HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-15, Page 3A Meritorious Remedy. A, Trial Subscription to the New.Era mom ill olV till the end of the year for 25e: THE Gas TON NEW ti41,4 IATordlt4 -,GOT CORNS ? Historic LAIC I Foolish to keep them if Yon have ? NO 1 .."•••/. 1,00.40.00=••• Paisley, nannery 9th, 1902, MaoLeod Medicine Co., ineiderioh Ont. I contracted menet fever in the begin. ,tning. of July, 1901, thereafter I turoen to . tiroliey, My legs swelled twice their usual aize. Iliad no teehog in them. I got Bo 'bloated all over that the heart's action gave ane considerable trouble, canoed by the ac- cumulation of water in my oyster% • I had no appetite, the food I ate veined to lodge in my stomach like a ball. This gave me intense pent. At thie time I weighed 190 pounds. I was treated by sOme of Our loos' denten, but I did not get ninth re- lief I made up my mien to mann a specialist in Toronto as sOOn al I W&B At t go. I had given up all hopes of being very long alive. The urine at this time was more like apple juice than anything else, In September last a gentleman °called in iny store and enquired after •ziY, health, My wife told him I was no better. He thee and there advieed her to write for some of MacLeod's remedies, saying they would cure me, se they had cured hie own wife some years ago of the same trouble. I resolved at once to try your =dining. 11 tbought if they cured others they would surely cure me. I wrote on Monde), morning and three bottles of 'Harmony" and one of "Protein • Resurgam" were at my house on Tuesday night. Direotione were plain enough. I began them atones. I had not taken them four days till I began to get relief:and the swelling to If0 down, and at the end of three weeks 1 weighed seventeen pounds less.I'oan assure You that I felt a different person than what I did at the start. After this I began to at- tend to my busineseas usual. I am now • in very good health and free from all symptoms of that dieadeci. disease. I eat well and feel sound every way. If ever I imeet vdth anyone afflicted as I was, I will oertainly• recommend your remedies. I have already directed a few. Wm J. Hum MaeLsodn Remedies, established in 1888, are the only meaioinee in Canada which have gold on their merits without advertising. Address MonLend Medicine 'Con Goderioh, Ont. fun in Corns, but lots of psi% Putnanee E. V USN • • • • E S S A.u.gust 15th 1902 , - • II t is C g At my entrance, Caxton turned from PAnniets Corn Ex trentor ranee corns in arves a slight air et interruption. . raising it-draggiste sell it. It you have a secret drain from early souse. later excesses or exposure the results era 0 Put before it cameo there is a fruit Reason. You will third enk e ountoose thane all ri(tht," he re.. - if rOU were to 0,1c, the average wan eke out a miserable exIateMle 011 account of your youthful lollies YOU are not safe in , o ambition, memory poor, hag. I Do you viant a Hay Forknope,/ inch of Pure Manilla? Then comeniere De rot Melancholy or despondency caused by Weak unhealthy nerves. are respoanble for male" : . "Sorry to interrupt you," I apologized. the saine. You cannot expect healthy neryes while your vitality is being' wasted. Do no$ ore want a eupplynn speeded wit returning cordiality, ik i. j q . cured- nature never exouses-no matter how young old or. lonocZot one Ina h b Pr • j "In: btO te 1 ou offband est What nalities u you aro tired in the morolog (*rows and slee f• el If Y ave 8 eit - ere. We heYe' In3Perisif Pinta, (44114141 "I alit Uall"e* - - oecurred ne me from reading this bonen i swer, but be would end bY giving yoll • Method Treatment a positive oure for these Oonditionssotond ion gay when cored. Rea , forget Fence, Rekes, Scythes, Snallia, Soytt, Stowe, Maohine Oil acid Cane. n hen a large tome which he waS reading, With essenty.four bourn Oct a quick ()roe b sintnese and suffering than any other disease, o as you are overworked, 130111 e 1 es in other men he winuld, prone the baok, de °sits in arm irritable Ind easily Peicired fact, Pm rather gla.d you've ha_prne& this sworn testimonial, none used without permission. $ , .00 or a y I cannot show. , nape you want it screen door or window? a ou ht to 118** a use of abeteact tertoee Mosel ren • "Just what le your author?" I aakecin in, as I want to voice a kick wine has! a bln hogRie a porn deal over his ao.. gard expreslon, or otherlSigns of weakness call and see me as f gnaante:3 m•y eel g see °urn UL 121. "Why, it's a oollection of deathbed , beMbling the list of .st4e hundre best .T. Harris 1304 dilly sworn deposes end says, that some time ago he was treat - utterances made by some ingenious honk.: books" which is, as it rule, what people ed by—for Nightly Emissions, Seminal Losses and Sexual Weakness and was j HO'S patiently ferreted out all •the last I feel they ought to enjoy reading rattier pronounced oured in 11193 -that he noticed a recurrence and on May 10, MS he way they all affect me. All these Anal] 1 whose clever and dzseerning essays .T. lialthIS. speeenes are sbot through with egotism.. JORN W. FOX, Notary Publ 0, Wayne Co., Mich. It is strange that when a men is about: to step out into the infinite lais thoughn d . have been found in The Cosmopolitan th 1 t , k ••Wh t The Latest Method Treatment Cures Emporium, Londerbore ,, men Like in Men" the subject of an eine rIrroirvinctoec.012.7rd Stricture. without cutting, stretching or iqss ot time; also Chronic', shoulel. only be of himself and hte 011/11 rvous. Impotency, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stomach, Female andlteotalTroubles. • naly 3rd, 1902. petty part in the world dramas Words, tertaining essay in the August number Con al; LTATION F,tt E E. a you cannot call write for blank forborne treatment. Perfect ' Unlit the books they do read With f:.'eniTZA 1(1141= steradtill137atair t(ftsVaerei eleadb.=ZaggeZtrg91 words of history. And I tell you the) pleasure. . Raiford Pyke, several of n Subsoil cd and sworn to before me the Oth dal qf Aug. 1808. A, flue veriety of Package Teas snah .as Blue Ribbon, Biloxi*, Monsocn, Orate Mogul and Fan Brand. s, De you want your Photoe enlarged, if so, Ask for one of our Carafe Terme are mph or produce lin&• as E 4ge at 14o, (and likely more) Butter, Lila ' Tallow, Dried Applee, ete, A trial solicited. Yours for business, t 11 from a deathbed ha,ve wenfht. It Is e, I,nf that periodical. pity that all on record shou d tainted; N4R VILINE A KING OF PAIN sy•steni 0 t home treat alent for those who cannot call. BOOK FREE. Medicines for Canadian fwigsgmtilt petlerits shipped from Windsor; ell duty and transportation charges prepold-.everYlitint _ R. ADAME *\, confidential: no names on envelopes or packages; nothing sent O. 0. D. with coeceit. The peonoun of the Orsti ; . Nerviline it a combination of the most ni? GO II 208 WoODwaRD AYE.. lOne Third of your life We have tlus day lundled a flre, medi ()or. Wlioox street. • erson I fe t all d tt yp n s mg u erances. , potent pain oaring ,substanoea known to ' ' 4,111 ft t • BERG oat mienoe. It represente the lateen.. °•,1 DETROIT, MICH. . spent in bed say, the dissenting martyrs. Nathan Hale I discoveries in the healing art -so oonoen- , • irr tates us with his regret I have onlY' trated that one drop of Nerviline is equal - Humor of the. Hour. OUT OF THE SHADOW, in pain -saving • power tolive drops of any •e - one life.' - "Roll up the map of Europe,' Mtn other. For Neuralgia, Itheumatiem, dipper maul" said the lady vieltor, ad - Pitt's last, end the colon -al conceit of Cntrape, Pain in the Bail, its action in that in the moment of supreme vision, money back if you do not find it so. Drug. sane any , one of . tbe inmates of the in. them is not to be surpassed. It is strangte rapid and oertein. Sure to. cure. Your driiming all sense of perspective should be lent.1 gists sell in lum "don't you often feel very t d h' t ----------- IIIiss Ainy Wilsonho mysteriously "Oh, nen" the patient answeredst "The Why should all the swan songs. of litenin sad to be shut up her'e?"' ure an is ory focus attention, on disappeared from Lyndon, has been lunatics who come to look at us are gen- . singer ?"-N. Y. "Tribune." working as a farm hand near Pat is. erall.vere amusing.n-Chicago B,ecord- • • • • • • In Legal Terme. •IIMMIN•mi1 ' •"If I were to give you an orange,"‘ taid the judge, "I would Amply say, give you the orange,' but •should the transaction be entrusted. to a lawyer to put in writing he would adopt this forms 1" "'1 hereby give, grant, and convey to , you all my interest, right, title and ad - .vantage bf and in said orange, together with its rind, skin, juice, pulp and pita; and alt rightsd advantagc thorelu, with full power to bite, suck, or other- wise eat the same or give away with or without rind, skin, .jnice, pulp or pits; ' anything hereinbefore . or in any ether 1 deed 01 deeds, instruinentsof any naturel or kind whatever to the contrary n in any, wise notwithstanding.'" • Unflattering to the Frees, • Although the power of the press can hardly