HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 7440 teeouiteceoes eseetowese ta l-feketeett, - Dr. Daniel C. 0-1111a11, president or the new Carnegte Institut'On at Wash. tngton, has been Uttering some wisee I and strong 'words recently in condero. EC SIURITy nation tielatzer'nnlisacrivyna:oldieeggleese.-Vd.'" 0 • Cenuine pleased to o'bseree, are supported by. doseph KTwiehell, of Hartford, and - Dr. George S. Fullerton, peotessor Of philosophy in, the 'University a Penn- sylvania. In an Interview on this euh- such -well-km:mu euucatOrs as Rev, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Most Boar Signature of . See PeceSinille Wrapper Beim, • Irewy setael fine at; 000 e to take as mow. cARTEK8 FOR I1EADACN FOJI DIZZINESS roomousnat,-. • VER fOR.SORPID !LIVEN; okessstiPAtioN FOR SALLOW SKIL , FOR THECOMPLEXION lorki , ,Callati=luismuikrno"fijourva tg Meg I PlilreIT Tegatablle./0,-- CURE SICK HEADACHE1 it pet in the Philadelphia "Penile Ledger," Dr. Fullerton 'dealared very justly that our system of dubbing men deetors of divinitYor doctors of laws, on the score merely a their being -per- sons of prominence, and 'without regard to their real Intelleennel attainments, was cheapening the whole system of degree -giving. The worst abuse is the "throwing about" of the degree of doc- tor of divinity. "The popular clergy. man," eaid Dr. Fullerton, 'imaY be the least scholarly of men: yet, if be have friends of sonle influeece, be cen always get this degree. I know a number who knjoy this honor, and who are not, even Men of ordinary oulture. They make no (pretensions to being sehOlars." The ease might be put ;Much stronger than this and still be well within the truth • If a list of persons now strutting abOnt the coantry -with a long tali of -initial letters trailing behired . their nettles could be printed, tOgether With their actual standing and intelleetual, ae- Now that the king has quite a. U TUE CLINTON Nt'W EM The .Stupidity of Instinct, Passing of the Artificial Plower, WE are not public benefactors, WE ere not snetebln4 people Irma this VIA% WE cannot say that we are rectories to health those who have been given op by, anywhere from three to thirty eminent Doctorsd WC Melte only the very modest claim that IRON -00X —TABLETS 'wean nerve tonics IACtere far indigestion and eon. stipation„ a blood maker and purifier, p corrective of sits& , gish. liver and doranflontonfi of tho kir/sieves ONLY THAT! but perhaps that Is enoughloi 25c "Harper's Weettly.". Are insect% bees for instanee, ad 'or the last hundred years art"-, Very intellieene after all, or doee ilcial flowerel leave been. the ilea:est tbeir leetinet resemble auttImatisni decoration a woman coutd buy for ' instead oe reason? lelr, 3. Garter' her slimmer hat. The superlative i Beard has asserniele4 a number Of in- has a double meaning in this con. I teresting instances- in the "Scientific; nection - "dear' to feeteine puree.. ' Ameriean" which lead to the canon), etrines, leameasurably satisfyins, to • - Edon that the Wondei.ful resulte atm) her sense of the artistic and appro. i accomplished by insects are due, not to relate. NO one, not even the meet 7 intelligenee, lint to automatic obedience • joeleal man, could deny the daintiness to exteraal or internal "ittinnall. We 1 of the instinct. that led women to be as well, he thinks, call a watch ; deck their multItudinoue hearls with Intelligent es ern insect. I copies of the sweetest things DivinIte In one instance it appears that ; sets down upon this rolling ball. So it house -flies exhibit more appearance of , was that ail these years, from her real intelligenee than de honey -bees. ; palace in the center of he i‘ kingdom, Take a large glass jar wIth a wide I Fashion each spring sent out her un - mouth, says Mr. Beard, and imprison ', assailable deeree that flowers were to in it a bee and soine files. Put the Wit. I deck hats. „ - tom of the jar against a window -pane, I At tirst the word "artificial" was al - rdraw the ctir Mille ar01.1.1113 the jar and 1 ways used in speaking or writ S- ot July. 1.0th, 1902 11 T , quickly find their 'way out of the open items contain many allusions to "ar- then uncork the mouth. The files will I linen or snit posies. Old " ashIon Top e1/4.ve ers anci ounsts mouth into the room, .butethe bee will tificial roses," "artificial Iilies-of-the. the glass