HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-29, Page 11 What Doe s Your Label Sari
ig'skiwpwfweeff#441~mupeos -
Time ere changed, and ere changing,the
veoele no longer buy their gleam of ignor-
ant peddlers, nor allow themselves to he
.ociaxed into pun/wiling wonderful optioal
quaeks; nor ere they even content • o go to
a atore and pick out a pair of cheep epee -
tacks with which they think they win see
beet for a minute or two. When their eyes
oohs or
educated tician innehom they have conel
their eight blurs, they melt
fidence, and expect trim to be able to advise
ehem, and prescribe glasses .if they are
.asued to be required. Therata no guess.
work him method of eye -testing. We are
entailed to diemver the neture and degree
.of any defect rind properly correct, it. No
• harge for consultation.
Expert Watch Repairer Jeweler
Refractionist and Dispeneing Optician.
Porter's 11111 '
NOTES. -Miss Maud McDougall left
on Friday for Detroit. Miss Lily Start,
of Woodstock, is visithig her sister,
Mrs O. W. Potter. Miss Kate Mc-
Dougall, Goderich, .is visiting Wendt;
here. Miss L. Banister left last week
.for her home in Detroit. On Wednes-
day morning of this week a bouncing
. 'baby girl arrived at ' the home of the
village blacksmith. Mr and Mrs Jos.
Cook, Leeburn, visited friends hereon
• hantrBunnen.-Mr lames McDon-
ald, of the tith, had the misfortune to
lose his barn and contents .by fire on
Wednesday evening, He was away at
Mr Torrance's • threshing, when It
happened, and those who were at home
were helpless to do anything. A horse,
• 11,-plgs,and this year's crops were con-
sumed. The fire mitt have started
febee.sponta-neous'combustiore as -then
was no possibility of it starting in any
other way, and means a, considerable
loss to Mr McDonald, notwithstanding
Its insurance in the McKillop MutuaL
Westtield •
ClitlitCEL-i song service was held in
'connection with the League on Sunday
evening last, under the auspices of Mrs
R. Henry and Alfred Cook, which was
indeed a treat to all who heard it. A
picnic was held in John Wightmae's
grove on Thursday, under the auspices
of the Sunday school. The choir of the
church will take part in the garden
party held in Belgrave on Friday next.
Num. -Miss P. *Densmore spent a
couple of daye last week with friends
Colborne. Mr M. Morris and Misses
Newcombe and Bet z ett, of Blyth, span t
Sunday in the neighborhood. M. Cell -
bourne, of Goderichaspent Sunday with
his friend, Gordon Wightorian. Miss
Bertha Coventry, a former resident of
the; place, but who has been under
training in the New York College :fer
nurses for the peat few years, is spend-
ing her vacation with her, sieter, Mrs J.
'Ellis. Frank Carr purchased a new
Hyslop wheel from his uncle,. C. Hoare,
last week. We congratulate our young
friend, 'Melbourne McDowell, on his
success in securing his second class cer-
tificate at the recen t exams in Goderich:
Yrint Blara
Eiran print bluroVir.
liable teniper and •
p n oral dissent for%
eve. positive/1s e•selt
this pondition win*
A. 3. GRICerb
sa.muno Jeweler! .
and datician .
. 6".
e elinton New Era.
Hallett Exeter
-Tame Chickens Wanted -It you have any PECULIAR ACCIDENT. -The first ac-
YOUng chickens for sale drop a card to eau. cident to occur to anyof the excursion.
Vorrester,Olinton. goo to'fi0e paid according ists going to the West, happened on
to)weight of Roars and Wyandotte% Saturday, east of Schrieber,oc the C.P.
Vreartvo.-- Alm McCassle and him R. A man mulled Martin, of hxeter,
Phelan, of Cincinnati, are the guests of aged 78 years, bound for Winnipeg, is
their slater, kire R. Blake. Miss Nora, thought to have walked off one of the
Blake Is spending her summer holidays trains in his sleep. He was 'picked up
With her aunt, Mrs P. Haley. Morrie!, by a following traiu and brought to the
PERSoN.A..-Mr James johneton,„ of hospitalere, n a hHe is icritical eon -
Toronto, left for that platie on Satur- dtuitri:dn: 4 "Mb" bones being free.
day morning, after spending a two •
weeks' holiday with his aunt, Mrs Sus-
AShileid •
Crawford, ot the 13th coM This le
Mr Johnston's first visit here. and was cOhNott...--Council met on Aug.16r,h,
very favorably impressed with this Members all presant. Minutes of .Tune
part of the country. meeting zead and approyed, Messrs
McGillicuddy and Wilson, of Goderich,
BARNS 13111111Ert. - Mr Jas. Snell, presented a petition signed by 81 rate -
well -known as a breeder of thoro-bred
stock, and one who has done a good payers of Aslafield., asking that a by -
deal to bring the reputation of Canede,w he submitted in favor of a certain
. 1
section of the said township taking
•ian breeder() into prominence, met 'stock in the Huron, Bruce & Grey R.
