HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-22, Page 7:p"tc.;.-0-•‘•
if You Are Conscious of Fail -
Prow Vastat avessees...
A character called Lord Roberts, •
representing the Connnander-in-Chief,
the villain of a romance entitled "Gold
Fever," now ruining in The Neues Wies
ner Journal of Tietnia.
Here is speehnen passage: -"Lord
Roberts went suddenly pale, almost sal- -
low. He knew that everything depend.
eci upon the successful carrying out of
his plans, but in spite of this he soon
regained his composure. Only an exs
tremely careful observer would have no-
ticed the evil Molter of his beast -oat
prey -like eyes."
Needless to say, "Lord Roberts" is
-hopelessly in love with the heroine, fite
whom he plays the piano,
Bad Lost Ms Dbartre.
As a man is not a hero to his own
valet, se a dusky potentate is not a
potentate to his coachman. This story
is beieg told of what happened at oire
f tit hi outdoor 'functions held in
ing Strength and Energy
is ontb, Make Use a
-• Paine's- celery
The Great Health and
. Strength Giyer.
No Other Medicine Oau Af-
ford or Guarantee Such
Happy' Results.
Men and women, young and old, of every
rank in lifelreely admit, thet they are uiore
conscious of overtaxednervous strength in
the hot weather then at any other season
When mon a condition is experienced,
Paille's Cele*. Compound affords advan-
tages and remits that no ether remedy can
offer with honesty, it vigorously cleanses
the blood and regulsteasthe tardy circula-
tion. It strengthens the kidneys and en.
Miles them to filter from the blood all waste
audinorbid matters; it aeoures strong, firm
nerves,gives sweet and natural sleep to the
The NeNcr Era, to new subscribers, a trial tripto the end of the year, for 25o.
cLipToN ZW ''Ut.11,
o g
London during the coronation Week.
A coachman wearing the royal livery
went up to another of the fraternity,
and was overheard to inquire
9 say, Harthur, 'aye you nen
bloomin' nigger?"
"No, James," was ,the reply. "'Ave •
nerve•tired and Imam weary. In a word, you lost find?PP
Paine's Celery Compound is a true summer t "Etwens only knows, but I javen't seen
for 'alf-an-hour "
- The conversation was conducted with
entire gravity, and the first coachman
went off solemnly to look further afield
chronic dyspepsia, and I could not eleep at 'for the dusky guest of the empire.
night. This °media= of sleeplessness.
brought on delirium. I was attended by 'When David Graham Philits, author
four of the best doctors, and took a great of "Her Serene Highness," was a very
quantity oarnedicane,but all failed to do me young man he applied for work on a Cin -
ens! good. I thought I would try your cinnati paper. 'What can you do?" said
Paine's Celery Compound. After had the editor. 01 can try anything," said
Med four bottles the .nervousnees and the young man. Thinxing to rid him -
dyspepsia. left me and I have done more aelf of further importunities for an as,
work since than for years past. I now en- signment, the editor said, kv ell, wnte
joy excellent health and consider myself an article on bread." It was a trying
completely oared." moment for the ambitious youngster, but
he never flinched. U1 that night he
Dominion trade returns Arm that Can. spent in collecting material, and the
ada sells more to Great Britian than to the next day reported to the somewhat sur -
rest of the world. We sold $109,000,000 prised editor with a bright and newsy
worth last year to Britain, buying fron her article on "The Bakeries of Cincinnatia
but $49.000,000. •A surplus of silty He was immediately engaged. ,
million dollen of British money came into Charles Wyndham, the actor, who h
the Daminion. That's a as
radical inti.
life' giver and health -builder. Mr J. Rale-
ton Nixon, Ont., says:
"It is now a year peat since bad tteeyere
attaok of nervous prostration mused by
SNAKE cliARmitai
Is not a .popular occupation. Most
women shrink from the sight of a snake
and would faint at the touch of ore.
But these same won
men run greater ske
than the snake charmer. How many
smilers allow di.
ease to fasten on
them and slowly
to crush, out their
.Wonianly dis-
eases should never
be allowed to ata -
d e r rn rre,. the
heal t h. Female
down pains, 313-
*mutation, ulcer-
ation, backache,
headache, e r v
mastless, anti other
womanly ail-
ments, curable by
medicine, are
promptly and per-
manently cur ed
by the use of Dr. ,
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It
makes Weak
women strong and
sick women well,
Never Told a 1.10.
