HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-08, Page 7•
Eat. her Thinks You 'Would
Print This Letter.
Dromore, Egremont, Oct. 4th, 1690.
Mactioa. Medicine Co., Goderioh, Ont.
Wh en I was about three years old I wa$
taken eick with pains in the chest and vont.
Wog. At the age of 16 I weighed only 75
Wands. I was to small at that age that I
need to travel for half fare, My tether
took ale to all the dootore he could hear of,
fir and neer. Some of them treated me for
enlargement Of the boort, some for dyspep-
sia, some for the liver, others said. some
blooa yeeriel had burst and the blood was
forced into the stomach. One decor treat-
ed Intl for two year steady; he was going to
cure me sure, but. instead of a cure I kept
getting worse all the time. I ueed to have
spelle of severe pains,father and inhere had
others had to hold me down while I rolled
on the floor suffering untold misery. Some-
times the doctor would not be halt a mile
from the house when he would have to be .
called back. He could not relieve me, but
stood looking over me like the met. 1 wee
taken to 21 doctors before I began your med.
ioine. The expellees inonrred in my case
can better be imagined than described.
Father would pay anything to relieve me. I
took your System Renovator and applied
E. A. MuLennen's Linarnent, using both as
direoted. I began to mend right away. I
continued the Renovator steady until Wit
fall, 0111 gaining in flesh and in strength. I
am a bjg. strong fellow now, weigh 120
pounds and work all day long and it never
hurts me. 13efore I could not do any work
at all. I have great reason to be thankful,
only for your remedies I would have been
in my grave before this.
MaoLeod'a Remedies,established in 1888,
are the only medicines in Canada which
have sold on their merits without advertis-
ing. , Address MacLeod Medicine Co.,
.Goderioh, Ont. Solt*. H. B. Combe.
-A Weather -Man's Invention.
Mify dear," eald the eareful snorter
to her sixteen -year-old slaughter, "that
4s a book which. I reuet absolutely ter -
bid you to read," "That's all very well,
mamma," replied the Twentieth -Cen-
tury lfl "ibut hoe' am 1 to know
What books, to forb" 1 my children to
read unless I read them myself while I
illave the chance?" And she -bore oft
the bookin trliamph to study it in the
solitude of her own: boudoir. ^,
• M...
ahe "Lancet," the well-known. Eng-
lish inedieal weekly, has been en-
quiring into .the question of the
trausinision of genius from father to;
son, and has found that the eons of1
great poets are generally dull dogs. Poe-
tic fervor is evidently a spiritual' flame
that burns itself out in the generation
wherein it is kindled. Indeed, it often- •
seems to burn out the very fiptitude for .1
paternity; or is it that the poet isgen-
delight of fatherhood? However ,it may
evilly too poor to permit himself the
be, many eminent English poets can
never be accused of having "dull dogs" -
of sons, because they never had.any sons
at all. Cowley, Butler, Otway,Prior,
Congreve, Gay,- Phillips, Savage, Thom-
son, Collins, Shenetone, Akeuside, Gold-
, smith, Grey, Johnson, and Keats all died
; without leaving offspring, and Pope,
Swift' Watts, and Cowper, were never
married. Dryden's, Addison's and Par -
nail's descendants did not pass into the
second generation, .and the descendants
1 of Shakespeare and Milton' became ex-
tinct in the second and third genera -
1 tiona, Sir Walter Scott's- baronetcy ex-
pired with his son.
Influence of Names.'
"We're going to name our newly ar-
Overt boy Reginald," remarked Phillipe
at the club the other evening.
"Do you want him to be that kind of
person?" asked Jones, in a tone thathe
hoped would create discussion. '
"Mat are you springieg on tie nevi?"
asked several of the group; a little
"It is a great truth, my boy," con-
tinued Jones, aiming his remarks at
Phillips, 'who looked a trifle worried.
about Jones! spiestion, "The relatida
of name to character is an unexplored
but most fertile region. Look up your
fiction, and you will find that every
great novelist has uneensciously obeyed
the law. A man and his name gradually,'
ow toward each other. He may fight
Partfy, no doubt, reeognition of
the obduracy of climate, Profes-
sor Moore, chief • of the United
t Weather Bureau has invented
a es 0
and patented a cold -air stove, of which
the newspapers give d.escriptions. Being
Charged once .a day with some sort of Wild Animals 1 bo Not Want
composition, the stove' works automati-
cally. to Know. .
