The Clinton New Era, 1902-08-15, Page 11
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1144"4"4.WW744-€: 92'
The New Era, to new subscribers, a trial trip to the End of the year, for 25c.
he elintonAew Era.
Timer; are changed, and are changing,the
people no longer buy their glasses of ignor-
ant peddler, nor allow themselves to be
coaxed into purchasing wonderful optical
quacks; nor are they even content o go to
a store and piok out a pair of cheap spec -
Utiles with whioh they think they can see
beet for a minute or two. When their eyes
ache or their sight blurs, they :seek an
educated optician in whom they have con-
fidence, and expect Min to be able to advise _
them, and prescribe gleam if they are
found to be required. There's no gueses.
work in onr method of eye -testing. We are
mantled to diecover the menu° and degree
of any defect and properly oorreot it. No .
&ergo for consultation.
Expert Watch Repairer jeweler
.Refractioniet and Dispensing Optician.
BARN Biennore--Duringe e thunder
storm on PueedaY morning, Aug. Oth,
lightning struck the barn on the farm
of Robt. Wightman, con. 0, burning it
. to the ground along with 4 calves, and
eon the season's crop of hay ; the loss is
partly covered by insurance.
NOTES. -Mr anci Mrs E. McDowell,
who spent the past two months in
*Michigan visiting friends, returned
home on Friday last. Mieses T. Gardon
and M. Sallows, Colborne, were the
guests of their friend, Miss P. Dens -
mere a few days last week. Mr a,nd
Mrs K. Cameron, Lucknow, spent Sun.
day at J, McDowell's. Ilir and Mrs J.
Wightman, Belgrave, visited Oth lino
friends on Friday limit.
MININd.-A very enthusiastic meet-
ing of the stockholders of the Superior
'Copper Company was held at the resi-
dence of H. Morrish last Mondaynight
to receive che report of the mine which
he visited last week, He reported the
progress to be very satisfactory, especa
tally since the commencement of. the
steam plant last spring,. He stated
that the work was conducted very
systematically nd economically under
the direction of Mr Derrythe foreman.
He brought home a box containing
about 75 pounds of high grade copper
ore, whien is to be distributed among
the many.. stockholders. He also
brought a souvenir in the form ' of a
candleholder, which is used by the •
miners. This was forged from a piece
of a carriage spring by Mr Mulvaney.
the Comp 's blacksmith The work
shows that r Mulvaney has attained
a very high degree of proficiency in the
line of blacksmithing. The stockbolde ti
went away well satisfied with the prose
•pects for the future.'
. Platsoere.E.-Mr and Miss Penning-
ton, of Dundee, who have been visit=
ing their uncle, Thomas Pennington;
of •the Maitland, left for home , on
Monday. • ,
'table .tcmpar and
.. onaral discaniforls
• OrVc pilitivelt. curd .
thie condition withi
(glasses; . .. ' .
schmtliso .y•wislor
We are offering a nice line
it 4 lbs for 25e
, ela •
Goderich Township
Ponsonare-Mieses Hattie Wellwood,
Fordyce,and Ethel Millikin, Wingharo,
took in the Union Sunday School plc-
nic to Goderieb on Tuesday last, and
were the ruests of Miss Rosa Tebbutt
the latter part of the week. ,
COM/0M,, The board met on Aug4.
The following accountewere pasged :-
A, Mustard, lumber $15 • News -Re-•
ed, printing $3.53 0. W. Potter,
spikes for .bridge. 15,40; N. Sturdy,
se, vices at Ci net of Revision, $10; A.
Wilson, use of hall, 44. The claim of
Mist) Cressie Elliott, for repairs to
bicycle, was not granted, as Council did
not consider the municipality respon.
sible. The following rates were
struck :-For county, mills on el ;
township 31.10 mills on $. Adjourned
to meet lat Monday in October. N.
STD pr. Clerk. •
Scoot. -The following is the stand-
ing of'S. S. No. 11 for the pest • two
years Fotothe year ending June 1901.
Six candidates wrote for entrance witii
the following resultetthe pass mark was
550 ;-Mary Holland,813 • Hattie' Trick,
790; Frances Jenkins, 74£1; Sohn Woon,
74.3; Norman Disney, 730; brnest Iz
zard 551. • For the year eadiog June*,
1902, three wrote for entrance with the
following results :---Lillan Lawrence,
803 Olive Holland, 800; Clara Lind-
say,590 .For the year ending June,1902,
two candfdatee wrote f et...Junior Leav-
ing, one of which Miss Hattie Trick
was successful with one year's prepara-
NoTEs.-Mrs G. Cole and family, of
oronto are spending a few days at P.
