HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-08, Page 8Aivent 8th,,19 02- S m Saturday S fats The Now Era, to new subscribers, a trial trip to the end of the year for 250. ssi,s Just a few Specials for Saturday and next week's *ging. Special in every sense of the word. Season- able merchandise, price un erva ue, because we ave determined on a complete clearance of all summer stocks. Ready Saturday morning, and to remain at tbese prides until all ate sold. Aft 111111$1111S to - Ise Soict , Not a yard to be carried over. Not as big an assortment as early in the season, but every yard a genuine bargain. The Meek is divided into two lots for easy selling. Manus 12c. 1116slins at 6e. limy Dress Muslin% assorted pat- terns, all Asnerisan Goods, last rade d lines that sold at 10o, '1.2ao A &nil 15c, clearing at per 74rd.... oe Fency Dress Muelins, last dress and waist length's of our.tIne im- ported muslin and cotton dew materials, handsome designs and • colorings, sold 26c and '30e. . choice nor •per yard ...... lista *to TBE CLINTON EW 1IRA NOTBS I Nom.- r The late Dr tforsey,foemerly of town ' • Tolooraow (Satnrday) being ern .t .0011* 41111111)017a8ObaSePrViledbileatibS°11110h116:11M" FRIDAY, AUOVISr hiI$35,000 life insurance. 1 - Messrs John and JameeMcOool; -via° Mr A. J. Holloway has rented a recently left here for the westare store in the Searle block, Albert St., LOCAL NAMES, - where he will continue his tailoriog opening a store at erossfield. rgrioduohyg. , ifOnogi hborronueg, rueceee• mwho woe in the eVittle, RY muen For Sine -Stable 2040. for sale, chboivihsvb huseio eap. Ap- VE •*.:74^^.‘•,- •• „ el*. HOME DIFFER ply at /atm ens office. oneJ 847Taylor'ellre proorsafe forsate,essy Person marned Mooe to the House of ploy Of S ()Goner some years ago, h ot 12c 0.0444wArtAftkAAA•yvvvvvvvvw 4AAAN4AAme.www•NA•wov. 2.2'd per Yard Saved on Prints. Perhaps not a.. very, big savink, but one • well worth making, specially when it is on inch staple every. - day goods as prints. It would .pay you to buy your frupply for 6 months ahead, when you can get them at these prices.. Prints Tic • • 300 yards of lightnnd.dark prints, . ao to 32 escalate wide, soft slob, * ' • Prints at 10e A clear fraying of 2SO a yard on them. 300 yards of our best Prints, most cif them the good qualities, good value at famous Crum goods, sold all 100, to be cleared • on bargriin, over the lan"d 12io, clearing• „ • days at • ' on bargain days at per yard .. lee timp,Aw•vvvvvv,iftweviy•wwww0AAAAAAAAN4 „ ***************** Any ShirtWaist for S 1. • • Any cotton shirt waizt for a dollar bill. "Just about ode dozen left, last ones that 'Sold at - $1..25 and Si 75 .• . • Fine muslin shirt waists, in wit ts and 3000, fine gi slides, the lsra ones of lines that sold at S1.25, $1.50 and $1.75,.youramoice of the lot, for -A one Dollar B111. 304444twt""Pwom.-1,4414444#4' **i********************** Augautpi Paraso' Specials We remind you of our special Parasol prices for August like Parasols areliew; they are goo 1, and if we had- bought them very cheap we could not sell them atpriceslike these. • . Ladies' black Parasols; good quality sateen and Austrian Gloria tops, will not out or loose their toloranoanted on etrong,firin frames.steet 3o3e; natural wood, black or horn handles, regular $1 and $1.25 values, special bargain at each "/ . Ilecausewo bought them cheap we .can effeots. this saving for you, , Gloria tops, steel rods, hollow rib's, tibia and natural wood is I handles, also a fr'blacks in the lot special Price .... . . • Mess than, 20 parasols in this lot, silk and wool tops; wilt not change . 'their color, strong frames, steel rods, born ancl. pelished wore; . handles, for August sale, eaoh • ' I . • 11.411V • • . Less than a dozen of these; Exceptionally good quality, tops th * will not out or turn rusty., extra strong frames, steel /octal Dresif den and Pearl handles, worth every penny a $2.50, special for . August • •. 1.