HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-08-01, Page 4August ist A Great Building Sale 'ViTill Comraence Saturday, August 2nd, at Newcombe's In a few weeks the builders will have possession of the larger part of our store. Walls will be torn down, the front will be enlarged and the whole interior of this store and.the one now occupied by A. J. Holloway will be made ht.) one which will be, when fInished, one of the la' gest and finest stores in the county, As you well know it will be impossible to crowd our large stock into the small space the builders will allow us, so what we want you to do is -to come and take the goods away and we'll pay you well for it. This will be an opportunity to buy the -very finest Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Muslins, Parasols, Hosiery, Under- wear, Corsets,Etc., at one third and one half regular price. '5%tese are a few of the many bargains to bei • found here during our Building Sale. e k • Some Great Bargains in .Shirtwaists for Our Build.ing.Sale We, 75c and 85c Shirtwaists at 38c Ladies' Shietwaiste ;of fine white lawn, colored percale and black eateen, the colored waists are all warranteed fast and come in softened design, they are all new this season, regular prices were 60o 76c and 85o, all on sale at one price, each 38e 79e and $1 Shirt Waists at 55c • 5 dozen white lawn shirtwaist, all made in the newest styles, all trimmed with Moe and insertion, miseriea sizes, regular prices vv.ere 79c and $1, Building s. bale mice • 560 $1,25, $1.35 and $1.50 Shirtwaists at 85c Ladle's ehirtwaiste made of very line white lawn, some with embroidery ineertion and tuoks, others with leoe insertion,tweet, etc., some with. tucked stock collar.others linen color,all vary good nines ext our regular prices $1 .25.$1.35, and $1.50. We are anxious to get theroom so during Bailding,Sale the price will be each 85'e $1-.50 thren Waists-and$1.85 White Waists at 111.15 - Two dozen a very flee linen batiste Waist° nen:treed with lace insertion and twice, also white lawn Waists with embroidery insertion trimming and tucks flown front and back, cur reguler prices are $1.50 and $1.85, all at one price •for , e, Building Sele $3 Shirtw aists at 8/.95, $2.50 Shirtnists at $1.65 • • All made of very fine white lawn, some with tucks and berostitoning and lace trimming, others with plain embroidery insertionand mike, $3 Weiate ate es. $1.95, $2.50 Waists • •.= • isto Modes Bazar Glovo Fitting Patterns RegularIPrice 15e. Dnring Building Sale price will be for any pattern, each Lace Collars at $1 es' TRE CLINTON liEW ERA IF YOU The annalean $, S. ConVenth Mt. k orest, Saundei s. of Lietowel,Har- .(if Platteville, Powell, of Guelph. and RurisDetassiMeetInft. W.E.Worton, Superintendent of Home lytissione, Toronto, addressed the Coun• The Anglican Church' Sundey Soh001 are going away oz Convention and Itari-Decil in the after osual Meeting tor In the eveninoon. ng a full service woe the county of Huroe was held in Goderloh, held'in the nevy church, the Rev 0, IL ou Thureclay, July 24th. • Delgates were present rom Ereerson, of Mt. Forest, delivering the ef; charge to the church; Rev Hugh Mc- Buloyatehr,i0She,apf our nthg,a 14011liontto i tiloan11gez:0 tEo.x eTtehre. gnome the charge to the Deacons. -10 MOWN Me delegates were espeoially deserv. Rev Dr Meodist ministet Of Guider* gave a few complimentary reroat kik and Rev .T.Anderson,Presby- terian minister of the 9aMe town, pro- nounced the benediction. Die choir rendered some choice music through- out the service, and all in attendance felt they bad been inspired in their un- dertaking by the deep,sdui-stirring ad- dresses that had been deliyeted to them. The new congregation starte out un- der yery promising conditions, and though not large in ilurnbere, yet the Christian seal displayed by them in the erection of such a beautiful edifice, , only evidences the deternamation on . their part to succeed. The ladies kindly furnished tea to the visiting Council in the Assembly Hall of the new church. ehurch names. -- Rey. Dr. Gifford supplied the pulpit of Rey. Mr Hamilton, in London, on • Sunday last. Civic Holiday Purchase your tickets at Town ofeoe and gave delay at station, F. B. liodgens, Town Agent NeW Adrertitientat '75o each—liedgens Bros . page Great buildIng sale—Newcombe ...... . Ciyie holtday—P It Rodgens ....... Potato bugs kffied—BovoY • • • ........ • M per cent discount—Hodoway Found—Nnw Bah. office Card of thanks—Mrs S Higgins Farm for sale—Mrs W Grich .••• House for side—E Lofft .„ Laundry—Sun Otinton's Moto holiduy T R Toronto z dbition Western la r—.11 A Welles New homespuns- W Coats... . Better busines—Bodgens Bros Staughter sale—W Taylor & son Your choice -of about one dozen of our finest 'lice collars in oresm and linen color. These are ell new this season and are the finest we haveever had•for themoneY, 00 prices are $1. 50 to $1.95, all at oue price during sale.... . Here's the Biggest Bargains We Have ever Given in Wash Goods Odd lines of 8c and 10c Prints at 5c • . Your choice of about 15) yards of Prints in navy with white stripes and fignres, also light and errs colors that are warranted fasteregular values are 8c and 10e, r Building Sale price is , • ac • 30e Gin4hams, illuslins, Etc. at 10e 400 yards"of 27 to 30 inch wide Ginglaame, Marilee, eta., in a good assortment of colors'some stripes, others fancy dee igne. This is it yery choice lot of the neweet Wash Goods that pUr regn'ar oricea were up to 30o, We want to clear y A this line out at once and have ked them for Buildirg Bale at per yard.... Ji.uc'. Our Finest 31e Wash Coeds atl5c 300 yards of our lineet colored Mudine, also plain Linen, with lace effects. The co ors ars tall warranted by Matter fi to be lasedess regular pricee were 80c and e5 Building Sale price will be 1e Prints and 15c Muslins at Sic - 400 yarde of 12cPrints and odd lines of 15c Muslim, prints come in red, nevy,— • black and white and Held shades, all are fast colors, regular price is nee, all n at one price to clear during Building Sale • ' Black Scotch Huslins 253. and 35c qualities at,15c 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 ing ot prmse, for they had lied a =fait un- oornfortable drive the previous night, re wee- iug Godertoh about 12 p.m., after encount-, ing very heavy otornie on their way. The morningsessien began wieh a hymn and Elbert opening service. Bev M. Turn - spoke a few words of welcome, then geve place to the Rev J. W, Hodgins,R.D., the Hon; President, Reports were given by yttrium Sunday Sohoole, and discussion followed as to the desirability of bringing before the General Synod the need of a good weekly church PePer for the Sunday School. Moved by Rey C. R. Gunue, geoonded by Rev Mr Doherty, thee eft committee with the Reed Deem at the had to draw op a memorial to the General Synod to try and produce a ohuroh paper for the ohurott families thronehout the ecelesiestical previnee of Canada, one especially in whiob the editor. iale would be non-partisan, neither high, low nor broad, but One in which such disons- 1410*# enoe column. From the reports it would sions would be confined to the. correspond. seem that there wales great leak of uniform. ity in the Sunday School papers supplied to the children and in the Teachers' Helps. It was moyed by ear Metcalf that a com- mittee, oe appointed to look into the matter and obtain for the use of the convention samples of various publioations with, a item to greater uniformity. This naotion was carried after being seconded by Rev Mr Lowe, The Rural Dean appointed Rev Mr Lowe, Rev Mr Doherty and Mr Met- calf as the committee. Bev Mr Ten Eyck and others epoke, upon the 'adyieebility of retaining a library in the SandeyeSehool, specially reoommetiding the publication's of the S. P. C. K. The meeting then ad- journed to meet again after lunch. • The delegates were entertained by different members ot the church, and all speak in glowing terms of the kind hospitality they the discussions likely to take place. met with. At the afternoon session, which opened at two o'olook, tho. first paper, on ,The Oats were selling in New. York last baptismal obligstione'was prepared by Rev week for 67 cents per bushel of 32 • Mr Jennings, 'but was •read by. Rev Mr Ternbull, in the veriter:s absence, This pounds, and yet there