HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 3THE CLISTQN MTN /AA, A Me in Peril, Story of a alri Salted a Newspaper Hrtice. She Buffered from Headache% Dizzineee .and Night Sweets—Her Friends Fear- ed She Was Going into Colainirap- tion. 7E'reraELIA.venir, St Jerome, Que. Among the thoneands of young girls who 'bless De Williams' Pink Pills for safely taming them through that most perilous period of their liveirwhen they step from girlhood Into the broader realm.of woman- hood, there ie none more enthusiastic than MIMI Gabrielle Thomas, a young lady known to inost of the residents of St. •jerome, gee, and greatly &Seemed by all her acquaintances, To a. reporter of 14'Avenir du Nord, Mies Thonme said: "Froth the time I was fourteen until I was eighteen yee,re of age my health wae very bad. I was very weak ; had no appetite •end eould do no work. At night I per - (Spired greatly and frequently slept but little. I Buffered from headaches, dizziness and could warmly move about without be- coming breathless, and I finally reaohed etage when my friends feared I was going into consumption. 1 was under the care of doctors, but their treatment did not help, me. I then tried several advertised 'medicines, but with the same poor resulte and 1 had come to think I could not get better. One day I read in a newspaper the etatement of a young girl whose symptoms were almost identioel with my own, ,who -wee oured by the nee of Dr Vv Mame Pink Till% I then deoided to try this medicine and have reason to bless the day 1 did, so. • I had only used the pith; a few weeks when .1 began to get better, and in ,a ocluple of Months everyeiymptom of my trouble • had• dieaPpeeded at d. I was as strong and healthy (Many girl cf my age. I have since always enjoyed the beet of health and 1 shall be glad indeed if my experience proves helpful to some other suffering girl." Th,e happinees of health 'for both men and women lies io the timely use of Dr WilliamsPink Pills, which act ae a nerve tonic and supply new blood to enfeebled systems. They have mired many thous - ends of oases of anaemia, "deoline," con- sumption, pains in the back, neuralgia de- pression of spirit, heart palpitation, in- digestion, rheumatism, sciatica, St Vitus' dance and partial paralysis. But sub- stitutes should be avoided if you veins your health; eee that the full name '"Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is on every box. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 lev addressing The Dr Williams' Medi-. nine Co*, Brookville Ont. . Interesting items. On the !Leland tit Jerseygirls do. the • ddying on the golf links, and we are Aold that they are very good caddies. ,too; that they get over. the fear green quite as alertly, as the boya do, have • equallY sharp eyes, and that.theY "spit' prettily on the ground for luck," when In their maidenly .judgunent It seems nectessary4 A careful egtamate, obtained from official and 'other sources,. of • the . avail. able street, window, stand, and other scoornmodations along. the route to be bellowed. by the coronation .prOcession of King Edward next Month, -.reveals . the feet that • Coneldenably -•over. - two million people can. seethe show wiehe. out Inconvenience. .It is -estimated that asartly four hundred dad • fifty- thou - and d'ollars has been expended in the, erection of stands. •- • „ . Experiments at the University of Michigan are reported as indicating that a galvartie current • tends to pre - mote the growth of animal tissue. The fact that electricity • promotes • • plant • growth tuppears to . have suggested. these experiments. 'Guinea -pigs: .con- fined in. a cage through which an: elec.-. trlo Cu.rrent, wutis cortstanIly. PEtesIngt gained 10 per .cent. more:Weight In . elven time than other pigs of the same • age, fed with the same food, but. con- fined in,a non -electric cage: • The first reunion of the 'descendants - of Brigham Young, the founder ot. the . Mormon Church, is to take place soon 1.--zrat .Lake Young. wart ...the father of 56' children, 47of whom sur- vived him.