The air inside of it getting cold, ' .-
sinke and 'passe,s out through -a pipe in •-s-- • -
In the days of the Ark, they of the
the bottom. Warmer air runs in at the
animal kiiigdom were admitted, two by
tdri• and so a current of airs keeps run-
two,•sni suffrarrce. In Paradise, they
sung threugh the machine. The air'
sported at ,harmless, mythical ease,
comes out at a temperature of about 36
untroubled by man and his theor-
degrees. The warmer the room, the
But the antediluvian days
faster the maehine works. It will reduce le's-
- the temperature of a room to about -64 -' Passed by. The antrnals .becnine
' degrees: if the room ie cooler than that ' - as man, knowing good and evil, and
having, moreover, ways of their own.
there is no Current, and the stove doesn't
work. Besides cooling the air, it takes' " It all began with the flood. Up
• the dust out of it, and delivers it not to that time,. they were roughly
Vie name for a long time, but by some only
chilled; but. clean. • A stove twelve classed as "cattle and everything after.
long road at list he must bend to the . feet high turns out 126 feet of cold air -their kind." They were to be fruitfol '
a. minute which is enough to cool, a hos-. and multiply and fill' the earth, and °
significance of what he is called. I con-•
. . . • ' . :
eider that parents have a sacred `duty pital ward. .
- 'upon „them ..in choOsing' out of all the 1 The inventor th'inks jiis min was to rule over them: Sowent
stove will be • - they into -the Ark, two by .two; but so,
names of history that -name which they of great use to.hospitale, which find seri- Allem -genie they not out. They have
elect their child *Shall .be. The name Doe difficulty in keeping sick patients, been fruitful; tlfey. have' Inultiplied,
which he receives at -haptiain is the 1 comfortable,in het weather.' No dotibt, : and filled the earth;' and to -clay nia:n.
diameter part, up • to Which he Must ai- toe, if it turns out well, it may be used their master, is prostrate -before them.
ways live.". • in oitee buildings, and miesibly in hotels : 'He • studies , their ways, , prowling
'Testily, I don't follow yon," Inters and restaurants. It is poseible that it through underbrush,• on all fours, to
posed Clemmons of Harvard, with his .: may prove more datiefactory than: the' observe them •sporting on their native
drawl. . • - I fans which are used so much, and, if SO, heath. He wriggles on his ,stomach.
. „
"Think back over your reading," went i there are commercial prospects for it. No position' is too humble for him, no
attitude -too cramped. -1-le is gathering
tea Jones. '-"When Sheridan names a ;1
character Lady Sneerwell, it is obvious
that his conception is of " a • charaCter
proud and .cynical. Such a method- of
dubbing limits the character dressing
to a few bold strokes. A frank avowal
: of love from her lips, a free handed. , Burning ItChin
must remain cold and• hard till the play.
Sick• OMEN
fruarentee my Latest Method Treatment to be a permanent and positive cure for
yerienceie and Stricture, without cutting, stretching er loss of Uwe. In Varimmele it
absorbs the nagging, or wormy condition equalizes circulation, stops pains in the groins,.
aiso all drains, thereby giving the organs 'their proper nutrition, vitalizes the parts entire.
stores lost powers: in Stricture it absorbs the Stricture tissue, stops smarting sensation, s
aereonsneee. weakness, tater:lobe, etc., while in an prostatio tremolo% it is the treav
meet per excellence. So positive am I that my ,treatment will ours You. Yail can
you nevi pay nothing until you are convinceil that a thorough and complete cure has
j been established. Tins should, convince you that I have confidenee ill ray Latest Method .
Trivinent . otherwise I could not make yeti tele propesition. It makes no digerenoe who
eae /j),•,,Qpi cure you, call or write me.
Each Time You Call You See Me Persortaily,
or es eh te .e you write it receives my personal attention. The number of year e I are ,
e se• ••, II ea .r aril the manta accomplished atter given up by other doctors, has, ,
formest, specialist of the country. CONSVI.TATION FREE. Call or •
:ti. tor iihiab for home treatment. Perfect system of home treatment for
1•911:1PPt o:,n. I nott It'REE. All medicines tor Canadian patients shipped
.111 W :or, fia.n. All dut y and express charges preppid. Nothing sent C. O. D,
t'iTrIoLDraor204 w000wARD AVE., DOR. VvILDOX ST.
7 DETROIT, 11011cH.
Interesting Items.
