HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-01, Page 9• !, • . • • *gust lst 1902 , We never had in the month of hily than in the '22onth just closed. August must see no backward steps ttken and each week we will print in these columns Dry Goods news that will 134 of profit and interest *to every Dry Goods Buyer in reach,of this store. This week Parasols get the most attention, and the.news we have to tell of. them ought to be interest- ing reading, whether you had thought of buying one this season or not. Remarkable Parasol Prices For August. Remarkable prices that can't help bringing remarkable busiaesb, aro THE CLINTON NEW VHA • ttntss ICKES The government refm riverator cav Hirafon la pushing forward the funk a fail load of periehable product addition that ni being made to the pLE • FRIDAV. AUGPS from here on IVIonday. LOCAL NOTIc•ES, Mr Be•tPan, who has been drilling ar- Idenday being a holiday. the next re. Hospital. Whin wells, hag put down ten thie guitar meeting of the town council will ear saie-Stableptso, tor gale, cheap. ap. QoaPon ; he says the eerteon is practical- be held on Tuesday. ph a New EsAowes, ly overA. bunch cf oats, picked promiscuous,. , o. . a Trieler'a are proof sate for salavai Mr F. IL MeGugan, manager G,T.R. 111 from a field on the farm of Fair terms. Apply to J,RIDOUT or oecomnenied by his staff, passed roe., measured 54 feet in length. . 0. (Lease:A Minton trough here en Friday op a tour a xt, Bradford, • • who luxe been ern. atentattes orainutated below regular whole- ployed with Mr J. Rand, blacksmith, We are sum leadme in sugar by selling inspection. sale price to maks room for our near •,-.. Mrs tiall was called to West WaWft• fee some tie, has entered into part - W. tr. G'Xrax, nosh last week, to nur4e a friend there nership with him. WW1 anintS• a eoat four weeks. , who is lit ; she -expecte to be away for ,TA; 3.11olloway's staff and family and CIVIO ROLIDAY.—Round trip We are sorry to Wain that Mrs via. panted by Smith Kitty, picnicked at R. Down' staff and•family: accorn- tickete ypill be sold by'e. T. B,.at singlet win Sly, Of the Uuron road east, is on Beyfield iNednesday. fir.,e-class fare. Tickets good gob's( by the siek Bet and not hnproving as her n. n3, trains Auv. 2nd, all trains Aug. friends would like to see her. She is a Mr Blackwell, the well known horse 3111 and 4th ; good returning by ell daughter of Mr W. Smithson, buyer of London, Was here early this heoomrsees.back to - trains up to and including Aug. 5th. Me MeAllister, who formerly taught wdaeyeka'udEpterPuepeattifetwn BAND CONORRT..—The. open ale at Londesbore, but has lately been at- Ni Fred Loot is offering his house cqncert given on Tbru edgy evening, on tending the Normal at Loudon, where R -creation Park, by the 33rd Battalion he succeeded. in passing the examina- for sale as be is desirous of moving litnd.wbs well attended and ;vas a, good 'inn, has secured a echool near Tees- beck to'hlictrigan. Should be sell, be • 1.1 concer t. The program was a choice water. wallocate near Port Hurou• one, severAl pieces beipg particularly We•rnentioned last week the fact Mrs Bell, who has been a resident of fine. , that's young lady 18 years of age had Seaford' for sae time, has sold her ' • • ROUSE OF REFUGE —Mr Freera, never been on a railroad train. The says tbe inmates are kept busy jutt statment does not hold good any now, harvesting the crops on the fare.. longer, as the young lady went on the Rev. Mr Manning took the 1401 tie 5.5. excursion, and thought the ex - services on Sunday Is,st for the first patience was delightful. time they are taken by Mr Geo. Rorke Tuesda"ext is wingham . next Sunday. H.oliday, and a combined Sabbath ABIG CATCH.