where it sees the light and reader that real flowers were not Travelling from place to place are subject to all kinds _ stupidly continue to try te,get thrOugh valley," -always to impress upon the • willsnever think of exploring in the meant. Of late years the aejective has other eireetion. ,But perhape this +been almost entirely eliminated from of &mei Complaint on account of change' of water,. snows, not superior intelligence on the the dictionary of the 'writer who dishes part of the files, but less attraction to up modish delicacies. Nowadays, a diet and temperature, I the ligket or a greater variety of etirnull hat is triinmed with "violets:" a Ikea • to 'motion. ,15 Of "forget-me-nots. No eoman The bee' :whole existence stereo he bad not often a man -is ignerant as Interegting depend Upon routine. She always does ' to imagine anything else but artilleial file same things the same way and fiewere es meant. PP 414 exhibits no capacity to profit by, or The making of these heatitiful imi- . ' enough Itititile Of Naiure's handiwork became repair the effects of, e•ceident. -Mason- tainnients, the shovvingWoUld be aMUS. Of motarsears it has become neeessarY fieurishes a D.D., tent 'who 'cannot write White, wen known in the motoring their eggs therein ane top off the con- trade of artificial -flower -melting de- • 1 ceded from mother to (laugh ea struction with a robe If a hole Is , is a sure cure for iarr ca, , ysen ery, c, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Seasickness, Cholera, , Cholera Morbus; Cholera Infantum, Summer Com. 'plaint, and all *Fluxes ()f the Bowels in Children and . bees, for instance, build little thimble% a vast enierprise employing the Skilled ing for a cornea almanac. We to create a• new household appoint- shaped structures of mud, half fill labor -of thousands of men, womee, and happen to know one such, person who ment, and the other day Mr, Greham them with honey and polieh, then la irls In mans parts 'of the world the Dr. ovvler s Ext. of Wld St three consecUtiests sentences correctly world, was -offered the honorable post g • rawberry either as taspelling grammar, or punc- of "Master of the King's Motor -ears." made in the bottom of one' of these Whole families for generations . • A Dramatic Moment,. tuation, 'and there are probably other The post carries with it thedistinction thimbles while the building is geing tin. Pasted, stitched and colored the beau - V4 tees' . • instances of the same sort, gays "Les e of driving .the King and the eupervi- and the honey is allowed, to run out. Weil evidence's of thelr A reon or the royal motoring arrange- the stupid bee, even After discovering 'Until recent years the aim Was al- t the close of the Crimean War' the lieja WeeklY'" 4Dulte ot Cambridge, who had • e hole, makes no atteeipt to stop It ways to make artificial flowere 500- _i absence of , men ta. FlitY telephone stations distributed up, but continues to pour la the honey cessful counterfeits of Nature's owe tcomrmand in the the the Lord Raglan, went in pereon to officer t---eview the English troops. It 'fraud. He coUldn't control rnY mind for the speciai purpose at giving tirne- Fem./ilea by insttact having been Put the eye'S 'discernment. At this time through the San Gabrfei fofest reserve at the top, allowing it to run away at darlings. Every one knows that the 'Mr le - hat hypnot--------------a in California will be uses' this summer the bottom, untie the. proper amou.4t +work was often d.one so ably as to dere Marshal Cannibert to inalte the Fr noir urnP Y • ki at- A ts. bad not oeeurred to His Highness that at ttlI last nighf. pokeiy-oe course, iy warnln* in cage a tire breaks out. n. -she lays her ,eggs. and seals up the the art of ertificeal flower -ma ng dul the date fixed for tire review was June he had 'some excuse. ChtnenleY-Yes. anywhere in the Woods. -Twenty-five top, content with her vain heeor, %Med its highest perfectioe. The more • le, the anniversary •of -waterloo, beer He Elam there was no material to work rangers .will Patrol the forest‘and, be- Many other 'instances can. be cited faithful the 'likeness . a the imt- indeed at tile snoment did, Marshal on. 'YOu ought Ito 'wee heard the &utile In armed With Portable. telephones, 'which tend to show that the instinct or tations to ea originate the better the • ea- pay of the maker, and the greater the •Canrobert pay a.ny heed to the (late. epee give hina the la,ugh.