HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 4July 1803,1902
'• This Great 30 Days' Sale
FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902.
litt$ _Itatrance Examination East
We sive below the neraes of the outlaw,
Is a Morley:Saver for You: letallUilLtAhraitilA 4" 11 ful candidate who wrote on the Entremee
Huron on jrne 25t13, 2003 and e7ih.
Exemination in the Inspectorate of Eitet
Purchase your tickets at Town ofhoe end The names are erranfed in two claques ;
People who have just now attended this big sale of ours for the first time wonder
*thy they didn't do so 'earlier, They realize what attractive bargains fhey have been
missing and are sorry for it, Those who: have been doing their buying here since the
sale staited have saved, in many cases, several dollars.
It may seem almost impossible to sell goods as cheap as we are n now doing, but
• the way to find out is t,o come here and see, You will learn the bargains are twice as
»ig and twice as many as you thought We only tell of a small part of them here,
goys delay at station. those who obtained 60,0 or over but leas
.. than Go ere placed m the Paint Close
F. E. liodgens, Town Agent $alioonaeorwohooisosba,tained 60% or oyer in the
. ' The certificatee of succeseful oandidates
Prtv Adigrtist nzen1. Ansi ed oome
ra I daye ago,
the marks of theme that failed were
Mercerized ITudershirts-Hodgens Bros Pagel
M ney:aaving-Newoomb ......... ... 4 SE APORTH
Atu,t)icipal Notice -V$ m Coate..." . . 5
Notice o Cv.ditors•-nliteSoutt.... ... , .. 5 BOYS, iloecies.-Robt. Davie, Keith Pear,
Stray pig -O, Middieton.,.,...•.. • .5 BYersort fl Henry, Fred MiLeod,Robt Mc -
T. renter for sale -S. B. Coopert.,.. .. , 2 omovint licaelite,ei; eislaysi, Blythe T. Steven -
Wanted -E. Tillst. -
itact•,1,3)05:t7lauctit yir.,; ... .. . . g POS. -Ernest Box, John 13roderlok, W.
t 9 g i::'::. 6
J Brownlee, Ilielyn Dodds, •Jos Dorsey,
seautitee sale-daokson Bios • 8 Walter Hawthorne, Elgin Jones, Geo Kale,
Jule sale- °keens Bros
Jol3n IL Mackay, Albert MoInoeh, Wra
MoIntoeh, Chester MoMenn, WM. We Want Want Big Business for the Next Week, So Change in Postal Rates.
, _ ..... sob, Niel Marray, Walter Murrey, john
. Purcell, Earle Sprint, John j R Stigma
- The postal authorities introduced a
Make. These Very Low Prices. Ou ‘ Sale. le &morale to newspaper publishers.
new regulation on the 1st of Only, that rreanir Rilaoorldolt, AoleoxeWrtirl:04ne.
Abell, *Mend
manuscript for newspapers, which has
Thursday Morning.
. heretetore been anbleot to lo postage. is Dickson, Lynnie Gillespie, Elvire E Gotte.
chalk, now Jennie lianailton,Arabella M Henry,
; suloject to 2o postage. This will
, „,. mean that eorrespondentawho alreatlY Mildred Jones, Etta Petrie, Ethel Pialtard,
Maggie Spain, lien Warwick,
• •liwin have to put an additional. ono-oen
'Milnery atBargaiu Prices Two Shirt Waist Specials ents are requested to comply wft the r
stamp on, their envelopes. Corrernd. Passe -Verde 13est Edith Bright,
$5e and 61. Sailors at 50c •
L idles' Sailors made of fine quality, straw, in stacker of
grey, hewn. red and white, some with black bands,
where with silk bands to match the hat, these are the
very newest in straw Bailors and the regular prices are an,.
85o andel each, all on sale at• 4 .. tnPU
• Sec and 75e Straw Sailors at .25c
• ,,,)n Thursday morning we will place on sale several -dozen
• e•ilors, made of fine white straw, with black and white „,,,
st• bands, regtiar prices were 60o and 75o each, sale price xec
Trimmed Hats at $1.50 and 82.50 each:
• We will have ilbedy on Thursday morning another fine as-
sortment of trimmed hats at •$1.50 • and 52.50 each.
• In the lot will be found some of the prettiest hate of
she season. Leghorn hats trimmed with ehiffon,
dowers etc, are inoirded' in our showing. Regular
• p. ices of these hate would be me than double what
we ask, if it were the first of the season.. We event to •
clear out at once ail the Millinery in this -store' and in
order to gain that end make prices leas than Haif. • • •
60c to 8e Waists at 45c
Several dozen shirtwaists, made of fine white lawn and
black sateen, also fame oolorea percale, all in the
newest styles, regular prune were 60o to 75c, choke at
each •.......•..... • • • •
• 79c and $1 Shirt Waists at 55c
Ladies' Bhirtwaiste of fine white lawn, also •a few colored
waists of percale, all nicely trimmed with lace et;
• regular prices were 790 and $1, to clear during our
special sale at each •55e
Fine Leather Belts at 2e • .,
Several dozen leather belts in black only with blaok and ••
silver buokteisell made in the neweet shapes to give the 25c
iongyabt effects, special during Bale deterred °rich ".s„.
