HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-22, Page 11 04**444)41#44,144,44#44****•41 Wiwi Hoes Tour Label Say oippewpApfiffweempfpfpfirmAtpl NSTANLISEDD 1856. • Waal= 'MAMAS. Pah 1 - Optical Education CLINTON. ONTABIO0ALFG-ITSr 222 1902. eadorileh TOwnsilliP Rollin osvilin litra MN NOTES.-Robt, Weltvood SC400T...-•In the list of those regist- and his sister, MISS SUSIE! O., of Brook ered at London Normal School we Robt and James Richartieen. Mise Wparitriletheatth. eter.—UtapillureittalesNtealkernner Wa 'flIgi lyn, N. Y., are visiting their uncles, Nettie Sinclair who has been visitmg higher in pedagogy; succes,s to yoeou., friends at Brucefield for the past few tfair School attoepnedottencleeletrbe e otne•aeMboene due,Y Tw I th " Times are changed, and ere ohanging,the Weeks, taut ned home on Sunday. met with a serious accident last week ' ant peddlers, nor allow themselvee to be L,Cgi,DetricroctTowhensmheip'13, bpetZsedf Lig" with an axe ; he ie able•to get over A people Ii0 longer buy their glamor:ft ignorn in cutting a severe wash in his foot coaxed into Purehatting wonderfid optiost following resolution of sympathy to couple a cleeks however if necessary, • emeaks; nor are they even content 1 0 go to Bra. Joseph ourrie;-**Vie,the members Will (lours:ice reeutned duties In his -••••/ tacks with which they think they cum BOO of L. 0. L. No. 189, 'wish to express our re store andpiok Mika pair of cheap spelt school at Nile, returned to that place heartfelt sympathy for you and your beet for ti minute or two. ,When their eves family in your deep sorrow, occasioned enriSuallupritty..._• methodist church ita un. 25c. The New Era will be sent to new subscribers, for the balance of the year, for the sum of 25e cash St. Helena FOR THE WEST. ---Quite a number from, betel left for Manitoba and the Northwest, Mrs Orawfotd and dauglt- ter. Mary, Intend toreside there in fut. ure, while Messrs Jas Ramage, jr., Jas Atchison, Thos Pennell, Wen j. Hum- phrey and others go out.fer harvesting. OlirruART.-The remains of the late Mrs Stein, of Fine River, (nee Mise Elizabeth Thom, daughter of Mr Wra. Thom) were brought hare on Friday last for interment, The husband and Mende of the deceased are assured of Beamiller the sympathy of the community in d son. e . pxcursion to Manitoba and other /white for her school In Wellesley, Mise '3:,' fidenoe, angexpeot aim to be eble to advise occupy a posItion behind; i the west has attracted a number of Doattor,-Mrs Jacobs. mother of Mil at Lamhett, and left therefor last a- A ,,,tisepfie them, and prescribe glaesee if they are sympathy and would gladly .conasuze whence we may expect a ,,iligh went, and extend ,to -you our deepeore the boys in this vicinity. Among those Robt Lockhart, passed quietly away .week. Mies Levan left last week for n,•_ 4114 the mintster who book advantage of Um rates and last week at the Advanced age of 92, 'Bridgeport. where she teaches. Miss ; found to be required, • There'e no gums- you in your affliction. We also re m. work in our method of eye.testipg, We are how feeble are human efforts to co quality of mink ; a metallic ceiling is to ta,ke th I e of th ld 1 • Years. Mr and Mrs Lockhart (acorn- Maud Moffatt has returned to her a. i , n,t,r pea' schoolBecher. 2***********Asidnkmeirkkikom 1 il he label Tells the nate. Additional. Local News. INJURED. -Fred Whitley, grand- son of Mrs W. MoBrien, who has been firing on a Grand Trunk engine for the past month, bad the iniefortune to slip While mounting his eegine at Lon- don. on Friday, and cut his knee so bad, that he was compelled to lay up. Be is at present with grandmother, WITI THE TEAG1FIERS,r-Riehard Blake. of Hullett, left here on Satur- day for his school in Durban]. BIM Bessie Murch also left on Saturday, II- s et per year in adeno. $1.50 when not se pent *****************t ache or their eight blurs, they seek an dergoing some much needed repairs by the death of your beloved b ereave- WESTWARD 110. -The harvesters' eduoated o tioian in whom they have eon- condole with you in your ea and Improvements • the choir will • this their hour of bereavement. Grace Shep ard has received a school a.. riChlt 1 Poweer - • 7 ete FEET • For Sore, Tired Swollenanda,eh- ingFeet wehave EaVem P • purpose Emending a couple of mouths lianied the remains from their home, ouslified to disoover the nature and degree fort undersuch sorrow and weearnest-walls and pews will be painted, all of