HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 2July 1800902 The nt3gotio,tions at Pretoria. glint lot lies Ito ,.,.4,, , Bennett Burleigh,. the well-known core i FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1002. I respondent, writing while the Pretoria . I. tley......W ... ...,. - • negotiationi were in full swing, gait ea , Samuel filcoville, • ere grandee:A of . 'The Louden Daily Mail speaks iu the I" envy Ward Beecher, 'writing in tae newspaper, The Deily Telegraph, a vivid es ' - ' enOet eulogietic manner of Sir Wilfrid unday School Times" (Philadelphia). Tait CLIN•TON NEW ERA • Lincoln and Seedier Fraying Together, . lilt:etch of the bargaining, erom which * telle of a, secret meetlee•betweee Preel- Lender, referring to him as the meet couple of extracts may be made r- den -t loincole, and1:4...i graodfatieer 'in PrnIninent figure among the Colonials. Theedelegates evinced little surprise 4°22 . during their "Late one event railway journey at thp eye- at his (Mr. 13eecher's) home and asked •ng a stranger canoe ROI says that he is the lime of the oe- .0fteitan, i , dences Of the resumption of industrial • to see blin. ale. Beecher was working n If the new postal regulation means pursuits in all directiens, as if there was alone in is study, as we* his usual renstelemu iitisnae. 4ttrregaenarermefuura t411 , 'Ott at some papers Intel pt et it to, that neither war nor unrest in the country. ineltmhiset hereafter "printer's copy" tautit be an conversation they betrayed no special a military cloak which completely laid interest Upon any topic except in the Ills lace. %Ire. Beeeheni suspicions, leaned nyder a 2 cent rate, inetead of 1., , svy Alien the regulation is a backward etep, 'matter a politics, home and foreign, un. were arousedand he was er and should be amended without delay. They were polite enough, willing that be should have the inter - 10 s aid that Thaukegivince Day but eviaently r silent and distrustful as red Indian , ie chiefs, of whom they ptit rue more than 'Will this year be fixed for Nov. p. This mice in miud. ()Mears and civilians • is toq late in the seaspn; it is within a I •• exionth of Ohristintfs, and would be who in kindness tried to engage them in much more eatiefactoz y to all classes if 1 a chat found it dull work and gaye up placed about the first of the month- the attempt. They were taken to a , or even earlier. stirring polo match in Pretoria, but they vial* which be requested, especially as Mr. Beeelaeree life bad been trequently ethoruetaht.eneTdhebyiatstyernripahtohwizeevresz • izoesisttehde ACTSotiGENTliv5 AND VIA R arta ids 'visitor be ehown up,. Aceord- ingly the stranger entered, the" doors were aline, and for hours the wife below 1(1 I) stens 4)4 theY Paced baclt and forth. S THE SYSTEM 9nOwELS 'could hear their voices and their toot- •• paid, little heed to the game, awl only Finally; toward midnight, the mysteril LEIN"' • answered now and then with a"Ja; Ta r" ,. ous visitor went out, still 'muffled in On the railway journeys they read little, his cloak, et) that it was impossible to . • ..., 5 , ...,. passing the time for the' most part in gain any idea of his features. • 015PV'1' 0 1 -IP )Cf"t RS' smoking, talking to each other, and " "The yeara went by. 'The ..wtur was • c D A it is the intention of French politi- Claus after the close • of the Colonial Prernier's Conference now in Segeien in allf.ondon, Engl ud, at which Sir Wit. grid is in attendauce, to tender a ban- • qnet in his honor in the city of Paris. • Sir Joon Bourinot is still critically ill, and it is morally certain that eiren iabonid he be restored to a measure of 'health he will never again be strong enough to perform the clutter; h s oneision in the Bones of ()MIMI:18. .40 is an important figure there • The Far Journal of New.York. cane • Attention the fact that Canada is the greatest fur producing country of the world, The Bo -s Bay Oe, al e Awing on the market last year ov, r 1.500000 furs, with a , value replant, . greater in dollars on the world's market. When some of onr prohibition friends learn, as they probably will, that a huge campaign fund vies put un by the Alatillere to help Mr Whit -noir ha campaign, and that the Penne vote in the provir est Men went to Mr 'Whitney, thew will realize what the supporters of Mr Ross had to contend against. That statement about Manitoba dealers declining to hendle Ontario - orrdee.