HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-15, Page 2Aug.ust 1541.1902 7 *Littail ggli4,40114 FRIDA.Y.ATJOUST W00% rm•••....,111•X•••••••••• it is rumored that Dr. Roche, M. Pe for Mat quetteha to resign his seatin the Dominiun House and enter the Mae- itoba cabinet. U The Conservatives are counting , n winning back North bray, since ti e Oh of Di. Horhey. As he only had of a majority; the chauces are in ' their lava','especially as the riding ' emcee, Uy bas been Uonservatlye for the Dominion. iv • There is a strong proba,bility that the etunargo against the landing of Cana- dian cattle at British ports will be reh moved when Parlinrent reassembles in •Oetober. The negotiattons of the coloir- ial premiers have been most favorable to arse end. Should this be secured it •will be.a very important thing to Cana- dians, and will be greatly to"the credit of the govern wen te which has made per- eistent efforts to have the embargo re- meved. is le IP • The Mitchell 4.dvocate, a Conserve- tive paper, says the eapacity of the Woolen mills in that town is being ,doubled as it is "not able to 'Amply the,. tdemand which it receives from foreign agents." This is pleasant news, as the country h, s been told that the Vaned- han woolen industry is going .to rack and ruin because a British censpeti. e‘nder the preferential tariff. Christie n Guardian May Have New Editor. . -- There are strong pessibilities of a chane in the editorship of The. Chrie- aim Guardian. The. illness from which the Rev Dr Courtice is suffering is one which may at any time 'unfit him for work, and consequently a large number ef leedin /ietboaIste are advocating that a new • editor • be elected to the Guardian, It is further co tined that the wore ofedieing the official orgain of Methodism. requires -cloee attention to the work, and that Zile Rev. Dr. Courtice in his present c rndition, would he tititihherh enabler -to (she justice to the tettle The Guardian is not rewarded by a number of , the so -celled pregressive party in the . church as. being up-to-date, and- they believe thatea chenee• theheditieriliin • Would be in 'he general interests of the . ahnseh . 1st ge. This proceeding -would; of ceurse, be bitterly onPosed ;kts the more conservative' leaders. cf. •e itthuu&tS, anti th.e men who are at pi erten t ,n authority.. Rev. Dr. • Rose, cf• Ottawa, a brother of the late ' • Judge Rose, of this city, is believed to • 1. • !. • • ! 1 •••••••• • be willing to accept the editorship of The GUN., dian, should it be offered bine at V1, innioeg.-sToronto News. • The Guardian, though ahly edifed, annehow or other does net seem to. • 1111 the position it should as repretrent- Ing so imponant a body as the Ildethc- dist abutter. It doesnot gee int touch with its constituency as many think it might; and its circulation is not by any meant; what it ought to be, considering the number who should be giubscri hers. Dr. Rose is an able preacher, and may make a good editor, but .he has heis•wark cut out for him before he can twin back the confidence and good will of the Methodist community, •' . _• The Guardian should have at least .50,000 ot a circulation, and there are plenty of practical laymen in. the city a of Teroncc, in sympathy with the teachings of the church, who, we .,eU�y.conies bring it up to that potnt •/: ; In a very short time. ' Bydne•way, will some • one I1 as • Why a laymen should :not be Selected for editor instead et a clergyman? It is a het th that a good many laymen would like to fill; and the General. Con: ferenee might do worse than consider, this phase of the Giterdian's naanages• me'nt, Crisp County Clippings. ; • • 1 e • ;•••• • • • • • ' • • • ' • ' Monday, Aug. 18th, is Seaforth Civic holiday. • Messrs Twatnley &Bros., of the 14th con. Howich, have sold their 100 sore far rn toMr J. Underwood for' $6 401 • Nieholss Deichert, for rna.ny yeare a resident cf Zurich,had died at Cavalier, hh. Dakota, where he had been eitsid- ing for the vast feve yeater. •' Messrs. Beattie and Clarke, formerly proprietors of the American. House, Bruss.ls, have purchased the Rever House, Vv allacebuig. The Pnterprit:ing firm of Richardson •& Mein nis, who linve heen doing alarge shoe trade in Seeforth for a good many years, have decided to retire. , It is statee that W. A. Ir win will be • Apppinted Postmaster in Gerrie as suc- • cessor to the late U. Perkins. He will, • no swum, couspeteutly fill the office. The friends of Mr, Waiter Hereon, of Renee% will regeet to leatir that he , breves ill, having nad to undergo an operation only a feW, deers eo, which • at his advanced age is vet critice'. • 'Peter Scott on the Howick boundary hear Mot isbank, had bis bai d. shtick by lightning and. Wee burnt to the • ground. The foss is partly covered by insurance in t he ilowick Mutual. bliss