in the garden of Canada are Will here to the family burying ground in of any defect and properly oorreot it. No ly command you to the car f om.., which will greatly add to the beauty of Johns, Wesley Johns, Richard Mitch. barge for consultation. • Heavenly Father, who alone can c this place of worship. Peter McDouga ell, Will Ffrimmer and Sam Treble. Clark township. Many friends extend their sympathy te MrsLockhart on the fort the sorrowing spirit, and we pray all, Cut line, is enlarging and repaint- They left on Thursday morning as death of her mother. that He will be your strength in this ing his house. Mrs Pickard is having happy as gay young larks Mrs Owen S011ooL NOTES..,St.ElelenS and vicln. P. 13. OR WS, dark hour. Jona STURDY. W. M. the "commercial" side of her house GEO. OANTELON, R. s. Moore also left on Thursday for Cart. ity has a good showing for etudents at painted resuntably to distraet the at - Expert Watch Repairer Jeweler .Retractionist and Dispensing Optician, OrPootTs TOWN HALL; BIDDLESOMDID'S OLD STAND. JAS. CONNOLLY, Y. W.fd, g an., *where her husband has examinattons this year. O. A. Tebbutt tention o passers.by from the "coops" • Varna • government punt though. os. Proc.. OINQ WELL -Mr and Mrs Fr *. limes to make Ina roventente• Maeda], of Ann A.rbor, Mich., are vis, trance and one pt. I Jr. Leaving, and Chicago, son of Mr James Johns, is on his bowie. been since latst March. sent up six Entrance and one Pe I Jr. across the way; hard to compete with El Fred Leaving. Miss Clark. of No. 8, four En - NOTES, -Mr Chas johns and wife, of tot cont „ ding in ttile vicinity for a couple of A. F. McDonald two for Pt. I Jr. Lefty - home on a two weeks visit ; he speaks Ittinceit: ey boy learned hotography in Clinton, e also extend congratulations to Miss preac 0 it " A. ac. Birks ilea weeks. Fred is a former Benmiller ing, and all passed without exception. two inspiring sermons on ;Sunday on • * . Stanley • in glowing terms of the windy city. NoTEs.-Mr Peter Campbell, dentist, We were pleased to BOO Mr Joseph "Throwing aside besetting sins" and is now d ing a os erouebusiness Mary Clarli and R. J. Miller, of the vil, and , named it P' U 1 Sam's c y In ac e lege, •who were successful at Depart - "The Word of His power"; he returns '.,,n '• . . ...mental exams. the former for Pt. II Sr. and bride. from Milwaukee, are visit- Caloway; one of the pioneers of Stan- ing at the home of his mother. 1/1.e ley on Monday last • he was a. resident to London this week prior to hie leav- tacruttnetle. 1 attend general conference la mit here. t la Rig years eime he Leaving and the latter for Pt. I Sr. Thos McDonald, end wife, of London, of Stanley over hada century ago, but ht_h. to Winnipeg. Pastor, Rev Husser,. Will Rumour. -While threshing at Henry •day with a fair attendance. Leaving. School opened again on Mo n - are visiting.on the line; Tom still den for the last few year has been in Vic - take his own work over the circuit Butts', con. 4, on Tuesday last, Luther the pibroch. Mr Win Sage, of Ash. lirho has been visiting. her daughter, next Sunday, Rev T. R. Courtice Allin met with a verypainful accident. toria. B. 0. Mrs James Armstrong reached in North Street Church, God- He had been cutting bands and was now andt the N Th i ' 11 the ' k oTEs.- reeh ng is a e wor te seems an abundanee of d 1 f i D. lights the visitore with the strains of i Mrs R. McCoel last week, returned' P •field, paid a short visa to Mr .Thos . ich last bunda W straw wt h a goo samp e o gra n. home on Monday last, Mrs R. McCool er , y. j. , McRoberts, using a mower e ale ha whlZh a wood. Bairds during the first of. the week. of Mitchell, gave a "blackboard" talk en handle had been attached. As they Todd's new house is being pushed for. Mrs Bryant, of London, and her three accompanied hex home and will take in the big Garden Party on Wednes- at League on Monday evenin on "A were finishing up the handle got caught ward, the bricklayers are expected to children returned home last wee ,a begin their work on Monday; when an • Suggestion in Addition," II Peter. 