The Clinton New Era, 1902-08-01, Page 8TUE CLINTON NEW ERA RP•OVR. ,tt 0 I poiPPrO "e Fat er Thinks You Silo 114 Chinuule Fadden on Endowed DECE'PTIMI Print This _Letter. When Mr. Carnegiall running, no more will' busy gets his hundred, bits or cabbages, we know that we have Dromore, Egremont, Oct. 4th, 1I O. yoting gents g0 hiking all over de been adroitly deceived, because we knew MacLeod Medioine Co., Goderiele Ont e I globe - by telephone, by, telegraft, we can't get out anything that 1S11.11t1 It. t)) When I wail about three years oid I v. es taken Bich with intim, in the:cheet amen:met-I special trains, beets, and y g ma If people would only reason in that item. At the age of 10 I weighed 0111Y ( I chines -seeking news at de 11.calniiii.cer; NvelanYesaebh°euyt eemeeet pentads. I Was SO Mall at that age 010 1 moat, and picturee in de are and crash . used to travel for belt, fare, My tether et craters. Na more will lynx -eye re- be a great deal 'took me to ell the doctore he could hear ofe Pertere run down and capture molder- better off in health and in:Kie- fer and near, eorne of them treated Inc for I re, e and have 'ern drawn, hanged, and enlargement of the beset, scene for dyspep- no quarters, .before de police hears of et A number of Ma, some for the liver, (Abe- s said acme de crime. Gone will lee de daye when so called "1)100(1blotei vessel bed burst and the blood was de sporting. extra prints de name of de making" and forced into the stowed'. One doctor treat. winner before de 'Met beret paws un-, "flesh forming" ed me for two event etiady; he was going to ler de wire! de standing of de league "t'lli•c " Me d 1 - cure me sure, but instead of a cure 1 kept lubs before de echoes of de empiree mites are : only getting worse all the time. I used to bave , Wee dies, as he calls tree strikes on de sttmulants in dm - spells of severe pains,fatleer rind others bad i t man to 'bat. Never again, loll:ilea • guise. 'You can't e others had to hold um down wbile I rolled 1 I get steength out on the flaor suffering untold mer. Some- 3 11 lil g•ents, shall we know more den Ed- e rd Sevent about ee chances at a of a stimulant be- on the doctor would not be halt e. mile I = cause streugth is from the hope when he woul i bave, to be 1 - excel's of Cleveden, alas! Opera stars not in it. All called back. He could not relieve me, but I arid ehorus galas will cease to suffer pnysical strength relit, I was fin= publiciti, and may pursue deer is derived from stood looking over me like the taken to 21 doctors beforeI beganyour need- ways and lost diamonds in obscuritY food digested and ioiue. The expellees incurred in my °see and peace. assimilated and d than described. "troinallsra will feed in de eweet Pas- aveanaging editors in the form of can better be imagine Father would pav anything to rebevenee, 1 tur $of Reform, blood nourishing took your System Renovator and applied w1 go dance jigs to mile stones, dein E. A. McLennan's Linament, ming both so pla s fined ley Professore of Elties the entire body. Doctor Pierce's .Journalisin, 'When the conjurer sliowe an empty hat, and at once beguis to extract from it rale- VARICUCELE AND STRICTURE 010 positive cure for Vericocele and Strimure, without cutting. stretch. 1 memento, my /Meet Method Treatment to be a permanent and ing or loin of time. In Varicocele it absorbs the bagging, or wormy condition, equalizes circulation, stops pains In the groins, also au drains, thereby giving the mane their proper nutrition, vitalizee the parts ancl restores lost powers ; in Stricture it t bsorbe the Stricture tissue, stops smarting sensation, nervousnees. weakness, backache, etc., while In all prostatlate_oubles It Is the treat. 1 e rresanttmpeaurt wexaleolurleenoltio.u. .t8hc;dpyoosuiticave4 am 1 that my' Itateab Metliod (PAY WHEN cuRE11. ' You need pay nothing until you are convineed that a thorough and . completecure has been established. It m Ikea no difference who , bait failed to owe you, call Or writed(48. Each time jou call you see me Personally, , . , .. or each titres you write it r Wee my personal attention. The numb sr if Twee 1 am Wide Bebe" inDetrolt, end. the ou.res I accomplished after given up by other doctors, has placed. me &lithe foremost speolaliit of the country. The Latest Method Treatment Guarant zed to Cure Varicocele and Strictly° without cutting, stretching or loss of tine: Also Blood Poison, Chronic+, Private, Nervoue, Impotency. Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stout -h, Female and Rectal ' Troubles. CONSULTATION FREE, Call; if you cannot call write for hlenk for home treat. merit. Perfect system c f home treatment for those who cannot call. BOOK FREE, All med. Mime for Canadian patients shipped from Windsor. All duty and exprees charges prepaid., DR GOLDBERG; 201 Woregg,;.: lz.errio.. It. , 11111•111MLINIIINIMINelIMIALI. 