Margaret Skelton has reeigned . • her position on the staff of the Geder- Ish public schools and willheavein a f itv days for Yokktoe, N. W. . where she has accepted a shriller position. . • Thursday evening lath Miss Annie Livingstote,li miles berth a Brussols, • Tooeived a shock from a flash of light- ning so severe that she was quite ihfor • tieeeral days and was under tne dector'e care. It was a very close call for her • life. Geo. 1Viurdie,whir has been it member of the Board of License Commissionere "for East Huron for several years, haV- ing resigned on account of his contem- plated removal front the riding to Come to reside iii`Staforlh;Jno. McDoivell,of MeKillop, has beet appointed as his • ettecessoi. British Troop Oil Liniment le good te r man Or beast. Relieves pain, reduce et swelling, gnarl inflammation;. cures ono, burns, braless, sprains, stiff Joints, bites of . insects, rheumatism, etc. .A. large bottle for 66 cent& . . A. vers' lamentable accident happened on the afternoon of Aug. lst to a email bey about 0 years old,tiaraed Nixon. HO la s. 110ff Of Ine, Nixon, Saratoga. Mr ,Nikoti was mowing hay and his son,ap_ proaching from bob ntl, received the fulf(Orce of the sty e in Ae legbelow . Ithee.'lle received ffvefy deep lacerated wound requiring a number of Stitebefi in the dressing. 0 The New Era t� tie* subscribers, a tria1 trip to the end 0i the year, for 25o am•••••••, 71414.; I.'s.", 1, What might have proved a serious Mainly About People. 1 accident hoppened to Peter Oapling, of Blake, on haturday last while eragaer in baulky in ,vheat, his wagon capsiz• ed and throvving Mr Caplirg out over on the wheel but he got off Without having any bores broken, but some very severe bruises. Messrs Bearden and 0,1cDortnel, Exeter, who have been on an extended business trip to the Old Country, re- tarned last Saturday with a nueethee ef horses, including thlytles, Shires and Hackneys. The horses are in good con- dition and are among the best that could be secured in England. Messrs Bawden and McDonnell report a Pleas. I ant trip. Bachache, swelling of feet and ankles puffing under eyes, frequent thirst, scanty, eloney,higlaly colored urine and all urirary troubles lead to Bright's disease, dropsy, diabetea, eto. Deaner Kidney Pills are a ( sure cure. Mr David Millar. of Exeter, who has been living in Spokane, Wash ,for the past four years, returned home on Saturday inornine. last. Mr Millar epeaks well of the climate and country in Washington Territory and enjoyed, life out there with the members or his family, but he now intends remaining here tor some time at least. Children are often attacked suddenlyby painful and dangerous eolio, cramp), diarrheas, dysentery. cholera morbusalhol- ser infentum, eta Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry ie a triompt and sure,cure which should alwaye be keptin the bourse. On Saturday . August Otte one of Exeter's °Meet • citizens reached • his Oa year,: We refer to Mr James Bor.- thren. a native of Fifeehire, Scotland, who has lived in Huron county, near lexetei, for a half century, being for many years a merchant at Rodgerville. We are pleased to say that Mr Bon- thron retains almost 'unimpaired his clearness of intellect, and keeps him- self thoroughly posted On current events. His many frrende extend con- gratulations and best wishes for an- other ten years at least. A RED HOT SEASON. During the hot season the - blood gets over -heated, the drain' on the system is severe and the appetite is often lost. Bur. dook Blood Brttere purifies and insigorates %the blood, tones up the tryst= and redone be lost appetite. A horse deal between a &trey and a young farmer of Hay township furn- ished material for Amissat-tho-liodet.4 Uourt on Monday. . The gipsy, Geo Yott by name, was travell- ing along the road. near Grand, Bend on the 22nd,of last month with a string of horses, when he . met a, couple of young fellows. driving. An, exceange of horses was effected and the gime we may presume, thoughb he had made a good bargain, but the nese day haliff of the Division Court of Bayfield served Yea with a writ of replevin. on the Information of the father of one the young men, and took awaythe animal, and the result is that the gipsy is out one horse. lobe Stur- neon and Geo Brown, who heed near Point elake in the south of the county were the young men who made the deal withYott, and the animal was the property of Sturgeon's' father. ..Yott therefore proceeded against the young .men a charge of false pretenses in cheating him • of his horses, E. N. Lewis appeared for the prosecution and W. Proddfoott K. a, for the de- fence. After hearing the story Police Magistrate Seeger decided there wee no evidence against Gee Brown and he is discharged. -John Sturgeon bow. ever is sent up for trial at the