HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-22, Page 4aas
Auga.0:22na 1902.
Trial Subscription to, the New Era from now till the end of the year for 25C
sA II III' '
„bargains .
•• FOR 71119 WEEK
11 Here's a wonderful collection of bargains for this week's selling, the like of which
•we are sure has never been offered in, Clinton. We have had great bargains before
but never SO many of a sensational character, There are some remnants and odd lots
'of Summer Goods that rnust,be moved out at Once, no matter how much the loss.
. vsie are bound to-stari in our new store With a fresh stock.
(The builders will not interfere with business)
60c White Shirt Waists at 25c"
4 dozen White Lawn Shirt Walets, ell made this season in
newest styles, our regular price is 60a each, all on tele
• to clear at
79e Shirt Waists at 38c
Three dozen White Lawn Shirt. Waists, nicely trimmed
• • with Ittoe insertion etc., all made in very Welt styles,
• ail with stook collar trimmed with hiee, regular price 3
790, building sale pride
4.35, $1.50 and $t Shirt Waists at 75c.
The balance of our White Lawn and Linen •Colored -Shirt
'Waists that are all in very newest styles, all nicely
-trimmed with lace, embroidery,eto , regular prices are
$1.35, $1.50 and $2, building rale price ,, . .. ....... 4
:XXIX choice of 4 dozen pairs of children's Elam and ribbed
Ticketwill be issued ot
good gang any day from Sept. 2n1 to lath,
returning up to Sept. 15th, '
Excursion ,i)ays
Timidity, Thursday, Saturday, Sept 2.4, 6.
Mona' ond Wednesday, Sept 8 and 10.
Will be excureion days on which the fare will he
All tickets good up to aapt 15. . •
Tickets ifiseed a day ahead if you want them.
• Buy your tickets up Townand avoid
the rush and delay at station,
Office open until 8.30 every night after Sept ist
f, R. Ilodgens, Town Agent.
Xtiv Advertiotottitio
Ruilding sale bargains -Newcombe Page 4
. Toronto fair -F At Hodgena .. 4
'School enpplies-W Cooper & Co1 ' 4
Sale continues -McKinnon & Co .. , ... , . • 6
Agents wantedx-Canada Skirt Co ,..... 5
1 • 6
, Positron-Bradley-Garretson Co 6
IOC Scotch' Muslins 5c Rar e chance ---Jas Young
. . . Good farm -a E Allin
Notiewto Creditors -R Sterlimr 6
100 yards of Scotch Muslina in pink, sky, navy and white 4
5e mixed, regular price 10; building wale price Be Shorthand and b'kkeeping-J Westervelt 5
_ - Voter's fist -w °este
- Song and music folios -W D Fair
$1 B a. I Corsets 60c Saturday next -Jackson Bros
A half dollar window-liodgene Bros , 8
16 peke of B & I bias filled. corsets, made of good quality. OIt lettItO
• yean, regular price $1 per pair, building sale price will •
• be • • • '60c FRIDAMAUGUST 22,1902.
8e 65c Table.Linen at 45c
- The Post Office
40 inch wide Table Linen, extra heavy quality of all linen, , a
• regular price 65o, sale price per yard • s %au
More Ribbons at 20c • -
5c 200 yards more of those 30o and. 350 Ribbons go on sale
Friday morning, they come in ehades of old rose, blue,
turquois, red, black, XV cream, and white, regulaevalueti risk
' up to 35o, ;isle price
Children's .124c and 15e Hose at 8c•
S. Some Building Sale -Bargains
notton hose, sizes e to 7 inches, regular .12so anti lfict • •
, I dig builaia sale at per pair . .
In.M.en's Furnishings. Ellareatm
'Commenting on the article which
appeared the NEW ERA two. weeks
two in reterence to the Clinton Post -
Down by the2fin ding Sea;
Mr Mtn Ransford returned from his
trip to the Maritime Provinces thie
week. lie reporte tbe meeting of the
Manufacturers' Association as a great
success. A large number gathered
from all parts of the Dorninimaand if no
other benefit accrued than that of the
West meeting- tne Beet, and sitting
down to dismiss important matters,
arid thereby making each other's ao.
quitintance, the good results are mann
fest. fielifax wag crowded, and Bala
fax rose to the occasion, and displayed
in the shape of feasting and excurston,
that hospitality for which it has ever
been farnous.
We are glad to be able to report that
the company Mr Ransfordkepp during
his absence WM most commendable.