are .those wise . provoked a good deal of discussion, which tell us that it would be of no advent- TM opened by Rev Me Turnbull and the age to the Canadian farmer to secure Bud Dean; the following also apolte--Rev free' .access to , the United States' • Mr Ten Eyck. Rev Ur Lowe and Rev Mr mar et. • • ... Goldberg. The next peeler, on "The de- • eirability of effeotive teachipg in church The London News now has "reliable history" was read by Mrs Phillips, Of ()lin- - • iton. This resolved tiemmendation from nfornnation"that Hen Mr Ross intends Rev Mr Turnbull and Rey J. W. Hodgens, to make another appeal to the people who recommended • the study of hutLane's . Church Hietory in two volumes, dis• in September.- Seeing that Mr Rosa _ cuisben was postponee 'till after Rev Mr will not be home from England until Goldberg's parer on "The Church of. Eng - September, we are Afraid the intortna- land; its antiquity...history and liturgy:" tion is more "lieable" than anything Ili)e paper we so highly (approved of that dee. . . ' it wasdeoidedlo haveit.prepared for pub- . • " • 1.1icationetci be used in every Sunday 8ohool .t4 'Years-OfTaithlut Service I .nri to be put in the hands of every Sunde,y „ . • • • . Sehool teaoher. It was voted upen as be. • On. . big one Of the most instructive papers .over Snndity Rev Dr. Willis • church,' Joinpieted twenty-fOur yeare'of given at °Conventions and one that it Was, mom desirable all church people should devoted service in the cause of Ulna- have an opportunity of reading, The last thin tint h in that church. • Refet Once• was made tothe fact . at the • Sanday • paper, on • "Parental, Responsibility." pio. pared by Mr.D. Neftel,mas rearby Rey M. evening Service of the congregation. Tntnbull ; the paper Was &Mcleod by Mr His discouree was founded upon Rom.. • Slime, of Wingham, and others: . 17":" .1 : 13 -It Was shewn how Paul, by 'hie ; After the °lose of the diaoussions aeyotte zeal and energy had eist. the other of thanks was moved by Rey Mr Lowe, 1400- 4.postlest even Peter, 'into the shade, .,onded by Rev Mt Gunne, to. Rev Mr and ha his missionary enterprises, and nOwi 7 Mrs Turnbtill and the corresponding sec - in the•la.eter yew s of his apostleship, rotary, Mee LeTonzel, and all the kine he•manifests the same newer andlead- people of Goderioh.' Moved by Mr Doherty; eeship in his writing. It has been seconded by *Mr TenEyek, the thanks of ed controversy into the chtircb. It was decided hol . Paul the convention to the writers ef papers,eto.. .d tbe next meeting champed. that Pane in hie work,introdue- Wag . controversialin his writings at of the convention in Clinton nett year. .The times, but it was a controiersyagainst following 'are the offiaers for :the ensuing error. "Paul's aim w.s.e in all .his work etesee-Hon. Pres„ Rev J. W. Hodgene, to -preach the gospel of Christ, to sow le De Pres. Rev C. Pt. Granite; *ice Pres., the good seed of th / Kingdom, and he Men:truth:id; Rec. Serie Mr Shore,of Wing - was eon etantly on the outlook for fruit. ham; Cor. Sec., Dais Phillipe. • Meeting ln common, with ?aut. all Chrietian• veorkers had a right to . expect fruit. closed with the National Anthem.' In proceeding Dr. Stewart explained At 7.30 &Choral sereice was held in St. GeOrge'e church, which was . well Attended Shat he .had not chosen the words from and newel appreciated. Rev Mr Gonne. of which he had spoken as a • text from Clinton; .:presolied acceptably from • the • which to preach a sermen,but as , the text --"By much slothfulness the building foundation for seine peesoned referencee 'decayeth."-Ecelee. 10: 18, First, it was which he hoped the cungregation would noted 'that ereatloti, which by the , voice of forgive. He was completing 21 years Gee was °elect our of obaes, was possessed of servicein thecongregation; and he of two opposing principles, viz. -Construe- • could Say that his aim in coining to teen and destruction,and exemples of the thein was not to Make money or find n operations of .both principles were adduced •place, butthat there might be fruit in .from things shoat uss-enr healthr.Govern- the sense of the text. " He •felt. as he tient; morale, &c. 