--Bits." ,he able, in an emergeisay, to cut in insects (Ries not resemble human r At the time agfeed upon Caarobee on the nearest wire without losing the son, . stimulation to effort. • • farm, accompanied b'y (his staff. The • . • Italy is not the only country that . do things which do not seem to be the tesque and unnatural. Now. and then Does not leave the Boy/els in a constipated condition. Its effects' are marvellous. It acts like a charm. . Relief is almost instantaneous. What are Piles time needed to reach a station. . • On the other hand, insects sometimes Then came a'creeping in of the gro- • • eras on the ground in full parade uni- English army. was drawn up in long Piles or hemorrhoids as the areSomad can boast of its burial towns and vil- result of pure automatism. Darwin Queen Fashion sent out edicts estah- • tile; to the right, the Guards, with their tunes ca. iled. are shell' t:imors, whieh form lagers, says the "People's Friend." • In 'found that even earthworms exhibit . . Song, hairy head -gear; then the High- lishing the position of green' roses, red . • in and abont the.orifice of the rectum. 'Scotland there are the Culbin Sands, Vlore adaPtabiliter to. oircurristoncen lilacs, puiple carnationee and all sorts eeeraaveaseareareeeseseasaepaaareaseratraeseeresks They are caused by an mined and covering a large tract of country,. of inartistic, even ugly, effects In arti- /enders, wall their leather-trimmed.than was shown bireetr. Beeed's in/ - bagpipes, and with sounds stranger • very numerous in this part of the body. toadied; While in Ireland there is the Still; and last the infantry, with •their Asa ruleevery form Of piles beconles at ancient town of Bannon, situated in a tufted shakos and their red tunics with times acutely inflamed. and extremely once fertile tract between .Wexford and white gimp. The eun was beaming idea The itching and burning usually Viraterfotd, as effeotually covered with caps, their strange coetuiries and, their inflamed condition of the veins w ich are der whieli ',many dwellings' lie en. ' •Prisonsa bee In the glass. jar. • •Acial flowers. The unending search rightly:, causing the arms to glisten. • ,F:creases tif night, 'and the inisery which serid as ever Pompeii was with red-hot and the flags waving in the wind wefe ny peop e endure is beyond description. cinders or Herculaneum with' lava. all covered over with names embrold- • Thereisnogtiesswork about Dr. Chase's Manefaeturerit Or artists" colors now !red in gold. It was a 'superb SPeOtaCIO : Ointment, is a cure ftie piles. It • has . The Duke of Cambridge • asked the beentriedin the crucible. of „lime, and _ _041.,1.•eli use mummies 4n, making their colors,and It isealermet ceitala that e' marshal to .take •the eight of the line of gradually *melts way into favor With the .. battle -it e•as the Guards who occupiedmediredprofession, aswellas with •the . small. pereeritage of some enelent it -and reviewirig ,officers began to public in general. • Jte has .a wonderful : .ESY);)tian rulers went ea cOmPeortie se s otsthe colors used by various It.A.'s .in move along in front of their tanks: : soothing and healing effect, and wherever. . Having got level with the first bate appliedito burning, itching, inflamed skin , . painting their. portraits for ,ehis 'Year's Mummies- -enon Canrobert ealuted ' it. eet. the it affords almost Instant relief, cooling the Aeedeerierasays the "Taller." d In legume Or same moment the 'flag was • lowered to eresed disease and 'healing the rave ulcer- were usually preserve n , , return his salute, and on theunfOreled eels sldnthe best pitch, and this 'blended with tissue he read, in large letters: 'Ask your friends and neighbors about the bone of the mummy gives atime, , "Ramilies, Malplaquet, Les Arapiles, Dr. Chase's Ointment. It is recognized lierlY heautiftl tintespecially in r Vittoria . . . Waterloo." by surprisingly large netabrown odarkblue. ber of people Those were preeisely the most dims- aathe only actual cure for piles. R will. This has so ear been a year of disas- ' not fail you Sixty cents a box at all ters. Well-nigh 100,000 souls have been ' . that Canroberte a French general; was 'deal:et:a, or beiemil pesepaid on receipt Lf swept into eteriaty sinee the beginnieg and people agree that Scott's Eitiml- sion;Of cod-liver oil is the best thing. to:take for_ !.