HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-08, Page 1r.
What Ooes Your Label Say
alfettits. rnn
It Trial Subscription to t13,0 'New Era from now tW the end of the year for 25o
* ***********************000
1 the Label Tells the pa*
Times are changed, end fare changing,the
people no longer buy their glasses ot ignor,
ant peddlers, nor allow themeelves to be
coaxed into srohtising wonderful optiCal
quesks; nor are they even content o go to
etere and Pick oet it tear of cheap spec.
nolo with whioh they think they oan see
beet for a minute or two. When their eyes
eche or their sight blunt, they seek an
oriented optician in whom they have con -
Memo, and expect hini to be able to adviee
them, and prescribe Oases if they are
found to be required. There's no guns -
work in our method of eye -toning. We are
Qualified to discover the nature and degree
of any defect and properly °Queen it. No
harge for consultation.
Expert Width Repairer Jeweler
Refractionnt and Dispensing. Optician.
(broom Town Elem.
Bionlaccoxint's OnD STAND.
DEATH on H. Panacters.—Efenet? Per.
kiwi, one of the beet known and highly
respected residente of Huron county,
diediastThursday night at this place
aged 07 years. Mr Perkins was one of
She leadiny Orangemen of the Western
Peninsula, and was a familiar figure at
ale ttings of the Grand Orane.e Lodge
of British America. He was a life-long
member of the Chore!: of England.
,Previous to his appointment as post.
master here, he was a Conservative,
and an active worker in Elowlek town.
ship. The funeral, which took place on
...Saturday, was under the auspices of the
Orange Order. and many .prominent
-thangemen were pi went. He was a
brother-itelaw of W. Green, Goderich,
We learn that Mr Perkins was warden
and Superintendent of the Sunday
Bchool during Rev. O. R. Gunnets pas.
torate (now of (Jlinton)a few yeareago
and Mr Perkins' last wish to the letter
gentleman, before leaving Gorrie, was
that he should return and bury him at
death. Mr Gunne, though • unable to
fulfilthe wish.- Visite&• the....helinet_ ett_
Monday last, .
Raw Bonerno.—A bevere • storm
passed over this locality on Tuesday,
J, Gorslitz's barn on on 12 was struck 1
by lightning about noon, and burned '
to the ground. It -contained quite a
.quantity of lost keason's crop,andivhat
had been harvested this . year. The
contents were insured in the Howick•
NoTES.—Mrs Jno. Bayley is spending
•a few days with Mender 4n Stratfoed.
• Sesa Linn NoTx8,—Mr and Mrs Jno
Sprung—two of theoldest. and. most
highly respected residents of the line —
have been visiting triends in Prince
Edward for a. month, and retained a
few days since. H. McBrien, who Was
so „badly hurt by a hoy fore a couple•of
weeks ago, has fully recovered and is
agate at work. R. Gov* ,bought a
very fine two year old colt front his
brother Henry a few days ago.
ctinria Your:,
. Eyes.....
It sisiisbina mattes e
booing -eaierso, greet
gracorafort Is r0 pea.)
pa pereianeni lino
p WM ees avoided.
'r weneing eer Lone
nen etesmee wan.
25 tante per emit isit
warshr. •
cotwoRT,—Acting on the suggestio
of Mrs Dixon, Seaforth, a concert t
aid in the purchase of a bell for the navy
Presbyterton church here, Waft given
on Thursday evening, duly 31st, in the
towu hall, which was. nicely decorated
for the occasion. Although the weather
was verv unfavorable, an audience
assembled which tilted the house to the
doors. The program was entirely' fur.
nished by campers and summer visitors.
Rey. Mr Currie, Belmont, made a very
Affable chairman, and Rev. Mr Abrey,
Moncton, gave an address. Vocal
solos were rendered. by Miss Pickard,
Walter Pickard and Ras Dixon, Sea.
forth, Miss Helen Maitland., Toronto,
and Sas. Doherty, Clinton; inetrumen-
tal solos by Hiss Tarratit, Detroit, and
Misses Ida and Louise Holraes,Clinton;
instrumented duet by Misses Black-
burn, London; readings by Miss Norma
Dixon, Seaforth, and Miss Tarrant,
Detroit. A vote of thanks to those
who had sq kindly assisted, was moved
by Whiddon, Bayfield, and second-
ed by Rev; Mr McNeil, of the 'Presby-
terian church. Proceeds over $20.
Nomne.—H Falconer left on Tuesda
for the Soo, where he goes to take de
old position on the "Benefield." A yeti"'
enjoyable dance wee • given at the
"Queen's le.st Friday evening,- by Miss
'Ramsey to her friends here. Mrs (Dr.)