•6a New Fancy Flannels 0. .--- If you want to see some very handsome French flannels look in our window'on Saturday. They: ar 0 the, 5) newest designs and coloringss for fail arid inst ar v d this net week. All are in short lengths,and there is enough of any single piece for them to get at all common, Best quality • . . - . ;; - 50c per yard *******************-*****-** r*Ide******Wc************* . terms, s.pply to .1,RIDotIT or - Refuge. . now engineer on the G. T. R. is boll- 0- 0..6A14014, 01iP.OU aar George Robb, of town. had the daying in town. we 'are atilt leadan 'in sugar by selling° misfortune. either on Saturday or Surt- Mrs Roemer, St. Louie. wile is the lissfirsith's Granulated l'elow regular wh°10- daraight, to 108e a pocket book can- guest of Aire Thoe. Trick, had the, ma.. Foot Comfort You don't kn.ow what real footcomfort is in the hot weft - tier if you have not worn cotton hose with natural wool feet. 'The feet are made of fine natural wool, which. never become itardlike cotton, the rest of the stocking of fine -black cotton,. de aye of.vihich is absolutiely fast All sizes 25c per pair Other makes of Summer Stockings sale price to melte room Tor our next ear . W. (Mem t ,(jog $25. forttine strain her foot severely. The. T. R. will issue single fare while at Bay cid, on Monday, ' WOWS 40010 tickets to all points la Canada for The first load of new wheat me.rkets Coronation Dar Good going the Sal ed this serson was brought yester- alE'S NOT DEAD YET. -The Bay. and Otb, return ng up to August llth. day by `ivalter Layton, of Tucker - field correspondent of the News Rta, .. On Monday, while returning home smith. to Fairs' Mill; it is a yery good cord of last walk, announces the death by train, Mrs Thos Holloway had the etteople. of Thomas Biggart. We are glad to taidortune to lose her poc ec book say that in this instance Mr bliggart containing a five dollar bill and some Sirs Itillbright who underwent an operation at the hospital some 6 weeks has the pleasure Of reading hi.; own change. ago, was operated on again Saturday., obituary notice. He casue to town for the purpose of undergoing an opera- tion for cancer of the stomach, but the , yeah the Et ctrie Light works for some ing such Mr Naegle, who has been connected complications having arisen demand 9 has returned to his * doctors concluded that the. operation tome 94/3 "mew; 9- . 0 are sorry to learn that our friend could not be safely per It ie Irunne 4 Paris' Mr Nager'a Wzattmt Milani" of the Waverly House, has doubtful if he can recover, though he tAkes 1 -ms Pia"' been strielsen with a mild form of - is still able to be Around. Friends of Mrs Tote will be pleased Paralysis k gain; we hope he may boon RETURNING TO TO WN. --Mr Ti co Phoenix, British Colombia, is some- The unfortunate young man Burnett . A a The New 'Magazines to hear that her son, Julius Carson. of be restored to health. , n ii McNeil, who recently went to Wets- what recovering from his illness. Mrs f G de I h.,thip,h 1 t hi' skiwin, Assa., and opened a book store, Tufts is at her son'e, looking attar life by ° drroevinin7. non° Saturday, °w8as as' is net any too well pleased with the him, nephew of Mr Robert Welsh's, Mrs country; he managed to sell his stock to advantage, eked returned home on frdieerinudtely°rf eMevcea.00bfil GBoecter°1meh' Butirareatntdbmeiriver iMearacWDeoldsdh'shasvisetebre.en in has written to hie friends here to t e voTrittneeorry Wednesday. Mr Albert .McBrien, township) will reg :et to learn that he the habit of giving a number of their who also went out abeut a month arif, is in very delicate health. He is now friends an outing to Bayfield every living with. his father in-law Mr Pat- year, and did so again on Wednesday; effect that he may be expected back rick, of London township. there was a pretty large party and all anytime, We believe that Frank Fair, . who has been west for a couple of Frank Evans had the misfortune to enjoyed themselves very much. . years, has also decided on returning to smash the second Sager of his left 'Mrs Willoughby. wife of Rev N. R. town, Its he does not care for the west.. hand Saturday afternoon while un- loading freight. The seccind joint was Willoughby, D. D., of Elora, a des- .OLINTONIANS . GU TO HEN- badly. injured, knocking the cap oir, tineuished minister of the Methodist SALL.