HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-01, Page 7rr Fat •er Thinks You She ild Malaria Fadden on Endowed j Print This Letter. Journalism. "When Mr. Carnegie gets his hundred , Droimore, Berm:mut, Oat. 4th, , pouters all running, no more will' busy IdaoLeocl Medioine Co.. Goderich, OZ. '\ I young gen:hi go hiking all over de When I weal About three ,eats old I Ate ' globe 4.4'by telephone, • by telegritit, taken sick with pains in the chett and veto. I speeitd trains, boats, and flying-nut- poonde. I wee so mall at that age that 1 iting. ite the age of 16 I weighed onty 75-41 hall news news at de cannon's I used to travel for half fare,sI PaY feelerI( lie craters.. No more will lynx-eYe re- mout.. and pictures In de fire and crash 'took me to ell the dootort he could hear ofe • porters run. down and capture molder- . far and near. Some of them treated me for 1 _ __, and have 'em drawn, hanged, and enlargereement of the beart, some for dyepep- I no quarters, before de potice bears of 1 BiR, t-01.136 for ibe liver, otbe,s said some de crime. Gone will 'be de days when blood vessel lied buret Awl the blood was . ce sperting extra prints de name of de forced Mut the atotnaoh..One (looter e treat- ed ale for two yeara steady; he was going to t.Viriner h‘ efore de lest horse passes un - euro cure roe sure, but inetead of a cure I kept ter uv e ire, de standing of de league lobs before cle echoes of de erepirete getting worse all the them I used to bave , apelle of severe eairts,tather end where had / thee dies, as he calls tree strikes on de - . t others had to hold Me down while I rolled l Qt man to bat. Never again, loidies a d gents, shall we know more dan Ed- e on die fitor euffering untold mieere. Some -1 0 mile 1 e rd Sevent about de chances of a Id - times the doctor would not be beat guts of Cleveden, alas: Opera Mars teem tbe bow when be woul i neve to be 1 311 • called back. He could not relieve me, bat chorus golle will cease to sufferut I stood looking over me like the rest. I was ft n publicity, and may pursue deir taken to 21 doctors beforeI began your mat- awn speaane. delost diemonds in obscurity ioine. The expenses incurred in my o can better be imagined than described. 'Inalism will feed in de sweet pas-. Father would pay anything to relieve me. I tur of Reform. Managing editors *Iznik your Syetern Renovator and applied .wi o dance jigs to mile stones, deir E. A. McLennan's Linament, using both as pl filled lay Professors of Btics directed. I began to mend right sway. I froi de leading univoisteles arnd de continued the Renovetor steady until last Cie fall, still gainuag in nesh and in strength. I will am a big; throng fellow now, weigh 120 duti pounds and work all day long and it neyer Auto hurts me, Before I could not do any work ever at all. I have great ream) to be thankful, copy only' for your. remedies I would have been who in my grave before this. essay MacLeod's Remedies,establisheia in 1888, steel • are the enly medicines in Canada which hut et have, sold on their merits withoutadvertio- „ m • ry Club. • News editors of to -day e chained in padded cells, deir perfonrned by members of de Club who can prove dey has rote a book. Headline bifflders, t -writers, and telegraft editors •de pledge will be let to write on Japanese poetry and 'basic ns. No salaries win be paid, y paisson employed may draw money as he feel Likes, tree eng, Address MacLeod hlechoine Co., times week. No poker games is to Goderioh, Ont. Sold by H. B. Combe, .be OW on on de editorial floor until • • de make-up editor has time to sit in." "Who would read such a slily poi- , • per?" says Widdy. .• FOP the DelltyMeth, . • Turnip Taint In 11111k.• "Madame," says Mr. Paul, "did Sink— one ever auseect Mr. Carnegie of tbeing We 'lave yet to heir of ereally re: a fool? An. advertisement for more. liable method of preventing-turnipe from eddtors will be printed in every edition • • hrtparting their objectionable flavor to of each polper. Applications for such ed, also, in every edition of each podper. sfip-tainted milk have been advanced from De man willed has filled out de most ° 4hilast.goef it?" says Widdy. • one of them to give abselutely satisfao- Mr. Paul looks tautful at 'her a while, • tory reaults. .0ne of the moat popular seen be says, "De mystery of newspoiper of old -thee methods of dealing with. ' coupons is. for "woma.n's poisse, not her turniptainted milk is to put a pinch understanding. But die I'll tette you: of saltpetre in the pane in whieh the De polper mills will never come Nettie • milk was kept,. Another plan QOM& a mile of