—On Tuesday D. B. School excursion will be run frora List - Kennedy took a party of friends over °welt to Goderich, enbracing all towns to Ba.yfleld. During the afternoon he between the two places, The fare and Jas. Steep sentthree hours fishing from Clinton is 50 cents for adults; and be the largest amount ever caught Pi ices the.t are only poriiiible because we bought lam cheap, yery cheap. Not a Para,sol in the whole Hundred tat is al sclutely reliable in every way, and priced. ranch nelow real worth. Even if you had intended putting off the buy.. lag of a Farasol. until •net season it would pay. you, land pay yxaa well to bay one of these now. • in the river, and • raptured no less than 25 cents for children. forty-seven pounds -of fine bass—said to Robt Oasts will be 73 years of age on Sunday. Be is not only one of the oldest residents of town, but is the second oldest business men •now actively engaged therein. Mayor Jack ton, who started in 1851. being the oldest. Mr Coats' business experience dates from 1857. there in thee length of time. PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM —The Canadian Order of Potresters anVaTife'''gzfni'1),V insurance o tbe , died on the 5th, and r • flivgine was trended a rie one for el000, on Wednes- day. The officartiof tbe local court at e ,entitled to credit for tneir promptness. ;Paxasols at 75c " , "'Usually sold at .$1. ancl $1.25• Ladies' black Parasols, good quality sateen and Austrien Gloria will nor en: or loose tiller ooloraneunied on strong,firm frames rode, natural wooa, blaex or horn handles, regular $1 and values, steeled hargein at each Parasols at $1. , • . • • GOT RURT.—One evening fast week MrsQ., got pretty badly bruieed • and shaken pp. She went to Goderich - on the 7 p. tn. train, and when sbe stopped at the etation, she walked nut , on the car pletf rtn to get off, but be- fore she could& so the train started tops, shunting, throning her violently ,steel againet the car door. Her head Atria $1.25 4,„„ ••• ° shoulder were badly bruised, 'and sbe 4 at3 is still suffering from the effect thereof. ACCIDENT. -00 Friday lat. as Mre John McGuire, heving with ' her ah 11 In their literary taster( generelly, thet le one reason why covered govele for guramer reedit however was:abet they are Kroh; tyles, ten mite mob end MAI ?IPPER et -1 nd selection of their reading metier e bought such a ooraplete lies of paper over three hundred, the primary reason odd value atihe prioe; we have sham in two • gents eaoh, or three of the ten cent line or twoof the fifteen cent line for quarter. Some fiction, some poetry and some of a religrous nature prin!ted from clear type on fairly good paper., , a If yon enjoy a good book and Want good value kir your money, pay ear etore a visit, property there'd taken un her resid- • ence here with her son, Mr aohn Bell. t iA. The New litagOzine$ It is said that potatoes, which now sell at 50c per bushel, will be so plenti, Are on our news stand )ts soon as issued at regularprieen. If you have not been in the habit of visiting this department of our store, kindly do so. ' you will find you have been missing a lot Or good things. The NAT. D FAIR 00.. Widow ful this year that they won't be worth raore than ebout45c a bushel in the fall, We understand that suit, has been entered against the Hooking Valley ' Railroad, for damages, in cansin.g the ' • e town. death of the late Samuel Higgins, of The License Commissioners of West Baron recently granted a three rn mth's tle-ension of license, to the ho el kn. wa as Swart's, Wingham, us eontinuance being conditiorial on ROMe necessary repairs being made. These having ttee.n done,. the license has been reeewed for the current year.. We have received the announcenaent of the marriage of W. M. Dnig, L,L B., feemerly of fiippen,to Miss Lydia Con - 1 y. As the annOuncement is mailed us from Torouto. we assume that' is where •th marriage too place ; the date was the 23rd of July. They will be at home after the 26th of Aug. at Sault Ste Marie, c , where r • og s Mi h D practising law. . . sually sold at $1.35 and $1.50. Because we bought them Cheap vie Can effect ahis ataving for you, other day. Which she regards as quite a mood's' old baby, and her grandmoth- er. Mrs Pattisnn, was driving • down the hill on the radon roartj List across • the rivet. one of.the shafts broke,caus• ing the buggy to run to one side. They Mrs Hail received an invitation the Gloria tops. stSel rode, hollow. Zibilit horn and natural weed $1. complenent -- end not unnaturally so. bandits, also a few blacks in the lot, speoral price ..