--hecautun of the inueropee perk- • ing, will mean a good deal to•fruit Thry pen pervert California. end R.frieh Oeintobin frnit PROP,' then frem ()mottle. which rennet itffel• el to 'nee soy marker. and our parkere should eee to it that frnit is put tio In drinking. Poor Mr. Steyn seemed more Onlehed. • The President bad suffered 10ti ove on the way. to Pretoria. Be was nerv- until shortly 'before Mr, Beeclaer's OVERCOMES ous ad out of sorts, and as be stepped death, over twenty years later, that ft H fl PATION out of the train his hat fell off more • was known that the mysterious stran- 0 i.,,,5 than once. Bi.,, bis eyesight is very bad ger who had called on the stormy win. AB1TUAL Vv -worse than I thought it,. There is ter night was Abraham Lineoln, Tbe PERMANENTLY something more seriously wrong than an etreas and strain of, those .dayrs and down on his luck than any Of the others • martyrdom at his 00sr, and it was net • ordinary cold and inflammation. A local 'nights of struggle, with all the respell-ete. ITS Eir t .S° r fEcTs reedieel. man was calla in and is pre. sibilitles and sorrows of a nation fight, lite, to scribing for him. Within a few Minutes ing for its life thrust upon him, had t . 4ricukte ref • of thw earrival each party was convey- 1 broken down his strength, and for ed to a temporary, residence. a time undermined even his courage. ' BIJY THE GENUINE eqitAlin BY: , Sentries were placed at the gateways He had traveled alone in dingnise ando of their abode. The soldiers in ques- at nlght from Washington to Brook - tion Were drairn froth the escort or lyn to gain the sympathy and help ot • guard of 'boner: It was conceded that one whom he knew as.s nian of Gas . • . „st vim Yea .. Pot 22cein Hallett na' 'the Boers could See '„Whodoever they ersgaged in the game great battle , .1 • 4r'ne fsr :LA ,,, N wished, or go where they willed, in cone- • which he -wases the leader. Alone for ft* SALE BY ALL tiRt164E&Plia 50e.pteAreernsi. 28-tf , U°34•13813"°11' a• irciTNIAFGSYINP Properties for Sale or to Let • To Rent lee lee. froAms 1Whmav.°WtahkertieGr:eornheleurioatirgAreteeec, bream — prepared to take orders to furnish good, clean ! . . Pure ice to all customers during the selettl ' ebip. anply to 4.48. bt.,0'1%, Barrister. to. Lot 88, Maitland concession. ooderich Town. o»nimer, Ali ordeniwillubellirvindrunatttoe4dsa Feb 14-tt. Oct 11-tf. Olinten To Rent. First °lase brick store, amiable for any bumf. - new. Apply to W. O. SEARLE, Clinton. Nov15-tf, To Let. • ' That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, Efuroolitreet latele occupied by 0.Witts. ply to .THOS. J.ACIISO*, Sr., !Sent. 0- tf ‘linton °Farm For Sale. The west half of lot 24, hayfield OenGod- erich towneliip,bontaining lee stares c good Ind, le offered for side on seal terms. Good barn, log hones, plenty of water and email orchard. Paeticulare on application to tf-• .1. P. rISDALL, 0111400 For'Sale.or to WM. Lot 29, con, 2, Stanley, contrasting 100. acres' In good stitte of cultivation for sole or to rent for tette of years, apply to Jk10, idcGliE00131 on premiees or blab JileGREGOR, 2 con.,H, It, S.. Tuckers/mitts. Sesforth P. 0. Feb. 7-tf. Shorthorns for Sale. Two young Bulls, one Revelation and tb e other nine months old, from good, milking cows also a two year o.d heifer Meal' so dates* and good breeding, 11. WISE . Balsam Orove Stook Farm, Itar.14-tf. Winton, P. O. . Shorthorns for Sale. Two registered Shorthorn brille,red color.one 28 months old and the otherlamonthe. Of exeel- lene pedigree,choioe animals. . • pany of an of5cer. The only' under- touts that night the two had Wrestled , . Stable for Sale. Crisp County. Clippings. politics or the war With .theer• visitors.. until ehey had received the hell)" which tr.' ,e1=‘, ,,,:all,,feC ' ---_. stall, a harness re m, vain bins, aroonay bay A good 'stable w thriev-en sirgle sitalle a hog 14 express consent, should not discuss battles and the Watcher over'the 'right, Scores • of female relatives and a few of He had promised to those who seek Hes le.Geer Ansley, Wiegliera, has won the6' loft, ete.,wtil be sold ate s ery reasonable price, the sterner sex could be seen walking aid. Whatever were the convietiOns Gold Medal for general proficiency in APrill".f". -Ws BR71), PisTE' culltan• arid religlelis belief Of Abraham Line the business department of Chatham . about daily in the garden or lounging . • Far Sale Or to Rat* upon the verandahs and, balconies* chat-. coln,. there es no doubt that ne believed BOsinese. College.. • . standing wa,s that the delegates, unless together 4n prayer with the God Qf • . ting with the Boer leaders. Delarey had In prayer,' and Met* that the source of • Th.