Cole's. R. Cluff had a slight attack of
blood poisoning in his hand but we are
pleased to state is on duty, Miss Agnes
Cooper, daughter of G. Cooper,contem-
plates taking a trip to the west at an
early data G Anderson, Griswolci,
Man., ie'visiting under . theparental
roof. The merry buzz of the threshing
machine Is again heard ; Ect. Rathwell
threshed 15 acres of wheat last week
and averaged over•30 bushels pet acre;
this is considered a fair yield in this
age. Is the public highway to be made
a summer fallow by some of our good
neighbors' stock running at large ; it is
really a most disreputable and untidy
disgrace to any community and the law
should compel -such people to keep
their stock in bounds. J. Middleton
disposed of thirty head of cattle last
week to E,• Watson, Blyth. 'Mrs 'John
Richardson. West Branch, Mich., is
visiting friends ca con. 16, .
CRuRcEL-The Women s Auxiliai y
of Middleton's church shipped .two
bales of clothing, bedding, groceries,
etc., to •the mission at Leeser Slave
Lake, Archabasca, N. W. T., where it
18 10 charge of the venerable Arch-
deacon Holmes. This is an annual
•affair of the above society, and is ap-
preciated very much, not onlyby
those in charge at that distant point,
but by the people under their care -it
takes 3 months -for these bales to gate,.
their destination, going via Edmonton,
and from there are carried by canoes
and dog a They being' then taken in
by the Hudson Bay Company. The
Sacrament of the Lord'; Supper was
administered by the Rector at Middle
ton's, Holmesville ad Summerhill,
last Sunday. A large attendance was
present Sunday morning to listen to
the .funeral service of the late Feed
Burnett. The Rector Rev T.
Wright, took took for his text 1 Joh a 3 : 2
"Beineed now are we the sons of God,
and it both . not yet appear what we
shall be. but we know that when he
shall appear, we shall be like him. for
we shall see him as he is." The cote-
gregation was greatly moved by his
pathos, and all left feeling that there -
was hut one refuge, that ' be Jesus
Christ himself,.
Benminer . • 7
PErtsorrAE.-Mrs Cornell, of Goder-
ich, and Miss Lillian Edward, of Tore
onto, are the guests of Mr Wm Blake.
'Messrs Henry Breen and Novitiate have
returned from the Soo; Where they
went to se,cute week ; we think they,
can get plenty to do . about here at
present. • 1-
N0Ties,-Mi • Samuel Mitchell met
with a serious accident on Friday last,
while trying to pull out some straw
that had wound eround ',the . roller of
the binder ; the horses started and the
binder caught his arm, cutting and
bruising it badly. Mrs E. Mitchell
slipped and sprained her ankle. Albert
A.Allan is on the sick list. Thraebing
is all gcl around. We are pleased to
know that Master Leslie • .Flick is on
the. mend after anattack of typhoid
fever. Mr Michael Schwanz was call-
ed away to Chesaning, Michigan, Met
week to see his brother, Martin, who
is on his death bed. James White left
for the West on Monday. A good
many from this vicinity purpose going
out on the harvest excursion, but
harvesting here will be somewhat later
than usual on account of the wet
• Weather, Rey E. A. Shaw and H. S.
Fisher attended the District meeting
held aterfolmesville ot i Thursday laid.
• Americans and others find our village
a delightful place to picnic, scarcely a
, day passes but.there is a gathering of
of 1 this description on the . banks of the
a Maitland. Mies Mary Blake has re-.
. e ttu ned froin Niaoa ea Falls, where she
has been spending .some time with her
t eider, Mrs T. Marquis, Mr Wm Van -
stone, who has been ill for some dine,
does not itnproVe as fast. as hie many
friends would wish. School re -Opens
here next Monday Morning after a
vacation of about seven weeks. • •
'tilt think of getpng 180 to
ss Bella. Wilson of Wy-
i nice fresh Ginger Snipe NOTES MDi """iluni
owing, 'who has been vieiting at S 'B,
for a Quarter. They are cheap.ub3r1 llae returned home. ' Win
er than you can make theMole
was guie Sundayedtewattended
.teikuleurn. There
'S nOheggfttlirrU11336.