- From. these eprang 294 • grandchildren, and there. aze 745. great- grasidchildren. .This =aka: a total of .. over 1,000 descendants•of. a man w.tto died since the Civil. War. They are scattered • in all parts of .the • sOine by chatige or residence, some on missions, and others traveling. • " Smoking Church ,Services" are the latest innovation in London, and pro- mise to .attfracet workingmen- who have hitherto been 'outeide the .pale of re- • 'igloos' influence. Archdeacon Wilber- force at WeStminster started .the move- ment In April by inviting the men- Who were fitting• up the Abbey for the. cor- onation to .attend service...1n the (*els- •ters during their lunch hour, and .84V- .ing each man an ounce • of tobacco. .Many accepted the Inidtation ;and JJOIned heartily in the services. It might be thought that a glacier would be the last place to search. for •Microbee. Aboording to a note pre - *sated to the Pails Academy of liclerices by Janneen, the celebrated Frenth astronoiner; however, M. .Ettnot,, chief of the PaSteur Institute labora- tory, has lately been ttidying the Mont .gleolers from the bacteriological .standpotint by taking borings at differ - eat points, s� as to ..brring up' speci- mens of ice froall verities depths. An encamination ahoont that inall layere, Of the glaoleA lee , colonies Of microbe* different speclee are present. • aztele -- • • .The Sight of it Whets The • Appetite MALT BREAKFAST FOOD. Always a Welcome Dish At The Morning Meal many Use It Twice a Day in the Rot Weather Kismet, Two men lived together: One was , timid. the Other bold. Said the timid Mari "Really, life grows Tnore and more dangerous. To -day it is an explosion, iltemorrow a fire, the third day a htirri- eau% One dare. not travel on a. train for fear of collialone, nor is it aafe to go afoot fdr.lear of motor cars. 1 an going to give up going outdoors." But his friend said: "How differently are we constitutedi 'You are in love with life and fear danger, Now, I do n'ot fear peril of ant kind, and as for life, It la net worth a rush to me. In bseat, I made up my mind this morning that I would go ever Niagara .Falle in n barrel." At this the other' shuddered end said: "Bat you will go to certain death." "And tf I do I belt follow the exam- ple ef all who have preceded me since Adam. This certain death is almost as old as the hlfl. Farewell. I go to ore der any barrel." Whoa the venturesome one had gone the timed one prepared for his life in- door% Be made beet the doom and caused sheeting of tin to be put over the windows so that no sudden explo- radon could break tite. ,e4ass and kill him , In his room. This lett him Without light, but bealld not dare use a candle Or a lamp for fear an earthquake might upset it. Life in the dark was not alto- gether a joy, but he ,had the cornpan.y of his thoughts and they were pleas- ant, for he had not atwlays been so timid. After, a few hours he became accustomed to the hakf-light and was able to prepare bes meals. Every day fruit and milli and bread were let down his dhimney. 'Meanwhile the ven,tureetome one or- dered hia barrell, and 'when It was made he went to Ni-gara and paid an Idiot one dollar to roll him into the .river. And atter he hid pecked him- self in he claimed at the sky and .the earth and the water with a suspicion 61 ferret, and then In a firm Voice he bade the Idiot put on the 'cover and roll Min in, Mid the Mot did as .he was asked and went into town to spend his And over the Fails of Niaglara went the 'barrel, .and a few minutee later, still. intact, It floated into a cove and the venturesome one broke his way. out, somewhat jarred but able .to be about. • 'The p...sage of the Fella had given' Olm.- a certain .joy in life, and it Was with attegether different -feelings that he returned to his home. No one but the the Idiot knew pf his deed, but he did not oare for that. • If he had diedthat, would have been the end. NOw that • he lived he would be alble to show his friend that the most dangerous :place the • world was_ net necessarily.;the hcirne of death. . • He was amazed to find the h'ouse tirined un and lodked, and When his • knocks on the front door brought fie respcinse ',he calledto the timid one, that he Was no.burglar, but hie friend, safe " home from his passage '0! the of Niagara. • .. "Come, let Me in and 1 shall tell you •ehat my feelings were as I went over." But there wan noresponse, so at lag he *put his sfhoulder to the front door and. stove. It In • •, • . And he found that his timid . friend, had chokedto deash on a crust of reeee,1 Ireaa.riee Patten TJOOMIS.. RICH BLOOD \ •Strong Nerves When the blood gets thin and watery, .as it usually does at this time of year, the nerves are first to suffer; they