A Chicago playwright advertises that
he bas written and invented a rnelo.
drama In five state, called "In Death's
ShadoNv," "Introducing the most abso-
lutely startling and realistle scerie in
existence, the eruption of 'Mount Pelee
and the destruction of St. Pierre. Fully
August 8th 1903
Harvest is Coining
• B•ut before it comeethere Is a fruit season. You will thertfore want
Fruit jars, We have, Imperial, Fiats, Quarts PO Half
Do you want a Hay Fork,rope,g inch of Pure Manilla? Then come here. De tell.
forget Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Snetbe, Scythe Stones, Machine Oil end esus, 11 ea per.
haps you went a screen door or window? Yon ought to See ours,
A tine variety of Package Teas such as Blue Ribbon; Saluda, Mongotm, 6eand
Alogul and Fan Brand.
Do you want your Photos enlarged, if so, Aelr for one of our Carcle.
Terms are cash or produce such as Begs at 14o, (and likely more) Be er, Ls,
Drie4 APPlePi eto• A trial reepectfully solicited, Yours for busineekt
Emporiums, hondesboro
• July Ord, 1902,
One Third of your life
is spent in bed.
For that reason your bedroom should be the best furnished room in the house.
Iron and brass beds are becoming so popular, that zic well farnishea home
• complete without them.
We have in stook several new peterds, with wire spring attaohment, whit
Ole snliness Beauty and Comfort are combined.
.• The prices are not high,
J. EL CIIIEW.13Lz11.71
Opinions of Leading Physicians.. •
protected. Western and southern. rights Price $1,00. For sale by druggists', of
'for sale," by imail on receipt of price, , . •
- ends.- Bunyan wes4ond. of -a mune that.. . • -.• • Sti nging. Piles and a Certain • individuality... There is,
labelled. Surely you remember • --.11p. -
Backbite and .Boastful? In.,the litera-
of the islet century su .h cheap -and '
easy naming' is rare . and emit -used to
-the minor characters: 'Tints ray uses it ,1
for the peerage 'alone—Lady • Bareacree. '
It survives. iii- our comie. weeldies, with
their' Vandeting Willy' and "'Alkali ,
4 "But there is a, rarer ,and finer use
of names that is . at - the Re-amend of .
the big fellows in, romance. Theskilful
novelist baptizess his creation . with a
certain name because he realizes its
Connotation. Annie. is known- of old for ••
a good. housewife • and a,,true . sister. She :
is pretty and social, hitt is net..a society :
woman. Annie, Of. ,‘Lerna . Doone'' is
rightly called. Adam. implies, faithful-
ness, a quality of high conscientious-
ness, and Adam of 'As-Yon•Like It' And
Adam Bede share .the•treit. . . • '
. "Tom LS mischievous and fast,. strongly .
, social, with most of the Niece. Even his
friends are forced to admit that . he
-drinks, but his severest critics will con- . .•
cede him generous.. Such is Tom Jona, _ . • •
—splendid- and strong, shaggily retigh. - Dr. Chase's
Tom BroNvn is not cast in. a like epic;
• mould, but yet is justified of his name.
Tom Sawyer is a Tom in the making.
s Joseph, of Genesis, has a' deservedly
' high reputation for chastity, and •this
implication of the name has been. re-
membered. Joseph Andrews is an apt
name for Fielding's bero. Jack is -a gay•
blade. Dorothy is sprightly, but warria-
hearted. Dick, is merry and out at -
heels. .
"Authorities have split On Rebecca.
Scott makes her os-feitliful soul . with
hopeless love. Theekeray gives us an
adventuress, heartless, brilliant, and de-
testable. A charaeter .of history -often
makes the atmoephere of anomie. 130'R-
.nie Prince (Marne is perhaps responsible'
.. for a sUctessiort of prodigals who are
permitted to bear no other name.
"You see that the novelists, who lutrg -
looked truth in the face, have alwaye.
done their naming ;in line with law. Is
it any Wender, when ,once you refiliM.
the influence of a name ori fe •person,
that savages, _ ignorant .pezeons, and '
children have felt thrit one who. keen?
their name had power over them? Re-
ligion and •chivalry have been in the
, right Of it. when they make the net of
naming the niost sacred ceremony in a
man's life. Rightly they felt ' that bapf
tism and - knighting debermine nes
rection of character developtient ..
groWth.".—Px. • •
. . ,
. .
. material for • the next new popular book
on-Jmirrials. • '
One cannot help wondering a little.