' and does away with the work. Services eta& Valli
. day. LeviCranstoie has returned home
Aiee $i tee Tine et na-„,,, from visiting friends in Ashfield. Mrs
"Kayla. It. Kirke spent a few days with friends
Peaches at 10c per lb. in Ashfield. Mr and Mrs Wm Lynne,
of Londesboro, Sundayed with Mr and
Mrs R. ZST, Kirke. Miss Eva Jackman
sent Su oday at Nile. Roy and Stephen
11Iedd are vieiting their grandparenta,
Mr and Mrs IL Medd, Se., Anburn,
Samuel Roach has moved into his new
hem, Which he has reeentler built; it
„ is a heal. Mr Mark Horton and
Theeash Srocery..
Oigle CooperCo
*oh for Butter and Egge. 03, Mise Elsie aun's'
by, of Dutelore Sunday.
ed with the latterparente, Mr and
Mrs fit, E. aittiletby
NOTES. -Mr ana Mrs Young", of
Buffalo, are visiting at the home of 3,
El. Pentland. Mies Nell Stewart is
.visiting her friend, Miss T. McCartney,
of Flolmesville.' The Misses Garnett
left on Monday for their home in Port
Hope, after a pleasant visit with their
friends Mr and Mrs Willer. Misr
Martha Penland, of Toronto, visited
ber slater. Mrs Jas Girvin last week.
The Misse - Mabel and Tottie Johnston,
of Stratford, are spending a few days
with friends here. Mies Jennie Mc-
Ilwain and niece, Miss Alice Purdy, of
Detroit, are trotting at the home of
David llIcIlwaln. Mrs G. Webster, of
Lucknow, called an friends here last
week. Mr organ, of Markham, is.
visiting hisesister, Mre EL Dodd, Mr
and Mrs John Echlin accompanied by
Miss Mattie McKnight left onTuesday,
per St. Ossifrage to visit friends in•
Croswell, Michigan. Mr Win 'Bailie
entertained the members of his Sab-
bath School Class, at his home Wed-
nesday evening. Rose De Peudry,
of Goderich, is spending her holidays
at the home of Wm McKnight. There
will be no services in the church here
next Sunday owing to the re -opening
services to be held in Shephardton.
Noss. -Mt Richard Robison form-
erly of Goshen line, •now residing in
• Exeter, was renewing old acquintances
this week in Varna. Mr and Mrs
Simpsonaand her two grand children,
were the guests of Mrs Geo Beaty this
week. Mrs Blake, of the Varna Hotel,
went to London on Tuesday last: Mrs
C. Little was visiting friends in Varna
this week. Mrs Jahn Barbon, of Rdb
Grey, Co , is visiting at the home of
her parents this week. • Don't forget
theEnglish Church garden party on
next Wednesday 'evening o come and
have a good time. Some have threshed
aequantity of grain, and report good
yield and fine plump sample.
' ••Exeter
BASEBALL MATOHES..-A very inter -
eating game of baseball was played on
the recreation grounds on Friday after-
noon, between the Irish Nine, Lucan,
and the town boys ; score 15-4 he favor
of the forme:team. Another game was
played in the evening between the
Crecliton and town team resulting in a
score of 153, in favor of the town 'hoes.
. °TBS. -7 Friclay being our Civic holi-
day, a number picnicked at the. Bend.
Jos. Senior returned on Monday from
Buffalo, where he was attenning the
Photographers' convention.Miss M.
Follick has returned home 'from the
Bend. Saturday,, Coronation Day,was
not observed as a holiday in town, but
many flags were raised and the chimes
were rang. Miss Get -tie Braun& Buf-
falo, is visiting her friend,Mise Norma
Bobier. Mieses N Wattersd C H
inkwater have returned home after
avisit with Wingleam friends. Miss
CarrieDvisitingfriend Lon
don. H. E. Ruston and family are
camping at the Bend. Miss Annie
Seldon, Ingersoll, has returned home
after a few weeks' visit with her aunt,
Mrs G. Samuels. Miss Loamue, Hamil-
ton, is visiting Miss Lotnee Carling.
Messrs. Harry, Perce and Earl Brown-
ing, Jack Nowell and Jack Spackman
are spending a few days at the Bend.
Miss Ella•Morlock returned last week
from visiting friends in Seaforth and
Mitchell. Miss B. Robinson has return-
ed from the 'Bend after a week's outing.
Mr and Mrs J. G. Stanbuty have
-Moved into the nerth part ot H. Buck-
ingham's dwelling. Mrs Howell eand
daughter Grace, of Oriel, returned to
tlaeir hoine after a week's visit with
Mrs Wm. Creech. Mr TennanaLondon
spent Sunday in town. Mies . Tweedy,
(4oderich, is the guest of Mies L.