11111 British Credit. • Lord Goschen's remarkable statement I in the House of Lords yesterday shows how little ground there is •for the eroak. directed. 1 began to mend melt away, I fro . de leading untvoisitlea and de Golden IVIedical ings of those -curious pessimists who are continued the Renovator etertdy until last Century Club. News editors of to -day Discovery does for ever belittling the greatness of their fall, still gaining iia flesh and in strength. I will be chained in Padded cells, deir not make blood or make strength, no own country. He showed that our eon - p am a big; etrong fellow now, weigh 120 ilutine performed by members of de medicine can do that. But it does cure sole have risen fifteen oints in the last pounds and work all daylong and it Aeyer Autors Club who can prove dey has diseases of the stotnach and its allied or- faur,years, notwithstanding an exhaust - hurts me. Before I could not do any work ever wrote a book. Headline •bullders, gans, and so causing the perfect dips- ing war and borrewings to the extent ofOpinions et Leading Physicians. 1. at all, I have great reason to be thankful, copy re -writers, and telegraft. editors tion and assimilation of food, it enables a hundred and fifty-five millions. The Price $L00. " For sale by druggists, of only for your remedies I would have been who Wee de pledge will be let to write the building of the body in sound and Prime ' Minister commended Lord Gos• by mail on receipt of prioe. . in my grave before thieessaYS on Japanese poetry and 'basic vigotous health, chen's declaretion on the same grounds , et can say to you one bottle of your Golden 'have been presokibing Pilekone for ex- MacLeod's Remedies,establisheil in 1888, steel ovens.* No salaries will be paid 1 48 those on which we yesterday wee it yew ternal and internal piles. :I oan reeneremend • are the enly naeclicines in Canada which but every poisson employed may draw Medieal Discovery ' has cured ate sound and corned Lord Salisbery's own reference to have sold on their merits without advertis- as •much money as he feel likes, tree well, atter suffering two long y II eir onTercr the place of sea power in Imperial de. y highly. W, J. Mitchell, hi, D. ing. McInnes MacLeod Medicine Oo„ times m week. No poker games 13 tO ilie?IcItet:t3gavorAf.sew,..41ggiis'worth n114- fence-nemely, that the bare word of a W. T. STRONG: Manufacturing Chem- Ctoderioh, One Sold by H. B. Combo, he allowed on de editorial floor until world to Inc. I will praise you as long as I live." trusted statesman is more convincine; to, #. ist, London, Ontario. , de make-up editor has time to sit en." The People's Common Sense Medical the public mind than much literature , August it 1,902 .arvest is -Coming But before it comes there is a fruit Beason. You will therefere want OuPPlYA Fruit jars, We bye, Imperial, Pints, qtlatte Ralf (11111048, DO you went a Hay Fork,rope,e inch a Pure Manilla? Then come here, Do eel forget Forks, Relies, Scythes, Samos, renythe Stones, Machine Mend Cans. Then per. haps. you want screen door or window? You ought to see our% A fine variety -of Package Teas stmle as Blue Ribbon, Salads, Moneotn, Grand Mogul and Fan Breed. • • Do you want your Photos enlarged, if so, Ask for one of our Cards.. Terme are omen or prodace such ari Eggs at 14o, (and likely more) Butter, Lard,/ Tallow, Dried Applee, etc. A. trial respectfully solicited. Yours for businem, 1• „ ear that reason your. bedroom should be the best furnished room in &holm: hoe and braes beds are becoming so popular, that ric well furniehect home complete without them. • • We have in stock several new patterns, with wire spring attachment, 133. whte Cleauliuess, Beauty atid Comfort are combined; # • . . The pricer are not high. J. 1-1.. 01-11.a.023177 IEM x...1....ed. Xmporium, Londeaboro July 3rd, 1302. R ADAMF: One Third of your life is spent in bed. uggies Wagons! Do you want a high' grade Buggy or •Wagon ? We have the fineet etock In releet from. All the latest styles in the ueve- est colors Our pricee are as low as can be found' for first•class material • • and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us. • "Who would read such a silly eel- Adviser, a book containing ioo8 pages, •, and many arguments. To those, how- , entice Alto*. • F01) the Dai • ryman, • per?" says Widdy, is given away. Send se one -cent stamps ever, wile 'have the will to Feed and the We also handle the Canadian Steel Field Fence, already woven, any &neer Ce, Naturally enouele• the entombing of erect from 60 to 80 rode per day, it is atcheep strong fence. . , "Madame' pays Mr. Paul, "did env- the expense of customs and mailing on y, mind to understand, we einumepd 'as a which has been issued from the Custom instances of a soniewhat similar nature. 