- how it has come about, diints of it
crop .out •in --the •Old Testament—after.
g.the flood. The animals are no longer
,1 creeping things -and cattle after their'
. . . . ' They are found talcing'on names
generosity,. would not be tolerated, She -•
• the ram -caught by its horns to serve
• • • in place of Isaac on the altar of seeds
-If people could only realize the virtue of . flee, and the hears that eat tip bid lit:
Dr. Chases Ointment they Would not suffer ..tie children, and the Ass :that speake,
long with plisse. • •• . ' and the Lions of 1:ranieli and the Whale
Mr. W: H. Whitebait., a well-known of Jeina.h. All, these. are historical per,
and respected ' Citizen, of Cobourg, Ont., sonages, 'with •Davici • and 'Saul' atid
states :—"Having used ,Dr. Chase's Oitit- NToahwith the strange winged erea-
t f piles, I can testif to its reat ture of Ezekiel, and•Apocalyptical
vatue. The suffering st ns o
front. the burning, itching, stinging .sena 'slid crowns and aaadIest1cke and Scare,
sedan of piles was something 'awful, and I ,let Women. • •
can say drat there is nothing in this world The biblical writers did'iiot hesitate,
• to equal Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure I it would seem, to draw On the aninial
for this dreadful disease. I tried a great kingdorn when. necessary to make
many remedies and, never got more than sleersthe ways of God. to.,man...
slight relief from any of them. •But while 'a* fine disregard, of zoology 'artal..fact,
Dr. Chase's Ointment brought -quick relief • they drove home the truth. And their:
it wentdorther and made a thorough care. WOrdp live even 'to this 'day.. BLit'
I•cannot Say too much in recamMendation inal lore has changed. We are asked
of this great remedy., • • to give: up Jonah and the whale, a,8
This is the only Preparation which is being a tax on credulity. We, are .bf-
positiVely guaranteed, to mire any form of 'fisred,' place of it, either "Wild Aril-
, piles. Ask your neighbors about it, -60c. 'mats That I Have Known" or "The
a box, at all dealers, of Edmaneon, Pates Outcasts." The bears of Elijah . the
& Co.. Toronto.• rophet are replaced by "The Bears of
. men or g
whichIendured1 o f beasts with beads and horns:.
Perhaps We Are coming to railways • I have feund the suppository ix epar-
'without rads. beveral, au o : ed by W. T. Strong of great assista,nbe
ers in New York are planning to con: in hemorrhoids. It is the best local
struct on Long Island, fifty miles ot application I have used, CIL. T. CAMP -
road, to cross other rotids above or be- BELL, M, D., ()bairn:Ian RPard. of
low grade so that they may bave a ..free Realth,.Londbri, Out.
course on which t'speed or m ...
From running a single motor car on, W. T; $TU 11 Glz Manufacturing Chem -
such a roa.d to attaching one or more ist, Loncloi ( ntario.
"trailers' is a short etep, and the •next .
• • _
erviee. •
Even if special reads are not bui or
leads to passenger and freig
All the Anthraczte In the World
• •In a renowned strip Of land Of ,ri,y,
heir accommodation, it is probable that.
fifteen by seventy' miles, - near - the
automobile coach lino . will be inn fie'
center of the State of Pennsylvamia
feedets to the steam or electric lines in
is contained all the true Anthracite •coal
districts where it would not pay to lay .
a track. - • - .
- A petition to the President and Con- ehorinbus vested 'wealth of all the an-
In , the world. •Here is cencentrated the
grees• of the United States • Asking an t recite coal -carrying =Breeds, 'whose
appropriation of 6506,000,000 to assist . .
negroes to leave the United States, has
• been prepared' by the International Im-
migration and Commercial Association,
an organisation of negroes, who were in
seksion. in Chattanooga, „Tenn., a fort-
night ago. The .petition recites •a, long
train of abuses to whigh it is asserted
the negro is eubjected; itineng which are
• Do you want A high grade Buggy or Wagon ?
We have the finest stockto select from. All the lateet styles in the new-
• esteelors. Our pricep are as low as can be found for Orst.class materia• l
and workmanship. Before you buy eall and see us. ••
• We oleo -handle the Canadian Steel Field Feriae, already woyen, any farmer eel
erect from 00 to 80 rode per day, it isai 'cheep strong fence. •
Geo.'Avis, Isaac. Street, OlintOr
NEXT DOOlit .;r0 NEW pit.A. OFIFIC
Every Farmer Should use
the denial ef 8.11 social and political re-
cognition And the tielatien of his -pen-
• stitutional rights. The leading spirits in
" the convention are Bishop Turner • of
Geors•ia arid Mr Heard.; forMer minister
to Liberia. • ,
-spite •of the opposition of , bik. faa'
.It Tastes Good 1
. Has a Delicitusness Peculiar
13lue River" by the author of "When
ICnightlieod Ws • in Flower." And Be-
laam's .Ass becomes a Coyote whos,e
favorite message is "Inp-Iti-ki--Yah!"