•., 0000 were in danger of being thrown out. The Methodist church at Andereon, , ' • • When MO McGuire jumped, with her Kirkton circuit, purposes bedding tier-. Parasols. at $1,50 .bany to stop the inirse before may damage. and she his been asked to preach the • a 8ertnoroi therefor. This is one of the Usaally sokl at• $2. and $2.25. . • The 23rd of A.uv, 1903, is the time • stated in the specifications, by which the 1303V1 post office is te be completed. "Often the Cheapesi--Always the Best." It can be finished as Much earlier as the contractor desires. aohn Roman, who has been in *this section for the past six weeks visiting his mother and buying horses for the °N West trade leaves Monday ^,• • . • - in_ her arms; :and then inaneged • v.est Herne services at a- future date, • •• RUNAWAY:—On Tuesday, while circuits on whieh her latellusband wee jol.n Fat( uhar na driving down the .stationed, and tbe people evidently de. Less than !.11) paraerls. thislot, .ilk and wool tope, will not 'change Baytield Jed wail a mo.vver, on his sire to:show their appreciation of her their color, strong frames, east aods, hem and polished wood I kA,: Way to 11r Robert Coete, a. trait' pass- ability.. • . ,t handles, ler Auguet sale" etch , oo le ir g on the overhead bridge of 'tne r.. we understand that MieF Dell. • • . H. &B. frightened the team, and they O'Neill (daughter of Mr W. 'O'Neill) S2.50. Parasols at $1,65. . • raanway. While trying to mei them who passed her Normal examinetion • . up, one of the lines broke, and feeling at London a few days' since, will not Less than a dozen of these. Exceptionally good quality, tope that ' that the mower would turn over and take a scheol for the preSent, hirg Will WILL 110t OM or turn rusty; extra strong.frames, steel rode, Dres. hurt hian; Mr'Fai quhar jumped, and den and Pearl handles, wurth every fleetly of $2,50, speeial for • hi to let the team go, whiCh stottped Atiguet • 1;65 ' before going far, The cuttieg bier was :. , . • • • . . badly bent arid it was neeeseary to take .,,,, reaupeopsereLlseV.etaavatataue.4 4444,304P1-4-14-tefauf-lare******114St the mower to the blacksmith shop for , ',. , repairs. . • • ' • . , _ , , Aitiv and fall wheat ' hae been success- . • • . . :. full* .harvected this week, the weather.. White WaiStS '$1.00 - • HARVESTINCI,A great deal ,of thetefor. ;11 was We have just a: &Ivan.. whits rhkipts: leftThey fteeiirtilfattalvol:fithnee heavy rain' 'of the • or %Pah a car load for Manitoba. Mr Colclough, of the Canadian Soo, (a former resident) came down here this week for the purpose of buying triples but was disappointed in finding that he was. too soon for even early fruit, Miss Jean Matheson. who has been employed with Mr King, baker, for some time, is tatting a couple of weeks holidays ; she has not yet decided • , , Slaughter Sale of $ umme' r Shoes AT TAYLOR'S what she will deo at. the end of that .. . , . time.• . • . Thos Mason, who a few weeks ago had the misfortune to.break one of the small bones in his leg, has so far re• covered that he is now able to be • ` Meh's Harvest shoes going at 750 Ladies' Oxfords worth $1 50, only 75c Misses' Tan Oxfords worth $1.35, for 75e a.rouna,land yesterday accompanied a car of cattle to Toronto, , • . - The 91h has been appointed a 141 holiday in honor of the feibg's. Corrine etion......1t,it net .1.iittlY...t9 be generi;aally Aired - their Civic •Holiday soicewhere nese the same date. That of Clinton is tifoinday 'next, the 4th, "But banks The Ontario (Cal.) Record of it reeent date, has an illustrated