1 : in some manner. d the blade' a three week's visit to her mother, Mrs day evenIng. - • 5; Fred Leonard will take• 93 e was the topic, pulled across' his fingere with terrific 'shed it will add considerable to the ay- -J. McOowan. Miss Lizzie .McEwen Amman BRIGHT HURON BOY -On 'Freedom for Service." next week. force inflicting a severe wound. The pearance of the village, Our school and Miss Mary McEwenleft at the end Sunday last Rev James Foote, son of --ceP, and it will be some bell is silent these days, as it broke its The Methodistchurch will, when • the cuts are very A of last week for their respective echoole Mr John Foote, preached in the Pres. new arrangements are completed. be time before they are healed. ' hearings, but fortunately landed inside Miss Kate Fraser, of Ansa Craig, Was. berian church morning and evening• an ur to date •furnished church. The the belfry, not over the• roof : on the visiting Miss Annie Ross and other old The church was crammed to the doors Dart es who took the lanterns from the Londesboro the ground, which would have broken acquaintafices last week. , . with a large number of his old Com- 1,awn s • i • j h . owe In une ave. not return- • it to pieces. Miss Salkeld has returned `PLoss.-Mr John McCowan • had the peptone. •Ille preached a vety eloquent ed them yet; they:twill' be vet y accept- ' USED A LOT. -Mr Robt Crawford has after an extended visit to friends at misfortune to lose a valuable mare . by and practical sermon. Bit- Foote goes able any time now. done a lot of fencing this year. having Toronto, G-iderich and elsewhere. • A: to illontreal in a week or so • to attend T MD some internal disorder. . • ' am .e.a•re.-The Dominion poultry used no less than a. car load of the number from around here •recently , cGill College. we bespeak for him a Station is doing excellent work. Dar- • • Frostani Gem wire: he got through picnicked at Black Horse Lake and re- ' • . prosperous future., . •He bas been a re. h. k h f xiday. . ported having a good time • 41r David Sayffeld .' • . • sident of Manitoba for the past four int e past. wee a num er 0 eases oe. . Will _Mciffekt wAs.drIving elong„Rat ten - and Miss lean_Lane, citititilough, were -. . - - chickens were shim:rad, to the fairs at .ONA VISIT. -Among those who left . , - Wolverhampton, it cl, and Cork, here on the Me.nitobeabarvesters' ea- thes o r guest f M Ruthettord. • ildise bury SL, accompaeae y. r J. W. •• d b M J W CI3DRCIVOPENING,-The new Fres- . yearsEn lan Sayteriito church at •Bayfiekt- will be „.. -Hill, one of the shafts broke in going oulaliT These fairs contin ' lir io ANOTHER BITSINESS.7-MT S Ireland' ued during c . s n yesterday.. were Robt Craw- • Clark has retur e aft r an e n d e xtended formally opened oext Sabbath The - .11. over a crossing, causing the horse to alev A. McAuley, of Mitchell, will. C. Rathwell who has. been carting on the whole summer, atm the former ford and family, Thos Hesselwood and visit in Hamilton. J. H. Cameron and • : run away. •i jorope out, an y Al • dd b on a Boot & Shoe, business during the shipments te them. from this station family,- Thor; aireervice andeister, W. wife; of Brussels, paid a flying visit at p • • be the preacher. Services at 1I, 230; lu k driving, Moffatt managed to and 7.80. The opening services will be last 8 yews,. has, bought out a business met with gratifying results. With the Roberton, Wallace McGregor and Miss NV. E. Gordon's this week. Messrs P sh etlYv-ston the horse without damage. in Gerrie, and is moving there this merited of packing adopted, the fowl McGregor, Jobb Hughes, wan, FL Cameron and ' -Fraser, of Lucknow, e P." - • - ._ - -ei continued on the folio Wing Sabbath, ita its run the horse narrowly escape week; .we hope his venture may prove reach the -fairs in excellent condition, Stevens, Percy Cooper Eliza -Stevens, Sundayed at D, Todd's. .Mrs Gordon , . t passing over a t e e lid playing on when the Rev Dr Stewart, of Clinton,l'ttl h' temunerative. He will be much missed and do much to give the visitors to the and Albert Knox. All for the pur- and family, �f Ripley,- are visiting a will preach morning and evening. the street which was pulled out of the here as he was a good citizen and .an exhibitiops seine idea ot What Canada. pose Of trisitiatre relatives in: the west. W..S. McCrostie's itt.present. Misellc- . . . ' . . .. • , Liberal contributions.for the building way by its tatner. xcellent workma,n. , can really detand a. market is fast open- ' A.NOTHER VICTIM -Another accident happened at the Organ Factory, Wed- nesday afternoon, the unfortunete be- ing Herb Alexander, He was sawing a- board on- tilte rip saw, when it broke, throwing hitn toward the amyl putting Out his hand •to save himself, it unfor- tunately came in contact with the saw. which cut a deep gash same the ball of the right hand. It took several stitches to dra* it together. FOR. HURON OLD BOYS. -The 'Huron Old Bort Association, of Toron. to; will have a tent on the Exhibition grounds during the fair, for the accom- modation of all Huron visitors to Can- ada's greatest fair. ' Every one is in- vited to make It their headquarters AD' :"s4 J. • Reekie's Prescription Drug Store CLINTON •N. B.