Ointmeret. imagination, like aerueham, tar
waxed fat and kicks. ' -
Perhaps the Jungle Books 'did it.
Slesop is -too far away and too "excel-
. . —
• Changes in. Breeding.
. • NVith the revival of horse breeding, is • lent to be held responsible for the
moue mother llaurice Ilernliardt
plied to• the- state. Conncil.'-of ,Paris for
' pernlission to change his riatne to Mau1-
. induetry, the faCt mustbe a
- ,. liordes let loose oir us. Like the bib11-
a profitable ,
Cat nimols of old, the atilt -pals ol -
recognized that the has come a "Come •' Aesop eXIsted for a purpose—flashlights'
plete revolution in thie Web -less,. ' "The . on the heart et manLhe cunning. .
old methods- will no -longer proire. profit- -and the brave lion and the foolish wolf
-able.. We must raise for prat distinct. existed to point a moral and adorn a
tale. This done, they disappeared once
types -of horses -for the market,. and 'net ' - snore in s the brushwood . of fancY
generally all round useful horses. We .. whence they came. The Jungle Books.
• lutist define in, •our oNvii•ntinds th• e differ-, • tat) have their master -master Law
But these newer anitnals—what .shalt
work. .towards the production . of the one say . of ,thein?—the deer and, the
cnt *types of horscein demand, and then • 'of the jungle, It shines through them,
e, t specimens of one or more 'of these caribou andthe buffalo aod the horse
types. these types, briefly stated, ara the doe tied the moose and the beck
•and the biill-terrier and the fawn and
the road, carriage and coach hprse, the and the spike -horn and the fox and the
cat horse, the draught horse and; the wolf -dog and ;the hanarY bird. !they
American trotter or read.horse. ". One of bring neither the nutty kernel of Aesop
these types should be selected in nor the fresh, Sweet smell of the Jungle.
Made up in equal parts Of fact and
ing horses for market, and the peculiar straining imagination, they have no
carefully understood. Breeding for •a MOSSage of beauty or of truth.
Who that has once known him vsell
characteristics of each one studied •aeid
specific class is the only kind that pays forget Katt, the wise old serpent, or
to -day.-• The man who breeds on tbe Baglieera, leaping with light paws at
old linS is doomed ' to failure. Ills the time ,a the spring running, or
liorses will bring so Mucb less in the 111o),vgli, crossing the moonlight witb
fnoari.pkreptitattlut.t there will be no margin left • Gray Brothers at his heels and the skia
• of Shere Xthan Poised deftly on his
9 nUt who shall hopa
in the - market ten years age V1E1 be- remember the new Ones? .-r Iennt
One reason why 'horses became a drug ,swaying head
'comae farmers and breeders , produced a
surpluit . of horses whieh had no per.
ticular eharacteristies. They. are not
spetially good in .any line. Then sa,' de.
• niand slowly grew up for horses'`whieli
to Itself, ,•• 'would excel in one particular elas. end
Appetizing and Nutritious,
Stands FIrst as a
'this has steadily incieased until to -day
it has become universal. The evolutioe
in breeding has this made it necessary
for the farmer and breeder to know
his.particular class. of horses. thorough.
ly. Promisquous breeding does not sty,
but special class or type. breeding Les,
Etrtry horse must be ltred for a par,
tieular.purpose, and if at the -beginning
the animal does not promise .any good
Flealttt Food, points for.a particular purpose the soon.
es you can • dispose of hint the betterDr Cila.,1:0's Oirttment room," writes it young ma.therria.
fiuence and prestige have been used
for years in forcing the lovr-priced: bit- '-
uminous -coals out of the domestic mar -
kets of the Past. One of the most ef-
fective weations used for this purpose is
the clamorous outcry against the so-
called "smoke nitiefince"-•-:-at anthracite
cry which has resulted in much hysteri-
cal. and unjust, discriminating, legisla-
tion, which practically forbids the use of
an ecortomical fuel in our larger cities, a
feel that is not metrolled. by any com-
bination or corporation of capitalists,
and which. cannot be "bottled up" like
anthrecite mai, at the whim and caprice
of a few intereeted individuals.