Smith gave a very enjoyable "rausical
evening" last Wednesday, to some of
her friends. Beyfield has fully lived
up to its reputation as a Sportsman's
resort; Saturday morning last Mr kick,
eon; Seakr. h,M1 Newman,Detreit,ancl
two other gentlemen caught sixty. of
the finest black bass ever seen; during
the day over 200 pounds of fine black
bass were caught in the.river ; T. Stev-
ens had some snap .shots taken of the
string caught by. his guests. Mrs Pol-
lock has returned from her visit to
Clinton and other places. Chas. Don-
aldson came home from Thessaion on
buslness,and is visitinabbis father for
a few- days. D, Galbraith had the mis.
forttine to bekicked in the face with a,
horse last Monday evening ; Dr. Smith
was called in and he is now getting
better: Pienics, beacheperties', taffy.
pulls, and corn -pops 'are held every
evening by our young People and vie -
Kora. The cottagers, Of Jewett's grove,
had a nieesant and enjoyable hop on
Saturday ,eveningnast ;many were here
from a distance.- ClInton-and•Seaforth.
citizens Were numerous in our town. on
Monday last; many spent Sunday here
•• Exeter
:NOTES.— The new Sovereign Bank
adds much the .appearance of our
town. Miss L. Hueston is iraproying•
rapidly and We hope she, Will soon be
well again. ?dies Ella Morlock is visit-
ing friend's in Mitchell and Seaforth,
Misses Rose and Elsie Sutton are home
from Detroit for their holidays. A
number from town are spending their
vacation at the Bend. .Mrs E _Snell
returned home on Monday ening,
after after a few days visit with friends in
London. Miss Jennie Friendis visiting
relatives in town. Misses • Ida and
Mabel Newton, •Witicisor, are visiting
friende in town. Roy Heitman has re-
turned to London after a pleasant visit
with his cousin. Misses Edith, Lottie,
Millie, and Georgie Etynditlatt have re-
turned kora the•Bend after a • week's
outing. Mr and Airs Genild,London,
are spending a .few days with Mr
Goald's parents. Miss Yager has re-
turned after *a Weekti visit with friends
n Clandebaye .and St. Alle,rys. The
Jemes street Methodist church, held
its annual Sunday School :picnic at
Grand Bend on Wednescletr, Aug: Oth.
Geo. Vosper and Frank Sweet,Toronto,
e spending a few days at their homes
h e. Miss Bena. Dodds has r.etlirced
aft et, visit with Menne in Mount
Forest and Hartiston..
• Colborne
n VierriNO.—Mies Edith Tebbutt, God-
o wgre roof. Miss t: el3Pfme ms :MI SeAsagirni :lei:see° Zmandfleotrorytte, hi:* et icnwP;a Zur li. tratliatit
resent a few cleye with her parents in
"IF%nYiele•lagZ TUE SEASON. --The Wet Of
the whistle and the familiar hum
of the ihreshermas heard on 'Wednes•
clay for the drat time in this vicinity
this year when F. MeCartneyseperated
thegolden grain for T. Churchill. Mr
McCartney has the same assistance as
last year,his brother Geo, and J. ()ante,
101a. • ' ' '
TO THE FRONT. -,T. R. Courtice
arrived home last week from uncle
Sam's dornains,where he has been at-
tending the Ohio Wesleyan University.
It is gratifying to know that a Canal,
dian boy has once Mere carried or the
la,urele. He stood at the head of his
year in. Latin and Elocutimeand took
second placeio Old Testament Exigesie.
Fume Tan QUEEN CITY. --The many
friends of Fred Stanley, Toronto, were
glad to see his smiling face once more
in Our village. •Since he was last here
_the world appears to have used hini
welhfor he carries a good many pounds
more of avoirdupois. Moreover he has
succumbed to the wiles of Cepid,tor he
brought With him a charming young
Toronto lady, to whom he was married
on Feb. 15th. Her maiden name was
Miss Minerva Cativo. Mr Stanley has
charge of the Gent's Furnishing depart-
ment of T. S. Lobb's large store • on
Queen street. hest, Toronto. He has
been with the firm for over three years,
and the fact that he has held teat im-
portant position with them is evidence
of his proclivities as a manager and A
salesman; Mr and Mrs Stanley return.
ed to Toronte on Teesclar
thetenort—The first quarterly meeting
ofthe Conference year in con aection
with the circuit was held here in the
Methodiet church, on Sunday last.