be, everestireated,little thatns, printed leaves a permanent impresston. Dr. Edward Everett Hale puts it olutre acteristically in commenting on the son• eitiveness of his distinguished kinsman, Edward Everett, to what appeared about him in print. "He did not know, as I do; that of whatever is put it the news- paper half the people who see it do not ead it; second, that hatf of those do not understand it;, third, that of the half 'who understand it, half do not believe:. It; fourth, that of the half who believe , it, half forget it; fifth, that the half who remember • it are probably of no great1 account, anyway." To which Dr. Hale ; adds the remark, personal to himself, "This may be forgotten with the rest." ; Nevertheless, it nas a kernel of truth worth remembering. • Mistress (to new servann-There are two things, 'Mary, about which I .anil rein, particular; they. are truthfulness, and obedience. Mary-Yes'nn and when:. you tell Me to say you're not not in, when, a person cells that you ;don't, wish to one • Which is it to niein-truthfulnese or, nbediencel-The "King" •(London). , A Valuable ' •• • To be strong yoti roust have good •appe• Her For that reason your bedroom should be the best famished nom in the bowie. n The diecouragement, the akar of 111. I Iron end braes beds are brimming zo popular, that nc well furnished home " complete without them. cable mit into. nhe nooti-tiue wary . cleatanneWsEt hBaevaenit; tollec soervnetorarlinaerwe pooaalttebrinneas, with wire spring attachment, inrwhia eankltnhe,,vaigboyreat:edngetznagnt,h0.0Zenoyyotn,...:eokr; . ng this way .? Are you wishing to repla, e i The Priem are not high. and expeetation, pale cheek and luatreleass;k . r eye, by the roses bloora and sparkling eyes, .' •'''ea '''Flt Li.i=ininn 1 ninixj vv ., jams x , j: J=Li • If yoq but use Ferrozone yen will make 1 mor • +a...8P rich, rci bloodnom nerves will grow strong, . Old time vigor will return and .with it . • ' mauve, energetic and enoceasful l&a. Re A Missionary Story. use, good digestion and good amimilation, -444- endurance that will enable you to liye an Buggies! &gone • • • Miller's Compound Iron Pills bring all Benham -1 believe woman can, love member the name, Ferrozone, Sold ny • these Eiolcl by all•druggists. • $t at Se evingen, Holland, other ht• two men at the name time. ial, etfrica tot this story at a club the' nirros dentsriigan eyn me 11%. a ma- 8 0 Benhara-What do you mean? • Y Y n a y o R. B. Combes,price 50o. A missionaray returned from Equator- M Be h If he is a married w • nig .man she has to try to. Julian Ralph says that &nine the • In this man's territory there was a,. A dollen! Miller's Worm Powders ooca- Mrs. Be h ru-She ha* to tr t I Diamond Jubilee, near the close of Zlimen make hini a Christian. ne was i bY all dreggistri. her huslxind, and he isn't the same man Victoria's reign, a journalist of world- ma man in a sor o confe eration of , chief who had resieted ever anneal to sionally will keep children healthv. Sold gest savag ry ConSeryatiye, in Lennox has been pro - t f d ' note was conimissieeed to seek an when they have eomtauy that he is when 'Wide no e tribes and the missiona knew they haven't any.- rooklyn Life, interview with the Marquis of Sausbury. The election of Mr T. *R. Carscallen, He was promptly ushered. into the Fg•eat the effect would' be felt by eveny native The efforts of teachers to increase the nese without by word, hint or tone sug- that if the big chief were once converted tested. -+4+- 1 man's presence, and conducted his usi• vocabulary of young pupils by giving gestinl that he remembered having within fifty miles. So the missiona, • Oh my hew your complexion has im- rc kept after him month in and month ou proved. Yee Miller's Compound Iron Pills them words to use in sentences sof their worke upon the same newspaper eta . Do you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon ?. 