'Turnip Taint in Milk. one cv r s..uopegt Mr. Cernegle of being for the book in taper jn covers, or s•o stamps supplement to element -Goschen's strike Joshua :an • 11 near ' • Pi G L •eo. i•s, Isaac Street Clinton ' have yet to hear of a really se- ; feel? An. advertisement for more- for the volume ound clotla. Address. ing figures a perusal of the volume and his resene, have recalled numerout table method of preventing turnips from. editers will be printed in every edition, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, WY'. 1:Opening then' objectionable ilavok to of each polper. Applieathens for such,• „ House, giving, details for the, past five 'NT OK r.o.teltif 1.`'l NEW EH A Me Finite Jobs Must be written on coupons print- • . . • yea,rs of the over.sea trade of the Perhans the most remarkable of these ed, also, in every edition of each podper. . Toa friend who as 'n Lmted hingelorn, So far front our trade • ' is the' following recently published by • ' * • milk. Ever so many remedies or ture • w g to tree - of the past five years is one of astound-, There have been some yery remark-. •very . :Farmer Should . ' de veil, job!, on the Continent, the late Willie/1i ', shc'wing any signs of decay, the record The Hamilton Times • , time to time, but we have never known, coupons gets stip-tainted milk have been advanced from De man what has filled out de most B1 k, th r t, one of them to give absolutely sittisfien :•" Mr. Paul looks'eautful at her a wttile, ?hotter, wthibch wiry bamusingly people knoty, was a, record year, which Dr. Geike tells the story: of one which ing progress. The yeer 1900, as most able cases of entombment. and rescue. . turnip -tainted milk is to put a pinch haps, may not equal again for several rougn, hilly district on the west coast' be sure, whatever custom house *file underatanclinge But dee I'll tete you: What of it? says tory reteilts. One of •the most popular average cockney tourist: mos o Ject ona le practices of H of old-time methods of dealing with ' milk was 'kept, Another plan some - of saltpetre in the pans in which the coupons is for woman's pelage,. not her den he says "De mysteiy of newspaper De polper mills will never came witin a mile of' •telipplying white poiper for cera, station -masters, or policemen, may, years to come. 13tit in 1901 there as of Scotland, where a' little bit of the do to Yee141;eleyvehraethe no Use. st re' k lea eye, me, we have never equalled before, and, per. took place in the Carrick country, a thieirsr nothing abnormal ' aboUt . our 'trade, greatScottish, coa e as g 3 and it may, therefore, fairly be coin- 1 fi Id h got 'am- enediately after milking, so that, their 'table of figurate what shows dot inside side, end In Italy they put thumb- pared with the eerlier years of the gem. of the Girvan. Visitors to the quiet kirk-. law times adopted was to feed the roots ine •Mr. Carnegie's use. I has prepared a med into the. steep sides of the valley sorewe on You, If the man' is small • quennium. In imports, which give the Yard- of Mille are shown a stone bear - CTO might shave elm over the edge of best indication of the purchasing power, g . o g P in the f Bowie inecti don :--- et, year de only people on eart, besides . Savor had time to become dissipated - ere the next milking time came round. Mr. Carn.egie and staff, who will have the pleaorm Just as a train is coming and, therefore, of the general prosperity Still another plan sometimes • employed de price ef a meal will be a Iv cranks up; but in ordinary cirenmstanoes, the of the country, we find that ',there was • In Memory of le • wanto• cut off the top parts of the roots who don't want ise job on a Carnegie mole you Should do is to threaten to an increase • in the' five yeers from ' JOHN BROWN, COLLIER, . and feed them, to store cattle, presery. •poiper, wit pet:Ole-gee oe de cash draw- it ,, lug only the lower portions for the er. :who wan' enclosed in wr e .to the TimeS:' If you say . • Z451 000,000 to I:522,000,000, Exports . ; Never offer .a cigar to a stranger until of the i era init. p , po ti f ,h. f d taxi „ see, 'Teems' thee' will understand You. of home.proderce, which give e measure .- e e . .• . • . • might be E I' h d dicover ' fior a it. e, inerea e -ea er (l•duct. it having fallen in, • . Oct. 8, 1835. • • milking ecows, because it is well known " ' that more of the acrid juice which Me Whigkene '‘Ii" Fthad two'hundred mete activit of many of our most 1 - You find Out . he is not 'English. 