In the East, in -the small- strip of Mast
li e b in the lar -chi •
of the
Ile Itt rac g ge es
United States this householder knows
no fnel. lint en'thracite coal. Forgetting
the ways. Of (Mr forefatheris, and nese
•the inventive genius of our stove -makers great chance to Bemire: a first. clasksbuggy at a: big es:deletion. Nis
these priceee 19.a
er; not , their mother, This step is said
cite hot-bed—sproduces onlyburners for -
herd coal; for our cellars, our kitchens• • $EM:Buggies for Ites. j:$75 Buggies icir $65 •
-to become a other, and does not desire
Mine.. Maurice Beenhaedt who IS about -
and our apartments, our retail 'dealers • •
.. • ..!65, Buggies for $60
'to infliCt e%rand of illenuacy upen
' e ive: to ;the forced demand, keel) with- Be -Member these ire all Our own make which pitmen us in a position to guarani( . • .
her ofispriog. M. Clayin, wilein Maurice s l•
The best known remedy fot Smut on Oats, Barley.i,
Wheat or Corn.
Wes.can give you testimonials from all:the !leading
farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde
.1a,st year. All instructions given with each! bottle.
Usc Combe's "Standard 'Formaldehyde". ,
CheMist .prugg"
eduotion in .Prices
ice Clairin. This is hi prder tO conform.
to the usage which lecidires that chit -
forbidden bylaw tonde bituminous coal '
dren 'should bear the name of their fatli-
--stimulated and fostered in this anthra- 8;- • • '
to have been taken at the instigation of
. •
u •
mg but mithramite coal for ea e, and i Stein, as we do not buy any material but what is first clase.
producing. arett, cutting ehort their sup- B,epairing promp• tly attended to .by experienced Men.
.ntsviro:nstyel,c;:vtes ayesaltdss. afgaot:er,. was a
rah" nearly catided at triple tragedy
whose. infatuation for the "Divine Sa-
p y, we muet go without -fuel or burn
corporation gna•at four or .fiye times the
RUJIBALL ...it MCIVIATII.". - : illuron Street,.
when q, Strike occurs in this small Coal- • . '
cost a_ prodeetipti..
A remarkable instance of. the intent-
inous - oil in our larger cities id class
gence of ants Is described by Dr.,
leeislt, an of the worst kind. • Fiest, '
The /ass•s forbidding flie• use- of bitum- .
-)Sehroeder in the "Zeltsclinift . fur En -
because it does" not ,preyent the rich .
' tomok•gie." Last smelter a pountry
tense was so
, few from Using experiewe cannel coals—. - 1n. .actory:
-owner, after, destroYIng'a large anthill
inercius Pupae that the 0
son why !melt laws should exist. In Great
isear the house 'and collecting the nu- ' the heayiest smolse-producer .knowes, .
overrun by ants
and, secondly, because there is rici rea- 'Tr d F
fer: noultry feed, laid
Britain, in (fermany, in Fraftee, there is •
sticky fly- ptper bcf-re the door of the
house. in such a m.t.,ner that the ants
outid-not enter without crossing it. Itl • no • anthracite coal .mined or consumed.
• bituminous: coal, all carefully Screened • -
. This :factory is the largest in he'county, and has the very latest improved ma--
, . ,
' gene and the flY-p•iper CoVered . with
and prepared /or domqstie Uses, and in ' abinerY, ceps:tilt; ordoing work on the shortest notice: We carry an ektensiVe
d d rase and pine needles, over
linton snMoor and
the morning be fovea.' his poultry feed 'Mere the rich and poor alike burn •
General Builder and Contractor.
which' the ants had PaSsed "dry -shod,." • Improved binmers whose perfect cembus-
ITnhge boon e riesbuml 1 Ltttur:- ipinoonkep.reNF•eoirltisint9hkee* eisseaspiempolfy..SIVinlieb_tefUN
then ticated, and a :piece of . the ' " 'NO.; is- ileariy'pure.tertrbon; and
paper la shown in evidence'," — he sonstimeda—Williati JaSpar '
A --
-ell-dressed yoi-,..itglWinneit epter• ed ' ' " • :
' a Boston' car-. thcaitaer day and took At • - ' '
, jeoectent.eanefttrwtitor.daanincte'hte.gapr.troesteinatitytiosieler :
"Where are yOu going this sun -liner?" . .. s• 4.. Waterloo.. Call and get prices and estimates before plaomg your -ordera
•shoedecing: It proved rather. difileitit to •"Itlit going to a stretch of 'barren . • . .. . ..
da With her glovelf on, brit atter a While sand, where r cart be Surrminded bY •.