With a 9E01008 10Se on Monday night, ,R. B. to the amount of 025,000, the said
and one that will prove a very heavy sections may be described as polling
blow to him, by the turning of his. sub•divisions Nos. 4, Et, 0 and 7. Moved
barns and stables, together with their 1ff Thos: Stothers, seconded by W.
entire contents. They just finished.
harvesting on Monday evening, the unter, that this council 'submit a by -
oats being tbe last to go in, and the law to the ratepeyets of a section of the
family were all in gteat spirits at have township of Ashtleldin favor Of taking
ing completed the work so well. The stock in the H. B. & G. electric railway
to the amount of $25,000, said petition
barn weaned to its utmost capacity.. of the township is described by meter
Mr Snell remarking that the farm had and bound in the netition now present -
wait dark before theynever yielded such crops before iwere through, It ed, and That a committee consisting ot
but they had no lighte n the barn, and Reeve Dolton and W. Stothers be ap-
pointed to act in conjanction with
when they retired, for the night, every- township solicitor to arran'ge terms
thing seemed to bitherfectly safe. At and conaitiops. Moved by john Mo -
1.20 a.m. MeSnell woke and noticed
Mo -
that it seemed unusually light,and was Intyre,seconded by Thos Stothersithat
a by-law be prepared, fixing the rates
just about to turn over and go to sleep for current year as fellows :-County
rate, 1 4-10 mills; township rate, 211
mills; special school rate, 1 mills on •
the dollar,: and a rake sufficient to meet
the requirements • of the different
schools in the township. On motion of
Messrs Barkley & Hamlin council ad -
loomed to Meet on the 27th day of
September. ---Wm STOTHERS, Clerk.
American Styles 1
Newed Ametimin oboes in Pelt
Mite for Pali are here Just out e
Of the assert, (and hurt the stylea
that are being wore In NeWl'ork.
Right p to date in evory little )
detail that goes Manske a het )
correct in style. Hard and eat'
ed Mr Jenk ne W
tlits ecare thereat of his life. The IVA°.
again, when he saw the flames
waking the family he hurried out in
der to save whet he could. The barn
proper was tt, mass of flames, as if the
fire had been burning for some time,
apparently starting atthe douth end.
In the stable was a two year old thoro-
bred bell; which had jiwt been sold,but
not delivered; this he was not able to
save, but a stallion andanother bull in
the 'sheep house he managed to save,
although the stallion three times made
Attempts to get backs in. It was with
great difficulty. that the 'driving shed,•
pease dietance from the stable, was
saved, at; it Wei couPle •of-timee 're-
fire. The barn Contained tbe crop off
10 acres of fall wheat, 18 of barley, 83
of oats, 10 of peas, and 40 of hay,with a
number of implements; fortunately his
reaper and binder had been left nit
over night, The brif ldings burned com-
prised a barn 135 feet long, stable 115
feet, and sheep house 70 feet. A lot of
chickens were also lost. There was an
insurance of $3350 on the building; and
contents.* How the fire originated is a•
mystery. At 12o'clock his neig,hbor,Mr
H. Warren, happened tube up and saw
no Indicatiot of fire whatever: --
Whether • the building was set on
fire, or whether the grain heated itself
will remain a mystery. Certain it is -
that Mr Snell had no .fire Oratund the
barn at any time. Mt Snell has been
particularly unfortunate; in 1869 the
house and contents were burned down;
in five years he has lost flee imported
horses; worth $5000, and during 12
vettre there were 11 deaths in the house.
Ile is oneof the Most enterprising
farmers in this section and ri great deal
of sympathy is manifested for high;
Seine without stabling it may be nec-
essary ftiehim to sell off his stock, &c,,
but at preseet he is undecided as to
what he will do.
Goderloh Township
• traTI,oit'S CORNERS.. -;-Rev J. Walot-
inson preached to a very large et:mm*43-
.01ton here on : S ueday ;the church is
-growing steady: two:nese
of Goderich, visited at Otter Wilson's
.lest week; we extend to you a hearty
Welcome, Tom.
ENTERTAINED, -''.17he members -of
Cole's church choir were mon hospit-
ably, entertained,at Wm. Yeo's on last
Tuesday evening, in honor of :Mies
Agnes Cooper; who left for the west on
Thursday miscuing. Mies Cooper was
presented with a well written address
and a beautiful set of dishes, as &token
of appreciation of her terVices in choir
and League. The evening was spent
in social chat and music, and a tasty
luncheon was served with ice cream
and peke./ The evening was a•tuost
pleasant one.
Iticans.-Miss Mary Marshall left for
St Joseph's hospital, London,last Mon.
day, to resunn her position there. Mr
Jerry Nett, employee with •John Midd-
leton; is a record breaker at handling
the fork; the other- day he pitched.on
thirty loads of oats for two team.
