root land, and on a grass farm the operation of breaking need not he negleeted. The'colt or 1111y may be it- taehed to rt log of wood -of course, with ft rein and Malt to tad on their .side for a start, then to e ahnharrovve, whielt Not hardly be used. too nitich Mt past. tires, and itt this way -be got tractable enough to pull its portion when tapir. el in the room of the zero which te nursing a foal to grow on and take its piece in the two in due thus. 4, For 'aisle or to Rent. • The choice brick house OD the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph areas, belonging to the estate Of the late Richard Heywood, is offered' either for mile or to rent. .1t comaits room for ordi- nary family, is practically a new house, with all .convenlences, and three -tenths of • an acre of taut. If the property is not sold Or rented, part of it will be rented. Apply to W. COATS_ Exeentot, • Farm for Sale. •• L , ' school h'onse en premises,: within five inimitts walk or church; 5 miles from. Clinton and 6 miles from Seaforth; Mrge frame hoube, good orchard, mostly winter fruit, 2 good wells and cistern, 2 barns, one 48%54 with stone stabling underneath, the other 213s60,driving shed and hen house. Apply to WHITFIELD CRICH, UlintonP. 0. . . August 1:-tf. • Farm For Sale. . • . The subscriber Offers for sale that choice fermi on the Ituron toed, Tueltersreith, just east of - Clinton; at' presenrecoupied by hlr Fisher- It consists 01.150 acres, more or less, with good frame house ,bank barioeilomindmill and small crohard. Plenty of water. An excellent fat.= in a splendid locality. For terms apply to • ARTHUR (3011310H2Olinton. Farm. for Sale. A splendid 100 acre farm ,'consietingslf. the East half of Lot tO, con 1, East. Wa.'i,osh, good fraine Monte with kitcher barn 36x55, and shed 30x40 in vthich there ay "ood stabling hard water failing vv,r" ffacres bush, 1 acre of orchard, situeted it', Ales from Au burn and 60 moll; from school. For further . particulars apply to II. ,GOVIER, June 6-4* • • Althorn P. O. puspeasei heed prEp305131010 this falL Farnt•For Sale.. • Lot 12, Hayfield con., Goderichip., 118 fibre (85 oleared,balance hardwood,ivith a large mians • tit, of cedar on it), in good state of cultivatior scout five acres fall wheatand considerable fall ' plowing done. .Comfortable brick hottse large earn withstabliogunderneath,driv,ing shed and other outbuildings; about 2acre orchard, mostlyWinter fruit welt watbred-neverfall- ing spring creek and two wells Seven miles from Clinton and threefrorn Hayfield. Po'se'- sin et any time, reasonable tern._ Al5ply for further particelare toCHAS. SIMONS. 72 bt. David sr.. GndszIch. - To Rent or for Sale St:grtritati;,inetiVAVEI. CaeiltiN'It210 C1811°Ond Mary n000ft water, new stable' and driving ehed, treeteetet. ekeelleut garden, with P11011, pear and apple ' Also for Sale. • _ At anv time note lat Sept. acres,part of the Foie er Blook,etc, at the North End of William Street, Cllnion, whit% is a valuable %imports' for frnit erotving, being Well planted' out in berry bushee, ktnan fruits apples, ote. There is 11180 a very eXcellent 'grade, of earid. and April 18,--‘. Apply to P. isTRAITH,o W.BRYDONE, gravel on the premises which is veryproiltable, Clinton, Good .Fa rut ior Sale. . That well eituated tholee propeier, known 0,11 the Whitely term, on 'be hoe ime, Coder - bit Township, coesisting of 80 acres Of good land, Ilearly all cleared, is offered lot rale 'on eatiy ternia,e 21 Is directly opposite the Poet Office and store and is within 8 minutee' Walk o eitherehureh oreohoole el500 of perch es - money may reniaiti ou the Pfacelf desired. For Midler:dos, apply to !.:MANNING, • 13-tf, (hinter', A First-class Farm tor Male • or To Sent. „ in the Tosenship of West neawantali conces. skin flee, lot tWenty Aileen, con tattling 20paereis more or lese, &molt lee acres cheered in a Read state of oultieaticei, good feneee, Well 'Watered good orohard,beildifige in good, '611014 StOfie •atabling Under barn 42 by 82. down:main to echo Is, churches and PoseOffice, be Bolden ettev tertint to Milt. entebavier, Aeple to W. B. CAMPBELL Wcietfutid 3isl .