He was seen on more than ones occa-
sion with Globe in his hand. He Was
ICTetialletriat ;?enYv,eorr lie9,7etat.bSAttti(tinrilad,
was closeted for hours in Mr Tarte's
private car, arecussina various public
matters with that gentleman.
According to Mr Ransford's report of
his interview with Mr Tarte, he finds
that gentleman a very much moreable,
honest and agreeable person than he
expected to find him. In fact, anybody
listening to Mr Ranstord's description
of Mr Tarte, would almost think they
were in the presence of a staunch Lib-
eral instead of a rabid Torn. This Is
one benefit of travel and mixing with
men and things. , It tends to obliterate
I party lines and to extend a person's
' scope of thought and vision. The Can-
adian fast •line is, of course, a subject
uppermost in many minds to day. We
are glad Mr Ra.nsford put himself on
• record SS being in favor of Halifax as
' an allyear terminal,and we understand
• Mr Tarte is of similar opinion. Until
at least the St Lawrence is rendered
more accessible we •cannot take any
chances with a 22 knot steamer. One
- accident on the start would take years
to recover,from.
, We regret Mr Rahsford has no polit-
ical prophetic utterances on this occa-
sion to deliver. lie evidently had not
that confidence in the sea air that he
had on his last visit two years ago.
Poultry Raising.
""to the Rennery of Mr J ohn
mastership, the Goderich Signal says:—
'The Opinions expressed by Mr Holmes,- M.
P., in the columns of The NEW EIA, have the
right ring, but we believe there is a feature in
the political view which he has over oo ed.
Within the next six months it is quite possible
that a redistribution bill maylbe brought before
the House of Commons, and as Huron county
was one of those which suffered severely' from
the gerrymander of 1882,no.hing is plainer than
. . ' • that thewron wiltba ri hted b the Liberal
•r In thatevent it s hard o say where
. Forrester.
••mind, is a good and smile ent• reason why' Mr '
ge and 7e Laces at3e
anryards of fine Valenciennes Lace in assorted designs and
-widths, these are our very finest lacies at 5; 6o and 7o,
Mi at one. price to clear .. ; . ........ .
110re nie and 15c Embroideries at -8c
1$30 yarde of Embroideries with geed strong edges, ell'new
&agora our regular prices area.* and 150, building
sale price per yard... as ........... ....•. s. .. .
121-e Flannelette at 91-c
S360 yards of plain pink, white and oreem Flannelette, 36
'inched wideyery fine quaiity, regular value 12ao, bandeale•price , .. . ...... . .. • • a • • • • • -• • • s• • •
• • '
Sia* Prints .5c • •
• ;BO liras of light and dark artiste, good heavy quality, tell .fifen's Fine Quality Negliege Shirts in light colors, all havs
• fast colors, regurar values. at . . .. ... OC ing.reverailale (jolters, regular price $1,25, sale price .. ale
• • •Holmes should:cast an anchor to windward at To one who is lover of fowl, it will well
SI,.$1.2 and $150 irts at 69c the present junction. The Signal is the orifinal repay them for the time occupied in a 'visit
5 sb*
. •. Holmes newspaltrand the editor TheS gnal
Bk. .5 Dozen Menai Colored Shirts, warranted fast colors, soft
fronts, perfect in fit, regular $1, $1.25 and • $1,5a each,
buiading sale Price.. • • • ass • s • • "r
.t Oc and 25e Sox at per pair 14c
4 dozen Men's Sox, extra goOd quality, regular 20o and 250
Values, On sale at Per pair . ....,..... • • • • • • s
$1 Balbriggan .Undershirts at 50c
alen's Balbriggan 'Undershirts in large sizes only, regular
price $1 each, building sale price . . . ... . .
" ri I man," but we see no to the faim of D. A. Forrester, father cif
reason nailer Holmes not acoeptinf the Post the above young men. Such seas the exper.
th a o es
On,. mastereldp of Clinton in the near uture. He ienoe of a NEW Ene renorter.last t ride .
%PIM has fought two hard political conteS s. fold has . Y
from the West last
John, who returned
thus placed his partr leadera under obligation
pre-eminent ability • he is an upright and
to him • he believes n the principle that pont- spring, had not arrayed home many days
. icalhou'ors should pass around and not remain when the idea struck hira to apend•the sums
in possession of anyone man unless he be of mer in the catioken bueiness. 'Reports from
-14c capable man and would make a trustworthy otber persons who were in the same line the
public official. There is no reason. why ,he season before being very flettering, and
• shoam notreceive the appointment.';
' prices very high tempted hint, • .