* A bto late f M I h visits from his daughter, who resides with her husband is Pretoria, as well as from old burgher friends. Doubt and suspicion 'clouded the Boer, General's mind as they did those of his colleagues, destrciying frankness and easy • Inter' It 'memo 'a .pity that among tile •Registrar for Ds mine Tp., for the half part of it will be rented. Apply tO course. ' . • many methods °fared to the weak year, ending June . SOth, 15 births 10 • • vv. cakes Exeouter, Clinton. ...aord Kitchener, wbo surely is a ditto- of pur generation tor nrcdoing •roales, 5 /Melee ; 14 deaths, 5 males, • ' had varied experience in both capiteitiee; of the consequent physieal ills; the In-, "%esters W. 3. Brooks and George , mall 8 n. a 0 orr a, has The eboice brit* bootie on the corner of Ful. „ — his strength." gone to Gravenhurst to ti y the hosed- ten and Joseph fitment, belonging to the estate tat treatment there ; we hone to see of the late Richard Heywood, le offered either • First Aid to the Injured. for sale or to rent. It containe• room for oral. bint back benefi • .• • nary family, le practically a now hone°, with There was ieter'eci. by the Div.• f land th an conveniences, andrtthree-tenthe of an acre matist as *ell as a soldier -and• has • of bad lte.bits and the counteracting 8 females t II marriages.. Farm. k'or Sale. Real Estate tor Sale. 1 Part of farm, lots 88 and 83, onwest side of Maitiandcon.,ene milenorth of Holineeville, containing 97 acres. 2 The north half of lot 25, con.2 and.west part of lot 24, come, oue hail mile iron Olinton, north, on gravel roadecantaming 00 sexes. 0 The brick dwelling including lots 18, 11) and 20 on burner on Jussaph end bilme streets, in Clinton. 4 Theframe dwelling on west side of Vatoria street and next north of railway. lAberai terms tomtit purchasers,. Apply to W• W. VAUBAN or 0, 0. ItANOB, Dilutor% March 28-8m. R E5 MANNING lust:mane °Agent, Canada Life Assurance Co Wire, Marine, A,celdent, Piet° Glees at iettet-,-,in Ugyptrectived"tlirtielegatett.7 ”-relleetnal• backeliders-of• the -Mot -should. • liacrett. Exeter, -leave on Monday for taitelenhhettiornibnrcor odffinerisofkoergaleitthh,atiusebteiceet,sofarenai . at his residence; . : • ' • i be left to shift for themselves, If nice- .6, trip to the Old Country where they : oaf BrZies, nage Irbiretir, Liathhergocici With studied care the large drawing- ' tine and alcohol go downm before No will remain for about five weeks visitconsist, - room for his work was tidied up, and tobc,e and the Gold Cure, who shall ing \the different points of interest. frame hotise,bank barntiloiwindmill and small ARTillYR allat,Clini:ton. - ••rnanY cif the Maps, book., pictures and : say, for inetaace, thet the novel habit ' orchard. Plenty of wa er. An excellent farm Mites Annie Craig, Morris, and Mr ins splendid loos.lity, Fo term a 1 . t Igen Were removed. • But the large would not yield to proper treatrnent? -Wilt Burnett, of Brusselei weretinited tch fern* Bible, the pride and •onea- will no •philanthropic alienist give u8. inthe bonderaf matrinuriter oiNtrednee-i ment. of every Doer household, held .its an effective literary antiseptic, a 'Yet- day of last week at the' home of the • - Finch a way that it mill commend the, :-id conspicuous place upon the .centre low-JoUrnal EtntitoxIn, or. , .a 'French brims b 7 b • • WOE SALE,' mot me, in the presence • --- ' market, inetead rf !erring it. of the greatetable. It was a sight to • novel germicidef 'Meanwhile New York a about 1.50 guests. • . • The fraziecottrure on Oran e street,' emu- - see how the delegates came en and peer- "Life" suggests a /eye handy remedies , 13 th•u , df 'it m, HYle, formerly •cf the red tav. reasonable terms. he lot is f, of an acre, with 17,4Thiree in Canada .itrui tbe 'United • ed about, gazing flatly at • everything • which have been found. etilcablous 'in ern. in Tuckersmith, but now residin hard and soft water stable good fruit „,t they saw, and wondering who was hid- .1 emergencies. . • States, as reported to Sradstreetee whether for the past tnonth, the quer; .Soon evi en y•a at eir ease and a eeeetable. garden:7; 3;iihe I o se :contl ha , non at tali tin Hay, near Bengali. ha 'Oif.for, tie° -beer 0 0, "eietliee closet , den hehir .the curtains.But they- /brit: Oases of 'New Yerk jotirnal4 dice, exhitbiteng a marked contempt *.gpaln trsetkilled by lightln 1:4° inunany num. 1.hee Were stand,ngg Piun* Tia°°eUlailtZttareireeakteitg,beeons'Seesestanr fgailVdalwaZd °tiro -ter, or the half year. are iti a _high_de_ prOceeded. Leads Botha was an old tic- tor facts arid the gradual cleveicrpment t he stable,having been 'driven iti when. t° anit eurharer: ELIZARET GRAHAM tf • • uamtanee, arid -net Lukas Me er •' of a ellOW Streak May be arebsted if • Y ' ' the flasb struck them, • • • F gree fet ore hie, 0 ft I v once" in mr,e . q --thee" , nor Schalk Burger evineed any reticence . tekero very • earty, by homeopathic • . arm. for Sal& - vpqr. s bave the June failuree been feveer erscussMg.file' cause of their vt. In . treatment. Dose: Fifteen eninuteir of • There is quite an iroproiernent go- . • • Office ;. TisdallS1 Ralik, Clinton. Big Wholesale icook of piaras at vexy best pocSible prices. Organs, the very eutertamlible ni graophone, sheet music, books, and a variety of -music at e. HOARE'S Music EMporium.' • A stook of shoice maned plunnaiiiiiite; „ • . Lff in number than last mentb, and the short, the Boers showed that they ra- eay-hefore.yesterday's paper immedi- ing nn. around St Helens in buildings. A Tlendid106acre farm 'eonsieting of the estate ren3ark is true of the joddid ndinatir Arouse britlhhkie tehen, barn 36x55, quartet's and conversing with Lord Kitchener, Intellectual dysnepsia, following Head ey is nut t a stone wall J% while only twice since 1888, in whereas it is an oqw.iecret that. they. ther liked the opportunity of .