—Fly Pads and Tanglefoot for flies, F • - Intiterktkirilrirrok***********Alk HE WAS HERE. -Last week a tall man with a long black beard, passing himself off as a Roman Catholic priest, was collecting funds for the church in while at the fem. Any information Assyria, Rev Father Aylward, of that may be required, will gladly be London, states that a man answering s furnished by the Secretary,11. A. Wal- this description; but whether the seine ker, 45 Leonard A.venue; man or not is unknown, Is A fraud. and ' •A LARGE LOA.D.-Robert Carter, who drives team for R. it S. Ransford, passed through town last Saturday morning with a•load of 200 empty ap- ples barrels. Ile brought them trom the stave mill at Stapleton. and. was; taking them out into Ooderich town - Is not authorized to collect mom), far the church. ' CHAINED AND RINGED.- The Many'friends of Dr and Mrs .131ackalt had evidently made up /their minds that they would not allow them to de - nett from their midst without some ship to be used by D. Cautelon's apple tangible recognition of their long re - packers. He is 6, careful driver and sidence in town, and somerhing where-, handled his team well, with such a• big by they could look on with measure at load, their leaving. Monday evening before their departure a few of the "boys" RUNAWAY. -On Friday, while that are familiar with his old p ace of Pherson, of Guelph, is the guest of her „ • fund will be gratefully received on the e . NoTES.-ltfeserie Oulmette, Lasham 0 in, V E Gordon' •Mies Ford has " • mg up for Canadian fete). Elford DID NOT MEAS RE THE 136:00R - Rile and Maids were in Clint tis h t following Monday evening. Sept. 1st. . y OP on returned to her ome a Milton. Mrs . , Rev Mr Henderson, of • Hensel'. will . • ' Nile has shipped chickens from here on .Monday, attending the . funeral'of J. • e w• h • which high prices have been realized. Stem, o Mg atn, was the guest Of An le Wit et give hie popular lectUre A Ramble OBITITARY.-The grim Messenger. of It takes so much to keep a chiolten • with las Thursdey ight y 1 unatraimpatett• obitac s in Chidley. Mrs J. Melville ie' improving , her sister, Mrs Todd : Mr W m Then], b those in through Wonder land." There will be death has Again been in our vicinity. alive anyway, and but little More of g --ng jr.. of Duluth, ,has returned home. Miss slowly. . Miss L. Whitely intends going no admission, fee but a silver collect This time it claimed for its victim the right kind a diet feed in the right to London next week to take a course Thom, of Manitoba. is visiting . her charge of the bist ling . of the arge safe in the New Sovereign bank. They in the Forest City Business College. tien at the door.. The Rev AN McLean, Harry Merle, beloved son and. only , manner will attain the best resultri.• father •at present. Misses Murray, .a *Woes, were recently e ues .s o had got half way from the dray to the dour, on planks, before the idea struck of Blyth, occupied the pulpit of St. child of ' Mr • and Mrs Harry ' Ryan. Metrooks. of Fergus, • taking .5Ir K• -the e• ' t f is The expense of shipping is comparative- Seffreg's place,here while the latter is be /---aatodrews „church list Sabbath, .wIth Though only fourteen • months olio he le was an eiceptionably g and with the arrangements the Gov- away holidaying. Miss Biigham, et.• Wood, "ri Queen's" student,is'a present _ Miss McGuire. theieaunt. John Well- them that the entrance might net large enough, and on measuring it was lysmall in propartien to the returns, . *much acceptance. bri ht . little Colborne *. . • taken ill and Doctors were calledsuccessfulin their examinations, Misses Carrie an lezzie. from• e • • f New yew. A carpenter had to be ,procure found to be over-two-4tiehes : too _nerd-, • ' child. Tuesday of. ist week he wee Ouitnette and W. flamiltort-heyenjt- -hoine 'from lovoton. alyu 1,L;• blatins;- , eminent. is making there is no rea.ecrn been ' • - • • l° -whylndividual poultry. raisers,even on we eittend congratulations Jonathan ec v et e o r vil. le i an, are renewing acquaintances ' dearly -eleven o'clock before: they Were. topull t he dooe to pieces, ' and it wts Warm TO RENT.. --Mr Albert Allin, and did all in their power to relieve the a small scale, shouldnot send their fowl York. Mrs (Rev) Lewis and child, a I. Miller and Major B k I 't d u v•I at; h• - • - of the Maitland concession, is offering uttle suffer." °!