HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 5'TUE CLINTON NEW ERA •h _awning 010.00410 coming owl GOina. See Fred T. Jackson for Solid Leathr Soes.1 Mies Helen Gunne;as in Goderioh en Miss Vanoe,11,Ittohell, la the gueet of Miss Don't Bla-me Your Feet If they. tiche. TsraPer-trying to be sure. But why confound tne effect with cause? The fault is in the Shoes Better get a pair of Hagar Shoes - from JACKSON, then you'll have com- fort as well as style, fit and wear. Best Shoe 1Tatups 3D own All sizes and btyles for Men, Women and Children. Lowest Prices Every pair guaranteed You always get the best from JACKSON No Ahoddy Fred 'T JACkson Patronize the New Shoe No Paper Soles • Store and get new Shoes Weat ///e2 day/ Moolckoes. Nwt; SH1NOL4 themodern waterproof Birdie Heywood. W;laianseaciSp6eYOner wag Piegenger for Win- FatedriatuagabatevrioalZdr 14110a/rout Miehigan, Nothing nipeg Tneadey morning. R. P. Reekie went to St Thoreee on Sat. Mies Olive Float', Toronto, i visiting Enal ut7.;,:,..":dur::::::::Yad left Tues. 11 Mies Cora Dawden, Blyth, spent Suaday er undo, D. Cantelon. qday to visit friends in Goderich. with her mother in tewn. 5,1 • 0 visit with friends in Goderioh. went to Goderich yesterday. Mrs Thomas Nott, of Port Findlay, Al- Miss Agnew Nogham, WaS the guest o" Miss Minnie Hill is on a twO weeks' Mr and Mrs P. B. Crewe and daughter ). " 1.• • Shillala gems, is vieiting friends in town and et Ur and INIre t.goetv, this week, amity. Mra Geo. Roberton,who has been visitiog I `C.-2.71weinattse-e-'441.4'. Mise Ella MoEwan left on Townley, in Brussels, has returned Innate. On a two wetelts visit to frienaa at Brant - Misses A. Stewart and B.Bennett, Myth, ?ora quick and ford. ere the guests of Mra W. King, this week. 1 lasting shine. Mr Jett Xaine, who haa been Visiting in Mre R. L, Willittnuson, Toronto, is visit. , tekhoiarrwieeleokr. the past Month, returned borne ing Jur parenta Mr and Mrs T. Levan. Paste Shoe Polish Takes the place of all liquid dressings which injure the leathsr and scale off. • Shinola burnishes theactual leather leav- ing it brilliant, smooth and dry so that dust , cannot stick to it, nor contact, dull it. Once shined it will not soil the most deli- cate fabric, SHINOLA is the best and also cheapest. Only 100 for large sized box. it is 'another new thing at the New Shoe Store., VIAN VINVWciliV iihNWINWIOIMW %ay Anvatisentenixi Parlor Snite-five pieces -nearly as good as r ew-will be soldeheap. Can be seen at reel- . Glorious Big etv ace. MRS. GEO. JOINSTON__ .*1 Wanted.. Huron Street. Young men to learn Moulding or Boiler making, .tp:Aler three year indentures. apply • E. LEONARD It SONS, 4w. London, Ce. Bargain Event A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Oveircoats, Boya',Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount.o120iper cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season/a -clothing before our new goods arrive. We never lorry one season's goods into the next season. All goods charged during this sale will be charged at Tegulaz prices. Positively nogoods charged at sale prices Our <roods are marked in plain 'figures— deduct_20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale. Men's Men's 5.00 silts now ...... . .. 4.00 Men's 600 " .......... . . ... 480 Men's 800 ft 14 11 14 • •. • • • • • 41k, • .. • .. 6.10 • Men's 10 00 Men's•12 00- 8 (,0 Boys Suits Boys' 150 suits now • 120 Boys'"2 00 " " . ........ 1 60 di 200 Boys' 2 50 " Boys' . 3 00 " it • • .... • . dl_••• • • • • 2 40 Boys' 400 " l' , ... ...... . . ... 3:20 Boys':5 00 " Boya'. odd pants ....... ... ........ 40 • , Men's Overcoats Mens .5. 00 Overcoats now ... 4 00 .6,00 " " ............ 