HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 81,o•oesilo
July 18th, 1902
July Sale
dith week
• Here is our program for the 4th week of our
great July Sale, commencing Saturday, July
19th. ' These printed items represent but a
• few of the many money -saving chances this
great sale affords. The lists printed last week
stand good for next week also, provided the
• goods are not sold out, and there is many a
bargain to be picked up by people who shop
here during July.
if Strictly Summer Stocks
will be 'sept fully assorted right up to the end of the
3 season, and you will oe' able to get her just what
you want in summer goods, just .when you Want it,
Children's Hose 2. pair for 25 cent.
75 pairs Children's cotton hose, plain and ribbed,good quality,
fast black, will give excellent wear, 6, 7, 7S and 8, regn.
lar 20o and 25e for July Sale 2 pair for..... ,,,,,,, WPC
20 cent Embroideries for 12 cents.
200 yards line Cambrio and Muslin Embroideries and neer.
tione, firm strong edges, good patterns, •knit ends of lines
that sold at 15o., 18e and 20o,ferjtily Sale oleering at per
yard •12c
• Lace Collars Reduced'
Last of our real ises collars to be cleared out at a good. deal
Isis than regular prices. All are new goods this season
and imported by ourselves direct from the makers in Bel-
gium, fur July Sale we will sell In cream, blaok and linen
sa 50 collars for $1.00, $2,50 c"011are for $1.50, $3.a5 aolle.re for $2.50.
121 cent Muslins for 81 cents .
300 y az* Araeriaan Dress' Muslins, new designs this season,
in colors of pink,pale bine, green•and grey,good value at 120,
for Ju ty Sale per yard • ' •11 •• ••• ... . . • ... • •• ••• "WWI
.• • •
'Dress. Goods - at .25 tents -7;
300 yards of wool dress &soda, in blacks and oolore, eold in.
the regular wity•at,a5z, 40o and 50a,c1earing for july Sale. o'k
per ,yard. , •
SkirtLengths $2.50
More Skirt Lengths for jellySale;honapipuni and • blacks, in •
' each epd enough to make a girt, sold repularly it $4.00 •
and $4 50, we want to clear them out before July • Sale is ea
over and you °eat ke your 'choice oftheloteaoh.,.. &MP
. .
Black Parasols 95 cents' - ••
Ladies' black parasols,. good quality, fast oelor,tops on etronit
frames, steel rad and aseorted fancy handles, special for
• July Sale eaeb . • • •• , 95e
Fancy Parasols 75 centS.
15 only fancy silk parasole, the last ones of lines that would
sell in the regplar way at $2.00 and $2,50. • We boright
them cheap and our July Sale prime wiU' be each • 04,
White Gloves 25 tents. •
• .
White or oream lisle:or tafette•gleves • dome fasteners - will
wash and wear wella special vain/pea pair •• t 5e
41116901,041,00200011141041,09 NO II,*
I Millinery .for July Sale• .. 1
It is surprising how bUsiness keeps up in the
Millinery Department. Miss Randall will not
leave for her holidays for two weeks, and our
istock of Summer Millinery materials will be
kept well assorted until the season is over.—
Here are some special prices for our July sale:
I Sailors at 1. ,„. cts .
75 Sailors Hats, good 'qualitif rustic staaw, Hued,
bleak or white silk t Hoban bands, special for July -
sale, each•• „Ape
$1 Sailors.50 cts
Ladiel extra qualitySailor Hats, rustic straw, fine bads
regolar $1, for July Sale each soe
Untrimmed Hats 256
We have just about 25 untrimmed hats left; all are new
this season, Tn clear the out at once we place the a w
entire lot on sale aextSaturday, at your choice for XUe. •
I Trimmed Hats $1.50
25 only trimmed hate and bonnets, all we have left
in 50
stock, sold at $2.50, $3.50, $4, Choice Satarday, each$1_
Whitewear—Odd plecedat Odd Prices
-Abont 20 odd pieces of whiteweer thet have become alightly ,
• soiled through handling, perfect in every ether way, to be
dewed out during July Selo at greatly redacted prices.