are starved and exhausted, Headache, dizzy spells, indigestion, weak action of the heart, languid, depressing feelings, weakness and functional derangements of the bodily • °reaps are the result. You can feel Dr. ,Chase's Nerve Food doing you good day by day, as it strikes at the root of trouble and creates new, rich • blood. You can prove that it builds tip • new tissues and adds ,fiesh if you weigh yourself each week while usingit. Mr. J. McFaul, carpenter, 315 Manning Avenue, Toronto, states:—"I have used • Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for acute indiges- tion, nervousness and inability to sleep, and now, after a thorough test, I ara • pleased to say that my nervous system has been built up, and I rest and sleep , well. I can speak very highly of this • preparation, knowing it to possess curative .properties vvhicli I have failed to find in other remedies." 50 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., •Dr. Chase's •n Nerve Food Ballade ,of..!_toLed Furniture. I" Behind the Iron doors, vihieh In the New York warehouses must .number hun- dreds of thousandri, and throughout ail our other cities, millions,..the furniture of' a myriad' households is stored—the effects of people who have gone to Europe, or broken up housekeeping Provisionally or definitively, or have died, or been di- vorced. They are the dead bones of Homes, or their ghosts, or their yet living bodies held in hypnotic trances, destined again In some future time to animate some house • or flat anew," --Mr. Howells In "Harper's •Magazine."] Years ago they were packed away— Hammered and fastved and nailed ug tight, • To lighten the ravage of time's slecay.; • Stered in the warehouse out of sight. But these Hous (told Gods, by their ancient rigle., Their rule still el ,irn o'er the realm . • they've lost, Though we think we've boxed up out of the light * he Mel dry bones of the Family Ghost. The chairs are faded and worn and gray --- Queer old things bf a monstrous height: Ethers plena' would sound, t� -day, Tuneless and harsh in its sorry plight. Tom's rifle scarce would serve in a fight, •Pleaf,%re: Tan'tl,;7iUna"iiti kite, The old dry bones of the Family Ghost.' Some time they'll bring them all out, they say, And set them up again, brae* and bright: • 80 there in the dark they let them stay In the stupid old room where it's al- ways night. _Fatuous fancy', in ttaith'e despite, Recklests trtist in an erePtY boast— Why, the things are dead! They In phantoms qtfite— ' The old dry bones of the Fatally Most. ENVOI. rune of the Godsl at kindnese smite, And end in a Male he tawdrl•• 1 Lest into their new bermes men hive -e • The old dry titles of the Fanny Ghost. • —McCready Sykes In "Life." Malt Breakfast Foo& Is a blueing to in the hot weather. A.monget stli these' Clete& efriele,hrainenueole, a large proportion hive weak and felling appet- ' Wee, and were it not for et relished dish of delicious Malt Breakfast Food, the duties and labors of the day could not be properly met, Melt Breakfaat Nod whets the weary appetite. It is alWaye a WeleOme dish at the morning meal, Many with great apSantsge use it for lareekfeet and supper in the hot Weather, Try it for week mid netts your gain in strength, /OW WOW ree(Mitileilde it. If the teacher could wipe away the blotches from her skin as easily as slae does the earIcattue with its pitnply face, she would be s. happy woman. Pimples and eruptions are more than a disfigure- ment to *woman,—they make her sensitive and unhappy. The way to • cleanse the skin is to t.• purify the blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, and re- moves the clogging accumulations and poisons which corrupt it. When these are removed, pimples, boils, eruptions, sores, and other conse uences of impure blood are entirely cure • • • sror about one year and a balf ma face was very badly broken out," writes mew Carrie Adams, of ne West Main St., Hattlecreek, Mich, ee spent a great deal of money with doctors and for different kinds of medicine, but received no benefit. At last I obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one bottleo s medicine I noticed a change, . aud after taking three bottles 1 was entirely cured. I can well reconatnend Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverype any one similarly. afflicted:1 Accept no substitute for the RDiscov• acy.n There is notht ing I just as good. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, roo8 pages, is given away. Send 3! one -cent stamps expense of customs and mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or so stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. TEEpTe'ig-trff sou et it. • • . Just ali1 authoritative rules are needed that will fit the. caller and tdae , called. Says "Electrician:" 'Mr. Smith, a busy man of businese, summons his office boy, and says, "Please get Mr., Jones on the wire." 'The boy deepas directed. It hapPens that neither maul has attained the luxury of a desk eet. Accordingly, when Jones es • informedt y his boy 'that Mr. (Smith wants 'teii talk to him over the telephone he lays; .asIde what he is doing and walks to: the instrument. There he hears the• familiar "Hold the wire a minute:, lelOse," and Wskita Pateently, or per- haps impatiently, until Smith Is nett-, fled that Mr. Jones Is "on the wire," 'and goes to the telephone in his thrn. Tone e bas' Wasted:same minutes of hii! valuable time. 'Smith, on the other hand, has lost no time. He could have, saved Jones the waiting by directing his bey to call up Jones' office, and as- certain if he were In. Receiving an, affirniative answer, he could then have stepped to the telephone and called for Jones, waiting himself until Jones re- sponded. But in that case Smith would have waited, and Smith doesn't care to stand around any more than Jones does. Tittle veiations; like great prob- lerne,depend so mach on.the potot of, view. What we need Is a system of rules that shall. be equally respected by Smith and Jones, whether either be .the seeker or the sought. The "Hen Deceiver." • A friend of mine, says 'Pick -Me - Up," has invented what he calls a "hen, deceiver," for the purpose of promot- ing industry amongst the ladies of the' farmyard. The apparatus is simple, and consists 'of a box for a nest, with a trapdoor for the bottom, so that when the' hen lays an egg it drops through into a receiver , Underneath, the door etesing autornatically, When *the hen gets pp to look for the egg—it has gone, and she' thinks she has made a. 'mistake, and lays another.- A hen has been known in this w4to lay fif- teen eggs at a. sitting. • Ping-pong appears to be' more suc- cessful than Christianity lu India. The native ladies 'of the Puelab have taken it up,' • •• • 'What' do you mean by saying She just celebrated e ,r wooden wedding?" "She married a blockhead"—Philadel- phia "Press." • . - "Goodness! how that railroad stock does fluctuate." "Yes, it's a wise rail- road stock that knows its.own par."— Philadelphia "Press." . , • New' Woman—"Husband; •I need a change. The doeter said, my life is too monotonoue. I need excitement." Has- band—"Try staying at home." . Greene — They tell me you send a good. many things to the"magazines, as. well as to the daily papers. Come now, 10 . there any" money in literature? Browser—If there isn't it Is no fault of • raine. I never took any out of it,. A mine explosion took pis ce at Johns- town, Pa., and it is believed that the dead °num ber 200. DR. A. W. CHASES 0g„ 0 CATARRH CURE ..":' Is sent (direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Slower. Heals the ulcers, clears die air passages, stops droppings.in the throat, and permanently, cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower' free. All dealers, or Dn A. Mt Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and ideffalo. • A. dog at Rat Portage Committed suicide by trying: to carry off a gun that was loaded. , A 13ridgeburig Government official seized 250 pounds of speckled trout consigned to Chicago. Niagara township is being sued for $1,000 derrieres for lujuries received on a bad road by a horse.. . i,ON THE FOURS•QUARE PLAN. The foimequare plan means that ell =tomer% regardless Of rank Or station, receive the same careful attention and treatment 8! our atom: We are as pug°. nine with the child who is sent to put- t:hese some small arre,(e as we are with • he perienced adult. We never enia 1What's yes' daddy a-doiti‘ these "tut° inferior drude when filling Yeul slayer "Well, when he ain't a-fishindootor'e presoription. We never recom. s a-lyin' 'tunan' Whert 1%e'a - Mend the "something just as good.' he', a fIshin' he'ts a-iyite anyhowl"—A.tlanta "Constitut100." Elmo Atm Unsmine illy—My httebited Illtlecte to (Ms ,. Under all oirourcistanoes Of sicknes . . a bathing drese. Villy—.Oh, I