HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-08, Page 5ovr Tb,e New Bra to new subscribers, atrial trip to the end ofthe year, See Fred T. Jackson * „ for Solid • Don't Blame Your Feet If they ache, Tempe -tying to be sure. But why confound Jae effect with camel The fault is in the Shoes Better get a pair of ‘Ilagar Shoes from J ACKSON, then you'll have coml. 33est Shoe VaLtieS l'Tlices the place of all dressing' s which. or 2U !EPP e,I,ThIPPSYN flW ERA Auzust 8th 19412 Leather Shoes. Vat ,15 tZie p o foi-PN4 Sdaahliatv. "A/gold 4 /..•.*****. ' I "" • Nvoth SPOitTS Attrr1ttemt41$ ,141141000011000000000.100•00400 lificKinu,ora it Co•41.16. . DOWnItiO, On Friday Afternoon of UM week three ingly bout on the green with the Clinton Bow- rbake drove over from Seetorth for 0 friend - Jere, arriving here about four o'olook. It Equalfanned by a cooling breeze that was blowing wag an ideal doy. The mu slitughlict woe et the time,and withplenty of refreshments toattendance. The lawn wito in a splendid ;; at hand, a ,good time wee spent by all in ; condition and no trouble was experienced Shinola ed position. Our Seafortli friende, though t in piecing the bowls by our boys in a covet - button by 22 points was duo to Abort ende; • the keennese of t1;e green Parrying their bowls beyond the kitty. Following \\\ are - Fora quick and the players with some: - lasting shine. SHINOI411, the modern 'Waterproof fort as well as style, fit and wear. as -e $hoe Polish I injure the leathar and sea e oft 31:1 Town . Shinola btvnishes theactual leather leav- All sizes and btyles forMen$ 'Women and jug it brilliant, smooth and dry so that dust Children, cannot stickto it, nor contact, dui I it. ‘ Once shined ii will not soil the most deli - Lowest. Prices cate fabric. SHINOLA. is the best and also eapest. Onl 10c for la siz d box Every pair guaranch teed ' it is anothYer new thin' ;gal thee New° Shoe You always get the best from JACKSON Store. No Shoddy No Paper Soles • Fred T.Jackson •Loatrrenonaiz: tgig ilNee: sShhooees mum mama A. Glorious Big Bargain Even • A royal thne for those who need or who will. need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats; Men's Pants Boys Pants. -Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special. discount of 20 per cent - The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive. We never caxry one season's goods into the next season.. All good charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale &ices, Our <roods are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale. liff,p4.113 5.00 suits now , . .. . . . . too Men's 6 00 " " .. • .. .. 4 80 Men's 8 00 " " Men's 10 00 " • • `• 16161:14.111 610° • Men's 12 00 " " • • ty • • • • • it 9 60 • BoYSI Suits Boys' 1 50 suits now ..... 1 20 Boys' 2 00 -Ply' r • r sr' •••••• 1 60 Boys' 2 50 ". " «.. 2 00 Boys ' 8 00 • 41 "• • • • • • • • • • • •-• 2 40. Boys' 4-00 Al% 3 20 Boys' 5 00 " " . 4 00 Boys' Odd pants • • • • • • • • • • 40 , vercoats Men's 5 00 Overcoats now . 4 00 lien's 6 00, •" • "• 80. Men's" 8.00 " • 6 40 Men's 10 00 • " " 8 0)• Men's 12 00 " . ... 