• meeting: ately after breakfast. overindulgence in spiced French en- D. -Todd is rutting up a new house East alf of Lot tO, con 1; rad vvawanosh. under Woc,tde n Core' Decker i".• Bard vPaterxot zAr;ver Pailt* d..esstatul! barn around for a 61 rau-sbed. parriculare apply to R. saffi:R17, for the half year than there were in Pretoria on Sunday .Bvening, and. took quires Careful treatinent. A low diet h d• ,1 . up his abode at the British residency in is often recommended, such as the 11.0a- adian failures number 603 for ' tliP fleet Sunnyside dist let. Lord Milner subs- dies' Horne Journal' and • Once a john Eyans, of Gonne; received the t' mon Its Fad news of the death of hiesister, M acre of orchard, sitne t 1 utiles from Au 1900 and 1899, were there fewer failuree translations, re- 11E! Putting a Cement under his house, 1. fear Lord Milner. he latter arrived at trees and Ptussian and Robt Wood e bar. moved his old bur and 60 reds • from school. For turther p'x months w:i h Po Kor.;„,, of se 109 e quently met the delegates. individually week; We prefer a few t . er, re - 404, and assets of $2,247 210, .11, decrease; and collectively, at.Lord"Kitchener's and among the Literary Mountains. GreOrgeltwin, wife of Poatmaster tr. of l5 per cen* from a year sign in 'St itke residency. Evidently he 'got on . , Historioal RanantImania is geoerally, Win;, of ChelniefOrd; Oni-;• Mrs Irwin • • . az e grg,baianeehardwoodwite. a paean: from a year ago. , • in particular with the chief members of - come chronic, heweVer, if neglected. A." year. She was takeer to •the Teronto a n it)..in good Estate of °unmade! ' the Transvaal Government. It beehme . case will seldorii• resist a few doses. of General Respital last whiter, but the. taut fae arercissf ilivheatortidconeiderable fail plowing done. Somfottable brickliouse largo hourly more evident that, there Was a - the dramatized versions. • • (lectors held outeno hope and she re. • serious division' of counsel aiming the One . grain of ICant's • "Critique of "turned home. • • • . . -:. , ether tutbuildigs ; about 2 acre orch rd .: nmaosratiwsil,wth:ttaebrling ghtndernielawtha,dterriver shed. rand, • Boers -as: ta:_any: swam., presecutten, .0' ,.,e!ure Reason" and one grain Of tooth- .• Mr John Londesborough, bee dis -neterfaii- ing spring creek anti two wells seven utiles the war. • ' . . ache, disseiVed ' iii ea: teaspoonful- - Velretrof .lifee furniture- god: -undertake. The Transyeriters, with but bee or two' ' .•-eommon sense, make a good lotion for ing bueiness here yvhich h Carried rernli any time, reaeoxiable term. Apply for putreUlttid'rhreerrom BaylieithePossete- • isolated exceptions, were for immediate .' mental astigmatism due to Mrs. Ed-, on at ' Seaforth for me he five ioniser particulars to OHMS. SIMONS. 72 St. David et.. Goderich. settlement of hostilities even to leavincf . eies “0...ienoe end Health " years and during that tinle . has work- . June 6- Auburn P, O. Purchases cti have possession this fail. • Farm For Sale. Loit. 12, Bayead cot., Gocierich tp., '11.8 acre number and cd 20 Per cent in 'fiabilitiee good terms with •the most of them, and regarded art harmless. It is apt to be-. htict been ill poor health for over a Ring Wants it over; COronation May Occur Ahnitt the Middle of Next Month. • • King Edward's proeress is reported as uninterruptedly favourable. His Majesty reclines on a rnevable couch must of tbe dey, 00 1310 clang ate still in constant attendance. enen him. It was his liniesty'e .131Ce sent intention to be taken on board the r yal yacht early next week. A decision wi Ai reg. ea to the. date of the coronation will probably be ar- rived at to day at. a conference of the King's pHysicians. The King is most anxious that there should be as e ,• delay as possible, but the decisjon must dt pend upun how far his doctors -In I:ale= the conrsg of his conyttle.‘ sconce. The gisatra 8£418 le „ ieved that they Wel Ptl abt to an. nounee some (Wee Zen the middle of Two members of Prer., 'THANK' IT OVER .2 The effect of a /8. course in this 11 ZP business college will mean opportunitioi in business that you did not fore possess. possess... Write is for all particUlarEL • Students -can •• enter at any time.. Forest City. Busi- ness College,Y,K.C.A. Build ing, London, Ont. W. J.,Westervelt, Principal, • Legal JAMts *corr. noruptir,itionoitor.40„ • MOWN. . 