Miss 11101%. of Milton, and Mies Bell, of
St. Onathenes. are rusticatingat Willis
Bell's, it line. Miss Sheppard, Goder-
igh, is the guest of the Misses Middle-
ton. Thomas Cole, con. 9, is wearing
an unusually broad seeileoVer the ad-
vent of a beautiful baby girl,' A dog
belonging to Edwardftatanvell had
two legs taken off, vvhile reaping grain;
. Mr Rathwell would not have taken $25
for the canine. A baby girl recently
arr;*ed at the home of Mr and Mrs
• John Steep. A large number attended
tbe garden party in Varna on Wednes-
• day evening. Muchsympathy was
extendedto Albert Thompson 'lad
week`oyet hie unrecognizable features, bury, of the London road, visited
bet we are pleased to report "looks" as Brucefield Mende on Wednesday. of
usual. Robert Cluff it atilt off'duty this week. Mrs Jos Townsend has re -
with a sore arm; he seeing to be tlefere tuteed home froth London. Mr Ineles-
Rohn esVille
That the church is going to be "real
nice." That the young rnan who tried
to "sit out" the other felluw didn't suc-
ceed, being called for. That boys
shouldn't forget their mothers. That
harvesting operationeare being carried
on rapidly owing to the favorable
weather. 'That some enterprising oboe.
maker should locate hare; it is a good
centre. That our local meechant has
taken to the roads -buying eggs. That
it is scarcely laic that the League
should have to pay for three lanterns
taken during the recent social here ;
that those Who carried them away
would be supposed to be light-in-tbe-
head enough to make walking lamp-
posts, and therefore have no need for
lanterns. Teat steps should be taken
to ecure a telephone Service here.
Fan TRE WEST. -Those from here
who took in the excursion to the West
last week were :' Misses Clara Lawson,
Clara Tewsley, Alice Clark, Mrs J.
Knox, Mrs G. Marshall aid Mrs Baer,
Mr and Mrs Herald Beadle, Wra, Wat-
son, S. Lautenslayer, S, Nicholson and
A. Wilson.
NOTES.-eSeveral of our burghers in-
tend going to • Dungannon to hear
Evangelists Crossley and Hunter. Miss
G. Armstrong is vieiting Wends and
relatives in Brussels. Mr Small and
family, of Arthur, have returned after
Visiting at the manse or eenoe time.
A. Brundson Sundayed at hondesboro,
Miss Riddel is renewing acquaintances
among us, Mrs EL Lantenelayer has
gone to Toronto.. The I. 0 G. T. have
decided to meet every Monday evening
from this time on. A, harvest home
service will be held in the Presbyterian
church here next Sunday morning
at 10 30 pan.; Rev Mr Small will preach,
Mrs Richards. of Brussels, returned to
her hoime • last Saturday. Jos. Nixon,
of Winghern, and Miss Webster, ef
Blyth., visited the village Sunday: J.
Knox has painted his Wane a brilliant
color. Improvements are being made
at the evaporator. Messrs A. Brunsdon
and j. Arthur were visiting in Londes-
bore last Sunday. Mr A. Wilkinson
waevisitIng 0-0 Dawson's on Sunday..
R. Howson, of British Columbia, was
visiting his *brother, O. Howson, last
week. •
NOTE8.-Mise Lizzie Scales • and her
sister, Katie -are visiting atthehome
of Miss Mary Jane McCully. this week.
Miss Lily- McCowen; has returned after
a Somewhat:. lengthy...vita to, friends
and relations in Toronto aiitt
trw. Mr (leo Campbell has secured a
school in Hay township and began
work there lest Monday. Mr Frank
D. Stitched, who lately graduated at
Hiram College. Ohio. is at ' home this
week visiting his parents. Mr Thos
Higgins, of Toronto; .was visiting at
the old.home this Week. .
Brown, who was working' for Mr *John
Moffat during the • summer, left for
Manitoba _lest Wednesday. Be
Work for his uncle theta:- . •
. • :
Londeaboto • ' •
Wants.: -•-•Mr and -Mrs W. W. Tajo-
blyn and family leave this w eek for
Toronto. where Mr Tamblyn has secur-
ed a permanent situation at the Vic.
taria -College. Rev Mt Stewart occu-
pied the pulpit of NOON church last
Sunday, .Rev Mr Hamilton, taking his
work in Clinton. R. B. Jeffrey returned
from his holiday trip on Monday. . Sev
still of our villagerss spent a pleasant
day at, 13ayffeld on Wednesday, Miso
Lou Ogimette returned to her studies
at Toronto . on. Wednesday: .Mrs. 1-5
Adams attended the millinery openings
in Lonthin this week; Thos. W. Reber -
ton has sold his house and lots to Jas.