Silk and l'alleta .GlOves at 25c, 40e to 50e
We have just placed en stook another lot of Silk and
Taffeta Gloves, in bleak, white and cream, snorted
'nee% prices per pair 25o, 40o to 60e
These Low Prices for the Newest Wash Goods
in Mir years), and it was hardly expeqted
Have caused quite a Serwation.
new regulationii,as their failing to do so Nellie Campbell, Gladys Constable, Hazel
will mean that this office will have to iDorranoe, Hazel Elcoat, Teresa Lynch,
pay double rate when the correspon-Mabel Morrieon, Elba Mahaffy. Ethel
dense arrives at Clinton. If an aceonnt • Mahaffy, Violet Petrie, Annie Petrie, Vera
Rose, Hazel Bella Smith, Annie
Rsomertille, Mamie Roberts,Bproat, Isabel R Scott,
heehielWaleh, Kate Welsh.
The Seatorth Collegiate Institute Board's
Scholarship for pupils writing from the
Seaforth Public Aeolic/31 was won by Chas.
R Papst, who had 778 markinont of a pos-
sible 1100. Bruce Waugh stood emit with
768 marks, A similar scholarship for out-
side oandidatee writing at Beaforth was won
by Robt. Davis, of S. S. No, 4, Hibbert,
Staffs P. O., who had 824 marks, the
highest at the Searorth Centre.
Bon, HONORS-Arohie M Campbell, Eno'
Karam Dennis, Clarence H Hem,John Mc-
Cracken, Athol MoQuarrie, Clifford Pugh.'
Harvey Skelton, Leslie Turnbull.
Pass. -Thos Bielby, Robt: Bryane,
Frand Davidson, Roger Deadmat, Willie
G Verquherson, Willie Humphries, Robt
Kellington, %Vm liong, Robb McDonald,
John Rooney, Samuel Soarlett, Manson
Taylor, Harvey Young. ""lee
Gins, Hoeunts-Gertie Campbell, Ellie
HansuM,Mitude Jackeon,Annio L McQnar
rie, Peed Sharpe, Bertha Roes, Argo Rose,
Pree.--Jennie Armstrong, Emma Barron,
Edith Blake, Elsie Currie, Mary Dark,
Mabel Davidson,:Ethel Dennison, Lulu
Dunford, Mamie McAllister, Vera McDon-
ald, Emily Malmo, Aileen Scott, Birdie
Shannon, Anna Richardson, • Mary Roes,
R, Sittlpeeti, Fiterentle Thompson •
denee envelopes be vent in with the
next request for more supplies, the a-
mount will be forwarded in stamps
or equivalent.
• The Growing Time.
The marvellous development that
has taken place in the trade of Canada
during the last six years lathe best pos-
• slide evidence of the prosperity and
growth of the Dominion. In the year
1895 the aggre•gate trade of the country
was only $224,000.000. There had been
no marked advancement prior to that
time. But from 1896 r nward the trade
grew with amazing rapidity; in 1896 it
went Op to $240,000,000, and in 1901 it
reached the unexpected total of $350,.
was a marvellous advancement
Childs Waists made of net at 30e
etlhild's waists made of good strong net for summer wear,
in assorted sizer, ash • • 30c
Summer Corsets at 45c, 50e and 15e •
‘e]..elle them prices we have the best corsets that cap be bps)
,• anywhere, They are all made of good strong net, nicely
trimmed and 6:ti.shed and are warranted perfect in ht,
te hr7 fehhe!el !PITY! 1 FFr rir 45o, 00° and 2 1 fl 75e
, •
• 5c and $1 Corsets a 4k
'..lutring this 30 days tale we are offering several dozen odd
lines of Corsets, bat all the very ),eat makes, that sold'
759 and $1, at per pair
that the increase we uld be.kept up.. It
was a jump of $126,QUO,000,and business
men naturally thought that the limit,
for a time at least. had been reached.
. But the probabilities are that we will
go considerably beyond the figures of
19e 1901. The trade returne for the fiscal
. year ending June 30 toeve not yet been
compiled, but when the compilation is
completed Our aggregate -foreign trade
will prribably be found to have reached
$40000,000,- and perhape an Open 144-
Ot' attont. For, the elven Months
es•-"e•g May 31 our total foreigntrade
roeched $374,870,650, or Only some $12:,
000,000 behind- the twelve Menthe of
1901, For the Menth Of May itself the
aggregate watn$35;121,815. Assuming
that for June the valuate of imparts:
and exports will be equally as large as,•in the former Month, the total for the
7tc fiscal veer just closed would be 5400,-
40c and 50c Silks at 19e • •
About 75 yarde ofitripe Bilk in assorted colors, oleo plain
• silk suitable for fanoy work, worth up to 50o choice at
per yard .... .........
lac and 124e Stoteil Muslins at Qe, •
Commencing Thursday morning we will pled on se1e
several pieces of Scotch merlins, in shades of pirik,blue
arid navy mixed with white, also white checked muslin •
10e arid 120 cluelitme all at one price to °lege as 6.ac
Ladies' Cotten Hose at 15c
120 Ladies' plain -Cotton hose best hermedorf dye, sizes':
• 8e, 3 ewe eel leen worth 22o, very special at per pair.. 1.01Q
• Vestii at, tie . • • .