The Rev. IL G. Jackson, a western
clergyman, according to The Eeening
Post, declares that, like George Wash-
ingtons, be never told a lie, His state
Ment is taken with various quantitiea
of salt by the press of las vicinity and
elsewhere. One writer, wile claims to
speak for millions .o boys and millions
of men who have •been boass, asks some
• questions whieh might prove embarrass-
ing to the reverend gentleman if they
were offered face to faee, eo that he
had to answer them. The millions ot
boys arid millions of men who have been
boys, the writer says, would. like to
keosv what the future elerg,yinan said
when he was asked, for the third, fifth
or ninth time hi the morning whether
or not he was dressing; how he ex-
plained matters when asked what he
had done to initial his little sister cry; ;
how he inanaged•to aceount for the dif-
ference between the • time of closing
sehool and the time of his arrival at.
home after selmol; whet his inseariable
answer was when he had neglected, to
split the kiudling, to empty •the ' ash
scuttle, to pull the weeds, to feed the
I deeit My duty to express my deep, heart-
felt gratitude to you for having been the meaus
under providence of restoring me to health,n
ntrites Mrs. Oscar Brown. or Oxford, Granville
Co, N. C. n For two years I suffered with female
weakness, headach'
e neuralgia in various parts
of, the system, anti after using four bottles of
Dr Pierce's Vavorite Prescription three of his
' Golden Afedical DIscovery,' one vial of 'Pleas-
ant relicts,' also 'Lotion Tablets,' and one box
of 'Antiseptic and Itealing Suppositories," I
am cured."
If you are led to the purchase of
it Favorite Prescription" because of its
remarkable cures of other women, do not
accept a substitute.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing roo8 pages, is
given away., Send 31 one -cent stamps
the. expense of customs and mailing only,
for the book in paper covers, or so stamps
for the volume bound in cloth. Address
Pr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Cattle Po.. by Nitrate or soda;
• A' report prepared for the Midland
Agricultural and Dairy Institute, Kings-
. .
tort, Derby, by Mr. A. Levi% F.R.C.V.S.,
bears upon the danger of grazing stock
upon pastures recently dressed with ars
. • • . recently been knighted by King Edward, tifietal minutes. Re sayst-a
motion where our beet frien 4-
made his first appearance. on any etage "Nitrate of seda•being largely e d
u e .
defendant did not appear in court. The
, suuntion of the 4.411t. ' ': rod an actor at Mrs. John Wood's Olym- as a -Manure for top dressing land, It
. 11.1•••••••••• • ie Theater in New York. A story has will be interesting to earners of stock compittinaitt 'said that Ile rosvenor dstreet rove the .
, • The strenuous character of modern t een.pres.erved•shosaing that stage fright to hi. cognizant of the fact that 'such
Mss ount stteet, and there waited for
from' Gto
and inexperience combined to malco his dressing, without eertairt Precautions,
life is shown by the way in which 'we seventeen minutes. He then drove her
' turn night into day. Two hundred years inpremiere a• most discouraging
a certain love -scene he Was expected
neeenien• s stay.' lead to setions loss. As veterinary:1
' back to. Groseenor :street, where he was
ago the night was really night, d iser to the Midland Agricultural an
aid it shilling. He asked air eight -
and. .to say:. "Dearest; d am*druek• With that . tavitY Institute 'Kingstoh, 'Derby I. re- P
ceived instruedons Last week fro'tn the pence. for' waiting, but . she took no • no.
everybody Went. to bed early. and slept asaaaaasm as love Which but once in a.
;until daylight. Streets were lighted lifetime fills the soul of man."-• But the tice and Went ie. He afterwards slin! '
feebly or hot at all Footpads lurked direetg of that establishment: to investi-
in • -.,young. actor, overwhelmed with neevous... „ss„ the foot but nOthing was paid. Mt.