'We nave the finest stock to select from. All the latest stylesin the new- est•colors. Oar prices are as low as can be found for Rrst•class menerial and worknianship. Before you buy call and eee.us. We also handle the Canadian Steel Field Fence, Already woyen, any farmerent erect; from 60 to 80node per day, it is a oheap etrong fence. • • • • Geo. Lavis, Isaac Street, Clinton • • . NEXT DOOR TO NEW EitA OFFICE in fece of every kind of indifference an did it, Sold by all druggists, own formation results often in wondrous vrith the Premier when. he was Lord rebuff. ' A crosetpetition has been filed by the 'eombhuations, An Italian boy in Philo,- Robert Cecil. At the close of the inter- . — ary was all but ready to give uP, when,. East Middlesex. . Every Farmer Should lish, was a' ed in a .peculitu- way by name, as in the old days, without the . • •'! • At, the end of two years the mission- Liberals in the protest proceedings in delphia, doirlis his best to master Bog- view', the Premier .called him by his our. an observation of his father's vocabu • ftarefix "mister," "Cowper," said he (Mr. UM" • one clan the miracle came to ries-the taken. Sold bY all drug- the class* to write a sentence to inelude true one), "I never paid that bet of six - truths of. Chrietianity. The missionaty, cen be readily • . . big chief's heart was touche by the Milken Drink Cure kJ este, effectual and ary. The other day his teacher asked 1ph sttbstitutes a false name for the • redoubled his efforte, and in two. months giets. . the word disarrange. The worn is in pence which I lost to you one day in the more the big chief offered himself for ' It is proposed in , Kingston to elect • advance of the Italian boy's, stock baptiem. • . Captain Bruce Carruthers Mayor for English, and he was sorely puzzled, biol. y°ifiOUTLOthylP. Iteetteer platy?" it n"oYyl,es„, . The best known remedy 10 Smut on Oats Barley - It looked like a great vintory won', next year by acclamation. • too proud to. confess the feet. Later said the Marquis, and. handed aver the " • • • FORMALDEHYDE until, in examining t e new convert, the. he handed up a paper on which the fon small coin; "I have mon thought of it." . Wheat or Cork • . missiona7 discovered that according no .• um emelt lowing was written in round, boyish wives. The missionary expressed his • Lexetive Bromo-Quinine Tablets onre po an ie ay. , the chic y prerogative he had two entll Works etf the Gold &erecters : "Wien a fedda, Hirt the fire in the morning, he says, amma- Simple politica. , • :The following monologue of en old - We e horror indignation and grief to the o d No Qum No Pay Price dia'A'range•'" chief. . 25 cents. • • • He ex lained to hire how the state ie , . • - Senator Pinctor of 'Vermont says the time colored voter, printed the Attain' polygamy was a banner to anyone who The Finest Newspaper Office 1112est tution," burlesques a state of speech he ever made consisted et ta "Consti wished to become a, Christian, Then he only four...words. It was in retort to affairs that to a certaiu extent maK have • prayed with 'him, and the chief departed,. , on Earth. . , Senator Hoar's sarcastic little thrust in • existed in some parts of the Bout long • . . weeping •over hie unfitness. ' • • . . . . a speech directed at the 'Green 111oun- a • • e ou testimonials from all:the Pleading farmers o section who used our Formaldehyde Lot year 1 instructions given with each bottle. Uge Cambe's "Standard Formal& yde H. B. COMBEI- • Chemist at DrUggisV But a month later he came &Fain, joy- . The weehington "Star'', a. paper al. tam. Senator. Ile said, "No man in Ver. • Pobties hez changed mightily in die . e ue on 1.n Prices office in 'North Amerieall. The people." Whereat Proctor said, "And dat he wanted a office, and he' shoulder 1 onar , tar' is remar - e or t ree ings. ous, devout, and, throwing b mself at 4 most unknown in Europe,. has the glory niont is allowed to vote unless be. has country. Hit's all diffunt.. De time wuz - . • • made $5 000 trading with Massachusetts when Marse Bill would mek his min' the missionary's ,feet, asked fo bapr - f th fi t t,' o .poseessing • e nes . • newspa er 'M brother " said the mien y ..g • bl f h th* we all vote." -Chicago Inter Ocean. • his slintgun en walk right in de middle er de crowd en say: • • • cannot baptize you while you are the Pirst, -it has -only • circulation 'husband of two wives." of '35,000 a day; secondly, it. publishes Towne -My wife used to :get nervous "Boys, dans de office yander, ain't i 1 • • "No two wives, just .one wife now," no Sunday • edition; and thirdly, al- every tune she heard a noise • down • "Yes," defd say, "dat sho' is it!" though its circulation • is comparatively stairs. but I assured her that it couldn't' "Well, But done lecten 'ter dat office,. sain the chief. • ain't I?" . ' : The sinissionare raised him' to his 'feet, hungnificant, it has so 'many. advertise- be burglars, because • theyne always • En dey'd all speak up ez -one mate t " Here was the true enitent ments as to stand amon the few dailies' p eareful not to make an noise. . • g y "Wee you it sleeted tel. it! Go 'tong in "My brother," • said