don't as. end disesioe Paine's Celery Mrepouncl iii „hutch In it. 111111Y—Oh, it !Mitt Ott. /es Ode, euro and unfailing. It oleanees and what you see out of it that he °bleats purifies the blood, breoess the nerves autgins....rettorpto la solar 0 1 taws who are weak and ruis-down. If you are correotti digestion, and builds up them; fiervotiO or sleepless, try one bOtt e • the Is baby christened- Rill. BilrEirw4" reenlis will surprin yen. Our stoOk ow strai.4e. htuggine—Oh, don't Pairiefil Celery Compound is always fresh %now. Ile tame 491 60 drat of the and pure. Menthe 311 HOVEY, Druggist, Ointon. I guarantee ny nitwit Method Treatment to be a permanent and positive euro for Varicocele and Stricture, without cuttine, stretching or loss Of time. In Varicemele absorbs the baggiug. or wormy condition, equalizes circulation, stops pains In the groins, also all drains, thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitalises the parts end re- stores lost powers: in Stricture It absorbs the strioioro tissue, stops &partite; seneation, neryouseess, weaknese baeltaeheetc., while In all prostatic troubles le is the West- ment oar exceelienoe. So, posteive am I tbat my treatiuent will euro you, yoacen PAY WHEN CURED YOU need pay nothing until you are convinced that a thorough and complete cure has been established. This should convince you that I have confidenee in my Latest Method Treatment, otherwise I coeld not make you this proposition. It makes no difference whe hes failed to cure you, call or write me. Each Tirne You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time you write it receives rny personal attention. The number of years 1 na established in Detroit, and the °urea I accomplished after given up by other doctors, has pieced me as the foremost specialist ot the country. 00NeLlaTitTiene FREE, Cau or write for blank fOr blank fOr home treatment. Perfect system ot home treatment for those who cannot ecu. HOOK FREE. All medicines for Canadian patients shipped from Windsor, Can, Ail duty and express ehltrgee prepaid. Nothing sent C. 0, D. DR. GOLDBERG 208 wOoDWARD AVE:, COR. wILCOX 9 DETROIT, MICH. Mainly About . People. "There was a witty fellow out in Michigan horepital," says Repreaenta.- tive William Alden Smith, "who had to be fed on a daily diet ox egg and sherry. Hts physician asked him how he liked it. 'It would be all right, floc- • tor,' he said. '14 the egg was as new as the sherry and the sherry as old as the egg.'" It is related that once, when the Earl . of Lauderdale was at dinner with King Charles, he remarked to the. King: "There is a good saying, that fools make feasts and wise men eat .them." "There Is another as good," replied the Earl of Shaftesbury; "wits mak•e jests and fools repeat them:" and the King advised Lauderdale to make sure of hie man in future. , During the recent street car strike In St. Louis, Professor Hyatt, the weath- er observer, was about to get on a car, when. a .mem•ber of the stnike committee stepped up to him and asked it he intended rid- ing on the ear. The profestsror re- plied that such was his intention. The striker sought .tq persuade him- not to ride, but he started to get on, tha car. "Well, if you ride On that car we will withdraw our patronage from you," said the striker.' '"I don't care 'whether you patronize me or not. I'm in the weather business,." replied Professor. Hyatt, and lie entered the oar. a In a Georgia .justice court a colored witness was asked to naniethe time a difficulty. occurred.. "Hit wuz in fod- der pullin' time, suh," he replied. "You anderstend me,"." ,said_the..Judge. "i -mean; what time was dt by the clock?" "Day warn't no clack dar, suh," said the witness. • "Well, by the slim' then?" ' "Now," exclairtned .the witness, triurimhantly, "senee you hez come right down ter busineas I'll telt you•plein: Ef de Sun had been a -shin - in' hit would er been 'bout two hours en a half by sun; but ez- de sun didn't. Show his face 'tail dat day I couldn't say fer sartla des what time hit • At the funeral of a lawyer of state reputaeloa, who lived and praetised in a town not far, from Philadelphia, and who was known among his friends as an unbeliever, an eminentgentleman from Philadelphia reached the house after the .minister had begun the ser- mon, • Not knowing how far the serytee had pregressed, he aocested a well- known Quaker of the town, whir was a friend of