9 60 -BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in same propertion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, O(:4its, Collars,Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Thaderclothing. Men's 0 Thos. Jackson, Sr., Victorit. Block, •CLINTON. MilAMM MAR MNIAMMAM 3. ROLL W CLINTON MARKETS ° Corrected livery Th atone= Thuredity •1902, Fail Wheat 0 se a 0 80 Spring " 0 80 a 0 80 Oats •• 045 a 045 Rye 0 40 a 046 Dailey 0-55 a 0 56 Pose 0 80 a 080 Flour per atvt 2 25 a 2 25 Hay goo a 900 • Sheepskins • 0 25 (1 0 50 'No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00 a 5 50 Wood short 2 25 it 2.50 • Chickens, per par 0 20 a 0 40 Ducks, pair.040 a 0 60- Geese, per lb.005 it 006 Turkeye, perlb 0 06 a 0 08 Pork, live .. 6 25 a 6 50 • Pork, dres;;C.. . . .. 7-00 a 7 50 Butter,loose •• 0 13 • a 0 1,1 _ tub 0 14 a 0 15 • gege'per ..."„‘„ 0 13 -a -01.4r•-• Potatoes, per bpart,-0 80^ a 0 85 Dried Apples per. lb0-05 o •0-05 One hundred and sixty guests were registered last week, at Goderich Sum- mer Hotel, and that number Mostly members of the fair se*. . ABSOLUTE Is ntoyin, to Searle's Block, vitae be Is giving 25 per cent discount oii all his Tweed Now is the time to geta good cheap tailor-made suit. 5 per cent. Farm for Sale. Lot elf Conoession 8, 11, R S.,. 103 serest Sellout helm on pretniseet Within nee Minutia Walk Of chnrelll 5- miles from Clinton Mid Miles from Settfortii; large frame housegood orchard, mostly "WHAM' OM, 2 good melts and deter% 2 bartisi One 48x58, with stone stabling Underneath, the other 280.0, driving shed ansi hen house AnplY to WRITIMELD ORIOR, Discount • Teacher Wanted • SECURITY, Cenuine ar er s Little Liver Pills. ez&rourn J. SlIble J Steel T. If. Coleman W. D. Bright- Bic V . Melliebael gorse Astray. Strayed into the stables of the undersigned on. Tuesday neon, a bay Immortal ab ton years. 0 sae* can have animal by preying property summing ehar ea. 1 ins, wARREnlit BROS. 1.11vorY• Lost. Ve.P.•••• Soraewhere Canton between Saturday end Sun dsy nightii, 11, Plan a purse with double clasp containing $25, in denon.inations of 1 ten, 2 tiveis 2 ones, and change ans bunting to about $3, and oto trinckss is. A reward of was by returning' same to the Naw4tus, Office. given, tf. Geo.. A. it013B. Young Men and Women sk 1\-71 OW Is the time to equip for swoons irt Where 2 • TEN 1VMM° do HARRISON Business & Shorthand College Yonge and Oollege Streets, Toronto, IS unsurpassed for thorough work, equipment and expert teachers, Individual instruct' tion given in Business. She: thand, Typo. writing and Civil S orvice courses. Highest record at all examinations. Send for information. .1•11114140 st HARRISON, Princieels, 3 in -Aug. 7th .2 College street, %iron o. J. 31afl411fl W. K. Pearce Captaloberts-sk 18 ok 14 , B B. Banniton Rev !Codeine' • , J. N. Beet T. Richardson -8k 13, sk 19 Majority for Olinton 22 points. 65 Four rinlia,stalwart and brave,went down to Stratfred on Monday afternoon and met their Waterloo like roan, to the tune of 83 to 92. difference of 9 points. AB there ia no game where leak ie so predominant as in bowling, we must lay the cause of our de- feat at fortune's door, and forgive our good President for preoipitating us into the hole whereby we could never recover. W Jack, eon's,rink, who was up against Steel,Strat- ford'e oraok.skip, was down points, but a good game was 'put up oy both aides, ',Trinity" with his dependant three oan ale mays be looked to to uphold, the honor of Ciinton's bowling fame, while our "NO with the rubbish of the club thrown upon his hands, won out, with 12 points to the good. Following le the soore and pleyere • $TBATIVED CLINTON Total 3' 3 Doyle D Ferguson • 3 Pringle J Steele- eic22 J Trow • Maier klesorlp 0 McIlhara T Trow- sk 34 A Bogert Chas Bewa • P Stewart J Salm an-sk 22 P .1 Kelly • ,A. II King . .7 Welsh W D ik 14 R Holmes, M P. Wiltse J Pair •• • • W Jackson...eh 19 A Armstrong W Lough ' 11 B • Combe • J Rumford- ilk 11 Taylor • • W Ross - • JB Hoover D Irbrrester-.