-ii to no ave.' Sunday brain direct to the old country naarkets. Mr lage • this week. Wes Van Bridger, *his beautiful farm for i ant. 'he rea- fever . setting in, and early Elford has bought several hundred dur- in this vicinity. . ' able -to lock up for the night. The who has been spending sqrae time in , _ • safe measures 6x5x3t feet. • • „ son for this is that • Mr Allin's • health morning he was cane home to Him ing the past week for feeding puvposes. :has been far from good, and he fiticiS it-, whogave. The ' funeral took place Belgrave, has returned to W. L. Out. ' in.. ....2* 1_. to Goderich oii Monday after spending arrtlgentette. ' CAMPS 'OF INSTRUCTION.. -A would Monday afternoon from a NOTES. -Miss Tillie Tebbutereturned luaus's- Rev T. and Mrs Caupland, of • ' necessary to take a rest if he; f the home of *recuperate. . • opos,,,,,a4 Mrs Jacob Ryan to Dungannon ng Aubuen, were renewing acquaintances LEAVING-- Mr George, Shripson radical departure in the training of it couple of weeks holidaying..with re. here this week, miss R, young re, leaves •this week on a prospecting the rural militia has been a op e is ' • ' b d t d thi • ' • •cernetry and was very largely attend- ed. Mr and Mrs Ryan and friends latices here. Mr McDonald and wife, d f G ' Saturday- turned home from orrie, on • tour his present destination being the year. • In the place of having all • the London, Mr A. Whiteman and sister, The Creamery Co. shipped to Montreal Soo. Should he find a suitable place infantry regiments turn out, it has When Pririt Pluti print rztobie temper and nevet Al•vo•nreid, result.. isooltivela curti cosidltlOn svlift illasses; •• • , have the heartfelt sympathy of our. Toledo. Me 0, Whiteman. wife and unsold over 10000 IN of butter this he will remove his stock; otherwise he been decided to hold camps ot instruc- . 'community in their 'sad bereavemerit. sister. Detroit, have been visiti 9g with week; that is the make of four weeks. may take a situation. We are sorry to tion for officers and noncommissioned . . . Tender Shei4terd, Thou,hrst stilled., - Mrs Holdsworth. Miss Bessie Pickard Mr• Govinlock, of Seaforth. d Wish officers of the re imentte U Ontario, Now Thy Utile Lamb e brief weeping, .. . .. . is shipping •loee so estimable a citizen, an g . . _ . , Oh, how peaceful; pale awl mild is visiting at Bayileld. John111c0a rt.; hay from this station. The Farmers' him abundant prceperity.- . ' • Quebec and the illat anti*? Provinces brother win) 18 Scale Ce. have a house over their scale MAIM -Min Edith Sewers left last • . • • . In WS narrow bed he's sleePing, • IleZ was called to see a * next month. The Ontario Camp will And no sigh of anguish sore ' seriously., ill near Ower Sound... Mrs .now, h L k "f Se Geo Lavis, Clinton is Bpendibg a feW horse this week through paralysis. The marc john Ross's congregation -Messrs Brunsdon lost a good week to teach • school near Chatham, be at Niagara -op -t e- a e,. rom p- , ctober 4 Each compeny I Heaves that little bosom more, Lord Thou WC/Mat i10 long9r leave hini ; vcs A r sacrament n ., it teniber 23 to 0 . vvill take out its-cominiesioned officers,. • In this World. a pain and.care .• ,... days with ber motlher liete. Revs • G. Our teachers 'have -again resumed dut- held thei t '6 4 bbitelle leak - To thy meadows bright and fair .. ••' vv . Andrews, of Wyoming, an ' d o • Lovingly Thou dost receive him, , Andrews, of Parkhill; with their wives '3 sergeants end 3 corporals nay; while 1 - t cl. b the Colonel, J hn tee. Mrs Barkwell and•little son, for. Rev Neil Cameron. of Glasgoty, Scot- merly of Carlow, have been visiting land, officiated; there Were a number 22 Privates, se ec -e • Y . . .. . • Clothed in robes of spotle-s white, • . maclii ti, flying visit to our village, c 11 Lt-• friends here prior to their departure. present from a distance. Miss Lizzie will represent each. battaliap for tan- . Sew he dwells With Thee in light. ing on a few friends on, Friday last to the northwest, Mrs' J. Garrett is Reatenbuty entertained a number of g1.1.0 duty. , • • NOTES. -Miss Tena. Sprung, of Au- week. Miss Addie