Webster, con. 13, and has moved intb
one of/Elijah Walker's houses. Joseph
Riley is laid up as. the ATOM of a fill
-into-a44P14.5citil Pezt•?P41114,4,4*.t•Iffol• Y
-• • . . •
• • Myth
NOTES. -MIB M. H. Hammond re-
turned to Oakville on Thursday,' after
.spending several weeks visiting friends
here; • it is her.. intention toine•ke her
home • in that town. Miro! Ella and
Frank Anderson are thisweek holiday-
ing at breezy. Bayileld. John Mills, of
'Wept Wavvanosh, left this station on
Monday morning for Toronto hospital,
where he will undereo an operation
pertaining to the spinal column; his
friends hope for hie speedy return to
health. • Thos. Parrott has disposed of
his farm to Geo. Bowes, and is,. we
learn, trying to get another. Elam
LiVillp:StODO 138,9 coopers attwork, manu-
facturing apple barrels, Mr and
A. M. Babb, Teeswater. visited • the.lat-
ter's parents here on Sunday. •
••• ' •••'• Vttekersintth-
Nolete.- Mr and Mrs John Sandi&
and Miss Nellie are visiting at F. W.
°rich's. Miss Ada Fisher, of Colborne,
is visiting her cousin. Miss P.Nott, this
week. Mr and Mits Virright,of Hullett,
spent Sunday at .1 . T. Oriel -re-. Mrs L.
Strongiof Sarnirelevieiting her father,
flobt. Plewes, who is ill at present'.
Mrs Heilman, of Owen Sound, speat• a
few days with her friend,Urs Eli ()rich,
last week: Mies Nettie McDonald,
who has been spending • the summer
with her sister, Mrs Whit. Crich, re-
turns to her home in Detroit this week.
Mies Ella Johns and Miss illehelle Stan-
tunate, especially at hartest time; the
neighbors are kindly giving assistance
to his father. • •
A. Simmer; MISTAKE. -Last Sunday
afternotor about three o'clock a acci-
dent happened to Mr Boland Jenkins,
leth con.,that might have proved fatal.
He had hitched his horse to the buggy
and led him up to the pump at the
house to water him. Mr Jenkins re-
moved the bridle that the horse reight
more easily drink, but he ho sooner
CCO 0 •
made a sudden start, throwing Mr aeh-
, kine on his back stone feel away. The
hdreeein its wild career passed over
him, striking him on the fact:terms and
body, inflicting severe gashes, aria
bruises thereon. He was able to veelk
to the house, when adoctor
anediately summoned. and the flow of
blood stopped and wounds dressed.
Though no' serious injuries were iteeiv.
i ill be laid for Wale
s 011*# $2.50, $2,13 time, and Will in all likelihood miry
tit off hio 'Peed when the aninsal
Whitechttrella •
WELL DoNn. Ales and Grant.
Beaton are atnting' the auccessful can-
didates whorobtained second class tett!.
ideate& at the rodent examinationk. The
latter deservee stecial mention, having
Mon hiklatirele at the early age of II
years. This honor also redounds upon
Mr Fair, the wotthy teacher, of the
vilirtee school, who besides doing the
ordinary Work of alt the classes, in-
cluding Entrance and. Public School
Leaving, succeeded thie year in pese-
ta g 5 pupils for second class certificates
25cwill get the IOW Eta, for new
enliseribere to let of atm, 1003. -:-
Mailed to nil adateent
by, of Pittsburg is visiting • at T.
• O'Brien's. Itobt White left foe Manit-
oba on Thursday last. Mrs Philips and
son,of Kansas,te the guest of her.upcie,
Mr J'as Nott. Miss Itebecca Staisburv,
of the London road, is visiting friends
here and inAuliett this week. •
• Onenore- The League On Sunday
evening _last Was addregsed Miss)
Nancy McMichtiel, of Alma. who gave
1 fort excellent naper onv"In a far count,
• .
• Dungannon
Snnvedes.-.-Remeitiber the union
Evangelistic Meetings to he conducted
by the noted evangelists, Minter and
Crossley in Dungannon, commencing
next Sunday. Fifteen congregations
of Methodists and Presbyterians are
uniting and there will be a largeunion
choir. Mass meetings each Sunday in.
She Hall at 3 and 7.30 p. m.; week
night meetings at 7.45; union services
at 1080 a. m. Wednesday. Services
will be held Sunday in the Presbyter-
ian church, 'Dungannon, • and Meth();
dist church, Nile, each service donduct.:
ed by One of the evangelists. Every
body come. ' •
• NOTES. - Wm Rose anent •Sunday
with friends at rewe. Rev (i A. Fer-
guson preached a very able sermon in
the Presbyterian chnich;en Sabbath'
last. Mr and Mrs Duff egent Sunday
with friends at A.uborn. • John Howett
and Miss Jessie Wallace spent Sundav
at Geo. klowett's; Auburn. 1.1nedd,V.
S., is in Toronto this week. Rev Mr
Vaugheinof Minnesota.preached in the
Methodist church lest Snriday morning
and evening. Our evaporator has
•startedler-this-season. ..We -are sorry.
to bear-1Eirkeis-onthasick;
. list; we tope to hear of her speedy re-
su moons • Additional Local News.