Comet covers at odd prices, drawersat odd prices, Skirte
at odd prices, gowns at odd prices.
$1.40 .Shirts at 98c •
20 only Men't; Neglige Shirte,•extra good quality, silk !route, dIO
all sixes, regular al for July Sale each....... uoe
New Surnmcr Corsets(
New Simmer Conde in all the popular short and long styles,
y. evety size now in stook, liaht, thin and boned with strong
walehepring Med. They. are the most eomfortable comet
' von Can buy for summer wear, All sizes 50jand
FRIDA,Y, JULY 18. 19.
-••• wo.--•••••
I4004.1,4 NO TIQES.
is 7th
Firemen's tournament and band mina, '
NO .1: ES
Mies blable Shannon has taken a
test billed fot Stratford on the
• ot August. position as stenographer at the Organ
J. 13 Hoover lost a valuable foal last
a mica A load of oueyontag people went to
Satin day, the colt living only
Beyfield last Wednesday evening, to
time after being born. trip the light fantastic at Jowett'e
('k pries 'wanted -4 ntelon Brea, Clinton Mr Frank Evans has erected another pavilion, ' . .
bill board on Ootarlo street, just east
O. 0.1tANOS, Clinton the world renowned Doherty Organ%
el CantelonBros are now shipping large as the large stall of bands are all kept
W e are stlit leadmVa sugar by- selling i 4liantities of cherries. On Tuesday very hw y to meet the demand.
. w, T. warm, •1 baskete.
that Monday, August the ath. be pro,
• Jacob Miller Is having his street wats claimed Civic Holiday, A ,aueaber of
Sawa *spies. ering cart geared up so that It will nam, stave already been stilsectib d.
SHIPMEN.I.S.—On Monday Mr E. ing the street from walk
- throtv a. greater volturneof tvater,eoyer.
ecial The Masonic'Gra,nd Lodge is in see -
cattle, purchwel from Stanburv Brim,
of the Laudon i °ad. 0. Reid shipped
Watson i -hipped five carloade of export •
two carload to Toronto, and. Canteen ninth grain from t..../oderich that sp 01 riton, but found he could not attend.
trains are run dal Y. ,, i • 1
The Grand Tv link is now handling eta
from that place, sioin at Windsor. Mr J. R. Hoover
watrappointed as representative frora
William, Carter, of Washburn, Dak,,
known as "groan trains etc usive y.
ne '-ew of Chas H Carter of town
oneJ J Taylor's are rroor safe forsale,easY s. • meets no let-up in the demarid. for
terms. Apply to J.111DOU'rMcNeil s Oxon.
lledpaties oranulatea elow regular whole- morning theysentby train ever 150
sale price to make room tor oar next car .A. petition is in cirenlation aslaing
& Wallis shipped two double -decked
cat's of bogs and one single car t Onl-
'Dogwood; the price has advanced ; o 7c.
corning into town Irons the Hayfield
road in a single rig at noon onMonday,
had a narrow escape from being sti uck
by an engine pidlitig through to Gaider.
ich The rig was on the• track when
the engine was not live rod away, and
had the home stumbled instant death •Lastweek Mr Albert Seeley was call -
would have been the result. As it wasall they wanted to do in conveYing
ed to Mitchell to adjust the gasoline en- the passengers to Ba,yfield in eonnec-
tion with the Presbyteian picnic.
Mr and Mrs A. J. North% returned died unexpectedly on Saturday —
from their wedding tour on TherealltY whether from accident or otherwise is
evening, and are now comfortably set- not ku0a,„.
tled down to life's realities in their Word received from Mr Lester Scott,
home.on Townsend street. since hie return to Toronto, (and who
A handsome cottage has been erected bad the misfortune lo have three ribs
in "Jotvett's grove, Bayfield, for the broken here,) states that he is doing as
family ot Mr W, Doherty, who moved well as cep be expected,
out there last vveek,a,nd purpose spend-
ing the summer there. , In spite of the tlareatening weather
of esterda morning, the liveries had
the rig was only off the track when the
engine passed by. Such risks should
not be tun.