'Generally. speaking looked back on the 24 years that were construction is good" and destruction evil. gone, that the results were not 'quite The text points, out that . by stothfulitese what he lia.dho.ped. . ' the building dectayeth. This, the ,preacher He recognized what he now felt to be pointedout, was especially true of religinris errorr bathe course hew taken. He instruction, and heinstance d the trouble had cut himself off almost completely that WAS taken to build up • the .body, the from the general work uf the .church, pains taken toinstruct the .mind, and con - he nad been isolated front his brethren.- trashed theee efforts with the petny attempt! But he had done this that he might at. Wilding .up the • epiritrial •part - of the devote his energy and time to the piil. young. He then ..paseed on to show the pit and pastoral work in' thecongrega- means by which the *spiritual nature may Mon. He thought that the 'train holy oo reared and etrengthened. The State, -living and consecrated service on the the home And the Sunday School. In oon- pat t of the congregation had not been eiclering the first nenied -the . politicians what might have.been expected, His °einem for riome criticism. They oontroll-, hope and prayer were that the time ed the' Public Sohool syetem of Canadkand that might retnam of his pastorate were fearful of thee effects of religione in strteition in the Public) Flohods. Thee ef. feet to be alarmed for fear bigotry ehotild be engendered and consequent strife.' Bate why ehould people engaged in" politiot be thought to be better eqnipped, for, °tarrying. on the work of education than thoee engag- ed in religious questions? Xs it not e feet tiara no one can dabble much in politics without having hie character besmirched and his reputation blasted? And do not the methode of the politician pervade all that he towhee ?. And what kind of moral- ity is She politician of today in thie fair Isere/ince of Ontario showing to the world? re hie cry not "Get Vote's honeetiv if you can, but anyway you can:" Then pestling On to the home °Malay, as the place where rightly or wrongly. the greater part of a Ohild'e education toilet be received, a con- trast was drawn between the past and the present, not too favorable to things as they now are. Finally the -preacillet pointed out how Sunday Schools, „ in hie opinion, might .he made mere until!, discounts/l- anced the niodern tendenoy to metre a mete Sunday concert, Where a modicum of instruction was given, but where' pionios, °reheard performances and other flange, useful enough it may be as attradtiong, took up so made time that the reel work of the Sunday School was in danger 0! being loot eight of.. The meetings were most enjoyable and of great benefit to fill, and it must be a source of regret to thine who were unable 'to be present. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1,1902. We have always maintained that the expectation of getting a preference on Canadian products hi England would not be realized, and the recent discussione in the old country bear out eleis ides. Enoland will not depart fr.= its free -trade pojicy, When Hon Mr Tarte gets back to Ottawa after his tour, visiting the various harbors on the lakes, he will have gathered a , fund of information that will be nf ineetima,ble benefit in Rev ohn Ken nedy, Londesboro, wen t to Toronto on Tuesday, to attend the Temperance convention, having been delegated by the Leagues of his church. Rev. a M. Kilty,,of Delhi, who was announced to take the work at (Mande- boye, 128.9,.decided to remain where he is for the present, in the hope that his wonted health will retnrn,and Rey. W. Mcquillandormerly of Blyth,will go to Clandeboye. Rev, O. R. Carscallen, B. Aeletts been released from the Walton circuit Meth- odist church, by the President of the conference, for mission work in China. Mr Manning, Walkerton, has been sent to supply the work. He will he under the superintency of Rev. T. W. Cosens, Brussels. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH —Service will be .conducted next Sunday by Rev. Father McMenamin. On Monday he leaves on a two weeks' vat ft o 1, which will be spent in Montreal ,Juring his absence Rey. Father West, Goderich, will conduct service here, and Rev. Father Hanlon, St. Augustine, service at Blyth. WILLIS CHURCH. - The regular monthly meeting of the W. F. M. S. was held last Thursday evening, July nth, the President, Mrs R. Irwin, presiding. Miss Wilson, in her usual clever manner, reviewed the Mission- ary Tidings, which was both interest- ing and profitable: Mrs W. R. Tough gave an excellent paperon the Mission- ary Topic "The rise of Mohammedan- 1 ism," ST Pam's CauRcH.-As the Coro- nation of His Majesty the King is set for the 9:b of this month, " the Ciro - nation Service, ,appointed by the Archbishop ,of Canterbury, at the com- mand of the King, to be used through, o tthe Holub e will be held in SI Panto Otturch onSunday morning the 10 h instant. The service will take the,, place of the usual 11 o'clock service on that morning. The London Ftee Press says :- "Rev W. A. Giffcrd, a young preacher, who is supplying the pulpit of the Askin Street Methodist Church during the absence on holiday e of the pastor. is drawing large congregations. The young man is poesessed Of it remark- able fund of enthusiasm. The earnest- ness which characterizes his very thoughtful discourses is refreshing and wins rapt attention." WESLEY Ontruca-At the• eiening seryiee last Sunday, Mrs Colville, Jack: son. Mich., rendered it solo in the man- ner which gave her, years ago, the name of being one of the most profi- cient rnernbet s of the choir....At 10 a. m. next Sunday the quarterly love feast will be held, to be fullowed (after the service) by the Sacrament... .The following figures, takea from the fin- ancial report for the year ending 31s5 of May laet, show he various coot t ibu- eons ;-Receipts of qtiarterly board 51172.52; expenditure 01040 81, balance on hand, $131.71. Receipts of trustee board, 5686 47; 'expenditure, $559,50, balance- on hand 5120 07. Receipts of Women's Missionary Society. $63.76, expenditure, $63,54, balance 22 cents. Receipte of Ladies Aid Society 4;505.88; expenditure, $505.87. Receipts of E. L. of C. E. 812001 ; expenditure $119.80, balance 84 cents. Lontributions to other connexional funds and total con. tributions :-Missions, 8247 50 ; Edu- cational, $14.00 : Superannuetinn, $67 39; Other funds, $22 00; Poor fund, 517.50; Buildiug, $6650 01. The total contributions of the year being 89713.34. ONTA.RIO STREET CHURCH. - .Laat Sunday was League May at Ontario 'Rt. church- ReY R. D. Hamilton oc- cupied the ,pulptt both morning and evening, and preached two eloquent sermons to Urge congregations. ln the -rifterhorin,°•iritatealLtf the regular'sSat .bath school thetjunior Leaguers had prepared a suitable program,interspers- ed with music by the orchestra, and an address on League work from Rey Hamilton, which wue a very interest- ing and profitable service and reflectid great credit on those who had the re- sponsibility of trolling the children. The regular church choir • had a day off, the League choir taking charge of both services. Solos Were well render- ed by Missed M. Wiltsie and F. Shipley and Mr N.Minch,and an excellent quar- tette at the evening service by Misses Newcombe and Murch and Messrs L. Weir and VI. March, On Monday evening was a grand rally of League workers. All the Young Peoplet So- cieties of town were invited to the Rally and a good many responded, when an excellent prograno was rendm - ed, including addresees by Revs Man- ning, Greene and Dr Giffnrcle The Leanne of this church is in it flourishing condition, largely -due to the energy and push of the President, Miss Lucy Stevens, who is to be congratulated in theemcceas of the anniversary.... 