$Statid laatt ties at 26e • • 200 Ladies' 0•10 Batton Vests in 61eiiiii nnii; -regular Value
• Xonr choice of severs] dozen of our hnelit )awn ties, all •
• nicely triu,m. d with lane%btb tegnlar prices -were 85o .05e
and 40e, ab. • i ... (11'
-,35c Ribbons at 20e • -
,Banarede of yards of those fine silk ribbons that were
regalia 833 and 35e values are being sold during this •
special sale at 20J per yard. In the lot Will be found
sbades of pink, sky, torquois, old rose, white ane black, .
also some very fine striped ribbon, tunable -for ies,
25e and 34Ie Dimities at Ili( • •
• 200 yards of Dimity tunetins, gingham:13s, eto in assorted
_ colors of pink, blue,. liven, grey, et3, regular prices were
5c and 30c, all ea oee price to clear ... .. ., „..1.QC
More 12c and 15e Prints and Muslims 9c
•-• Plaine that special saie we are offering our beet 120 prints,
in aesorted light and dark color, also,a line of muslins •
at 15c, all at one price VZ
• .
, Your money back• .
ifou Want IL••
j2itt, sale price
• • 99202h; as compared evitle $386,903,157
1.00 Wrappers at 69c- •
The balance of our merit wrappers in assoeted . colors,
the regular value of which is 1 00, for ewe.
$1,65 & $195 Black Gloria Parasols at 31.50
Laies' Paraselatiade of fine gloria silk with steel rod.
twentieth century runner, handle of fine horn and
, natural wood, regular prices $1,05 and $1,95, choice
commencing. Thursday at .. . e isov
.Lt$4 Tailor -Made Skirt. for $2.50
Commencing Thursday morning we will sell several
of oter best $4 tailoramide Skirts of homespun and a n
lieavy serg,all lined with good lining, at each.... -4401,
$5 50 Tailor-Hade Skirts at 63.75
Ladies' tailor-made Skirts of .dark. grey horanspun,
•• triieuned with taffeta silk, also skirts of heavy bea- „•ty
versregulae $5 50 sale days • • • .. • . 4u
-07Loir efflie"
Church Chims. -1 Wintas Cautina--Rv Mr Stewart anotheleirear will see a marked in -
exchanged pulpits- with Rev Mr Ham. crease of spiritual power an& financial
ONTARIO STREET ORUEEL- Owing it ilton, of Londlisboro, on Sunday, I eupport of missionary work among the
L4)( tin forseen eircgriestanree it has been The aramel Sunday SchOol picnic was! youngpeople.
found necessary to indefinitely poet- held at .Byfield yesterday; a large I The Brussels Post areyse-Last Sabe
crowd attended, and everything passed
pone i he Song Service which Nati to bath morning A. It McLeod, whose
have been held on Sunday last. off ver y pleasantly ; owing to the re- , home is at Clintot, was on hand to sup -
have she rezialar meeting of the Indips ply Melville chnrch pulpit during Rev
Rev J. Greene, of town, supplied the which was-
to have been heldlast night,•r
Ipit of Seafoith Methodist church, - - . ,' Jno Ross absence. He gave an inter.
a . John Hos- was adjourned Tor a wek.
. Mr esting diso'ure from.the text "Go ye
for the previous twelve montbs, and
247,638,620 for 1893, which latter was
the best year under the Conservative'
These figures • should be pondered
R?" 6 •
#," We are going to
specialize in chinaware
P4 4- for the balance of July
in Clintonndiuviteto mvceorYeandilld
CO ftliitig see our display.
July Sale of
Likes to have her tableware as dainty as her-
self, and knows when and. where to select it, We
are now Offering a notably fine assortment from
which the most faAtidious can make selections.
Bargains too .A. drop in China but nothing broken
but the prices.
500 Cups and Saucers
for 25c
75c and $1 Cups and
Saucers for 50c •
We Have just Unpacked
Three large cases of Japanese china imported
direct from the flowery kingdom, consisting of cups
and saucers, salad bowls, butter dishes, plates, bon
bon dishes, chocolate jugs,cream jus, ardineers,
flower pots, vases, biauitjars, etc. .-,
See our window tif 150 goods, splendid assortment of glass and
china, many. lines reduced in price.
lioYs, FindlaY,Alyin Gal-
laghereJoeeph Grek, Albert L Heibien, Geo
Labe, Clayton Lowry.
Pare -Harry Calder, Jas Thine, Thor)
Kirby,Leonard C MoKelyie,Wm V Nickel.
GIRLS Hozeinis.--Florence Elliot, Isabella
Bleck. Edna Edgar, Mary
Hupfer, Phoebe E Lawrence, Annie Law,
Rinds Martin, Edith ist Mulholland,
Blanehe Sanderson, Emma Zimmerman..