Saturday afternoon a foureyear-oid
' boy, pia ing on a picket fence that sur.
• rounued bisfather'e property, fell off,
• hut (caught one of his feet between the
• Pickets, and hung there headforemost,
until a neighbor,hearing his cries, went
and relieved him from the awkward 1ma mcoday were up agmpat Wiapmeeg
ens ro
brother, had no intimatiOn of his 00111.
been ten years in herpresent hOnae,and
though hoping some day to meet, her
Int until he walked in upon her and
• made himself known,
gine of the Advocate a that place.
which bad taken a kink and refused to
run. Mr Seeley is becoming an expert
in the adjusting of gasoline engines.
• Robin Macpherson, of the Census De-
partment, Ottawa, (eon of D. F. Mae.
pherson) is winning fame fax himeelf
playing'Rugby with the Ottawa foot-
ball team. Last week they played
against Cornwall ending in a drava,and
and dangerous position in which he had 1crack team,
become fastened. Had be been left
Much longer the consecptences could We are pleased, to learn that CI L.
easily have•been serious. • Father, who was starred at the recent
Atte course exams, in Toronto, on ac -
NEARLY LOST A FINGEIL—Last count of 931:118 misunderstanding in re -
Thursday as Mr Jacob Taylor was garde to term work, he not being able
about to lock up his place of business to be in attendance, has had them re -
for the day, he had the ndsfortime to moved, ' and is, therefore, declared
have the second finger of his right hand pissed. .
- badly and painfully smashed aboye the Sixteen tickets were sold for Goderich
first joint. lt appea.ra that as he passed
through the doorway he drew it after
him and apparently reached for the
handle, and in doing so the door came
suddenly to on the member, cutting
and snaashing it so much that Mr Tay-
lor hurt° get a doctor to dress it.
—In our last week's paper, •under the
above captiqn, it wag made to- read
that Mr tsars', of Vermont, • had •pur-
chased some of his line cattle from ,11."
Snell; it sbould have read Jag Snell.
This tine lot of Shorthorns that was
peaked of. were brought in to • town,
Wednesday" f, r •ehipment, and we
must repeat. the etatennent that they
are the finest lot of cattle that has ever
• been 'brought • tovether for shipment
from our town.
DIED IN YOUTH—The old friends
.of-adraLloht Mcilyeeri;fertnerlrrilveverdr
Stanley, but now residing in Lainbtona
will eympatbize with hitn very deeply
in the unexpeeted loss of his thirdson,
Oliver'who died on Saturday; at the
age of 18 years He tvaa a promising
young man and had been engaged in
writing for his second-class eertificate,'
when he was laid low. Besides an
attack of rheumatism he was troubled
Iplace ori Monday to Watford cemetery.
with heart failure. The funeral took
HORSE INJURED.! --Mr D. Canter
Ion, who was busily loading -hogs,- op
Monday, had his little girl drive up for
him, and after getting in the rig,
-wished to hurry home for his dinner, '
the horse kioked and in comiog down Jac
:pelted' his whip out, and . struck his .
• horse lightttap, something be has.
not been in the habit of doing, whn Saturdaye,- July
an Friday evening last; the One colt&
that was on the mixed was paclrea like last the trend of the work is helpful,
eardjoee, standing room -going at a and we cotumend it to all who are en-
• premium on the•steps and baggage car, deavoring to make their lives better.
apd others wanted to get on top. Sat- It only coats 10.cents.
tuday morning 270 were sold and 75 for
the noon train. • RAILROAD CHANES.—Mr M. C.
Mrs Webb, collector for the 'York & Dickson, who was last week appointed
County, Loan & Saving Co., Toronto. station agent at Wingham, has been
payed to a ..lady• a town $251 09, also a promoted to the same ,position at
gentleman $202.23 their shares becora- Woodstock. Mr HarolJ, who has tieen
ing duel both members are well pleas- agent at Heiaeall•almost'since the open-
ed. al.'his Cempany is spoken of very ing of the road, has been giveo charge
highly by those members who have of Vilangiaam station, and Mr Smith. of
We would be pleased to hear more
regularly from some of our comet-
pondents. We have a good corps of
correspondents, and a few of them
eeldorn fail in sending us their weekly
We have received from the Methce
dist Hook Room, a pamphlet entitled
"Epoch Walked with God." It is
written by W. Reenlev aide, at one
time editor of the LundonNews. There
are some excellent points in it that
cannot be read without profit hy those
who are aiming to keep their life within
the compass of . "the . narrow- way."