4 80 Men's' -8 00 " " . ••• . . . 6 40 Men's 10 00 " " 8 00 Men's .1200 " " 9 60 BOYS',OVERCOATS ancl..Pea Jackets reduced, in name prop( rtion. IAll fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats,, Collars, Gloves, Mitts and, geavy Underclothing. Thos, Jackson, Sr., Victorizt Block, CLINTON MN•Mikiic1WM MM MAWANIM Boy Wanted. Cows for Sale, To.Rent or For Sale. Good comfortable ootta, on Victoria Street, containing 4 bedrooms. dining room, parlor, kitchen, ete. Hard and soft water, stable on lot -half aore. To rent or for sale. Apply to S. S. COOPER, tft Clinton. Stray Pig. Strayed from subscribers premises, Goder- ich Township about the eth inst.,a yonne vcitite sow. about 6 months old. Any one giving in- formaticn as to its whereabouts will _be re - 'warded. tf ' GFO. MIDDLETON: For Rent. .. The undersigned offers for rent Tot No. 36, in the 7th eon; of the tp. of Hullett. This farm contains 85 acres more erless, with 2 acres ot young orchard, a small house,•a frtenie barn, horse stable and granary. A never failing creek runs throngth the place It is rt•splendid farm for pasture. situated 6.miles from cilnton and i miles from Suromerhi 1. Church,. post office, store and two schools within a short • distance (while they lest). For further infor- mation apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH, Holmesville. July 11-5f • • Notice•to Creditors. in the matter "qf-the Relate of HenrY'Smith, late of the Villiage of Bayfield, in the 'County " of Huron, laborer, deceased. - Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R S. O. i 1897, Chapter 129,•that all creditors end others i having claims against theestate of the 1 said Henry Smith, who died on or skint the 28th day of-Tune,t1E02, are required on or be- fore the 301h day of August, 1902, 'be ,send by post preipatcl, or deliver to either of the under signed Executors, Clinton, Ontario, their christian and surnames, addresses .and des criptione, Mt full particulars of their -clot -us, duly verified upon oat.), and the nature of .the securities, if an.y'/ held by them. And further lotto notice, -that after ...such 1 last mentioned date, the said executors- will ' proceed •to "distribute the assets of the said 1 having regard only to the claims of whieh they . deeettsed among the parties entitled • thereto, shall then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors will not be liable for the said assists or any part thereof, to any IcraIn or PeraOrta Mies Parlee, of the Collegiete etaff, left Mre J, F. Stewart, Toronto, wee the past week. gneet of Dr. and Mrs Graham during the sonagrasatarur.day, to spend her holidaya in Aliso O'Neil left Tueeday to spend the Mts Albert Seeley, eamorapanied by her Aliso with ber sister, Mrs johns, of mother, Mrs Johns, spent a few days in Winnipeg. Goderich last week, recuperating. Miss' Roberton, cousin of Geo Roberton, iA nephew of Mr Lofft while on a wheel. ng tour from St, Mary's to Kincardine, of town, left, Saturday on an extended trip to Stratford. stopped off here on Tneeday. Measre W. D. Fair, Dr. Shaw, W. fl. C, Davits went up to Goderiola Friday Newcombe and 1.), F. Macpherson were night to spend the 12th and Sunday with visitors' to London yesterday, his brother at that place. Mies Ida Zealatui, who has been the affilti,sahaLa abnereart aBwigagvaarat, a otfwathwe ateeul,eaphvoianiet left for St Thomaa yesterday. guest of Mrs Chant for a couple of weeks, to Cleveland end Buffalo. Metiers Stoddart and Rand, of the Colle. Will Dunlop, son of Rey Dunlop, re- giate staff, leave this week for Toronto, to 'turned home Thaesday after a visit at his assist in the departmental examinations. old home in Durham. F. Thisbe.