NOTES._P,rnb, ItVhaley, B. A.
bU who has been spending his helidat's at
Toronto and other points, is expected
home Friday -to -day; we trust his va-
cation will help him to Continue ble
already efficient work here. Miss C.
Martin, Teeswater, is the guest of Mrs
W. McPherson. D. C. Taylor's men, of
Lucknow, put in a fine furnace for Mrs
R. K. Miller thia week. • The brick
lavers are busy on D.Todd'o new house.
W. and T. McPherson delivered six
very fine dattle to S. McLean on Mon.
day; they averaged over 1450 lbs. in
*eight. Stuart Miller, who (Tent
most of his vacation near Goderich,
returned this week.
•.4.00IDENTai. Dne.Tie.-Alex Hunter,
an old resident, last Tuesday night
swallovved a quantity of a mixture of
carbolic acid and other poisons in mis-
take for medicine. When he realized
his error, Mr Hunter ran to the nearest
doctor's office, but 'died soon after he
reached there. He was aged 53, and
Mimi= Qourt clerk for Many Year%
• Brueefleld.
' NOTES. Mr Ca,sneron left Mr
Kincarehne bat Week. Miss Mary
Murdock Is visiting Mrs kleravish, Sr.
Thomae.' Tames Foote preached here
last Sabbath, Rev Mr Sewers preaching
in Varna and Blake churches. Wm.
Murdock left last week for Manitoba.
De Armstrong, wife and family, and
Mimi Maggie Jsmieson returned from
Dakota on Saturday. Um H. Rath-
well,•Toronto, who has been visiting
here. went to Goderich on Saturday.
T. Higgins, Toronto, returned 'home
last Monday, B. Ketchen will preach
in .ttxeter neat Sabbath.
• ,
OROROR.-- The League service on
Thursday. took the fo 'of a literary
entertainment; a good progre.m, cone
slating ofquartettes, solos, recitations.
etc., was rendered . btemembers of the
League, with the aid of some. outside
talent .
NoTes.--Mes Wm 'Blake returned
:helne.leet weekatfter speeding a month
with ber daughter Th. the West; • Mies
Ada Fisherleft last week on an extend-
ed visit to friends in Clinton and sur-
rounding country. Wm Maedel, wife
and family, of Goderich, spent. Sunday
with friends in our A,J,Moore,
B. A.; Goderich, yisited friends around
hers this week, Mr and Mrs Hooey
Snyder. Nile, spent Sunday at the
home of the former here. A team of
Shetland.prinieS from Holatesville was
seen passing through our burg on San,
day het,
• Wingham. ' •
• • r
Ony inipertations of fashionable Dry
Goods are -weekly arriving. Vt e invite ussPeo
tion...Thittor 16o: •
• • • GEO. E. KING wingharc!. •
NOTES. -Al Sebsetien has sold his bar-
bering busipeae to J YOung, Port Arthur.
W D Thomas, of the bazaar, lute parch/wed
b einem in Loudon. John -Currie; One
°a ff rnro prominent
erbi zfAynesatr,dalate°r'neaMirindeli
of 11 weeks from brain. trouble; prior to
this he. had suffered intensely from head
aches; during his lest illness he was in a
atesping condition for nine and a half weeks
he was the only son Of the late.JOhn Currie
ono of the pioneers of b.aet yihtwentele.
Hayfield .
Borten STOLEN. -A manstole a horse
from Goderich on Wednesday everiine ,
and rode it towards Bayfield. 'W'ord
was sent to the village constable at
hayfield to intercept- him,and an effort
was wide to catch isim its he crossed
the bridge. They caught the bridle,
bur he broke away and urged his horse
up the hill toward the .village, two
shots being fired after hinnbut without
effect. He went straight on towards
Grand Bend followed by Constable
Gundry and others. ,
Ever:since the grand ceremony was
held at the laying of the corner stone
of the new Presbyterian church, on
May 19, by Miss Gibion, - of reroute,
and which marked a new era in the life
of Presbyterianism in Bayfield, the
good people of the congregation have
looked forward with pleasure to the
opening of their new edifice. Last
Sunday was that day, and the whole
country was astir, as evidenced hy the
audiences that greeted the speaker on
that oceaelon. Lone before the hour
of service had arrived, the building
was crowded to the doors, not even
standing room being available. There
were three services during the day -
10 a m, 3, and 7 pm. 'Rev A. McAuley,
of Mitchell, who ie looked upon as one
of the ablest speakers in the synod of
Hamilton and London, occumed the
pulpit, and delivered three forcible and
logical discourses, appropriate to the
occasion, but ' throughout never for-
. •
tide et removing the bridle from .a,
horse th drink le a dartgeteue one. and
More aceidente have not happened
firtt so •••
e oecUrrence and is & great Wonder that
mild be evoMed. It is an every day
".....-.'w"-""‘••••L'•`•-•'".''''',e"••.'"jc' hi nrce
44 •
teachings. He tried in draw them
Nice in thought from the modern ideas
.vfkkidt**,v********ork**itwofmp ,
I like' Label Tells the bate. ,
f 1,14.4444.140004**************' ,
VOTER:S.-There are 287 perfume on
the voters' list of town for thie year,
qUalitlad to aot as jurors; 505 entitled
to vote at both Legielative and Monic.
ipal electione; 35e who can vote orly
!for municipal elections, arid 80 who we
entitled to vote at only elections for the
Legislative Assembly, and no lops than
107 widows.