'the regular quarterly services will he held on Sunday next, to ha condocted by the pastor, Rev Dr Gifford; love feast at 10, and the Sacrament at the close • of the morning gervice. What People are Saying., Recognition Service. ' That the New gRA is an utt•to.clAte neva- - riper. According to discipline of the Bap- That lawn bowling is very popular in tiet church of Canada it becomes tiedes- oilmen eery on the erection of a noto church, to hold What is milled it Recognition That it won't pay to ride a wheel On the service by it conimitteelapponated from sidewalk, when the Chief is around, the eurrounding bodies of that denona- That two of 01inton's mate teachers will ination. soon join the ranks of the benedlots.. The new church opened for, Service That next Mendes' Is Clinton's Civic In Ctoderieh the first sundray of Apri end &or) place of basinees ehould was brought into the told by it lige see- be olosed. vice held in the Temperance Hell, at p.m. on Tuesday of this week, Rev 1V/r That two public holidays in on wtek Dunlop acting as Moderator, with the are Mote than the average merolant or enneeseint council about himbusiness man Mires to have, Hoover, Clinton, W. 14111 and Alex Os. That tbe granoltthic Welke tire epeoittiens .ri, 0, Ernetion,of to bowie 126ml:hat 9.°131" k"" howQuarrie, of TIverto 1 baldeston, Base line, Revs Hugh Mc. of good work, ii1WWWWW COOPER'S BOOKSTORE azimircyL.T. The July Sale of Fancy Chinaware, Continues. Have you seen _the choice ,new Japanese • goods which we imported direct from the flowery kingdom, other ladies have beeii delighted, why not °erne yourself? See Our 5c and 10c China Window ou Saturday. Wools and Fancy Goods. r the cool evenings you need a nice ellawl made from Ice wool or Elliqt1 nd doss, and in Addition to selling you the wool our saleeladiee • 'will be leased to ehow you how to make there if you wish, or we will 'sell yo one ready made. • "Beats All" Shetland 5c. This is a new line of light weight Shetland Floss, 10e oz to the Ib. which we are able to sell at 50 per fikein, but not as good value we think as the ORKNEY kihetlatid at 70,whitesia an imported yarn, full 16 or and the quelity is bench superior to the "Beats all", which is domestic made. %he colors in the Orkney are also much better. Chatelaine Bags , would erove the reaping time and that there would be seen in the liyes and work of the people belorging to the congt-egntion a greater devotion to cause of Christ. While we extend our congratulations C to botheeastor and people of Willis church on the highly satisfactory rela- tions existing between tLein, we have to say that the benefits of Dr. Stewart's 24 years of honest and earnest work are not by any means confined to the limits • of Willis church congregation. The lac results flowing to it, community frOm tiuch,e. life and tyork as his cannot be measured by briman standarde, much less by any commercial one. In guag- ing the influence of a man's life often ouch a period of years haVe to be con- sidered, that no contemporary eau be a competent judge, and many years may elapse before results can, with any degree of accuracy, be estirnated. We may be sure ot voiding the sentiments Of the community when We express the wish that the worthy Drmay have another 24 years of valued service yet yards of genuine Scotch Musiins (imported by us this season) in afine assort. ment of the new lace effect, regular prices were 25e end 850., Building Stale will be • St' :0 Table Cloths at .$1.50 J • yards beg Table Clothe, made of pure linen end full bleached, elegant designs. Oa a .1 !ount of them being elighly dareeieed we place them on sale at each.,.. 1.011 This store will dose 1VI onday, Aug. 4th, but will be ° day Saturday, Aug. 9th. A 25 per cent discount \ will be open. all • • Given on all Lace Curtains During Building* Sale (lensing for 75e, $1,50 Curtains for $1.13, 2 Curtains for $1.50, Eta. It will pay you to buy your Ointaine now end -here. There are 'rewind hundred pairs to choose from and all in the newest deeigne. roar money back yon want it. he store for the good people of.. Willie cbueels, and for the adVancernent the Cause of•trath amongst us, . East Wawanotth OBITUARY -Death has again come into our naidet and Claimed for its victim a highly esteemed residenter in the person of Mr Robt Mute.h, who resides on the smith half of lot 28, con. a The old gentleman who was well up In years, was up and around on Saturday, and though ne bad not been enjoying of late the beet of health, ir nothing serione was looked for. -He retired Sunday evening apparently all right, bUt not arising it the morning it I was noticed that something had coMe