We haven't the faintest idea What To the uneXiterienced olaicken raiser it
Awns the preposed redls f fifteen eggs and'place theist tinder allen,whq
may seem an idle mat.er to take e dozea or•
redistribution o
50c the constitueneies will take, but one is already wanting to sot, and then let nat-
$L25•Negliege Shirts at 78c thing we are sure of, and that is the
• • , West Riding of Huron will not he
made any harder to carry than it is.
Ever since the original gerrymander -of
the riding,the Liberals have practieally
•had to fight for their political nVeS.
• When a change takes place it will
Hundreds of bargains will be found at our store:not in this add.
'Your money back
if you want it.
Chur me
b • •
Crossley arid Hunter will emit union
rwangelistic meetiflgS in hburchos
and Agric•iltural Hall, Du • g tenon, on
Almeria, 31.•
• . Examinations • -• • • Rriburn •• •
WILLIS• Caultota -Hee
ton, of Londesboro; qcCupied the pun
nitat both service% lest Sunday. Rev'
Dr Stewart being at Lonclesboro,
• Rey W. G, Howson, of Akin St.
Murcia, London, who has been enjey-
legs, five weela's holiday in Muskoka,
'assumed his pulpit work oia Sunday
bat. •
• McMenamin, wit° has been enjoying a
couple of weeks Well .,eatned holidays,
• among his Montreal friend's, returns
Po -Morrow, and will reennae his oven
work on Sunday, at Blyth.
Hanisaaron ARMY. -tient Richara-
aSaa siiin has seen nefyian 'on a wan -of -
war, will give his , experience . at the
barracks, on the edening of the 27th.
• ale will also exhibit, the naval cuttais ,
exerciee, whieh itself is well worth see- '
log. There will beno eharge for ads
mission, but a silver collection will be
taken.at the door.
anme time the finis church organ here
bus not been giving satisfaction, it
"going 911 strike" just et the time when
its services were moat required. In-
eeestigation disclosed the fact that it
laselausen atildcted by the dampness.'
and since it has been thoroughly dried
tout and protected from pessibility • cif
future Jollity, it has worked as satih.
fantntily as poesible. .! An, interesting
missionary trieoting wilt be held at the
I,eagne on Monday evening next. W.
A Gifford Will address the meeting:. it
eonditti. invitation is extended to all le.
Invested in missionary Work: :abed -661=
lection in aid of niissitete.
WAtitiar Offutto4.-A. special mtietiog,
vat tke Intermediate League is called
SDP Friday evening at 8 o'clock, whee
the Superintendent -A, T. Cooper
deliver an address on BnOicif,- T.
"WaShington. A good • turnout of
teatguerere is aeked. for. Ali. are wel.
come...That noble bend of workere,the
Ladies Aid, to the number of about 40,
piteneed. at Bayfield yesterdayTiae
,August monthly meeting of the VV . M S
'took a aomewhat unusual turn being
held in the evening, instead retbe af-
ternoon, as formerly, and the program
varied by items of more than ordinary
;interest, The Vice-president, MIS Hare
land, cenducted the meeting, and in
the cadre) of the program gave those
present dieh of Missionary salad,
'which Witt very refreshing, Mee Col,
ville contributed materiaI1y to the eo-
aartyrnent and helpfulness of the audi-
anice, by rendering a solo in her delight -
1u1 manner, and giving an address no
Methods Of W'oek full of practical war
al interesting ikdiee in the church who
Seurat note naembere of theW M Satnd
aerialine one into greater usefithaess
flume who are willing. The ladies' are
10 Icing forward wlth great interest to
titeWeetern Brandi meeting to he held
harei : October.
necessarily -make the Riding more
f WM able, to theLiberals. It does not
follow that the riding will be "gerry-
mandered," as the term is understood,
..bat it will a;ssuredly. be made easienfor
a Liberal candidate, whoever he ,may
The'resent representative 'has no
. .
other claim on the re ing than his
faithful discharge of duty, end the
good grace of his political friends., and
when they intimate that a change of
' representative is deal/rink, it will he
time enough to seek refuge from the
anxieties of business life in that much
sotight for havetia government office.
. , NOTES -Mr and Mrs BalliritYne and
• •.The successful students at•the recent son of Brussels,were visiting relatives
na ions at Olin on, :otherthan in the village last • week. Miss M.