‘dont: fp...-".1. Nell ,end .on t know WhY," -they .111:e ii—thea. and Wolnei; ox f id. it,. bitt baj,).4 actuu;1•.; . for novelty began it. Newness, rig mat- ter ' how unseemly, al/Peals to mcist PeOute for ae• time. Then ertmes a re- action when the full commonness of a Put the whole, good and -bad, aside tor popular Parley strikes people, and•they a peeled of dormancy. When the imi- tation. blossoms of fantastic. propor- tions:and bald ugliness 'came to lie the sayleaeartiecerelaftewer-making was a doomed ledestry..- Itfillinefee-leaked aboUt 'for some artistic and .new seh- etitute. The hat itself, -well from our .-been a, thing of shape only, ofterel.: great-grandmother's time dorh had great poSsileilities for 'ingenious •Ideas.. arias Green BEST E TVG E3 • DO you want 'the Itest--at the Lon'est Price? . We can simply you with Bagel's' ' -----onelof the best tnglish makes at 25e lb .ii,...11.01-11T, Dispensing ChenuSt, Clinton TOP 0 fere . . began to florid the market:. wire frames , "V-Ilt*****************311-19114,- 4einkirkeeerlt.-lideltrItetilesSererer9reekereelierlik ..About three years ago teacy braises. . . . nieiv it. . , s.rfos ,,,, num 4....!•.,' ANn TIT .T. . ' '. " ''"":7"' .• ' were made With greater care than. . . • • ' t . , . ever e all sorts of •faatastic ad beads . , . .., .., tiful effeets, were.brought out in straw hats, which Deeded. no extra, adorer. ; went other than a trifle of -ribbon, , chiffon, or lace -arid artificial flowers Tit J. -W...IRWIN'S , l' went off Fifth avenue to dwell ameeg ' th • folk who live on the outermost. . • e . , .. • • The .Fable of thus compelled to .salute on the aunt- price, by Erimanion, Beteg le Co ,Toronto oe the preeene Year be' a remarkable &runt Matiukatra, fritrner Prime Min. . , D 5 ' • series..of disasters, according to the istersof Japan:who is know-ei In Ani- versary of Waterloo, in the midst of • . •"rrilleunees•Which-keeps ree . erica geiretlee father the'gold. stand - English generals who had fought there. . r. e 11.4 Is, \ He was unable, do whet he .ceuld, to ' repress the emotion that was• choking him during- that second. Cold shivers • ' :ran through hieehody; the hand with ..TEGInbUrpsa disttner volcano. • , : which- he held 'kis hat While saluteng • • •---- ' ' • • old a waterspout devastated the sub - trembled like aedead leaf. • • ' . -When. the • earth -fleet etartee -co urkis of tovieetonie Ky., claiming six • Stili, anxious to let nothing of aN;.0.1as -solidify, millions of years •ago, -tleP• victims. Since then two midi* disie. : Lien crust that formed Peet un the - appear, he went on saluting, one 'after; tees have elaimed SOD reeir • . ' raging gases within. As ;mon as they s the other, down to the very, last -of ' A' pester') house decision .oxi %leas has atheeeel 'sufficient strngth they foreed ,, ahem, the colore. on which he Could al. •' rendeeed in Strivitierlincl.. A pack - Quality the Best gi prices the Lowest • cora of.such 'things, The list given •by ard," was asked during his recenavisit e zeednath and St. Lawrence hest 'granulated snow, at $8.8.5 • per cwt by .; • . • asters oectirring before eVfay 20. Before ; dustier' in the Mikado's Eimplee evere read her edge of emeeri ineshiOn's yealrn; and . royal mandates through•pov- 31-'41?"Pre'''"" the "Tribune" includes- only these dis- to New Yerlt whether "Captains or In- , ..au it IL the hari el, or1.6 nriunds for $1,. po d ff f $ ' s cc) ee sugar or " its issue ref 'that day was twelve. hours getting et:Cresol of the country's trade erty's spectacles. • t --------------------------.1.4044 age marked "Trained Fleas" readhed ways read: "Les Arapiles, Vittoria . . ' .: point; . thus fortreing the 'first volcano. _ Geneva. -The nearest 'analogy the 'col-. terloo." . • .. . s : . . eInce thee. (ley, though • the earth's . • lector &mid find was that of euneatigs, . As may be einagnied, Canrelbert's. oust ' gradually thickened and Cooled which • had been ruled to be "•!'edibles.'' arnotion was au the more Pewerftel that exitil it • was eitted• to Bastille . lire. .the . The, ease went from one,official to an )ie was constreined • to keep It •dowiti. Inner:. forces have always striven •to - Ptheie..till, it reached heatleueetersi at • When it "ivas all Overlie was obliged to • beeak through, 'heaving up. mountain s Berne,. whence,. atter much' trareetigae pull himself together in 'ordered shaks -ranges an & araihipelagoes In their en-. ' 'don and. eeliberation,' the ;-etaneldeleri. bands with the Duke of. cambridge, to " •deavore, to find a vent .