-sk 27 Wiseman ' • E Hilton ' E Reward • • W Sptilding-sk 26 •• Total 92 '• 83 Majority for Stratford 9 Points. The third round of Iltokeontrophy single ecodoetitiOn was -finished • up-- Saturday - Brydone winning from Ferran -6 to 13,from Dr Relines 12 to 14; Forrester winning from Rumford 1 o and from Spaulding is to 9; SP ing to 14, and 1 et to done of the Imre a from Dr Agnew 12 ster; leaving Bry- 'arrester of the win. nem in the emit -final . Forthe finals Jas.. Irwin of Bruseels, F Patterson of Wing. ham Fred Dare of Goderioh, W Elliott 31;11:ille!ILITVILWZA 5 big Aup. 12, as that ie the date set for the line's to be played off between the winnersofthe dabs in the competition. , TENNIS. • • Our Tennis Club had a pleasant outing at tioderich on MondaytMesers MeTaggart, Fair, Treleaven, Archibald, . Anbury and Cecil Brewer and C Tiedale being in atten- dance. Doubles and singles vverethe order of the program and our players redeemed themselves from the defeat they suffered a week ago from the same club. MoTaggart and Pair defeating Dickson and -Kiely by '•• 6.8, 6-4, 6-4. McTaggart won both sets Of singles from Dickson. Aubury Brewer wen single by default, Cecil lost to Robertson, Treleavento Shannon Charlie Tisdale to Pritchard. The most'interesting and hot. Ip contested game of the day was the doube les between Robertson and Gordon of God- , . eriCh. and Cecil and Aubury Brewer for Clinton. The alamety withwhich these two little fellows handled their raCkete,. • though toeing, showed they were able to uphold their end against.great odde.. • ' Clinton'ilGun Club went up to Goderioh on Monday to Brand the spend the clay and have a shoot with the local Club of •that town, There was a large turn out, 18 go- ing from here, beeides nfitober of sports who went up to witness the events. The team competition was the Main feature, Clinton out of a total of 825, getting .226, and Goderich 208. The team say they were royally entertained, having to keep their money in their pockets from the time they arrived until departing.not oven horse feed being allowed to be paid for. lat event -40 birde per man. -Ball /, Hovey 9, Morritth 6, Fair 6, Forrester 5, Dr UM- • Teacher Wanted for S. S. Ifo IT. Ashiteld and West We.weneeh, for the term ks beg! unit. g August ifith, 1902. Applieatione will no re. caved by SeetetArY to August 9 Appli. ("ante will please state eatery end otialifiea. tion Seer. ei Duagatinott, Ont. • ,41( ClintonP. O. Auguet ' Mint Sear Signature et • • . See Pao.Simile Wrapper Below. . - I 'Very einidl end WI easy to take its Eagan. FOR ilEADACNE., 4.0'ARTEKS 4 FOR DIZZINESS. .., i. r 4' . '' '• IITTwit.ER mtbifil TOLOI: IL IDS. HLIVES.ES1' :'6'e v l'1LLS' FE:: tufniii°141* ' ...,-- '.f) ... ''L° '': f...( FOR THE tOWiPLEX111111 211,:t..11Pc:alr vOge:x;;'Vr ,..A"e0,--te,:le.e6. CURE Slc;77-11-A'.. "••••••,e - (11COVirT Haying bought 'out the Harnese baginese of A. MoBRIEN, is go - big to sell Trunks,Valises,Dustere Itues•and everything in ohnneotiOn With the trade -Good and Cheap, • Light Harness a speelaltY Call and deal and / will nee yen Well. • • al • • I Huron 108.0 tioors 1vest of /4'evr. .combe's Clinton. Wanted! We want as 'many, farm- • ers as.can make it eon Yen - lent to come in and take a barrel rf Rodpath's Gran? ulated sugar, as we are crowdedwith it,and some of our friends complain, if we store it on the street, so we *ill Sell it for $8.85 per hundred Is, by the barrel, to make room for ' our next co. Teacher Wanted. Still "ring Of course we will deliver Late of Toronto, btu opened a ounton Pone sallow' for Diricon NO. 4 a LAtiN-Dize7,20,.. • • . it any plate in town Perth. MOdel Terns aii long as needed, bandit teacher hold rig at mid a Siksond _ Claim Otirtiaeotts. Bawl' Vin Do n't°1A>.