supplying .white poiper for times adopted was to feed the roots int. Mr. •Cernegie's use. I has prepared & . mediately after milking, so that their table of figures vtlie.t shows dat inside • Savor bad time to become dissipated a year de only people on eart, besides ' • • d • ff, h 111 hav • Still :another plan sometimes employed de price of a meal will be a few cranlos milk. Ever so many remedies tor tur- jobs must be written on coupons print- ts de feest Job.". . • time to time, but we have never known • ere e ne m g . r. a g • 'was to cut off tilfbn.pa.rtseofetelte..rentt ....who don't want et Jett .on se, Carnegie • and feed the to store cattle, preserv- poitoett-w ing only the seer port.ions for It priVireges-of de cash draw- .. h de Plab," says • that more of the aerid juice which int! Whiakers, "If ,had tWo hiindred 3101- milkiegecows, b use it is well known "I don't tink tune • • • • • • would do semeting more better milk is found in the tap than in, the dee da.t." . • parts the objectionable flamer to the lion I • lower half of the root- Neither of tbese systems •IS, however, found . cap- able of altogether doing away with the • taint which the roots Impart to the pro. • -duce of the' cowe fed upon them. The most satisfactory 'method of overcoming • trouble On this score is to pasteurize the Vhat is, to beet it up to a tent- perature of abeut 155 degrees before it Is separated or set for creaming.—Lon' • don Paper. When Dairying DeemPt Witay: ' The great bulk of the butter on the market comes from the farm. And yet one-third Of such butter, 1 will venture• , is sent to the • soap grease' barrel, be- cause so many farni Wives Will not try • to make good butter. Manywomen, • otherwise careful hoUsewiVes, are noted• ...dor the bad butter they make. The • gracerymen dreads .to see• their butter • come in, for well he knotys he must take it and give its price in goods ot money and keep a mum ep or lese teem • other trade. •He 'cannot sell it 'out ,te his • town trade, and they dock tbe price on bim or refuse to take it -altogether on •the niarket, and he usually. learns . the • cheepent route for it is beck to the soap serape.' • •• Notice the poor butter -maker. She seldom goes to. this bothereann she -has • • layers of cream at all stages of ripe - less, with streakei, sour butter. • The • churn it �f next iraportance. It matters mot what kind it is, old fashioned dash •. Or neire4ashioned barrel, just so it is kept perfectly clean, wined, aired and • sunned, until not a, particle of mould can • flourish in its presence. • It cahnotbe written' and understood when the cream • is ripe enough to churn; this must be: learned by experience, and notforgotten afterward. And as for the .proper tetn- • -perature, not all cows' milk churns alike, and there are times when the same Milk • will vary.. I have had it come readily • at 52 degrees at one time and require 6.2 degrees another time. The richness of the creain eauses tlie difference, When the cream is almost butter itself it will "gethee" quickly at a low temperature, • or It least that is my experience. When the butter has "come" you win know it • by the weight of the granules. Throvv ., top, • Butter should be wOrked twiee, but not too long. Some prefer to Wash it • ot4 with yery little water, others with • plenty1 prefer the sniall amount. Too much water washes tbe sweet taste away. The best be' ter very often is the butter from which the mile has 'been .beaten wiinout adding a. drop of water. •• it is the safest waygetlso, unless you now tlie water is piTre. Salt to the . taste of your family, and seek to know the taste of your cestouters outaide this line, giving twit set of customers their butter salted- 4t to tbeir liking. In Twentieth t: ntury Vellum tt) ' TBE DECEPTION. When the conjurer snows an eMpty hat, tett at once begins to extract from, it rab- bba es, we know that we Italie been adroitly deceived, because we know we can't get Put anything that isn't in it. If people would only reason in that way about medi- cines they -would be a great deal better off in health and pock- et. A number of so called. It blood making" and ufiesh forming" n tonic " m e - eines are .only stimulauts in dis- guise. 