'Ile" t rit4-fr 1' s d ft • d dam . '.: • - parts the objectionable ftever to the lion I would do •acemeting more better . hifing` half twenty-tincee days in uteen I. • FORMALDEHYDE The beStknown remedy tor Smut on 'pats; Barley, Wheat or Corn. , , • We. cam give Ton. testimonials from allvthe leadirfr or . „ ,. 6 Tvt farmers of this section who used our Formaluenyde . , A . lan year. 'Fell . instruct ons%given with each bottle. • • • Use Combe's •Standard Formaldehyde" • B. H. pg. -OCIM 111; . Chemist & Druggist . use ng is , iscover e el- ng new ships -from Z234 POO 000, to milk Is found in •the- top • than in, the dam: dat." gar was bad, and be angry. A foreegne ' ' seeluition feom the world and without • • lower half of. the root. N.either ol er waled not. You can easily. 'find out exportsll27lOffoo f0 Oi rn0 .1) o rAt et &Iv% dsullerne ,e w 1 ititernh ;11 e -w - • . . . re 1 f f . 1" d three E.1C111.ction Piiices.. Legs so Swelled the nationa.mY of 43, etre-neer by ad- the activity of our. entreppt trade,. in- . • days after, having quietly expired these systeins Is, however* found tap. . dressbag•e, few questions to If. on the evening of ,. • sble of altogether doing away with the ' • . creased from n60,000,000 to E68,000,000.. ' lirie is'a great thence -10 secure a first (demi buge,ye at A: big reduction.. • these prices:- • esta, Luie?' to him; if Italian: ,The'tirthl LIn faee of theee fignres, it seems a pity . Aged os veer's. - • •. Nov. 3. He Couldn't.Walk you think he is Spanish, say: taint Which the roots'impartto the pro? . awe of the cows fed upon them. The . that so man'weleineentioned people - " - most satisfactory method of, avercoirmeg This case of Mr. James Treneman, the um. bottiglia de vdno ordtnario;' if should .witstey their enercdes in bewailinoBrtfivn Was ,entombed by a "crush,* trouble on this score 18 to pasteurize the ewell known butcher ot 536 Adelaide Street, , ;French: 'Allex-vous ong, does your ' 'the decadence of Britint trade. -Le,s4,.b. he having gape back to get his jacket. . . . • 'I1Vt 1 d?Riti I. ," said h as milk, flit Is, to heat it •mte to a tem- London, Ont., is another proof that Dr. - mother know you're out?;' if Gerenits: , perature of about 155 elegrees before it Chase s 1 ney. Liver •don Daily GraphIn • 4 "The 3 hastened back into the pit as his Is separated or set for creaming, -e le t mos severe don Paper. • •• • • of the kidrtyt. - ••. • ,make youreelf agreeetele 'to your fellow- . • : cite a healthy condition. ' lt is not *be lege wbuld carry them,. "and, as for the A hearty.. appetite doss not always indi- ' coterades were leaving as fast- as their • -Lon • he t 'se and complicated diseases the clock?' •By these zneans you win: *SO Buggies fr.e. tlkg I $7,5 Buggies for $es .$65 Buggies for $60 • Remember these are all One own make, Which placee. us et position to; grietkanto them, as We. du not Ley any material but what is fleet chase • . .. • '•Mr. Tr email states' -"Two years travelers, Whiz will probably pay for (Inanely et teed !which is eaten but the • pit, I've 'been In a creek before hew, Repairing promptly attended to be experienced men... , . . , • . ._e age I eyes laid up *ith kidney disease and • roue brandy end soda at the next ate- quantity which ie assimilated, which deter- and have ' won through, ail' I'll win - When Dairying DOesn't ray. • unnary troubles. Besides the pain and tion. , tier" I would recommend you • Mines the ectuee'velue en the foodeionsum- ' through nciw." •• But ere he got back the RUAIRAPL ' dp, illeHITH. - • Huron -. Street,- '•-• Chute* The great bulk ofthe butter on the inconvenience taped by these troubles; I • , seltzer water 'rather 'thee eoda;' withere ef the storasee and oreane of digestion, entire roof cavedin,- and for Some days market comes from the farm.' And yet 'became dropsical, and my legs would • foreign brendy. You must always pee . and nut/item •eantiot convert the food into hd was given tip .for dead.' The 4 erush . one third of such butter,. I will venture, swell up so that I ceuld scarcely go . cht your cigar: before going; into A. eouriehment and into blood, then the filed took place an . Wedneeday, and on Sue- • , es sent to the soap greirse barrel, be around at all. Hearing of Dr: Chase's • cathedral. Throwing bedroom ineni- is an flinty instead of a benefit. For all : day the minister of the wee kirk • rinede Cli11.ti7 11 . 