the •missimictry, at the top of the advertising field. In • • Browne -So that calmed her eh ? : :, dar en hang yo' hat up en shet de den - "Tot' make ray heart :glad. • •And whet : stead of a Sunday Paper, it ptiblishes it Towne -Not much. Now she gets ',What you sta,n'in' roun' heah nen, any. - U0 n•dtn Taln do with your seened wife ie --Saturday • magazine . supplement. AI- nervoue every time she sleesn't hear any "Please, sergeant," exclaimed -a lady; Es she 'rushed, into the _police station,' nialf out Of breath. Then she hesitated.n. "What is it, ma'am?" • "I don't like to tell you." • ' "Proceed. Have you .been robbed, or . •p-- ?" ' "Robbed, sir; cruelln robbed. Lait • night sonieone stole a lot of clothes from off my line." "Just give nue a list of the articlea stolen." • "I couldn't do that,. for they took tit) pairs of —" • "What?". ' "Oh, no i I really couldn't say; but, Mr. Policeman, if you see anybody wear- ing them, arrest_ them." • With this brief explanation she de - netted; and new she IS telling all the neighbors that the. police force of this country are too stupid to detect crime, oven when they get a nue at fist hand. • _ • • Verestchttgin the artist who is paint-' nng a large picture of the Battle of SIM: 'Juan Rill, with President Roosevelt as the central figure, was very much de- pressed over New Yorkn sky -line, when be visited the metropolis fifteen years ago. He saicl that the , occasional Sky- illeraper was a painful Win on the land- scape; that itnnade the sky -line one tern irible thing to behold. The other day, an, Or long contemplation of it and the , ncores of lag buildinee Which hied down the Island of Manhattan, he is said to nave turned to a friend and remarked: • "Really" (a pause), "It begius to he ktrand." ' answered the chief. "She Ito th h 't h 11 triele hOW? 'Go 'long ip when you blongs!" goo , me wan e , , Ints made, sufficient pront to build a , •; HAY FE:VER : GERMS ABE:. Now 1.11.' • oug as so sma a circle a o d t b Kistian• me eat near • • • • • • ' • . ome ner newspap r o ee . hen any- 'Aren t as amen, notany, 2 • . Ifi e ffit • ' h • the tvhole worlc. and loneher own nealth .1:Wagtechie," one of the flneet public build- one, "to tell you the truth; I'd rather ABOUT 9 • z What does it profit a woman I El e ettie (teed, according to a writer in Caxton'1 "Wel , parkin," answered the lazy They wenn the air everywhere, too min- • linton Sa'sn °Door. -and • .„...„,„g women atudents,end reibool teachers • ings .on earth. It is built of smooth- be ashamed than work."-Chicage News. get into your Inn 9, Then they will Plat -TB • RI .nte to Bee, but jest *albino for a °hence to , 1„, • • - . thing to be seen m New York. Itis, in- work at a 1 ?" asked the parson.. FLOATING . 'f b • • • i; r • shese'y'rinfeeesr:_e is e great. chinas tank:are' a first clasin.buggy tit 'a; big rednonon. NO • *Se -Buggies for SOS! $'75 Bodies for $6n $O Buggies for $60 . • • ' • . . • . • • Remember theae are alt own make, enieh plains Ate in ei position. .to. guarani.. . them, ab we do not buy enyteetterialbut whittle .firet cities. ' :. • :' • . . • - - . • . • . . ° . • • • • • • .. .• • • Repairing promptly attended tit .by . experienced Men.. n ' • . • . • • . . . 2 - , . • . 4111.1BA:. Lif - :414%-:•1110'llfill-L111 uronStreet,-_,..:_..:Ciiiitent„,:,_.; esger ambitions, and full of enerfiT, verY faced marble in the French Renaissance • "--+-44-- havc, with your lireathing apparatus, and lind Factory... • - often 'neglect tbeir health in the streggle t gad. eiducetton7-- -They eat insoffiaient food, duly office with which he can conare it • Joix---Quite Ian accident. esy you had better Whale Ca you'd wonder what to do The doctor will • • . tarrhozone for . • , 9 style; it is nine stories high, and the Hoax- Ho did he make bin money and at irregular hourenhey allow irregular - Is the marble palace '• of the "Jerald"' Hoax -How was that? • it kills Hay Beyergerms and moreover is • S.ES. *COOPER PROPRIETOR • ity of the woraanly funcnons to be estab- buildings in New York, From attic to ' Joax--He lost a leg in., a railroad 'Owl sure to reach' them, Catarrhozone • Relied, and the result is that they become basement eeerything is marble. The en- wreck 2,nd , recovered da,mageen-Phin mum every time, and absolutely prevents • 'General Builder •and Contra,ctor. • chronio invalide with ail their edueation . trance hall Is a lofty Mozble chamber, . adelphia Record. ' is disease from returning. You inhale • practically wcrthless. There ie., inplain _ elaborately carved,• and with abendent : • -++4.