' •
over, as they indicate that the policy of BoysHeirone-Thos II Gibson. '
the peeserit government has contribute ! Pass -John Bell, Avon B Elliott; Edwin
ea to thie remarkable development, Gedokee Horace L 0 Gregg, hdger 0 Ber-
etta is, therefore, in the, hest ittereets grave Roy 1111,eimbkin.Ches W McLaughlin
of the countt pas a•W hole. • • Gillis. Harm -Mildred J E Gallagher,
•-•- Janet. Winnifred Hunter, Georgena AM-
Seaftirth Bowling' Tournament. Curdy. cereal Norma McKee, •
,--- EASS--•NormaeCook, Mabel te Dobson,
1he weather was all that could be de- 1 Melissa 8 T Edwards, :Maggie Helena
sired for the two days bowling tourna.; Faust, Esther Emma -Hedman, Bertha
tnent that was given by the Seaforth spine Johnston, (Jerrie Edith Martin,
Bowling club on Tuesday and Wednes- Muriel L C Bpinks, Georgina Wiggins.
day of this week. Twenty-four rinks 0tner0ts4
were represented from Loodon, Godeta
icb, Mitchell, Brussels, Seaforth; Lis: BOYS, Bonne -John W Button, Hugh
towel. Clinton sending jive. Two of Brewer, Lennie Centelon, Geo Dtinaane
them were out of it from the start, but .Douglas Goodwin, Walter Holmes, David
the other three stayed t?the end, tWo t Hall, Williceelannine Harry Porter, Roy
of them takiog Siccond nee . on a tie e Rodaway, Frank Rogers, None* Sly, Wm
Jelladciscinn's thrienet,recthrnYpreisenroeftltAiQgnneWw: SrPansis!Sart:indleTvan;n3e7e.ee, Goteloa • Amees;
Hooverand Brydone, brqught home the ' Bert Johnson, Rueeel Neal, NeleoneTityler,
wend Ptize of four. beautiful silk rano Saver Welshes,Efash_Makre re
hreltae in ciege:rne ottertwo evente, 1 ,...,
tunes, ' Ilmeenise-Clare ` Bigelin leabel
the Association and, Consolation prizes
I, we Biggart, Helen Doherty. Lillie • Groner,
P. Spaulding's•and A Forret:ter s rinks
Lilian Lowrance, Lizzie Mountain,
Were y le - ' ,Veina Hiles Olive Holland, Esther Jamie,
, ,
respectively. The latter playing up
son,,f n
a de McGregor. Roselle Miller, Mary,
against a rink from Lrndon, two Of MoNeyin,Lavina McCourt,Mande Pinning,
Seaforth's,' one from Mitchell and
game Myrtle Phillips,Vera Rogers,Busie Ellornan,
Brussels and beaten in the last
Evelyn Tipladv, Marguerite Weatherson,
by Goderich; this . was the heaviest
event of the lt. We append what LuelbWalkineha'-•
R Aikenheads Agnes Gray,
scores we were able to get up to going • PASS -M
Pearl Hanley, Olara.Ltudsay, Bessie Mo
to press: --
Trophy -W Jackson's rink -Clinton Ewen, Flossie Perdue, Bella Ross, Eva
19, Listowel 17; Clinton 26, Goderich 16; • Ricker, Winnie Tolton, Della Walker.
forth 16. Winner-fla's rink of Sea. •
Marsh, JoicSoott, Whitfield Selers, -
A iation Forrester's rink- Lora
Clinton 14, Landon 10; Clinton 15. Sea- YTH
With this feeling in
the head •
You're apt to be suffering
from overstrained eyes. Better
consult skilled optioian.
Come and see us, we ova give
you relief, our method of 'exam
ining the eyee and testing the'
light is in aocordanoe with
eoientifio princiPlee, tit you with
glans guaranteed to give the
very best results' attainable.
We've made a reputation for
skill and our ohargee are ex-
tremely moderate. Bpeotaoles
low •
forth. Boys, Homes -Wm Beatty, Berge
IR •
Lena M Harlaod 791; Myrtle Howell 602; dere 609, Arthur Amy 610; Freeman Mor -
Margaret E Howrie 620;Critharine B Lewis look 722, Elmer Lawson 645, Edward Ratz '
642; Blanohe Knx23; Nara Marshall 64; 846. Separate School -Leo McCarthy. 555,
Mary Miller 551; Lily MoVicar 674; Siisie Frank Ryan 618, James Ryan 650. .
Usnonotin--Isabella McDougall 742, Frank
ley 554; Jennie D Proadfoot 557; Delena Bletchford 571, Reginald Case, 736, Albert '
Noble 572; Mable Pollock 642; Mary P Pole
Reeves 50n; M' Settles 649; Lula B
Etherington, 749, Annie Gardiner.742,Nor-
Smith 631s Ketharine G Stratton 755; Jes- man -Pasinnore 685,Bert Stewart 640, Aetna
sie M Strang 723; Rena Satheiland 598; p • y p .
lier Mc -
Pearl Tretheway 556; Mattel •Tweedy .605;fand .