next court of•competent jurisdiction. • • To -Bayfield. - • ' • • • come to the for change end rest, rpm city trammel to be free. , Of all retorts I love thee best, Thy balmy breezes brace me. . Your shady ncoks and soling peaks, • And tinted pebbles line the shore ; , • .When yacht arel rowboat gayly. teepee_ And the Bayfield empties evermore, I love to stand;tipon thy bank • And watch the gun in glory dip In rainbow colones shepank ; Fond love for thee steals from My lip. Thy cupid hides, with hew and dart Withinahe 00Vell of foliage green ; • ' I dread the IIIMG. when WO must pale - After thy beauty I have seen, The laughing gull flies to the beach . And tells us when a storm is nigh, And flecks of geese each other greet, . And hawleaciraniiensly fly. , Toilets the artists come to eketch ; Their pictures, proudly, they display, To thee the nosier comes to hitch, And aportsmen love to speed a day. With thee so many pitch tbeir tent .• : Among the loughs of evereieen, • • And merry groups for pleasure beet, Just in from bathing can to seen. Hines and rowboats at command; tit the hotels quite ah to date A Wet to thoee who live inland, , Bayfield. you, Icongratulate. • S. B. Clinton, • • . • 1•••,•••••••••• • The "Courier de Paris" relates that p party of men, sitting in front of a boule- vard cafe, were recently approached by a man who had a clarionet in his hand, and who said: "Gentlemen, excuse me, I have to make my living, but I suppose you would rather give me a sou not to bear me." They took the hint. He re- peated this performance several times, till, one clay, one of the men said he felt like bearing a tune, and asked him to play. "I ane sorry," said the man with the clarionet, "but I cannot play a "seta" . George Douglas, the author of "The House With the Green Shutters," says that once be met Froude in the house of an Oxford don. "It's astonishing," the historian remarked to Douglas, "it's astonishing! You're the living image of my dear friend, the late John Coning - ton," Douglas said. he was glad to hear he Warr so like the great authority on Virgil. For a moment Froade's thoughts seemed to be busy with the sacred past. "Coningteah he then added, dreamily, "was the ugliest man I ever clapped an eye one" , A beginner in newspaper work in a Southern town who occasienally "sent stuff" to one of the New York dailies picked 'up fast surnmer what seemed to him a "big story." Hurrying to the tele- graph office he "queried" the telegraph editor: "Column store, on so aed. so. Shall I send?" The reply was brief and prompt, but to the enthusiast unsatis- factory. "Send '600 words," Was all it said. "Can't be told- in less than 1,200," he wired back. Before long .the reply came: "Story of creation of world told in 600. Try it." Several stories are told of l'ennhsoies thoughtless speeches, "What fish is this?" he once • asked his hostess whore he, was dieing. • "Whiting," she replied. "The meanest fish there is," he remarked, quite unconscious that he could have wounded anyone's feelings. Yet hie kindness of heart was such that when his partridge was afterward given him almost raw he ate steadily through it, for fear his hostessmight be vexed. On one occasion Tennyson was Very rude to Mts. Brotherton, a neighbor at Fresh- water. • The next day he came to her house with a greet cribbage under each arm. "I heard you liked these, so I brought them," he said, genially; It was his Idea of a peace -offering. • ' - In a speech in London the Other den Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman told an ad able story of the advice given by anEnglishman, n Scotehmene- andan• hrishman, respectively, to a gentleman whose servant was constantly breaking articles in the household. The Enfliah- man, In his blunt, honest :way, said to • the. employere "Oh; get rid of Irinehedisa nese him." The Scotchniante advice was, _ "Stop the money out of hie Wages:" • • "But," seed the master, "he breaks more thanhis wages amount to." "Then,"e said the Irishman, "raise hiawagee." An ' extremely stout, good-tempered Englishwoman once &intuited to wedge herself • into. a gallery seat at the Adel - phi Theater that '.would have eccommce 'elrited a imam of 'ordinary size, to the unconcealed annoyance of a :thirstily dressed youth next to. her: She began • to peel an orange, and the youth, with, . a gesture of complaint, removed his silk hat fassily to a safer position. OI sup- pose," said the good-tempered woman, "thee you'd rather * have had a gentle- man sitting by the Aide of you, sir, wouldn't you?" The youth replied, snappishly, in the affirniative. "Alit" said the woman, thoughtfully, est weuld. . . 