over him during the night and his family was notified Of the 'serious ill - nese of theft father. Wm Muteh, a son coming to Clinton for his sister, Mrs Walter Xing. Ile passed away on Tuesday evening, and an enetgetic and 0411 epent life Was ended. The funeral Wilt take place to -day (Friday) from his late reSidente for the Union conleterY. Where interinent will take lace. • Note these. points A epeeist line of Chattalaine bap can be had at 75e. It is a bag made frail rich seal leather, lined and well made. • Cheaper lines at 250, 350, 40o, 500 and 60c, better ones at 85o, 900, $1. and $1.50. Wriest bags from 50o to 51.50. Ladies' Purses. so.oi.el value at 250• Genuine seal books with card attachment, well lined and finiehed throughout, to50o 3,50. `Keep elean" Hairlitrush. Solid wood back, no veneer to come off and no holes to absorb dirt. Compeeition heist's reitng, 'absolutely un- affected bywater, i Pure, no tart feeing aluminum face, always "Keep Clean" Pare bristles firmly anohored in water. ' proof compodition. Price only 85o. W. COOPER & CO., CLINTON PIWYMMAMMPAR • Coming and Going. Harry Holden has gone off for his holi- days. • , Mrs H. T. Rance went up to Blyth Tues- day evening. . Mies Emma Carson, Caledonia, is the gnest of Mrs D. B. Kennedy. Mrs Pinning left Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives at lernoefield. Miss Gibson, (step -daughter of Mr Mc- Lennan) left for the Soo on ,Friday. Mr and Mrs Munro, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of R. Fitzsimons. Meedennes Tait and Howard, of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs T. Carling for a few days this week. Mrs Alex, Lewis, Palmerston, is on an extended visit to her parents, Mr and • Mrs A. Twitched. Stewart elaopheroon, of Brantford, (eld- est eon of Mr F. Deacphersoni is home on a two*week's holiday. Dr. Hoare and wife, Strathroy, 'who have been spending a few days with their son-in- law, Mr Tisdall, return home to -day, Mrs E. Flocdy and daughter left fortheir home ise Toronto on Wedneeday, after's lengthy vial with Mrs Arthur Cantelon. . Walter Jackson, of the P. B. Crews' Jewelry eritabliehnsent, left for a, week's holidays at Exeter end other points, Tues- day afternoon. Miss Horn, Logan, who has been the guest of Mrs Moffett, North" etreet, for it few days, went home on Monday, • a000rn- panied by Mies Moffa$t. Mrs It. White,Philadelphia,accompanied by ler sort and eaughter, are the guests of the Missee White, Rattenbury street. They go East again this week, Robt. Stewart, (eldest eon of Rev. A. Stewart) leaves for Toronto this weeli,when he takes a eituation With one of the large lithographing establishreeets. Jack Walsh, brother of the Misses Walsh, London road, arrived in town on ...Wednesday, after ,itimtbilerimot somecyeere in Chicago. Dahill end the Soo: W, S. Lawrence Warted on it trip to Ox. ford county on Wednesday, socompanied by his wife. tie is driving, and may be gone one week or more. according te weather. Mrs Vcxrotb, of Seattle, who is visiting relatives in )3lyth, was the gneet of Mrs A. J. Holloway, on Monday, being accom- panied by Aliases Janet and Came Dodda, of Blyth. Thee. Jackson, jr,, and family, left for Go Horne, Georgian Bay, on Monday, Mr Jackaoti tioee not intend to remaih there, but the others will probably dig it couple of months. , J. McGuire, dation agent at BkiskesPere, who, wittt his wife, hag , been visiting at Springlield,Ohio' returned on Thursday and spent a couple ofdays here at the home of hie father-in-law, A. G. Pattison. D. 3. MoEvsan, one of the lea .batch of South African heroes who jaihed the com- pany at Cal*re but who liver! ei Hansen, paid & 'then visit with relatives in town laat Tuesday, He he io it nephew of ?dr F. IlloEwen. Mr?. Smith Billy, of Dryden. Mich., epent it few dates this week among hie old Clinton friends, They ap cordate him so touch in the Week that they offered him $100,additional 'salary if he v.ould return to thorn for 'mother year, to which he agreed, . Dr, D. McCallum, Dr. Agnew and Miss Guthrie, Crestline, Ohio, who nave been or week's tour of Canada, were mate in town it few &ye recently. The former and Mies