(=van 1est week), are as oi lows: •Brogden, of Londesboro, is visiting at
PART 1 Maaatormaaria'ir-Charlee M the pareonage, Mr J. Ladd has dispos-
0 Brown s ed of his property to Mr Thee Nichola
eon, of the
village; we hope Mr Ladd's
COMPLETED PART l• - intention • i
E Button (pay- ints not to leave the yillage,
G M btuart (physics) Elva Wallace re uene • horxie
after stiending a few weeks with her
I' sister, Mrs Riddell. Last Thursday be-
ing Civic Holiday there was over* onel
hundred people from the- village at -
I tended the picnic at Point farm; thes7
all reported a good time. Our Dress
Maker Miss Dabie v as spending a few
days at home last wee.. Mrs' G. Mar -
hall and her Sister left for Manitoba
this week. Mr A. Askwith shipped his
first lot of apples on Monday. Mr A.
Brundeen and T. Wallace .spent Suns
day in Londesboro whatis the at
• -00mrnaaan Pays' il Maantaniatatan traction Albert. Quite a 'number 'of
-Browning. '(eoinopsitirin), E the ferment; will finish harped this
(German) • • week. ' Miss Pearl Ferguson was called
Ptrr 1 SR. LEAVII1G-W Hamilton home :porn Clinton on account of. her
•mother's eicknees. School open, e,d•last
PT. II SR. IJEAvizeo-., Anderson, M
Monday, the boys and girls think the
McKenzie ,
holidays too short. A number of people
kosrott MaastieuLaTien John 111 from the adjoining villageespeet a ,day
Laird, first class honors in boatherna- at the side of the Maitland; last- Fri -
tics, French, German, Lttln, history day .• Auburn is quite a summer resort.
and physics; >second cities in English Mr .Yno Mole exchanged heroes the
Olvatta Brigham, first class in ninth- ether day.. ,
ematics; second class in French, Ger-
man, history, English, Latin . , •
Role; W Xing, second ,class in Math-.•
en-ottie.4 German and history. ': Ditaan OP SAatuni. SLOANE-Sunday
Mr Laird obtained the irecond Blake afternoon last the town was shocked to
schinerstup in ...mathematics and mod- hear of the sudden death of Mr S. mud
ern langnages. He is not yet eighteen. Sloan, one of the oldestawealthieet and
years of age. and had he remained at most hiehly resinctecl residents of -the
schrsta another year, would have had a plae.e. He wasaround tenni during' the
fair chance of winning the Prince of day, apparently in his urinal health. --.-
Wales' prise. for general proficiency, :towards evening he coMplained of feel -
AS he had an excellent standing in ing unwell, and. his nephew, Mr Alex.
IssithaS .physics, nyer. and - Coopee,- ran. -aerose-fhe etreete for -e doc-
• above his scholarship etanding. We tor; when they got back Mr Sloan hod
congratulate Mv Laird and the Lisa- expired He was a native of Ireland,
tute from which he matriculated but had resided here for a areat 'many
Probably no school or town in Ontario years,filling various poste of Usefulness
of the size of out Inetitute and tovvn Being aagrain dealet• he was widely
can show sisal a ecord as five scholar- known. For About 15 years he was one
shine in the feat six yeara. The Win. of the West Riding „License Commis.
nine towns and cities this veer were sioners, He was. utunarried, and had
Toronto (three Instituted') ten schnlar. accumulated an estate estinaated. to be
ships, Ritielltoh two, London four,. : worth ntiont$135,000, Which he divided
(nova one. St Catherinesbone, Chet- : up chiefly among his relatives: the Me -
barn one, Owen Sound four. Toronto thodist Church of Canada, of whith he
Junction three, Clinton one, Sr. Mallet I was a faithful member, receives a be -
one, Brampton one, Stratiney one. cylestOf $1.000, wad the French Mieelon
Markham one, Thos it will be seen, of the Same church also rectineli $1000.
taking everything into consideration, He was a. staunch Liberal'. A trian nf
that the. only places that have stir- broad yieWas strong convictions, and a
passed Clinton are Owen Sound and firm.desire to see that'everything -vette
L'oron Sone Won, • • done right, he enjoyed Oho Confidence
and respect of the comfminity to the.