% who has been living at Peru, Mr Gey, District Pamenger Agent, ard India„ is visiting here. His wife has been in delicate health for sOtne time, and is visiting her relatives in Victoria county. Mr Upahall may remain in Ontario, Mr Stinson, Ditipatoher, Stratford, were visitore to town on Wednesday, Lester Whitely went to St Thomas, .on Saturday, to play iscrosse with the team Mr and Mrs j.M.Onling and eon George, ef that city ; and was on the winning side. ' Buffelo. formerla of ,es uburn, were in town • Mr Elwood Scott, of Lake Cherie& on Wednesday, on their way to Anbarn. Loniattna, with his wife and 3 children, Mr Cutlet; intends to put a new water was this week the pees of Mr Thomas wheel on his mill at Auburn and then re - tarn to Buffalo. -Trmiork; Washington, who has been spending - Mr andMrs A. E. Bennett and daughter sorne weeks With her daughter, Mrs Annis, of London, Mr and Mrs C. A. MoDonell, et Port Union;rettaned home a few days mHeanDsaanlle,il,L..01.nDosicu,lttivoinai,temterra,aTnhcla,FB, awe,: since. Mr D. B. Kennedy has left with no Phoenix, B. 0„ papers received from Mre Tnffts, who went there to yiait her. son, Julius. Mr e John Morrish left for•Ox Bow,Man., Tuesday morning, to visit with her son, Harry, who moved to that part aome 3 years ago. Mr and Mrs John Johnson left on the Northwest Excursion Tuesday morn ing,for a six.weeks' sojourn amongat onr prairie province& Mre. John Swartz, and child, Wingham, dropped off here last Friday for a short visit while on her way to Goderich to visit den, also J. E, MoDonell, who underwent an operationat the hospital here,le.st week. Mr and Mrs J. L. Coartice, who have been away on a two mouths' visit to friends in Eastern Ontario, returned home on Wednesday. Mr Conrtice states that in the neighborhood of Orrillia and Barrie there has been so much rain as to seriously injure crops, 'but emit of Toronto he neyer saw them lookin; better. Leeburn .45100D LEOTCRE.-Mr Thos, McGilli- cuddy, of Toronto, (mate a lecture on Monday evening, the 14th, in one church bere, on"Our Neignhors,"which frienne there, was very interesting,' but the weather Richard Brown, (son ot Mr Robt Brown, of Hullett,) who has been at Riegel& has aretearrnhedarvheoatrne and toll remain here until ft Mr Will MoNanghton and Waters, Misses Mend and ()bailie, left for an extended visit to friends in Ba j field, Goderich and London on Monday. • O • Mr and Mrs W. Gla Doherty and ohild, of Thessalon, oame down on the Ring Ed- ward to Goderich yesterday, and will -visit in town for some time. ' Miss Noinm Hessian, el Torontowhile on her way to Winghant on a visit, stopp- ed off here for a half day, to see her cousins the Misses Bentley. Lee Brown of Welland, has been home on the sick list for a few days; he is suffer- ing with neuralgia of the nerves, -which gives him considerable vain. Mies Mary Irwin ,(daughter of Mr R, Irwin) who came home from Toronto last week, will remain forahe holidaye for three week; she is accompanied by a friend, Mies Palmer. T. Jackson, jr., leaves next Tionth, for trip. through to Vancouver, in the inter- est of Lion Brand taothing. Mr C. C. Rance will at the name time take in the Territories. • Miss MoNete,•of Intoknow, who had been writing on the exanis the past week, and while here wee the guest of her friends, Mimes IdoNanghton, left for her, home otifoavrb. oseolame; notice shall not have een received by ,thom at itilit:etuimaNe of, sujch distribu , last Friday aventng. ,IAMES SCOTT, k E" t Mies Lyda Smith, datighter of John ' Is"S• Smithleft on the Northwest exonreion . DeansteesCeinteen.this 161h day of July, '1902. Tneacity mornnagrfor Napiniee, Man., to visit a broteser. If she likes the climate JIStinielpal Notice; shemay remain in 'that part of the country.: W. frving,(eonsof,Mr John Irving,i who; • Notice is hereby given that the Council of bee been1,1 .