'United States Senator Perkins siva: that once when he was a sailor, a tre- mendous storm Cattle- up, and .it lookee as if the vessel were doomed to go. un- . der. In the midst of the excitement a, minister, who was one of the passengers, asked the captain if be could have pray- ers, "Oh, never mind about the pray- ers," said the captain; "the men are swearing tee hard to stop •for prayers, • and as limg as you hear them swearing," added the captain' "there is no daliger." .The minister wentstack to his cabie. A little while later, when the storm grew worse, the preacher went on deck to see. - what the Bailors were doing. Then he weht back to his wife. "Thank Gedi" he said; fervently, `those men are still swearing." , • • Lord Spencer • of Altliorp, one of the greatest of book collectors, was at home only in hiri ohm field. • One day, in• ,. browsing about Bond street, London, he front into the shop of a dealer in bric-e- braa The dealer, who . knew hini, by sight, said, persuasively: "Here is a fine; bit of pottery Which your lordship really, Might to have, and you shall have it ' very cheap -only two guineas.o So Lord Spencer bought it and took it home, and set it in a high piece. One day a. con, Inoleseur of china paid him a visit, and Lord Spencer showed his bargain. "What did you give for it?" asked the connois- seur, "Two heirless," rensehred Spencer, - rather proudly. 'II'm said the con- noisseur. "At that price the marmalade ' should ha.ve been included."' "What do you mean?" "Why,. that precious piece of yours is nothing more .nor less than • shillingmarmaliele pot, with a green ; thistle painted on it." ' • • • • A Natural ' Conclusion. The Aukust Canadian Magazine is an Empire Number. Lord Strathcons, Sir Gilbert Parker, Prof. bloldwin bmith, Hon .1. W. Longley, Chancellor Bur - wash, Ohetncellor Wallace; Prof. John Onanbell,John Bracle and others discuss the various phesies of I mperialhon. The vietre expressed vary', but one Cannot •reed them ail without securing much broader yiews of the great questiOts 'which are pressing for solution. JAM Strathcobyeis Iheonlylong article bib it reviews in a inn werly way the growth of thetolonial influetece upon and within the 'Empire. The illustrations include some handsome views of Vlremtmirister A.nbev and some royal pictures printed - in colours. • OR. A. W. CRAM fl GAMIN CURE ..'edrmvu. !reersh, 4 h tiow are You? Do you suffer from constipa- tion? Does your liver need re- gulating? Is your digestion troublesome? Doyousufferfrorn headache? Tfeo,youshouldtake • . • * Propogrties for Sale or to Let • To Rent Effervescent Salt everyday. This harmless tonic • and system cleanser will regulate • every organ and wilt remove all theunpleasantfeaturesthatatteral a sluggish beer. Your health and . • spirits will be so improved,that • your friends will scarcely know ' you. Pleasant to bah -surely bent- ' • Deist but.be sure that you get the seeable "Abbey's," , ; nr.r.r.yr Lot es, Maitland concession,Coderich Town- ship. Apply to aas. SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton oct. 1.1.-tt. 1 To Rent. . --- rirst hare brick atore, statable for Ana bufii. nese. Apply to W. 0. ti.pARLE, MAWR. Nov 15**f . To Let. That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, Huron Street, lately occupied by (3.•Witts. A.p• ply to THOS. JACIC.SON, Sr., Sept. 8-tf• Clinton leelee. As I have 'taken oyez; the large ice house i. from Wm, Wheatley, Ph. /WOO street, Ions prepared to take orders to twelfth good, clean t; Pure lee to all customers during the coralug termer, Ali Ordera willileiymigaittitoerect I. Pb 14-tf, , Real Estate to Sale. •Legal JAMBS &GOTT herr/titer, Wencher, ages' • 01,0TON• DFFICE-Elltott Block, Isaac Starlet; MONET TO LOAN. „ ammal..mala • ,•W. BRY3PONE. 1 BARRISTER. klOLIOITOR, OTAR-. 1 Part of farm, Iota 88 and 83, on west side of 1 Maitland con.one mile north of liolmesrille. oontatntng 97 acres. •2 The north half of lot 25, con. 2,andwest Part of lot 24, con, 8, oue half mile from Clinton, Mirth, on gravel road., containing 90 acres. if The thick dwelling ineludinglots 18, 19 and 20 on corner of Joueph and Isaac streets, m, Clinton. 4 The frame dwelling on west aide of Victoria street and next north of railway. Farm For Sale . Liberal terms to suit' purohaaers. APPly to • The west half of lot 24, Bayfield Con God- erich township, containing 109 scree c rod 0 W. W. FARRAN or C. 0. RANCE, Clinton Marcilt•28.-8m. land, is offered for Nal° on easy terms. tied • barn,1og house, plenty of water and Mall • orchard. Particulars on application to ire tf- • J. P, TISLALL, ()natio. • rs. E. MANNING PUBLIC, ETC. °Mee -Beaver Mock. 'hp 'tiara, Opposite Pent fa Photo Goer, CLINTON •.••••••••••••• RIDOIJT HALE Co1ivETA1,T0ER8,• Commitment Real Estate and Insurance Agentar• Money to loan, RAL)31, •JOHN RIDOIM • CHARLES SEAGER Pe,rrieter Solicitor Notary and Conveyance, '•:.