-Jt Is' 11 Or vv, A. 1i4lta) kOIS6 Ltiekoo t6r4 *144 %Oat. P3101101Ognits • Young lien and Women iskT OW .. , Is the time to equip for success in • 111e. • Where ? THE NIMISIO & HARRISON Business & Shorthand College Car. Yonge and College Straka's, Toronto, is unsurpassed for thorough work, equipment and expert teachers. Iuthvldual instruc- tion given in Business. Shorthand. Type, writing and Civil Service courses. Highest record at all examinations. Send for information. NIMMO & HARRISON, Principale, 35n -Aug. 7th 2 College street, Toron 0, • P1184,10, ETo. Vtli to e- ilgutver Vp stairs, °permit° Efenry's Photo Goner" • CLINTON • RIDOLIT & HALE CONVEVANOEns COMUISSforiEn Real Estate andlInsureince Agency Money M loan. 0, B. BALE, • JOHN HIDOCV • CHARLES SEAGER Barrister Solicitor Notary and Conveyance,. • 011100-111,0posite, Colborne Hotel , Goderich • • lt will pay yea best tn the and. • The Canada Business College, •clIATHAIN, owir. Has fumed ites list o itta placed'during last year. The number m 360. What do you think 01 11? The' none. ber for the previous year was 391; andfor the year preceedinathat, 280. Doea this megnifieient ehowing ana inoreasitig dem- and not tell you something? If interested write -for Het and handsome catalogue. Fall term oven's Sept ,2ncl. D. McLachlan & •Co, • .ehathami• Ont. • . M. Go CAMERON formerly of Cameron: Holt 4 Canleron • , BARRISTER Arne soLiarroa, Ofileeseriantilton St opposite Colborne Hon 11- • GODERICH. ONT •' t * GARIROW 8g, QARROVV • 1 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ET05 . Office --Corner mammon St. andthe Shone Coderich, Out. •. J. T. Gennow, 0, 0. • CHAS. GARROVV. L.L.D • PROUDFOOT & HAYS, .• B.,,nuierEns, sermiTone, Nooromo rum, • • PROCTORs HAT THE MARITIME Cooler, ato. , ) • 011Me•r, North 441 next door to Signal 0111 Private Funds to lend at lowest mtee • • , of interest. ,. • W.• PH92DF061. •. • R. C. HAYS.. . IVIedica,l. • ,WM. .• ' A. it. O. P. mk 8. • Edinburgh, ofnee--Onte,rie Street, Clinton. Night calla ' at front door of office or resid,Ince. Battens bury Street.• X• .• DR WIN". GRAHIAM • `‘, Licentiate of the Royal College of Phalan:441P • . . London, England. •• • (Moe and Reeidence- • JOHN TEDFORD'S Blouse, Ruron St, ••• I anted I- . . • YOang me A.a.od Women to prepare for good eituatione. 'Apply,tO • . . D otninion . Business College . • The best equipped Business and Shorthand • College in Canada,. Beduced tuition rates. • Write es regarding'oer courses of study,• - and prosdects of securing situatione for graduates. Catalogue sent free. Address '•11.,..lticArtY, • Dept ilC" Confederation Life Bldg. ••• Toronto On; . Shorthand Bookkeeping Business Law, Writmg, Correspondence Type Writing etc.,• , • Thoroughly taught by expeti- enoed teachers at the Forest city Rusi- ness Bail& ng; London,. Ont. We have no dilfietilteeinplaoing ocinipetent pupils ha good positions, College re.dpens, Sept. 2. Send foe Catalogue. • J. W. Westervelt, Principal azivi ri701\1" rble & Granite "Vi Ci!Zr<S • The purchaser of a monument ehottld have complete confidence in the reliability of the arra, hem whinh he bur, for the material and workmanship le tiontething very few buyers are familiar With. If you do not know no, plead° ins qttire tib{itit our reliability from theme who know us best. We are the onlypraotioaltnieti here inour • line. J. B. Hoover, Proprietor N ex t to COM natertl) al Hotel Dr, Meeitheys H e a ve u R For ilrentort4 teilritied diriss°tarsellairg Clkettliflatdhitaltd:ndeull4trie.eini` nous of the Throat and times, The eels' Methane in Notate* Cane Howe, Oneida Coe', toel all Chreele Mfoo, able inedieirie ti.ioVerem ozdi the world that win cure the above disease, makinethe pachOyes ntratroffeed tO dare anihmiscouzid Ir, ivincl and useful iolds owner. Pelee,g1,50 I• 0 SeEnal WealtneSakall etteettiatihnee oniVAIGAIlkyte kidnoy & Cotigh powdero Wore% Mental Wort,' *ceel1i'eo 0" °f 11°` torah Acute Affections of the throat tied lungs, seen as OPIUM Or Stlinniatita Mailed On *MO Distemper, (to. For eivelliticited MIAMI/ of the lege, WM