Veers Was is large representation from
the various appointraente, an I a great
number participated in the Sacrament
of the Lord's Sapper. In the evening
the pastor preached an excellent ser-
mon on olhe Final. Judgment in the
Light of Modern Science. Some; ex.
tensive repairs are ContemplisTell in
connection with the church,and for the
:Peke few. weeks theaegvices will likeiy,
be conducted In the basement:" - 'Rev,
A. K. Birks, B. A. L. ..isi. B., of Col.
borneSt. MethodiegC church, London,
will have charge of. the erotic here far
the next two weeks ; the intstor will
take his charge in London for the same
time. - The regular meeting of the
League was held on Monday evening;
the subject, "The pan. tor Separation,"
was taken by Nelson Tretvatthe e a
Consecration service"' followed. 'rhe
Quarterly Official Board meet on Mon-
day evening and found the 1113942CeS Lf
the church in a very satisfactory con-
dition. , . '
Teta YOuRel lioPEFOLS.--. Holidays
are.good bot they sometimes reveal a
side of human nature, especiellv in the
young, that. is -often thought to be ab -
stmt. Many intents arealo. doubteglad
when "Johnnie can go off to the :layer,
haVe.a. good din and an excellent day's
snort.' They supply him with a good
substantial lunch,fish-hooks in abun-
darice and the ti urn e r oti a little erticlee
requisit for a day's outing. But d'ohnnie
provided what they, overtooked,namely,
tobacco in one form or &tether. Antrim-
ber of boys, none exceeding twelve
years of ege,from Clinton, were spend-
ing the civic tfolidey on Foi raster's fiats
and their appearance going norne,(they
were walking,) was not of the kind, to
cause their parents' bosonis to swell
with pritle.e Wi theasn wither of dilapi-
dated looking doge they were trudging
back to towo, some with Cigarettes,
others with cleats, but the Climax was
reached ivben the smallest cif the lot, •
a little fellow,not over six years .old, ,
brenight up The rear, vigoroesly petting
a large Woe with a black bowl and an
immense curved stem. .It only needed
the oaths that were liberally intetspet-
sed with &fluency that betokened an
adept tit the art,to make a scene such
as Mephieto desired. At home this
particular "Johan e" is, no doubt, *the
fair haired bey, the pride of his par-
ents, net the sight on Monday last was .
such as to make &wets weep, ,
Scientific 'Jeweler
end Oipticien
CLINTON, orrr.
theroteer MATTE118,—The _Sheppard -
toe church, in its new attire, presents
a most attractive appearance. It has
been painted outside,ceding painted,
seats peinted, walls papered, and other
improvements. Ftfty_dollars worth of
improvements have alsobeen expended
Upon. the shed% The people are to be
congratulated tipen having oneof the
113014 attractive country churches in
Western Ontario. On Aug. 17th* it
will be .reopened; Rev. Dr. Daniels,
chairman of Goderich districtewill con-
duct the services morning and evening
and in the afternoon a Sunday School
rally with suitable eddresses will be
held. Services at 10.30 a. m., 230p. as.
and 7 p. m. Musk will be furnished
for each serviae by the Nile choir*
• Auburn
Crum Efotaneees—At a meeting held
in the fire hailleust Friday night it Was
decided to have Thursday, Aug. 14th,
for Civic Holiday and all places of busi-
ness shall be clotted. At the meeting
they decided on having a picnic at
Point farm. .those not having any
way of going See Jos. Irwin and Geo,
Paortartri SO/Xt.—The hotel here;
Which is the property of j. Kuntz, has
been sold to Henry Menden, Hallett,
for somewhere about 63000. Mr Rob-
• inSon, who has been conducting it for
We are offering a nice line Ol several yeare, has a lease of it until
^ $44ps
. At 4 lbs for -25e musinand Various other amusem
Dec. 8th* at which time Me McBr en
will ewer° poesession. ,
NOTES. --Chas. 13eadle , met With a
painful accident as the result of a runs
away last week. Aa enjoyable event
took place last Wednes ayat thehome
of D. Patersan,e.nd the,tinse was ispeot
by the young folks asierabled in games,
The queen; of Rev. Mr Small depart
this week. Rey. Mr Murdock, at one
time preacher„ of this neighborhood,
renewed friendship ties here recently.
Edgar Lawson lets secured a situation
athis tredes baking, io Listowel.
Marstiall has dispo ied of hernainerl
business to R. T. Riddel and goes wes
this weeketccometanied by her sister,
Miss Clara Tevisley. Mr Humphries,
\Valtou. spent Stiii1ay in tilertgilinen
friends on Sunday. Mrs Eph, Ball and
0. Mcllyeen, of Surainerhill, and Jae.
McCool. Miele Motiveen and beothei
Wilbert, ef Clinton, spent Sunday in
the village,
.Just think Of gotiing 1.30 to
185 nice fresh Ginger Snaps
for a Quarter. They are cheap.
,or tliaa you eau. make them
fuld, does away with "e work.
Also fine line of &led
Peaches at 100por lb,
The Cash Srocerk,
'41)gle. Cooper tc. Co'.
fo•r. Aug 13 14tvlien pnrset te the et,
Datogies-Tt tee .: here are hOoked
Oleilt for Suitei end tau. thole 23, cnt of $1650 will be corivetetfor
Dominion Government is evidently in-
tent upon giving toethe. public the
benefits of the latest methods in rais-
ing, feeding: and shipping poultry.