Guthrie at Mrs A. EL Menning's and Dr. Agnew Visited his brother, Dr. Agnew. They left for their homes Monday evening. W. Q. Phillips, who has been away for the pest week, engineering the yachting reties of the LakOtaeht Racing Ailsoolation, with points of competition et Hamilton, Toronto, Cobotirg, end Roohester, returned home on Weitheeds.y. He has elenbeen sp- pointed ridge at theSeawanbika cup tams, Lek* St,Logis, and will )(Aye for thatplaot next week, when they will be tun off. This is an honor in yachting ()kola that has ellen upon our townsman forsaltoral years, Coming and Going. • Dr. Agnew went to Wingham Tuesday .night. Miss Hattie Rdinball, New York: ie home on a visit. intifit8ohBeiidri. ie Heywood is visiting [friends • ?ars Brigham is visiting her daughter in. Londesboro. iss Hoggart,Toronto,is lidthe gueet of Dere J. T. Harland.e ' Dunuan Stevenson end family spent Sun- day in Goderioh, John Garner, Wed Harrington, ie the guest of Mr Searle. ` Mrs Wm. Robb left yesterday on it visit . to her son at Clifford. Mies Estella Latta, London, is the guest of NUBS Minnie Cook. Wm. Webb and son made a short vent to Stratford on Wednesday. • Miss May Rance left Tnureday for a two weeke'vent itt Lucknow. Miss Agnes Middleton returned from a visit to Blyth on Wednesday. . Dr. Whitely, Godrich, was in town Tuesday, the guest of Dr. Thompson 1 W. Levan, Chicago, arrived home Mon- day on itvisit under the parental roof. • Miss Sterliog, of 'London sis the gueset or her friend, Mies Perkins, at the Clarendon.. • Mrs H. W. Cook and Miss Ruby are the guests of the former's patents in Ypsilanti, Mich. - Mies Gladys Herman came home after spending a few nsonthe with her cousins in London.: Mrs E Evans Hilton returned home Mon•• = day afters five weeks' visit at her home in Mooreto esti. •• . Miss Timbrook, London, returned home on Wednesday after a week's visit with the Mieses Herman, Mrs II. Andrews, Ontario street,who has - been visiting in Goderich for two weeks, mime home on Monday. • Mra Hoggart and claughter,a leo Mrs Rose. Goderioh. are visiting at the .tovner's uncle's, J. Emmerton, Miss Green, London, who is the guest of Mseh:fsoBr trhb i keantwill isretthuiren bweereek visiting in • Mee Clara Meeman, of Providence R.I. training eohool for tunes, arrived home • yesterdey for a two weeks' visit. Mies Higgins, Exeter, who has spent a • pleasant time visiting her domino, here in town, returned home on Wedneeday. • Misses Katie and Pearl Miler retdrned to their honie itt Harriston after. e pleasant two weeks' visit at their uncles' J. Miller, Messrs. Thos. and Peter Glazier, of Hal- lett, were ticketed to Ternisoaming, veeter- daY by P. R. Hodgentetown agent G. T. R. Mies Graham, St. Thom,assegi the guest of Mrs Reekie. 'She sang it solo. in Willie. Chorale, • Sunday evening, having ,it sweet voice, . s Dyer and `Miss Bullard, Detroit, .llfis who haye been visiting in Godericli and yCeisiaterdaa'y.'' i°ined • it pionio party to Bayfield Mrs Jas. Howoon and eon John 'Meet Sunday at Mrs Walter Cunningham's'of Hallett, who had the misfortune to.fallAnd Ware herself two Weeks ago. Rev, Mr Mahaffy, Preebyterian Minister of Port _Elgin, accompanied by hui wife,are the puede of F. W. Watt. Mr Blatiaffy is a tam a Jae.' Medially, formerly of Clinton. es. • , Frank Hovey went to Goderiole to 'take the Xing Edward for Sarnia, from there be will go to Wallaceburg, Dresden and Detroit, in the interests of Trinity college, of Toronto. Mrs Meade doter ot W. D. Fair'and child, of St. Loniseweived in town on Tdett- day evening, for an distended visit with friends and relatives, They have been deft.' ing in Toronto for the petit two reeks be- fore coming here. Rev Mt Murdock, formerly pastor Of the Baptist ohnroh, here, is spending 4 few days among his old Mende, presehing at the base line appointment lad* Sunday, Be is now etatiOned itt Staither,where he hat it very Ane 'oharge,and is enjoying four week's leave of absertee granted lam, Mrs Ater - dot* sioddropenies hiro. A picnic party composed of 3. Spooner and Wife Geo Swartz and day and spent the day. family drove over to tiayiield Thu* vines and Mrs B. 'Rumba!' and ' 1 1