• - • . . ,wes... reaeieed that the fleas came tinder tender bein• thazikse to offer him con- 'IsIntivb volcanoes behave ,aTike. elome• . the heed of.."Wild ' aelnlais In a inena-• gratuiations. • - like Ilaridaleas, In Japan, remain .eillet geree." . e • . • His Highness was far.' too quick- • ' ror more than e1, thousand. yesesie and, . e - One of •the diffioulties hteherto• en - sighted not to have ariticed 'what he tken,enne da the -imprisoned -steam . eountered • by -explorens Among. the .gi. had gone through, andefar eooseactful and gases hewing too mace. :roe. the ' ,arit,tc, incyAluirloles• of ancient Egypt is to make the faintest alliisidieto it.. But e "holler," and ',It .expilred,ea eOthers - the latek..of euffielent light iti•the buried from that. day . Onwa'rtl, whenever ''erupt:' continuously,. and their.energY _ -chambere and here passages- of pyre- . French 'officers were invited to 'review never being pent up, they do not be- - adds. tombs and • temeles: Recently the English army, the clam's' remained come dangerous.. Mount Stromboli; in. . this difficulty in the ex.ploratteen of the • under cover, and neither Sairit-Artinud, . the Meelterranean, has •been active . ereat temple or . Karnak has been • ture a al m i lox Acacia 1 ' tri an throe:see • yearit, yet ites activity, largely overceme•by Priotemor iVeaispero Pelissier nor Canrobert had In the rue •without interruption for itwo theusend e• though cone - eliniugli the „introduction of electric Larne Back stant, is not excessive, and it has not lamps. The pynaMide else •are to be ' - • the terrible record of an Etta or a lighted Weer •eleetelette, their mysteri- • eresu.vius. Veeuesies, on the other ous etiambers and pessagewilys pene- in the Mornin hand, was qui for -centuries aefore elating t 5.. the.fatal Augmetst 24 in the year 79 he interior of the east etrue- A.n, whet it oVerwhelmed .11erce- There are.,„0. • leneum and Pompeii. rnany people who find it a difficult task getting up in the morning, . on account of a terrible pain, anti soreness terossthesma11,11 of the baek that makes rising a painful and • Centred gorel.e cheap -Dead end Keret -Pan. Corn ee a can. Canned • Last year there Wete more fancy • end "res.-0'11meg. • . " .chicken 'Roast Bet•ti lb I in- 15e eaeh. "Net teethe same extent ae In -more . sadveneed lanes;" eeisWered Citunt Mat, sukata. with a. smile: -!"Perhaps We. are • leffuenced by the old 'elyth•of the Gold : Wren,' heeded down from the aricient days: of• Sin- Mu." • • .. • . , . The count was requested tell the ,legend, and he sate.; . • .n. the Alin historie a • mer- chant eager for great weelth herd of a strange grove of wild lemon. trees Whose 'fabulous 1, ;rule, wheat eatene- . • Would 'convert the hand • ehat, pluekere it• into•goid. . • ' ' ' "So the merchant journeyed to the . •kroire; Whetre' the 'Geri 'a letehessavetha.-• •a great sack 'on •leis shoulders, 'bade him,- lieip -himself, He did so,. and his artn • was converted into gleaming gold. Title • he had amputated, and, though bereft . of an arm, became a•man or wealth. "A. banker,- hearing �f, .the strange ciese,•• determined 'to secure -the total produpe of the mitacuintis lemon trees.' To that end he bought out the right of • the guardian deetyr but that shreWd.' being exacted so great a price.that the covetoes banker ratlike' his ,fortune de- pleted. To secure ready money he de- termined to eat eif the fruit and flee n arm. • tures willbe more eaelly tnavorsed, And "Raw lemon, however'', -Was too as-, •a intereseinge dizeoVeries may etesult. tringene ter his 'pampered palate, and Newtroundiand dogs, bought by. .the so he sweetened thejuice of several • • • "Extinct" volcanoes ate more to be . Life -Saving Service of ehe Seine to as leinons, and e adding thereto wine of . dreaded than • those with smoking s st I rescu ngwork ave aroused no vintage, drank greedily of the pa - Critters. Under the verdure-elad 'Pex. end of come -heat in Paris. The eardne tent and ,tempting .beverage. tinct`i volcano tre.mendous forete,may savers eame•near to becoming e politi In a few mieutes he hadeurned.into be at work, aecumulating"strength• eel issue. ./lieletile and abiese were aspillar-�i! gold. • • ' With elate, till the Moment comes When heaped ueson them. They were paid to "Then his belie •melted him down, the weakened l'akin' of earth gives. ne expensive, stupid, inefficient. At 'last coined him into Convenient cobangs, Way before the preseure. 