Last week F. 0. Elford,who has charge
of the station her, received ins eruc-
tion from Prof. 'Robertson* Commis.
sioner of Agriculture, to erect a large
feed shed 21 feet by 100 feet. With
the buildings that have already been
construeted, thicestation will be then
well equipped to carry on the vvork
intended by the GovernMent Poultry
is oecoming one of our most valuable
exports, and the Government. ever
progressive and alert to the interests of
the public, are giving the most undiv-
ided attention to the matter of bring-
ing the poultry Wetness to are niunera-
tive condition. The same method was
adopted by this government a few
years ago with regard -to our cheese
trade,and today Canadian cheese stands
first in the British market and its sale
there has put many a good British
sovereign into the packet of the Cana*
diaa producer, "There Is a time in the
affairs Of mit,which,taken at the flood,
leads on to Rune." It is the same
with the aff a of o• nation* and the
Liberal Goveroment seems to b3 pars
ticularly happy in seizing those mom.
enteatnd we leak to poultry raising to
become one of the best branches of
Canadian produets. Sortie idea of the
vastness of the work contemplated
may he gained when we know that Mr
Elford's Instructions are to buy 20,000
chickens, if possible* for fattening pur-
poses, and he in not Ignited to 50,000.
These will be fed by ditferent methods
and shipped irt loteof 500 otel,00(), Some
sal be et h sgs %IL red
resultsc o ee n •
of feeding and the returns, with the
net profit, will be given to the public
Anemic) contemplating poultry raising
Will do Well to call at the DoMinion
station here. The eetablishment of
tide inetitution seuite a tribute to
West Huron, le being the only one in
the flaunty, Or for thtth Matter, in this
pub of Western Ontario 1the nearest,
'misbelieve, is a feed station ab Wood.
SACRAMENTAL --The Oommunio
s- have been away for the past thre
- n2anths on a trip, the former to Ores°
and Alr Beatr to Oalifornia, returire
11 rred lifitruett and arthur Curry
servicee held at Kinburn and Londe
and lest Sandal?, were seesaw/ of re
n NOTES. -5, Reid and W. Beaty, Tril
oe Double Drowning
freshing from the presence of the Lord
A large number partook of' the Lord
Supper at both apoointments. Th
attendanee at the Official Board nate
ing was email °vying to the very bus
season, Rot. Clerk, Kinburn, we
appointed to attend the Financial Dia
trict meeting.
NOTals.—Miss Edna Allen canto horn
on Monday for her holidays. Miss 8
'Brown* who is in poor health, arriVe
home from Lonclen on Monday. Joh
Moon returned boom front Satoh Atri
ea on Tuesday, Threshing coinmence
on Wednesday ; F. Youngblut, T. H
Cole and W. Lindsay all working no
far frora the village. M. Bruce has a,
new blower to his machine. Mrs. d.O.
Megee,who has been visiting her cousin
R.B. Jeffreytleft on Wednesday. Percy
and Roy Jeffrey are visiting in Goder
ich, T. aesselwood and W. Crawford
have stopped working on the railway,
the Company having decided to: re-
duce them staff on the section. Mrs and
Miss P. *Kay, Detroit,(forineily of Clin-
ton) are lunette of Mrs I. Adams this
week, The Rifle Club had practice with
the new ammunitron on Saturda,y, but
fhewervweeetredepyre.seinte 9. 5.
gexetootetiehee vire
not much patronized here on Tuesday
owing to the heavy rain. •
Possineat Cmeteeve.—The Methodist
People of this neighborhood have for
sotne time believed that it would be to
-their interest to have the pastor devote
his time entirely to eine appointment;
that there are so many families repre-
sented in the Londeeboro congregation
Meng* that to do suitable pastoral work
among them demands all his time,
and although 'this feeling lege never
hitherto been openly expressed,it pre-
vails, and has now come teethe surface
Odle extent that a committee has been
ennninted to itee if some arrangements
cannot be Made Whereby the pastor
wnuin exclusively look after his Lon*
deeboro congregation. The. proposition
is to add Xinburie appointmene to
Ttirtiege, en charge of One pastor, and
allow Londesboro to no a station by
itself. The oiatter is likely to come
before the district meenng at Soirees -
vine this week. Tartiere., -Alma and
Kinburn would make.a very nide cir-
cuit, easy to look afteegeographicelly,
and able tosupport a minium leencle,se:•
horn also well • able to support it
minister, and a man • thus stationed
could render much- more satisfactory
.eiteterevieeeee.thAn under: existing *chem..