ful eat extent. The funeral, Wednets-
Was largely attended, theMasons
meeting 64 the Board on Monday even,ot
d aamember,
ing the only 150.11i:toss transacted wee taking part therein,
the etigageinebt of a SUCCOStor to Mr
Rabe, ix"f 13_ appileations Wete real "vim Not LOSE HIS SWIM-
teivei Mr W. Tier being Outten, at De aera
a are glad to know that the etrite..
mot, rie•I heel Mothe.1
*merit Publi-beci to the effect that Me
Make), Master of LUCRE High School W. Weir, of Manitoba but late of
tor 0 years, bee mule good wdrk, and; town, toig4 '
ht. lone hit, eyesi ht, as the
comee ver hl re onatriended so fault of a blasting tied ent, Is in.
that the excellent Standing of 011/10,11 correct. The aecklent happened, but
Collegiate will still be maintained, h .s not affected his eyesight,
• • . •
. • . . .
• '•. •
The latest :yain is to, the effect that
Mr Tarte is to succeed Sir. Wilfrid, as
leader of the Patty.- This is about as
likely to crime true, as that Mr Hoiden
the leader of the . Optioeition, *ill be-
eorne leaden of the Liberal 'peaty. Mr
Tarte has no such ambition, even if
there Werean opportunity. Mr Torte's
preferences are all in the direction of
newspaper work, and were it not that
he feels under obligations to the party
be stay With it, !would be engaged of
active newspaper work in alnioet at
oncefie is the best Minister of Pub-
lic Werke this country bas eyer had,
and even our Conservative friends are
coming to this conclusion, '
- •
Effect of the Ran, •
To quite s. number of farmers and
othere, the verbal question has been
put "Has the rain done any harm," and
• while we cannot give ail the 'answers
received; a few are gi ven below. The
majority of persons spoken -to think
that no harm has been done. Mr S. H.
Smith, aroverswIto has good opportun-
ity for forming an opinion, differs rad.
ically from the others:-.
Mr James Fair, Olintori-"I don't
think the rain has done any real harm
further than to induce some farmers to
put theirgrain in the barn a little too
soon, with the result Moat it becomes
• toughs There is no wheat sprouting
that I know of,"
W H.Lobb Goderich township -"As
a Matter of fact the rain has done me
= more good than harm. 1 never knew
thjegs to look as well as they do now.
It'a been the best Orison for Me I ever
Thos. Murch, Stanley -"Beyond col-
• oring the hay a little tclOn't think the
rain has dore any harm. I ate told
__thatnatalave_notsfille.d.out as web. aa
usual,. Wheat has not been affected
that I know of,"
S, H. eitnith,'Clinton-q ElM satisfied
the rain has done a lot of herrn. It has
knocked oats driven and prevented
them from filling; it has colored barley
and it has injured a good deal of hay."
' • Sheppardton
CHURCH. -Reopellillk services were
held at Sheppardt on last Sunday. For
abont four weeks the church bee been
closed owing tn repairs. Mr Thomas.
Elliott, Nile, hae had the work in
charge and had done Credit to himself
in compleeng k morn attractive and
en tiefaotory job. Lovolv weatliPN.
Forcible serrnone by Dr Daniels God-
erich, excellent addresses by A. C.
uourtice, Holmesville, and Dr Daniels
fo ttie'eb0dren, mueicel selections of A
high order, well rendered were the
features of the servicern 10100 was ask.
ed for by the pastor and. volved a$
retinue wete pastor
at thp closing
service. Thanks at? extended to those
helping et the serViree. Shepperdton
maple are to be oboe trilateri On their
heantiftil church, etimfOrtable ehede
and the epirit of unity,. generosity and
desire to Bee God's work prosper pre.
veiling, May there be an ingather ing
o'preeloue souls in the near future,
:ure take care of sthe rest, but to go into t
chicken raieing on the modern plan, by
which 1000 chicks can be Thatched out in
the course of ti pension by artilioial heat-aS
the incubator -and bring them to a =Our -
ed etate, ready for the market, is no child's
play, and requires. One persona; attention
e ptisme
as demonstrated the
fact that Our learned poultry, raisers have
met drawbacks from dampness and cold
that they had not anticipated, and thona
sands of chicks have been lost after being
hatched, and eggs that would not heti* at
an even after being tested.