-Or "Wootton was in Henson besides severely injuring the flesh of Church, died suddenly on , Sund4y Friday'completing arrangements for the digit. . evening last at the residence of her son, Dr J. H. C. Willoughby of Soak - the taking over of the . fixtures a the . Our genial friend Mr S. Davis, heA atoon, N. W. T. Mrs Willoughby was Cockshutt Hotel, presently run by a unusual honors thrust upon him last an aunt of Dr Holmes, of town, being Mr Scott. As it will be necessary for before week, a grandson, being born in the a sisterot his mother. the transfer of license to come f il f hi d t M B Ul h aoa y o s augla er, _ rs tr c_, - ' the license board, the Dr with his a °rout° i and a granddaughter, in gar Henry Stevens has tbeen renora- family does not expect to leave town ' '' mended as Clerk of World (or inspect - before theSth, Mr Frank McCaughey, Man. the family of his son, Bert, awright, • - o. ) in connection with the erection of t Start who has been running the earnmer- the PoskOftice blinding here. He Is alai Hotel, of town, for t he past year, Mr ..R. J. Macdonald, formerly • of the oldest builder and contractor in takes over the Hodgins House of the town. has gone into the wholesale town, is a man of acknowledged abi:. aaineolace,and date as Dr Blackall,and handling of linings in Toronto, the ity, and as the position requires tech - moves there with his wife next week. firm of which he is a partner 'being meal knowledge. he is Fpemally fitted We understand Mi. John McCaughey Bradshaw, Macdonald, dr Co, MVO therefor. Mr Cooper, contractor, has will resume charge of the Commercial Macdonald and baby will remain here commenced workbaviag men engaga with her mother, Mrs Fair, until later ed on the excavation. hotel again. . - in the Sall. Ladies4 fastblack cotton hose per pair 1.0e • do do 2 pair for 2fic Ladies' fine cotton hoist, lacy effects, Per pair$250 s The famous i‘Black Cat Stockings" for boys and girls, at per pair 35e ana 40e. woBargains frOttl. thda .V7urnishing Department lien's 'Collars Se • lien's Shirts 39e 14,1iticeconara all sizes except . 25 laten's print and ottatbrio shirts, *sad 15i in the'lot, last oriee of last ones of several lines, teld , arletral lines that sold at 130 and • the reenlist stay Edna, earns wore a table full ot thein at yourss$1, with or without collars attach - elm* each • .*6** • *46 , ed, hard ot soft front% choioe .... due • taitetfam In their literary tastiest and selection of their reading matter generally, Chat is one reason why we bought suoli isomptete lira of paper (revered novae far annum reading, oyer threellundred, the primary reallea howeeer was that they are such good value at the price; we hers them in two styles, ten cents each and fifteen penises* or three of the ten cent line or two of the fifteen cent line for a quarter. Some flatlets, some poetry and eonte of a religions nature, printed from clear type ou fairly good paper. It you enjoy a good book and want good value for your money, pay Ong ;acme a visit, ,, ANOTHER OIL TANK. -Jas Howe • • A Morderj Man., paper has the fol - was up in Godericti this week install . Mr P. eantelon was in Goderich lowing item, which refers to the broth, ing 20,000 gallon tank for tbe Stand- - Saturday interviewing an apple ex- - ere of .Mr Jacob Taylor, of town :- ard.011 0Q. at that point, During the 'leftist. from London who is summer- ' "When the freight train from the east winter season it was necessary for Mr ing there, •The apple env, he says, was -passing through Taylors Bros. Howe to make two:trips a week, from though