(lardy 613, Ain. McCurdy 614, Warren
Lulu Ee Tweedy 679; Bela M Wylie; 675; Hunter 613 Thos htainton 660.. Charlotte ' •
Evan Allan 577; firma T- Anderson 686; Rooke 581, Hattie Hanofor i 591, Ide Del-
Samuel Bean 807; Roy.•Brydges Willie bridge 689, Genie Miller 593, May Jones
Cantelon 651; Robert A Daff 576;Maitlend
Dunn 699; Cecil Farr 568; Andretv Mair ee,
74S, Alma Earl 612, Irene Whitlock 715.
55e; Albert H iffeCreath• 582, Donald- Mo. weee Weevairostv - Hattie Ryan 550,
' ' - * Gladvis Pentland eel. Mable Wilson 018,
Kay 577; Alex MoLenhan 725; Norman D '
Betsy hioAllister 575, Mary Murrey 735, .
Rumba]) 661; Reuben J Sallows 614frOalier
L Bounden( 683; 5 Lount Snell 748;El Pres Sadie White 633, Gregory Sneers 655.• Sep,
7 ante School -Katie Brophey 604, Wm
ton Strome 681; Lorne Todd 688; John A Brophy wee eleehaei uummino eeet Joseph
Trethewav 658; Harry C Washington Wi Kinisham 66Q, •R Leddy 651 ' ,, • .
John E Woreell 77,,y . . • • EAST WAWANOSII-Minnie Carter 606,.
GODRRION, EIRPAlarS Sonooy.-Ids Hood Rena Patterson 621. . : .• • •
652, Oreando Dean 716, John Dean 816, Tucicensman-Tennie. Caldwell 780, john
William G.Kiely 595, John Page 813. . titichenen 589. . •
, , HIIIIIHRT -John W- Boa 645.
t XETER Ptinia &nom, -Hazel Browning MOGnaavnav -A lies Carruthers • 621. Ed.
80, E dal lei Dow 735, Lottie Elliott 566, ward preen, e . . . .
Amelia Hyndmaii 8Q4, Mary Murree 771.
Edna Penick 694, Venetia DI Frayne 764, - . Brits' isells
Irene0'Neil 704, May, grimace 674, VeraL..- NoTEeseaMeses-(ecies-Roberteinne-eef . •
0 Rowe 737; Vera, 0 Saunders 56e, may Clinton has been visiting with Jas and,
Snell '715, Alma M Wood 675, George Arm- • Mrs Ballantne. Friday evening of
strong595. I T Carling 687.0hae Dyer 636i east week Robe Rid h infant son of
Aldewin Evans 711, Roy Farmer 6e3. Fred Fred and Fannie MoOrackereaied After -
Hooper 751, Herbert Herren 657. Geterge a brief . illness, aged 5 months' wed 3.
Jones 64); Offa McPherson 614, hielvin . days. A brain trouble and a touch of
Southoott 763, Fed Trevethiok 731.. pneutnonia was the cause of death.
Hewlett, PIIIIIIC SCHOOL-13estrzoe on.- a
aoTAGE SOLD. -Last week Riclaard,
shoat 634. Frank Peen 585, 'Wesley Young- Williams eold the - stage outfit, used
blut 696, Bum Buchanan 623, Curtis on the Brussels-Seaforth oroute arid •
lc SOnciet -Olive Craw. contracts on same line to Edward.
the good will of the niail And express
ford 615, Willa Saunby 688, Stuart Fair- Lowry, Mill street, Britssel. The, •
bairn 730, Kay Fairbairn 617. - transfer will be made at the close of
Se Havetartaaao moot, Lizie ' Miller the month. Mr Williams has every -
, •don 23h'orrester 19Seaforth 23,01inton Pest -Fred Arstrong, Roy EMI, Willie
ton, of the Minton Collegiate, supplied WESLEY CiltiRcIL-The Sunday , out into the highways and hedges and
191 Seaforth 12, Clinton BO; Goderich 18, Buchanan, Clarence J Cox, Eddie Mason,
tbe pulpit of Seaforth Presbyterian School choir picnicked at Bayfield, on ; compel them to come in." • Mr JelcLeod
church, last Sunday, moining and Tuesday, and had a good time, the day has another year to spend. at College • Clinton 21; Seaforth 2L Clinton, 20. Elvin Mimeo, Geo Snell
. the pleasure of I he occasion. .The fol. 1 good speaker. has had quite a wde
evening. was fine, and nothing happened to mar before completing his course. He is a Winner-Pickard's rink ot Seaforth. Gnus, lioNoneMaYtha Barr, Pearl
Rev R. Hobbs, of Wingbem, has lowne
1 t d
• ex -
following is tlee result of the playing Of
the first, draw for the W. Jackson
trophy,for the best, singlel-Annetrong
a,nd Hoover. 1.2 ; 13 ; Drs.' Holmes and
blaiew,;12 e 13 ; Ferran and J. Fair, 10 :
14 ; Howard and Combe,8 13 • Batten
bury and Irwin, 11 : 13; Gibbings and
Oamtelon, 13 t 1;McLeari and Taylor, 13:
2; ItAnd and McCotvie 9 13; F. Jack-
son and McPherson, : 13; Brydone
and Wieman, 12:13, The folloveing
have won; by default of Opponent:-
Rpitulding, Hilton, N. Fair, Wiltsie,
Itanstord, ..agnew,.Ferrester and Hata
The following Winners of the
first draw will play off in the eroond
round for the W.Jacksot trophy, to be
finished by Saturday evening :-Eloove
er-Foirestee, Hilton -Taylor, J. Fair -
Harland, Oat telon.Agnew, Coinbe-
Spaulding, Irwin Ransford, Shave X.