-- every. shade*, lois:the ..belatedawaylarea, a.
neds;saould'anly-seaaehrinri-9'dettreatfalaaurs- sX'--a---...f.,..aeninne•-•. as ••?;I::41:59-th-earaa..117.6,Avira'r 5.Li.r-. l''• laerready matte anamslais-fet-theapt
d •th 1 elineas of the streets were PP ' th . t k fast •• to the - ment of eightPenee; with eight shilliiigs
cows on a arm an er y .. le hi--
torywas as follows aa -Mr. — tops
dressed an Old meadosv With 1•1•4 cwt; -Such is the ottemotional way in which,
nitrate of soda to the : aere, on Friday, a Londort , 'news pa per describes an their '
may 30. On the Sunday following he dent. which would. be .given "Columns by
turned cows on to •this meadoiv for one certain New York newspapers. DO we
hoar. Within three and one-half 'haunt ' not remember the 'attention paid to the
thereafter three - of these animal's were ificidett of the arrest of 'the Mike 01
dead. The. syrePtaime given .hy the
ehickens, water the garden, or -shovel
off the snow. They would like to. be
in aimed -these milliens would-ahow he
adoided, telling. it lie When he came home
with. a torn jacket and marks of vio-•
lenee on his, freckled face; when he was
caught with shirt turned inside out of
,a summer afternoon; • when he was de-
tected in the net of hiding a fishing."
pole under the back stoop when the
third or fourth or fifth girl he fell in
love with asked hint if he had ever been •
kissed before; • when 'he tied a •tin can
to the tail of Thompkon's fox -terrier
and Thompson ran down the crime and
fastened the, guilt upon lam; when he
came' home lone evening With a splitting
headache or ghastly lace; or troubled
stomach and loud odor of tobaceo; when
—. tut what is the use? Perhaps the
Rev, Mr: Jackson never was a• boy any-
. . .
wortiet sat Par ties Cabman.
"'Georgina, Countess. of Dudley, of 53
•Grosvenor street, W., was summoned at
• Marlberough, street by Alfred Reeve, a
cabman of 85 Hutton street, White-
frairs, for the sem of eiglapence, balance
of a cab fare incurred On Slily 4. The
August, 220,41,96,?t.
/ I They are goodtoo
Pleasant, Rapid Reliable Effectual,
• Are thoee old simple prescriptions that you have used,
maybe for years and years in )(cur family. We like to
cr000mt5p.ound them, because we have all the things to do it
• with -and to do it properly.
If you have a favorite prescription of your owrt bring it
it will get the same attention as those the doctors write,
and every ingredient will be the first quality.
On. Baking Powder at 25 Cents a pound is good
• J. E. HOVEY, - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton
10410440-44-1POP.*************** 41 ,0,-14111PPPIWAPPIP*******10111W1111
quality the Best a Prices the Lowest
• Redpath and St. Lawience best granulated and coffee sugar lese
than wboleattle prices. $3.85 per cwt by the barrel. •
Canned goods cheap-Delm and Kent Can Corn 13C a can, Canned
• chicken 10c. Roast Beef 3 lb tins 15c each.
• Teas -Black japan and Young Hyson from 10c up, Our leader is 25c per
' ppund.
• Raisins, Currante, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Apricots and Cooking Figs-
• OrcobeekaeP•rY-I have just tinned out 3 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet sets
and I ancy china, new patterns direct from the factories in England,
• selling from 10 to 20% less than regular price. Call find examine
• Phone 45.
quality 'and prices.
• Wanted good butter and eggs.
J. W...IRWIN Clinton
• VERY Neese smcan.n NAV( IT.
ass Tess liannisisi Fos IT. TARS 110-aoTIIIIR.
Teacher (to .cISSS in geography) --And•
Who knows. whet. the people who live 'in
.Xurkey are•calted? Class (untteimouely)
-Tina 4! .Teacher—Itiglit. Now, avlat
mit tell me what those' living in. Austria
ire called? Little boy --Please, Mum, I .
010W. Ostiaches1=-"Judge." • • • , :
- . • . .
Wconen and. the Franchise. •
• The federal fialichiee ie now conferred
• Olt all the Women of . Australia 21 yeare
• of age tir over. a The Australasian, in
• commeeting :upon. this,. ebserves that
. . . -
"the great fact is that the.fraitchiee has
' beee .conferrpdaind the fendeine heart
goes on ' throbbing with interest in all
a _..• the old Subjects -the. haby,•the•price of
3'"•--a-ifill'"f,-atliaallteattealtrilliiterea-aaraLtliessaThe followin0ds
.. •• I 1 .je I . .isi-bEt f •
• • •
ward as, a typieal eitnversation between.
..ii "serious-Illirdea.politieitin . mid his wife
, and 'daughters at the breakfast' table:-
. .hatthee--Wellauty dears, the Federal
. Varliament has now eeliferred the fran-
chise on you.•• : •••• .'' '•' •
, • Nattcye-Oh; •hoW nice, pi... What •ie -
• the franchise? . •• •• -• : •
• • .