East Iirawanosh •
TAB LtIT/33 ROBERT ittueber.LSIthrt
reference Was medallist week to the
death of Mr Robert Match* of lot 28;
don. 3, East Wawanosh, who passed
away on July en, at the age of 70 .years
and 10 months, and the :folloveing ad-
'ditional enrticulare &re of interest s -a
He was born in Scotland.. County • of
Aberdeetain the town of Petethead, in.
the year 18e5. He. learned., the blacks
smith trade, and in. Deeeraberfith,i840,
was wilted wedlock to Ann Cruick-
shank of the same place. He isubse-
cluetrtlet eudgreted with his elife and
emelt family., andlanded in Oatieda in
1856, makictir hie home 'on the boundary
between • Plikering and Whitby; where
tie resided for 15'years, working at hie
erode. In *1871 he, with his family:
moved to County of Hnrotasettling .on
Lot 28, con. 3, E. Witwatiosh, where he
has reeided up to his death He has
not worked much at his trede, in late
years, but bite devoted his time to
farniing,in .which haebeen eminent-
ly .euccesisful, leaving one of ' the :Meat
fertile and well cultivated farms in- the
township. He vettsA nienther of .the
Presbyterian Charch,and in politics a
Lineral. -Loved and revered by his
fensilY, eesperted• and esteemed by 'Inc
neighbors,obligiog;kind andconsiderate
to it degree,he be much missed in
the neighborhood. • He leaves it widow
and well-to-doand respected family to
mourn his demise, all Of whom were 41
attendance at the funeral on • Fridge',
wheat% lierge procession of friends and
neighbors conveyed his remains to the
Vninn Cemetry. The obsequies were
conducted by Re,. Mr. Small, his pas-
ser. : The pall -hearers were Thomas
Brown, dames Hickingbottom, Robert
Medd, Thon3as . -Nicholson, . Thomism
Straughati and Monies .Anderson.
One of his daughters is the wife of Mr.
Walter Xing, of Clinton. tin connect-
ion tvith the above, we might add that
the wife and family of Mr. Mutch de,
sire. to express their gretitude to all
their friends and neighbors for the -
kindness alia thoughtfulness shown to
them during his long illness and in
their bete/wen:tent:1
. •
; Westfield °
NOTES. --It. Taylor, St. Helens; spent
Sunday here; O. Hoare, Clinton, was
in the neighborhood last Monday On
business. Miss A. Densmore is visiting
friends in Winghani. H. McClinton
stud W. Johnston left for Manitoba last
Tuesday with carload of horses. Mr
and Mrs W. Layton, West WaWanosh,
Anent Sunday with Mr and. Mrs
vittte;:•,,111Ifis IL bawler, who hito been
in Manitoba for the •past few years,
returned home on au extended visit to
her parents here Mre J. hioueteer, of
Chatham, Aire M. Tyndall, Olinton,and
Mrs Sitter, Blinn," were guests at
the'home of A. B. Carr last week. M.
McDowell visited St. Helens friends on
Sunday last.. A. Cook, whb had been
in Godericlacir several months taking
a coulee '"musical instruction , from
Prof. W. CairipbeLlis borne bis
vacation. Megars. Wesley and Roy
Stackhouse spent Sunday with Londes.
boro relatives.
'8 borne last Tueaday, both looking we
e and report having a grand time ; the
t- ( took their return by 13ritish Oclumbi
Y and Bay thp crops in the territories an
s Alanitolia were excellent. Jae. froote
- who has been in Mapitoba, for the las
two or three years returned home last
Ya of Coderieh lrownshiP.
d their Rime while bathing,
In the DavIleld River
e week, looking halt: and hearty.
d St. Helena
n nteseas,...-misses Lockhart are visit
; ing friends at Neettoliville and else
" where. [Slices Gordon leaves this week
: 1 for Windermere, Muskoka, where she
' 'mends staying for some time for her
health. Dr. and Mrs Irwin were the
guests of the latter's * at •r, Mrs 11- Me
' Create, last week. Mies Salkeld has
„ gone on an extended visit to Goderich,
Toronto and elsewhere; she was mouth -
pealed by her niece, Chrissie Miller,
Mary Monk, Wingham, is visiting her
uncle and auet, Mr and Mrs H. Mc-
DEATH.—It is our sad duty to chron,
icle the death of J. B. Weatherhead,
which toot place at his la.te residence
on Friday evening, Aug. 1st, Although
not unexpected, the blow ie none the
less keen to the sorretving friends left
to raourn a kind and patient son and
1 brother. Mr Weathethead taught in
St. Helensfor ten years when hishealtb
failed and he decided to go to Santa
Fe New Mexico, where here mained for
about 4 years, but returned home last
wintettwhen he found there *as no
cure there for that dr eaded diseaee, lung
trouble.aud although he suffered much,
noti y y pain u !great distress in
breathing, with eyesight almost gone
and hearing very dellmentsall wasborn
with the greatest Christian fortitude
'and patience imaginable, never a mut!-
intir, or cross word, and even when too
Weak to talk was always glad to have
people call. To him death had no ter-
ror, and he passed peacefully away.