••• etece-opposne Colborne Hotel Goderlek For Sale or to Rent. insuranceAgent. CAS CAMERON Lot 29, con, 2Stamley, containing 100 aczeli •tor term of yeara apply. W JNO. aleGREGOR, Fire. Marine, Accident. Plate Glass Canada Life Assurance Co, in good, state of cultivation for tale or to rent -• .. • • on premifies or DRS .1), DcGREGOR, 2 con.,H. it. 6., Tuckersmith, ties.iorth P. 0. •aseb. 7-tL • • To Rent or .For Sale. Good comfortable cottage on Victoria Street, containing 4. bedrooms, dining room, panior, itohen, etc. Hard and soft water, stable on IM -half acre. To rent or for sale. Apply to S. S. COOPER, . . . •• Clinton. invaders of the Sanctum. . • • Immommil A united states Trews/raper once . ane nounced' that, a notorious thief, well known locally, had been lynched: for horse -stealing. - The man called at the office, • sound in ' wind and limb, and • demanded ••11. withdrawal of the unfounded statement, • hWe, cannot re. - tract," said the 'edited; •"we • never de." "hut the 'Mail,' which 'published: a simi- lar report, has withdrawn it," said the man. "That may be," replied the editor. • `The rePeet. es.P.PeatilOg. in . tha.hded. was . hirtrotibt Without foundation; but our news is ahveye•traa However' we don't mind saying in the next issuethat the tope broke, end that you esoaped with a slight contusion!' . If a story toldin journalistic. eireies be well founded, a somesvhat sunilar in- cident Occurred in London. - One day gentleman Called at the 'Office otet well-- hi:town newspaper and bald to the editor, a famous' man in his time.: "Sir, it is an- nounced' in your .paper that • I am dead." "Well," replied. tee editor, "if if is out: paperit •s eorrect." "It • • not correct, for .here I am alive," rejoined the other. "Well, it can't, be helped," said the edv• • tor.. ."But 1 expect you to ceneradiceitee said • the gentleman. ,"No, I cannot do:. that," said the -editor,' "as we- ieshr con. • tee, cligt. anything that appears in our papbr. • I will do the ..only theta. I can 'de to being you to life amin • To -more IOW .1 will put you in the list of births"' 'Sometimes the editor gete tee better. of theta unpleasant intruders., into :his sanetum. A frienh :of ours wasseated in his editorial chair • in . a 'Yorkshire town, quietly snipping paragraphs 'from contemporary journals, 'when in walked,. unannounced, a 'big, ferocious -looking pian with.as limey stick in his hand. "Is! theeeaitne iter he asked. The menacing tone in whiclithe queitionwas put hroWed that he bed notsterne to make a friend- ly calls to insert rot advertisement, or to *pet a subscription to , the jeurnala "Ne, sir," replied the editor, 'with admireble. hresence of -Mince--"lie has just ,gone out. Take a seatsene rea,l. the paper; lie will • latent* in a.. minute." 'Aiwa set the in.. dignant visitor, crossing his legs, .With Itis elub between them • .ruid• commenced. reading a, paper: In • the meantime the ,editor quietly vanished downstairs, and at the • landing he Met anof her excited. . Man, with a cudgel in his hand, who also asked if the editor 'Was in, "Yes, sir," was the prompt teeporise, "yea will find bite -seated upstairs, reading a news.; paper." , The second visitor, on entering the • men, cOrnmenced a violent assault -upon the first, which \vas resisted- with ' equal ferocity. .The. fight. was • continued till. they both rolled to the footerf the stains andhad cudgelled each. other to :their heates' content., . . • • - _ . . . New Round Dances. Three new round dances lia•Ve just been approved end adopted . by the • Xorinal Association of Masters ;of 'Dancing .of .the United States' at& Can - ad, avhielt recently met in New York. Shorthorns. for Sale. • Two registered Shorthorn bulls ,red. color.one 28 months old and the other 18 months. Of excel- lent pe,digree, choice animals. •• • d OEN UUMING• Lot 22, con: 18, Hallett May 28-tf, Londeaboro P, 0. • .Stable for Sale. _ • • • . A good stable with seven single stalls, a ,box piton, a harneee grain bins, a roomy hay, loft ete,,will 10 stilct at a ery reasonable price. April 117-tf. W. LtRYLIONE. Clinton, . . • House tor Sale.*. • • " sessear-• A good frame' horse on Huron Street 13 stories,' -contains 3 bedroonia, parlor, dining room, hall, closets, kitchen, woodshed hard and soft water, half acre lot, with bearing §1111272:: •Good House to Rent. house -t•herietp4-oic:dui.pziperd-.4:43y18V;I:Aontri- hip ci:c tbocii• ;'.. '8 oflered to rent. ir contains rooms, good well onicit and. ordin• aryeo.;y.eniences. Posse4sest.ollgi. j3vAentiab..ou,t - • . , 25th-ete • . . . cent . _ Good House tor Sale. • Subscriber offer') fo-r S -ale• hia holm and lot on Albert St. north. The lot is one quarter acre with a nnniber of bearing featt trees, Itaaglindoostorf: aviator and good stable. Horse °Ant wasn """nd. good cellar. *13l4y ' • FRED LoFET, hey are the D' th Olympia Schottisches and the Antleihe