HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-04-03, Page 1Elite Stationery A large assortment of Writing Tablets and fancy Papeteries and Envelopes at The Standard Book Store 111.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••41.••••••••••• ••••• e Blyth Stndar n1 .«........................44*....«.»..+I I.,.,..s THE `STANDARW BOOK STORE Books, Stationery, French !very, Leather Goods, Novelties and Magazines. 3 H.N.N.HN.M.wNNNN NI NYM, VOL XXXIX BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 3, 1930 No. 38 F4 44,44#444444++44+44+4+4.4a44444444a44444444f4.144+/ Buy your wall paper where you have a wide choice AMONG the extensive range of designs we always carry in stock you are sure to find the wall paper that will give to your room the pleasing indis !rituality that invariably reflects your personality and food judgment. 7aeur stock is a complete line of MAXIMUM. Wall toper—a quality paper of unapproachable beauty; Suul charm. iCome to the store, or 'phone us. We will gladly Nat l„01(ks choosing the right paper fur your home. R. D. PHILP, PHM. B. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO +4+4+4+44++++++++++++.+444.,wrsraW4w 1 reeeeraa*+4444+1.+4+4+44.4+4++++aa4a+aaata4at4a►aaaaa Genuine Import Cloths Spring;and Summer Weights in New est Colors and resigns Made To Your Order Tailored the best in our own shop, guaranteed to fit and suit and priced at €35.00 and up Top Notch Samples on display. Best in special Order Line at $27.00 a Suit Extra Trousers $8.00. Everything In Men's Furnishings. GIDLEY'S Phone '8 and 133. Blyth, Ontario, 444ai1a4a444+4aaa+sta44+a4144444ataa4aa4444a44444a4a VIAVII111+ 11,1%1%1�► SI', 1% SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. $ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 0 Eagle Brand Milk, per tin... 19c Clark's Pork & Beans, No. Squat 2 for21c Choice Quality Tomatoes, large 2 1-2's 2 for 2 c Pure Pineapple Marmalade 40 oz jar39c Pumpkin 2 1-2's large size 2 for 25c Sunlight Soap, 10 bars 59c Fresh Fruit always on hand Swift's Jewel Shortening, l's 17c $2 in 1 Polish, all colours 12c, 2 for 23c Babbitt's Cleanser, 2 for 17c Toddy, 8 oz 33c, 16 oz 49c Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 2's 17c Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 5's 33c S$ R. J. POWELL PI1ON1 9. WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH -- ONTARIO til %AAA VivtAllitii,1101,%Wilvi, SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY S 1 44444+44+4.++4+#4++++4++4+4444+44044 4RU4 ATTENTION!1 We now handle the famous Purina pro- ducts. These products are meeting with wonderful success and are scienti- fically blended and prepared according to proven formulas. For baby chicks, growing chickens, laying hens; for pigs, cattle and all farm I stock, Purina chows meet the need. • A KIND FOR EVERY KIND OF ANIMAL. BLYTH FLOUR MILLS BLYTH — ONTARIO 114.9444'••••••••14.141,44444.0 t LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Jas. Michie, of Morris. visited her mother, Mrs, A. T. Cole, on Friday. Miss Stewart, of Clinton, spent over the week end with her sister, Mrs. Fred Toll, Mrs. Alice Brown, of Toronto, attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs N. Johnston. Mr, and Mrs, M. Bell and children, of Hamilton visited Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Wallace Potter. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender were in Dashwood on Friday in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Adam Birk, an aunt of Mrs, Bender, Mr. Wm. Moutray and his daughter Mrs. Geo. Garniss, visited in Strutter during the week with the former's daug ter, Mrs. Abe Vint. The Easter Thank offering of the Mc Lean Mission Band will be he held on April 16, at 8 p. m. Mrs, (Rev) Scobie, of, Belgrave, will address the meeting. Mr, Archie Bender on Monday resum- ed his position as clerk in his father's store, and the management of this up-to- date establishment will be largely in his hands. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metcalf will be at home to their friends on Monday, April 7 from 3.30 to 5,30 and from 7.30 to 9.30 p. m. when they will commemorate their Golden Wedding. WANTED A WIFE" HUMOROUS AND REFIN- ED PLAY will be presented by the Win- throp Young People in St kitty's Vatted Church, BLYTH, under the auspices of the Young People's Society MONDAY, APRIL ?,1930 d commencing at 8 p. m, h• I Come and see this interesting play and encourage the Society. ADMISSION Adults 35c. Children 25c. EVERYBODY INVITED. Mr. Wm, Erskine has commenced on his route between Blyth and Toronto. His truck will cover the ground by way of Brussels, Atwood, Mitchell. Stratford Kitchener to Toronto. Blyth Citizens' Band will present the play "A Pair of Sixes" in Milverton this Friday night. They already have book- ings for this play at Clinton, Londesboro, Brussels, Wingham and Goderich. The Cain Hotel in Lucknow was des. troyed by fire on Friday, also the Holly - man Bakery, operated by a brother of Mr. F. J. Hollyman, of town, The Cain House was the only hotel in Lucknow, Mrs. Arthur Barr received word on Saturday night of the death of her uncle, William Dunbar, at Elm Creek, Mani- toba. Some years ago Mr. Dunbar