HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-15, Page 6re, August 15t1,,1902. A'niust in Despair Ike eonditiou of Mrs JoituSitott. or orangeville• ataffered kaora a Darning Sensation h t e azern4ch—Footi Beeeme Disteetetal and She Gtew Weak end Dern , ponden t, Morn the Sun, Orangeville. Ont, The Suu is enebled hhis ween through. ithe courtesy Jt Mrs John Slum. a laxly kuowu dud molt teteemed by many Otte resident e Ontheeville. to give the ageertieu ala of another of those cures that imagethl W Pia Piiac a household - vernede throughout the oivilizid world. Ake abota in eueversation with our re. )parter, seta: --"About thrte years ttgoitvlile *megu tuaorsoli,I Wed3 great sufferer trona epapsia. Tee troeole /11'0 Uegall iwia5 sever.5 headanhes, dizziness and Borne - 'me vomi,ine„ Next I suffered continual- ly from a 'analog senstoion in the atoms* iood dtetreseed ; I did ttot sleep wen , 111*ht ; lost flesh aud became very weak. I •aree eontioually dootoring:but it did me no 'ooI. lu taut I nate gradually growing value end despcired of ever being well &gain. One day a friend who called to see saeei rocgly advisedine to try Dr Williame' Fiats gilts. She epoke eit) bigbly of them Mao. I•decided to take her advice, and I on 4isuovered that they were era like the ether medicines I bed been taking and that I bad at laet found something to help sae. I oontinned using the 'pills for per. *eat, a oouple of months, when I found rey• seal fully restored to health. I have al. ways, since enjived my meals with relish spa have hall no return of the trouble. m experience I feel certain that if other caterer s will give Dr Williams' Pink Ma a fair trial they wid find a certain giers.'• • - Dr Williams' Pink ° Pills enrich sod iteanrish the blood and strengthen the .Iaarrag.. It is tilos that they cure such Is-aubles as dyspepsia, kidney ailments, shenmatiam, partial paralysis, • heart , *rumbles, St Vitus' dance and the ailments 1 *bat make the lives of so many women a scarce of misery. These pills never fail to drive away pain. bring a glow of health to the while belly and make despondent men and women bright, a d one ecrong.- Do ' met tak any pills without the frill name "Shi- Mame Pink Pills for Pale People" n the wrapper around the box. Sold by SD medicine dealers nr sent. post paid at Weems a box or six boxei tor 62.60 by ad- • dressing the Dr Williams' Medioine CO:, Ifirocavale, Ont. Butner of the Hour. . • /7- 3listress (ta new servant)--Therare t Aro things, Mary, 'about which I am - glary particular: they are trahfulness Ind obedience. • • • • Mary—Yes'm, and when you tell me a say you're not in when • a persoa : sile that you don't wish to see, which is it to be, mum—truthfulness or thedi- . , ajeaket—The King (Londoit). 445 ‘.1 The New Era, t� new gubs�riibers, a trial trip to the t.nd of the year, for 25c. ('N 1l9V - A Airs. Timmins—John,. 1 met say ymi are • the narrowest-misksled man I ever saw. You have, an idea that nobody is ever right but yourselL Idr. Timmins—Potter Ioolc to home, Were you over willing t6 ednitt that anybody WAS right ,who differed from you ? . lfrs. Tium3ins—That's an entirely dif+ /crud thing, and you know it, John Timmins.—idoston Transcript. A Captain who had been Arblking quite freely met a private of his com- mud in the seine condition, aimCap+ tain ordered him to halt, and, endea,v• oring invain to assume a firm position on his feet and to talk with dignified. se. , verity, exclaimed .—"Private Smith, I'll give you. Ole; 4 o'clock to gissolr in." .• "Cap:n;" repped the soldier, "as you're thie) wilt drunker» I tun Pll give you t'l 6 o'clock to gissober in."—The tary Commonwealth. A little girl was spending the summer at a fashionable watering -place, and one morning as, she played upon the venire da of the hotel where her Mother was stopping she heard a lengthy eonversee tion upon the fashions• of the day and the absolute necessity of, stylishness In dress if one • hoped to be a success in *faddy. , One lady went so far as to - say that stylishness Was far more Ira- rortant than beauty. That night as the child said her usual • prayer she added .with 'great earnest - nen, "And, 0 dent Lord, do Was° •raake me atylish."