"The funeral took place to St. Helens
cemetery on Monday, where many
friends were present, some corning
from Auburn, Westfield, Blytb, and
other places. Before his death' Mr
Weatherhead had,chosen his pall -bear
era from among those .who were his
pupils at the home school. The floral
contributions from the O. 0. P., school
pupils, otatireof _ Peesbyterion church,
and othere were lovely. In the absence
of the pastor, Mr Whaley, the aervices
were conducted by Robt. Barbour.who
is supplying at St. Helens now, being
assisted by Rev. Chas. Rutherford, it
former school -mate of Mr Weather -
head's. Their many friends extend to
the sorrowing mother, sister and bro-
thers their. heartfelt svumatb3r.
One of the mist deplorable and
heartrendermg- clr9wning 'accidents it
has ever been our lot to record, oc-
curred in Gide/4012 township on Sao-
day afternoon, whereby two pron3ising
young men budding into manhood lost
their lives, and two homeeAre plunged
into the deepest grief and mourning.
Death is always a sad event,- even
when it comes in the ordinary course
' of nature, but it becomes doubly ea
When it is the result of accident or un-. ,
expected circumstances.
A younir boy- named McLean, acted
about 15 years, who resides in (leder. •
Joh, but hact been visitinv at the home
of fir Jos.Ourry,Elth con, is said to have
suggested IQ Mr Ourry's son Arthur,
that they go down to the Bavdelcl
river to take a bathe; it is alleged that
as be was 4 VOW swinainer he lied
beeiS cirixious to go down during tbe
ISTOTES,— Miss OMR Rowclitie _bee
returned tott her home in Uebortie after
spending a week With her sister*D4re J.
G. Prich, Mrs A. Seeleyand family, of
Clinton. spent the dem holiday with
friends here. A. Johne veld a flying
visit wit h Lentleeboro friends last kon.
day. Mrs W. (1, Landesboro and het
sister, Miss Maggie Hick, 13lyth, are
visiting in Gederieh. Miss Maud Tre-
meer paid a visit to her home in
Mullett this week, Mite Ella debris
anent it feW days with her coueln, Miss
Mabel Stanburet of the London read.
Threshing bee corn mencecl In our neigh.
borhood and P. Layton started his new
outfit on Tuesday last and sheuld de
stood seitson'e Work;
' •Ar'kt
• t,
• Goderich Township ,
RESION80).—Ohas. Holland., who has
vert? efficiently perforraed the dale's of
teacher in S. S. No, %for some time.bas
tendered his reeiginitien; as he finds
that his farm requires all hictattention.
Bovintreas HOAR NOTRE1.—The , wife
of Plewes, who has been Confined
to her mote by illness, is better. Mr
Dyson and wife, Seaforth, have been
the guests of John Wiggington. Thos
Kemp had the misfortune to lose a $20.
sow the other chits. „
'Netrks.—Rey. A. Mahaffy and wife
and daughter Jean, Port higin, vein
it few days at J. B. Lindsay's last week.
W..Lobb and wife, of the.,Maitlabd, are
visitibg at Gowrie, ,
• StarleY.
. .
stow/erne esA young eon •of W.
Glenn met with a painful accident the
other day; while playing about a fen-
t:doge-Pill he nad the misfortune to get
his hand caught hiehe ceittralittpretty
badly crushed. •
NOTESi—Mre P. 'Campbell and Mrs
Mitey Cameron visited at the '33ectl
dutIng the first of the week. Mr Tom,
:inspector, and family, visited. at Geo.
Baird's on Tuesday. Mrs W. 0. Bold.
'win and three children, of Liverpool,
are Inviting On eon, 0, this week ties
Ballwin was a, former resident of'Stan-
ley. G. Graham and ).. tiroWn were at
St. Helen's dut big the first of the week
attending the funeral of Mr W eether-
head, Mitt Bryant, of London, %lid
family are visaing at the home of her
Mother. Mrs 3. hicOowan. Mesers. 11.
and T. Fraser shipped some thormigta
bred Shropshire steep to an American
buyer, on Monday. Miss G. Murdock
has bougbt a, bicycle from S. Siii.der,
Brucefield, •
Inenuul ler
ORIMMEC.,;The Quarterly *service was
held lastSundav at Ban appointment.
TheQuarterly Board met Monday even-
ing for the traneection of business.
severe storm which passed over hereon
Tueeday, three cattle belonging to D.
McCorvie and one to R. Jewellaell vic-
tims to the electric fluid. They were in
the pasture field at the time of the acci-
dent. We understand that some of
them were insnred, '
NOTES. -Mrs A.& Gledhill and fern
ily are spending a couple of weeks. with
friends in Kb ea dine. Rich. 'Welters,
Goderioh, spent it couple of der on his
farm this week. The iron -work for the
LACS at the woolen factory has arrived
and will Ve put in shortly, M. Ohler
has the misfortune to lose a valuable
haute last week by paralysis: Van.
stone also loet one trona the same cause
it cotiple of iveeks ago. W. Hill sold
nineteen Cattle toS. Andrews on Mon- ee
day last for handsoniesuni of 01350. -
B. Straughan retutned to Toeobto last
week, after spending a couple of weeks
at his home here. Misses Turner, Clin-
ton, are spending a couple' of weeks
with their sister, MraPisher. Miss M4
B ack, who has spent the past year in
Niagara ie home on a, month'e Inert.