resist', ed near Westfield and will be remembered by the older residents of that section, Word was received on Friday from Tor- onto that Peter, son of Mr and Mrs Far- is, had the misfortune to pull the electric cord leading to the perculator, upsetting the contents which quite badly scalded his arm and wrist. Mrs. (Rev,) Weir went to the city on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz left on Monday for Dashwood where the former has accepted a lucrative position in one of the general stores in that village. Mr. Schatz, while engaged in Mr. Ezra Ben- der's store for the past year made many warm friends. He is energetic, painstak- ing in his work and is assured success in this new place of business. The poor, despised alley cat, along with her many relatives in other forms of high - society, are soon to come into their own. A despatch from Turkey states that cats are to form part of the staple diet of Tut. key. This is an official order from the president. Turkish authorities state that cat meat is tender and agreeable to the palate. Somebody discovers, or thinks he dis- covers, that man's ancestor is more re- mote than the monkey. He is said to have been an insect eating lemur, which leaped about catching birds and things in his bare hands Why stop at the lemur? Man's ancestor was the first spark of life in the void of the immeasurable universe. No matter what the form, man began to be made when life begun. And there is a reason. Although we are in the twelfth year since the war, Canada's pension bill is still increasing. According to figures giv- en in the Fnancial Post, the pension pays ments in this country ware 817,000,000 in 1919, $36,000,000 in 1921, $38 000,000 in 1924 and $40 000,000 in 1029, There is a a mov, ment at present fur more liberal treatment of returned men, but this does not refer to the scale of pensions alread y in force. It refers rather to cases in which the applicant has been receiving na pen- sion, or a small one, and finds that some disability has developed as a result of his war service which dad not show itself in the years immediately following the war. It is a very difficult matter in such cases to prove the origin of the trouble, but public opinion is strongly in favor of giving the returned men the benefit of the doubt. The Ottawa Govern. meet is introducing at this session leg. islation which will place such applicants in a more favorable position, Canada's pension bill will continue to grow for some years yet, but the men who fought over- seas have Maims upon their country which cannot be disregarded. o. 0OO . '007000C, off— u0 Blyth Continuation School Column A—Average per cent. obtained B—No, of subjects on which candidate wrote. C—No. of subjects on which candidates passed, FORM I A B C Clare Brunadon 59 9 6 Irene Walsh 58 9 7 Harvey McCallum50 9 7 Anna Grasby 47 9 3 Margaret Jenkins 43 6 4 Benson Cowan 36 7 2 Katherine Roberton. , 30 8 1 Glenn Kechnie 29 8 1 FORM II Jessie Richmond 64.2 9 8 Edith Lockhart 64 9 7 George Michie f 8 6 Gordon Lyon 87 8 7 Edythe Beacom 55 8 5 Gladys Leslie 54 8 6 Mary Lockhart 52 8 7 Lewis Kelly 52 6 4 Howard Leslie 52 8 4 Olive Knox 37 8 2 FORM I1I Margaret Johnston84 8 8 Hazel Richards 79 9 9 Pauline Robinson..., 75 8 8 Helen Grasby...... ,74 6 5 Annie Barr 69 8 8 Mary Denholm 69 6 6 William Leiper 67 4 2 Norma Caldwell...,, 63 7 5 Dorothy Poplestone62 7 5 Matilda Mains 60• 7 4 James Sims 59 9 6 Velma Craig 59 0 5 Thelma Caldwell 56 7 5 Effie Laidlaw 56 7 5 William Heffron 52 5 4 Norine Kelly 43 8 2 Absent for most of the examinations— Marcella McLean, Gertrude Elliott, Cloyd Johnston, The auction sale of property and house hold effects of the estate of the late Em ma Dexter, on Saturday, was quite suc- cessful. The property was purchased by Mr. S. J. Creighton. The Easter Thank Offering of the W. M, S. of Queen street chinch will be held on Friday, April 8. Note change of date, Mrs, (Rev,) Weir, who was to be the speaker, was called suddenly away but ex- pects to be with us on the said date. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in Memorial Hall, on Thursday, April 3. Topic. "Letting Yourself Go" Mrs. W. Craig. Readings by Miss M. Pate and Mrs Colclough. "Untario Laws," by Mrs. R. Wightman. Music, an Easter Selection. Roll Call, Garden Suggestions. Visitors are wel- come. There were 576 deaths resulting from automotive vehicles in the province in 1929, or an increase of 99, while the num- ber of deaths from accidents was 1950, or an increase of 227. However, the fatali- ties per 1000 vehicles in 1913 were six, as compared with 9.6 last year. If the ratio of fatalities for 1913 had been continued, there would have 660 last year instead of 70 deaths. Drastic changes are possible in the Fruit Act at an early date. Under the new amendments to the act, the number two and three apples would be eliminated and all apples of good color and No. 1 quality with a minimum diameter of one and sev- en•eighths inches in the case of the small type and two inches in the larger type will be graded No. 1, while lower colored fruit or that with'a little scab will be classed domestic. There will be only two grades in place of the four now existent. This is a result of the prejudice often expressed by consumers against anything marked No. 2 or 3. The new law would also in sist that the small No. I's be put in one package and the larger ones in another, *100.1uwuw•u.w11w,New.uwwl,.w.,.1►wnwno.,saw*own.w,rM,. -1 DR. W. J. MILNE wishes to announce the complete installati.: lI of physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory and I radium institute. Will give special attention to cases suitab'e for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne days and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. In. Phones—Office 28, Residence 29, .,M*11M.11.M11►N11h,.11 W,1/M.11A.1.1Nw11,i..