The book reveals a good deal of religi-.
ous exoerience, and is evidently de-
signed to help those who in lifee spirit-
ual struggles, haye not attained to the
degree of faith and grace essential to
"walking with God.." From first to
withclra'wn their sharee. Wiarton, goes to Renee'''. ,
Mr J. P. Tiede% who is enjoying cot- EtELIOVERING.—Mi J. E. McDon-
tage life at Jowett's grove, Hayfield, nel, of Hensall, who recently under -
was laid up lagt week by a severe at went an operation in the hospital for
tack of fever, which weakened him con. some inward trouble, is doing as web as
eidere,hly. It is supposed to have been can be expected, Nearly a dozen of
the outcome of getting cold while ,00 his triepds,• including Mr G. MaEwan, ,
--his-autianaubilistour -from:Term:dol. he *llf:Pa came istatcr peg him aer Sunday, -
is; however, recoveringand will •130011 and were delighted to find that he is
be himself again. ..• doing so Well that he expects to go
John C o ot ti e store of Hodgens „ne'rne in a few days,*
_Bros., Clinton : A. Sheppard, of the . •ONE OF THE OLDEST.-0ondlictor
same place, agoderieh, and Messrs Quirk, ot the London, H.gron & ..Sruce,
Matherson and Daymeut, all former • ia not only one of the Most popular
(Hinton lacrosse pleyer, o assisted the •men in the employ of the G. T. R., but
Derham teamadontia.y, in a champion- is also one of the oldest in the sireice:
ship match against,' t. Foreat, win- It is nearly forty years since he first
ning by ti,ecore of fito 1, the last guar- became cofinected with railway work,
ter being played in a torrent of ram, and for. 35 years hehas enjoyed the
Mr 'Crooks was unfortunate enough distinetion of being rs'conductor.. His
in being run up agithist .and thrown, record is certainly a long and honor:.
sustaining a sprained arin. • able one.
the leg got astride the cross bar. With
considerable dillicultY he got the horse
.free, and was able to drive borne but
going lame. De Hall was called and
found the animal'leg badly btorised
emit strained; but ne hones broken .
RECEPTION..—Lsia t Monday even-
ing a reception wag tendered to the
three•daughters and two sons of Rev
N. W. Manning by the Epworth
League of Wesley • church: The Sun-
day School room was nicely arranged
with tables and flowers for the occa-
sion; and a choice Program was render-
ed interspersed with a 5 minute social
intercourse between each number;
Ice, creamarid cake weeeserveol towards
Ole end, arida heir new young Melo
felt that they had been endeared to
their .new aesociates bythe evening's
enjoyment. The following assisted .in
' the • program. N. Murch solo; Mrs'
Ohowen solo; Luella ' Tenney.' solo;
Mabel Doherty, recitation: Dolly Can-
tekin, recitation. and the Misses Wit -
kin's a duet.
ENTERTAINED.— After ,the usual
choir prattice of St Panl's ,church on
Friday evening Mr W. Q. Phillips in -
;toted the members, with the 'Rector, to
adjourn to his residence to partake of a
light luncheon. About fifteen respond-
ed, and on arriving at the Place were
met by his good wife, who seated them
at tables spread rn the lawn, beautiful:.
ly lighted with Chinese lanterns, sur-
rounded by the choicest of sweetaimell.
ing flowers, and Were served to ice
dream; lemonade, coffee, cake, waftire
and fancy biscuits. The rest of the
evening was spent in social chat, and
. the company broke up about 10.30, af-
ter extending paany thanks to the host
and hostess for their very kind hospit-
ality, and feeling that they had been
drawn into closer ties by this informal
out ing. -
years ago two children, a boy and f;10,
O'Brien by name, who bad not been
long in thiapountry, Were left homeless
in St .Thoinite, by the death of their
mother. !laving no Mende or relatives
here, and being quite small, they were
placed in Mount HopeOrphan Asylum,
London, The boy, in the course of
tithe, made his way out in the world
and has had to do for himself. ' For
some tinae Past he has been employed
with Mr Matt Carbert, of laulletta and
has earned the mune of being Indus:.