Pair, McOorvie Wiseman. Wilt. leF.
lackeori; losers to play dr-iloward-
A tin Oxon g. :Ferran -Man n n g, M acph er-
on-Gi6bings, Rand McLeat, . Dr.
Holmes-Rattenbury W. Br ydone bye,
Chelletv, Emma Clark, Raohel Patterson
833, Bene. Sheriff 736, Donald Clark 853, . thing firstechtes'but had not •the time •
Myrtle Pl3illiPa 74, Mary Crawford 621, to personally devote to the work! his
Stuart Miller 480. • - • eery mine occupying . .
at -
%MELD POMO £101I0CL -Luella Ronatt •
,.„ teniran.
772, Harold Politick 590, Millie °mem/ wetlieEnEoNw'shriboOsTtEleljryPhualts° been disposed..
of to Joseph Querrin of Listowel for •
g were e ec e society repreenta- penence tor a young man and bee a CREDITOR PURIM SCHOOL-01MS , HeltZ. the sum of $7,500 and posseseion will be
. .
been charged with a good many things, lives on Wednesday evening :-Messrs 1 properous" future awaiting him we BePeAtsrsireMMionBerieien Azrdmnisaurm, cpLonilayld. Carr. ' man 59e, Wesley Brown 714,Pililliert Wray
' given by Stretton Bros„ next week as
. WINGHAM • 668, Melinda Trick 826, Ezra Oestreioher soon es the furniture &c. is Valuated,
but the latest and most unusual charge F. Humbert], Jas McMath, W. S. ' Hex- 1 believe," - i
land JI10 Bean, Ti Ti. Manning,
7.75. • the new proprietors taking tbe entire
is that while he was preaching at Pine
River a couple of Sundays ago, he
caused the floor to sink three fee.
His sermons are not usually as heavy ST Patin's CHVBCII.-During the die-
m that. ' ed to cut the bank of the river near W,
. comae at the mortang service of last , Erumbley's, and have up notices to
At a joint vestry n3eeting of st elonday, the Rector told of sortie bea.uti- ' contractors that the job is to be let.
They do not want any more mowers
broken, • .
SOCIETY MEN- Last Saturday : the
Ora.nge Lodge and friends, to the tum -
us. Te two unblermshed lives 'the ber ot 180, went by tram to Godertch;
one earthly the other heavelllY-that •there were quite a niumber•droVe also.
beve shone, and left its radtatice em-
blazoned oil the hearts of millions... The lodge made a fine turn out. They
. won some of the prizes offered at , God -
The Sacrament of. the Lord's Supper
will be adminittered at 8 o'clock next erich,. and when they came houleptue
Sunday morning At a meeting c,f chased a new brOorti and carried it at
the front of the procession to show
the teatherS and t,fficers after Sunday their success On Sunday the Forrest -
Hat, Stanley Henning,•Geo Tees
an 700 tine Waiver 5'76 Tillie Miller is well acquainted in this section hav
Dasnwo Punic Bonen-Ethel Keilere outfitting at a valuation. Mr Querrin
Goole Mons -Hallett council decid-
Rogers, and Robt. Chown. Londesbon0 Boys, Efotioes-Harry Greene Merton
Pass -Harry Pd Bll Austin Campbll years and resided on a farm West of
Z P13 LIO•SCHooLFrea Hess 77;
John's church, Brusels, and St Geos. ful pen pictures that had beet written
ge's church, Walton, it was decided to of our late beloved Queen's ilfeein sup -
ask the bishop appoint Rev M port of the logical reasoning of his text,
Webb, now assistant minister at All "Gled, even our ovvn God, shall bless
Sainte church, Windsor, to be Incumb.
ent of -these churches. It has been
since learned that, Bev Mr Edmonds,
-of Dundalk, hes received the appoint-
mnt and enters upon his duties next
. Sunday.
, . A typhographical error, annoyingat
ewer titne, sometimes makes' quite a dif•
School last Sunday it was deeided fa
feteace no an item, as the following unite both Ontari a d Wesley S. S's., ers drove over to A:uburn to attend the
: , erotn a Witighem paper show: --.`Mrs" in a picnic to Godeerientr, anthe 22( d.Forrester's service in the Presbyterian
tour of Epworth Leagues n Godench theinetufierint endent, Mrt beinnef was teP*1 e Nom.- On Tuesday morning Mrs
1 ; burgh
• W. A. Giffcrd. of (Minton, making a
district in the intereet o the For ward tAo,... et AS .f.1 eetteeeieri gi rye from the . Slaeole, sen., and her daughter, Mrs T.