the deceased, and who was noted for his grea,t sense of. huenor, and, leaning over his shoulder, asked in a whisper: "What pert of the ,ser- vices have they reached?" To which the Quaker, without a smile, replied: "Just opened for the defence." . . • A story of peor Auretten Scholl,, who lately .joined the 'majority, gives a good idea of the caustic, humor twhich made him an oddity among Firench. writers. .At a celebrated cafe—not, i think,. the Matson Dcireee 'though h• e wae at one time a great supporter of M. Verdier'se'alast moribu.nd •eatablish- merit•a-he was • offered 'a• Burgundy, which was .praiSedrby the host aa."true• " velvet," but had, in feet, .become .a little sheen with 'age. '"Yesi"e Said Scholl, after tasting • it,. "velvet, but. with .pins-draltl" Soon after came a laterdeauxe said .ori, the same authority to be "the moat ,genercius wine In lees - cellar." , "It Is," was this time . the. ver- dict; "for it • has given away .all its good qualities!" • • ' Magistrate Davey, In the Myrtle Avenue Court, Brooklyn„ recently had four clarkies whowere caught in a gambling raid before hien. The fleet of the lot to be brought to the her was an undersized man, with a oomioal face, AS black as night. The dialogue be- tween the magistrate and the prisoner created zeme anerrienent In. the court. "17Vihat Is Your name?" enquired the magistrate, sternly. "Mali name's. •Smite," replied the darky. "What Is your profession?" "Yee a lockseniff by trade, 'sail." • "What' Were you doing when the, police broke intothe. rooim " last night?". 'eaTudge, / Was pursuin' mah profession. I wasemaktne a bolt for the door." "Odicer,"' said the mag- istrate, with a merry twiekle in. his • eye, "lock Smith up." • .' The late Sol Smith Russell had three youtig nieces livtrig• in the West, of whom he was Very fend.. OTE one occa- sion, so the story goes; he took the youngest of . them for a walk and bought her some sandy on the agree-, Ment that it was not to be eaten until they reached her home. ' They .started, but before they had gOne far the Mae • girl proposed, ,'Let's .wunt" Her untie declined', apd there was. long pfleading, all to no purpose, Finally, the little girl stopped, knelt down on the pave-. meat, and offered up the petition: "Tiod. please' make 'Uncle .Sol wun." • It Was almply a atiestion of my losing, my dIgnityror. her losing .her faith ia God," weed Mr. Russell, In relating' the incident, "so we ran as 'fast as we *mad for home." Eatrons.ge. • • • The impresalonist had finally mid one of his creations. A. brother artist who had arrived, or, as we nay, "got there," not only persuaded oho Of his own customers to buy a painting by the leas successful man, at a good figlate, but got him an invitation to visit the patron'a houa* to see the pla- int, as It hung on the Walt. at Wati a painting of a okr, a bridge • and a Armee and se they stood be- fore It the ptirchtuser faltly exhausted his v0eabillary Of art in expatiating on the naturalness of the water rout the poetic beauty of the sky. 'rho moo • who had tip, edaeing similed and smiled, bit "fridA4;:-'• "imint4t beade of perspiration from his broW. •thially he got his friend into the halts Orel and there exploded. ''Oood gracionet" he groaned. liThey've Ming aor Piaui* Uvalde doWnr • Opinions of Leading Physicians. I have been using Strong'e Pilekone for several months with reel:tits that warrant me in recommending it to my patients with every confidence in its claims, R. Fettete sox, M. D., Coroner, London, OM, Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, of by mail on receipt of prioe. W. T, STRONG,Manufacturing Chem- ist, London, Ontario. Dowie's Crisis.. . "Harper's' Weekly."' "Dr. V "Dr. John. Alexander Doeviee self-ao.•I claimed reinearneillion of the Prophet' Elijah, banker and publisher,. divine' healer and absoluteowner of a: town: with more than 4,000 residents, General! Overseer of the Catholic Church. lal Zion, lace manufacturer,. and founder' end head of the 'Theocratic ,party, for-! vier Presileyteelan preacher and present millionaire, who Is said to draw regu- tarty every -week one-tenth of the total, income •of more than thirty- thousand families in the United States and other parts' of the world, has apparently' reached a crisla in his career, which, has so far .been a. remarkable .dernone stratiereof_the power 'possible to a man, who combines shrewd ;business