• on °Mario atreel.mortialrora & liioNeil'e 11138:ditOemlitY • Dm.. and is prepared to exeouto all orderr In hie ,. V' Amply with t -etlinottieds, un to Aug. Oth • ...auto, tetra her Wanted for the PrInlari . WO, for the balatte0 of the year. Appliminte line. frothily washing 60o per dozer, IA r to state Warr, WO:Whence WO Ohellilenti°0 Shirts So etkolt. Ali work will bo tailed for 4, T. °Wei .A.PPliefitio)21 reeelved OUNIfitulattaeth ., . fillibite Alt! delivered, Work soaraoteed, Orders J.A. 'O. d., Our telephone mother iv 40 Mee 9, 1.4rahant 5, Ruts= 6, Molvor 6, Dodds 9, Ottutelon 10, 'Natal 9, Watson 8, Itougvie 7, Shannon 1, Davis 5, Jim:Arson 3, leyninnds 4, Bright 7, Downs 8, Clinton 71. Goderich 58, 2nd event -team match, 25 birds per man-Godericht Butson 16, Wat- son 21, MoIvor 14, Naftel 17, Rougvie 12, W Retain 16, Shannon 16, _Saundere 18, Davie 15, Garrey/ 10, ildesson 20, V Naftel 7, Thompson 14, MoDirmid 12, --Total 203. Clintont-Llantelon 18, Hovey 16, Graham 17, Morrish 14. Helinee 24, Ball 17, Dodds 21, Brigot 20, N Fair 14, Spooner 16, Forr- ester 17, Downs 9, Ireland. 14, jaokeon 9. Total 226. sia event -10 birds per man -- Only principal Boores being registered, others ranging from 7 downi-Dodds 10, Centel= 9, novey 8, Bright 8.. L return inateh will be held in Clinton on Labor Day. ; Prot A. II. 'Shrieves 'of Windsor, Ont. inrers93reinato°%; oartoPprpiianegoofttliheOtVeallieeyleAreedilli: don, giving free leoturee and entertain - mein on the street each evening this week. Please remem'ber the Pride of the Valley raeliOinee are the most popular tnedioinee for the sure cure for Catarrh, Rhettin7. atisrn, Hyspepsia, and all Kidney. Liver and Blood troubles, ever placed before the public. For sale by all droggistetuidreedionie dealere. $100 for any case they will not help or positively cure. Auction Sale of Household Furniture. An unreserved sale of the entire household effects of the undersigned will take place at the residence. Albert St., -Clinton, . -ON-- . SATURDAY, . AUGUST .10. • at '2 p, in. TERMS CASH • • D, DICKINSON, • 3. E. BLAOKAI.L, ' .4.110t. Prop. . THE Sovereign Bank OF CANADA, STILL GIR,EATER BIARQIUNS They week we offer very epeoial bargains in Shirt Waiste. We bought s roanuftiotureee stock of overmakee at half price in new nn -to - date geode in fine Percale and Feney Muslin,deteohed collars,fost colois, some trimmed with ineertion, regular 'trio 50o to $1, We sell. the $1 .line for 000 and the 500 line at 25o. Move quickly if you, wont any, We wont have them lot3g at these prioee, I a We are clearing out children'e Hosiery regorcllese of cost, We liege plaited out all broken lots and odd sizeo ranging in price from So to 1fIe per pair and have visaed them on our bargain table, entirely() you your ' choice of the lot at Oo per pair.' . crZY I. We show a fine range of Children's Flue -Cashmere Hoge in double • Lt: kneee, high epliced:beels and double soles, flue ribbed, fast black, in all sizes at 150, 20, 250, 80e and 40c per pair, •, , . New Drexs Goods Authorized Canital..... . .. $2,000,00(1. Subscribed Capital .. . ... 