'You can't get strength out of a stimulant be- cause strength is not in it. All physical strength ts derived from food digested and assimilated and -in the form of blood nourisning the entire body. • Doctor Pierce's Golden ltledical Discovery does not ruake blood or make strength, no medicine can do that. But it does cure diseases of the stomach and its allied or- gans, and sd causing the perfect diges- tion and assimilation of food, it enables the building of the body in sound and vigorous health. trT can say to yon one bottle of your 'Golden Medical Discovery' has cured we sound and wen, sitter ifferrgtvctlnt yega11;m: iTviii:o11A ville, Gaston Co., N.C. " My health le worth all the world to me. I will praise you as tong as I live." • CI0INTON NEW ERA VARICAIDGELE AND STRICTURE VI/ f minute* my Listed Method Treatment to be a permanent and ,. poeitive cure for Varicocele and Stricture, without cutting, stretch- ing or toes of time. In Vericocele it absorbs the bagging, or wormy condition, equalizes circulation, stops pains, in the grows, ale° SU drains, thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitftlizes the parte and restores lost power.; in E3tricture it choorhs the Stricture tissue, stops smarting *emotion, nervousnees. weakness, backache, etc., while In all prostatle troubles It le the treat. merit par exnellenee. so positive km I that my Latest Method .1 — Treatment wdi ours you that you can , (PAY ,vr IIEN CURED Ton need pay nothing until you are convineed that a thorough end complete cure has been established. It m Oces no difference who . has fined to mire gonadal,' or write en. Each thne you call you see me Personally, er each time you write it receives my personal attention. The numb ,t• et 'apes / am Wale lished in Detroit, and the cures I accomplished after given up by other doctors, has placed me as the foremost speoiali it of the country, The Latest Method Treatment Guarant ied to Cure Varicocele and Striotu ,e without cutting, stretching or loss of time ; aleo Blood Poison. Chronic, Private, Nervous, Impotency, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stomaeh, Female mid Rectal Troubles, CONSULTATION /MKS. Call; if you cannot call write for blank for home treat- ment. Perfect system cf home treatment for those who cannot call. BOOK PRES. All med- icine(' for ()nudism patients shipped from Windsor. All duty and express charges prepaid. 201 Wooward Ave., Cote Woo* It, DETROIT, .IVIIICH. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing too8 pages, is given away. Send 31 one -cent stamps the expense of customs and mailing only, • for the book in paper covers, or so stamps • for the Volume bound in cloth. Address - Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. • . To a friend • who was going to travek on the Continent, the late William Black, • the novelist, once wrote • a letter, which very •amusingly hits o 1 tbe most objectionable praotices att. average Cockney tourist: "You mu be sure, whatever custom house °flit oers, station -masters, or policemen may do to you, diever to strike them. It's no use. They have the law on thMr side, .and in' Italy they put thumb- sorews on you. If the Man •is small, you might shove him over the edge of • the platform jut SA a trate te coming up; but Inordinary eireuenstaneeerthe most you should do is ..te atereerep e• ir , write 'ten the "ninies7 If you say • 'Teems' they will understand you. Never offer a cigar to a, stranger until you, find out he is not 'English. He • might be English, and diecover the el - gar was bad, and be angry. A foretell - '3/4; d er would not. You can 'easily 'find out egs so , e the natiotality of ea, stranger bY ad-• . , • • dressbag a few questione to him, . If. HeCoulrin't Walk you think he is Spanish, say: 'Como' • . • esta, Luie?''to him; if Italian: t'Dateasti This case of Mr. James Trenernan, the tura bottiglia de vdno Ordinarior If well-known butcher ot 536 Adelaide Street. French: 'Allex-vous mg, does your. Loaded Ott., is another. proof tbat Ti Inother know you're (elute if German: Chase'sliCidney-Liver Pills are effective in • •'He aramrlend? Rhein tette. Who stole -DR. GOLDBERG, BOOM). Credit, • , • Lord floechen's remarkable statement in. the House of Lords yesterday shows how little ground there is for the croak- ings of those cutious pessimists who are for ever belittling the greatness *of their own country. Ile showed that our con- sole •have risen fifteen point's in the last • four years, notwithstanding an exhaust- ing war and. borrowings to the extent of a hundred and fifty-five millions. The Prime Minister commended Lord Goa- ehen's declaration on the same grounds at ^those on which we yesterday wel- comed Lord Salisbury's own reference Lo the place of sea power in Impede) de- fence—namely, that the bare word of a. trusted statesman is more convincing to the public mind . than much literature and many arguments. To those, how - 'ever, who •have the will to read and the mini to , understand, we commend as a supplement to Viscount -Gosehen's strik- ing figures a perusal of the •volume which has, been issuecl . from the Custom 'House, giving details for the past five , years of the over -sea trade of the United Kingdom. So far from our trade showing any signs of .deeay, the record - ! of the pest five years is one of astound- ing progress. The year .1900, as most .. people know, was a record year, wbieh we have .never equalled before, and; per. baps, may not equal again for several -years to come. 