Howard. Mrs McCallum and Miss
Morlock are visiting frien is in Dash-
wood A. Stewart, whi has been vis-
iting his brother Will, Detroit, return-
ed home on Saturday. Misses :Newton
have returned to Windsor. Coronation
services were preached in Trivitt
Memotial and Presbytecian churches
on Sunday morning. Miss Livermore,
Petrolia, is visiting her cousin, Miss'
A. Mitchell. R Burr, Londor, who
fought in the Hart's River Battle,South
Africa, has returned to his home after
a pleasant visit with Exeter friends,
Miss J. Muthart, Lcndon, is visiting
friends in town. Fred. McDonald,wife
and fondly, Hensel], spent Sunday in
town., Miss Clara Daley has .returned
to her home in Seaforth, after spend
ing a week with Miss Cora Prior. F.
Sweet has accepted a position at the
Bend with W. Levitt at the park. S.
Bissett, London, who went with the
last contingent to Sotith Africa, is
visiting frienas in town, aecompanied
by his mother and slate , • A number
from town spent Sunday at the Bend.
Mies M. Taylor has returned from Lon-
don. Messrs. I), Mills and S. Martin
are attending the Grand Lodge I. 0. F.
at Windsor this week. D. Ruesell left
on Tueeday with s carload of horses
for Thos. Handford to Winnipeg. Ada
Brimacombe, London, is visiting Miss
Rowcliffe. •D. Criteenden, Blyth, is
renewing acquaintances in town this
week. A. Sheere,Seaforth, spent Sun-
day at his home here. Messrs, J. Snell,
H. Ford, F. Gould and T, Groombridge
have returned from the Bend after a
'week's outing.
are still being made at the Dominion
Poultry Station here. The latest addi-
tion is the erection of a good deal of
close picket fence to divide off the
chickens, chicks and chicklets. Prof.
F. 0, Hare, Dominion Poultry Superin-
tendent from Ottawa, Visited . the
station last week,and expressed him-
self as highly pleased with the insults
attained, and the present condition of
the etation. Mr Elford is at present
buying all the chickens he can get.
REOPENING. -The Methodist church
at this place has been entirly renovat-
ed, the work done making it look very
attractive; considerable work and
Money has alen been, expended on the
ehedeanaking thorn Mere Comfortable.
The church will be re -opened on Sun-
day next. Rev. Mr Daniels preaches
at 10.30 a. m. and7 p. tn, A S. S. rally
at 2,30 p. em, addressed- by Dr. Daniel%
Mr Courtiee, Holmenvillee and Others.
Collections and offerings in behalf of
repair fiMds$91
° Auburn
VISITINO.-Mr Isaac Richards and
wife, of Brussels, Sundayed in the
age. George Lavelar Sundayed in the
burg also. Mrs Alex McKenzie, •of
Hensall, is the guest of her mother,
Mrs Young Sr.
NurEsa--.If the 14th be fine, we all
decamp to the Point Farm, on Thurs-
day. A. E. Oullia is getting a new and
larger water wheel put in at the grist
mill. Miss Wetherald returned from
spending a month with friends and
relatives on Manitoulin Island last
Saturday. Pretty catchy harvest
Weather with us here of late.
• • Stanley .
EXTENSIVE F.,alimING,-Two of the
most enterprising faro:tern in the town-
ship are Snowdon Bros., of the 1st con.
• These young men have COO acres -300
of which are under cultivation, and
this year they have over 100 acres in
oats alone. They have a splendi 1 crop
,and anyone visiting their farm will
quickly see that they understand the
science as well as the practice of farm.
NOTES. -Misses Edith and :Lizzie
Falconerare visiting on the 2011 line this
week. Mrs J. Sheppard and daughter,
Manitoba,are visitin gold acquaintances
here; Mrs Sheppard is a daughter of
the late D. Walker, con. 2nd. Mills A.
lilcEwen, of Clinton, was the guest of
Alex. Thomson during the first of the
week; Miss McDougall, Detroit, visited
at M. McEwen's and J. Aikenhead's
last week. -Miss Ella MeRwen,Clinton,
spent a pleasant •week with friends
on don, 2. I-1. 'Reed has returned from
!danitolia,where he purchased 820 acres
Of land ; he saw many old frieuds out
there and reports crops in excellent
Oondition. •.
COMING EVENT. -Dame rumor says
that a most popular young lady of this
section will shortly form a matrimonal
alliance necessitating het -removal from
our village. .While we regret her con-
templated removal, we extend our
warmest congratulations on the com-
ing event, •
- NOTES. -Mrs Sherlock and master
Herman, Brandon, Man., snent a few
days with ,the former's brother, D.