metbodta with the- audacity and fierce ,earnest- ness of a religious • fanatic. The car- • dinel ddoerine of Dowie's creed is di- ! vine. healing. through the prayers ofi hlmsele and of hie apostlebe By preach- ing ' this doctrine and by denouncing physicians •and • all drugs as .allies of the' devil, he bee .bratight, about Oim. - hundreds Of invalids,' some of 'them bringing with them considerable sums of money. Two weeks ago his only ela;ughter, Esther, was terribly burned by flames resulting .frore the overturn- ing of an alcohol -lamp. Her wounds were dneased.bY one of •Dowle's elders, after which the General Oaerster and • ,his. chief men. spent • the whole day la prayers about her bedside: At nigh•t- fallthe young, woman was suffering terrible ageny, and at last paternal love overcame the scruples of her fath-. physicians. The .physician who re- . .and he sent for one o! the despised ;wended says that. from the first there could have been no hope for Miss Dow- ie's recovery.- She died during :the evening. And now the •thousands who actually -look uponthe grayebearded old 'Scotch -Australian as more than Inman, and who deave Eptened to his terribledenunciations of medical men a,s weeds inspired, are asking what they shall think of bla own act of here - sr in the hour.' of personal distress. Dowie himself slipped off to his sum- mer home, leaving behind .hirn his• apostles and a member of phonographic . records' of his ,own "Inspired speech," to. whiche 5,000 followers, gathered in • the Chicago Auditorium on Sunday af- ternoon, listened' midaraY between 'awe. and inere,dulitY., -Within recent. months • DoWie and the great religious -business . enterprises he has built up have • ceivea several other severe shocks. HY . ' July 18,1902 Harvest is Coming But before it comes there ise fruit season. You will therefore want a simply of Frail jars. We hove, Imperiat, Pints Quarts and Half Gallons. Do you want A Hay Fork,ropej inoh of Pure /Lennie? Then come here. Do coss forget Pok,, Rakes, izioethee, Beatles, Scythe Stones, Machine Oil and Can% Then per. hap yoo want a eoreen door or window? You ought to eee ours, ffze variety of Peokage Teas such as Blue Ribbon, Salado, Moostx,n, Grand Mogul and Fan Brand. • . Do yea want your Photos enlarged, if go, Ask for one of our Cards, Terme are cash or preduce ouch as Eggs at 14e, (and likely more) Batter, Xiard, Tallow, Dried Apples, etc, A. trial respeetfully solicited. Your for business, Emporium; Lundusbolo July fird,•1902.. R A DAME One Third of your life is spent in bed. For that reason your bedroom, should be the best furnished room in the house. Iron and brass bete are beooming so popular, that nc well furnishea home coMplete without them. • We have in stook several new patterns, with wire spring attachment, in which Cleanliness, Beauty and Comfort are combined. The prima are not high. a Pi CDP1.1,J1.1.1w w 3E3L-isz-zia=1 Buggies Wagons!, • Do you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon? We have the finest stock to select from. All thelatest styles in the new- est colors. Oar prices are as low as can be found for first.class material and workmanship. Before yen buy call and see us. We also handle the Canadian Steel Field Fence, already woyen, any•farmer oa erect from 60 to 80 rode per day, it is a obese strong fence. Geo. Lavis, Isaac Street, Clinton 'NEXT DOO It TO NrW ER A OFFICE - Every. Farmer Should use FORMALDEHYDE. The best known remedylor Smut on Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corn. We ca u• give you testimonials from all the leading Chemist tt Druggist farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde last year. Full instructions given,with each bottle. Use Combe's."Standard Formaldehyde" H CONISE, • • eduction Ppesa Here is a great chance to seoure a first °least:buggy .tie big rednotion. Not theae prioes:— $80 Buggies for $ttet 1$'15 Buggiee for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 • Remember these are all our own make, which placee' tis in a position to entrante. them, as we do not boy any material but what is first class. • :Repairing promptly attended to by experienced 'men. • RUABALL & McMATH. -• Huron 'Street, Clinton Olintan.Sastt, Door, and Blind .Factory. 