'But • in 1901 there was nothing abnormal about, our trade,. and it it may, therefore; fairly be corn - pared with the earlier years of the quin- quentinin.. In imports, which,giye • the best indication of the purchasing ',Over,' and, therefore, of the general prosperity of the country, we eintl...thetethere wag.. ' tilergeSe yoga Item.: £451,000,000 to • £522,000,000. Exports . 'of home produce, which' give a measure. .. of .the activity .of many of our most inn , portant trades increased—after deduct- ing n,eW• ships—froth Z234,00,009 to £27,000,000. At the same • time, re-, . experte Of inipurted proauce, which ehow: the activity. of our entrepot trade, in- cresed from Z6..0,0,00,000 to Z68,000,600: In face of these figures it seeins a 'pity. ' that sd; niany welnintentioned peopit • , should .taste their energies hi bewailing I thedecadence of British trade. -e-Loar It don Daily .Graplita . • . • . • .111.60.141•44m....4.1. I.. August 1st 1902 Harvest is Coming But before it coroes there is a fruit season, You will therefore went a stipplypt Fruit Pere. We have, Iroperial, Pinta, quarts and Halt Gallons, IDO you want a Hay Fork,topeet inch of Pure Manilla? l'hen come here. Do cet forget Forks, Rakes, Sotalles, Seattle, ticythe Stones, Machine Oil and Cam. Then per - bap you went a queen door or window? You ought to me ours, ` A fine variety ot PackageTeas snob as Blue Ribbon, 'Salado, aformoc,n, Grant. Mogul and Fan Brend. .. Do you want your Photos enlarged, if so, Ask for one of our Cards, Opinions of Leading rhysiciains, Price $1,00. For sale by druggists, of by mail on receipt of price. I hem; been prescribing Pilekone for ex- ternal and internal plea I oan recommend it very highly. W. J. Pdttchell, M, D, W. T, STRONG, Manufacturing Chem - London,. Ontario. Iturted %Wee: • Naturally endough, the entombing of tealtua Sanfor in the wen near Paris and his rescue, have recalled numerous inetadeed Of a sontewhat similar nature. Perhaps' the most remarkable' of these is the following, recently published by The Harnilton Times :— • There have been some very remark- able cases of entombment and rescue. Dr. Geike tells the story of one 'Which took piece in. the Varrick country, a rough, hilly district on the west coast ol lteotland, where a little bit of the great Scottish coal freld bas gat' jem- med into the steep sides of the valley of the Girvan. Visite:we:to the quiet kirkt yard, of Dailly. are shown a stone bear- ing the followmg inscription re - In Memory of le • JOHN BROWN, cothErti.. • whowastercloeedrin • . . . gramme cte -pi , err a portIon of • it having -fallen in, • • ' Oct. 8, ISO. :' • hatiting. been twenty-three days in utter seclusion .fromthe world, 'and Without a particle of toed, • He lived three days after, haying quietly expired on tbe evening of ' • 1•• itor that reason your bedroom shou•ld be the best furnuated room in the house. • lion and brc•se.bedst are becoming so popular, that es well furnished home complete without them. •• Wo have in stook several new patterns, with wire spring attainment, in whit • Cleanliness, Beenty awl Comfort are combined. The pricet are not high. - Terms are cash or produce such as Eggs et 140, (and likely more) Better, Lard, Tallow, Dried Apples, eto, A trial respeetfully solicited, Yours for business, ifanporium, Londeaboro R .A.. DAM!: ;rely 3rd, 1002. One Third of.your life • is spent in bed. ' . Nov. 3. . ' Aged 66 .years. .