Moody, during the past week. Miss
Simpson, Toronto, returned to her
home on Monday, atter spending a few
days with her uncle, E. Walker. Miss
Rachel Young is visiting Mies Ja Mc-
Laughlin, Gorrie. The Forrester's ser -
men on Sunday evening brought out a
large number of people ; there werevis-
iting brethren from Constance,Auburn,
and other places. There were several
visitors here for the Coronation holi-
days : Those Johnston and wife from
Brantford, who visited Mr and Mrs F.
Johnston, Howard Adams, St. Thomas'
and others. A load ot our young people
made a trip to Goderieh On Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Stewart is expected to preach
in Knox church on Suoday. T. Cale
had ehe misfortune to break part of his
machine on Monday and lost overtwo
days by the accident. Mrs Cromarty
and her two children and Lawrence
'Melville teturned to their home in Tor-
onto on Thursday; they have been here
for Berne Weeks. Miss Johnston •and
Mies Turnbull, former teachers here,
paid a visit to our village this week.
There were quite a number of strong
politicians n the village on Wednes-
day; there seems to be something in the
wind. R. B. Jeffrey and his sons Percy
and Roy are away on a holiday trip.
• Some people pull down their barbs to
build greater but Mr Gibbs pulled dewn
Itis batn to build smaller. • Some of
onr villagers are getting ready to visit
NOTES-MissA. McEwen, ClintOrais
.Visitiniz friends at Brucefield this week.
MissMay Beritly and MiseBeaty,Weet-
rninstere are thegueste 'of their aunt;
Mrs W. Scott. • The Presbyterian
church choir, with tbeir friends,. Pic-
nicked at B-yfield on Satorday last:
Messrs. W. Baird and Geo. MeLennan,
Clinton, spent Sunday in the • village.
W. Graham and wife have returned to
Tornnto.. Mrs Campbell, Kincardinais
the guest of Mrs Geo. Baird. Mrs Mc -
Bain, Golly Bay. visited at thehonae of
Mrs Thos. Currelast week. A. Simpson
'left last week for Leamington, where
he has a position in astore as salesman.
Jno. Rettenbury,TeeliefratieteeleentBeto
urday with friends in our village. Rev:
E. Sowers preached.a eermou Sunday
morning on the subject of the King's
coronation. Miss Della Walker, Cline
on, visited Mende here this week.
• .
Porter's Bill
• Nurns.-Mr and Mrs D. Gliddon, cf
Shephardton, spent Sunday at 0. M.
Potter's. Mr and Mrs Walters, Col-
borne, Sundayed at Jae. Cox's, P, Mc,
MeDodigall's little boy is very sickW1th
measles and whooping cough, C. °red-
iman, Michigan, is visiting in this
neighborhood. Miss Hannah Ivison,of
Kippen, is visiting at Mr McPhail's.
Miss Maggie Cox is spending a week in
Colborne. • MieSe8 Jdtb and Oona Blair,
Goderich, are spending their holidays
at Wm. Tichborne'a ,Miss Newton, of
Wingham, is visiting in the neighbor,
hood. •
Sullen .
FARM RENTED. - The Dodsworth
•farm, on the Base Line, (advertised to
rent in the NEW ERA) has been rented
to Mr Edmanson, of Goderich tovvn-
ship, for five years, at about $125 a
year. It contains 85 acres and ia a
good fartei, but has been sornewhat
neglected. Mr Edinanson will make a
good tenant,
• Summerhill ,
Naros.-.Mr and Mrs S. IL Lowery
paid a visit to the former's brother, Dr.
LoWery, Seaforth, 011 Wednesday,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administ,ed in thechurch here on
tlunday eyening last ; Hey. Mr Wright
officiating. IL Beacom has terminated
'bis engagernenti with Thee, Linday.
Mies Scott, London, was the guest of
Mies Tyner the past Week. '
The firat frost of the season rammed in
Miohigan last Tumidity night, and it wag
heavy mango to damage °rope, Old mitten
eannot remember when there Was en Au-
gust frost before,
The New Era will be sent
to new subscribers, for the
balance of the year, 'for the
sum of 25c cash •
Nuros.-Mrs W. C. Landeshoro, and
Mr4 E. Pappel entertained two children
each,from Toronto; they were sent out
by the fresh air fund of that city for
two weekta; the children fully enjoyed
the freedom of country life. l‘fre Stan'
berry is rusticating in Goderich. ,
1St0nts.-Civic holiday, Aug •19. DP
IlicLeocle a weli known physician; died
on Friday last. '3. H. W orsell has been
very ill again, but we are pleased to .
know, is now on the road to recovery,
3. G. Tewsley returned last week from
South Africa to his home near Carlow. ,
He enlisted at Winnipeg, and will re.
turn tothat place in the near future.