Mr Forrester has used' two kinds of in-
cubators, five of the Morgan (in 100 and 200 win, has been leased by D. aUrquhart, pro-
style) and one of tlae Cypress(eelf regulating prietor of the liensall Oatmeal Mille, with
machine) patterned after the hen 'herself, posseetkon Sept lat. On his finding suffi•
dent grain produot'cat. be iobtained in this,
district and near by railway points, he will
fit up and equip it with the most modern
improved machinery for. the manufacture
of pearl and pet barley, split peas and oat-
meal products for shipment to foreign coun-
tries; also the making dant kinds of grain
foods for horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, etc.
The growing demand in Britain •for all
our agricultural products necessitate his.
looking for producing territory from which
School Books and School
Supplies for School Opening
• 'Text Books for Public Schools
Public Sohool Grammar -New Edition., 250
16 Arithizestie-New Edition, 25o
11 Geography -New Edition 750
"Preoticel Speller .
ehysiology and Temperance 255
History.. ... 410 .1.• 0 4 •* . 1 ....... , f .000
II . Agriculture s. 800
Ontario Readers .....10o '15o, 20o, 30o and 40o
Clatholio Readers.... 14,150, 20e. 30o and 40o
Pnblio School Copiee, each as
Public School Drawing Books, meta .....,50
Morangs Phonic Primer... ., ....10a
a le'ew Geography • . Part 1-44o
• a I'MaordlelinanEang2liashcimeaGrbriannSn;;;:l...2'..7..7
- •
Rooks tor High School and Collegiate InstituteS
'Sigh School Reader 600
14 Algebra s .75o
..VV --Val 11 Grammar, new .
History of England •
11 • " "Canada 500
" Greeoe & Rome new 750
. 41 Geography, new • ...$1.00
61 . Arithraetio . . ... .., . ........60a
11 • Euclid, new • 50e
Book Reepina..... , 60o
46 Physicist Soienoe .,. Fart 1-50o
0 .• • • is 2-750
Physic's' &denim Supplement... . a . .... ., 853
o Higher Algebr'
a.... ....$1 50
• a Latin Grammar and reader 1 00
.. French •11 1 00
• .46 German• 14 1 00
. 44 Chemistry . 60
04. Advanced Chemistry 50
111 History of England (Green)1 50
Zoology 75
" • Botany 100
Coleridge and Woodsworth, paper 30o, Cloth 50
• Virgil /Eneid, Book II ' . ' 50
•Horace Odes, III and IV, each 35
Fenillete le Village • ' 25
Landers Traninereien.. . ... . . .. ...
• Whited Beginners Greellook ,
:Williams' Siomposition
• °heroical Note Book a5
• Physical Science „ •.. . ... 25
• Camelia Frenoh,German,Latin, Diotionary.each $1
For. Model Students
1 50 _
Baldwina Phyoholoey applied to teaohing.... 51.50
Millers Sohool Management ..1,00
Tilley's Methods in Teaohing ... 1.00
Strong Manilla Covers are supplied free
with all our School Books. See that you get
Clinton in Front.
its Centred' and Natneal ,Rdvant
ages attract Outside MartuD.`
facturers R Prospective •
New Millina '
' ' •
The Standard Eleisator, owned by R Ir -
until the Woke arrive. . • .
l'he. that things neaseeary tor a epocees:
fal season, Mr•Forrester says, is to get ego.
from ti hennery where cockerels are not
scarce, when you are sure that the eggs are
well germinated; after that see that year
incubator is clean and Ventilation good, op
which the succese of yotir hatch depends.
After the egge have been in the machine
under a temperature of not less thee 90 de-
grees for two daann by the aid of elampana
a darir room louk forgesns in•the ogg,anct 11, to get additional euppliat to meet his foreign
nonaean be seen take them out, and it will trade. ]or this purpose Clinton seems to'
save you 4 great deal of annoyance at nao 'have the best natural advantage. hence his
end of the terra Wetting for•egge. that will taking . the . ((Standard.' which is already
never Witch; to bring forth a chick.. Like pertly equipped with grihantaohinerysthat
all life a greet deal depends on tba 'Ventila-
tion and circulation of the artificial heat,
and it these two points are well looked at -
the firet end is obtained. '
The tender thick hail arrived, and after
leaving them an the incubator for two Or
three days till. the weaker -ones have got
strong, they are then removed to whatis
called a' brooder, a frae work, after the
principle of an incubator, with plenty of
. sunlight) and fresh air, with a temperature
regulated at about 75. They are kept here
till they have got quite strong, and are then
turned oat in a separate plot of ground in
the orchard, away from the elder_ axles, and
fed three times a day with entail grain apd
maids, After they are a month or two. old
they are then given nerd boiled eggs, which
they more titan enjoy. The eggs, that have
been tested and thrown ont being used for
thisaurpose, The 'finishing process under
which they go in order to fit them from the
market- aid pen work on arms is, built
about•two feet from the ground, and divid-
ed off in epartments a foot and it hall
equere, just Nona for four fowl in each
space, with e feed trough constantly filled
with eoft food, After three weeks or what
is called force feeding Of thie kind they ero.