- '• " void back to health for such SS these,Mark, - bronze work. Round the. walls are et Jaspar-They -say -that the peace' of inatarthozone with the air breathed; it *goes ed. ny, Mr. Dealman, who painted many Stites: • . °tabu% et. "Ilibti e druga ed by the feet of -thousands. It is the use series of seven symbolical frescoes paint- ...the world is in. the hands of the United cdoirreeestiltybiyo removing ethoef, of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical . Discovery for the diseases of the stomach and digen 2 of • the frescoes in the ;Washington . Li- Junneippe-Well, Uncle Sam had het. ,adciress for 01;00 forwarded To POW= & Cc, gists or sent with guarantento. euro, to any tive sua nutritive organs; and Dr. Pierce 's brary. Peered 'them snmbolite. the dere 'ter take' care • or •he will not in trotible• Kingaton, Opt. i • . • '. - : Payorite Prescription for diseases of the history, news -gathering, the editorial for ,handling high explornem.--NeW, • • a consu ing-room is fitted up as an , . " Dutch sittingnoom 200 years old. In, DESPAIRED OF BEING CURED Some time ago a man got ' a CUTIOMS. tOlf 1 lt. . deliote organs of womanhood •certainly hollows the um of th that out of hundreds of th have tried the treatment, ni •every hundred have been , permanently cured. Const Its calamitous consequences, common ailnieet. of students tirely cured b 'the use df Pl. s. ° 'function and ndeertising. The proprie- York Sun. : • • • old every room it is the same, .,Mositie floors-, Mr W. E. Jeffries, 44 Hicks Ave., King- present from a sea captain, It was a! 02 fine specimpinof the bird -which the sail- . .• marble pillars and fine bronze `work, sil- ver, shower baths .explain how it is that this edifice is said to. be the mbet costly anyperson wno las no p office -building in the world. The news- realize whet I erdared, The first' anpin carrying it home he met a brawny itish navvy, who stopped him and asked:. boys are ma carefully studied as the cation of Dr Chase's Ointment brought re ston.-Ontn etstes: I suffered (teeny w 1 t had piles oan WaS not a little proud of it. As he was , itching piles. In fent 1 don't believe thin ors call the CIlanhing jackass " and he : • . Vile :feu:tory in the largest in he county, and heaths very latest improved Ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notioe.' We berry an extensive • and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimates forand build all ohm- ' se of buildings on, short notice and on the closest prices Ail wore in:verve,- ed in a mechanical Ivey end satiefetotion guaranteed. We aell all kinds of in- : • e . . . /tenor .and exterior ratiterial. • • . • • Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lune, Sash,' Boorsi..Blinds, Ito • • _ :Agent for the Celebrated ORAYBIL4 SCHOOL DESK, maiinfootnree 60 Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing. your orders me. • I • "Fhwet kind. of buerd: is that; sone?". editoret The compositors have quarters the . which a merchant prince in London hope that thie testimonial will be 'That a laughing jackass, explained th ' 11 Th '1 h • and other baths. Even the lavatories One onatinenn” ng tried before the United with a twinkle of the -eye; "it's not yer- • About People. might envy. Every comp. has his own Metall% of bringing comfort to other suf.- th k h o • owner,... y. m e ris man, fun of as Sta.•t Topeka, one laWaTer said have mosaic floors, plated pipes and inar- • • silf it's the burrd• Oi mane, Berri" equal to occasion, an respell e cupboard, and is proseued with shower .f.rnretby making known the great power of in thehewaseing a ed , (7,d ou are a liar.", bo yeti bio walls.. Once a, printer enters the to owers a Bride Should Carry. • Ma ther. • tled for life so long ea he keeps up. to ' OWerS ride carry, Th fl ' the shall nee. Mr. Greene, a preacher. at Fred- ley's Lane Pa. took. his congregation, to sonally?" passionately den ine "Star" office he regards himself as set- ' reminiscences of the elass his work. He is cated for when sick,. • ad I d h old In th task a. few dimdays ago because the writes Martha Coman in "Leslie's • • tor's o i on he 1 - e members Nyero not, in hie opinion, giving of' hes. n pens one av en , e propr e Weekly, is a question to be d - is the story of a stout and t 1I that "he. was better fed , and her wedding reeeren g 1 tails necessary to enable comps. to keep girl has her favorite n was wal ng with a lads boudoir than a printing room. Yet