large, will be very limited forstock farm near Minnedosa on Tues. Clinten to Goderich, with Oil, which expart trade. The apples not seeming clay night, the engine struck a bunch meant the greater part of that week to have matured, being verysmall. and of cattle that were on the track, kill. taken up, at thexpense. of the small- the price is likely to he low. . big eight outright and eeriously injur- ere places, but, from this out, he. will %CM. Art Photographer, Mr N. mg nine others. The cattle being on a drive tip empty to that place •and dis- Henry, left Saturday for Buffalo. He curve of the track, were net seen by iritrate to the noethern Pointe front will ne in attendance at the Photo- the engineer until he was. right on - , there. This will facilitate tbe labors of grapher'a Convention a the ' S.. and them, the heavy grade also reeking a J. Mimi consideratde, permitting him. Canada, which convenes in that city all quick stop difficult. The cattle were time. It might also be stated that the young businese m% and . is bound to •Mr Henry is 4 pushieg yearlings. and two year olds, beingmanp.trt of it bunch af 150 that Taylor Bros to make his'clicuit in 3:or 4 days less next week. Standard Oil Co. is a heavy contrib., keep to the • front in all the latest had recently purchased -for ehipment. Are on our news stand as soon as issued at regular prices. If you have not been in the habit of visiting this department' of our store, kindly do so, • y will find yon have been missing a lot of good things, utor to e customs here, every. tank ideas pertaining to his line of we k the The loss is estimated to be in the . r . . . of oil that is brouatt in paying nearly , neighborhood of $250. , .$200 in duty. 'The editor cannot always call at - - - • your horde to inquire if there is any POSSIBLE MANU • ....... FACTORY -Mr ' FELL INTO A. WELL. -Early Sun- new.. If you know of any hand it in. W. P. Spaulding. of town,. has par - day 'morning Mr IL Andrews went We want Andre news there is, but no °Lased from Mr J. E. McGregor, the • back on hie farm to bring up his cows nun can get alt.. Just as anxious to creamery building situated below the to milk and was surprised to find that mention your company or visitors as railway station, and if satisfactory sr - meat two year °la- colt was , missing. to -mention . those of your neighbors, , angements Can be made, will engege Looking about, he discover ed That it but probably pant- neighbor gives us, in the manufacture of hosiery. ''VVe had fallen into a well neer Mr Fitz- more assistance in securing the facte. believe the prospects for the establish.. - sir:tams' slaughter house. lbe horse Hand iv your news items. We want tnent of this new industry are favor- .: • had evidently been walking over the them. . able. ' • . s well, %%en the top gave way. allowing it to fall in backwarks ; the well is about 20 feet deep, with 12 feet of .spring water in its and the horse had Apr. : , The W. D. FAIR CO., Clinton, "Oftei;n the Cheapest -Always the Res*." (1 At Taylor's 131ci Shoe Store. During this month we will interest shrewd shoe buyers. We are constantly picking out of our regular stock odd lines and odd sizes and placin them on our bargain counters. For Saturdays trade they will be re- plenished again with the best values -ever offer -id -in Caton. Baikainifer everybody: - Come and see for yourself, it *ill pa,y you, all The Old Reliable, :Taylor . • , Cash. and one Price Bags taken as cash.. mmlnYttmrramtmmtmitmmmMIIMItimmtmtmttmrtrtrirtr.mrmm10 besot:fad lodged between the curb and pump, with nothing but its head above water. A hoist and tackle was hurredly secured, and after it couple nf 'hours labor the horse was extricated. It seemed to be completely paralyzed with the cold, and was, int( rsally in- jured. and though everything possible was done for itarelief. it was not re- stored to activity, and 'died on Tiles-. day morning. It was a paaticularly fine colt, valued at $153 , OIVIO .HOLIO'AY.