— • Brown was• entOmbed by a ' crush, ,• • • •$80 Buggies for feel $75 Buegiee for $65 • . a he haying gone back lo get. his jacket. $65 Buggies for $60 . . i "The 'jacket is 'a new one," stud he, as ". . ' ! he hastened back into the it as his . Re • b a k w 23L uggies ! Wagons! • Do you limit a high grade -Buggy or 'Wagon T. • :We have the finest stock o elect from. All the latest styles in the new- est colors Ourpries are as low as can be foupd for first•chtes material and workmanehip. Before you buy call and see us. • We alto handle the Canadian Steel Field Fame, already woyen, any farmer Oa ereot from 60 to 80 rods per day, ivis a cheep strong fence, . Geo. LaViEi Isaac Street Clinton , . • it TII ,NEW ER A. 0ir.PISY 'Every F a,rmer Should, use. PORIVIALDEHYDE Tile hest knonn remedy lor Smut on Oats Barley, • Wheat or Corn • We can give you testimonia s from all:the leading . EZ farmers of this section who used our. Formaldehyde • last year.. Full instructions given with each bottle. --Use Combe's kStandard For • • • • H. B.00418g, ...; ,chemist,&•.Druggist: • , • •• • • • • • • •. •• • • , , • . • .. Reduction In Prices, • • • litre is a great (lance to secure a first •class .bogyata: big rednetiort lc • these prices:— • • • '1 p • mem er t mare all onr own ma e, hich placer, us m a potation, to guttrarditi the most severe and complicated diseases. the clock?' By • these' means •yon .win: • them', se we du not buy any material butwhat is Ant ohm. ' .. • . • of the kidneys: . ' • • make yourself agreeable to' your fellow- .A hearty appetite dots not always indi- comrades were leaving as:fast as their cate a healthy condition is He not• the legs would carry them, "and; as for the .. •Repairing promptly attended to' by eiperienced men. ' • '. . ilBitLL ' ..lz alle)11T11 • Hiiron"..• Street, Clinton. became dropsical, an my legs would foreign biaritly.-•You• ntunt alwars 15,1)t • and nutrition cannot convert thelcod inta he wail given up for dead. The "crush" • . . • .,• . e • swell up SO that I.could scarcely go out your cigar before going into a nourishment and into blood, then the food , took place on Wednesday, and on Sure Cli • sn 'Door, and Mr. Treneman states :—"Two years travelers, wbo will probably pay for gearefty of food which is eaten but the pie, I've been m a ereah before new, •• ago I was laid un With kidney disease and your lkandy, and soda at the next: eta- quautity 'which is assimtlated, whiob deter- mad haeentewon •througb, an' VII win Re inconvenience eaused.bx these troubles, I seltzer water, ranter, than soda, with' 'ed. If the stomach and cmetine of digestion • entire roof caved in, and for some days u nary rou e . si ,p on; I would recomtnend you nitnes•the sotual value oi the food consum- through nowt But ere te got back the . • • "' •, • ••• • around at all Hearing of Dr. Chase 8 eathedral. Throwing bedroom furnl- is on joure teemed of a benefit, For all ' day the minister of the wee kirk made •, V40.1-11. Stt ,2 . . • Kidney -Liver Pills I procured a box and tore out of the window of your hotel disorders of tbe stomach and us allied or- a. powerful appeal to the people not to • ern:dinned the uee of this valuable medicine ie forbidden- in France, but not so in*•• gaps of disestioo 'era. entritior, there IS a:•givri em.• hope, and the' work of tennelling Blind •FabtOry. until now I can say for a certainty thae I Italy. If You happen to beein a, theater cereain rem. dy in Dr l',iereets G Adetettert- wa,s begun. On the twenty-third day ' • • am entirely cured: I never took any In some parts of South Germany, yell eal Via *owl. . It remoVes .010gging after tile accident • the workmen got • • • , • • • ,medicine that did me to much goodand win • find that foreigners. •are• not al- structions It strengthens the Feel:each. r;sS COOPER , ••• PROPRIETOR am firmly convinced that if It had not lowed to the actresses with oranges; .nourishee the nertes,enriches the blood anil I• through the ruins and into the open workings beyond, and•sonte of them were ; • • been for this medicine I would not• be that privilege is' confined to the na-• builds up the body, It ise, fiesb-formine, •nearty • frightened out of their wits by' • General 'Builder. and Con rattor. ' t wor jug o- ay. . • • times. • Nor should you 'on any occasion ' Thesepills act directly on the kidneys fling a lementide bottle at an actor. • and liver. regulate the bowels and ensure' • yousend , the present to -his • & Coe Toronto. ••• • ' • box. At all dealer's, or Edmanson, Bates • tering• systems.' One pill a dote '25 cents journey in cempa ra tine ecatiet. you •• • , • trate andress. Bearing these counsels 'key oF in, oxlean t cif seteltind.enct wen in mend; y•on will get throng/1 your free teem entiom, poomne and niticolics..f a few :minutes they were bearing their • ie 4.9111111Y the name • o' God gig anithera' • Ami in' • . and' reliable stook and prepared plans; and give estimates for and blind ell °lase. old 'comrade to the light convineed that se Of buildingeen short notice and On the closest prices ,A It 'Were +a sepereil.