—Lippineott's age - zine. Mrs. McCall—Why on earth did you kat such a plain gown? Mrs. Hauskeep—All on account of our wok. Mrs. McCall—I don't understand. . ' Mrs. Ilauskeep—Well, she always goes 9n for gaudy things, and I -'Want to have austVess that she won't copy. -11111. attlel a ress. —4-4-4-- • • • . Husband—Hurrah! My employer has even me a week's vacation: • • ' Wife—How nice! Now you • can: take. gown the stoves, clean out the :cellar and whitewash the kitchen.—Clueago News. • • Mary had a little nose That turned up at the point. s. But a little baby brother came ' L And put it out of joint. ' I' —Chicago Tribune. • "After all," he remarked, "it hi Youth ilidone that has real. courage. ' "I don't know," returned the elderly embitter with acerbity whethee it alliould be caked courage . foolhardi- "The mistake Of my life," said the reminiscent men. "was when I was tell- ing patent medic -lass in Russia. One day I attended a relit& of a, 'crack rega, ment, and suddenly .every man in the ranks began sneezing for allhe was worth. In a trice I had iny sample case open and was.trying to 8011 the (*ranks - eery a carload of my anti -grip pellets, when he rudely informed me that the troops were only hailing with delight the' arrival of Ganda' Akacherich.ebe- d oski "—Judge —4+4— .. Strumleigh (humming an air)--Tum- t Vdd m -ti -ti -tee -- Friend (interrupting)—What is; that thing? Strumleigh—Why, one of the things y pl " t theclassical con- cert last aught, by—era-what's the man's name? You know-aer—somethidg you catch hold of t • Friend. (with sudden inspiration) —• Hamlett—Washington Times. Admiral Jouett, the jolliest 'old sea dog :of "all the retired ofileers of. ,the navy, . t t his early days as ti cadet. • , „ '9. was a sociable youngster," he save "and who I trent to my' first • assign- ment, the Independence,' and saw the Stars and Stripes floating over it, I re- membered my mother had taught me that my first duty was to the flgiaaso Attempted senie conversation on''' this line with the e7secative ,officer, who had received . me when I came. on •board, and Who was one Of the strictest disciplin. arians in .the navy of that arty. "'Silence. Sir!' he rokred at my first question, his Jett ted with aufiet. '$il- ence sir! Who gaVe you .permission to , 9 speak . Let me hear: only six words front you sir, while you. are on thit ship— port, ,sterboard, yes, sir; and no, air-? . "And this was • firs. niscipline in orls-Thibutie. When the Bowels interesting xcerns, are Constipated R serious matter to neglect coast!. pation. You may do SC) for a time, only to find that your health has been under- mined by bodily derengements of the most fatal kind.You should have*movement of the bowels every day. To accomplish this, avoid concentratedafoods. use veget. ables and fruits freely, Mkt take one of Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills before retiring, two or three times a week, or oftener II required. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are not an, ordinary cathartic. They have a. specific and combined action on the kid- neys, liver and bpwels, and consequently cure constipation and the accompanying derangements thoroughly and well, by removing the causes. For the information of those who are not yet familiar with the ;meeker merits of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, we might add that they are purely vegetable In composition, pleasant and natural -1n •action, and remarkably prompt and far- reaching in effect, even in the most serious and chronic cases of constipation, kidney and liver diseases and stomach, troublas. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, Dr. Chase's. Kideeptiver • Venners. in Sanpete • County, Utah, are having "pm -shows," only they use- grease. hoppers instead of pins as tickets' of ad - passion. The ero s lad yt.ar were ruined by.the grasshoppers. This year the fann- ers determined to destroythe pests, so they arranged for a eeries of enter, tainrnents to which only those might be admitted who brought half a bushel of . grasshoppers with them. 16May-five bushels were the receipts of the mat en- tertainment. The grasshoppers were burned at the close of the evening's amusement, The Eastern manager of the Pennsyl- vania Railway has issued eh order for. bidding passengers to excliaage klaBeit with their friends in the Jersey City sta. • tion. They must give each greetings! and faretvells where they will not obstruct traffic. The Western manager says thia order will not be enforced on his side of the Allealiany Mountains. And there • you have