6 asn,:popr, arid cause so many farm wives will not try Kidoey-Liver Pills. r Precured a box and : tiere one 'of the window of your hotel disorders of the starnich and ns allied or . a, poweinue appeal :to the people not .to to make good butter. Many women, continued the use of this valuable medicine . . is foibidderi in .France, but not so le gate of divestIon Red nutritior, there le a aive up hepe,. and the work of turinellieg Blind 'Factory. otherwise careful' heusewiveri, are noted until now I can, sae 'for a certainiY that I . Italy.: If YoU happen to be In a theater certain rem, dv in Dr Hewes G P !den Ildeic 'in was begen; . On :the •twerity•-third day . -e S. COOPER' • PROPRIETOR, Gene_ra_l_Builder • and .Contractor. • .. • • " •• . for . the bade' butter,. they • make.. • The eitne entirely cumd. .. I never , took .allye • in eeine p arts •of Beuth Geema.ny, yen Ica) Dis.oven. • It•removes clogging ob. • after the 'aecident,"lhe, workmen . got groceryman• drench to see their hinter . medicine that did me eo much good. and, will: find that fareigners 'are not al- etructions, It strengthens the, !towed!, the reels and into the' open • come. Me for well .,he knows • he must ene '.firmlyeeonvieced tat if it had not .lowed to:hit the aceressee With .cirariges; iionrishee the itereeeenetches the -blood -end .• :tlirmieh workitigs beyonde and scinie of theM were. take it and give ite price in geode ot • ..n, or this egedicine I .woeld not ,be . .that privilege is ;confined •Ao. the eta- beilds upetbe body; it is e dee.b-fermine, nearle, frightened. out a theirewits-by - one d le mum 3 or leee tneir working today.: . tives. Nor should:you on any occasion mnacle melting nreparatiOu„ mailing A I . --em 1 hearing a groan. One mere venturesom'e • • other trade. He cannot sell it out -to his • These pine act directly on :the. kidneys , fling a lenienaile. bcIttle eat e.n •abtor. flesh instead of tahh,y:fiit., e'Golden Med; I thee. hie fellows• advanced and said, "If ' .. town trade, and they deck the price. en . You can send- the present to his pri- mai Dieceeerye• contains •no eletemletvbis, ••that's yam ain groan, John Brown.' in • • - . •and liver, regulate the bowels and ensure. ' theperfectactionof the. digestive. 'anti fil- ' vate; add•resse • Bette:lig these counsels •key otein'oeheint of nue hica,e•oti le'cluittY the nate 0,!. God gie anither." , him or refuee to:take it altogether cin • 'tering syetems. 'Ona pill a dose ; 25 cents • the market, and he . usually learns the. a box.' At all dealerabrBdmennen. Eates • eteueleey in well in ini•nd, you get tbrongh,youe free:trot:a oplomecemeineeend ail nercutece, . 'crim.paiativ,e quiet: ' Yon:, .• • ' .- •• .••••'•••• -oaliPc.wo°mniraituet.Zos:.• ttkeyogetirietr,e,oblievairiii ce:4 ttraitr : cheapest route for it is back ec, the Peal',: & CChiToront0., ' . ' . . . can let out Your pent-up spinets *hen. e e • . - . . . . ''-'• it was ,indeed himself, and not some : yeu reteiefi to England.", • . . • • I . No geed of . essistance; . .. trick :Of the 'evil •one, of *hem 'Alley . . . . Notice the poor - ' utter -Maker. Sne. Dr..•• Chase!s . ... .,..._ .•• .. earlobe goes to thiebother,'ithd. ehe luta • . . ' 'Th. e' Sinful • Brother. . , , The father of the ',amity lied stepped : words were, ",Gie ine a .drink" e and then; : ..•—•-e- • " ' , • ' -• '' stood- much en-, dread.' Brown's first. • Kidney•Lt Plitt . . . . . . " .. o- . ., . . • : Y. Y , Y . .• 0. ,• , com• e . - . layers . of 'cream at all stages of ripe- . " • ' ' bl et d "Eh • IS • •b ' I mess, .with streaked, sour butter. The •• • It was it. a certain :church nieetlege present for his efou" reeheyear-old :son.. lie had net •had • e bite to ,eat. and for churn is of next impottande. it matters : • . not whet kind it is, old fashioned dash • • e, and • the.. good 'bishop , was caning for : I "What kind.. of nong would you liktil' seeme days 'not. a drop to den*, an or new fashioned barrel, • jest so itis ' • • . : • 1 reports.' . ' He ". had. a . 'rather stern,;- , Asked the se:lest-nate :to whom he had though he could hear water running kept perfectlyclean, scalded, 'aired and .: The Drinking. Orchid:- , , ____, : . . a Iiille on the nerves•of the More timid', 1.'• • '• . .1 sharp' manner ,whien.eemetimes Jarred. ' , 'confided this purpose. : ' • , : •••' •••near hint. ifje • liair and beard were "Something that would be esefni for matted evitli .• the, 'coal fungus Which sunned, until not a partiele'of meted can . others in the pits,- end his flesh 'had flourish in its presence. it bonnet lie • k. plant termed by English -elndilic By and by he came to Brother 13., a lay • the boy," Was his reply: " .. . - , ever . delegate. 