*1N/y11aM11 W11pry11M/ '■1111■■ass.toI.uIuaiiu.u.■1■■1111111111/1111111/111111 WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Alfalfa, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Orchard Grass. Yellow and White Bloom Sweet Clover A. S. RADFORD. 'PHONE 39 BLYTH — ONTARIO Iuuuuu111111111■11111111■■11■■1IIUaalaaaauIUlUIUaM1111 ATTENTION I offer, subject to prior sale, all or an y part of 100 shares of Goderich Elevator Stock at a price to yield approximately 6i per cent, R. J. WALKER, Office; This is the time of year Court House Square Goderich. Ontario. when Egg markets are un- Phones—Office 575, Residence 197. certain. Market your eggs 1 ( n tly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean u your o ultry be- fore the chickens become staggy and take lower ric- es. We are in the market for any quantity of duck feath- ers for which we will ay highest market prices. EGGS AND POULTRY A Successful Play On Friday, March 28, the citizens of Blyth and vicinity enjoyed a great treat when that popular three act comedy "A Pair of Sixes" was presented in the Meru. oriel Hall, It was sponsored by the Citi- zens' Band and proved to be one of the most succesatul affairs ever given in the village. The players were greeted by a large, enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The following was the cast:—The busi nesepartners, Mr. Bray and Dr. Toll; the bookkeeper, Fred Somers; stenographer, Mrs. (Dr.) Toll; lawyer, Rev. L. Pocock B. A.; salesman, S Sibtliorpe; traveller, N. B. Floody; office boy, W. Taman; wife of senior partner, Mrs. Bray; liancce of junior partner, Miss Vivian McElroy; the English maid, Miss Margamt Hirons, The acting was of a very high order. each member of the cast taking his or her part in a most creditable manner and giv- ing evidence, not only of careful prepar- ation, but also displaying no little measure of natural ability. Special mention might be made of Mr and Mrs Bray, Dr. Toll and Miss Mc Elroy who took the leading positions in the play. and called forth most favorable comments for the promptness and smooth ness with which they performed their parts, The attractive costumes of the ladies called forth most favorable re- marks. The company spared no pains in pro- viding scenery which added very greatly to the beauty and interest of the whole performance The audience was also favored with a delightful duet by Messrs, Harvey Mason and S. Sibthorpe, and two beautiful cor• net solos by Mr. Otterman, of Milverton The orchestra, composed of Mr. Otter - man, cornet; Messrs. Phelan and Ashton, violinists; R. C. Toll, trombone; F. Rain- ton, saxaphone; Miss Herrington, pianist, interspersed pleasing numbers between acts. Much credit roust be given Rev, Fr, Sullivan who directed the play. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender spent Sun- day with Dashwood relatives, Messrs. Wm. and Andrew Machan, of Grey Tp., visited their brother, Mr. Geo. Meehan, on Monday, The fall in the price of flour will not cause a drop in the price of bread, accord- ing to an official of a large milling com- pany. He said that "there is not the re- motest chance of such a drop in bread prices." He said further that "bakers buy their flour at the beginning of the crop season at a fixed price. and conse- quently fluctuations of the market do not affect the price of bread." A. H, I< RSKINE, Night Phones 100 or 46. (McMilla.' Produce Buiidir„1 Day Phone 100. Night Phones 100 or 40 BLYTH, • - ON'T'ARIO Hallett. Report of S S. No, 8 Hutlett, for the month of March. Sr. IV Lizzie Webster 85 Lorne Hunting 75 Jr. IV Milton Little. 91 Lloyd Longman 01 Clara Hunking ............... 85 Sr. III Irene Fothergill 98 Fern Watson 97 Edwin Fothergill 82 Lillian Bromley 79 Jr. III: Gladys Webster 88 Masion Hunking 78 Wallace Riley 76 Pearl Griffiths 76 Bruce Riley rsa Sr. II Ferne Hunking.... Margaret Fothergill 73 Jr, II Charlie Bromley 02 Sr. 1—Hazel Hunking, Clifford Sunder. cock, Ellis Elsley. Pr.—Dorothy Griffiths, Kathleen(Elsiey I. M. Stalker, Teacher. The : ports of eggs from the United States have now practically ceased for the current season. A few carloads are - ported to have come in recently but these had been purchased on a previous ord,r, The egg market has settled down quite early this year to a spring storing bask and prices at a majority of producing points are considerably lower than a ;ear ago. With mild weather prevailing in most producing districts it is not improb- able that the movement into storage will get under way in earnest within the next week or so.