then ready for market, :
Some idea of the amount of flesh they
put on thia short time may be gleaned
by the first batch raised by Mr Forrester,
The chicks came out an the 2ath of April,
and today, with feathers off and "drawn,
weigh 4a
He does notbelieve in building fancy
hen bonfire to raise chiekeris in Or the
market, claiming that they ate 'freer from
the vermin that constantly inhabit such
places, and otherwise being shut off from
plenty of fresh air, which they so ruin*
need, to allows them the ran pf_ the ots-
ahead; Thii "ohlY shelter beliin prOaftlia 18.
the appla trete, from the sun, and small
triangular coop for them when raining; .
Ha has them in all stages of the ;note,
from *batch of •89 that has just Arrived to
those ready .for the market, soniething ()Vet
it thousand in all. The last he 01000 to
• 4aVe ready about Christmas.
As tine is a new innovatioe for johinand
is entirely an experiment and a epeoutation,
can be oohaerted and used in the proposed
milling plant.
Prospectively our town seems to be. ata
treating the attention of both manufaottir-
nig and financial concerns. This attention.
ia mainly drawn through the enormous
quantities of live dock, fruits and all
kindEi of farm products that yearly are
shipped from Clinton, stamping it as the
principal outlet for agricultural ef
Huron countysunsurpassed in quality:Tian,
tity and value by any other county in Ons.
tario, and winch; without savoring of any
'undue pride, gives us the right and title to
the banner county Of the banner province
of Canada. No mean titleand of which as
:citieene of Clinton •we may • autly feel
proud, so Much so. that with already local
indnstries-aut floor mills, salt works, or-
gan.factory, foundry, lumber and planing
mills, wholesale clothing thanufeetory,
. electrto light worlre, and the near males
none of a knitting factory ands factory for
mannflsotaripg of an every -day -in -use tell..
able family patent niedicine, together with
unsurpassed banking and railroad and pub-
lic prate fitoilitiee,- we seem to be on the
eve of possible prosperity. that will she*
Clinton to be both a live and progressive
Aati to tine catalogueoef busy activity
that of our expected in the near future
Baton Packing and Cold Storage Corapany
an enterprise whose very inception is. the
outcome of an absolutely felt necessity, in
order that we may obtain every eavantage
!and more remunerative values for our hog
, and fruit pMcincts, both by proancer and
dealer. and Clinton swine then' to have
reedited that apex in her history that must
make her more than ever' a centre of at-
traction to till outeide commercial and men.
nfacturing intelligence.
11 siiitaba aiona-fditiaavinth nfirs WOWS`
men and citizens,who by a strong and unit.
ed, steadyarilto ether pull of public fiend.
merit and pre oat effort can make our,
brightest entioi *one an tscoomplisbed
reality, or by stir i difference allovs our
golden natural opportunities to pass, only
to be quickly appreciated and eptatopriated
by other municipe,liitee with lesa natural
tam:atoos than we have, and who will
- being the first year that there hasbeen each profit by our inert passiveness, „
station.' in this Section of the country and
snob a market offered, that a great deal do- By reterer.ce to our advertising col.
nen& On the encases of, this year's output mane it Will be seen that the Forest
whethethe will go more extensively into it. City, Businees and Shorthand College,
From what Ite hits heard trona the large London,Cet,,aneotinces there -opening
&Wm valuer the percentage of ohiokeraiss for September 2nd, This reliable busi-
ed by hie incubator's is inn& larger than nese and ehorthand echool bee just eloe.
those in nee other places, being at high us ed its most successful year, having had
70%, and he feel greatly enoottraged, .but in Attendance over two hundred btu&
owes it to a good dry room in the cello enta, and to -day they cannot Meet the
Where ths. inotibators are, and plenty of demand mule upon them by business
freedoth atm beine turned out. Men for office help. There never was
We hope hick will make a anaemia of the 6a time in the history of the echool
Undertaking, and that the industry will when there.vints such it demand for
still grow, and that chickenraising for the young people having a knowledge et'
foreign mai ket will sooner or later beConie badness and ehorthand. ' The. school
a envie product of this seetion of tbe cents- has* seating capacity of 200 students.
try, The Morn§ are considered the best for
business college purposes to be found
About 1700 men lett Toronto en the ft, oat, 1.3, The Catalogues of
harveeWs' excursion to the Weat. I either aaigkrunabs eon be sent upon
The Boer steneta 0 will Witt!) to Er.a n ip
iarsid ana leettire iti the larger tonne: WeeterVeitw
Sporting Notes.