the peasensers witnessing the perform- the higuries ot the. seashore.' . ..
aace saw the feat n (,,omplishod met tho 4.'3* yourself?" .. • ;. * • 4
-lady pit back calmly gamer. out of the "No. Whole family:- •Wife - and chil-
window 94 if "she7..tv.as always Vine her dren, servants, nurses, l etc."' :
'shoe" in electric cars. • At the moor stop • ' "CPttage?" . .
the mart beside her rose to get tell, but s ."Yes. Hes eight reams for sixteen
le! there •ca.mea strsagle and Olen' bor. people. Each . room will hold • centfcirt-
ror, mutual and wins al. The u • -ably about one-half °to,' human being."
are ap-to. date: in every respect. They cannot be surpasse4
fastened, not eXactis liand and foot, but "'Cottage: alone?" • : •" .
• shoe and ,shoe 1 Sd'itillgoritlir had '' the "Oh, no. We shell ' tie next to a lot .
A Victim,
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimetes for and build all class.
es of buildings on short notice and on the eleseet:prices All worli is supervie.
ea in a'inteihanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We -sell all kinds of in•
• Varier and. eater:immaterial, , •
. Lumber Lath, Shingles,- Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds:Ett
. Agent for the Celebrated 1 fiRA:YBILL 'SO 11,001.: inanufacsideed
Another Drop in Prices
The undersigne3 is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They
ere his own Make, and are made from choice material and b
first class mechanics. All the latest. improvements used
and we guarantee them.
lady tied the knots • hat the acing had of ethers. Each with an assortment of .
to be out by a. ready nocket-lcnifo before children."
the embarrassed cote:le could be sepals Nice people?" . .
ed. .
JOHN LESLIE. Huron. Streets Clint
. Clarence Davies bought 'for $200 of associating with on ordinary coca-• C
"Well, they're people I wouldn't think
shins, but of course—" • •
, a triangular strip.of 'and 14 inches by 0
'Oli, edertairtiv. ' Where do you geP',
inches,' and •eomprisl,',.; 40 Square inches, '
your vegetables?"
' at the north-east err 'ter of One Hundred "From the city."
and Forty -Ninth street and Third ave. "And yeti!' water?" .
nue.; New York. Mr. Davie expects to And
the 'nearest well."
derive an income of about $1,000 a year
''Typhoid?" . •
front this investmeet. As the par 1 '
. ce is .. .
occupy the eidewitlk to ' the stoop line, '' 4VPIribebea7st:IY:".
a corner one, its owner' has the right to ..'
Which would give him a space 6 nichet ' ..,.w.Behart are you ou golog: fori!,
by 5 .feet 'fronting in Third avenue, and • "Two reasons. Because 1 can't afford
14 incliee by 5. feet'in One Hundred and to and My. wife wants ..to."—"Life."
Fo' t -ninth MI:cot.. Mr. Davies cart also . .
as mercury will .surely destroy the tense of.
. .
smell and 'completely derange the wholesys-
. tem .when entering it through the unmoral
surfaces. Such articles should never be no
ed except on Preseriptione from reputablb
phydemns,as the.damage they will do is ten
fold to the good they can possibly •derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,. menu -
get the right to build a vault under the
sidewalk and the sive of this vault could
be 20 by 20 feet, or !00 square feet.' He
can use the vault as a eubterrancan
store. The „ trialegular plot was made
by. widening Third. avenue and title to
it has been held for soinCtime by Sam-
uel G. Welker as executor. It is said
that a man stood on the plot for three
nights some 'months ago, so that no one
could build on tt. Ile covered the p o
almost with ono foot. • 'mitered by F. J.Ohesney & Coi,Toledo,0
contains no merourytand is taken internal.
Amusing MiStakeS. y, acting direotly on the blood and mucous -
surfaces at the eystem. Ls buying Hall's.
---.. Some years ago a school. teacher (13O.. Caterrh Cure be eure you get the genuine.
gan to keep a record- of amusing miss It is taken internally, and rash in Toledo,
A team of horses owned hy Pavia takes made by the children in her Ohio, by P.I.Chesney Co.&Testittonials
Toll of Ouvry, Kent (Aunty, upset two charge. These grew go quickly to re.
*hives of bees the other day and were spectable dimensions that a volume of 801d by dreg4lets, price itioo per bottle
attacked by the bees, one Of the horses them ha,G just been published, fortified, nen Famify Pills are the best
dying from the effects of the poisonous by an introduction, from Mark Twain. _,.... ass
stings, • The author expressly states that every r -...