1,300,000 HEAD ortquE, TOliONIO. Undertaker and EntbatImer, H. S. Bora, Esq., Montreal, President. WM. STEWART} Esq.,Gensral Manager Extracts frora Government Returns : May 31, 1902 June 30.1902 Capital Paid 740,000 $ 80.000 Reserve Vend 110,000 141,090 'Assets ... 1,150,000 1,9e0,000 elinton Branch I Exeter Branch 11' Snyder, etanater r Kant. Manager Notes Discounted, Drafts )3ought and Sold. Interest allowed on . Deposits of $1 and up- wardr, and cerapounded half yearle. Deposit Receipts Issued. A General. Banking Business • ,• Transacted, We have received our first shipment of New Dress Goods, Wrapper. ettes, Etc., in Venetians, Horneepuns, VicOutie, Bro idelothe, Cheviots, Sto„ in shades of brow); grey, oxford, navy, black, myrtle and heather Mixtures from 50o to 51.50,per yard, We will be pleased to have our lady friends call and inspect our New Dress Goods whether they are ready to bay or not. MclEmnon dr. Co., Ely till 00110114001101101,10410.141141100. ilu§t received a bale ef 65 Mat- tresses We hove just received a bale of $5 Mat- tresses andin order to reduce our stook we havedeoided to offer them for one week ,itt your choice for sit This mattrese is male of extra heavy totem covering, filled with white cotton and well mode throughout, • See our Window for a beautiful•Polished Parlor Suite, ooy- ered in handsotno velours coverings for 922,50. Verandah "chairs kept in Mock. • • - . . . •'J. SA-evenson On Albert Street, Opposite- Town Hall.. Reeidence--OppoiltOCoreniereial Hdtel CLINTON. ONT. EDUCATION must have yourattentione The • New Catalogue of the •/ will interest you. It explains about e...iktra1431:011:tg 4.614*!1 the hest Work required for et, gook paying situation. It tells you. why our 'school is the best place in Cana- da to attend. Write for it, Fall Tenn TIORNt ' BA1.1L011,-In Toronto,Zuly 8011,to Mr and hire Fred. (eon-in.law of S. Davie,) a son. BACHAND-At St. joseph, luly 28th, to Mr and Mrs L. V. Baohend, a r013. 17'1418 -At Cartwright, Mon.,july 81s4, 40 Mr and Bare Bert Devis,(son of S. Davie,) a daughter. BLACK -In Goderich, July 28th, ta Itir and Mrit IL Simko eon. Me/VEIR-411 Goderioh, July 261h,to Mr and Iffre D, McIver', a son. NAPTEL:-At Goderioholuly 213rd,to Mr and ktre A, F. J. Naftel, a eon. PA.TTERSON---In East Wawanosh, • July 22nd, to Mr and Biro A. Plittereen, a sOn. TAYLOR -In East We,wanosh, July 27th, to Mr and Mrs Thos. Taylor, JI., On. JOHNSON, -In Clinton, on Auguet 51 to Mr and Mrs Oliver Johnson, a row Op ns sept. but yeti -n3ay start at 0000 if you . wish. •No vacation:J. We have j 12 Teachers and 100 Typewriting roaohinee.to place at your disposal. aced reealts certain. , • W. 11., Shaw', Principal t Twig areerrr4d Sts, Toronto: +44444444-4•44.4 ..CA.N.AD MAN TO. 20,000 Farm a' r In Laborers' Labor ers Evasions Wanted _ SECOND ObABS Will be run to Statione on O. P. R. in Mhnitobii and Amami - bola, West, South-west and liertikwest of Winnipeg as fax Bttioose Jaw, *Stevan and lorktott . , On August eIsfrom Station. froStationS2b. Ontario on Milirt bine Toronto to Sarnia and North xcept North of Toronto and Cardwell Jet. One way tickets to Winnipeg only win old, with a -certificate extending the ti p before August filst, without additional cos o other points in Manitoba and Aesinihoia s above. If purchaser • engage as farin • borer