- ed'ie a mecheincal way and satisfaction guaranteed. -We sell all kindn of in- - can let out your pent up splytte when • ' :• It was indeed' himself, and not Bente • . • • gterier and. exterior material, • Dr se's • you Fetueti to Ertgleged." , ••.. •• 'NO 'bleed oi kssistance. • ' trick, of the -evil • one, of whoin . they : ' •• _ • " • the perfect t" oftbe digestive and *enact e,mating nreparatiou. making • brin I._ bearing 'a «roan,. :One more.ventUresoine'••, • . ' • • . • • . . deeh instead of flabhy fat. '`Golden than his*:17,11nws advanced and, said, "If ;This :factory is the largest in • he bounty, and hos the -very latest improved roe - los) Discovery . contains no a.lco o , is- that's your u.in green'. jelin.'Broten. in • • ebthery, :capable of oolng work on the.phortest notice.. We carry an egtensive In a little salt to make it all rise to thee • . Cha • The Sinful Brother. Kidney -Liver Pills •• The Drinking Orchid. . •, ...A :plant termed by English !Public Opinion". the Most extraordinary cater. • discoeered • has ' been brought to • light by the • exertions of Mr. R A. Suverkrop of Philadelphia, who during his trips to South America nes been for, some years 'contributing to tbe .collec- tion• of .his e friend, Professor N. E. Brown, of the Herbarium, Kew Gardens, ' , London. The 'wonderful plant. which • Mr. Suverkrop has now found is an or - 'chid. that takes le drink whenever it feels thirsty by letting down a lute into . the water. When net in use the tube lscoi1d up on top ofthe phtnt. :Otte hot . afternoon, says Mr. ,Sayer- krop, 1at down under some brushwood ,at the side of a lagoon on the RIO de la - Plata.Near at hend, was' a foyest of dead trees which •bna been choked th death by orchids awl climbing cacti. In. front of me, stretching over the waters • of the lagoon and about a foot above . it, Avas e branch • of ono'�t thesP deacl trees. witere anti there', clusters of *com- mon plants del awl, grew ...en it, and a network of green crete. twined roond it. • Among the orebidei I noted one dif- ferent from the rest„ the leaves, sharp lance -head shaped,gtowing all round the Mot and rediniing from • it. From the center or axis of the plant lune; a • long • slender stem' about omeeighth • of an inch thick and one-fourthof an • Inch wide. The lower end of this wits in the Water to a clepth Of about. four inches. The DeV C10118 Flavor and Great Nutritive Properties of • Malt I went over at Once to examine my. , and wns surpriaed when I t J s, Inplim Westminster, a cattle- discoverytouched the plant in see the center stem , ity, r, hid five steer 8,intended for the gradually contract told convulsively roll ThuredaY, On .1 I)tle's WM. The stack British ina: kelt. killed by lightning itself up in a spiral like a roll of tape. wee worth $1(). Mr Sumner, eon. 2. • 2 found on examitintion that the stem Weettninster, ill -0 bnd four head of , • • It Was at a certain church meetirig;:: and' the good bishop • was callingfor! reports. ite had a rather • stern, ; sharp manner whieh sometimes Jarred; a little •on the nerVes of the more timid.: By and by he came to Brother B., a lay delegate, • •• •• •• •. • "Brother B., what IS the spiritual, ttonaltion of your church?" •demanded the bishop; briskly. • • "I eonsider It good," sald thehrother.•• "What makes You think it is good?" went oh the bishop. • • • "Well, the people are religious. That's .what makes me think so.", • "What a, you gall 'religions?' Do theY neve faintly PraYOr?" • • • — • stood much in dread. Brown's • fitst Lumber !Lath, Shingles, Lime. Sash Doors Blinds Etc ' The father of tlie 'faintly had stepped • words were, "Gig me a &Ilk" ind then 1 into a bookstot•e •to buY a birthday"ph, boys, had noye hae been larig IV. had e bite to eat. and or. coming," Agent for the Celebrated .0.RAY131 Marl dam area "Whet kind of bouk would you like?" seven, days not a drop . to drink, al; • • •• . • asked the salesthan, to whom -he had though he could hear present for his fou teerterear-old son. I e , water running• . • • et Waterloo: Call Bed get =lees and astir:listen °More placing vot.F ordere • .t f porifided this purpose. • near him. Hie hair and beard were SomethIng that would be useful for matted with the coal fungus which the boy," was his reply. • •• gathers in the pits, and his flesh lied 1. "Vali, here is a very irt?od one on the appeaeance of a mummy. He was 'Belf-Help' " • . wasted to a shocking extent and was . "Self-help:" exe•Ognied the father. yerY weak; but he had never given tip 'Ben den't need anyining of that kintl. the hope of rescue and he' Was hopeful !