3yrent-Elliott Zook, Into* Streott. ET NO LOAN W. intX1DONE. BARBISTER, t3014I0ITOlt, uovatr PlJetitIO, ETO, Tree, Staters to thenisefves, ln the ene,. •ea up a business: We, have not yet I believe it tuts come to tthey are e0,eaninetiale.inext 'to godlincee." Dirt learned what. Mr Londeshrroegb ine To Rtnt or for Sale.. to have 'the. dubious honor of beitig and depravity go band it lua. 4Thie ie tends cipink or whether he wit! re - last to come in and to give up the fur I jest. as true of the inside of the body as the . Main in Seafortb. • • . street, turntrin,7ornes, wOodshed 'hazel _ Prattle yesirlanee' and i a re of land on lour"' I tiler useless, 'Wanton spilling of hunter' , condo. Oonetipation clogs the body and Mr Wm Beatty. of Varna, 'Who left n dsoftwater, new stable and driving sited, • tdoOd. §tevil, who is. I fear, breaking clouds the mind. . Oonetiplition meant; fot the West conple of months ago weeeuent gareen, with plum, Pear and apple 1 • le. up physically, voted for continuing the that corruption is breedibe an the liody,.. and is now in Itedlande, Oalifoinia, vvrites.t hat helms not by any means Weenie •etruggler but Ida inilu,ence counts fot , poisoning the blood with it e• foal emana- . little beside 'that of the pugnacious. Mona befogging.the brain with its' tainted ' fallen in love wit -h the countix and d.nt hp to ist Sept.iseres,ptirt of the P11/1111/,' Strart, satureine Citristian . De. , exhalatione. ' 'Constipation is the begmning Starte for hnnae about the mid le. of ste t ,etc.,at t e b Enda u Ullern • , ,Chnion, whir -is a vahliable property ' Su's% Re will be joined in Oregon by c'errg%rfgrisInfi'let 'Jur °4111 the Free Statie. Delarere Was praeti. single dieorder. The consequencee of con- •MeSaninel Reid. who was ,his trove!. wi 1 gravel on the premises veryprofttaberle, war to the bittee end froth tlfd *ate. ' elcirtP.I'M klt 10$ . c-vme bent e't wet, who I§ the real hurg,her master of of more disetwee Than, periespe, env Mixer . is also a vergy excedent graNe Ofe' sand and I eh Mimi ate legion, Head elm pain hi Office- iSeaver Ofook• rp stairs, Opposite P wee Photo i3allere CLINTON IRIDOUT a HALE " CONVEYANCERS, COMMISSIONED Real Estate and Insurance Agency, Mew> to loan, 0, B. SALE, . JOHN ninouir ,CHARLES SEAQUil Barrister Solicitor Natant and Conveisteer Oillee-Opposite Coll3orne Hetet Godertela • Me ' as 0AuflEnont • formerly of Cameron! /1011 4 Cameron BARRISTER anno SOLICITOR,. ofnote-eamilton 01 oppoehe (Ionians Rouse • elettoREVEt. ONT • oAnnow 84 GARROw BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ent Ofilee-Cornerllamilton St. andithe Squaws Godatch, eat. T GArtnow, Q00. CHAS. Gamnow.L.Z..D pnouDFOOT HAYS, Maw_ mats, Sotiorrons, Nevares PU311.111 rnecrons Tnic Blentrims 00881, ere. • office: Noxell ste, nelei door to Mina' 0111. , -Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest, W. PROUpPOOT. R.O. NAYS, Medical. WM. 01[111114, C. P. 40. Edinburgh, Offlos--Oneuri., Street, Clinton. Night tut at front doer of office or residence, Batts burr Street. DI Win, GRAHAM' Idoentiat• of the Royal College -of Phials' la ,London, England. • Olfloe pad Residenote- . JOHN TEDFORD'S House, Buren St, •It* .iiHAW. • PHYSICIAN. 617103110311 dsaoliehear eto calico and modenee Cm - Melo St., Oppoeite English church, formerly ooe- envied by Dr. Appleton, minter, tint, . . •• DR 0. W. THompsopi • , physician, Surgeon. Ilka • • special attention given to diseases ot the -•-•••- -- -- -Eyei-Este,Throat and Nose.- • --•• - .- ------ - - . . , Office and.Residenee- . • , Albert Streeta.Bleeite North of Igatteniner • . . . •. . DENTIST .. • • . • DE .- o.'aiti4EbT HOLMEs (Successor to Dr, T. C. Bruce • Specialist In Crown and Bridge 'W ark L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dentaldeur. gems of Ontario; Toronto, • D. D. 0..Piret-olasielionor.graduate of, Den- tal Department of Toronrto • Universi ty Special attention • paid to p es mien, of . ehiludrdz's teeth. Will visit Ilasteld. every . Ma• Mee oven. 'W`. Taylor sik Son's shoe store. • • DRS. AGNEllli 1311..1.1hGS ' DENTISTS,CLINTON, Office adjoining Photo Studio. . , OfFice Hours -9 to every day and, Saturday until 10p. •M; 13i anch ofticee in Manchester, Diinga,nnon, Blyth and Bayfield. . • • , Veterinary. Summer •Dn. J. FitnamAN, . . . • VETEUJNAklY SURGEON, Session lima of London end Edinbarigh, and Grade.- - • Meniber of the VeterinaryMedioal 5% seeds. . Irom July 7th next . ate of the Ontario Veterinary College•. =EAT. rassAtiss or ALL ANIMALS' • 'Office open night and day, opposite [St. 