SURGICAL, -Mr Archie McDonald,
• liOrsohre°Teuesday Mr R.S.Cluif went through
loevceerloil furnoindertrieelefft aecnts°tPhaerraettt
a slight operation, which will confine
him to the house for a couple of weeks.
....A son of Mr Tho e Jenkins aleo
underwent a surgical operation on
Tuesday,and will be laid up for a short
. SUIT toOlt DAMAGES. --/t is stated
that Thomas Fulford, of Sta•pelton,.has
eptered suit in the High Court, against
Mr J. F. SeJoner, now of Moosenrin,
but fornderisr of Clinton, for $1000.
Spoonerand Fulford went into thehotel
business at Berlin, some time ago, and
the suit is the outcome of them busi-
ness relations. It is said that Spooner
offered to set tle,:whicti Was refused.
a meeting of the Trustee Board of On-
tario street church held lett Monday
evening, it was moved by Jas. Stevens,
seconded by John Gabbing% and unan-
imously resolved "That having heard
of the prOspective corning of the circus
to our town next Sunday, we express
our unqualifleddisapproval of such au
invasion of the sanctity of the Lord's
Day, and call upon altChristlan people
to protest in the most emphatic pos-
sible way against it." •
L. O. L. EXCURSION. -The annual
L. O. L. Excursion to Sarnia, by rail,
and then by. boat to Detroit, went
down tbe line last Saturday morning
and Was fairly well patronized, 230 get- .
ting on between Wingham and Blyth„
and ' about 50 for here. They were t
six cars comfortably filled, and an •
.empty to pick up those at Kippen.
The train left Sarnia on its return trip •
about 10 p. m., arriving here between •
1 and 2o clock, witha tired lot of ex-
cursionists on board. There , MAD
beautiful Weathe., throughout WI -the
water trip was delightful. The • prize
of a gold Broach to the largest lady on
the excursion, was • awarded so Miss
Steinbach. of Zurich. The judges who
had charge of the awarding of the
prize were C. H. Sanders, Exeter; R. J.
4Varrener. Clinton, and J. IL Stephen.
Seth Winghani. The judges say.. that
Miss Steinirach was not only the
largest lady, but she was .one of the
best looking of the ladies on the elICIIK;
Shim •
• • • ,
THE AliatitErS.-No great anlelle t
of new wheet. has strayed on the mar-
ket yet, but what has averaged up to
the standard, a number . of farmers
having wheataring 62 les to the tomb -
el, Pork remains about the same, but
beef has taken ri considerable drop in
' the English market, which is the Con-
trolling element of our prices, and local
dealers report losses on sales this
week. In garden stuff, tomatoes re-'
mainascarce And will be sobelling at 56
. a lb still ; plains very Plentiful selliog
for 35e e basket, A goodly supply of
peaches are now arriving, clingstones
selling at 60 a 12quart basket, and free
stones the same price for 8'quart basket.
Pears will. be a drug on the Market
this• season. will also app es, e
former selling at nreeent for $1 a bar-
rel, and:the latter the best_gredee at
riffeliAliaii11713-viang-th the opal wen,tfli
ers,nairTeliff grass Bat& :War; •
ket has been on the downward trend.
• ,loose befog bought for.12c and 13e, and:
tub from 130 to 14c for No. 1. The low
Price of butter this season ismostly
due to the over -crowding of the Eng-
lish market by Siberian. butter. • • .
• : • '
Additional Local News
THE la:Nixie.
chased bY W.P.
purtioses, • will
strent#hened. for t
will. be installed,
.that the whole thin
order inside of two months. The ord-
ers for the machinery' have already
been placed and it will be shipped as
soon as the building ie ready to receive
them. • .
of Ansa Craig, a nephew of Dr Gunn
is here on & visit. He re well known In
town, having gone to school here,since
which time be has graduated from
Toronto University as a M.D.and seen
klieg for.knitting
overhauled • and
e machinery which
ud it is expected
be in running
the past six Months as. house 3tu•geon
. of the Sarnia hospital. Be.leaves in a
short time bar England,. vvhere be will
take it two years' post graduate course
inthe large hospitalt of that country,
before returning to his native' land to
hang out a shingle for himself. -
of to -day, and asked them to dvvell
with him in thi5ught.erbile he tried to
bring out the heeutiful lessons that
were to be learned from the life and
acts of Aso's, So sitople, so 'eying, Bo
unselfish, doing all that he could to
make others heppy, forgettingleis own
fate until forced te the cross, He then
prays "Father, forgive- them, for they
frillier not whe.t they do." The streaker
then coked his hearers. not to forget
that love, but to bear the cross patient-
ly, and the world will be the better for
it. The music rendered throughout
the day by the choir was excellent, and
solos were sung by Mr Pickard, paid
Mr Willie of Seaforth, Next Sun-
day Rev Dr. Stevvert,Clinton, will
officiate at all itervices, and special
'Music le being prepared by the choir.