• Ildovenent" Al present there is no to wall en Mi ratt'“'n wit)? e Hill, left for Killarney, Man„ to visit
other S. S. representative, re railroad
"Mrs" Gifford ; there will be aceortimodations friends there. Miss Elva Adams went
son3e day, and the young lady who is 1 to Toronto on Wednesday for a .few
fortunate enough to secure this dis• l• orteVann MovitMENT-W. A. Gifford clays. The trustees of the Methodist
tinction will net a husband in every . retutned on Tuesday from a second church have had the cemetery cleated
way worthy of the hest girl living, retie of the Epworth Leagues of the ' rip and the grass and Weeds burnt, A
Goderich Distnet. hie addressed in cortpany of telephone line men were
PREENTATIO.-The Rev H. IL the interests of 1Vliseions the Leagues here on Wedneeday ; it is strange the
Diehl, (son in -haw of Mr John Mee at Victoria eteriet, Goderich, Dungan- company make no effort to ha.ve an of -
Gal en) who for the past nine years bite noes, Crewe, Donnybrook, West field, fice here. Mrsjohn Leach and ehildren,
Officiated in Si hlatthew's church, Flor- DIV h and Lotlehore, Each Leagoe of Michigan, are visiting her ittcle, R.
ence, and St Johrele church, A1101.411. purchased a miesionary library, and Wallace. Mrs Turner, of Goderich
left on Friday That to take up penrent, i ' Mr . Clifford exteecte that before the township, returned home Wednesday,
duty in Tara. On the Tuesday t.t on- reamer is past every League on the after spending four weeks with her
trig before leaving for big ISM field of District will have its own mi,edonary deughter,Mrs J"ati Hill, Tuesday mo
dui y his Flerenee congregation waited library, creitting an intelligent lotions. ing Mrs Hill, set a and her clauhjetri: soon be all righ•for Work again. ' Doupe,Nina Mar, 50; Literature, Pearl "n'e'l Aluth°r° J/0 Even"' "Re '
on him and presented the Rev Mr ledge of the needs of the woled and MIS Yokin Weymouth, etatted for PHENOMENAL RWTHOorn, Hiller 130 Arithuitnio Fred Hoper Gioia AhlY 1:474011 52.
A cross -petition agaitist Mr M. Y.
McLean, the late Liberal candidate for
South Huron, had been entered on be.
half of Mr Either.
ElORSE INJURED.- On Monday, passed by the board of examiners for West
chas6d a horse and turned it out in the ada The tetra number required
Wm Fisher, of the Huron road, put,- so posa mGtoi:upstrolui :o0W7osntztriPoiaerl:1711nieitii
Huroiatogether with the marks obtained by Irene Flamm 612, Esrey G 030,
568, Arohi Itoutledge 656. ing kept hotel in Ethel for several
lend Henry, Fred F Homuth, Adam Table -
Gee A LheestneireiBt enendietRobt Williams 2,
The probabilities are that one or both
Elliott, Geo Gregory, Carroll Bele, Matt- • that village. after selling out at Ethel. •
Albert Cole, Chester Dunkin,
ter, Thos Kelly, Peter MninNorrnan Park, Amy Steinbach 610, Otto bimpIe 611.
Asinine -After Quaid 713, Nannie of the Stettot HrOS, will continuo to
reside in Brussels at least for A time,
Fred Paterson, r& Alfred Paeliff, Oran , Sullivan 651, Eva Drannen 609, Hooter .
Rssell Wm Booth Robt Wheelr Leelie 1 McKenzie 630, jennie Douglas 551, Olive Brlicerleid.
I' Edith Somers, who
Beemer, Harriet Campbell, Greta Cereon
Gress, Hoetoes-Besaie Aitken afildred,1--°- ' ' e; • 8 attended the Normal in London will
KA zie 659 Nellie Ihekey 760 hien,' Mc- 'isiol'Es•- les
Ethel ljaviiion, Elva Dodd, Ethel II Peru- onald 551 Ernest Blake 558, ailay tot. ,
teach school near Chatham. after the
son, Hattie Gantlet, Jennie, Perrie, Maye 1 sheewooa • ese.
1::) 701, Worthy Kilpatrick 52 Ellen
vacation. 111.r8 McGregor, Neve 1 ork.
Swartz, Gene° E Wightman i
Perlhar 081. Ethel MoLeati 640, 8SIO1101
Eim„e• Philip' 608, is visiting MrWole. The Sunday School •
and Christian Endea,vr picnic will be
Pses-Minnie Barber, Alice dead, Ltle ' tiy McKenzie 660, Orville Durnin 565, Ed-
, Swaneerge 628, john Methuen 554. Fan-
heldln Bayfield.next Tuesdey. Mise A,
VCeolc,Afahel Coultes,Ofive R Crnikehhe, win Kilpatrick 724,1May Culbert 726. Beatty and Miss led. Swan, who have
Maggie Currie, Lillian Devefl, Etliete abeet in London, returned home last
Elliott, Della Mitchell, Mand Nokes Bella 'AP"'
NE -L Bots 714,14a McLeod 690, week, Mary Moedie has returned from
lit Powell, Margaret' Stewert.
• Heddle 044, Beneon :T Long 682, Rev Mob.