Miss Buffalo, is home Oh it Vita.
VOrter Hill
• •
IS A.r.m.s.vs
Pure, Fresh' t
and 17iellable.
By the onuee, lb.
or pagikage
R. P. Iteeekle's
• • ,, •
Prescription Drug Stone
IT:II—For sore,,itire0, and aching'
week. but they had been too busy, and . feet usedzeir, araissetio foot
Mrs Curry is said to have objected be- :otitiontskoniikke4e..e.eargeeergewseareft
potedet, .
cause her eon could not swim. On the - . .
way down they met Fred Burnet,' ion e
of Mr George Burnet,. and also per. _ -
at the rear of Mr John Stewart's faxen, natural. • This vent-0430cm on Tneedor' •
felt far the berea ed perente fir onfilf
suaded him to go,
The place selected by the boys was
about three miles from Mr Curry's.. by tbe"exceedinglyiarge. a umbt r wilco
Some years ago attendedhoth fun rals. The Female Eff,
ed in the rheer near this spot, by Mr of Burnett left the ouse shortly aft• re
Stonehouse, Po:. arar
river takes quite a turn, with' a strong
had been erect- ' 9a. m. fer Bitefieldt cemetery. and s lima
males of Curry were • interred in C10(12.41
current. It has alteays been regarded
purposes, and the •
:hough it ratned I ineeseantig, asst is,
carriage left' the Iireeeesien, ,Ther rel .,
That the water was much deeper • than erich cemetery at Zpi. m.
attended . the . funerals were Wove' '
as le dangercue place, so much so that .
thew children to • go there bathing. Among those .ftow 'e distance whet-- .
PeOPte in, the vicinity' would not allow
proven by the subsequent events.
Badly Jewett, of Port Heron ; Dave wows",
of Scinilac, Mich., and * Mrs Gallagher,,
the boys had any idea of,
W49 the firet to go in, from, the Stanley - —
of Galt.
The bank is abrupt here, and Burnet , .
four feet of Water. lie had not much Sunlinerhill *. . .
side of the river, jumping into about
mine thin got in when , be dropped ' a OTES.—Mr Archie. Smi.,h who:caner •
into a hole,. and disappeared' in ten frOm Dakota about tsve, years Ago, and .
has worked with Mr II sMe.Btlerie
and as ha rose to 'the surface, Cartes leaves forshie home there next Teen- ,
'feet Ot . watere lie could. • not swim,
Wbo'could not swim either, •is 'said to"daY. Miss Lily lEtutt,'wh'6 has for thsr . .
.hava. urged
meLoom to save . Bai.oet. peg six weeks been yisiting. friends. at . .
• but he objected,. faring that . Bernet Detroit, Port Huron, and Chathante,
would Clutch him, and b th might ,,,rettiliaed home test week. Me W. Bee s
stick and save 13urbett,• and %visite he • '
'14thielletra.citWhcOnwteintlittetti°t,*uretiltuArtferdf"howiiTea•: :'
drown. McLean said he would get R. .."!:41:1"aq' ' " •
was endeavoring 63 do this 'Carry
jumped in to try and save him. .
Some reports say that putty never
came to the surface again, while others,
say that he came' tip and McLean ex- ast
'tended a pale to hint but he was 'not
able to.catch it, and went dawn, Mc- .
Lean then dived in, and finding Bur; 0' t e
nett, carrietthim across the river. As :
the bank was steep, and Burnett Much
him out, but he caught his anti Oder StrPoW • IIP•t$
heavier than hinteelf, be could not -left . • •
it etone, ' and 'left him lying in this '
position, with his . head out' of . the
water,supposing that he. was still alive,
:bute whether he was or not ismete'
conjecture. • 'e '
.IticLeatt. then dived three ' times' to '
try and steve.Curry, hut could . hot 'end -'
hint, and teal:eing the need of more
assistance, he slipped on his pants and
shirtonly and ran to John Stewart's, '
le miles away and gave the alexia e he
then ran to Mr Geo Butnett's anotlier
ruile, and also gave the alatabSand, then
onto Mr Cuery's,still another Mile. '
e In the meantime Messrs* Stewart, .
John Green, and Geo Stirling '• berried
•t� the river, others arriving shortly e
after, and took out Burnett, findingit
necessaryto haul the -body some . die-
tenee"epethe levee bates they-- could• - '' 'Ailfile ;v. ko64 this
. , l. sewn, _ . .
lift it out. There Was no evidence of
life, but De WOOdsi of Bayfield, was • .