• eme On a am weeks visit, left• 1 the Corporation of the Town of Clinton in- tends to oonetraot granoiathio siciewaiks as mentioned below and to •assess the final coetthereof upon the propertiere bemoaned I and not exempt by law feena assessment. t A Uourt of Revision will beheld on Tues. i day., :Rh ' elny ofaanguat, 1902, et •81,o'rolook 1, p. m. in the Council Chamber, for the pnr. r pose•of tearing complaints against the pro - sic I posed asseetiment, or inacenracy in frontage measnrements and any other complaints wheali persons interested may desire to makeaad which are by law cognizable by • During hie abeenoe from town Mr k E. secretary treasurer of the Usborrie and the said Court. ' . W1I,LIAM.COATS. ntodgens will Wok after the hnsinees kere, Ilibloent' Fire Insuranee C•onapiiny, was . iClintou, J uly 17th, 1902; ' • and Mr John Croaks will hs.ve dung of in town on Thursday'. He met the &hadn't of propmed walks:- the Goclerioh busirese, Government inspector and had his. On the south side of Joseph, from King Mr Wm Green, an old resident taf owl. chweltramined and approved by that. a . to North 8treets. Total cost $7•33.50; erich towriehipabut laterly living retiredin O town's Oar& of cost $164,70. • being bad there was not many present's A Cultioerria -Mrs F. Horton has now a large cactus, on which there are a little more thattninety buds for blos- som, - CHURCH.- The Sacrament of 'the Lord's Supper will be administered in the church here on July 270, at the morning service. _ NOTES, -The storm on Monday after- teraoon and evening wee very severe. During the atonal a gate post at Mr A. Cintton's was struck by lightning and splintered, also three lambs killed in a field close by. Mrs Whaley return, d to her home near Stre ttord on Satur- day, after spending a oaonth with her daughter, Mrs Jae Chisholm. Mis3 Jes- sie Linklater, of Stratford High School, is spendinet her holidays at het home here. Master Hume Clutton and his sister, Jeae, returned home from Tuck- ersini,th last:week, where they had been t ing their gran d paren ts. Mises Della and Flossie Harrison,of Goderich township, ate visiting -their relatives hero. Mrs Wm Ciutton and daughter Mary, ot Striatford,ere yisiting relatives here. Seaforth LOCAL BRIEFS.-le...r and Mrs W. Somerville left- on Saturday "net for a month's holiday. Theyintend going slirougb to the coast and will stop of at- Winnipeg, • Braudon. Banff and other points, .by the way: it is a ,splendid trip and we hope our friends will enjoy it, During Mr Somerville's ,absertee him bu-iness here will be et. tended to by Mr dames Craig. Mr F. Gutteridge ttarted on Wednesday to clean out Silyel. creek, preparatory to the execution ot tlae drainage works of the town. . He has a. large force of yesterday morning for Chicago, where e. is empl,oyed with the printing firm of It, men at work. 'The furniture factory • has been closed for a week or more to R. Donnelly *Co, Ete is a graduate...Of the pernatt extensive alterations. The New Eat. old planing mill is being used now in 3E.Tor_z_io-Nrsr MrCV.. Svrett, who is eenplbyen with conntent,i.,ti with the furniture factory es. the Canada Paper Co., Torwato do and a. mammy of new machines will be spending a few day e with'his.uncle, Mr W. placed in the brick building.. Mr Jaen. . Q. Philips g came up by ' wheee, .mark- Horton, who had his leg •broken 'a nig Guelph the first day and Clinton the short time ago, is still confined ,to bed • at his sister's here, but le getting along seomonrdE. wank R, 'Hodge& expects' tio Ware as well as could be exPected