01! -the sube, a newepaper.man cleitieedand executed and, turning their backs bravely on ,terra,nean steam mid gases, It 10 m- taste Taking a cumber of his a:sso- grove of golden lemons, proceeded with possible to be eertain that the eraterelates as witnesses, he drove to one ref •free hands ea spend and • enjoy their the bridges and leaped into the stream. The slogs 'Showed no initereet 10 the. proceeddng. .The keepens .eetelid not ina.ke" the Newfo.mallands plunge:leeter o the river. . A man with a boat -bolsi &Mini f or tin X reecued the etinertalist. Parisian velts' straws, and•dozens of easefully planned. ' Teas-Blaek apan and Young Hyson from -10a up,..our leader is 25c per ehapeee. in hats, and: 'this -season the •deiriand "ter the: new straws has driven merle dealers in .ertitlehei fiewe erabut ofenrsinesee During the Month of April four heretofere -prosperous fines were obliged to their' dews. One •of these, a large wholesale. house dealing exchislitely en artifielel floWers, • event Into banlereptcee 'giving as. the sole reason.. :for se' doing, that these was no demaxerfoi" •their. goeee. , So long as the• seraels are as dainty and ;derable• as they are ' this Spring ; the situation is pot. likely to • change. 4..Wfilli...,PaSt the series of fashionable everitie- sbopleeestab- lislies the tenth- of this asser.tion.• There • are whole. windows • diseleeang, Only hats • of. straw whose detie • telm- ming• Is ribb;.n,•• tate, or chiffon. It seems a, pity. when one. thinks of the . ,daintinets .-6f, the artifiaial .flowere of past daye, but there is, no help for it until women tire of fancy straws and long, foe other. novelties. Then the in- dustreawill awaken. • In the -meantime hundreds, of girls and.women Who have. no other emploerrnent are hopelessly' out oe work, , • • . Apropos of . the . rather slighting re- mark in Cecil Rhodes's will, -With re- ference tO the college authoritles ot Oriel, that they "are like childree as to commercial enattere," 'someone re - crane -the story once current of-Sohri Keble, Wlio in'his Ilene was burser ot Oriel... The werthije poet *as titeown. leto a panic -by. the (Recovery that the college iteemnite eame out about two • thoueatid penrids on. the wrong sides.' really is extinot. The most noted eistinet volcano in these islands Is the etninenee upon which . the eitie of Edinburgh le "."Desily • ' operation. Ever know what it They Stripped . are inclined to exedipate the dogs, was to have your -ha& hen SO bad that w,rhe eenowleg stoey Is going the . view that there, ought to be npero•rilsiteora- Almost scream with the pain/ • • incident has probably not been heard to reduce the ;number of Pat -astern who, they su,•ke ggett, evidently tathe you'd try to get' out of bed you'd rounds of the Englitth papers. The; ference with any set wirith Can't do mueltuf a clay's work of before in•Canetlea- ' journal' starting of with a back as bad as don pear Montreal, Zbith candidates that—sot fit or pleasure either. were present at a Meeting of, cormtitu- ; Well, all tills backache suci. p,ain, enta, and the debate 'was very' heated.'1, dates eloquently deelare?i that the man because the kidneys are clogged and your back has to Miler for it, • ought, to be ispifilleated, hitter he halt *Just try a box, or two of Dr. exhausted his indignation, his oppon- cMt rose and blandly remarlted that he Pitcher's Backache Xidiley Tablets. What a change y,oulli find coming Novt(lculdonchowt "a enoovtereigh that the patri- • lint, ;rags over you You'll be able to spring that had not come7raOmrinsfbrarran from yqur bed in. the ntoruing JoYous ehalme, and the Meeting eeizEetti it and him, and denuded hint Or every... lively as a cricket, and feel refreshed thing save his birthday clothes with and fit for your daily tidied. - greater 'zeal than 4elickeY, and this is .Stene thee since these was an elec., this stness and soreness comes The *More patriotic of the ttvo candle Id not atronize manufae. unworthy citizen. an up, can't do their work properly, vi,lkhroesd wasP TOUCHED THE SPOT. hoer be peeled: Stift from Parfet; un- • • derWear from tiondott; shirt and collar, Joseph Weeks, Beekwith Streeb, &tittles from Vienna; boots from )3erillii Ue Vas, says " My back waS in a bad. way. natIee, 'The next del the denuded one X (was deertitely lento, atid there wag a Was not elected. times I headeelies, arid oftert X was CagaidY.