Mete& -Amtin g those who Went on
the L, 0 excureion to Sarnia last
Saturday, were Mr H. Matrien. Mre
3. Johneton, MISS Lizzie and Master
Louie. Mist; Maggie MeLatighlin, of
Winthrop, Is the geed of lilies Tyner,.
. A CHANGIE.-The enterprising firm
of the Jackson Mfg. Co., have found it
neceseaty to divide the office work of
their two branches.of trade. At pre-
sent the fetail Old wholesale work has
been done in the retail office, but they
are now converting the first store of
their block on Rattenbury St. into an
!Ake and sample room, which when
completed wiltmake the neatest of its
kind -in title section Mils Kelly will Wok
after the office work'of the wholesale
department and Miss llicEtven will
take the retail end of it., They have
added two more lines, of the Black
Oat ware to their wholesale trade, in
LARGE SHIPMEN.geThe reedits the shape of a gentleman s hose sup -
of the visit of some Aomerican stock porter and a ladies corset hose sup.;
buyers into northern peninsula during portet. The feature of these lines be" -
the past week was clearly detnotistrat- Ing in the fastening part where the
ed laat Monday. when a epeeist of little ball goes through the ring; &
twenty care of prime beef, pigs and miniture spring being instituted, so as
sheep for the new market, stopped te relieve the tension 00 the goods
here to pick up weirs exerae. The . re- passing into the ring, preventingholes
gulat mixed in the afternooti also had from being tore in the goods. They
Veit cars Of stock. Canteion and. . also build a shed for the storing of
allis stil ed a double decker of pigs, their boxes ; space becoming too valu-
and Messrs Watson, Reid and Mason,
shipped it ear on Monday. S. Smith
shipped- two carload on Tuesday.
S. Smith shipped ,another car load of
Duchess apples were ehipped to Winni-
peg this week by Mr D. Cantelon. A
carload of butter (377 tubs) was shipped
out this week by Cantelon Bros. for ex-
port, and 3000 dozen of eggs....A roan -
tits. of hoine grown plums are also be-
ing ehipped.each day.
GUN CLUB NORES, - The final
abort for the trophiest given by the.
club for the best scores during the seas-
on was hem last evening (Thursday).
The prize -Winners will be mentioned in
our next issue with total scotes,...On
Labor Day the return Match with
Goderich will be held over our range
here. • It is also expected that a number
f 11 Sf th d
Olandeboye will be present &IA a talvet
cm) and other prizes will be contested
for. renewing IS the list of events ;--
1st, 10 targets, Jack rabbit system, dig:
.ided 50, 80,' 20 a 2nd. 15 targets. Cies&
shooting divided 40, 80, 20, 10 3rd, 20
targets, elate sheeting, 83, 25, 20, 16, 101
4th, team shoot, 15 targets; silver cup;
5th, 10 targets,jack rabbit; Oth, 15 tar-
ge , sy en), , 5
gete high gune, . 26, 20, 15, 16
of shooters reel ,R p ey, ea or an
pairs high Ignite, (30 and 40. Metier will
be nerved feee to all vieitors. Shooting
to commence at 0.30 sharp....On Oct.
8th and Oth the Gun Oluts purpose hold-
ing their 12th annual tart and live
bird tournament., when $200 will be
guaranteed in prIzes,
f *I aer yeer in *civvies
1 $1:50 when not so paid
For. Sore, Tired -
Swollen and WI-
ingFeet web,ave
Antiseptic Foot Powder
••Feot Elm, etc.
R. P. Reekie's
Presortption Drug Store
N. B. ---Fly Pads and •
TawlefOot for flies.
the carpenters were engaged in hang-
ing the kerne work of the windows in,
the store occupied by Newcombes on
Friday last, a hammer, that was left
Ott top of a step ' ladder, 'while being
moved. dropped, and striking agairow
one of. tire large plate glasses, cracked
it several ways, entailing& loss of some
always pleased to note the fact -of any
Huron boy trying to better himself.