�u ought to see him at,,,,the dinrier• tablet" •.., .. ,, . AVM t ill'OtIgh this I'y,e a queer story to • tell you:" But he was not to "win Early History of Buff Leghorn& 1 through." The exhauetien had been too Cleimingfor the Buff Leghorns, asome I mech and he expired three •days after do, both a combination of beauty l• being taken. out of the thine. The in - and of recoyery, saying: "Eh, boys, when I . ghost shovved that almost every, particle Another Drop in rices The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65 They are his own make,. and are made from choice, material and by first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used an( are up -to date in every respect.• They cannot be surpasset .10131ss LESLTE. 'Huron. Stre.Fit Clintcn. '• • "Some. of thern da and.some da ncit." •• ntulth we can safely reCommen'd tl • len1 i of fatty matster in the body had been• . • . "Do you emelt 10 nay that a man inay to our Patrons and levers' 'Pt poultry, 'consumed, but it did net succeed in con. be a !Christian, , and.not holdfamily: weites Daniel,Wageer in Atherican Stock • vineing the • slit -line and superstitions pee. prayer?" . • , . , • • Keeper. Contrary to, thegeneral ec, • pc of the district that there was nothing "Yes, sir; 1 think sot! held Inc pcist mortein being asked by ' • • lief Buff. Leehores do • not • come fron cross known ,es Buff Cochins or Brown: • "'VA • , sir," ..reteirried. the Itrother, seores "if he had peeti his feet," they . quietly. • • , :Legholeine; as rumut by oor brother being convinced that Brown must • have "And yet non think a, man maybe a ramjets. . They. • are a Gistitfet breed. had craven hoof. . • • 'Christian and not. hold family prayer't ' They were ormunie.,4 in England thir- . e • - . • ' "I have a brother who is a better. • tem yeare ago.' 'Some. of our brother man than I am who • does not hold fanciers have niene importations from • - there. No new variety has otter come -Runny pretyer.. • . • nwhat makes you thiok :ne• is a bet. • eking so fast or taken a stroeger hold unceinny about Brown, :the doctor who "Do you hold family prayer?". l• a ter man tban you gre?" • , : on the admiration of :fanciers as well ttinverybody Says .so, and I knoW he . as .bieetlem for . they Certainly Is 'why does not your brother, It he Is, such a good man, hold:family prayer?" • thundered the bishop. "Ile has no family," meekly anstgerei . thiy brother• • • • was a long, Mendel . dat tub, open nt cattle killed in like manner. the outer end. and eonnethed af, the Inner end to the roots by a series of hairlike tubes. ny eubsequent observation found Is sent direct to the diseased • • OR. A. Ws CHASE'S 25• Breakfast Food CATARRH CURE ... : that when • the P10- II was in needof the Improved Blower, , water this tube would gradually iinwitut Heals the ulcers, clears the air — I it di dro ppin would slowly toil round and wind. up, throat and prinanantf6 in the Make it an Excellent Diet For Invalids and Cti ovaleseents. It Can be Served in: a Variety 4406.41.14• Malt Breakfast rood has become famous as an drtiole of diet for invalids, conetiles. dente. and for all who ruffer from week di- gestion. DB concentrftliye nutritive pro. Wheel ere well known to physioione. Melt Beettitfeet Nod nuiets arid strengiltene 'the. ireitalea`and weak stomeole and in a short time wiii belch& the Moat ebetinatedyepep. el . Ni Other food no quickly eto6ellee the blool and wide. un the shatteted osiers,' Who delicious hetIth food for ths stroug And Weak is sold by every Grooert IMOa ttit0 the AVO.t er. TI it pa •ta ec carrying withit the quattfity Nva tor stops y cures lad,icsims Co., Toronto to Buffalo. Ali dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chaiie Catarrh and ay Fever. Blower that the part of the tithe whieh tiad been immersed contained. • Wite.tt ttThe llanlibc Times calls attention final eon waft made, e Afed' pOured, tut it were. dithe tenter Warectly ieto the, tu build bath wire fence k:ietween tt • to tin."( tv. r C iproposed S rooth. of the plant. The remained • Moht sine and Canada to keep cattle in tide pnsi2fnt ittifil the pinrit required from straying a et 0.4 the bottler. IL is irtOre • wer. Mit slmuld the plea be . thrtt the U 'nited .Sn tai es ca tritioVid ed while the tube in extended, the t,atie considerable • money by • letting Orehid acts like the sensitive plant, and Caeadar furnish thewire for the tee- the ie more tepid. 1, eon that iti this AmeriCart Wire I found 'many of three ;dente', all lin Can be bought, tor ,haif a cent per reedy oVer thc. water. or °Vet' lite pined pound less hi the United Si alt‘S. 'rho where he water had buten. rn the latter A triet•icall fine I Trus(, 011 aceanut or: ease it was ttlmoet pitiful to `: eett LOW the high tsitif, ibis a monopoly It) the the tube would Work ite way over the betne matkct, and can charge mote ground fit search of water that WAS not there than in Cabadik, whpre it has to meet foteigii ecinipeto1011. • 44-44.....