'Wi be held in conneation Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, 1014. • with the regular work of each Department of the M.isceilan.eous. Central Business College TORONTO ' . ivIARILTAGE LICENsES issued by the un- dersigned at his Residence, Nary street, (II 4131. JAMES SCOW', girl ' Speeded Courses in Amount- ing, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, eta. , No Vabations. Students may register fora full or par- tial course et any tirati. (lir- i 1 culetrs free. - Address • • : W. R. Shaw* Principal i . Yonne ,&Gerraird Ste • Toronto eally the only bellicose voice raised ler • P LI esi ' , ling cdropenion out, end the op ers Apity tole eTRallEi,or to W.BRYBONE, I - • nem not be too scribeely eonsidere& ties. tetvetlsnonlis ibtlb0101011, lassitude, i ' W Witt n3fght Iy-----5een aseriousacci- larey, W119 deeetwee the meee at honest t score of ciiiitri 'alletiente are direetly caueed genial ex -mayor, Of Rgmondville, on . i you oble, its eonseqbenoes. The quickeet ting away some bay in the barn, be fietd eoucession; Goderiels uowneltiprienpristA, . 'eternities or burghers .accept• the Erir Taal: • 1Vir. Reitz the State Secretary, 1 hem aft& eitiing, &Abele el the eirtirerni: • : • • •• April 8-t . Clinton, But let this justice he done to Gen. De -• dizziness, salltAbbte, flatulence. end a delt hnlepened to jacob McGee,' the.' .1' Farm . For Sale; • men's prairre. Baia: "ft the cotn- cohetipittion. Cure, oonatipation and ,Monday last. While engaged in put- • The thdatelinied effete fa side lot le bar itex of 184 ell leoluiling 25 acres of 'mixed -------------------------------1 y cure Of this evil is obtained bY the use of ehpped :Luellen eft a platform, ' with . cussed the matter stateaSirng JiSI the rt suit that the hip. bone was dal°. etock itr zing; well I 'wfiatietreld; looinf r grgin bl Henry Chunpbell-ba.enerman• . told. • and comin, for •r one My' 'atilt, t*Dr Pietteee -Pleasant Pellets. They are 18 size -40 wonderful in reatilt. eatod, but fortunately no notes' were dwellingierated by furnace, summer kitetena, them that Mr Balfour said. the King If not, I :will die in the field, fightiel ! 'men They otire permanently. They contain no 1 trOken, •Considering Mr McGee's ad- woodshed; bard drivingThed anti Soft: water; two name eleeired to be crowned as soon as pos-' fer tire old Government and the 01 80x50, and 25x60, .420x30, hen bowie `n rediente The. use of them be expected undea the cireumstances. school, froniehtir h, and 6 miles • from This desire is held in court circles. there -are notv for pew, and that has druggist for t ern. . Imaged age, he- is dOing as vvell, ae 17x85; 3 acres of orcherd; one half' mile 'from Able. Fle would like the coronalen eo Az last the voices of the Boer 'a 3 t b " 11 habit,'" Ask Your her expeopo of hat might have proved a serious. At ply on twonaisee,or addresti,ALEX WELSH, ' That e is little doubt that an early car- not lirrn without its, influenSeed 31 one.ornit pe, t 'n'tirionti g take place about the middle ot A gust; w.omen-or, any tate, a majority of on& egeli e . CIO tonoVill be 'sold reaeonable terms. affair occurred .on Monday at the layle-tt Clinton, Ont. -------- and Ouitonle, end receive Di h f J W'll' • onation is being held out to the Ittng gement in the deliberationa. Pierce's Comnion Sense Medical A.dvieer. home o no lame of the 5th con.. East VirawanOsh Mr Williams had Good Farm toi Sale. • • by his physicians as a sti amine. It is . • ----------------------------------------- ov. of hbOs on the warn, and was . stated that the Kingee anxiety to • be Poen For Young 'worker's. . crowned is due ta rhe alleged propheey • 700 illnetratione. For50.,stamps peges and too a tit t the • f the pigs end as the Whitely WM. on the base bee, oodete - noise 0 T ti g of 80 res of good That well sitinited choice property; known eh ownsh et co e e n 11 ••'4 le the vonth for young turkeya. Heart be had eubetantiel cloth blinding. plit'S/epreng into it w en, the bargee • 10 . that he never wpuld be crowned,,which From all sides conies the question hovt Address Dr B. V, Pierce, Buffalo, •N..1. ran guile A distance. Mr Wle.res f ac 0553' term.. • It's directly „opposite the Post of all, keep them out of the clamp and Miss Lizzie M. borrance, Who' has frig OVer both hie iege. Ills son Arthut Ofileurandrioreed is within 3 minutee' walk 1902 • . wet; give them plenty to eat, but de ebgageti as teacher in school sEction on to the Imes Until heir; arrayed. Mr particilars. apply to L. • 11. MANNING, , Ralph Connor, who ill; at "find" of net 07erfeed them. We dip the follow- No. e, Mullett, at a salary of $800 per Wintry:le, we are pleased to say, is not June 18-0, The people of "that section - seriously hurt, beiug able to go about Clinton. The West minster, and vvhOse "Black ing froin a letter of one who raises a anntitn. is said to weigh on his mind: 1 • Ralph Connor. again. shall vie save the young poulte t Efrst . . 