Gavotte. The 'Military Dip Waltz is said; to be the simplest and most enticeful ef . the three. It has been predicted that• . this edance will. sweep the country, and may take the plate of the two-step in ethe matter . of popelarity. The move- hnents are thus described: Take a posi- tion faeleg.your partner, as if for waltz- , • lag. The left foot of both.lady and gen. , denten be in the fourthrhosition, ; front; that is about the length. of one step in front 'of the right foot. At the beginning of the strein the gentleman ! dips.forward upon his left "and the lady. liackward :upon her right; thee both to- ; verse the movement.. The denWman next Wakes quiek change, stepping, for- ward on the left • and then on the right. i The balance is repeated in this position, the two dip movements hexing °chivied just four measures in all. From this' point glide into the, walta waltzing four • measured; then repeat the balitnee move- ment again, and so on adlibitutn. The dance is simple, easy, and festinating, The Olympia flehottische, is designed for the More agile and "spirited delvers. 'It is begun in the open position Assumed for any schottische 'tho gentleman hold- ing the lady's left 'hand with his right*, the two _lacing .one another* The lady starts with the right foot, the gentleman with .the left. Dip backward with a.. graceful -brind of knee, then bring the rear foot forward and, rise on the toes. Itepeab the movement With the other foot; glide four tinier; to the right, re- peat both movements, face •forward and hop on loft .foct, kicking right with toe. touching the floor; then hop on night, kicking left. • Next assume the dosed position and take four glides, 11, halt! „ turn, finishing with feet more glides in 00 tante direetien: The Antler's Ga- •votte is made up entirely of &Miller. steps. This is begun in the closed posi- tion. March two meaeures two-step four, take three glides to thie left, fin- ishing on the right foot, and waltz to 'the close of the attain. This is 'a Itat? combinetion of the two old favorites, two-step wait; With the much et.elk is sent direct to tbe diseased ' Oa l. U ,40•.","','• ' pans by the Improved blotter. .0X.6 Heals the ulcers, clears (beak / 4",,,"aYial• 'a passages, stops droppings in the . i'• ,.. 111 A 1114F Catarrh and nay Fever.-13lower. %if. ....- ii "4,, N • throat and permanently curet • • `.....,,, free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chine 0, Itedlotne Co., Toronto and Buffalo. . ' h Am. Illatriet Pall Pairs Witignam, Sept. 26 O. ' Teeswater. Sept 24 26. Dungannon* Oot 9 Id. Myth, Oat. 7 8. 'Brtiseels, Oote Walkerton, Sept 17.18. Stretford, Sept dd 001 is Listewel, Sept 80 Oat 1. Bishop Potter, of New York, who is bete(' for his social reform agitation, especially the etand he took in regards to the 86100n CliteatiOrl, it to be married next month to Miss ()lark* of Coopers - Won, New York dine. • • e . Tommy -Where you goinh; Jiinniff Jimniy-Sunday school. Tommy -Dug yer bait Yet? It' Milburn's Heart rola NOVA Pine °Ore aneemis,,nervenenessoileeplesonesm wiliness palpitation, throbbing, feint spells, elizzis nese, Or any comfier% arising from %mote, erisheh bIOc1, disordered nerves or weak heart. Milburn'd LeiteeLiver PilIs regtrietis the bOwels, Ottre conatipation, dyspepsia,bL1I lames% sick heedeolie, end ell affeotions et the Opus of digestion, Office t J..P. Tisdairs Rank, Clinton. 4ht7.117(.,(E.h:::•11-4'';'••••••••••:.7'S.'•:f.T:::.•:••.e..t:;;;:i.e:::',....•-•.;',.;:s.:7.•••!!;,".;:' • 5 .s• 0 '1 1 l Vlolohllir--) ...,...1.,.:.m........:.12ILr m.C.k • 404:if • , ,..„_,17. .....„ - _ - .-.... ••••,. 4 . . . • ,,, . •••••:.•. . . .f. . ....-=—. .. eeeedie.seehlee•s, sea • ' *Wholesale btoch of pianos at very best puosible prices. Organs, the very entertamable gramophone, sheet music, books, and a variety of music • C. HOARE'S_ . - Music Emporium. A :hook of *trice opened plums &read. . • . ' .• • THiNIC IT • OVER. • The effect of a course in thi business college • • Por.3alp or .to Rona, mean 'opportunities .n:t ThOchoice brick -house mi the corner of Fut. ,e TIT ten and Joserh streete, belouging ,to the eatate Lore pouseos. 'write us...for all •• • • businessihat.youdid not • be," lor sale fgrtd,..11=111;,,lerefert;VII.particularto.• • - Students - can • " narY fain y, is practically a new house, with .• • of laad.p. If tht property is not soId or rented, ,, • . „ • . . Ct B • all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre enter at any.: tirae. part of . will 41C • sA• EirTortim„ Clinton ' Forest I Y, • •• ness College0C.M.C.A. Bnild • Farm For Sate. g, LOflQOn, Ont. •The subscriber offers for sale that choice farm • W. J. Westervelt, Principal, • on the Ituron road, Tuckersmith, hat east of Clinton. at present occupied by Mr Fisher. It 0008115 01 HO acres; more et less, with good frame house,bank barmsliO,windmill and small orchard. Plenty of water. 