at Winnipeg, provided such farm aborer will work not less -than 80 days at arvesting, and produce certificate to tha fleet, they will be -returned to _originti tarting point at 618.00, on or before Nov. 80, 1902. Tickets net good on "Imperial Lira. bad." • ,. • For farthervarticulare and Tickets • apiil to neareat railWar agent. A. II Setnian . Arist, Gehl. Pager. Agt.:Toronto, 411111118.", PS To Rent or For Sale. Good comfortable cottage on Victoria Street. containin 4 bedroomsdining room rlor, to Mr and Mrs David Cook, a eon. 10--haliaore. To rant Olio* sale: A.10147. to S. S. COOPER. Clinton, Good. House for Sale. Subseriber often; for sale lila .holift6 and dot on Albert St. north, The let is one quarter mire with a number et bearing fruit _trees, hard and soft, water and good stable. Rouse has Aix roome,olonet, pantrY, waell room 'arid “4"434"" WIU14.114.111,011VT, Ciint011, . *1M. COOK -4n Emit WaWalibelit on July 81, kitehon e e. tiara and ftivatet e ie NAS11-4n Clinton, On Stay 24, the wife of Mr Dan. Nub, of a. eon.• • rivnETTE-1111)1MOdbrich, July 211h,3'ar A. Evrette, aged 85 years. GOi.sti WY -4h Mottle, :illy 801h, Mar- gatet,rellot of the late Jos, Golley, aged 76 years. 10VOtf-ra nalik awanoeh,July 20th Mutch. et., aged 76 intro, father of Milt Walter Xing, Clinton. MISSY -Drowned, in Goderiolt town. ship, Aug. Ord, Arthur J. Curry,eort of Jolt. Curry, aged 22 yew, 9 nionthe. StiltikitITIV- Drowned. In 00aerloli rent. It contain*u retene. good -welt 011 101 and townebib Aug. Ord, Predettuk Ct.• only sou AntrAroxtfisn, BARGE ldraVeroleg. Irrer abont . T. clioda . Of Gee. Uttrildittliged 28 van. 7 mouth*k. 011 nt ar ware argain .10. per: cept. discount Off all thefollOiinglines when the purchase arnonnts to; for cash or more. Graniteware Tinware Shell Hardware Clothes Wringers Gasoline and -Coal Oil Stovi s Pumps and Sinks Window Giass Daisy Churns Barn Door Rollers Carpenters' Tools - Cutlery- and Plated ware ,e give below a'few special net prices for next week's cash buyers, 20 foot Wagoner Extension Ladd.ers $8.76 25 " " 4.50 Peerless Machine Oil ' " Ro ere Extra Machine Oil - .35 Go en Light ‘‘ , the best in use .40 Machine Oil in 5 gallon lots 5e per gallon. less Pure White Lead in 25 lb irons - 1.55 8 lbs Wire Nails , .25 10 lbs Out Nails ' - .25 6 boxes Axle Grease - - .25 Get our prices on Binder Twine I Try Eureka Fly Killer I Good House to Bent. The ftetne home on Ontario at. east, 51nee- tint oceulailid hylvirJelni hieCool, Stoffered Jill, 24t1t*tf. arland steos. Cheap. Hardware (311,E3 #tat,. Bug /Pliers If you are ,depending upon Paris Green to keep your Potatoes free from bugs, you may as well know shit . this store keeps Paris Green that will kill, • We have. just received a fresh stock Of Berger's English -Green. Our customers say it is the best they have (MA- used. It costs Lid more -money than other kind but we sell it the same -25e lb.. Try it and be convince s if. E. flOVET, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton , anis ansivarinaessaleseste Crockery Dinner Sett .Speo.al. . , Best English Seiti porcelain, with brown sprig, 97 prices, made up as follows:— • 12 Tea Inkier, 12 Moller Pieter. 12 Stuco rater, 12 'guilt &mere, 12 Butter • radei 2 meat rilahea. 2 (Uttered Vegotah e D she , 1 Paley Bowl, I Teapet, 1 Sugar DOWI, 1 Oreafil hg, 1 S1o4 Itow„ 12 Cups and ocere,. 8 sets of this line Will be sold at 85,50 per set. Oulmette, Londesboro 4.••••••.•-•-. .. 4.3..4.