:qutckly euthmoned• and worked for a
e-ffWethtille;•thiO'vves. going mi. they. vvere
...mid of hours with him, but without
endeavoring aleo to recover the body
of Curry, but could not locate it ;• ..
bewingheithe erowoarty. ClanddboYe .
Messrs 'Stewart, Rut* Bell and others'
he was naturally frantiee and jumped daeghter of Ira Bice, who bed the misa
TreaT Secocreinet.— Miss . Ina Bice., . .
arrived iet the; river, .
ing in up to his neck, until the 'others le Stall in a critical conditioa. The doe..
fortune to be attideritly shot last week*
in with his clothes on, persistently go- is
number now much in- ter has not been able to find the bur-.
creatted—insisted on his keeping outof let. whiChts still hi the bowels. She la
the water. or he would, be .drowned '
a niece of Eli Bice,formerly of Clioton&
also, as hecould, not swim; .McLeaniye
-then went in again, arid dived repeat- . , .
edlyt6 try:and find the body of Curry, '
bat could not do so, and it was not tui: number partook of the acrament here
CRITRO4 114TTEIL4.--(11/1te 4 WO
til the. body had been" in the water' b
last Stindayetfter listening to tbe pasee . '
three hours, that they found it lodged
under the bank, where the current had a,nd loth verse. Quer terly board met • -
tar's the/comas on . Jahn 17.th: chapter
carried it.
, You can buy StraW Flats at sc;
bargain now. Every hat in the
store must be sold and we have a
pretty near cnt prices in two in
order to get,thern out. Thie-ia
how they ate '
. s
60c hais now taavite a. 40o
75o • do . 50o
$1 and $1:25 hais now
mstixed Ite
The. bodies,were taken to their re. on Monday eliciting. It bus been one
spective homes. where sO short a time at the most satiefactory years in the
before they had left in the full vigor a s°181137 cftliehn
their young manhood. ` •
the p
Burnett, who was alter 23 years lof astoc's salary to.$72,5 for the cure
rant year, which is a well -merited vete:
Burnett, of the 7th con. one of the is not simply an *able preacher, but he
dence of appreciation. Rev. Me Wawa'
este, was the only teen of Mr George
most highly respected residents of the is faithfill and zealous in till depicts
townithip,and it mc mber of Middleton' i men ts of oatstoral work, and the action
Church, at the service of which he vvies c4 tbkbuttra will be ehrdiallY sustains&
present on Sunday shortly
before he by the congregatione. .I. Tiffin wan
was drowned. Ilie untimely death,
appointed delegate to the Financial
will embarrass his father somewhat in District meeting.
the management of the farm, and the 4
mine i9. tient in Mr Curry's case also....
Curry, 22 Veers of age past, was the 1
second son of Mr Joseph Curry, a well
known and highly respected residents 1
but was .the only son at home He was '
it memberof Sharon Methodist Church,'
t was his habit, on.Quarterly meeting
Sundays, to drive his mother to church
at Hohnesviiin, bait se hanpened that
Me Curry drove her himself last Sun?.
"v. Both the young men were exceed•
. v
ingly • popular with their associates,
young men of promise, neither with
any bad traits of character, and ap-
parently bid fair to have long lives of
tinfulnees before thein.
Dr Stanbury, coronettBeyfield, made
some inquiries concerning the latnent.
able affair, but eatiefied hinteelf that it fr
was purely accidental, and that an . '"740-. A' 0 o
inquest was unnecessary.
A remarkable cob:101E1mm is the fact . et---...."
thab 40 years ago, a young Mali named A Delight • to the Eyes.
Clue (brother of R. J. Cluff, Clinton,) Our Photographs, whether of the sire&
was drowned about &mile east in the miniature style or the fine pietureeinere
SAMS rival., the tteeidont occurring, AS 2V3 aliNala a delight to the eyes. People
thie one aid, on the flt;st Sunday.. in 4 etstently atop to ate the beautiful ota
AT"LiklastFale affair haseast it gloom over ' el a
1 nteresting pietured faces here ciiepleyed.
t • 1- Studio,.
the neighborhood goes without entying, ' IL bury s Photo -
aliti that ‘theMery, deepest sympathy isi
, 014.*TONI.
N'oege.-Alex. Colt wheeled to Atubst
Itt last week to visit his Mother. IL
Elliott, Goderich, has been visiting in
this -neighborly ed, J. Morgan is home
front Detroit spending bie holid ive. On
Saturday last Mrs McPhailhad the mis-
fortune to break her leg while whiting
the tow. Mrs T. Battles is still Very ill,
Mrs P. McDougall le 113N:wait* from
the bleasle!i, Mi-. R. oterling is ,sick
with pleurisy and cenigeation. S. Mc.
Dougall, vvho reeently hind his arm
broken, is Making good nee of hiSAtind
one In the harvest