under, the # next weak on ha tri through. the west • -circumstances. Mr Thomas Cameron, July 18th, 1902 04000400000004000000001000.0002 lift airing ri0 31 ar• Co. 4 / 1311,CYTE 1E1 The Second Week OF OUR GREAT °LEAPING SALE Our first week was a record. breaker. ,People snow heroine when they see them, and they know when we advertise b trgains they alweyle get them. Shrewd caen buyers are elways on bend eerly to seonre the pick of the stook. Five dozen Ladies" god 'strong Paranoia covered with memorized mina, regular price 500, Sale.prioe 25o. Men'es Leather Belts, wtth ringe•on sides, and strong ateel buottles, a great snap at 25o. Menni strong heavy Cotton Socks, with aeamless feet, regular price 10e, 70 per pair or four pairs for 25o. Men's heavy Union Books, seamless feet, rtlibed tops, the wined thing for anweety feet, worth 15o, for 100. MeaTe fine Cashmere Hooka, ribbed tops, eemmlese feet, sold everywhere at 26o and 80o. Sete price 20o, Ladies' fine black Sateen Underakirts, with deep frill and braid trimming, good value at 90o. Sale price 500. Boys' Straw Hate, in flee braid, worth Ins and 10o, Sale price Zo. Mao'sfine Summer Undershirts, well finished, with Trenola neok, regulat 35o. Sale price 25o. Ladies' fine Shirt Waists, in odd sizes, worth 50o, 75o and $1, at hal price. Ladies' Summer Vests, reduced to 5o, 8o, 10o, 15e, 20o and 25o. Our yard wide Drees Muslim- are the talk of the town. They are worth 12ic, lint the eale priee is only 5o, McKinnon ar. Co., Myth! 40•••••00iik04041 0400 000 40411001000 ardw,are 13argams 10 per cent discount for cash Off all the following lines when the purchase amounts to 50e • or more. Graniteware rinware Shell IIardware • • Clothes Wringers. Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves • Punips and Sinks Window Glass Daisy Churns Bairn Door Hollers Carpenters"lools 'Cutlery and Plated ware We give below a few special net prices for - next week's cash buyers. 20 foot Wagoner Extension Ladders $3.75 25 41 44 4.50 Peerless Machine Oil " .35 Rogers' Extra Maehin.e Oil - .35 Golden Light ‘` , the best in use .40 Machine Oil in 5 gallon lots 5c per gallon less Pure White Lead in 25 lb irons 8 lbs Wire Nails 10 lbs Cut Nails. 6 boxes Axle Grease 1.55 0. ,25 .25 .25 Get our prices on Binder Twine I Try Eureka Fly Killer Harland Bros: Cheap Hardware House ewest Neckwear . This week -we are showing the very latest de4n2; in , Neckwear Including Coronation Tie, s New Bows, Ascots, Nar- row beibies, Flowing 'Ends, Tubular Strings, etc, • 1 Gocd, intelligent boy wanted to learn print- 4 yottng Cows for sale,good milkers, two new- ing. Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE, lv (salved and two due to calve in one week's time. M. BRAITHWAITE TeatherwAnted. June 27th -5 Londesbore For the Model Term as Dlong asNoneede4d, Teacher Wanted: Clinton Public School,. for on . a female teacher holding at least a SeCond --- Class Certificate. Salary 827.50 ,per Month. Eor U. School Section No. 13, E. Wawartosh Apply with ttstimonittlit, Op to July 31. male or female, duties to commence on the ifith. • J. ctiNINGRAME • of August next State salary no to December. ' Loom lot' Sale _- Newcombe Sly shuttle 400m for gale. at one Mrs RP. iteekie, and danghter Katie, hird prig°, in firataelaiia ruiminiporder. who have been visiting at St , Thomas lor HA,17,9 ,-In Goderich, on July let, to Mr and Mrs -Geo, Potter, a daughter. For parqoul ars apply to SOMO tirrld past 103U:tried home yesterday, -and Mrs R. C.- Hays, a daughter ' Ono, Pam, •oorner lattlowis •taid accompanied day. Mtge Gaaltatia, who it will be remembered, Rang in our <Aerobes SELI.-In NVinghare on Jnly 6th, to Gesdericb, was 111 town for a abort tune •on BoRN. Saturday;; be %aeon his way to Gerrie, to , SEVI.