8. S. COOPER • PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in he nounty, and has the very latest improved me, ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We oarry an exteneive • and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all clam . es of buildings orc short notice and on the closest prices All work is eupervis- 'ed in a raeohanioal way and satisfaction guaranteed, We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber. Lath. Shingles, Lime. Sash Doors, Blinds, Etc Agent for Wthe Celebrated G RA. YBI LL 0E10012 DESK, • manufactured aterloo. —Call_andeet_pricesanctsstiinatee .before aecourt decision he Was forced to ,pay. . ,plaaing_imer_ordere___ More than: ii.00,00i) to an English mann- factiirer. he had 'persuaded to •take' up Another Drop •in Prices •• • • his residence in the MY' city of "Zion," . located forty miles north of Clilcsego, on the shore of Lake -Michigan, and . mere recently there ,avas a seVere out- break of smallpox in the Divine Heel— ing College which he has established In Michigan. avenue. Whatever • the outcome of the present crisis,.it is cer- tain that Dowie and tne strange and fanatic following' he hes built. up in ten years are worthy Of the serious study of sociologists. The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They are his own niake, and are made from choice material and by I first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used am are up-to-date in every respect. They cannot be surpassei and we guarantee them. JOHN LESLIE Huron. Street. Clintcn. `."Mamm.a," said the fair bather, bather, "de- clares that my bathing dress has .not . enotigh goods in it."' "Your mamma la mistaken," asserted 'the young man:, "It (levers your shoulders completely., does it not?" • . EXPERIENCED D RUGGIS1b, WE • GUARANTEE ACCURACY AND PERFECT. SATISFACTION , Itt this agerof worry, hustle and bind. tem competition, strict care and attention. • in the filling • of your doctor's ilreoorip- ions is absolutely necessary for the eafety and welfare Of your faniily. We guar- antee aocuraoy and perfect satisfaction to ,all our. customers. Oar toilet ' deptirt- Mont is always • replete with the latest • preparations and novelties.. • ... • PAINE'S °MEET C0MP0T1ND. , . . . . Bari oared thousande when everything else as failed. It has never failed to give sick eople happy resnite. It strengtheine,invig- • orates, • gives, . • new toneto the sys- tem, makes the blood pure, . is • food for the nerves—it makei eiok people. well. We oan supply you with the pnre and gen- tibia Paine's Celery Cotapound. , H. B. COMBE, Drnggist, Clinton, Cot, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MaRlts DEGioNs COPYRIGHT:3 ad. Anyone sending ft siteteh end description may enfolds, ascertain one opinion free wilotiter an Invention is -6probtbi?atenta e. o raatlMlgelrtP4acA r="va ,-°seItteirief111T ttgttk41V:1t1Ilfl .a co..reeio • rat:tieIo 11r , t Scientifit )1111tritat1. • A handeomele illustrated weekly. Leraest 4111. irolrittnegoli74111 gr.netaSeart &soNu Moe. ttas et. Washington, NtI Mr 4c0 aOlotoadraky. New yo COKE DANDRUFF CURE and Hair Tonic Per Falling Hair, Dandruff, Eczema, and all irritations ef dm Scalp. It keeps the hair in a thoroughly healthy condition. Coke Dandruff Cure, rubbed into the scalp three times a week, reducing gradually to mum s. week, will insure a . positive, permanent, guaranteed cure for Dandruff and a luxuriant growth of heavy, healthy hair. Try ft and you will nse no other. Price 50e. Auld SIAM a bottle at alldruggista. • AC. R. BREMER CO., 'LIMITED, ToRONTO, ,CMCM110 . NEW VOIR • LONDON ' PARIS FURNITURE BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. 'The eteady inereinie In our trade is good proogof the fact that our goods bre righ and our pricee lower than those of other dealers in the trade. We manufacture furniture on a large male mid can afford to eel! cheap. If you buy froth us, we save for you the profit, which, in:other came, hag to be added in the retsAl dealer. This week we haVit paned into stock some ot our new designe. Space will not permit us to quote prices, but come and eee for yourself whst stopo we have to offer. " Remember—we are determined that enr prices 18W1 be the Owest 18 the treat). UNDERTAKING. In thie de • ortinent our' ate& is complete, and we MVO ungubtedly the 'sheet futereit aountv.puripmee are , ow as the lowest. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. J! it Chi ‘uaniewt � . —Night and Sunday calls attended to by callin 4 at 3. W. Obidley's, ran Director) residenoe , -L'eSaae.