* ' Father -at is the great and • solemn
. privilege of voting • ata the electioia ...of
•Members of Parlament. •• ••
• Mother -Well, then, I hope :We:shall
• get this Street attended to at last. ,...I.:t
needs another lamp, and the •footpath, ..
is positively . dengerous.•, • , ;
• • :' afterieaa0h, yekaatt, and the right -el -
. .
way!! 4 hope . You will worry that
-. wretched Councillor Smitb -about it pew.
• Perbaps he ;will attend to it •new that ••
' we have. votes, -• ••, . • ..•. • .. ,
Nalicya-Did you see that loVely dress .
of..witite Chiffon over pink 'silk Wh '
• Father -11v dear* gitla; Vhaye. alwitai •
.. sapported the fra.nehise•bill; and I want •
• you to give eeriousSattentien. tie . the
' matter, •T have argued that conversa-
tiori in the home would be .elevated,. and .
We . should have . • ••• • •
. . .
. Mether-Aeother egg, George! %Dear
• Me, •eggs have .eone. ea -again: ' I- don's
know how I: tun. to make MA' 11'(>1.iS(*(413-
•, log' allowance do, .whttt %with • Meat and
. .
I vegetables - and everything ' at... such.
r e
, • •
, secure against interruption; 3,...te watch ,
'great. amusement of the audienca..
or patrol. was abroad,. but it was. inade-
quate to police a large City, ' I
Midnight, two centuries ago, was a I .
holy, a haunted, and a. feersonie hour.
The man who stayed Out until midnight
went home .in fair and treirthiling, and
lost his reputation if his late home-
• coming were bruited about. None but
the gayest, most reckless, and moat dis-
sipated young blades: were ever out of
bed in, the small hours of the morning.
Throughout the °greater part of Claries-
tendom, two hundred yearsago, curfew
• rang at nine or ten o'clock in the even-
ing, and all -lights Were put out or were
concealed, behind stuffed. ertgeks and.
blanketed window, from the eye of the
prying Watchman. -
But now, how changed! Midnight
has lostits charms and thrills: Graves •
no longer yawn and give forth their
dead, nor do ghosts walk 'at the stroke -
of la. No pensive Madeleine, -trembling
in her chaste couch,site up nowadays
at midnight •of-Sta-Agnes?-eve-to view'
her lover in a looking -glass. Midnight
has become cemmenplace. Familiarity
with it has bled contempt. One hardly
ever goes tobed before that hour: Life
is too short that .sve should, waste the
precious hours 'between" blankets: Slum-
ber, such as our forefathers knew, has
-fled our -eyessa:Vire- &genet- afford teas
give ten and twelve hours of the
twenty-four to slothful .sleep: Six or
seven hours of drearnful, fretful dozing
inake up our full allowance. The twenty-
four hours are hardly enough for work
a,nd sporL and we would make the day
thirty -Six hours 'long if we could.
• The Modern mind is appalled, 'observes
the San Francisco "Belletin," at thought
of the immense waste of One which aresa
mitred in those epoelts-aliterally, the
dark ages -before gas, the are, and in-
candescent lights, owl cars, and other
' inventions robbed' the night of its
blackness; and when, men used to sleep
seundly and long. A large part of the
population of the 'civilized wad. espe.
daily in Image cities, now works at
night: At midnight the streets •are
crowded, and at 'three o'clock in. the
morning • theta are many, beside the
. roysterers, 'tebe met. Not n fetv of
the mills and manufactories in Eastern
cities tun all night. When the ground
is valuable, and every hone of idleness
means loss of thrift for the owner,
building bentractOrs in large cities Oink
little of putting on a night abift, and,
with the help of searchlights, employing
the whole twenty-four hours in the
erection of a skyscraper. An ;army of
bakers, printers, craftsmen, and trades-
men of all sorts toil at night and "go
Anti there *came unto - the sage for.
. • - Such eases are by no menus unenni- '
mon, an i is in e s ' a • t , '. Tit ' Nerve -F• od.
Counsel. all anxious mother leading a •Veterhiarian, 1870, records of liorses.
. • .
• ^
. tome people coridemn
•' Our advertising, because it
is so very different from
• other advertising, •
• .
Many people praisnour
• Medicine, •becauda it is
so very different front
• ' other Medicines.
• The difference in each
• case is intentional.