• •
A Goon Day's OlITINF,
All viotorione ana gallant 'three bowling
rinks !rem Clinton drove over' to Brussels• ass •
on Friday Bedeeked with nage,in the
yellow oarrriage of the Boit Ton livery, and • •
• drawn by four spinkingagraya in tandem,.-
handled by Harvey Davis, who • would be-
little the average ciroue driver, 'sped along
the rood at the rata of 8' Miles an hour. The
shrieking noise of horns blown by the •
nowlera as they whirled over the amid,
broeght ell the inhabitants within hearing
distance to a standstill to watch the gay -
load go by. They were treated Most
in upon tneir arrival, and all the citizene •
turned,ontensmassetoaveloomeas -A-aood—
day's bowling wasindulged in and all re-
turned feeling they had been amply repaid;
'fortheir trip. Below. are the scores :
Taylorwis ema n
• J vi Irwin 311RLoesastherdale
J Fair _ _ 4 -,Dr McNaughton •
Reittenbur TT EvaerrroNvguson
W Jackson sk 14 A CoWsley
BzFillIgrer si28 1.111411ing
E Howard •• J Ferguson
H Wiltse • - Ardel
H B Combe J }Lewitt
Dr Agnew . sk 11 flBess sk
sk 11'
Bytissels winning by kr? peints.
ateksonse rink beat Hewitt's rink in it
second game of 10 ends by a point, the
score being 9-10.
Stratford bowling club, three rinks
strongalvsho were on a return visit trip to
Seaforth, Goderich. Mitohelland Clinton
dropped off the Jason train aaere Tuesday.
Theyswere met at the station by our secret-
ary, W. Jackson, and driven to the Chu- .
endon, where they had dinner, and then
adjourned to the green, where a 21 end
game was played in the afternoon arida e
other game in the evening. They went .to sass- -
Godenah on the 10.30 pan. train, and play-
ed Goderich in the morning, Seaforth and
Mitchell ,in, the afternoon of Wednesday.. •
They are a jolly lot, and our boys enjoy -
thair company very rouch. Their tamers
with Clinton resulted as fellows:
- sk 25 Cook
• Welsh
sk 19 Steele
• Hay
sk 14 T Trow sk 20
Majority for Stratford 4 volute.
Total..., ,. 58 ' .
. --
In the evening the three rinks went at it '
agaio, andwith few exceptione were prac-
tically the same as at the afternoon.garae........... .. . . .....
only-Olintonswinningsontaielttilhi -fellow-
ing scores :-20 to 12, 880 16, 16 to 12; ma-
jority (or Clinton 4 points, making the.
day's bowling tie all round.
Out .nnoeganized junior baseball team
milled' themselves together after a little
practice and drove over to Blyth On
day eaten:loon and played a genie with „the
creek teem of that town, There was a 1
I• orowd preeent, but the prior fielding on the
part Of our boys Made it's very 1811116 OM,
the score behig 15 to 6 in favor of Blyth. • •
Harry Armstrong of , Charlie Porter 2b,
Ton Molientie If, Wallace Irwin 36, S.
Cole p , E Johnston o , Fred Kerr rf„ jim
Doherty sia, W. Steveneon lia, bompoted
the nine. '
• sk 15
Clinton, on Angeet
Joseph W. Chid*, aged 82 years,
surnr.,..-In Fullerton, on Aug. 4, Han-
nah Itintoul, Wife of John Shen, Of Beet
SCOTT. --At Lekelet, on 'Aug, 0, John
Scott; egad 09 yeera
jA0OBS.--At Si Helene, on August 13,
at theresidence of her daughter, IHrti Itobt
Loolthirt, Mrs Jacobs, in her 03rd year,Mid of the laie .Joieph Jacobi, 3. I3„ ot .
NeWtonville, Ont., and blether of Mr.,
(B) Xentonali, Tottado4