'An excellent farm . • anted ! in a splendid locality. For terms apply to • ARTHUR COUUN,Clintoll. Young mei and 'women to prepare for good situation& Apply to F f S A T1end1ce1e0 acre farm conaisting ot the good frame house with kitchen, barn 36x65; • Dominion East alf of Lot b0, con 1: Eaat Wawanosh . Business. and shed Saki° in which there are goodstablIng college . . hard water ot never failing well; 8 sores 'bush, .1 acre of orchard, situated 11 miles from Au The bedew:tipped Business and Shorthand . p . . College in Canada, -Reduced tuition rates, • jn tie 8-4 Auburn P. O. Write Mr regarding °recourses of study, burn and 60. rods from school For larther • Purchase) mit have pnesesalon this fail. ' and prospects of "lecturing situations for • graduates. Catalogue sent frees Address Farm For: Sale. Lot. 12, Bayffeld cab:, Goderich tp„ 118 acre J..13: AlcICAY, ' • • Dept 'O" Confederatiori Life Bldg. (85 clefired,lailance bardwood,with a tale quan- • • • • Toronto. Ont. tity.ef cedar on it),in good state' of cult vatior about five ac f 11 h res a w eat and considerable fall plowing done. Comfortaike brick house large r - Darn withstabling uuderneath,driving shed and other outbuilaings • about 2h d acre.orc ar , mostly winter fruitli well watered-neverfail- Comfortable house and lot, On Albert, St., • ing spring creek an two wells Seven miles Cliatcni , for sale . cheap, lot. acre, House suitable for anion family. Apply at NEW ERA from Clinton and threefrom Bayfield, Posses- sion at any time, reasonable term. Apply for office- • further partieulars to CHAS. SIMONS. 72 St. -- ' Street, Clinton, 'Iamoms, cellar, wood shed.,hard , . Ma ible '& Granite . r ' . • David. st.. Goderich. . 01./I.1\-3 TON - To Rent or for Sale • .. e n aeoft water, new stable and driging shed, Also for Sale. • . . WOIRIMS . . . ttien,t garden, with' plum, pear and apple rxerr eto For Sale • • Frame; residence and 1 aore of land en Mars At any time auto lst Sept. Fos cr Block,eto.,at th N ,,,aeres,part of the iS,,trrefre,t,06,...11nowt which els a°r•vt-rilEuallbdle°!p%rvoinlieriamty ;err Y'a ;lies , gdieftnuIt'411,1411:intd '411 ro Isaac) a very _ces911fie wnthieerids4veifynder.ofittibei ara,vel on the pretax - 4ton:tit:rind. Apply tol. bu:•"AITH,Or to W.BRYDON ArfnjJ 8-13. Good Farnt,tor Sale. • • That well eittutted choice property, known , as the Whitely farm OR the base line Goder- j1W,74131;ttlegtetidnifsoofigiregricoar ',1°•trile,4°01 way term. ,It is direfftly opposite the Post Office and store and is within 8 minute's' Walk o .priturfita.o)3.1.tros., apply to th AN eir helreeehg.g tir Mi -VV'dliehIfird1)411:.6hFRoi3ra Clinton. one I t A First—tlass Parini 114 Sale or To iteitt. in the Township of 'West Waviarissh nonces. don flee, bot twentyiteven, containing Suoacres more or less. about 175 wires cleared in a 'go:al State c f cultivation. gool homes; tvall watered retinertuanVegraninn in gooa shape, stOno Ly 82, eonvcfliet (0 one le, Ohurehee and. PoeteOffloe, Mil be sold on easy terms threat ptirobaser. Apply to W. H. CAMPBELL Westfield emhealy 11 or W. A. liARIOSON, Lucke° The lake Erie Navigation Co; Ltd. r • The Short Route io ' OLtITEXAND 011I0 . . ,,, Ono Way fare front onion, p.m • Return . • s b00, -i lloat leaves rt.Stanley aireiy Tuesday era 1 Thtirsday at 11 p,m., Saturdays et 11 a.m, 1 Tickets on sale at alihrial tiara Oilleet Por further information write . Win, Woollen, W. Merolla% Reneger, Oen,rele.A0t. IVelketvIlle, OM, tt4 ...f.S••••9 • • • • • Tile purchaser of a monument '• should have oomplete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from which he bays, for the material and Workmanship is something very few buyers are familiar with. If you do not know us, please In- uit° about our reliability from•, t esti who know us best. We are, the only praotical men bawl:mar ine. • 13, Ho' over,' Proprietor N ext to Co intu creial Hotel CANADiAN' -4PAciFic 20,000 Farm -.1* a r m Laborers' Laborer*: E.xoursiolls • Wanted ' SEt'OND 01,A88 %%Till be run to stationa on V. 1'0 It. in Manitoba and Awing - beta, w ests South -wt and horthevest of Winnipeg as far 1111 11100/14 JAW) thievarit and Yotettou On August lest froth Statione in Ontario on Mein Lena Toronto to Bernie and North except North 01 Toronto and Cardwell Jet. (lne we7 ticketri to wintipeg only tS111 bc 3o1d, with a certlitehte extehding the trip before Auguat Met, Without afiditional teat '0 Other points in Manitoba and Assitabota VI above. If purehaser engage as term taborer at Wineipeg, provided such farm laborer will Work mot less then 00 doe at harvesting, SIst predeee certiffeete to that heed, thee will be returned to • original itartuin point at $18.c0,01 or beforoNda. PO Cal ' Tickets uot good on s'imperini Lim ", • . . roe tut thir partiettlara and Tickets apply to nearest raiment rigout. Ali ltrefinan. .Assf, Gehl. Pear. Agt„ Toronto. '1 • formerly of Cameron; Holt tit Cameron; 13A.HRISTBR . AND SOLICITOR,. Oftlett-liamilton 81 opporilte Colborne Row CIODERICH. ONT GARROW Si-GARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. • . Offipe-Corner Hamilton St. and the &Pea " • • Broderick, Out. J. T.'Gennow. 