Try Them _. -
Your health will be so very.. 4
Marlborough for riding a bicycle in a
owner • Were "that the aninials were ine New york: riark 2. - • • •
easy, as ..though . pions. and moved
.e.bisut very unsteadily for twenty' yards,
when they fell down: and. were unable. to
get.:up, ,oyidently. from less of .power • in
•. the -hindquarters. They were shiyerih,g,
the • eyes glazed:- and aidatels :era • •
'perently • blind; death -occurring without
• a struggle. The tithe_ which' • elapsed
from the first indications •• of anything
• being wiring eittll death... was twenty.
.rnieutes, Careful investigation reveals
. tie:other poitiorians matter nf a, mineral .
or: vegetable character- in. this - fielda or
..,t4e • atir*ing',-witer, and no otifdr•.ani-
• 'Mais • died.' ' the farm. dtas " Golding,
'chemist to. the inetitute, 'Mullane the•
.soritmats: .of the. stall -etas, - and found'
• nitrate of soda :present; ma& a
• eareful postonortem examinatioe Of •the
stomachs, which. Were in• a, hiahlv-in-
: flameied eondition, ; fully bearing oti
the aninialti to have had acute infanta
.inatien ' of the • stomach and :bowels;
- Front the'. histety, symptoms, analysis,
• and the fact that no sain fen .from May
-301111-07 -nrit-atisfred4hat"..tbese.
,sanintaW had \\Idle grazing takee up al*.
• ficient :nitrate . of -soda • to tat up: a
severe irritation •of. the Mucous Mein -
brawl' of the •stemach, which; 'Went un-
checked, and developed into acute gas,
tro-enteritia. associated with the absorii;
tome of the salt rrito the. system, giving.
Bad pp.. I
•. Mr. Jas. nicadeah, sr. Inverness Street;
Stratford, Ont. status:-" MY digestive
organs were entirely deratiged, my appetite •
wae poor, I was run down in health,and
had' severe attacits :of dizziness and ver- ,
vous headache. , The use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food has entirely cured Inc. as my
digestion is very. Much improved, the
head:ashes have left Me and my appetite is
• reit good. I can teconunend. Dr. Cha.se's.
Nerve Food most heartily, knowing it to
, be an exceptionally good mediciee:".
Beteg slightly :laxative Dr. Chase s
Nerve Food regulates the action of the
excretory organs and through its restora.
tive influence on the nerves and muscles
• ensures the healthful and vigorous action
..I.-pf _the..mspiratOra:_eal&diaaatiYe O.Y9Otna•
If yop are weakened •by over -We -At, sierir
. or disease, this great food cure is bound to
:be of benefit to you.' As a restorative it
has never .becn approached. so cents a
box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Rates &
• Co., Toronto..
risa to toxic, effects; as shown by stag.
'Twas Ever Thu* • Dr. Chase's
• •aers. followed by paralysis and death.
small boy. • 4 . • •• and cattle dying from licking nitrate
"Advise me, oh; fount of wisdom," of soda:, or eating grass strongly' sate-
spakeihe, '!concerningmy child, who has rated by a large and recentlsaapplied •
fallen into evil Ways. Ile will not study, .,
dressing" • • • • '
'but persists inalodeing his tasks, that )10 . ..
•. May Idle m the fields. and hear the. . , • •
. (ling."- • . • , •
"Alas!" replied he of the perspicaeitya .has tee much White, • • breed to it hen ,
"your eon' has the budding genius mi. . that is • somewhat, • darker thanthe
crobe' in his system. Sou .catt do rmths eolor wanted; In breeding for color
When he .grows up he will eoltwate always select birds a shade darker than
flowing mane and be it poet. And the • the color you wept to :breed, .as ' fowl
public will call him a 'sweet singer' aftet are inclined • to breed lighter, and
he has passed &Wu " • • •
'In mating for sbteedere if the cock
depth in color' cannot be secured unies,s
' Then the Ivnman nIt much. and hit' you breed froth fowl very deep in color
terly, for it had been er heart's desire aseassaaaa
that Reginald should follow the gas -fits ,
Ras Been..
ting trade. -"Judge." •
I ant In' New Engl a nd totan and was.'
• home in the early 'morning. The tele- ' "Yo' tray Mistah Joimsing am indue- •
phone service never ceases for a me- trious?" "'Yeas sith. Why, be spent two I served for the first course with a della
oa.cy unknown to him, So he paired
merit. One cell ha ae a messenger boy 'whole days OA' to get hi's wife a job.":
the Walter what it was, and the waiter •
re lied' "WS bean soup sir " where- 1
• uport the laInglishirian, in high India- I
nation, responded: "1 den't care what
h t I e 1 housee Chi "D il News" .1
whieh advratisit taerintinuoirs perform-
. Mice. Owl cars in every large city run '
on nearla every line Li short. we have
Wary nearly abolished the 'night. „
Mt tiny . T ter are p ay -- cage a y .