' I Moire M Walter 79Elea 111 Oke 791, Jahn
visiting her brother, R. Beatty, Hate '
Mooserain, Manitoba, Mrs s, Swan iS
Entrance Examination II est
. , ring 625, Leo Oke 720, May Breen 663,1eve. intnn Miss Findlason, Egmondville,
lien Malloy 608, Norman A. Malloy 015, was the guest of Mies V. Mulder.
'Young. • I Gray 597. Bessie learnby 667, Dolan°, Mc-
Huron. Benjamin *innings 665, Lillie eloManue
608, Hamilton MoManne 502, Elizabeth M Stanley
The followieg is the list of Cariaidates MilliOn 578.
626, Edna Taylor 77, Meleille Gladon
fitneilidrrifiente‘ the
found that tha°tnthteha(Infienallaellnaq wetting was 1300,and of theist 231 have We' 650, WaeshIesayelVbear4f1r6biatlerett'411,iAelierjei-eltdre
is 50 marks. The number of candidates ; ream
got, might in a wire fence and was e°11` ed, The fiellowing are this highest marks' 786 Edwin Roes, 601, Annie Rutledge 093.
siderabli cut. Fortunately tone of the .obtined in eitch /whim: Readirg, Lizie;
will fn, I mita Itouatt 4. Dietation most ' 0ITA - t/a10," ',iling 702. Cora Munn 788,
;1 hie Broderich 77e, Mabel MoDongall 076,
injuries were deep; and beyond a tem.
ii Miller 49; Drewing,Lena Harland 42; Writ.
wintry ireconetenience the horse
Diehl With re highlY coMielirnetherY the dealers and pnesihilities of' the Portage la, Prairie Mate to vieit her roots and other Wankel ' of various tis Hill Elmer leti'Vreon, Fred Treeehice, Belem -Clara Richardoon 707, Samnel
edieese aceoffinarded by a Pliree of church. Where a Teetignie was not ele daughter Mrs E kinell • t'lley will also kitids are reaping the benefits of the Donald nlark,Verrie Fleeery 200;Grarn mar, hetee 09, Market Bothwell 734, Earl Del
leOTES-S. Moffatt and wife returned
from tehicago on Monday, where they
attended the marriageof P. Oarrefibell,
J. McGregor,bother of N. McGregor,
who has been visiting here, returned
10 Chtcaga, lagtMordey. .1%. Graham
has i et u ed from Beitish Colu ne In a,
and ie with his brothers, John rrad
Gldie, Ad vices from Califenia, eon.
rain itiformation of the death of S. Gil-
mour, son of IL Gilmbur, Moose Jaw,
and formerly of Stanly. •
$4-2. On Itipiligivogotle eyelling the teadee orgittliZed upon the• PeyStudy, visit 3 S; Walker and his mother arid warm weather that hag' followed the • Lena Ilerlend 162; Geogtaohy, Sentinel akty 000, And Lamont 580, Vein
eraegregatin e kiell? .1'--glanrolic 'Give' Plan fare a forward ronvetnept iyiee in Dakota Geo Johnson is inv. cool spell eve had during 3011$3 and the Been 01; Composition, Nu; a X(61.410.11 03; 655, Herbert Workinaa 092, Bete Keys 66, ; liteArztririeoxtuttfirri3tirziosurtha
t tidy 5 4 and 30 respeetivel over highest mar
Aug ri ,. e. ihi and, ups • , IT rt Jill ' Aeresid t.w.. IiieloSY, nZra OeIntOlobeF 86; Pliveiolegy Melvin Altar 62,
Diehl with a kindly Worded ad-
&ene ttedompanied with a plirile of $50.
The Rev Mr Diehl and Mee Diehl haVe
thegoed Velehes of their many friende
.in their new field of labor,
ercessione, t s was done, e la ler st- P •
101 • Worth Leagiters re catching som. blies Nellie Vathridger,Toronto is ie, had a ereeeing vine that te
"..'4'err"elee" etett•O' SXV.PnEN-Edna llfeiganginpn 10 11011E. 1 Iset prIolu G. ell Ittia, Wineham, t
of the forward movement , -"The ford is Wotking on the G. th. It as A growth and Is an evidence tif What hionnexon Mont ScrtoorEivet X Iliteett\ Mitchell 90, meeo aims roe. dieetisOur Annual atut ikt August sale CORM:AOC.
thing of the spirit of that gtand motto iting at W. L. Ouitnette'r. W. OraVe. in Mite big t. This is eertainly &large Nine Merehall 8e4,
lie Wlleori 582; Warren M
Evangelit ation of the world in thie eeetiOnalatis the company aeons to he warin 'weathr and sun)ight can aceom. gib; Mande A librtti, 702;Evri Cemeron nth 71) v g n
, erne ederl' °nor allpurchasee oyer tattoo within 80 miles
Retern Railway Fare allowed on
generation," and it is belheved that getting.more Itheralin employing men. 015119h. • dell Marion °rola Til; raiser 64•3; 'taw 610, Aim Nubble 695, Chet fl Semi- GEO. E. X/Ne. Winslow:a
. .eee.Trily4th.
'Lobel! 69$ Wm Olathe 4dttli at Dry Goods het* einagei%eie - - - •