write-up of the .observed, becaUse many places have will likely be closed on the Oth. vazious industries In the place, and gives a view of the new house recently -Girls' Buttoned Boots 75c • Ladies' Strap -Slippers sizes -24 to 4 only 75c Great reductions in all summer goods. Bargains for everybody. The biggest stieek to choose from at • . • The Old Reliable, erected by Armstrong. It als Mr J. S. o . • alludes to the eitensive nursery busi- go ipto her fether's sore until Christ- neseconducted by Mr Armstropg. who. Inas thne. at Orly rate, a.s he finds acted glide starting, has di posed of 500.000 Urinal heir, necessary in his • htlaineSS enettlyptus !trees, 300000 cvioress:i she may eakea school After that time. e00 orange trees, and 100,000gemen • Miss Georgie Murray, who also passed trees. Mr Armstrong is an old (1HO- at the same time, will, we understand, tonian, and ebrien•law of Mrs Wm remain at teaching. Cooper. • and at$1.25, $1.50 and :$1.75, all are,this sea,sons goods,. t Previous week had done 'considerable thimace,' but •we' are told that the • Just now we woUld rather lial.;0 $12 thau the 12 'Fajita', bas been only tailing.. Tyodati so Saturday yen cap take yoly e.ho!ce for a ..•; ONE DOLLZIR 32 Ladies' white shirt waists, Made froth fi ie I twn %rid ranging, trimmed with insertion arid tucking, latest styttei, go Today, of• our $1.21f; $1.50 il -o _ $1.75 lieW,-Olicii.Oe bit Saturday .. ; .; " CASE,- On• ,.Tues _ • . Fday Alayta 311,0141)11 t ried LWO•caPes of , . „ . • complainant in both casee; the defer- tirOtbers finished cutting their fall wheat lest • Saturday. Mr Sohn Middleton, of Gederich township, had we believe, the heaviest field of hay in this neigakiorbood •it is estimated that it will yield eaStly Raw tons tp-tlie scre,,sfiri nee:wife! hav: 41************************* *AAA* mcomioriarkAltirkirkkonwrot trespea's. John Dale.. Hullett, was the ' •• • • dents being Thos. Livingston sr. and • All Embroidery Special for August • • • bis son. • Mr D'ele, who is teustee pf • , S S No • Hullett, cautioned defen- • demi i against taking waler p,orq tbe . school pump, but they. disregarded it, hence the complaint. After a patient • hearing, the Mayornismissed the ease, " Compainant to pay costs. The ground of dismissel being that . Mr Dale wag not jnitifiecl in acting : for the board of trust eee. Mr Best, • beaforth, ' appeared for defendants, and Mr.Scott . Clintnre for complainant. ' MO Yards of dainty Embroideries at 8e a yard. Maable the price would be near their real value. Here is the best embroidepe news • Of the seasen Dyer 400 yards ortrobt.c and muslin embroideries and insertions, strong edges, oh good materials, will wash and wear well, regular 12tc, Ido and 20o, spacial for the first week of August per yard.. See Thern in The WindoW 'Those 95c Skirts BO WLING.—Laet week a rink Celt. Cosed of W. lackson. R. Agnew. W. ' 33rydone and J B. Hoover took part in the tournament at London, in which 43 rinks were represented, and * although they did not suceed in Winn. ., 175. of thse skirts when we There were neatly eing'the Labatt trophy, they made a anly a few of them left, aud this week should see the lad of lylest ei.3wee from London nne from and _rine from Wailierville . trod tat 0 Brampton, Mitchell and s them If you have not got one do not miss this chance to get Bruoselq, Messrs Aguew and Hooyer , • 31.11eW summer skirt for less than .half its value. played in doubles; arid won , i he second. are va ery good showing. They won five , Ifitarted selling theta last Oaturdiy morning. Now. there • prize, which was h pair of handsome r Ladiea' fancy duck and Pints) ekirts, well made, all this seasons . umble docks. This . is the sixth • goods ' . , have not been in the shop two weeks, worth all the was tournament, out of 7, at which Olin . from 51.25 to -12 504 clearing at your choice for . ... . Ion hits Won pritesAs many as 175 howlers were on the field at • one