7 . . . . .. ' . . '1 . , __ ewe 1 1 , • here 'is, a very good , one Oft • the • appeaeartee of. a niuminv.. He 'wee 'written and. understood when the cream :'• Opinion" the most -•extreordinere , . .Wasted to a shocking extent:- and was is ripe enough to churn;: this 'must -be diseovered • hits been brought • ' to i' ' "Brother . B., ,what is the stilritteI,• "'Self -Help,' " , • - , e -• • cenditioir of your church?" demanded', . "Self -hell& enter. tmed • -the - father. very week; but be had never given up learned by experience, end not forgotteu light by the exertions of ' Mr. E. A. I afterward, And as for the p - ' 'See don't need anything of that kind. the hope of rescue and • he teas' hopeful 'ropel' tem- Suverkropof Philadelphia,w , •. ho d,uring, the. bishop, briskly. . I dttnsider it geode, said the brother. Feu ought :to aeei. him at .the. dinner- , of reeo.very,. saying: "Eh, boys, when 1 .. • . pereture,. not alt nee' milk churns alike, his tries to South' America, has been for " tvie through this I've a (piece story to -"What makes yea think it is Food?" , geblele • . . and thereare times when•the same milk some y. • ' ' t' t thenee- tell you." But lie was not • to "win went on the 'bishop.. . .. , . .., -will vary. I have had it • come • readily. tion • of 'his friend; Professer •' X. : E.. i at 52 degrees at one time and require 6through."' The exhaustion had been too ' "Well,. the people are religious. That's ,Ea13, History of nue Loghorns. 2'. Brown, of the Berbanten, Kew Garden's 'what makes me •think So." • Claiming for the Buff Leglierns, aslwa I much and he , 'expired three days aftei degrees another °time. .The richness . of London. The 'wonderful plant which . "What do you call. religious? ' Do • do:, been.: a ecirnhination..."of. beauty and,. 1 being.. taken . out of the mine. I The: jin the cream causes the difference. When Mr. Stwerkrop has neee found is an or- . le , . they have family prayer?" • . . the cream is taunt butter itself it will :chid that ' talces a, 'drink Whenever This ;factory :is the largest in :he county, end has the very latest iroproyed ma- • abinery; capable of doing week on the there:jet notice. •We °arty an extensive . and reliable stook itiad prepared plans, and give estimates far and beild rill °lase °A.of buildings on short notice ann :on the closest prices All were ' ,s stlperree • ed ze a Meellemioal way and satiefeetion guaranteed. We sell kinde of in • . • :tenor -and' exterior meteriaLte, • Lath, I* L' s • er ling es, Eine. ash, Doors, Bhndso Etc . . • Agent for the Celebrated GRA 1.11 LL ere": irti144, 111611,4foot ured! Waterloo. Cell and get prices and 'winterizes oetore 'piscine veer orders • . nother Drop m rices The undersigned is offer ng his $80 Buggies for $65. They own make, and are made from c owe material and by first class mechanies. All the latest. improvements used ane are up -to date in every iespeet. They cannot be surpasses and we guarantee them. LES.LTE, Huron. Street. . quest showed then almost every particle' . "Some of them do. and some do not." -- Y; - - - m eof fatty matter iti the body had been • utile: we eart safely redommend the "gather" quickly at a low temperature, ' feels thirsty by letting : down a tube into 'Do you mean to say that a. man may to our patrons and lovers of poultry* I , consumed, but it did not succeed in con- . • ' or at least that is my experience. When the water. When not in use the teThe i coiled up on ton of the plant. be a:IC..11.,,ristiarl,, and not held family writes Daniel -Wagner in Americam Stock veiming the simple and superstitious p00 the butter bus "conic" you will know It, .. . ' ' , .Keeper. Contrary to the general be- .ple of the district that thefe was nothing by the weight of the granules; Throtv One hot afternoon, says Mr. Sever- prayer 7 • . • Yes, sir; I think so,' . . lief,. Btiff Leghorns•do met come front a . - uncanny about Brown, the doetor who in re little salt to make it all rise to the • 'keep, I sat: down undee some brushwood "Do you, hold --family prayer?" held the pest irtortem• being asked lip .. top. at the side of a legoon on the Rio de la Yes sir, returned the brother, e cross known as Buff teaching .or Br,own scores "if • he had Seen hie feet," thee - Butter shauld be worked twice, but 1 late- Lai e- I . . , . ' f • t f ' . galetlY. , . • .. ' Leghornee as • rune), Zet • by our • brother I beinconvinced that Brown Must have • . not too Liege 8othe prefer to wash it dead trees which lin d • been ••cholc'ed to And yet you think a man may be. a faucet:re. . alley: are a distinct hrecti• had'. cloveu hoof. . - out with very little water,' othere with edeath b orchids aiel climbing cacti. In • Christian end not hold faintly prayer?" They. were originated in