• trious, energetic and reliable. About
a year ago he determined to find hie
sister, if possible. The authorities of
the Rome at London were unable to
give him any information beyond the
fact that the 'girl had been adopted
many years ago, from the Home, but
by whom they were unable to say. The
young man adverthied in Toronto and
London papers, and was even' then un-
successful in getting the elightest dee
Rey Father West had in the meantime
heard of the We, and interested him-
self in the matter, together with Rev
Father Mcideilanain, which resultedin
the discovery that the girl had been
adopted by a family near Peffer's in
North Perth, by the name of McMena-
min, and on Oaturday, elfreniqg last the,
.brother and Dieter had the taleastire OE
Meeting, in her adopted home, after
Milt long Separation. The aistst had-
• ..
•White, Black, Grey, Pink, Blue,
• 5c per hank.
A shoulder cape made of Shetland Floss is the right
thing for the cool evenings after the hot days --light,
• practical and fashionable, and we may. say, popular,
too, at 5c per hank. Don't you admire them very
• much on others, Be admired by weariug one yourself
Another hot weather comfort is a hammock healthful,
restful, not extreme to sayneedful; to recline in a ham
i -
mock s the very nearest you can comfortably come to
• being suspended in the air, where its coolest and most
healthful, prices 75c to $5.00.
Still another warm weather feature of our stock is our
• Fans, ----Large Leaf Fans, 3c each; better ones at 5c
each,—All kinds, all colors, await your inspection, at
prices as low as we can profitably sell them*
The W. D. FAIR 00., Clinton,
'"Often the Cheapest—Always thellest."
hoe Bargains
• Never before have we given such batgains in all
kinds of first class footwear as we are just now Many
of the lines we advertised last week are cleared out
and our numerous customers were delighted with their
ptirchases. This week we replenish our • bargain
counters withexceptional values, which it will . pay
you to inveitigate. , . •
Men's bioyele boots, Jest the thing for summer wear, regular prim $1.75 and
62, sheet 30.pairs to go at $1.25 • .
Youth's tan laced boots, well worth $1.50 to Meer at al.
Men's fine laced boots, up-tt-date, regular $3 going at $2.
Ladies' kid oxfords—we never sold as many oxfords as we. did last weekaiell
and see whatwe can do for you at 90o and 0.25, we mar Saveyo25- peroent have 30 pairs of alen's tan oxfords they are worth from 01.25 to - $1.75,
you OE111 have your choice for 90o and $1.25. '
.See our girls' imitated boots worth $1 going at 750.
The 014 Reliable,
Cash ana one 1..rioe
On, t
Eggs taken its:eash.] .gr
--aSaturday, July 19
esso.....00ssossoos4~40, sossossoes440.4-0~m..04$
VittIttlIt ItTrf 1111111t, Militlitt1rtfttlfrtIMMIII2.
. . 'Men's, Youths', Boys' and. 014.1drens Suits, a
E .0c1c1 Coats, Odd Vests and Odd .Panis. can 3
be bought on the above dateat siiiiceS less • g
. E than :the Goods..cOUld. possibly . be madeyor. a
E Itis our .Semiannual Baygaip. Day—a day
E which we set apart to turn into Money a 3,
E lot of goods at ridiculous . prices, . These 3
E days are well ,known .and if you miss, ft a
= . chance like this to lay in a stock .of cloth- .
lug it is your Owti. fan* ,See last Week's 3.
..... issue for prices,., one day only, Saturday a
. ,
= July 19th, all goods Spot cash nothing on a -
, ,
.E a
JACKSON BROS.. e THE FAMOUS • 4°' liatimi