• /sneer tangtvill haa been one of the
eprightligst witnesses in the "Truth''a
libel case at Landon. Asked whether
his paper, "Ariel.," was still in exist.'
-eriee, be replledi Pala. It was too good,
• to live. I ean't however, say that it Is
dead, for its Jokes still appear."
Baby's ORM Tablets.
• enre all the Ills of Little Babies The and •
The Germans are outvying each ether
and Big Children. '
• • , in attempts to prove, that the Polish
This reedieine is good for all children, trouble is
hang by a thread,•to the sturdy boy who disimply the work of political
from the feeblest infant,whose life seems to a t •
gentlyeapparattisaeolaaansafgats aus. of at. The follewink gem Of news IS takeii
. '
• dert There le no stemaels or bowel troeble by The Daily Express from The • Hams
that Baby's Own Tablets will not epeedily boarer Nachrichten
m) 0d 015 "
relieve and promptly cure, and do it in a re11..ym1) 'k were about to
natural way, as the medioine is guaranteed nerform an operation on a workman,
to contain no Opiate or harmful drag. Ex- knd in order toonutke the :tearing of
perien diniethera everywhere nraige Baby's t e anaesthetic easier, they inetructed
Own, abide above all medieinee, airs daa. "
him to count slowly from one to Ono
A. Wi on, Wyorcting,Ont., says have hundred.
tul:e5tia a t44conPsicdTrIttahbeirdet8 lan both my chil- As the wOrkman explained that he dict
In Polish which he 41(1, until the influ.
Ono 0 774 i ton v I, d X
always toad the Tablets eemiertieota a Owe of the chloroform began to assert
itself, when he continued counting it
splendid regalatOt of the stomach and
bowels. I think the Tablets have been the German 1 "And." explains The Balla
Wattle of promoting nanny a. NOMA night's burger Nachrichten hysterically, "in
test tor both and Children," properly pronounced and accented Get.-
Children take these Tablets as readily to mail), t00
Oondy,and crushed to a powdeathey can be
evert with absolute rudely to the youngett,
weakast inlant.Yen can get the Tablets
from any dealer in matelots, or post paid
VilIiamn'• 0, yes, my darling daughter.
. at 25o a box, hy writing the Dt,
But give them all a
e where there are young children. grave salute,
..or fiebenee-
.not know German he was told to coolie
any h
• ,
"May X go to Sea the' soldiers ehootr
t a ti Or they'll lilt you full of water.*
U'S been; I want to know what it la," .
• LiauriDoc
- 1 )
• fillITTERS
• Much amusement.was '<aim& at. Brim.
sels recently (hiring the official reception
of the ChinesesPrince impeeistl; says The
Della Express. Al) day the Prince wee
promenaded ever the city, and every.
where lie went he Was Met by the same
menetorious tents wearily intoned ' by
military bends: •After it while he asked
:his 'interpreter, to, inquire whitatheturie
was. • ••
• "The- Chihese national anthem," was
the 'reply of the surprised.. burgoniaster
of .Brussels, 'M. •de Met. .
"But we have neee,": replied Prince
Chen; •"aedthis tune was certainly never
heard in Chine." • .
• It seems that wily Etiropeanssoete
years age composed 4 weird melody* -with
tomtem accompaniment, and .called it
the Cholera national anthem. Ile :sold
the rasht to perform the anthem on all
None's; Fifin.Vgi:i njTti an
. undertone 2witle 'alarie)a-T a Wel-. 'sae
- looked horrid.. White never did •bec.ome
.her, and that 'applique was just absdrd,
• But Graee looked love
colvaeites,,r-741dbatsutts mfioYm• deetialthei„gImWoils.eh eyioetvi atte. •
ing 'mote enlightening— . •'
•• itother-Yes, George; that • street
lamp: • It would be elevated and &light-.
' enieg if we only hiol it. But these girls .
never will talk about •anything bet •
• ,dressa lk as . young Me Softgopds there
la.st meta . •
•Marie -Yes,: Ma, and he Was •so kind:
He saw ns dawn t� the train afterwaids
and. asked perinission to call. I told
him we Were always .a,t, home Wednes-
. .day evenings. • •• .