thdugh. the paler colors are more effec- elude Editor Boertna,n among the lot. is, for ditintiness of detail, more Ince a bouquet is not invitriabin of Vire white, itis a place where very solid and smart tire and raueh, more acceptable than the "Why," said the preacher, 'air. Botir- fri past a jeweley shop.. The window man only pai a, o a w y p was filled with precious stories. "Would- work is done.' An elaborate system of deeper °nee of red or pink. Lilies of the pert." The editor retorted: "It was shower bouquets are about as appropri• ear at the price," and Mr. Greene there- n't you like to have your pick?" asked pneumatic tubes reduces speaking and • ...valley made up into one of the beautiful .4 has a roll-top desk, a swinging chair, and ate for the fair maiden as anything, utent learned that it is dangerous to Larry. "Not me pick," said Mike, "hut.. writing to a minimum. Every reporter a Remington typewriter, There is a club Weigh there are innumera,ble combine: • . mouney. with a buzz -saw. . me ahonel." , dler anted never:1.1 timed st , In the premiees for the .benefit of the' tions possiMe in the way of orchids and . a n.) house fourid the • . • violets. - • BE WABE OF. OINTMENTS FOR Cen from home. At last he nEaff. .rpt- inned this note Ma the &et: "Madam: Kindly remain et home to- . morrow forenoon. • I want to Sell youna rug," . . A witness called in a ease in the King' Bettchn says the London "Daily Mail," W003 Inked his name. "John 'Awkinesn was the prompt reply. "Do you spell your name with or without an nen" veiled eounsel. "With -S -641-n," was Another Drop in Prices The un'dersigned. is offering his $80 Buggies for.$65. They are his own make, and are °made from choice material and bx first class mechanics. All the latest improvements. used am are up -to date in every respect They cannot be surpass* and we guarantee them. • • ar SOHN* LESLIE„ .35Euron Street. Clinton. g Member, who was told P nt ;suitable support to aurch work. The . 1 H t expenditure on the de.. cided by her own indinediunity, for Oily themselves °leen and comfortable Is well- ay is Welcome op'portunity to make "You teach me; I feed several of these whom he regarded as at , My he retort. f It but Was in'udicions enou h to in entleinan 'mentioned •by .mtme invested money. The eoniposingnoom her -choice a Rubin one. • The briden au , • • . . • Ask any wonian who has used ° - t e emphatic reply.' 3 . A self-appointed instructor in civics, nine years of age, was rehearsing the greatness of Premier Laurier, when he Was intertupted by °Me of his hearers, a little girn who said gently, but with a certain air of reproof: "God made Can- ada; he only lets Sir Wilfrid ran it," . • Malt Breakfast Food One of Lord Salisbury's pet anecdotes the story et the barber of eortstriouth 'She Will Tell You Ithat Its De' whom he had occasiot to patronize some yielousness and Virtues are years ago. This toneorial artiet did not fail to reeognize his distinguished. pat- nipp reelatedby.Hnery ron, fdr the latter, on passion :the shop Member of llier Family. a few days later, was ;retitled to ob- „ serve et placard in the window bearing , this inscription: "Hair cut, 3d. With P:' .It Maintains The Health of Young and. Old: .10 00 0 the seine eciseors as I cut Lord Salis- bury' air, (id" . . 1 A . 4 • isternwhose first parish Woe In the bac cwoodfgof the 'West was called Ask any woman who bas used Malt 'Upon to officiate at the weddingof a " ireakfast Fooritti her bottle hew she and rather seedy -looking fellow end rt, bloom - hen eannione it and oho will toll you ing young woman. The cerement, was titan° Other boreal breakfast food 'has performed lit the lognabin home of the given etiohreentline and satisfaetorenheelth bride's parents. There were many guests results. It meek§ the needs and conditions present, and ti, pleasant, informality pre. of old and young, If there is a dyspeptie veiled. When the bridegroom repeated In the family, thous() of Malt Breakfast the words, "With all my worldly goods roa will banish the enemy dyspepsia and I thee endow," a tali and lank guest restore patios digestive vigor, Its deli. Sweaty observed! 