lenglend thir- • - - ' plenty. r prefer the smell. amouut. .Too front of me. stretchier, over the. waters • • "I hage it brother who Is e better. teen years ago. -einne of, our brother . Much water ...mastics the sweet' 7taste of the lagoon and about a foot above elan than I am . who goes not -hold fanciers have made importations. hani away. The best be' ter very often is it, was a braneh of one of these deed '. . there; No new variety . has 'ever cine the butter from whieli the milk has been trees.. •Here mid theve• clusters, of dem- ia,rn, HY' PraYer'" • -^ • . What makes you -think he is a bet- along so • fat or taken a stronger held beaten without eddieg a deep of water, - • mon- peenta del. afro grew eon it, an4d:4,a . , ter man than you aver • " . -as utility breeders, for they certainly on the admiration of . &mime aS well . . It is the safest way, also, 441488 . you ' .netg : e. . eerie of reen re -4i twined mein 1.. 11 -1 • ' a . .. Lvermbody says so, and I know he . . haVe in 'them the elements; which mot- . ' know the water is pnre. Solt to the . ' .. Among • the orchids I itoted one ref- is e ex - taste of your family, end seek to keote• ferent Item the wet, the leaves!, 'sharp ."Why does not your. brother, If he is, sure up to the higheet • standard ef ex - the taste of your eintotners outside tha ;. knee -head 'shaped, growing ell found such a good man,, hhold eamily prayer?" cellence for both fancier and farmer. Prcht ' -thundered the Wei Op. ' . this line, giving caPh set of customers, . the root and radiating from • it. ' "He has no fami Y." meekly answerer or more than lias ever 'been claimed for ' •They will prov,e „their own meeits of all their butter salted ' 4 to their• liking. the Center'. or axis of the plant bung . o long, slender stem about "one.eighth the brother. - ...Idea in Twentieth r: Jttury rarnier.. . of ae inch wee and bee -fourth . of an . . . them. . . First, they are the handsomest of all inch wide, the The lower etid of this *as the Leghorn family. Second, while in In e water to e depth of about. four .•,' general characteristics Shan' 10 Other • inches: • • • . ., I' varieties of Leghortis, they 'are superior . • I went over at OtleO to ' examine 111Y, 1 H, Inells. Westminster, t`• cattle in eome reepeete. _Third; the i Echaracter- The Del! dolls Flavor and Great 'discovery. and' evait eltrPrieed when 1 --leer r, heel eve steets Intende fret. the istio of the variety- which will etrongly . • ' t embed the plant to see the center stem Bruiebe met kette kith% cl. by li' htniog recommend. them tb breeders is their .1•Tutritlie ropertes of .. gradually centeaet and coneuIsively roll Thurtclity, on 1 Dale'te farm. The stock extreme hardiness, eepeneny whtm Rolf up in a spiralelike a roll 'of tapewatt wor-t h $100. Mr -$1143nerr Can. 2. , young. They come to maturity very . i found on elimination that tbe stem Westminstee, al -o •hsci four 'head of young. .I have had. several cockerels was a long, : Mender, flat tube, openat ewe le 'killed in like manner. crowing when AN weeks old. . ' the outer end. Mid aonneeted af the' Thee -are great layere of large white Inner and to the roots by . it eeriee of OR. A. W. CHASE% 0 K eggs that arc miequalkd for their eine • hairlike tubes,. Sr I had kept an egg record . of ie B y• uff • By subsequent ebefou ervation I nd : 0 CATARRH,1,..69iPaRit: t. 01 tht elUtseased Leghorn pullets, they laying as high as • that when the 111-1-, Was in need of parts by the toproved Blower. NO eggs in twelve months, of . which water this' tube would "gradually unwind they hold their own Heard. Heals the ulcers, clears the sir passages, stops droppings in the ' / have lied the Aelatic breed, which Make It an Excellent 'Diet For tin it dipped into the water, Then it, ,throat end permanently cures only laid 08 eggs in the twelve nionths, would eloWly coil round and wied up, Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower •• . Invalids and Convalescents. carrying with it the mtartity of •water free. All dealete or nr. A. W. chThe Mire will outlay all the Mantles, ase. They are small cetera and bear cone finentent wall, and are good forneers When allowed to run, •• 4 Tim 'intik are here to stay, .and are fnortgege lifters. It there is a mortenee On your farm elm will mike neenieetke In mireleteing a few settings of ens front oral stock end sterling to raise Intl „,egltorns. .The demittul for Duffs is in. otonsimf every day, Thee aro vent gel - isle and . hew the Most beautiful huft eolor, whir+ • presents a .bennsotra‘' ftp. .pettrance, whielt, when soon on it green lime, mem, them foveriftea evith most peopte. 