• ]lather-YoungSparkles: the member
• for -Gasometer, will be proud man now
that the franehiee has been: cottferred
on .women. He has made. it the noble
-Maiden of his life •
; • NancY-What, that • odious ereature;
who. ahvays . wants to • talk cr
such silly stuff.. He Raked •me• what
thought of alien immigration, -or seine
••such thing; told bim r approved of
• any 'mans of gettilig• rid of bolas. ••
• Father -You girls must be. sure to •re-
.gistet yourselves.. • •
•• ..-Marie-Register d •Only fancy, I
thoitylit you did that for me when X was
• yaectnated or eomething.
• -Mother-Oh, • my dear, how' can you he
occasions when lot Chitrese dienitaries
were •being entertained. He has already,
Made a nice little stun out of it. .
• 'The Commandant's- 'tau .•
Is a purely vegetable System
Renovator, Blood Purifier and
• Tonic. ••
A medkine that acts directly at
• the same time on the Stomach,
Liver, ElowelS and Blood.
It cures Dyspepsia,.131lionsness,
Constipation, Pimples, Boils, Head.
• ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sores;
Indigestion, Erysipelato Cancer,
Shiflett, Ringo:writ or ally disease
arising from an impovaished or
impure condition of the blobd.
Po lets by ail epaulet
Medieine Breektille, Ont
•• Writing -from Bloemfontein a, week
after the declaration of peace,. the spe-
cial correspondent of The Times nude '
some intehsting observations upon the
Boer leaders and the problent of settle.
ment., Of the, Boer leaders at the
Vereeniging conference he wrote:-
& more motley collection for the
commanding officers of an army it would
be hard to imagine.' Suits of corduroy,
covered with large. patches &f Soft loath.
er were favorite uniforms, and there
• " 1 who 1 ad not smite article of
clothing representing the looting of a
convoy or the stripping of some unlucky
prisoner. But the hats were the great
feattire, on which eaeli man had ex.
handed Ifis powers of invention: They
were of every shape, material and tot.
or, and decorated with the num6 extra..
ordinary devicesand mottoes. Almost
the most fantastic was it broad.brimnied
atraw helmet painted in the Free State
colors, red, white. blue and orange, in
four quarters, which crowned the stal-
wart figure of Commandant Vlichael
Prinsloo. The satire eenimandint'S son,
;a boy of perhaps eighteen years, had a
long -tangled ryellow inane falling ever
his shoulders -the consequence of a vote
never to eitt, his hair till the English
were expelled from the country."
FO frilly ?
Nitney-I believe there is an halite -
tion known as the elm& or parish re-
gister, where, when opportunity offers, I
•shall be only too happy -a-
' • hatheraaSilenceagirle ! Thiele it nett.
ous subject. You are both twenty-one,
.„ Naney-Well, pa, you need not throw
that up ,in our teeth. Xt isn't our fault.
Father -You are adults within the
Meaning' of the net. -
Mother -Oh, George; what language
to use to the dear children.
Father -s4 only want to show th'erit,
my dear, that there IR something more
important in the world than dresses ca
; Marie-Oha father; impossible. And
• taiking of that, have our cards mime for
the Mayor's riext--
I Nahey-Next election, do you vitae,
dear ? Remember we are votera now.
I Father -nosy °No tntat I tell you
that there Is a differenee between muni-
cipal government and State government
and Federal government.
Marie -Yes, pa; X know you told me
that silly Mr. Sparkles you bring 'hero
will be mayor some day.
• rather -Nothing of the sort; X said
if he' continued his very creditable
course he Would be Preniler Otte day.
tight, pa* I will vote. for
him. 'Anything to get' him out of thil
Father -My dear, you °tuft vote f02
Yours is the Federal franchise.
Marie and Nancy -Oh, 'bother the
Left sitting. gloated owe:Path/A
siontinues. • , .
The Novelty Bakery
and• Restaurant
Is the place to buy choice
eb000latea. Vie handle' Mc-
Cormick's choice Mariottibo
chocolates, • also Paterson
creams and burnt almondsand
other choice ,aseortmente.
We are prepared for the com-
• ing season to serve' soda water
in all flavors. We also have
crushed fruite in stook, me
• cream and all kinds of cool
drink. '•
A &Moe stock of Orengee and
• lemons, bananits"a.nd all kinds• •
of truit* seasOn.