This week we direct attention. to Mr
Harvey Colclough, eon of, 'Mr. Joseph
Colelough, of the base line. For the
past two years he has been workingat
printing, in St Catharioes, and we
happen to know that he gave fp cod'
satisfaction • where employed. On
Monday he retttened home. in order to:
enter Clinton Collegiate.: He intends.
to matriculate, and will study for Only •
Orders in connection With - the--Epuee
cipel Ministry. •
SOLD OUT.-:-.7ohn Enamerton; Who .
has conducted a barber shop in town
for the past thirteen fears, has disposed '
Of the same to Mr Ed. Mauro; of God-
erich, (son-in.law of R. Fitzeknone). Kr
Enirnerton has been a good citiken„
active in =Weal circles, and hie pro- •
bable removal from town will be ret
gretted; he haelnot yet fully decided
vettalehe will do; but may take an fil-
tered' in general trueness with his
cousin at Ripley. Mr Munro has. been.
running a shopin Godericb, and has„ '
therefore, ample ,eiperience, Ile took
possession yesterday, and retains in his
ernploy the able assistant who has been..
with Mr Erninerton-George Cooper. •
On account of his intended removal, '
Mr Emmerton is offering his cottage
on Iseac,etreet for sale.
•.• On the farm of Ransford Bros test •
week, the men tie* in 210•10ads of oats
in 2a, days. Cite any one beat this?'
• J. Elliott is having a nice hoard fenze
erected along the rear side of, his lot
facing the Wesley church, and it is a
great itnproveinent.
Messrs Seerey•and Turner whir. 'hava.
developed a considerable bicycle bust-
-nes% have brought out the stock and
-iitthiger- of -a- dealer -
Messrs Ransford Bros have just tak-e
en off their Nereid crop of Alfalfa,.
which with the fleet crop, . makes four •
ton to the acre; they . expect yet to
reap their third crop,, as they .did, last
year. •
• . • •
, No change hasaret taken Place in the
managetrient of the Broedfoot & Box
business; seve al persons are applicants •
for it, but pending negotiations for its
possible sate, nothing definite has yet
been done. • • „
Messrs Holmes & Snaith, who have
been buying grain here for some time, \.
may have to discontinue, (ttrough not
yet certain) owing to the change in the
Standard Elevator, which they haye
hitherto toed aaa storehouse. • .
A pig, that will be the cause of a law
suit before very long, and which ,has
been lying in pound fon week, was
sold by audit:at Wednesdeer noon, to
Wm H. Cole far ,
and now, bome one
is out a pig. Who will it be?
Messrs Proudfoot & HeYs, Goderich,
on behalf of 0. Olson and wife, have
• issued a writ against the Grand Trunk
Railway Compane, claiming dintages
of 010,000 for injuries sustained by Mrs
Olson on a G. T. R. train at Goderich
last month, the patticulars of which
Were narrated in these columns.
Bayfield has had its full quote of
able for the storing of them in their '
summer dittos this seamen, owing to
bkick as at prese• nt. . .• the cool evenings, and our young men "
S st-tiNGf rAREWELL.-On Mon- •ot town have heep kept busy running
and fro. Miss McOorvie of town,
da evening the Oddfelioves entertain- • to
.wIeetietsuopf pethr,at Mc- in
e 11 leelfe one last week, as di, oleo seta
redgMiatreWsta.frEt. 9Rdatnadr,e
arke, Miss Rathwen and Miss Care
Lennan's restaurant. R. Holmes oc- f• Wed t
and Clinton was Well retire -
copied the chair ; ahort speeches were setited et each.
made by MessrsOhaut,Snyden 0 Neil, s -
Alcock, (rfrigg. and Retain, all ex-
pressing regret at his intended de-
perture. T. Jackson, ire Oleo traYe a
song. On Tuesday evening he was
aloe Riven a farewell supper by a num-
ber of the Citizens, in the Lodge ROOM
of Stavely Hail, and presented with it
handsome valise. Mr Bredone &cute
led the chair, and In malting the pree.
entetion alluded very flatteringly to
Mr Rand's 10 years residence and faith-
ful service in town, exprefeting the very
high eateern In which he is held by all
and universe( regret at hie departure.
Cosiiplementaey speeches were given
by Messrs S. Ranstord, W. Seckeoc.
kt. Stoddart, D. Robb. (Inspector),
Combe, Hoover, Shaw, W. fl. Fair, N.
Fair, Agnew 3a9 Fair A. Porter R
Relines. F. Jackson :songs were given by
Messrs Ttaneford, Latornel, and Spald-
ing A. couple, of selections from
Shakespeare were given by L./toward.
Refreshments Were served during
the evening* Owing to other ellgag8-,
ments several who had intend-
ed being present, were unavoidably abt
sent, Mr Rand certainly carries with
goo will,
him to Carleton Place* the d
esteeM and respect Of the entire town,
and left thetefor on Wednesday.
3)1 „A*11
1/4 •:.`: • --Is'
e•••• .\•
• `
I Photos with Qua!ity
ee.leoWtioentelzfrntitse: Yp°e;t:n°14:17Bstiyillacit oTra:hkifte"..
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