mire, snip free 16 titlt:t dose will retiree, Mid toe X Will cure, Price, 50e, 16 06* ODA Vie afriS • Eg iitenott the remit of arilrinemiter Teen 16, ete,, IMO 041, Wood CloroyininW 'ME tbn. seannioor MiniOnen 00.1 latninteille. Out. WOOdOi PhOlithOdiee is Nevi in Clit'Ori R • W. ltbit e Boddie- Bottey,JVI Conobeot 4 w•rot Iwo by Oetabe,drteglet.Olinien attS,DrUk • • DR: J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. BURGEON •• ' Aticouchear eta., office andresidence O•n. tario at., opposite English olinroh, formerly ove owned by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Cont. •• DR. C. W. THOMPSON • • Physician, Surgeon,. Eta. ' Ispecial attention given'to d_tacialee Of:the. • E Ea Throat d • • • . • . .0ffice and Ttesicience-- . .„ Albeit Street,2 Bleche North ofltaitenbury. • . :oos G. ERNEST HOLMES • ' DENTIST, . (Secoessor to:Dr. T. C. Bruce '• • • Specialist in, Crown. and Bridge Mork 1,, D. S. -Graduate• Royal College Dental Sues geons of Oritario, 'Toronto, • D.D. Honor graduate of Deno tal Department of Toronto: 'University Ordien':ttteeetti.!ki 4rild Vith terria :14 ol;' Oftioe over W. Terrier & Simla shoe store. DRS. AakiEW .BILLIPiali DENTISTB,CLINTON. 6 • Office adjoining. Photo Studio. Office Hours -0 to 0 every day and •• Satneday until 10 p. m. Btanh offices itt Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and •Bayfleld. • • ' • • Veterinary. • • . . DR. J. FREEMAN, • 'VETE/UNARY SURGEON, ' 'Member of the Veterinary Medical 6 /mods" • 'tiOD8 Of LOndal. nit Edinburgh, anch Grada. ate of the .0ntario Veterinery College, TREAT DiSEASEs Cur ALL .AERIALS • Office open night and day, opposite St. , Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton; Ont. NELSON BALL • . Veterinary 0 Surgeon • SuceeSoor to J. E. ELACKALL. • Diseases of all domesticated animals • •, treated 'on scientific principles, , •• Calls promptlyattended to 011ice--teaac et., Clinton, residence, Albert St. Phone 02. ••. - Miscellaneous. E. MANNING In EinranerAgeor, Canada Life Assurance Co, Fire, • Marine, ,Accident, • )late Close • . °eke Vistialirs Bank, Clinton. , • , ARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the unl• dersigned ,it his Itesidence, 1dary street Clinton. . • • JAMES SCOTT, Sit . TAMES CAtikBELL, LONDESBORO, • e,1 • ISSUER OF 11AEHIAGE LICE:N0TI/4 • No witnesses required W. OLEN CANIPSEL ' Orgapist and Musical Director .of Nort h Street Church, Godericii, and teacher .° PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an THEO • Y, is Pre- pared to take a limited number of Pupil • the above. For thrills apply this office or to. MR ClAteBELL,whOnay be 500011 um 11 oJet. to2 p.m., at the Clarendon 13041, Clinton, Friday Of each week. s L. liAtPlIERSON INSURANCE. Eire, *Ufo, Accident Elate toe Otertoll littcateif Stdbort, (.1.1K TON, • .JOHN YE0 HOLMESVILLE, Agent tor the litagententn ARE AMMAR OE co. of Manchester, Etteliord,- whose Iniade &re seintrity are rated at $14,500,000, Also the hi e- Ett.t.oe IffOrtiat. bilitnatielt 00, All °lessee of farm risks and town property taken by lowest rates. First -elate Loan Comes/dee also represortdd. Money to be had from 41 per bent np, aocoi.ing to nature of seettrita.- Daily matt to Hohnesville postal cent ve111 fetch him • •• lit1TVAL FIRE • INSCRANCE CO. ' FARM awl ISOLATED TOWN l'itOPEItTY ONLY INSURE ,oesturente 3.11. tidiest. Preektent Eleven P. On Thee. Prager. eice.presIdent, Brueeeeld P. O. TI 05. 16, flay,liertforth P. 0,1 W. 45. Broadfoot,Inspector or Lessee, ihaforth nlittegront (.4o asteacifcla, Stan:Wrist Ashti G. Gene° Winthrop P. 0.1.00oran nolo. 8,afortb; John Ilentiewela Dublin' jet Estelle Beachwood 04 John Watt, Harlow( I,. 04 1-ellelneo 11111*r firm:lent 1 John B, MoLettn, Klippen hones eounon 1 neon. Minus* Hebert Smith, flarleek; Utast, Mitl.ttllsn, f fertht Jahies Oltirelninft, Egmaidrille J. tv. Yea, Holmeeville ; eatirse hitirdie and liehri (1. MerrbtOn, Auditotit Partite thuirono to fithot Inlifireletie Or tit rite Arit Other biteitioals will no 0,0inetly ottondoa te- , of, oentioatiot, to any of the *Imo 04140 441 th.roOpootin owlet,