Stevenson who hs. table to be out again. R. • B. Jeffrey friends on Friday evening; a pleasant POR. THE WasT-PWhile fermate here - burn, called on friends here 'Thursday been in Manitoba for a couple'of yea.re,-Aeft on Thursday for a two,weeks' visit time was anent. •Beverley Ketchen Is arepraying for help in order to get o'l of last week. *re Mitchell, of Mus- . • returned home last week appareutlY tOCIeveland. Mr .and Mrs G. H. Neal rusticating'at• Bayfield. Mr .Delgat„ thew arvest, the youth of the country koka, is visiting her sister,Mrs Wm much benefited by life in the west. and little daughter, of St. Thomas, formerly of our vilfige, bai recently are hurrying away to Manitoba, to hely McGratten. Percy McIlwain, ot God- Mr A. J. Oourtice..waw a prominent spent a few, days with' their sister, Mrs ' moved to Winnipeg. Ilia NeilYellow- the farmers of the. west. -Yesterday erich; spent Sunday at his home here. speaker at a, de catory function in Hiles. Mrs .(Dr,) W. W. Barkwell and lees end daughter are visiting her par- Was- the first hareestere excursionott• A large number from here attended cortnection with one of the Sabbath --, little son Everett, who have been visit. ' ants, Mr and Mrs McDenald, John The train froni Wingham east. carried . the services, held in Shephardton.• Schools on Nile, oh cuit last * Sunday, ing at Silver Leaf Farm, have left for ! Aikershea.d, London, visited his h early 300 excursionists, the L. A & church last Sunday, Chas Chrystal, Mr Evan Evans. of St Louis, i ,.. -8...Yls.it" Detroit and'Obicago before returning i this week. has.• A. Cameron and L. , brought 35, to Clinton; Goderich of London, 'Sandaled with friends ing his cousin, O. W. Williams. Mies to their home in Minneapolis. Mies I McConnel are tusy every day thresh- s tit 78, Clinton 35, Seaforth 40, Mit- here. • We congratulate Mies Mabel Hallie Gutridge is visiting, at F. 0. E1' Stella, Barkwell paid a farewell vieit to ing; both are successful threshers, and chell 45. Some of those who left here° Bailie on her Mimeos at her recent ex- ac.cdet Miss N. Stewart, Nile, .is the her cousin, Miss Verna Hiles,before always have maple work to:do. • Mrs are as follows :eel). U. 'Wilson and EL amination. guest of Mies 'McCartney: W. Mc- leaving for : the west. Prospects are A. T. Scott and son Ruse have returned. J. lioldeworth, Hohnesville, ticketed L G --HenrySnyder ' Yiir Roberts and wife, are at the latter's owei RAIN,- enryo is good tor an abundant harvest, from visiting friends in Bowmanville. by F. R. Hodgens. The following were village had a field • ot oats that gives ' , mother's Mrs T. O. •Picicard.• Mrs McCowan Bros.Stanjey, loot a good ticketed by A. 0 . Fattiebn, G. :T. R. ' • h b visiting ' ' . ill' k, abode, at the War Offi' ce met and with a gook esman and presentor gave avert"' suitable address, and, was then pre- sented with a gold chain and fob tor the Dr, and a heaCy gold ring with '3 " large opals and 4 emeralds embedded. .therein, for his good wife. The Dr re-. plied very feelingly, expressing his re-' gret as the hours drew nigh for his. , leaving. • • A. J. ORIGdt Scientiiic jovvedee and Optician CLINTON; ONT. SNA ‘wir good, evidence of the exuberant growth 1 E Coet of this eeason: Taking a•place at ran. at her'Tucki remith. ae een daughters Mrs W Stafileye . Porter bore e thi weeagent: :-Jno McLellan David Arc. s dom he found that the Araw measured Mrs Alexander, of Hamioto, Manitoba; NoTEs..L.Mrs F. Moore, Gorrie.,. and Lellan, 'Miss O. Perdue, Goderich ' 0 feet In length. The -horses were al. who has been the guest of Mr Stanly's, Miss Skinner. of Mitchell; vvere pelting Township; Howard Porter, Victor most completely out of sight when retnrned to Manitoba this week. Mrs at Wm. Johnston's lase week. Miss Goodwin D, McLaughlin, Misa Eva cutting it, only their howls being vie. A. Wilson is spending it few days in Lett& Elliott, a. Goderich, is visiting - •-. thingann" • ' Hunter, 'Clinton I Geo King, Jno Snnwarts.-The noted evangelists,. Brown; Bayfield ; W Elliott Pewter's ible at the opposite side of the field. Goderich. Mies Edythe Tebbutt is here. Etta Tichborne and brother, cif , held heee-la•st Sudday on. account oored there will be another store open Mr and Mrs Johneodand daughter, of ' union evangelistic services in the Ag- Jackson, 0.1'. R. -Agent :- Mies Coop, Hill. These were ticketed by W. Ctrunett.