, • •West ,..1',rawanosh.
PIONEER. -We sincerely regret to have
to chronicle the sudden decease of P.
hfcCanpain esteemed and widly known
pioneer of West Wavvanosh,whichsad
event took place at .his residence . on
Monday, Augalth,cause'of the decease.
.being inflammation of the .bowele.. He
was in'Diingannon oneday toward') the
end of lastweek and not taken eick'on-
til Sunday. His sudden 'decease will be
a sad surprise to this community. He
Was 70 years of age and was a Staunch
Liberal and a Ronmn Catholic. •
LThe Label Tells the Date.
S 41 per year in &drams
1$1,5o when not so paid
Additional Local News. • ******A************"*"1"
Mr Spackman, Exeter,has been elet.
ed Grand Patriarch of the Independent
Order of Odclfellows.
Owing to a number of the town
directors of the proposed cola Storage
and Pork Packing Industry being out
e of town,and those of the rural districts
b sing busy vvithit heir harvest,the meet-
ingindefinitely. for Wednesday was;poetpon-
--. •
Additional Local "Ne-wS
s APPLES. -Mr D. Cantelon com-
mences the apple season next week by .
a.shinment of two cars toe.Winnipege-.."e
Mr Feed Pritchard, a dealer of Liver -1
pool, was here this week; he says the
•crop is a poor quality all over Ontaiio,
but a little better in tlae east than west.
hospital here recently Dratted by the
generosity Of one of its inmates, who,
though he did not recover fromhie ill-
ness, showed his appreciation ofthe
care and treatment he received there
by leaving property to the value Of
-over $1000 for the benefit of the hos-
pital. This was very considerate, and
will enable the hospital to carry on
more successfully ths work of minister-
ing to those who suffer. -
-METHODICAL.-It is not unciera--
mon for some people to keepa diary
for one or two yetis. or even longer,
but it is a rare thing for a person to
keep one for over 30 years, without
raissing a clay in that time. Prot.
Shrieve's, of medicine fame,claims to
have kept a diary for nearly 31 years,
and to have entered therein every
cash transaction, besides the import-
ant daily events as they transpired.
IT. -Messrs. Ed. Cantelon, Reuben
Graham and Dr. G. E. Holmes, went to
Hannilton yesterday to attend a shoot-
ing tournament under the auspices of
the Canadian, Trapers and Shooting
Genie Protectors Association. There is
$1.000 offered in prizes and 4.6,000 in
money for the different entrieneand our
boys Will do their best to bring some cif
it home with then, although they will
be up against all the crack•shooters of
Canada, of which she has no email
Monday next workmen commence the
improvements that are to be made in
these preniises-im revetments that
will add greatly to the appearance of
the store and give much more room
than is at present employed. The
store occupied by W. H. Newcombe,
and the one lately occupied by A. J.
Holloway, (now occupied by J W.
Newcombe) will be all thrown into one,
making a 'Very commodious place
about 411E85. There will be one main
entrance, with large plate glees fronts
eatli-iiide of the door. These improve-
ments, While taking place, will not
interfere with the deity business, and
Will very materially increase the ac-
commodation and appearance of the
• •
ies of Ontario Street Church, are
to be congratulated upon the very
successful of their social last Fri-
day ' evening. The basement was
tastily decorated with bunting. while
a portrait of the King surmounted the
platform, A large crowd was present
-in fact as many as could be welt ac-
commodated The,chair was occupied
by Rev Dr Gifford, who was in his
happiest vein, and kept the audience
in laughter by his witticisms. The pro-
gram was carried out, as previously
announced, and was appreciated by
the audience.. The proceeds amounted
to about $360. To Me Wesley New-
combe in due the honor for the beauti-
ful decoration and the ladies desire to
thank all tor the interest displayed by
A SAD VISIT, -Mr and 'Mrs J. T.
Currie, with their daughter Luella and
SIM Jay, Detroit, came by boat to God.
erich, to visit with relatives in this
neighborhood, their express visit being
with a cousin, the father of the late
Arthur Currie, Godeeich township,
They intended to stay at Arthur Cante-
Ion's, the home of young McLean, the
young fellow who Was With the ill-fated
boys when drowned,over &May, and
then drive to Mn Currie's for the rest of
theie visit. It was a terrible blow,when
in the height of their jovialty, young
McLean walked id on Sunday evening
and told the heart -rendering story of
the drowning. Mr Currie's children
becanee greatly attached to Arthur
when on a visit to Detroit laet Minter
and they looked forward with pleasure
to their meeting again, but are now
grief strieken over the unfortunate ac.