'They draw attention wherever . they tee shoe% . e• Malt Breakfast Food that the pitrt of the tubs whieli had liedieltui Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. I1 Call be Served in a Variety' b"ri in"1"8"1 eenteined• WIlen the . final mil Wee made, the water • Wee t '1.1.hel.11iantilee 1(1 Times calls itttentiOn „ poured, ne it Were. directly into the to bteittli(.111*.htt"t1;"WitilTet 1/040i8e P1;4°1)9;448111 of Ways. roots of the pieta. The eon remained Mete ante and (Ienada, e. keep cattle in thee rerition lentil the plant required belle straying ec, 0,e. the hereon. le is Malt ISreakfitet Food has beeorae fatoode more tiettee„ litre shouhl the plea be , estitrial eel that tne Unit. d -States cum es 611Artiole of diet for Invalids, oonvalee. toweled while see toe,. ie extended, the #.ave eonsiderable enottey by letting dente, and for ajl.who raterfrom weak •die orchid rote like the renteitive plant, and "Caeada furnish the VV1re "for the i ea. gestion. Its concentrative nutritive pro- the eoiline le morn lurid. son that in this cram tt y ikrnerican wit-" perties are well known to phyeicaoris, Malt ; 1. ,, found many of these pliteita all di. can he bought for half a cent per e„ temily over the watele Or over the pleee pound less ir. th.t United ge ates, The Bteskfast Food quiets and etrennthens the , tiriMr4eawteidllabnediliWebetlikhr m6nlesatchobilt‘tninitriftnilyeaph;: 1 Where he water:lied been; In the latter A toeriesn g I el' .-tet . „..11.18t, on itc0Otint 011 Pi # Ni other food so quickie entithee the °age it Wilgl ft11116g l'Ilifill to toe lloit t he high "lit has a 1110001)(4 V in the the tubo would Woe-tilt:I way Over the hr inc tom k tt# and can charge cnoc,e blood and builds up the shatteted . The deliolotte health food for the strosyngstem"4 g, _round in soarelt of water that was not there than in Uattada, Where It has to tau& ., meet foreign competA' ion. Weak it mold by o'er, Grocer, ‘. BE CUM OF OINTMENTS FOR (.31 - TAR 11-1 'FlIATeONTAINS MERCURY. as me-oury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely deraege the whole eye - tem when entering it through the muttons surface, Such articles should never be us ed except on preseriptions from reputable physicians,as the denotes they will de is ten fold to the good they can poseibly derive, from them. Hell's Catarrh Cnre, manu- factured by V: J.Chesney & CoeToledo,O., contains ne trieroury,and is taken internal- ly, soting"direotly on the blood and trincotle surfs:dee of the eystern. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and woule in Toledo, Ohio, by FaChesney de Oo. Teitimonials free ' • Mid by druggists, pried 750 per bottle Hall's Family Pills are the hest 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DEsinOS OOPYR10,14t0.. &O. Anyone seeding a sicetrh and denerfhTinn mat Min:10y .4:leen:tin our opinion tree whether nn •neenteen Is eromeiy ratenottee. conntranion team .11.r icilyeontuten t I rd...Iland honk on Paean tent frrold oldest egeney tor securing pritelitg. Patents taken. through Munn & Co. receive, tpertailketee, VIThottt charge, lil the Scientific American. ,litindsonneir illustrated weekly, iargest etr. minion of SOW nelentifin jAnynni, 910,1115. $3 9 tist,m NN&coeadthroadway,N „th teur 8014 alleteereena ors. tenoffice, 06 V Ate Weehinato, New Yori 1 Dandruff Cure • Brings the grace of •beautiful hair to everyone who ' uses it. Dandruff MUST be gotten rid of first . because it is the:root of all hair tr,oubles. • Thus is no disease more wide -spread in the *mkt to/sit and none more embarrasing to people of refinement. Coke Dandruff Cure fa a positive, permanent, vitranteed etre for dandruff. Buy a bottle at yontdruggists—Price 50c. and $1.00. A. R • BREMER CO., LIMITED. TORONTO CHICAGO •• • • NEIN YORK LONDON •' PAM *'URNILTUR' E.' BROADFOOT.,- BOX & CO. The /needy immense tie our trede is good ptiet of the facie tbat our pada are tigb ,eind oar prices lower than those of other deelere in the trade, We menefacture furniture on a large meld and eau afford to Sell cheap. If yea buy from 41113, IVe soi'Ve for you the profit, which, 'neither weir, has to be added in II the retail dealer. • This Week we baye owed inks stook tome of our new demos, tiptoe *ill not r *met ne to quote prices, bat (tome and Bee for yourself whet snape we hem to e'Yer. Reelember--we are determined that our Prices shall bathe invest in the traet. UNDE1tTAKING. • In this &pertinent oar stook ie adectplete, and we ewe utarionbt4fily t eiibass nabta outfit in the county. Otirtpriees are ow as the !WM. BaoADroot. 13'01C.& 00. J1 14:4;,fr:!!filv1 P. P. .gight and Sunday 001118 itgh0d4C1 *0 by oalliu a T. %re 0111 x °O, Vtin Director) redden, ,