-.There was no., serriices spending a week at home. It is rum- Colborne, pent Sunday at John Cox's. ' Hunter and Croseley, will ' conduct , . . out the first of the month. Galt, returned home last week, Glen ricultural Hall. DuRranpoti, beginning er, litias. St erling, Goderich Township i , . the re -opening ceremonies T;;.;' • McDonald left fOr Teeswater on Baur. Sundav, Aug. 31. earn -go In th° hall J.. A. King, _Stun. Toerneend, John tion with the Sheppardten church. • , les is in Goderich under the treatment churches of Dungannon and Port Al- johheon, Percy Johnson, Verruca. Watts, Jas_._ Thompson, Mrs George A week from next Sunday it is ex- Olgth, 'day, to attend to his school,' and also every week evening and on Sunday at day afternoon for Chicago, where he a Newtern to Benmiller. Mee T. Batt- - 3 and 7 o'clock le m, The Freebyterian ' pected that -either -Mr Crossley or Mr Nogirts,-Robt. Barracks left 011 Mon - here, Next Sunday the pastor Mir. will inost likely reside; Mrs Barracks . . , • . f Dr. Turnbull. ' bert, and the Methodist churches of Amble Smith. Jas. Long, Geo _Bailey, Dungannon. Crewe, Nile, Ebeneeer, Johnson Harold Wiltsie, Jas Howson, Mee Smith. Adam Weir, jno Cutting- Httnter will ' conduct special services - Wises speaking In the morning for 10 will visit•friends here before joining '. TUOIcersmith. ,minutee to the chitat•en and for 20 him; Bob's many friends wish him,suc- . Shepherdton, . :hake's, Haeltettetown . • mimitas to adults . In the eerie. Chas. Beasts returned bonne on NoTics.-Miss Pearl McGillivray, of and Zion are joining heartily in this e r eVening the subject will.esileciallybe "The Scrip- Tuesday from Onealey, where he was Goderich, is vieltinffriends In this great union eiXort. Other nelghborinr 1 • visit With friends here. A F Johns NOV:Mee DI. We are offering a wee ne o tural relation a matt to dumb visiting hie father. and brothers'. Mrs Vicinity. Miss Maggio1Dick. of Blyth, churches of • both denominations wi 1 anitnals. The League held its regale Beese will remain for a week visitinl has returned home after an extended 618° Pin in. .• Ginger Snaps meeting on Tueedag eyening ; t e rlen . Y p topte "China" was taken by Mrs Ohas his residence on King street to Dr. R. left on Monday for London' to attend Sundayed at Blyth. • Mere McOlure, fiirveti i Mee Mabel 'Bailie led the Jerome, for the handeome sum of the Normal School there. Miss Peth• Lucknow, are chilling their grandma,. meeting. $1450; it is Mr Kelly's intention to re. able, Nott visited friends in Seaforth ents. Mr and Mrs Wm. Mallough. W* So13001.-dwing to the fact that the move to Goderich next week; the vit. last 'Week. Mrs Jos Thownsebd ie vire .MeMath is still very low. Mr and Mrs I in losely good and Pill citizen Mpg friends in tf - dal thieweek. Mee Hatry R ati mourn - the toss of their building. It is expected that the neW, number took advantage of this exeute Wives here dle week. Pat e.nd Mrsj J. aged Ikmonths. Rev and DArs Fergue- • At 4 lbs for goe . - tion, the scholars still attend in the old • . premises will be used very shortly. G. Urich and family Fluent Sunday at on, Of Forest•Etrill, are visiting the let- • . • . sion to the west, most of them for the limited time, 'three trionthe D. ix the latter's•home in tisborne. MI'S J'OR ter's mother, Mrs E. Glenn. George J. B, Kelly, Goderich, was in town on Modeland, of Seaforth, this week. day. Miefl Martha MallOtigh le t for Saturday attending the funeral of jas, 'Miss Mary Turner, (Minton, is spending Manitoba on Thursday.,r rind Mrs. Emigh, a few days at G. Teener's. Earnest Medd, Aubtan, Were visitors in our Mole ati- d Albert West neW school is not yet teadg for occUpa- and enthUsiattle politician Quite b. john Layton,• of Witco), visited re. only chi) which died last un ag, Just think of getting 130 to 13tinice fresh Ganger Snaps Emmet; - • 'for It QtArter. They ore•ohesp• NoTES,:-Dr AMOS left last Week for er thou you eon make them Muskoka. for the benefit of his health. 