0.0. Ones, Gamow. Went PROUDFOOT & HAYS. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PIlls'LT • PuocToRS IN TRU MARITIME COURT, &C. • Office: North at., next door to Signal OBI Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest. W. PROUDFOOT. R.C. HAYS... WM. GAME, L. C. P. WS. Edinlburgb, Cliture-Oniarie Street, Clinton. Night ca llat • at front door of office or residence, Ratten•, bury Street. DR WM. GRAHAM Lieentiate of the Royal college" of Physicia London, England. Office and Residence- ' • JOHN TEDFOBIPS House, Ddrott NS. • -DR- J. W. -SHAVII. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. Asconoheur *to, office and • reaidence. On. • 'WM° St, opposite Estglish church, formerly' *se .onpied bsi Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. •• DR. O.'i*i.-TINOMPSOlii- • Phyalcian, Surgeon, Rae special attention given to diseases of,the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. ' '01114 and Residence- • - fiber& Streetes Mocha North of Rattenbeir G. ERNEST" PIOLPIIES .0 DENTIST . • • • Special attention paid to preservation of (Slleesilor tu:Dr. T. C. Ernee ' . Spleiafit In Crown and Bkidge Work' D. S. -Graduate Regal College Dental Sur. • D. D. S.-First-claas Honor .graduate of Den- . goons of Ontario, Toronto, • talDepartitient of Toronto • Vniversity2. • children's teeth. Will visit Baytield eve rete 14datja. . over W. Taylorik Son's shoe -ste 011fttrna • ' DRS. AGNEVV & BILLINGS-. • DENT'ISTS,OLINTON. Office adjoinilig Photci Studio. Office l'heure-ft to 6 every day, and • Saturday entitle p. m,. Branch offices in Manchester Dengaenon, Blyth ands • Hayfield. • VeterinarV. DR..1. FREEMAN, VETERINARY SURGEON, Member' of the VeterinaryMedical A aspens. Mona of London end Edinburgh, and! Gradu- ate of the Ontario Vetermery College, • TREAT DISEASES'OF ALL ANIMALS Office open night and day, ovposite Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont, Miscellaneous. aikei ARRIAGE LICENSES issued by she Un - gyp daraigued at hip e • . ;01tesieesnce, aa0r1rNy sirs e • "i•ln.WjAMESSt:r.SR: jAnlgtaILT3P8°ffl; •iliOFiiMC1uEs aowtnesesrecired • W. OLEN CAIVII3BLL Organist and Mueleal Directsr • of North • Street Oherch, Goderioh. nd leacher 0 PIANO, PIPE WIGAN an TREO Y. is Pre pared to take &limited numbeit of Pup % the above. For terms apply this office or to. CAMPEEL.L,who may basest: ft um /I a.m. t02 p.m.. at the Clarendon Rotel, Chutes PrldaY of each week. b. L.:MACPHERSON - • . IN ii1URA.N OE. Fire, - nre. accident Plate Bliss therioss kia.QICAT BL0,Z,1TOK JOHN W. YEO HOLMESVILLE, . Agent for the MANCHESTER FIRE ASSCRAEC0 CIO, of Manohester, England, Whose funds are security are rated at $14,600,000. Also the Si c- Rrtstor MuTual. Ittenrieltea CO. All °lissom of farm fluke And town property taken by lowest) rates. First-olass Loan Companies oleo represerted. Money to be had front 44 q er ()Getup, accorAng to nature of seetrrit7. - Daily Mall to Efolmesville - postal card n111 Dr. McCahey's Heave CURL For Draken. .• Winded HORSES' Ceres Rearm Chronic Cough, and all ChronicAffee- Sons of the Throat end Lungs. The only Medicine in the world MAE WIll cure the above disease, making the knal sound n wind and useful Wills owner. PriCe,t1.50 DrAVionshOra Yadudy. dr Cough Powders Wall Acute Affections of the throat And lungs, sealing Distemper, dm For swelling: and steekimeoi the, lege. the reader hard daring, Kidney Trouble, NV. One • 'rpm bn, gocCAHEY MUDIOINK Ws§ • dose will Palm alhideomitotabvoirutroite locuarte: 1:6,rieri, 50o: . Per sale by Et B.Combe,draggisi, Olintha • AlcIiILLOP MUTUAL FIBS • •INSIT.RANCE CO. FARM and ismairEINSUD TowN PitOPERTr ONLY RE _I. B. ReLetin, President, Kieran P. O.; Tb Fraser. vieteeresident, Bruseiteld". 0.; Then. 13. Hays, Secy.Trtisit.,E8oetaofto.reth P. O.; Vv. Broadfoot,Inspenter of LOefiefir SeaforthI:O. W. O. aroadfoote Seatortreeohn n. Grisv Winthrop'. P. atGoorge Dale, fiettforth; Joh neUnetreit, Dahunt Jas. Evans, Betielnveol O.; John Watt, HarloOk Th P. 0.; otilaa Eraser Brecefle ; Jelin 8, Mclean, Itippen Joao* OonnoU . 1 nton.• Arena* ^ gobortfitnith, traripek;•I‘obt. McMillan. So is forthLJeartea flununlog, Ageibitdville ; W. Yon, Holmosville ; (*sorsa Mardi* and John 43.. Morrison, auditors, Parties desirous to effect Xnettraneo a* tit set ether baltifieefl will be promptly ettinid to en saeleation ta Otty ot theO • or to thereartietive *zoo.