it—the broad, expansive oscu- latory freedom of the West pitted against the exclusiveness of he East! • In London a curious experiment was recently tried by a South American named Papuss. Having wrapped around his body three hundred and fifty yards of flannel he lay down in a sort of glass coffin, which *was then hermetically desert and placed at the bottom of a large tank I filled with water. By means of an elee trio ventilator and of alube, one end of which passed into the coffin, a. constant It Was Mot+ supply of fresh air was assured, and this air was the only nourishment which Pa - Visitor (to Nebraska farmer)—It has , laws received during the eight days that been pretty hot out here this summer, • the ex eriment lasted A ------ d ' hes it not? Faranera-Hot? Well, rah. fast is not an extraordinary occurrence, raill to -keep the 'Lucks • .rom the present case is that the faster did " The "Lancet" has unearthed the curl- er. Why, we even to put ice fit the tard-boiled eggs.--"udge." • 310.t consume any water. • but what is particulaily iiitereatina about -A Hard: Eptgratn on Irtrontem . ous feet that nearly 'all the important ' the life . . • --,------ • events in e ife of His- Majesty ng Ob, the gladness of their gladness when , Edward VII. have happened on a Tues." ' day. lie was born; baptized, and mar - in dthtehYe' rsea dgnl ae sd s, t d of their sadness ,when ried on a Tuesday; on a Tuesday ne was 1 But the gladness of their gladness and • cit; on a Tuesday it was defiuitely aseer- 1 tained that he lied contracted typhoid • tAre as nothing tb their badness when fever, and it was. on a Tuesday e at - the sadness of theu sadness tended the public thanksgiving service there bad. . , —"Notes and (merles." , for his recovery. On a Tuesday he sue- theY're sad; appom e a member of the PrivyaCoun. and aro grown at Kew Gardenia London. e Have Aire dy Blue roses have at lad been produced W An Enulish mathematician has figured Received Our Ness,' London's Pot-Boliers. thened to the throne• on a Tuesday the • Marlbormigh House,. and on a Tuesday oft= wow.= I • Royal Standard was; first hoisted at There ar,. men in London to -day, His Alajesty underwent • an operation says • an English . paper, who, in f • enough to turn out oil paintings at the . from athis dothinance of the day neat- ridiculous- remuneration of fourpence • cated to the god of mar in :the *life of each, for which work they find a steady .• the King; but without ariY such' dedne demand: The vtork, of course, has. to bo tion•the series of • coincidences is a _Very for perityphlitis.Students of "the oe pre mence to staryingl are glad cult' may be "able to deduce something executed With extreme 'dexterity, Or the remarkable one. • . • ,' artist would realize but a poor living, ' Not only the horses but the PoWers of • but some smart men, aided by one or the law, say's' the• . London "Chronicle," ' 00 to SOO of these "pictures" m 'a iveek, .. !Vecial tribunal for the apunishment of • 'thotteh they have to toil early and lato evildoers. • No sooner is the :pickpocket, le accomnlish their ominous task. , When ' welsher, or tithet-linatcher arrested than • A big :orplei• comes. in for a gross of oil he is standing before Sir Albert de Itut- paintings, to be. finished within a spe- zen in 4 little robin in the royal stand; eified period for a wholesale firm, the where the evidence is heard and the vela method of ,work is usually its follewst 1 diet and senteuce pronounced before the Along the walls of the apartment where- • offender fully realizes that he is caught. I . in -the artists work are stretched So manY NoWhere else does puniehment so swiftly yards of eanyes, which is marked into follow Crime as at this coatt, which is lengths, according to the :size of the pie I Ahmed by clause 31 of 'the. 'tuneable Imes ofderen. Then the work is equally Offences Act of BA This 'racecourse divided ' Among the artist and" his col- 'tribune,/ aroth curiouslv. in the ,eigh- inailtaft assistitota,,„pen comp ete from a are swift at Ascot, for the course has a to fight consumption, with Scott'F. Emulsion of coil -liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, Ton 6ai: resist ; and you tnay- overcome it Don't. be afraid.; be brave.' Bui • .don't.iyaste'tnxie • . 3E01,•011 ICt ItAMI;Lt. AtI10 Or. • ;11stir.••• C11.1" worry . , lIess, but at is unquestionably true • *fiat the girls who marry at all utually • , istatry quite young."