1 d, 1 11 1 'd, ff di o was knoeked down the waggon pass. Warted!. good situations. Apply to Young mos and women To prepare for Itiff ' C9, DOminion • Business College . The best equipped Business and Shorthand College in Canada, Reduced tuition rates, Write us regarding our courses of study, and prospeets of' wearing sitnationa for graduates, Catalogne sent free. Adana J. IC McICAY. . Dept "0". Confedetation Life Bldg. ' Toronto Ord, 0 b aro Tiro or so oo .111600 of pure sa he completed her Normal school, has been was 111 the waggo.n and 'pluckily hug money May remain on the piae d aired For e e Boek, •"The Sky, Pdot, "The • Men nurribee of turkeys each year ' will find they have secured a most with the aid of crutches, . 'exeellent teacher. 1Vierehee,'' all aPpeared first • in that • 'Toil eome egga very hard, so they Geo. Getztneyer, Mci/illeP, met with Remarkable Testimonial, eniper, bens a. new series' of his will crumble mealy; mix with the 0, Painful aecident the other day,. He , fecrtil Glengarry,' and "Beyond the tehle s etches+ in The Westminster hard-boiled egg as much breadcrumb as WAR lending a cow. when the animal . Wiedsor, 24th, Feb. 196-2. 3/028. 04zVona's' Plinsplonnej Thc (great Zongtish .17.emedg, Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Onlyreli. able medicine discovered, Ofg )(ago guaranteed to cure an re noont .en e • ertga.ty o 00 y .• ., !cameo Seaga Weakneeit, all effects of abuse Ca trd feed this t the Mut )(Mite starte to run away DA) sib" in which the forttines of Hughle gg' a ° Y° - 1 WAS thrOWn against a telegraph pole, 146°Lwa Medime (4" Gc"3""bt .orexeese, mental Worry, Excessive nee of To. Murray are taken' up. ir is •in eketch til.'6 or three times a day. Alteruete A grateful inert promptS Ill,t; to intik° the , bacce, Opluni or Stimulant& Mailed ter moil)* work of this kind that Ralph Connor this with bread crumbs and line oat- with the result that • a small bone in following statement. X feel that I would I of price, one perokage $1, six. ss. one tea/puma excels, and his reaclera are. ”romieed a meal or chick food. Onion tops and dem- his left atM Was cracked and some of •ba doing aU injustice if I did not vrrite you tateageent FAMPWeta tree te any address. The Weed Company,Wmdsor, oat. . , rare treat, and The Westminster in ita delion leaves, chopped very fine, are the cords inispleeed . He will be re - a statement of my case. At first I suffered , quired to Carry his Arm in a sling for new form has in this, as in other feat- good for green food. As they grow seine tiene.which is particularly; unfor- with dyspepsia, which in time resulted in wood's phosohodlee la sold in Minton by my not being able to retain any solid fetid R.P.Reekle..1 el Rovey,J111 Cerabe aild JP W. ' ' urea, great attractiveness to Canadian older, feed broken wheat, corn end 'loose innate ttt this time of the year. on mystomach f 3r Revak! years. As tittle Watts, Denseiste readers. oatmeal; from this to whole • wheat,- ' broken cern, Some millet and beef SilaS Teole, one of York titiunty's wore on, I began to grow weak, and, to Th E , ,, , t BEWARE OF OINTMENTS VOA (1A.. seraps. AS 110611 as the poults are large. MOM: Prosperolus farrners, was cleverly make my condition worm hsa several hem. , 0 • Lake ne Ntivi/ntInn en hi orriartges from stet:nisch, Which almost end- tam uu. Wit ertough, let them run about When' it is swindled out of ii5000 about 10 days ago TARSI{ TAT CONTAINS litERCVSY. dry. Never anow them to run in the by two of t e lo tse non mace tne en re life I succeeded in getting a little • it0 mercury will sorely destroy 6a mote of wet or ds.mp. Xeep the Mother hen eon., who lever iletfated in this part' of the stronger but nevgtheleeth that dreadful smellend contipletely, &gang theerhplertye- lbw& till the poults are tibia to stand rtrott nce, ti Story wee kept. until . solute r011eY.reP ly e ts eppettrantie zh,amet iti I I' f Wedneedtty,. not only from tho 110110. in ail tie %%Meet feting. Being oware of the OW f I of to b tem when entering it Atom/ the rmiseris the going.gbout w 1, her, cod, mix le with imczt.4.1.11,witri,roni.the trusenbete of leender 0 cures o repay mado y yottr entittess. Such ernolee Should never be us ef small) fine grit; Mr' own fam Vioreh ,',F; ily. Two re ` tom -atedieeetat Once Wrote (OrYeer VftrtnonY., physioitmeas the dainage they will do is ten of fresh water, and they should do this farm, soa left a valise loth him with fult inetructione The filet (idea gave Pl°11tY reined oti"im en the pretence of Iniving end immedietely received same per ettirenit, ed except on erescriptimie from teeuteete food. Ile sure they always have fold to the gtniii they yogi possibly derive well." -Country Gentleman. eald to contain $10,000. SW38040000/ inetatit relief, and after ccotinulng the " from therm Balite Caterrh Cum, inattui. *be veiled aml skid they, were going to medlaitio tOr orilY 0 abort time; all Mane of teetered by P. 3.Chesneg & Co.,Toled0,0., - 4 buy', ifl Addition, an adjoining farm at dropsy dieappeeted. t am now enjoying emitaiee to raerottry.in 'is taken internal. NEWS itaTalit. , 05 000, Not we -ting to break in on the hater health than for many years. Thug ly,eeting directly MI the blood end outcome The emellnex pubbreak has coat SI.0.000-*b1ch was to pay for Mr medicine 6140 brought away a large quen. Stitle064 Of the system. In haying ttell'e oat us giefoo, 0.:.