•..44 hette• in them the elements .whieli meat. 'sure .up, to the higlutat standard of .ex- , nellenee for •both fancier and • farther. • They will prove their own Merits of • all ' or mare Omahas. ever been claimed for . them. • • First,' they etre the handsomest of all' tbe Leghorn .fitmily. ...Second, while in 'general charactthietics• Mufflerto other varieties of LeghOrlia, they are superior in some resPecte, 'Ilii•rde the character- istic: ot. the variety which will atronglY recommend thein to breeders • is their • extreme. hardiness, ' espeeially when young. They come to maturity t very yonng.•I have had greeted cockerels- . •erowing when six weeks old. . They are great layers of large white 'eggs that nee miequalled for their size. I had kept an egg teeord of my Iltiff Leghorn plillets, they laying as 'high as 200 eggs in twelve ninths, OE which they hold their nwn reeord. • • I have had the Aoiatie breed, •which only laid 98 ego in the twelve months. • The Ruffs will outlny an the tAeirtlies. They are small eaters, and bear con- flnenient well, and are geed 'foragers When allot•ed to run. The lnffs tire herr to stay, and are ' Mortgage liffern. rf there isa movie:me on your farm you will make' no :nisi ake In intreliashig a few tot 1 inga of tenra from good stet* Mid starting fo raise 'NI • Leghorne. The &motel for Thill's lein, ere:miner every :ley. They are vervettyl- fah, end nave file most beautiful, huff color, :with+nrowits it hareem/1e it,. nenranee. which, wine.: teen on it greon lawn, teeene them favoritee with rrimit people. They draw attention wherever they are shown, BEWARE OF OINTMENTS VOR OA - TAR THAT ONTAINS BisitarRy. -es meeinry will aurely destroy tbe sewn: of erheil and completely,derange the wholeays- tem when entering it through the moons surf:meg. Such articles Mould never be us ed except on. prescriptions from reputable physiciameas the damags they will do is ten fold to the good" they oat possibly derive from thain. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu. featured by F. J.Cheeney & 00„Toledo,O., oontaine no meroury,and is taken internal. ly, sating directly on the blood and naucotte surfaces of the syetern. In buying Hell'a Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is takereinternally, and made ht Toledo, Ohio, by Fa Chesney dt Co, Teattmonials tree. Sold be druggists, price 75o per bottle Hell's Family Pills are the best 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE TriAtIC MASKS DZSMNa COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone seeding a moteh and downfallen Mity 4111,11EIr ItArortalti our opinion free whether no ;irrigation Is probably patotitablo. Pommuntra• (ions nut cif y eon Scientist, IIttndbOOIC On Prif puts sent free. wed fluency for seeming patent a. Patents taken through Munn it Co. receive ward ooetee, without charge, lathe $CitittlifiC Jitilefitall, A:handsomely tilvetrated weekly. Lome Mt. OSTlitIOS of any ['Mollies puree'. Term& $3 a Ant t four MOTASS, et, Soul bYall noradealem. I, lepligs,40,4,08,4„,....tivelsir.I\ , • oke slimm Dandruff Cure Brings the grace of. beautiful hair to everyone who uses it. Dandruff MUST be -gotten rid of first— because It is the root of all *hair troubles. There is no disease more aside -spread in the •Wortil today, ' and none more embarrasing to people of refinement. Coke Dandruff Cure is a positive, permanent, guaranteed cum fa dandruff. Buys bottle at your druggists—Price 50c, and $1.00. • A. it. BREMER CO.. Limpto, TORONTO • „?..- C1410Ail• New voila , 'Amnon Pants ir;. • . • • FURNITURE • . BR0AISV0OT, BOX & co. * Tbe steady inerease in our trade is good pitef of the tact that calm geode are righ ,ana our prime: lower than those of other dealers in the trade, . We Mani/sabre furniture On is large settle toad cart afford to 411 cheep. If you. buy • • from tut, we SAVO for you the profit, which, mother cases, hes to be added iv; • the retail dealer. This week we nave passed into atook some ot our new dogma Spaoe will net as to quote prieee, tint some and see for youreelf Wbet settee, we have to eter. Remeeiber—we are determined that one Priced shalt be the meet in the tritee. UNDERTAKING, •.• • In this departnient oar stook hi complete, end we ne.ve, andetittell:t r: y‘n•at fowl% outfit in the county. Ottripripee ro ow as the Iowan. • littOADFOOT. Brox &Inn 4111 IN. litidiey kV gight and Sunday calls Winded to by (Wan , 4t tit: Ohl I Von Director) reeiden