'Ilia gom donation and energizing virtues fire known bona' dew& by &mar • to million, Or00014 oerprbete, 11 ' °The shower bouquet is rarely stiecesee TABER Winn' CONTAINS MEBOUltY. fully turned out by an amateur, and as naeroury surely destiny tbe sense of those persons who save the last sweet smell and ooninletely derange the wholesys. service of personally arranging the tem when entering it through the mucous bride's flowers for their own fingers had surfaces. ' Such articles should never be us • best net attempt much in the way of a ed except on presoriptiona from reputable shower. But the palest of pink roses or physiciameas the da.mags they will do is ten the beitutifel bride roses are at hand fold to the good they can possibly derive find can be easily arranged. • The sweet, from then. Hann Catarrh Cure, menu. old-fashioned white Mae ifl *a most an featured by F. J.Oheeney & Clo„Tolec10,0., ,ceptable newer to use when the bouquet ooataitis no meroury,and it takenioternal- y,acting directly on the bloodand mucous , than by • busy professional ones, and it surfaced of the system. In buying Hall's tenni itself easily to MI admirable result. Catarrh Cure be ante you get the genuine. • • White •orthide•combined with the deli. It is taken internalite and made in Toledo, eide green of the Farleyencis fern make Ohio, by F.J.Chesney do Co. Teatimotials whole is tied lavishly with broad, soft Sold by ,druggiste, price 75o per bottl , stunning bougnet, especially when the free* • Ms is the new Mientine reniedy foe losokaohe, lame or weak back, gravel,\ Bright's disease, diabetee, dropsy, and all , kidney, bladder and urinary troubles of • yemfg or old. If your baek or kidneys aim bother on, just try Du, Pitt:tames 134.01. isf Slit TAMAN'S. They'll convince ay% good by taring you. Oyiee . t_bo& at all druggists or senbbymail, TIM Da ataa FrroMut Co., Toronto, Ont. 1 velvet ribbim that matched exaetly in ..,Ilall's Family Filla are the best shade the &Herne petals of the rate exo- tie. This flower and fern, put together in the form called the "Princess Plume" bouquet, id a, most beautiful and effec- tive aecessory to the bride's attire. The violet cuff bouquet was a ma for a time, ea was also the Du Barry tonne- ette of the same modest but popular flower, The collarette and cuff effects Were generally used only for the bride's attendants, the bride herself carrying a huge shower bouquet of -white violets. Leghorn hats of white, lavishly decorat- ed with pink roses and tied on with broad streamers of ribbonto match) itee very pretty for bridesmaids, and it is then ft most effective idea to have the attend - anis entry only large bunches of wav- ing, feathery, inaidenheir fern. Wild Sweet -brier tosenand apple blossoms are very lovely for floral decorationt, but they are rather diffieult to manage when it conies to the bouquets, and so they' sare both Mora popular for wall and aide Naccrations. +. 110 E EVREI EA kNCCS * . . TrIACC litierlita 4OciDC:31(1Na memonvs&c, Anycho !lofting a musics, ',NI doStrIntIon Inc, rl itiCkir asr errata net, (l '1 freo %Ia.:hop ral invAntInIt it tirollehht 1a1,r1:111,10. Com himelert- Lionetettiotly, ot.etIondul.,II.,ittibeek On Vatnota sent iii.e0. cina cat nonry for socurage %gamut. Patantq taken (brouch 21U110l& Co. receive II, twAiat iotice, winumt ehmte, in he Stittliiiit iiim flt0111. A. ha:Woo:viol illustrated vosokii, Largest eft- mileition or MWoeiontan lateen. Terms, $3 a iyiNearl four months, WA Sold bPall nottnienere. U0N &Co01YraahlngtO1 t.88foadwaY. New Yq1( 8080110raca 4W r Ofm,01, Coke :Dandruff Cure By its use tardy, hfeless, loosened hair fiecome" • strong, heavy and ahUndant., Abundant soft and glossy hair is a woman's Po Crown of - Glory." To promote a ilealthy growth of hair, the scalp must . be kept clean of all injurious !natter. This can be done pleasantly and effectively by the use of Coke Dandruff Cur... -Price 50c. and $1.00 at all druggists. • A. R. BREIOR CO.., LINRTED, TORONTO CHICAGO NEW YORK LONDON PARIS • • FURNITURE BROADFOQT, BOX .& CO. . The eteady increase an our trade is goorpreefof the feat that our geode are righ In our prices lower than those of other dealere in tbe trade. We tnaneftietute furniture on a large scale and can afford to dell cheap. If you hi, from us! We save for you the profit, which, innather oases; hag to be fulled in the retail defiler. s, Thia week we have kissed into Stook some ot oar new designs. Speoe will not pandit '• • us to quote prices, but tome mil ern for youtenf whet (MeV; we have *0 Offer. Reran:other-we are determined that our prices shall be the meet in the trade. IINDERTAKINP. In this department our etookis complete, and we have undoubtedly its: beat Integie outfit in the county. Ota(ptioss are Pow as the lowest. 13ROADFOOT tOX iv -00 * • 1•4 S4 Night end Sunday calls attended to by willinn at J. W, Obia)404 1.htta —s)ireetorl regi2e1ite. ,