,Cident. They expect to return to De -
I teolt next week.
14.1 •
DEATH. -We regret to announce
the death of Mrs Fulland, wife of Mr
Henry Folland. which occurred on
Wednesdey. Deceased was the eldest
daughter of the late John Mennell. She
has been in declining health for some
time and her death was not, unexpected ;
she was held in the very highest esteero:
She was aged 47 years and leaves no
family. The funeral takes place to-
day. Mr Folland has himself been op
the sick list for about a year, • and is
hardly himself yet,though able to work.
Mrs Jab Connell, of Goderich township.
were driving to town Tuesday afters
noon the horse becanee frightened near
W. Jacason's residence,and threw Mrs
Connell out,giVingher a sevete shaking
up. Fortunately Mr Connell , held on
tothe horse, and no further damage
was done. Mrs Jackson,who bad just
returned from town, with her beautiful
turnout had Mrs Connell placed in her
'carriage, and drove her to her daugh-
ter's Moe Wileon, while Mr Connell
came on to town. • , • ,
, GOOD WORK. -The laying . of the
new walks this year has been hamper-
ed considerably by the ever changing
weather, but it must • be admitted,
nevertheless, that the work nas been
well dene. And no better specimen of
work can be found than the walks and
croseings which centre at the intersec
tion of Albert-Victora' and 'Huron -
Ontario Streets. a They •have greatly
improved the streets at•this point, and•
both the men who do the work, and. the
Supsii-ritendent, Mr W.heatly, are en
: -
awed to considerable credit. •
. , .
DEMAND FOR BOXES. -It is often
eiletici that the opening up of one line of
'boldness createe a demand in . -another,
This istrue in the case of the Jackson
Manufacturing Co. whose specially .18
Lion Bran'd Clothieg. Formerly busi-
ness men hardly knew what to do with
their emply packing cases, and it was
not uncommon to Bee piles of them at
the rear of different stores, which were
either disposed of as best they could or
used for kindling wood, Now the
Jackson Manufaxturince Cornpanyebuy
up all these notonly in town, but itt
the adjoinina villages -wherever they
Can get them, in order to ship,out their
goods. Mr Isaac Jackson drives out
and gathers them up, last•week bring=
ing n eighty in one load, ' •• •
•HE_DROVE_HARDeLeThe other day
a commerci i t av II t• into one
• ,
of bur. livery stables and asked • for a
horse that could drive' to Bayfield in
lae hours, as be had some business 10
.transact and Wanted to catch a train
when he came hack. The liveryman
thought this was dead easy, its the dis-
tance was only 11 miles, but gave
him, nevertheless, a good .driver. He
wasenote than surprised, an hour and
a half later, when the man. droye in,
the horse covered with perepiration,
Demanding an. explannation, the man
said he had asked for a horse that
couldge there and back in that time;
while.the.owner of the horse hadun-
derstood-he only wanted to drive one
wavin the time specified. • The livery.
man teroPerly charged • 'him double
price for the hard usage the horse had.
Victoria, B.C., Colonist of Aug. 5,thus
refers to the •wedding of the second
daughter of Mr Jacob Miller, of town: -
"A quiet but pretty wedding took place
yesterday' morning at St Andrew's
Presby ter ian church,, the Rev W.Leslie
Clay, B. A., officiating. • The . church
*as beautifully decorated with ftlowers
by friends and. members of the choir.'
The contracting parties were Mies Ode
Kathleen Miller, of Victoria, formerly
of Clinton Ontario, and Mr Harry
Currie, of this city, formerly of Adin-
burgh, Scotland, The bride was given
away by Mr . John Brown, of. Cherry -
bank, and was attended by Mies Frank
•Johnston, of Vancouver, formerly of
of St Catharines, 'Ontario, while Mr J.
Little performed the duties of beet man.
Mr and Mrs'Ourry left for the Sound
cities oh their honeymoon, and on re.
turning will reside at 56 Superior
street. •
ready people are counting on some of
the changes likely to' take place next
January -in the f.ormation of the
Oontity Council. In Division No 1 Mr
Holt will certainly retire, and it is said
that Mr Chambers Will also ; among
the names mentioned of likely aspir-
ants for these positions are those of
Reeve Young, of Colborne, and Ex -
reeve J. N. • McKenzie, of Ashfield.