-On Sunday, Jaly s5t1a, to Mr and vien, his lrotheinin law Thwanse Perkins, 11. Mrs Frank Seli, a daughter. whe is POTTER. -in 13Iy th, on July 4th, to Mr May 9-111. . Queen street,Olinton. 1Vii and Mrs Prank Soli, a daughter, • HURON STREET, CLINTON herwin Williams P'aint" S W. P. is the most economical Paint you can use. it is ready for the brush-7–it spreads easily and evenly. It will cover more surface and wear longer than any ' other paint ia the market. It is made in all desirable colors. a while on a visit here laSt Buntrtier, W L Ouimette Londesboro HOPPER -In Morris, on July 12th, • 0 1 Wanted. . II. B. 'Aaron, of Winnitteg, wbo we,a the wife of Harry Hopper, a daughter. fair writer.% called to Oetarka. owing to hie mother's STE WA 11,T. --f n Goderich township, on ' to Appoint death; paid a short vidit to his old Clintion July 5th the wife cif John Stewart, a eon. COMPANY' friends Jant wools, . In Odition t.'3 bOng TAXLIOR. In Hay townahipf on July 0. agent for the Doherty.Organ in the Pritilna ig4th, the wife of Duncan Taylor, a daugh- -- i i b i Sec. 2.5. . 21th Apply to T. STRA.1210.11A.el, ,...cieretary, • Men of chttraeter, fair educotion, lm -July 4. • Auburn, On t, • good talkers], gootl anpearonee, A First-tlass Farm for Sale House for Sale. . '"e"s'ran01,1.100nNo or • To Bent. • • June 10-tf. Toront City, he Carr es.un largo mue o us nes& ter. . . In the 'Township of West Wawatg•th oonees- stories; contains .8 bedrooms, parlor, dining J -W It is said that Canada has •entougia., nuonAmin,–At St ;Tomah, on the A good frame ,house on Miran' Street, The following from town aftwided the, sion five. lot twenty seven, containing 2C0acree more Or Wig. about 4.75 acres cleared. to a geed regal, hall, closets, icitchee, etoodeed hard &al to keep it supplied for a thousand circuit at ' Stratford on Tneealayl-mri. loth • Nv h claultngge;. e. e wdi woe, eti and 80111 water, nalf acre lot,_ypth bearing Rance and two .claildreo, Toni and ,Clarenee if r m uo arms, good orchard, buildings' in good shape, steno years. Possibly; we'd be pleased' if sive 'fun treat. Apporeo J. SNYDER, • state of cultivation, good '0)00,4 uno 27-4. Mr and Pare Ogle Cooper, and little dangh. stabling under barn 42 by 82, conventtnt to flyron Street had enough paid fort° keep us supplied ter, Illiaa Minnie Cooper.Mrs Wm Juliette. 1‘1.°.°11WE'-At the G°813" , • echo as, churches and Poet -Office. Will be ' t 1 Al to F SI R sold on eas terms toad trivaser. op y o.r e 0 ell V. H. (34thiPB Westfiela for One y.eitr. • a ,Mise May Ranee, amd Haien Gonne and ley, on the 5th Wan, the wife of Mr Re- " Xies llitiy Bell. bert MoBride, a son, ' o and shocenaking ahop in the Village of (MINTON MARKETS trothl MurraY, et'ifo and child, of PREETER.-On Monday, 7th inst., at 3m .-July 11 or W. A. HARRISONI Ltickno w • Flo sville. A good bade worked up. tip en- Cerretitod every htirs ay aft did chance for e'good tvorkman Unilding could b e us ed aster° al; WAAL Immediatepeasesaion Thursday J'alY 17, 1 0 80 MUntelPall Notice. Notice is hereby given that tbe Council of Ole Corporation of the Tone!' of Clinton( intends to constrnot granolithic sidewalks I as mentioned below and to assent; the final weet thereof 'upon the propertim benefitted and not exempt by law from assesainent. Cnurt Revision will beheld on Friday, 25ttiaay bt Ju)y,a1902,---atafa o'clock ap. in the Connell Chamber, for the Purpose of • heartna complaints ageinat the proposed asses Mani or inacoursoy in frontage ineaeureinents ard any other complaints eihieh persons intereated may desire to make and whith are by law cognisable by the said Court, WILLIA.M. COATS. Clinton. July 10th, 1002; Schedule of proposed walks; On the weetaide of Raglan Street, bet- ween Itattenbary Dna Ctptar.iq iTet8..