---Matt, Ye're drunk. Casey -a dull grirulho7 pan over my kidney.' Ata tlizzYd Pe% cOlOitltikr:b,achboaa-ateoping, 4Z0 44;if CeSMd It'ed * I tried first one tiling, thdn. another hub tiet `dare ` deeeeteee.-e.aa ',tilt tte weal therewas no permanent heneilt he' -an Sober. °Weide-IV Ye Wilt sober. ye'd using Molter's Xiclney Th''10 ;bey sInse enough to know yo won; righ" to the spot, and X found promperes druntt. 1 tier.egetbing before over did me us notch Mre. lanes*/ don't see • what ah! en& remold Auggest; to anyone TI.I''cring waisted to marry him for, he has, a, ei °eat wee .to tree:loin." eork leg, it gloms eys7 mid. false teeth, Pit‘l'herea Peettrielie.V.idney Te1.1-14 Vire. my dear, you ktkothr • .• tinx, 10.1 artnesiete er by Peel, women alWaye did have a Itanktriest 1,41 )u 5;.r4 1)PftTilitt Velq, Toronto, OA stow tennicate....POmart Beto4 1 Sielt Readaehe, Billogsness, Dya- pepsla, Coated Tongue, roll): treath, Heart guru. 'Water Brash, or any, Disease of the Stomach) Liver or noireds. taxa -Liver Ma arc :purely ve:,etal•le iteitheigripe,Seenken nor sicken,,Aos PialA 10 ij and prnmpfS Sit. Sbountiftil inheritance.' "What behaine of that lemon grove?" ,enquired a vigilant New Yorker W110 hd listened eagerly to the story. ea "There is no record,'" replied Cotbit betifeukata, eof its having been destroyed, but happily eur .tortiine- •hunters have not been able telecate ut "Do you think he wattle' he aeuccess In .polities?" "Yes, indeed. Why, he ente thoroughly ,mastered the•kraelt of looking interestee when he laeheing bored." -Chicago "Poet." ."I left sny husband's death .notieti here this Morning," Said the "Yee/Mid the bright c:erk in the pub- lishing office Of the "Daily Squib." 'NOW, ; want to .add 'Gone to nest' m an aeopropriate plaee" • "Yee, ma- dam." replied the bright clerk, and the next Morning tete read: "Gone to rest In 00 appropieate plaeeee-Pitilte- delphia,•"Prese." • • • WELOOX FOR V101711 TBA.D.E. Serving the public With demi:attention bonest gooderand low prices, has given us .a high poiritiOe amongst the druggists of Cenada, We look for your trade, and will use every endeevor to make you a regular oestomerd. ,Onr supplies of rue arege, Meatoinea, Telles Preperetioi.s, terfarnes, Omahas, Coelho, Sponges, Eta, will interest you, PeneteiCtmerot Comeocue, 1kie are livered to ill ...yo!tr orders for We ' 9,0,7,11e;17it.-,-;t:•.1n:"-- ioinee. s ii8;trintiid" 'Virtues,. We' strengly recommend it as blood pnrme,r ievo brRcer ad flesh in er. Paines Celery Compound le .no tow re- medy ft ha it been tested end sintoesefully toted in ell tette of 0%00* by ices Of bontsindii, 'iA I) a he never felled, •U• P. nEEKIE,Druffizi4, ont kit t The 1earned a tried in vain to find out where the er- ror was, and it was not- until an ex- pert was called in that it was discov- ered that Keible, Insecesejae ee, e umn, had inadvereepetedecl tfieeflaan;; of the year to Oriers deVtht • pernei. • • • Rata,- Chwrants, Prunes, Dried Peaches A.pricests 'and Conking Figs . 0 . cheap. • • • • °recite y -I have jost.operied out 3 crates of Dinner,Teaband Toilet Seta • and fanev chioa, new patterns direct from the factories in England, sehing from .10 to 20c,t lese than regular price, Call and. examine quality and prices, Wanted good butter and eggs. Phone 45. , Soit amess you e,.no molt° your balk noel se Pat Mk II glove encl an ouch ee wire by using ESik reiA Hare nese 011. YOu can lengthen :to Iltb-make it , last twice as long as 11 orelnerey temia. W. trag.K EINEINS 430 =altos a poor Woking bor. 1111,5 ttlso -,nesi. • Made of pine: 10..:.27 bodied on, es. peolnily p1 mired to with. stand, the Weather. • Sol0. sr et,vvsbere In 0anall ibes. • .11ads by1iurilurU. 0114SEEllef. ••• :dee Strennotee Life Iteve.