•. Fancy bread, and cakes alway
on hand.
asaasaassasszsarssasaaaaa ••
-•IVeddinir CakeS a
Tar raistricitly
1-Ptisatalgende to loan" aliireiortgagas.
hest ourrent rater),
T •
' OL11411.VN, ONT.
J •McClay, Clinton. 1,
FfiAnii Aith O.RANITE
A General Banking •buemess tranattoted
;ntereet allowed' ondeposit%
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D. MeTaggart
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ALBERT ST., it CLIiir,r0g
A General, Banking .Bealiiesa
• transaCted,
Interest allowea on
• Incorporated by AotIParliarnent:1835:
• CAPITAL $2,500,000
'REST,FUND $2,150,000
Wu, Maser? Mararterisoe, Preeiden
lams Eemoss'saGen. Manager.
• Notes disoonatecl,00lleotfons made, isafts
issued, eterline and American •excharge
bought and- Fiala Interest allowed on
deceits SINVIDIG BANN—Interest allowed,
on gams of .$1 and ap. Money advanced ta
farmers en theirorwevnIrote,em, with
meendorsere, No mortgage required.
R.C. B
tylenday,Septernber rstto Sitturdayosthson
NEW Bull lartINGS •
rtatttbr t8 Walls NEW FEATURES • •
CUNT Orti- -$35,0110-7fir -
"Jhreot 'importers. Worknianshin $30„ o
000: f. r Attrationg
- and Material guaranteed. asasea16a0 000p'tacJe
jAS G SEALE the resteirces orour Vdorioas" country.:
It will pay phi hest in the end,
The Canada Business College,.
elfin:M.71Ni, ONT.
Has issued its •ainival list of students
placed during last year. The number is
860. What do you think of it? The num-
ber for the preyious year was 804; . and for
the year oreceenne that, 280, • Does this
ratignitiotent showing and increasing dem-
and not tell you something? If interested
wrim for list and handsome catalogue.
Fall term o ens Sept. 2na .
. D. McLachlan & 'Co
ehatham, Ont.
• 50. YEARS'
n vene sending 5 ski:Art and dese,riat inn to.
(tutelar 113POrtilln mit- opinion free whettme t.
tilvention 13 probably patentable. Comm:int(
tions strictly conildentlal. Dendbook ott Patents '
petit fro,. Oldest agency for se ,uring,patetto.
Patents, taken through Munn & (o. receive
bgectal tuace, without charge, In the .
Scientific iliterican.,
hattelternolr illustrated weekly. Iprgest clr•
!BUNN &CO 3titproadway, ew yort,
;25 Washington, 7).
Cook's Cotton Zest 062tpoiliti
Is successfully used monsis& tgoee
AlOur drujilieg; blots& atios red
. k°6°e :ado oral ea as all Mixtures,
letatirlillOredueagruegeerareiricerri4,sei lfenr.ble'r..nevekle
. e.maned on receipt or price and tivollAINVO
The Cook Company Windom
I and old and recommended
No, 1, Akia No. 2, are sold Ill Minh%
at all responsible Drug Stoyes.
Itedsigedltates on every line et travel.
•: Consult your station agent reggraing
Fire to Toronto and back.
Sqvereign Batik
A utb ori zed , Capital • $2,1:00,006
Subscribed OA pita I.; a . .. 1,3C0,000
'H, S. Esq,, Montreal, Presiaett.
•11 M. STEWARZ Esq,,GeDerui Manager
• Extre'ets' from Goeerement lit tuts 8:
Nay 31, 1002'Jur 000 1 GI
Capital Paid UP • $ 740,000 $ 81,1,1 01
110,000 111, 03
'Aeesgeetrr.. ....1,150,000 1 0,1.03
• Blinton. ranch Exeter Bronchi •
P Snyder. Manager I 'F E Kara, malinger
notes Discounted, Drafts Bought and Sold.
Interest allowed 4.0-filepos1ts of $1 and, up-
wards, and compounded half ybarty.
Deposit Receipts Issued.
A General Banking Busin(ss
entr al
Meat Market
Having'pntotased the butcherirg
bteriness of P, B. Powell X ant pro.
pared to furnish the,people of Ont.
ton with all Itids of Presh
Cored Aleata. Sewage, bologra.
lard, butter en . eggs always kept Ot
R. Vitzsimons it Son.
Welphoite 76.
Orderti dellVered Wispily 10 44
parts of the town.,
1:,/1 .-47.fterit IaMisg begs for
- thipretnt will confer s btu* 17
• iiisving wort) si the shop.