-- Monday. was indeed Clintotes holiday as far as an. eXodus was concerned,. especially in the club line, for everything that Clin- ton possessed in the way of -organized sport was away playing with some other town. Lawn Tennis at Goder- ich,-Gun Club at Gotlerich, and Bow- lers at Stratford -even competing in the Bret,thirteen in the seeond.a.nd four rinks in the hitter, besides an innumer- able throng that picnicked at Bavtield and elsewhere. Every conceivalle thing in the mode of travelling in Own was made use of, others having to re- main in town because they • could not get something to carry them out, Davis' Livery had 19 horses in use, some of these making two trips, while Warrener's and Elliott's were empty e*Pborrciwing everything in the shape of a horse that they could; our streets .were almost as barren as that of Tues- day morning during the rain. MONUMFINTS,-I. G. Seale Ja Co , have not been idle lately, as it latge number of fine rooriumente are being erected, among which, are noticed it large. Scotch Granite 'Sarchophattus monument, to the memory of Mrs Wm Percy, this being the first emolument erected in the new Cemetery, in Luck; now, Also a Scotch Granite sarehop- }lingua to the memory of the late Thos Blake, of • Ashfield, in ?ort Albert cemetery. .A.nother to the memory of Geotge Crich, of Town, in Turner's cern eterv. k large Sweetie Sarcho- , phagus Granite o the memory of the late Gillie 1). Giloht 1st. of Town; in Clint:en cemetery. 'A Granite menu. trient to the memory of the late John Anderson..of Hay, in Baird's cemetery. A Scotch rani t e to the . late • Robert Watson, of Ilullett. in Myth cemetery. They have also sasfactorily complet- ed tbe window at d door sills for the benutiful resident! of Mtwara Glenn, of Stanley, .built by nos McItenzie, . A NEW BANK. -Last Week Mr D. M. Stewart, the general manager of the Sovereign Bank, visited this rlace to see what the prospects were for opening up a branch here. He Wit8 Intlen impressed with the tovvn and country, and evidently concluded that there was some business to be done, as an agency was opened On 'Wednesday. The Sovereign has an authoezed capitol of $2,000,000, of which $1,300,000 lists been..subscribed OrkM11011 oV 20%. As, date the paidam capitol stands ab WOO 000. Reserve Fund $150,000 and total assets exceeding $2,- 000,000. 'While the Bank opened so re - calved as lst May last, It has now fifteen branches established in Ontarin and Qaehee, and we understood that the bushiest; done so far has exceeded the Most eirpectations cf the .Direetors, Temporary (platters tor the Clinton Inanett have been secured in 111101,0 •• • • WNW • 41110... Great .• aturda SP.*, IMP"' /00a. minseatteolli° • ' , ' FML DRESS' OpEN BACK ND FRDillT t'? 1 • :p 1902 ALDI. MAR ... ...... . „ .. „ . • f FliCer -Th_73-1--ri8tBAC'K .2 a a 3 a 1....411110 0..4011 era!, • ftri On Saturday nett We hold our annual. clearing out sale of shirts E and -what we have left . of our Spring and "summer_ stock will .be. Marked down to ridiculous figures: Never before kayo we sold so many shirts as we have done -a this season and as our new fail 'stock Will. be in about the lst of Sentember, . • . We ...wit, • want a clean 'sheet, . . . We carry the best line of reliable. goods to be found anywhere, and it will 53 pay you to lay in a stock on Saturday. '81.50 Shirts for 99c 0640 aware a ....... E I' . _ i. $1.50 Shirts for 74o = -a-- - - - -- - $1-.00 Shirts -for -64c- - ...4 - imp» S0-* .....••,... . .,...,.. , -... You. eim have ail sizes, soft or starched fronts . and the .latest pattern . and . . . ..... • gwz.styles. . .. . . . . . .. . ' ' Tilt FAMOUS ril_ aw..."' • ., . LINTON' I Mock, and the management hoe been • staaa " ____ the dote of Mi.Jainee Staid), BeaVer. 0.6`1" • . res -a JAW:nen, Allel .0u. BROS.., ,, .CLOMINGPTEOPUNIO illrolaVahlt; :fy101uen:ji.jtii. Sol' Yednenr :-.. . , .. E..: • • '• a eidorahie hankis,g eXper 'Mee. 9 t