0 Ittehden was in Garai& Sunday.Orich visited her daughter. Med L Stothers lost a good horse last Satur. ' 35 Cent • . indcovit We are going to have a 35a Bar- . gain- Window. la_ the' Fertlishing Department far Saturday, There . will not. been article in it worth • less than 50o. While there ell' ' be many it one that you would" pay 60 end 75o for any place elee. Straw Bats, Felt Hats, les, Belts and Shirts All at 35e - HODGEN BROS. ' MUSICAL -Among the instrumente disposed of by C. Hoare, of the Clinton , .Music Emporium, during the last few days,,were tom uprights and equaie • Plato to parties in Gddericff ; a new cabinet Grand piano to Mr Chas J. Middleton, Goderich township; Cabinet Grand Piano to Robt DOWLIO, jr., ot town; a sqaare piene to W. 3. Mc.tirlen, Summerhill ; a Doherty Or- gan to Edward Marshall, Goderich' township; and it Doherty Organ to • ' Oliver Jarvis, Goderich township; AS -NIMBLE AS EVER -Last • Thursday .I. B. Rumball, manager of 'the Telephone Company in town no- ticed that some one had thrown a large rootof a tree up amongst the telephone wires, at the corner of the old Wiltse store. Be walked Over to where some old men were talking nearby, and mak- ing a reniark that he would give a glass of beet, to any one who would 77" shake itelowli, JoeRider, a stone mason of town, who is nearly 00 years.of age1 downed hie coat and climbed to tne• wires on the pole and shook it down. hame,Arthur Cioatelon,J. Brown, se This is pretty good for a man of his Dottie, Cantelon , and brother, Mrs, age. Tindall, Clinton. LOCA.I. NOTES • Frank Evans bas leased the right of the Seaforth bill boards till Dec. let :Fete McNeil Went to Hensall Thurs- day, to load some cattle he had bought • . •'e there for export, and will *company them to Toronto, • • Mr W Dutton. a well known resi- dent of Guelph, died suddeory on Sat?, urday, iti his 71st year; he was au uncle of Mrs James Shepherd. Townsend Re A new piano has been totalled in Crich, of Amhrose. is ,spending a few burg last week. lhos. Anderson spent the Clarendon Parlor, being _shipped Mullett days ag home here. Jerome Bad- a few claYe 'at Whiteobureb. We, here from Logdond It re uired it good his ioltuotroe catenates Minted -4f you have any otir, of Goclerich toWnship, visited at Anderson, hiekont for sale drop is end to Jahn T. O'Brien's on Sunday last. t 1 Ing her etnetin, L'ethel Armstrong, left weight or !toots and,Wyanaettere , • . bbreeenthrZbIgnnG:ClettWellint:le Soo Ohgo hhass : feracires.of abla odie men to re u for. three - The 0Wriership of a pig which was 114."`"" Di th ft ' It ihf I d v a et a weeli fi VIS W t r en s. • and, does atm . y With Miss Ella. Heywood has teturned from Miss Jennie Friend who has been visit. rresteriOlittoil. .110o to 416 Paid accordilig • Al it' Atte line of • 80 on Mondar for her home in "London. NoTze.-Mr Richn3ood,' wife Surnmer bill weeks, tab returned home. Those who delivered tit the stock yards . Mon- ing Miss Vera Rowe. Miss May San, tives and friends here, returned on Kiltg and Master hddie, of Delhi, attended Wingham races from here day, but which the buyer subsequently Peaches at 1LOe per 11). MisO Ilatt e Bolloway•Olinton, is OA- and son, who have been visiting rela, Notge.-Mieees Minnie and Reby Tboash sreeery, dere entertained a manlier of her Prldat to their home in St. jacobs, visiting friends in this vicinitY.' jag r.,ePort grd time, a law suit, of a more Or less Interesting reused to accept, IS likely totesult in • le Cooper aco Mies Lily Drinkwater le visiting re. •PraOtiCally all the grain has now been spending& few days ether liOrne here. which le giving excellent natiefactitin, Assa. Mr Archie Smrth left for his be held September 80 and October 1. that wonderful elephant, Rajah, will home In North Dakota the same ,day. ' appear here ou the evening of Labor le.tives in London, Aquille Shure, Sea. cut, and ths farmers are hoping • for Rev Mr jenninge, -80.Vfleldi Preached Will get the New Elre, for new Day, Sept:And, They:appear in Wing" OPentSunday and Monday at hie favotable Weather it which to get it here last Sunday- evening, while Rev enbeoribore, to let ot jau, 1900.-e ham Sattirdat, night•and it Is eltPOOte4 .Citeit for Butter and Eggs; Phone 28. home here • . housed, Mr Wright took his parish in Bayfield. Milled to any addit di. Sunday Will see them inetalled here, Bolgranit ' character. 4 &rends Wedneeday evening of bat John %Mont, Ohm 18, has lately par. Long, -who recently worked with N. •• Week. Miss Polly Welsh, London le Chased a oetv Prost & wood binder. Lovett, left on Thursda for Oarndulf, ' PALL ratte-13elgrave Pall Pair will The greet PareAnieriCancireus* with • tot: ; • Photos .with QuOity We fnrnielt you Plettirea that speak, at prices that talk. Visit our striate, MISS eeleotion of that peril/utter etyle of photo- graph )(milk°, and we Wil t•tite pleasure in satiefying you. Many iityles of MOIldil but all our photos are good. &aryls Pboto — Studio, • CLINTON% •