The report is that Warded Donald
Patterson will retire, though he is one
Of the best men at the .Board. Mr
John Torranee, it is eaid will also re.
tire. The name of Sohn Brigham, ex -
reeve of Htillett, is mentioned asa
likely candidate for this division, to-
gether with the present represent-
atives. The probabilities are that tb re
Will he quite a few changes in the co I -
position of the Council, but is pretty
early to be anything like definite. -
casual observer it coaannt be gainaayed
that Our town has gone ahead. lerom
the person who is bore today and gone
tomorrow it can be heard, "that our
town has wonderfully improved," We
who are staid here do not hOtios it so
much, we see changes taking place
but do not comprehend, that it is en-
hancing the beauty of our town. To
the laying of our granolithic vvalks has
been the great impetus to our towas
people, and from this we have seen
old fences removed, boulevards nicely
graded and sodded, with an occasional
flower bed to add to its beauty., nacre
home paioting, trimming of our trees
and a general all round clean Up, to
say nething of the buildings that have
been going on the past year, at well as
those thatare to be built in the near
future A good system of water works
is what we need now, and • We don't
know but what we shall have to get it,
4 r*
For Sore, Tired
ingFeet wehave
Antiseptic Foot Powder,
• Foot Elm, etc.
R. P. Reekie's
Prescription DrugStore
N. B.-Ffy Pads •and
Tanglefoot for flies.
ellekerkfridtle:AatkdrArkerentketerit* .
RURAL TEACHERS. -Mise Mai el -
Stewart, (daughter of Rev. Dr. •Stew-
• art) leaves this week for her school at
St, Joseph's Island; Miss Eva Cooper •
•on.Saturday for her school at Leeburn:
Miss OliveHelvar leaves tomorrdw for
her school neai;'Carlow ; Chas Tebbute
left yesterday for his school at Sr,.
Helene ; Misses Claidley and Wiseman ,
leave tomorrow for their school at
Londeeboro ; Mies reluesie Taylor leaves
on Saturday for her school at; Chip-
pewa, Miss Georoie Mtn ray has been
engaged for Union S. S. No 16 East
Wawanosh, and assumes ber dotieti on.
Monday ; she is a thorougnly compatae
ant and well qualified ycung lady.
James Craig left here on Monday for
Toronto. where he was married to
Miss Kinsey, nn Wednesday. • Mise: '
Kinsey was for some time a resident of
Seaforth and is -well known to -many - • --
bele.' We oaderstand that Mr CriZi
intends residing in ToH
ronto. e.
been a respected resident of Seaforth
for a great many years, and while- the
people here will unite with us in wish-
ing himself and Mrs Craig much hep -
Unless in their new relations, all will
regret his removal from Seaforth.
Expositor, [Mr Craig is •a brother of
•Mr Henry Craig, who resides a short
distance south of Clinton.] •
• We are going to have it 35o Bee._ f:
•'earn Window in the Furnishing
• Depart=ent for Saturday. There a
• will not be an article in it worth
less than 50o. • While there ill"
he Many it one •that you would
pay 60 and 75o for any place eine. 2
Straw Hats, • s
Felt Hats,
Ties, Belt s,and Shirts
All at 35e - •I
HORSE' NOTES, - Last week R.
Warrener advertised in the NEW ERA.
it stray horse that had come into his
stable. • The owned proved to be it man
at Milverton Robt Cree had the
misfortune to lose one of his team '
horses the other day.
• A DAMP TIME. -This harvest will
live in the memories of all farmers as &
wetter season "than has been." It has
been what is known as a "catchy" time
and that of the most extreme type. A
great deal of hay is even still uncut.
Much wheat is standing in the shook
andflieetintlieuous wet weather has
caused a great deal of it to sprout.
Soros of it is ruined as tar as a market-
able product is concerned and will have
to be used for coarse feed and other
piirposes. Barley_ is also suffering in
the same way. We have heard of ane.'
farmer, who has not a sheaf of good
wheat in a field of 12 acres. Easterners
will now be able to appreciate what . &
wet season means to the western farni.
era, who some times have hundreds of
acres in the same ceaditioneas some of
the Wheat here.
Delight to the Eyes.
tA0nr Photographs, whether ef the dimple
miniature Style or the line picture poet%
are elwaye a delight to the ere. People
oonatently atop to see the beetitiful and
• atereating pictured fecee here displayed. A
•henry% Photo Stud
•. • • CaliTON