—Chicago Pest. . * *I am sorry, George, youdOn't ad- *are my new dress/ said the young tte.. "Everybody says it is 'charming." *Your friends, My dear, pay you emu- sydreszents ; I pay your bills," replied ter, ansfrand.—Tit-Dits. 31rig. Blinks—Oh, John! I've lost my, anecindarinaa somewhere! • Wanks—Yes; I know you did. Blinks—Why, how did you knoin SIM trinks—I found it in my trousers ricet at the same time I discovered I had lost $3.—Chicago News. . • Iftagged Rogers—Onee a feller drilled ism a dirty hobo, an' I sued him fer a igating& dollars ter defamin' mo tharae- • inbir. 1 rated Timothy --Dui yer git the bun - *net ," • 'Nagged Rogers—Naw. De Judge Neon entitled to morel but, he only Virairty. ',Med Timothy—Thirty dollars? 'egged Rogers—Naw. Thirty ltelaognuteos, t•ile Bea ell 1 m being esponsible for . of the asseiliint,• he ordered that in. fu- ture tl t f • n ti royal parsonage. In his indignation at the impossibility of instantiPunismiient a magistrate should always attend een cen u y tom assa u on a nrutn seleetsAlit.ohe.roysiLarace Thisahits ever , particular 'line in which ,gan do Ma since peen done,.and by the abovemen- ,hest and quickest tvetk, end!' all !abet tioned act tlie chief magistrate -of Bow • one part of •et•ery picture. •One will paint. -the trees, another the tilry; a third will put- ia 'a bit of sea or lake, and a fourth will add a few: figures. no impart anima- with a strict eve to time and business. ' Arent was constituted ex officio a justice ie • In one studio evoted elf 4cizel girli order to oable him to hold this eourt the fourpen4 of the peace of the County of Berke, in oll'aaiatinge, there are • . •who work' eiglity hourea week, and these' . tit Ascot. earn,only from twelve tO fifteen shillings • . , each. They work for a big wholesale house on the. Continent, and their spea Malty is the sho.wy tittle landscape or marine paintings 'so farailiar to. those who patronize the itinerant auctioneer or the cheep house furnisher. Ineerdible thigh it Mm, ay seethere are some sweating thins whe expect the artist to find his or her own canvas and colOrs, and then to 'turn out oil paintings 6.e fourpenee apiccel But the batter claim • dealers 'provide the materials or make an allonlance for the extra Cost. JuStice Mixed With Hiiiicior. lVfeasuring. -Sleep. • Pew. phenomena' in human enerience' Leit Small town in the 'United. Statea -lives ait elderly. German, .wito bei are at the same time so common and so mysterious' as sleep. For cease of the high esteem in whith.he is held in the community, has been elect- hours at a time the physical senses and mental faculties remain. inactive, and ed 'instice of ehe peace. The old gentle then rather abruptly acquire, their wont - man was recently called upon to decide ed keenness. It has loiig been known a most perplexing questien.• • • - ' One. of Ins neighbors is the possessor , that age, sex, occupation, state of health of a. dog.. The doe., although not actual- and other.. influenees affect the period • durin which this sus ension .con - 01 gate and. barking savagely at passers- .sciousness lasts, and Aso .the soundness g ly vieious, delights in running, out of UIQ„. ! by, • This .had been the source of great . of one's sleep, There hi reason to think; Annoyance to the neighbors, 'especially too, that the latter is variable *through t� one, ,who.vowed to get even with -"the the night with every hidividual, even pesky critter." Recently this neighbor though his • slumber may remain i?tacti- cally unbroken.. ,,This phase of the tub - was teturning from tilshooting.trip, gun lb hand. He wet set upon by. the dog, ject, however, has not been studied much ' whereupon he' raised his tveapon 'and until recently. Hence few people realize very good, and the doe.' 1 ates; red 1 The owner of the dog lad his acigh. tion, two invatigators in the Univeretty Sums bor haled before the old justice on a of ROTTIO) Dr. Sante de Sandie and D. V. 'Charge of cruelty to- animals, and. the Neyroz, conducted a series of , expert. conrt-room was crowded. with the mirth ' Meat° W,,Itiali ,extended through six walla tans ,of both men. The justice heard the , naonths. aline uifferent persons, four of or 1 1 d fi a fired.,at the brute. His aim was not how greatly the depth of sleep fluetu- ran ye ping, nibms his caudal a panda e In order to got some light on the quee a • charge, and then the defence that the dog , whom were th Oug i yhealthy an v 'fper trtan--the nes been guilty of imtil after they hed fallen asleeP and ''getieritl plan i of promdure was io wait woierwehgne hsualdajedeitiscaosrthleesrevosstss3isteM then employ nniforin means to -awaken . was a dangeorirosortimabtrd ild•mexce to : 8011 . .