- Tdole's farm- they wilted Mgt to draw thy of gen stonee,whieh ceased me intone° Chino& Ohre be sure yeti got the gentune, . out of the bet* $6000, and leen it to Peg 4 Mutt A. B, SAUL Ohio, by lf,3.0heiney & Co, Testimottieb th 3 Onondaga. t illiere, tree, Tt lit taken internelly, and made in Toledo Light hing kitrea Chief Jonathan of4 hpin ipt a a 'kV Or SVC., balding th# trertreid'S Illtetlidietheetsblitthea bOadd, Reit It. W. 1:tiekik of Otenge*Ille at terwartle that the Vallee bad. TM have sold oh thole blerilla WitbOrtt itaVertla^ •valise as viecurity. Be did LI° finding *re the AY brtedicinee •Cettede which Bold by dreggiets, priee /Se per battle has been called to Knox ehareb; Rant: money and he had been sWindled Addrehe MacLeod Medicine Cm, Bente Niftily Pills ate the heti Men out Ort$ 000. Goderich Out Sold by 1/. Combe. "Urania" Tho Short Itoute • to - CLEVELAND. OHIO 1 ' One wily fare frail Clinton, $3.70, Return • - ,. 0.00. 9 ..., Seat leaves Pt.Stenley eve* ThellffitY aria IThursday at 11 p.m., Seturdaye at -11 ton. Tieketslen sele at all.lbeal ticket °diem Per' (tote& informetion write WM, Weellatt,, . T. Manihiki!, ' Manager, Gen.rese,Agt. litalkerville, Ont. ' Spring Term begins Apr, .1. '1902, Onr rites are reatiOnisble-our Centres of atridy thorough and practical.; Send for our Journal to arie whet we teach. StUdents may.enter at any thne, TwO oeuteds Of reedy. Commercial and Short -hand. C. A, FLEMING, A L MaINTYItel, Preeident. • , Seciretley Wen Sound, Listowel . TAMES .0i.rateeBeL, eoNDESBoRce • ee ISSUER OP MARRIAGE. LICENalla • No 'witnesses required W. GLEI% OANIPBEL. Organist ana_Musioal Direeter of North Street • Church, Goderibh, and teacher of PIANO, PIPE ORGANan THEOil V', is pre- pared to take & limited aerobia -of Pupil the above. For terms apply this office or 0 - hill CAMPRELL,who may be seen Is um 11 a.m to 2 pan., at the Clareladtm Hotel, Chutes Friday of each week. • •-e Li. L. MACPIIERSON INSURANCE. Etre, • Wei leeident • • Plate Eta WPM , MAosar BLouic, Ware in JOHN .W. YEO BOLMESVILLE, *gent for the Mentalism -tieing Animist:in- • o. of Manchester, England; whose funds and seourity_are rated it $14,600,000, 'Also the Ito-. WIWI. swearer. lesuatatam Co. All classes o • ' farm risks and town property taken a Iowan. rater. .Pirst-e/aes Loan Companlea also renresertud. Money to be had from 4t per bant'aP, A000,14114 to natttre of securi I.- Daily mail to Hohneeville - postal card wi fetch him gahefilleave For Drekon- 4,00 0, 4 HOE t 1 (Imes Heaves, Chronic- Cough, midst( are It tons of the Throat 'tuft, Leap. Tho onto atf111..!(.4 the world dist will curb the above disease, making t mime noted iti mind end useful to his owner. Price, $1.5 ' Br.vie0aneses kidney & bough Powders forall Acute Affectione of the throrm end hinge, fmchske Distemper, eta Per initThog_And ,poking of the loge, the result of hard driving, Kidney Trouble, ete., ene 4ode will relieve, and One tpx win cure. Prise, 50c, Mig On., sacoatinv MEDICINE 00., Itemotvitte. ant. For sale by El B CombeArttggist, Clinton • ilellILLOP MUTUAL FM Me rble St Granite orsuRA NCR CO. luau and ISDONItylgist3TROrt PROPERTY' WOIRaCS - The put:thaw& of * 133011ttiliellt 0110111d have Complete emilleeene in the reliability of the firm, tram which he bap, for the material and workmanehip is something • very few buyers are femiliar with. If you do not know no, please in* quire about mit, reliability from those who know us` beet. 1Xris are She only praotioal Men here Mont line. , J. RI Howirtr, Propriet Seitato Commercial Hotta tarrifinitel 33..Metaltt. 'President, apron P. 010 Patter. viee-presiderie Pritoeneld le O. rir ter E. ileye, Secy-Treas.,,Seaforth P. 04 44 BrOadfOot, Inspeetter of Loseee, Seaferth PA, a P Tidd"hr. 46t 411.iii7tiiitiStlitt6tVM40111*-011,001*,,,,. • Winthroll O.' George Dale. ISOMOrtn., 40/1* 13enneW•14,13Int Jae. tOiank,„180eohetreld P. 04 John Watt, Weiser, o,; Thonies Feeder Inetectie ; Jan 13, McLean, Rippon Joined Centime eaten, , Amon* Robert firoltbi, Harlot* TWA, MoMinen, Soo fertin,_,James Ontinniett, .1, W. Yclo,R0101001116S 060r111 modes add John C. Morrison, enabler. at deelrona tattiae111tgor igtilatretiretait: 11Otdaenrany .1 *•ib"66°4 0breetie "