-1110 'Total end E11L80t Tewe's4-klitirb 'amen( - ($38.20, For particulars apply_te_ IPANNY BLACK WELL. June 29-tf LIF tlie wife of 111r John Preeter, of a New York, arrived int fown last Saturday, .Z'Iriub, erneon 9112, to spend a fetv days with the forinet a pa on4 'MARRIED. e, 0 00 onto, Mr and Ntra 3,, Murray, id Huron St. ' a a .0 8.0 ifaok, (as ho is well known by,) enjoya a BIRD--PHIPPEN.-On July lat,at the very‘tuortttive position in mum of the largest ,parsonage, 130 Crawford street, Toronto, a 0 45 tablet nientifacturere of the .T.1. S. by He W. E, 11a.sard, 13, A., Mr Alex al. ei Ai 4t660 ltnown eheep and gook breeder, left on a 13•111. Bird to Idles Verona Phippen,both of Wing. 'Yesterday morning Jas. Snell, the Well- a 2 25 four woke' t ip among sheep breed& s BELL-VOGAL -At Victoria Cottage, a 9 00 of the AnneriOati wean He goee 0011 68 this Benguela on July 8th, be Rev 11 Paul, a -0 50 • -roPreitaritittlWalltStsitsstsrEthiler Weed. Mr William 0. Bell to -Mies •Etigabeth e g go ers Association of ,A.moricasthis object is 116 Clerenda, dauphtee of Mr Henry rogal, 6 e 50 indent) men who are already dump breeders w 0 0 1 am prepared id buy this seaeon'e dip of Wool, ea usual, at the • Bonmilier Maki Milli for highest cash price, or in eon cheep for matinfaotared artiolog, ' Wheat.. Spring " Oata .4 • • Rye.. .... .. Barley. Peas bleu per owt . a . Sheepskins ... . . No. 1 Green trim, hides Wood short Chinketies per pair , Dnoke, pair Geese, per lb . . . . Turkeys perlb.., .. a. 0 80 045 d 40 0 56 0,80 . 2 25 a 00 0 25 5 00 2 26 0 20 0 40 0011 0 06 J.. Gledhill • Pork, dressed 7 00 13itutter, 014 tub Dried APploa por 0 05 both of Grey Township. • it 0 SO to 0 ,m0te exttnniivnlY inte 3.318 e!nee nt SAIELS-MACTIAN,--On the 25th 6 0 GO thorcebred otook. His work will chiefly bo nit., at the rosidenoe of the bride's father, a 0 00 among breeders in Mesh°, Montanaand -.--. 17th con., Grey, by the Roy 1). B. McRae, a 0 08 Wyomihg, and in addition to personal van. Mr William John Wets to Mtge Mary p 6 50 fation among &mem he will probably /Nen maebern, both of Grey. 6 7 60 , address severemeetings,such aa theta the IIABTLEY.-WETR,--At the resi3enoe a 0 14 Montano, Wool Growers' Assooiation, &s, of the bride's 'parents, Howiek, on July a 0 15 Mr Snell is thoroly qualifledafor work of b Rev Win Hartley, 'brother of -the .this kind,and in addition 04...mg Ins ex• groont,‘John Hartley, Principal of Wrox• 45Y t1"46t461•114ii°1't' 'rsttive° .6 der Publio School, to 1V1iiii Welt, dough. 1i 0 05 I 50(1 considtvotion beside irr' ter of Wni Weir, HU/anted! aViciCOVOri\T Having bought out the Ilareteee . bugineee of A, MoBRIFIN, le go-» ing to toll TermkaValigea,Duaters Run, end everything in oonneotion with the trade- Good and Cheap, Light Harness a Specialty. Call and deel and I will me you well, 4•1i6.,./.*. Einrott St.,13 doors west or New- ' ,combo% Clinton We want as many farm- ers as can make it con yen. lent to 'Come in and take a barrel c f .R9dpath's Gran ulated sugar, As we are crowded with it,and some of our friends complain, if we store it on the street, So we will sell it for rer hundred lbs, by the barrel, to make room for • -our next ear, 01 courso, ue 11 ill deliver it any place in town. Farm for Salo, or To Lei. RUB GROCERY , ' The ittideroiroted offers for Sato 05 110 Let the 1 wet balf oot Lont 2In t,he 1211h 0011. of the'Township of Itellttatwo miles sloth of Lernjesipr, cotitiningroaoroge! elelte land l N ICIVgirille!r$414r114441441".A?I lti4t,1V4:1 Pa -July 4 AztOMAS CRIS!., LondesuotoT. O'rfeil Our telephone nuthber 19 48