(inrce. , Strenttosity, however, seems to imply at least a shade of difference from eller- gy"else why the new name.? . The ,die- .timiner says it is something "eagerly eeilelieseing •eif ,urgents4rongly. insistent, market' .try:effiiceenprokce*g zeal Itun • rilii.”01 Husband's Face. Benediets who are in the habit -of try.. Ing to palm themselves off sket epring bathed roosters 'will learn, riot with, . out alarm, that the- physiognomist is On their track. He has, in Act, evolved a on, terror called the "husband's fade." Every married man is said to - possess It, and. it marks him out a. Benedict just as surely as if he had a label -to that .effeet htnig niund his neck. Don't imagine, says "Plek-Nle- Vp," that we -are going ; to give the seoret away -thee ladies know too much, already -hilt any dilly certified mare tied man who eende along sufficient unequal and stamps to cover the pests Age, 00st of packing, and registration teaks have It by return, or later, It jtifst as well to be on your guard, bore, .There is email comfort in being told by Se ;casual confection that You. AO not what you pretend to be, even suppose Ing you areri% and little Wrinkle from "one Who knows" eat " avert troume, Fire you're .heartily wale Asnat, ' • I A A 'beavy timber fell on Harry MU ord' „at Wallacehurg and.be Was killed, It meat Hill fell 40 feet from X build. Mg at London and was not seriously _ Injured. Atoording.,,to the evidenee at the Nitibern inquest At LottdOn he was kicked to death. ) TRWIN. ,nton AGENTS l'r.ilvTED-For the only antinirized Life of the great 'rein:tag/lay his distinguished. . son, Itev.-Dr. Frank treWitt Tallriage, and the Associate Editors of the rehristian Berabk Big b00k. 600 'Page% prOlu;saly illostrated,only e5.00. leasese- discount. Books on credit. ,Outet tree Ite filet in the field. Wire on write for otant today.. 14BADI,EY-GIARRETE011 & 00., Apri 18-tf, &ante:gee. J, TISDA14... t4ixEh, '.i?LiN'ttibli ONT.: Pri este tinede to lose, kuitgaine bee*.mr.ereet tato*. " • adtatese . A General V,P5. basinese transimied • • 3.1r..wee.41‘ allowed on depoiiits. Sale; Inset' bought • 6 G Des McTaggart . NE ER ALBERT 'ST, 6- CLINTON 4 General Banking Busineall - transacted ' NOTES ID.ISCOUNTE,IX Notes'issued. Interest allowed on deposits. • . lung the..word back to its root in the . Greek, we find It means "strong, hard, roligh'harsI etiall r of eminds"--for y example, "the etreneolis trumpets." • Preeieely1,. The strenuous life is the life that sounds like a trumpet. It its dominant, aseeetive, tnilitnt. There is a tone of defiance and strife in it. It is next dear to a Strident life.. If this is what it wane, it is not a natural' / take it for Aacted that a man.and ii woman are of the mine worth, and not of the sante. kind: A ,woman's spe- cial and inestimable value in the world lies just in the qualities which nuke her Womanhood. And these'are things which strenuosity must disturb, if not destroy. , A serene and g'etitle diguity;a ti -an - Mtn wisdom to counsel Slid restrain? fine delieacy of feeling, quiek to rejoiee, tender to suffer, yet palfent to enderel a sUbtk sense of the value of small, unpurehasable things; a power of greet confidence and of selkaerifiee almost limitless where love speaks the word and duty shows the task; an instinct of pro- tection, afl, a, joyous pride in mothering the wenir a brave loyalty to the rights of the heart against "the, freezing rea. milts colder part"; a noble bungee and thirst for haranon'; an impi (ignoble. strength of persentil reserve; and an exhaustless generosity of personal sup render—these are the native gctories of womanhood. These are the things that life, if true and well -ordered, should deepen, uiio1d, btighten arn armonize in the perfeetion of a woman's thane. I ter. -Henry Van Dyke, itt Harper's Da« oar. THE MOLSoNs HANK theorporated hy Aot Parliament 1866, CAPITAL $2,500,005 REST FlJND $2, 150,000 . EfEAD otracn, MONTREAL Wm, btforzos Affeenettsob; Padden James 211.,ntor, Gen. Manager. -Neter, disoonnted,eolleetions ma ie. 4.*a1!ix, issued, sterling and American exehenest bought and sold. Interest %flowed on deposits sevnto` Hems -interest aitofved on ennui of $1 and op. Money advanced to fat -mambo their own notes, with one or mem endorsere, No mortgage required. .aretiOr0 Kalmar*. "Ciintoi Coors Cotton Zout COMMA is ftweefattfily need moriskSr b7WO 0,000 Ladies. Safe Offeett141. L AWNS ant drn foe 'COWS COM ROI f,,t1 "i111,rfeV>teCgilpitrogrIlsitnIar l'it• k 1130101ry Wind A and * aeld and cettnaitinist tiONMINeirailtiSti taanamiak **No. 1, and No. 2, ere gold itl Olin at An resoonsilltrag Stores,