time. oraiestoeseeoe,soca=capaeosee***44,ersoareasoafeawassatalaseet, opERATED 0N.Lpeley 00=1101,1w , i a short time age laid very lore from an New French Flannelset, ock of appendicitis, but recoeered , • sufficiently to be on hie feet and it was . _ .t‘ th000sedtrweotuld regain enough strength French Flannels for .fancy waists promise to be , .neh ea aped on, underwent that try. . more fashionable than. ever* this season. Certain:iv' we - 1 0 i last Tiresd y. 0 ea, nirng hie tempei at:re rannuCt4t°021643,v never had prettier patternsthan the lot that came in last 74 the doctor thought it advisable not week. They are the advance guard of •our fall , pur• .,, tamAy, cm Recount of his none t ' s pug physical' strength - Th " chases, The They are good, patterns neW' e g r they coni i, 'vasdi' remii removed and nuertiabPePrenni short lengths and the price is . Piftye../. exits a yard. • adhesions broken up, which would sooner Or later have produced pus for. motion' with' serious resale. Percy stood the operation well, but it will be some' tune before Ile wilt be on his feet egain, 04410411~01•••••011.10111.11104.6041k UNION PIONIC.-sThe atiendance at • the union picnic, Of St Paul's, Ontario . . S . and Wesley Sabliatic Schools, On • Friday was nes es large as expected. • . .. though ahoute00 availed themselves of These We the best.prints made. No culls., no seconds., ttikoPlrienitii tin Vend elacio at the but all standard cloths and. good patterns. We've got it bar ertatton, hrt•ladseed by the town band. in gain for August buyers, and there is a straight saving of 2ila. Ltle't„ettTitarili6atlatasinagbietn yard on every yard you buy. If you are likelip to want isleace for long time. At, Goderich the An August Print Bargain. • .., scholars enjoyed themeelves heartily, litiy prints for 6 months. to come, you should take a. 1 you Wit, the spirit of union prevallinv throw:at. med Of these. • ,. ,,, outh r, e crowd returning without Infs. • v ' • hal,. There was not the sllghteet tric• 600 yards best quelity English while, fnil 32 Inches wide, eon °labs, tion ortistothinational difference per. • fast colors, good patterns, sold all over the tio3a at 120 it yard. • ' cop9t+10, /unlit Wire pleasing tti eee the 'Fettle first wok in August we prit,thits tot onside at your choke uk , • cordial feeling of Christian unity. In pee Yard • ...... • • • • • . ;, ... • ... • .... • • 44 0%. • • • • • • ... t 6 W 4 6 66 6 46. • AV U ' ' dividing up the expenses between the rtehoote, it was suggested, by the tWo Mothodi at echools that they should bear the huger Abate, as St Pa,ttre Was the entailer ef the three, • but Rev Mr ctitivo., sha".Gunneideelined to accept this sums. , ft ., - ftion, andlthignanithously insisted that 0 lin t H RS, :... is , . , his riehriol sheuld bear its full one.thitd, •q• aylor Cash 'and One .PriII0 • • ".. • • ;go taken as cash. "FOR THE BALANCE OF' -- Our *prices for the balance of /the month on all our Children's, Boy's and Alen's Summer Suits, will be so small that no one whohas not yet bought a Summer Suit can afford to miss seeing what we can do:. The summer is only started, and pn can save big mdney With us just now. _ BOYS .ODD COATS at 69c, worth $1 00 -13C.)-Y-3 ODD KNEE PANTS, 25c, worth 40 BOYS TWEED GAPS 19c, worth 25 • , BOYS STRAW HATS 5e, worth 40 MENS TWEED SUITS at ,,$4.90 worth $7.50 11 MEN S. TWEED PANTS $1.401 worth $2 are a few of the good things we would like to show you .V Our Suits we make to your order at $10 and $12, are worth a ,great deal more, and we never before gave such value; this is the resalt of being able to buy direct from the manufaeturer. We are still busy in the ORDERED DEPARMENT, and we are going to keep it busy by giving some big reductions in prices.. A Suit to your order and to your measure is better than a suit ready.made at the prices, mid people are certainly appreciating the chances to buy a suit to order at the price irAC*SON 'Mb . R S., CLINTON wslainiser A*"16.