• 11. . tell:1611! hri . cleuared kis threo;)t ' and ctlietivItt t.'..7 • diet Alt • SECURIT • Cenuiniv. sante petsori was not awakened more When. Mark' Twait was in Egypt he than once or twice a night, but the ex - One day arranged with a friend to meet periments Were 80 timed that ill the • hint at one of the pyramids. The lata ourse of it few months they covered the gritelty. to animals." And one side of them. Vet this purpbse art instrument the court -room applauded the justice of the decisidn. . ' naade up of a blunt point that might -, "But der tog—he was a vicious tog." be pressed against the skin, a spiral A , And the other side voiced its approval. spring , and a carefully graduated Bode "I will flee der man five tokars." As- which' showed the degrees of *smite , other murtnur in the court -room. - used.. The point was applied gently to , . "Bata'. will gif him anodder shot the sleeper's loft temple, and, pressed me ter tog And bordSides cheered. til.te awoke, then the, settle was exara- ined and notes were made of the bolo, and minute and of the scale reading. The s used 11 d. tl es'Orn t r It was Carter:'s- tattle Liver.P° i ter engaged .two old: but experienced tyhole_ eight-hour period _during which 0. Arabs to guide him to the pIttee. lie sleep *stedn. at atitervals Of tea or fifteen Maid Bear signature of had some knowledge of their Maine Ian. These data, having beeh tabulated, sleep • I f • afterward oompTained that, although he minutes, several times ovet. • Ses Faceglinne Wrapper Deka% omen dad ao easy ' armateaastgar. .our thing that his Auides tind said to healthy subjects ocetniecl between "You should have hired younger ineu,), helir and a quarter and an hone and. . Mr. Clemens told him, "These tooth, half after droppitig Off, Unconstiousnelis —Now York Times. ' rePidiSr nu& almost steadily increased. less old fellows talk only gum Arable." guage, he could not understand any. 8 OW !ti' • during that period, and then in the next , * ' ritrter or half hour direihished greatly. ' We remarked the other, atty that 'detected. On the average, though, the "hereafter surprising oecillatione were there is but one rhyme to "month," stagesi of lightest sleep occurred about says The London Chronicle. Since thee r arid half and • aril' fire. and a FOR OtAOACHE4 poete have bombarded us for Worm - , half houre after the beg ning. A short, ERSFOR OIZZINESSk tion. The•Pathetle 131"Lding slh'6t'1•58f lova seeondary ma thrtuni of intensity awoussEst, however, cannot be withstood, a thaugh f h • Ifollotved in the riex.t hour, and half or we ear s e Will find it not eitty to eta h • r this °int ti. deolint WO lours. , rout. p , FOR4TORP10 LIVER•range a marriage of love between • 1, was moo. to the fillei awakening. t , Fog coNopoioN. "month" and RS only rhyme, which was discovered bly a Cambridge mathematic- 1 In epileptics and paralytics very much '11' ) Fa.SALLOVI SKIN. Jana It is 'Ix, •11 plus. I," which is of ead, 4 g to thh la plus milli.* the aame atate 'Of things was observed, ...,- FOR TOECOMPLEXIill . cours,. r , geept that they' slept more priofieundly , enema:Ira ituktr=or,W,....04 „s inioratylregetable "thirntle she "but one ban the healthy subjects um n ono ..,rson the unconsciousness at the e34 * • ,n,twoiaeitioise . rhyme for month lifteen mintttes was almost as markt • $101C HEADACHICt. • • . . . , . -1* (instil could ilnd a bt"k at onet•lte at tut hour and half as 1 - out thet it tikes only a "four -flea pow- er," whatever that may mean, to run a watch., and that a single horse -power would run all the watchesan creation, •• 4. certain Chinese lady, named. CheOng Clink Kwan, is going on A tour round the world. She is via, and well.educated- - in English. Having progressive ideas, she is going to see whet Europe and America. are line. This is the first and only instance in which a Chinese lady has ever attempted. such a ,venture. Ilailivay travel is fast losing its perils. According to reports recently made pub- lic in London, not% passenger was killed on any English railway in 