. 50 YEAS'
, reply is genuine, and that in no case • EXPERIENGe
ia To prove to yell that A
.1 V t • ' has there beeit any tampering• with the ti i a1.4 lc
S3arbour -Perry in "Critic." •
es.4ntiPitnsdItitb &ma. 'form -tee • Originals; . ... „
and' every twin of itching One child, asked "ir a definition of
bibettilutend votruding Plaglarbia, replied "01 writer of plays."
tile manufacturers have pilarantced It. Sec tea Very' good also is the definitiort of a,
tinionialh In tho doil pro9a y Our nolo
bora whattlicy think Oh. ettn use it An1 demagogue as "a veSsel containing,
gem vont. money hick if not mire& sno nog, 1,6er and other iteiteas.„
all dealers or Som.tormtaliersa CO.,Teronto
"To find the number of equate feet
' •••••••--- •
It takes time to like some foods. The
firet meal of Malt Breakfast rood captor.
atm, the taste, , has delielOMMOOs
Wieldier teltself, NO other food -Ta taste
like it. for no other is so carefully and
ederitifically made. Malt lireakfaet Food
is the meat apthstleitift tititritione of
grain feecht, and physionitte give it first
place as a healthteilid ettength giver. It is
Oa for young ha old, for the weak and
Strong, grooerso
The e -------------------------------------- tiele.n, "you multiply the roorn by the
virtues have pegged forever, and their riev. Vathritigentiler4f Alphon-
- Pi
day will never return. Breed the large sue ObtwohiWitidkorr will bnTh thi
horse that is 'useful for particular. lines medal services this week, at which
en hauling, the road or eoach horse, prayers will be offered for the cessation
which ean travel well with a ,fair load, of rain. A large part of the &It. Al.
lr the trotter, which eati make speed, photons congregation consists of fatin-
at one of these classes (vc'I-v horse must eras who report that their erOng klaVer
sot4nniv d d and
esiunluir, 0 . 00 . .
There es e, qualrit truth in the state -
went "/Ieni.y Vill. Of England
was famous tor beirie4. it great widower,
baiting 'est several wlVes."
Perhape, however, 'the best of all is
sae which cOnles, under the head ot
t`34 s le ," nil which saYs that Hetnpliat
timel or lie 'cannot bring t high mar. Y
' ket price offered. Premiums are daily will soon be complete y destroyed, rg is putting mote 'distress pit en,
Flexed for the best animals of any the& rained 29 days last month, and ;July
"" L. Petters, in Indiana Amor thus far number 6 only Odry days,
ta than another," .
Anyone scolding a sketch and dractiothot mar
hinokir atooronn our opinion free, whether on
invent fon 14 pPo1nb1y.potOntftb10. COnoonntro-
Potents taken torotorit Mum & CO. receive
eporkititotke, *Whoacharge, tho
StielitifiC ilitteEitatt.
Alitinesemoly nitisfritted weeltly. tersest ole.
swain of any e(teritifia asuresat Torien,3 a
tie Ewa Drallormsaeli erPt.
Mogi o&ffite.Cogr%!°,3,,.4"avf,d1VlaotioNgteowto tY.ou.ric
1. •
Dandruff •.Cure
Asa Hair Tonic, is cleansing and invigorating. It
does marvellous work in stimulatin the halr to a renewed '
• he toot.of all hair trouble. Get rid of
It it once, .and save' your halt before you become hald. We N.
guarantee Coke Dandruff Curs to etre. Price 50c. and S1.00
a bottle at druggists.
L L ORDER CO., Umoes„ Twos% Oblongs, New York, Loader; Paris ;
- 1
• Thosteady increase in our trade is good'proorof the feet_ that, our goode ritirlot
our prime lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We meteafacture furniture Cut a large scale and eau afford to eell cheap, It you bar"
from xis, we Rave for you the proilirwhich, in:other Cases, has to be added hi
the retail dealer.. . .,„
Thig Week we have ptieSed fia0 stook smile ot our new destgae. Spate will not.
us to quote prieee, but come end see for yourself whst Snap We have to offer,
• ftemember—we are deterteined that our vricee shall be the °went in the trade.
In this department our stook is complete, and we have' undoubtedly the best fano*
outfit in the countybunt:moss tire 1,'.ow as the lowed.
1311.0ADFOOT BOX & CO* SAW. ChIdIej?
P• —sight:Ana iltttidoy Ogg ettended, to by calling At 3. W. Midleyoe, Ems
Direotor) resides