1001, and only eleven people who were not passeugers received fatal injuries. American rail- ways may be better equipped than those across the water, bilt the have not yet approathed the new English record for safety.. .4 remarkable piece of railroad engi. neering is about to be begun by the Southern Pacific Railroad in Utah. For the sake of saving 'four and a half miles, the railroad is to blind a new late one hundred and e rn a g, which for part of the way wilt 'run on a timber trestle across the Great Salt Lake. It now runs around the northern shore of the lake, over a route full of sharp curves and heavy grades. The work will take three years, and will cost two and half million dollars. •' ' A writer in the "Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News" tells of a clear ease of canine' murder. The owner of an Air - dale terrier bought small Cocker span- iel pup, and it was made much of by the xneinbers of the family, "Scottie,. the terrier, utterly ignored the pup's ex- istence. • One morning the puppy was missing, and, after a fruitless search, the gardener remembered seeing "Scottie" come out of a rhododendron bed, with nose and face much begrimed with earth. There the body of the pup was found, and It w' lain that "S tti '" had first killed and then binned the icier little creature.' . year ago, says e "Youth's panion," three prominent physiicians told • a certain New Yorker that- he was af- flicted with locomotor ataxia:, and be . yond the power of cure. Thereupon -this man, who, even when he used two canes, Homespuns Friezes Zebilenes Serges Cheviots and other new makes of Dress Goods - for the FaH rrade and will be pleased to show them. to you, CO.A.TS CgZ Bol\ta • he .Weetterrn • *Fair • - S!eptember 1.2tb, to Q0t1-1., 1902.- • it Medley of Spectacular " . • "floundered around wherever his lege ' chose to take him," went to a gymnasia iuna.. 11 e theta exereite in ten-minute in- ' shalments. It was torture, but he per. sited an it, and when he was not exer- . . citing he stayed out-of-doors. • Presently '' he began to ride the bicycle, too, • though he could not stop his machine • texceptly_putting_ottathe brake anfilan- : ing off. After: seven months of hard ' work his lege were "still teabbly," but he began to play handball. Tnrough the winter he kept up regular practice in athe gymnasium, gaining. all • the time, :5 surely though slowly. This spring he had the reward of eyear of prodigious iind, painful effort. Heeeould take forty -mile rides on his bieyele. The doctors say he has perfectly reco:vered: .11e says he never felt better. "Here is inspiration los invalids. Many a man might cure bin. self of "incurable" disease, as this tria4 • did,' if he would only make a light W. health. • Iv 44...411*LadditION , Prof. Hutchison, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling Balloon Aimension and Para- chute Drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle, The Osnatos, in a gensation novelty, • The great Gay, thellandauff King, The °Wane, Continental Ethentreree. Manning and Da Crow, famous MOXIOpyieS. RCHA Naynon2 with her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds. The Bard Bros., Aorobatio Wondera. . Jones. Oorneb V' t . - Magnifioent • Pyrotechnics and many other features. Special train service over all lines. Exhibits further ahead than the times. Groundsinsidiously beautiful. Build, Inge irresietably inviting. • • Prize Lista,' Maps, Programmes and information ler the asking herd • • LT. 'COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, J. AeNELLES, Preeident. Secretary, ' • • 1 A [1].,'" klEir IFVDE..f: UM I I had been troubled with my stiam. ach for. the . pastsi#eenor seventeen years, and, as 1 have been acting as a' drug 0 erk for the past thirteen .years, good. .ichance to. try all remedies in ..the u rket„:, but .noirierfound anything, untilwe gal in . a supply of Rippans Tabules, that did me any good. .. Theyhave entirely cur0., me. At times 1 could hold nothing on my stom- ach, and I: had a sour.'stoMach. most All the time; in fact, 'I was miseiable, and life was hardly wo#11.1iving. I .was • called cross mitt:crabbed' by "My friends, but now they. all notice thechange in me. Opinions Stu:tiling Phystriana I have mesa W. T. Stxong's Pilekone for external as well acinternal piles and get batter results than from any 'other remedy I have used. A GRAHAM, M. D., Lon. don ,Ons. ' Prioe $1.00. ' Far sale by druggiste, of by mail oureeelpt,of price. ' „ , W. T. ST-PONG, Manufacturing Chem. st London Ontario ' • • • • L46. ler "Pit " akes short roads. • • ndiight Wads, • .11,iva• • Mama Bug—Look t• ehildten,. Mt. Fe-. lee is in eruption again! •, . . . • • • • A Letter From. Burns. A traveler in Ottawa' who recently.. visited an old Soot& settler obtained the -privilege of examining the contente, of a; musty leather trunk full oj papetv,' . and letters. In h bundle of receipts from: tradesmen, preserved with.geottish thrift canon tlie fainky-Papers, be found an unpublished lettdi from Robert Butte. The New York "Sun" gives it as f011en%: .atul justly •temarks that it. allows we; great poet at his best, a sympathetic, .kindly man °Aleut: a • - • . R. Burns,Dr., to. G. Turnbull, for Eve:. copiesof his 'poems at es ad -12s Od. Deer Sir: 1 send you by John Glover, - carrier, the 'above amount for Mr. Turn!? bull, as I suppose you have hie address. would fain offer, my dear sit, a word of sympathy with your misfortunes, but. it is a tender thing, and 1 know not -how i to touch it. n is easy to flourish a set, of high-flown seutiments that would give; great satiefaction to 'breast quite eV! ease," but as ono. observes who. Was sol- doin Mistaken in the ,theory of life, "The; heart knoweth its own sorrows,. and a I stranger intermeddleth not. therewithP Among some distressful emergencies that ' I. have experienced, I ever laid this.down us m .foundation. of comfort, "that he who has lived the life of an limiest man -hat Mama lived itt vaime---- a a With every 'wish for your welfare and, future success, I em, my dear sir, sincere- ' iy• yours, 12013141T MANS. .; Zliesland, May es, MO. To Nfr. Jetties Ilitniiltofl1 Groeer, Tron4 gate,,Glasgow. • Metter* '1Vforrie and SiOrrOn Fara the threshing sesson on Wed.:leaf% by cleaning up the grain for the Ott Club. • • To ours a rata ift else bay. Tette taxa i'Ve Promo Qinnine Vet& All droggists rt fund the monea if it f 10 dare, E. W. Groves signature is I teach boa, 260. • ood for everything that runs on wheels. e' Sold Everywhere. , = Nada br IMPERIAL MY.. CO. • ai• tune Mr?. .04%. AT DRUGGISTS The live -cent packet Is enough, for an Ordinary 41:1646i011. The family bottle, sixty cents, contains &supply for a year. .0, • ,1 OPPAWAttf-WPAtria*4.1044-44--feilekkicik.icit******111100kkintatk- Potato Bug ..Killers. A' If you are depending upon Paris Green to keep your Potatoes free from Mtge, you may as well know shat this store keeps Paris Green that will lci114 We have just receiVed "a fresh stock of Berger's English Green. Our customers say it is the hest they have ever used. It costias more money than other kinds but we sell it the same -25o lb, Try it and be convinced 5 E..110VEY, - Dispensing' Chemist,. Clinton xualatawate.tcautattailaauttataarlkara*****srerfr#1a#mteikripiiv*1 40114040110416.444Soaeet• I IPATIO Central- , Meat Market Sick Headache, Bilious/lots, Dye. pepsin, Coated Tongue, rout Breath* Vitater-Brailti701,—"aiir Disease of the Stoinach, Liver or Dowels.. LaxraLiver Pike two purely 'vegetable • neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy to teke and premot to act. • . , Affo•• Tong rhogyhoun.. the Greet Alagtta Pen:AVE, _Bold and recommended by au .able medicine dietoveire 8 druggistsin Canada. °MITI four atutranteed to dote so Beaus Weft nen, all OW% a 6bitell TooeX0491e5, Modal WatrY5 E*deStiVe nee of to. j0 orapotrt:;16,gigaria: sy. Mati on receipt stitiiout% l'arapliieta tree twat, i Tba Wood conipaiiy,wandsor.QnL PI? itekttati°11egibliVg" ,4:14.}ouh14 Watte,Dttutelets. 1 4 3116 - —Having prittitiffeallin -betehering•- bnithiben 01 F, 11. Powell I tun pre- pood to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Freida. and Oared Meate, Sausage bologna lard, butter and egge SIWtiyfi kept on hand. It, Fitzsimons dt Son* Telphone 711t. Cedes delivered promptly, to parts of tbe town. , tv.13...,1trects bavfig boss for shipment will confer a favor by leaving *ma at the stop. isampimmiagamaiiims CANVISSEllt --WANTED - to cell PRINTER'S XNK— it journal for advertisers,. published weekly at five dollars it year. It teaches the science. and Practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most sue. cdsful advertisers in this country and Great Britain. Libehl COM rdlaaloa al- Irvved.Address prutoung iNIC, 10 Spruce St., New 'York, .